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Ashley schewaga altena

Annotated bibliography
Introduction to psychology
Unity college
Annotated bibliography

Divecha, D. (2018, November 13). Can a pregnant woman's experience influence her
baby's temperament? Developmental Science. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from

This is a blog that is explaining how prenatal stress can affect babies' brains well
into their development. Some notable things include, the graph and the research on
the different levels of stress and the explanation on why this happens. Another
thing that this blog chose to focus on is bringing up points that can help mothers
reduce their stress. This closely relates to my topic due to the fact that the blog
covers the whole experience and how it affects babies' temperament.

Glover, V. (2013, August 6). Effects of prenatal stress can affect children into
adulthood. The Conversation. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from

This is a journal called the conversation, this particular article focuses on prenatal
stress and how it affects the babies well into adulthood. Notable points in the
journal is the way the author focuses on what type of stress is affecting the babies
and how the stress actually reaches the womb. Although this article appears short
it contained lots of viable information on how prenatal stress is a big factor in
developing children. This relates to my topic because it helps distinguish why the
stress is affecting the children and how it happens.

Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Reck, C., Ditzen, B., & Müller, M. (1AD, January 1).
Emotional stress during pregnancy – associations with maternal anxiety disorders,
infant cortisol reactivity, and mother–child interaction at pre-school age. Frontiers.
Retrieved October 15, 2021, from

This is a research article, focused on maternal stress and how it affects the brain
function of children. Some notable things about this article is that due to the
amount of research it shows a lot of information on the functionality of stress and
its lasting effects. It also showed diagrams for ease of understanding. This relates
to my topic as it is showing how stress activity relates to the development of

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