BTS Newsletter April 2010

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British Tunnelling Society

at the Institution of Civil Engineers

One Great George Street
London SW1P 3AA
Telephone: 0207 222 7722
Direct Line: 0207 665 2229
Direct Fax: 0207 799 1325

April 2010

INTRODUCTION reducing the impact of regional shortages etc. There are

approximately 50 European members of the Task Force
Welcome to April 2010’s edition of the newsletter. ranging from Lithuania to Portugal; from large to small
countries; from countries that have mature networks to
The meetings for the 2009/10 season are continuing
those that are just breaking out of the imprisonment of
apace. In December we had the annual debate which
Soviet legacy networks. Without good networks the
this year was chaired and organized by the BTS Young
eastern bloc EU members will simply fail to compete or
Members Committee. The subject of the debate was
connect with European networks and will be at the
whether the UK had enough future engineering
mercy of those who have the technology and they will
have to pay the cost. There are some common features
January’s meeting saw Alan Auld of Auld Associates give that all European countries share and it is these areas that
a presentation to a packed audience on construction of the task force will focus on so that there are meaningful
deep mining shafts. shared benefits.
Construction of Road Tunnels in Iceland on the How does this affect the tunnelling industry?
Hédinsfjardargöng Project was the subject of February’s
talk by Ermín Stehlík. There is a shared belief within the Group that scarcity of
surface space in urban areas will be a threat to the quality
March saw a presentation by Michael Gutzeit & Hans- of life in generations to come, including challenges for
Juergen Bartschat on the construction of the Gotthard infrastructure networks. So one of the aspects of the
Base Tunnel. Vision of the group--yet to be fully defined/agreed--is to
make sure that technology improvements in ITC to
ensure fuller efficiency of the existing flow in
INTERNATIONAL TUNNELLING ASSOCIATION underground networks is realized; so that mechanized
methods can make tunnelling more attractive (i.e. cost
Martin Knights was elected to the role of co-organizer of and time) and able to meet challenging strata; municipal
the Euro Task Force at the recent Euro meeting in planning mechanisms to encourage developers to make
Frankfurt to ensure EU funding for R&D to meet future more rational choices that include use of underground
needs of European Infrastructure networks. Delegates for storage, commercial premises, waste and energy
to the meeting represent large European contractors, facilities etc.
Government and University Research Groups, EU and
regional government representatives. Current challenge is to agree TOR and Vision and of
course allocation of duties and workload--no pressure
Martin’s role as co organizer for this Euro Task Force is then!!
to help present a logical and well defined case to the EU
to secure funding research for Construction R&D that Martin will cease to be President of the ITA in May this
requires investment now to meet future network year and had his final Executive Committee Meeting in
challenges in Europe—rail/road/utilities. Infrastructure Dorking in February. The BTS organized a dinner with
networks are essential for each European country to Chairman Paul Hoyland giving a welcome speech.
survive. Inter-European connectivity in networks is also
important for security, efficiency, cost reductions, and
1 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010
Reviewed by Martin Knights, President of the International
Tunnelling Association, February 2010

FUTURE MEETINGS and EVENTS Benjamin Franklin said that there is nothing certain but
death and taxes. The tunnel world equivalent must be
maintenance and repair.
All meetings now start at the Institution at 18.00
unless stated, with tea and coffee on the lower Maintenance and repair are often regarded as the
ground floor from 17.30. The bar opens at 17.30 and Cinderella of Tunnel Infrastructure. A good deal of
is open until late. Flysheets on the details of the existing essential underground infrastructure is
meetings are circulated in advance in T&TI and operationally vital and without which the public would
details are also posted on the website a month or so quickly learn just how vital it was if left unmaintained.
in advance of the meeting.
A recent CIRIA publication contributes to the need to
15th Apr 2010 Harding Lecture – raise the issues confronting owners of aging
Presentation by Alastair infrastructure – not just in the UK which provides the
Biggart - “The Development data and case studies, but also globally. Everything we
and Use of Closed face build underground now will be a legacy needing care and
Tunnelling “Machines” attention. So not only do we need to ensure that our
future underground infrastructure is durable, but we have
20th May 2010 West Ham Flood Alleviation to deal with the legacy of infrastructure built long ago.
Scheme and AGM Indeed most of UK’s existing underground infrastructure
is technically past its intended design life including that
17th June 2010 Atlantic Sea Tunnels in belonging to London Underground and Thames Water.
Norway This would apply equally to most European towns and
cities, the eastern seaboard cities of America and many
16th Sept 2010 Tunnelling in Seattle – Past, other established global metropolises.
Present and Future
CIRIA to their credit have recognised the issues and
21st Oct 2010 Sir Alan Muir-Wood provided a practical guide for owners, designers and
Symposium (replacing the contractors for a range of tunnel types, construction and
BTS meeting) uses. The publication limits its brief to those tunnels
constructed in the first half of the 20th Century and
18th Nov 2010 Pittsburgh North Shore before. It specifically excludes considerations for insitu
Connector and sprayed concrete, immersed tunnels and pipejacked
tunnels. It does not dwell on proprietary forms of
16th Dec 2010 Baggage Tunnel Design and equipment that are used in the repair of tunnels. The
Construction at Heathrow publication focuses predominantly on brickwork tunnels,
Airport cast iron and steel and precast concrete linings, and
masonry linings. Even given the above stated exclusions
the contents will be essential reading for those involved
Steve Parker
in maintaining the aging underground assets of Rail,
Metro, Water, Sewerage and Utility companies.

The book’s main strengths are the methodologies for

evaluation of existing conditions, planning and
undertaking many forms of repair, bibliography and the
generous allocation for numerous case studies(albeit
mainly for brickwork structures). Indeed half the book is
Any suggestions – contact
devoted to appendices and reference data (half of which
in turn is devoted to the case studies). The contents are
presented in a readable and common format and are
supported by references to the case studies and relevant
CIRIA Publication (2009) C671: Standards and publications. There seems to be a wealth
Tunnels: Inspection, Assessment and Maintenance of research information for the authors and it is to their
credit that they have produced a publication that
Authors on behalf of CIRIA: condenses that database into a focussed, relevant and
Leo McKibbins—Richard Elmer—Kevin Roberts practical manner giving a range of methodologies and
circumstances (water, sulphates, corrosion, fire, etc.).
471 pages /softback

2 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010

The reviewer is not tasked with a critical account of the
CIRIA publication and wishes to inform the BTS that HEALTH & SAFETY
here is a worthy reference prepared by a renowned
research organisation that has produced a very good
summary dealing with a much neglected subject – aging SAFETY, STANDARDS AND CODES UPDATE
tunnel and shaft infrastructure. The book is highly The Specification For Tunnelling 3rd Edition - The
recommended for owners, designers, contractors, and BTS Specification for Tunnelling has now been
materials specialists that undertake maintenance and published and is currently available for sale at the
repair of underground assets. reduced price of £36 from Thomas Telford Ltd. The
committee would like to thank Mike Francis and the rest
Dealing with the built underground infrastructure is like of the sub-committee on their excellent work in
dealing with the human body. A bit of care and attention producing this document.
on a regular basis helps to mitigate the aging effect with
the occasional surgery. The CIRIA report describes the Remember that you can also download for free the
Botox, face lifts, `snips`, and skin creams of the tunnel following documents from the BTS website by clicking
world -`because it’s worth it!!` on the Publications link :
Tunnelling and Pipejacking: Guidance for Designers
During the preparation of this review a parallel and relevant
book was also published by the Institution of Civil Engineering The Management of Hand-Arm Vibration in Tunnelling
UK entitled “Asset management – whole life management of
physical assets”. Edited by Chris Lloyd the book makes for an The Joint Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel
interesting, if wider picture of the current way society, decision Works in the UK
makers and industry deal with the complete management of
physical assets. The book is a series of essays by Asset Occupational Exposure to Nitrogen Monoxide in a Tunnel
Management (AM) practitioners ranging from culture systems to Environment

AM has traditionally been a technically focussed discipline and

generally reactive. Like the CIRIA publication the book says it UNDERGROUND HEALTH AND SAFETY
is time for a holistic approach, taking into account COURSE
organisational and strategy components; a government component
and of course the technical component (i.e. a clear strategy Following the successful courses held in 2008 and 2009,
the course will be held again this year on the 22nd and
linking government policy with physical asset options and
23rd November 2010.
investment requirements to make infrastructure more resilient).
The BTS H&S courses are taking on a new relevance as
Recent UK press reports have observed the dearth of engineering we move to define training regimes for tunnelling
or science (or even industry) background of politicians whose engineers, which will include, as one might expect, the
decision making on infrastructure sometimes shows expediency BTS courses. All candidates this year will receive a disc
and lack of systematic assessment when faced with global issues of the presentations and an attendance certificate.
such as global warming, climate change, security and strategic
risk, scarcity of resource, etc (issues close to the ICE’s heart).
Perhaps Asset management’s time has come?

If the two publications can demonstrate the need to take repair

and maintenance from the reactive to the strategic level and front SCHEME
end of decision making, then Engineers can enter the
mainstream corporate, and government decision making when TunnelSkills, the UK Tunnelling industry’s specialist
considering key underground infrastructure solutions that are training forum, continues to make good progress with its
critical for society to function. objective of a fully trained and competent work force
We as a profession must influence the long term interests of
society and refute short term efficiency targets that drive current The membership of TunnelSkills has expanded
government decision making. significantly and now includes the majority of UK tunnel
contractors and labour supply companies.

The Tunnelling Safety Passport has been developed as a

basic safety qualification, designed to be taken before
anyone is permitted underground. A working group
3 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010
developed both the training course content, and the test The website is progressing well and is hoping to go ‘live’
material, before an industry launch in September 2009. this year.
Training courses have been held to qualify trainers, and
the first courses have taken place, with the first Safety To join their mailing list – email
Passports awarded.

Arrangements have been made for the running of the Facebook under BTSYM
Safety Passport Database and the issue of Passports, and
the Safety Passport Website is under production. Chair:
Regrettably there have been certain IT problems with the
training packs which have delayed the issuing of these
and the final training session for accredited trainers.
Work has progressed well on developing the training
modules for level 2 tunnelling NVQs. Extensive The 2010 Annual Dinner will be held on Friday 7th May
discussions have been held on these with the Tunnelling at The Brewery
Academy, and the Academy is now financing the If you would like to become a sponsor of this event,
preparation of the training manuals. please contact the organiser, John Scholey, who will be
delighted to hear from you. He can be contacted in
Following behind this is the development of the Level 3 person at most BTS meetings, or via the ICE secretariat.
Tunnelling Supervisor NVQ, and a module structure has
been proposed for acceptance. Work is now progressing Places at the Annual Dinner may be booked via the BTS
on the detailing of the training modules for these. website until the end of April, or possibly sooner, if the
current trend continues and we have a sell out.
It is hoped to get the TunnelSkills website up and
running in the near future to provide better all-round

For further information on the work of TunnelSkills, the

Safety Passport Scheme or to be approved as trainer,
please contact Brian Earnshaw, the TunnelSkills forum
Training officer. The final meeting of All Party Parliamentary Group for
Underground Space, in the current Parliament, took place on 2nd March 2010 in the Palace of Westminster.
The annual general meeting was held where the Officers
all agreed to continue until the forthcoming General
Election. So up to the 2010 General Election the
Chairman: The Rt. Hon Nick Raynsford MP
The 2010 course will be held at Warwick University
between the 5th and 9th July 2010.
Co Chairman: The Earl Attlee
Bookings are now being taken for the course and a
leaflet with course details is now being circulated to Vice Chairman: Stephen Pound MP
members. This is also available on the BTS Website.
Vice Chairman: The Lord Methuen Secretary: The Lord Haworth

Treasurer: Andrew Stunell MP

The AGM was followed by a talk on the construction of
The Young Members Committee had their second the second Tyne Tunnel by Peter Hedley and Trevor
lecture on the history of tunnelling on Thursday 25th Jackson of the TT2 team. We heard a fascinating talk
February at the ICE with the talk being well received and about the immersed tube construction methods. In
attended. The ICE’s Interwise facilities were also trialled addition to this our speakers did not pull the punches
by posting the presentation slides on line. when reviewing the problems they experienced with
clashes between local and national planning issues and
protocols. Their experiences drew sympathy from other
regional Parliamentarians present.
4 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010
Plans are afoot for the re-launch of APGUS after the TUNNELLING ACADEMY
General Election. This will take the form of a
presentation and reception in the Houses of Parliament, Tunnelling Academy Training Manual Production
either in the summer or autumn depending on how
things evolve. Anyone wishing to express interest in Crossrail is developing the Tunnelling Academy with the
supporting the Lobby Group is invited to contact Helen support of the tunnelling industry. The Tunnelling
Nattrass. Academy will address the shortage of skilled
underground workers required to deliver the Crossrail
Email: programme, as well as a number of other major
Tel: 0207 220 2440 tunnelling projects being delivered in London and the
UK over the next ten years.

The Tunnelling Academy will be a purpose-built facility

GOSSIP designed to provide high quality tunnelling operations
training while increasing trainees' awareness of the
Please send any interesting news about members to tunnelling environment and its hazards.
Andrew Hindmarch:
The Tunnelling Academy is inviting expressions of interest from suitably experienced trainers in the
tunnelling industry to write the manuals for NVQ Levels
2 and 3 in tunnelling and for an Apprenticeship Level 2,
also in tunnelling.
The manuals will be based on the outline specifications
Sir Alan Muir-Wood Memorial Symposium
for each programme already developed by
ConstructionSkills and Tunnel Skills. The Tunnelling
Plans are progressing well for the Sir Alan Muir Wood
Academy requires the manuals to be available for use by
Memorial Symposium. The confirmed speaker list now
May 2010.
includes Professor Robert Mair, Professor John Burland,
Professor David Muir Wood, Professor Paul Jowitt,
Robert Muir Wood, Martin Knights, Andy Alder, If you are interested in undertaking this piece of work,
Rodney Craig and John Sharp. Subjects for presentations please respond with a request for a pre-qualifying
include latest thinking on settlement troughs, modelling questionnaire along with an outline of your interest in
of catastrophic coastal flooding, latest on tunnel design this work (no more than one A4 page). Your response
and reviews of currently topical case histories and can be sent by email to or
design/analysis methods. See the BTS website for the by post to:
initial flyer. Final details will be circulated in late May-
early June for registration for both the Symposium and Kirsty Evans
the Dinner. Crossrail Limited
Talent and Resources
Technical information from: Helen Nattrass Floor 28 25 Canada Square
Initial expressions of interest in attending to bts@event- E14 5LQ, or by telephoning Richard Hart at Event
Logistics, 01460 259776. Your expressions of interest are sought as soon as
Once received a pre-qualifying questionnaire will be sent
BTS CLOSED FACE WORKING GROUP to you. Completed questionnaires will be due by 18
December 2009.
Copies of the Report continue to sell well. The Report
which costs £65.00 is available from Thomas Telford,
(Tel 44 (0) 1892 832299, Fax 44 (0)1892 837272, CONFERENCES or via the internet ) from the ICE bookshop at Don’t forget to look at the back pages of Tunnels &
Great George Street and other outlets. Tunnelling International and Tunnelling and Trenchless
Construction for the conferences coming up over the
next two years. Also refer to the International Tunnelling
Association website

5 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010

Bauma 2010, Munich, Germany 19-25 April 2010

“World Tunnel Congress ’10 “Tunnel Vision towards

2020” and 36th ITA General Assembly” 14-20 May 2010,
Vancouver, Canada.

InterTunnel 2010, Turin, Italy 8-10 June 2010

Swiss Tunnel Congress, Lucerne, Switzerland 9-11 June


NAT 2010, June 19-23, 2010, Marriott Downtown

Waterfront Hotel, Portland, Oregon

2011 RETC, June 19 - 22, 2011

San Francisco, California

6 British Tunnelling Society Newsletter April 2010

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