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Douglas 1

Mary Douglas

Professor Jennifer Newhouse

ENG 112-73A

December 12, 2021

Final Portfolio

My Writing and Research Processes

Writing research papers can be stressful and maybe hard for me sometimes. To help with

those issues I will reread the direction multiples times and write down any important

requirements to keep in mind. I have my own personal ways to help me become a better writing

and focusing on the subject. First, I must be in a very quiet place with no distraction to help me

get starting with brainstorming. My creative ideas come alive when I am in my closet writing.

Weird, but it’s working for me this semester.

Before starting with the research paper, I will write down different ideas to find

information on. In different color pens I create a brainstorming map. With this colorful map I

listed different key points that answers the research question. Using different color pens to write

in help me stay organize on the brainstorming map. After completing a brainstorming map, I

revise the map and pick out important topics I really want to discuss. Next, I would begin my

searching for credible sources. When choosing a credible source, I will do the following, first I

would see when the article was publishes. The reason is because I like to use updated and current

information. A lot of information is constantly updating daily. Secondly, I would verify the

website to make sure it’s displaying trustworthy information to use. This third steps requires a
Douglas 2

lot of reading and time to be very thoroughly while going through different websites and books. I

must write down key points that support my ideas. To keep those key points organizes I write

down where I found the information such as website name, article name, the author or even the

page number helps me keep research in order.

If I find my getting stuck or not able to find what I’m looking for I would take 30 minutes

to hour break. Sometimes during my break session, I would be listening to music, motivational

speakers or take the kids on a car ride to clear my thoughts. However, listening to Denzel

Washington motivational speech called I’m Going to Win helps me get back on track when I

started back on my research paper. This speech helps me to move forward through the


After finding all my credible sources, I begin to structure my layout for the paper. When

putting together my research paper I pay careful attention on how I want my research to flow.

Being mindful how my paper flow is important to me because when someone else reading it I

want them to be able to understand the point of view and context behind the paper. I always

double check the format and the guidelines that is required. When it’s time to review for errors

on my paper I would get someone who’s familiar with correcting paper to revise for grammatical

errors. Before uploading my paper, I would re-read my paper and sometimes I find myself taking

out things and replacing it with more meaningful information.

When I upload my paper assignment, a sense of completion comes over me. I feel very

confidence that I would receive a good grade. I become very anxious while waiting for my

teacher to grade my paper. I will constantly check it throughout the day. In the end when my

grade is post I will go back and read the comments my teacher left. Those comment I used to

help me on the next paper to write.

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