PR1 Sample

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The Problem and Its Background


Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human brain has decreased

from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. If our brain

continue to deteriorate at that rate for another 20,000 years, it will begin to approach the size of

Homo erectus’ brain, that lived half a million years ago and had a brain volume of only 1,100 cc

(McAuliffe, 2011). The shrinkage of the brain was taught to be brought by the modernization of

time. Stress could shrink our brain further and more quickly and might cause other implications

such as memory loss (Ensell, et al. 2012).

Studies that revolve around student psychology have become more prevalent in the

advent of 21st century following the clamor for the redirection of the narratives towards mental

health being equally important as physical health in the discourse of students’ well-being (Negi

et al, 2018).The most dominant topic in this aspect that is widely experienced by the students as

a social group is the concept of stress.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, stress is how the brain and body

respond to any demand. Any type of challenge such as performance at work or school, a

significant life change, or a traumatic event can be stressful. This study shows how stress can

easily get, even the simplest thing could be stressful if an individual will be uncertain on

accepting negativity around us.

Stress had always been a part of a student’s daily life. Whether in school or at home,

it became one of the large contributor to the mental, emotional and even the physical state of an

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individual. It may also become a factor that affects the coping strategies that students apply to

their lives to comply with the demands of academic life. This is due to the fact that academic

work is always accomplished with stressful activities, specifically, activities such as exams,

papers, organization activities, deadlines and the like (Agolla & Ongori, 2009).

In a recent survey involving 72 countries and consisting of 540,000 student

respondents aged 15–16 years, on average across Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD) countries, 66% of students have been reported to feel stressed about poor

grades and 59% have been reported to feel worried that taking a test will be difficult. The OECD

further found that 55% of students feel very anxious about school testing, even when they are

well prepared. As many 37% of students reported feeling very tense when studying, with girls

consistently reporting greater anxiety relating to schoolwork compared to boys (OECD, 2017).

Meanwhile, Filipinos were among the most stressed and most emotional populations

in the world last year (Gaea C. 2019). In a recent survey that involves the Philippines, resulted

to falling on the second rank on the countries with most stressed people, summarizes how

Filipinos experience stress that is most likely to be experience by the students and future


While there is a multitude of studies that aim to unearth issues in regards with

stressors experienced by students, there are still a lot to learn with regards to stress. Thus, this

paper aims to fill this gap by assessing the stress experienced by Grade 10 students from Sto.

Nino Academy Bocaue, Bulacan to identify stressors they encounter and the respective coping

strategy they have learned to adapt.

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Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the different academic stressors that the 40 Grade 10

students of Sto. Niño Academy experiences and their way of coping up with it during the

Academic year 2019-2020, which were selected using Proportional Stratified sampling and

Simple Random Sampling.

Specifically this study aims to seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants from Sto. Niño Academy?

a. Age?

b. Gender?

2. How may the students describe the frequency of them getting stressed?

3. What various academic activities do the students usually consider stressing?

4. How may these stressors affect the students’ outlook in life?

5. What are the coping mechanisms employed by the students in handling these


Significance of the Study

This study will be able to contribute research-based data for the society to have both

general and in-depth knowledge regarding the conditions of the youth, especially of those who

are engaged in academic life in which was regarded to be something “stressful”

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The findings of this study is to determine how stress becomes a major challenge for every

students in the middle schools. Aiming to outlook all causes and know how the students are able

to surpass every problem they have encountered. Thus, this is also intended to introduce students

to stress management that will specify the needed actions they must do in order to cope up with

stress and to assess themselves in controlling their emotion.

Managing the stress could be difficult especially for the students who are just starting

their social life, but through this it could possibly lessen the burden on their shoulders even in a

little by little process. Furthermore, this study would majorly benefit the students as it will help

them to give awareness to others, specifically their fellow students and will greatly help

themselves and others in spreading awareness regarding on what youths like them are

experiencing, particularly of those generations born in a technologically advanced era where

stress is also prevalent.

In addition, the teachers would benefit in this study in a way that they would know what

better approach they can use in dealing and handling their students.

Aside from that, parents can benefit from this. Everyone is aware that parents are the

most affected person once their child is emotionally tired, with that said, it will give them a

feeling of relief of stress management is practiced by the students

Lastly, this research may also benefit those future researchers who will take up researches

connected or related to this paper’s studies as it will provide them those data and information

they need regarding the stressors experienced by students and the coping strategies they impose.

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Scope and Delimitations

The focus of this study is to identify the different stressors experienced by the students of

Sto. Niño Academy as well as its causes, effects, and the different coping techniques they

employ to cope with the stress they have experienced.

Moreover, the study delimits itself to the different academic stressors experienced by the

students and will not attempt to discuss the stressors experienced by adults. Coping strategies

will only be limited to the stress management imposed by the students and will exclude those

that are done by the professionals and adults.

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Academic stress
-involves mental distress regarding anticipated academic challenges or failure or even the
fear of the possibility of academic failure. Academic stressors show themselves in many aspects
in the students' environment: at school, home, in their peer relations and even in their

Coping Mechanisms 
-are the strategies people often use in the face of stress and/or trauma to help manage
painful or difficult emotions. Coping mechanisms can help people adjust to stressful events
while helping them maintain their emotional well-being.

-is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body
reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. It is a normal part of life.
You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.

Stress management
- is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's
level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of
improving everyday functioning.

-is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event
that causes stress to an organism. Psychologically speaking, a stressor can be an event or
environment that an individual would consider demanding, challenging, and or threaten the
individual's safety.

Homo erectus 
-meaning 'upright man'; is a species of archaic humans that lived throughout most of the
Pleistocene geological epoch.

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Global Organization for Stress. 2019. Stress Facts. Retrieved from: /blog

Gustafson F.R. 2018. Common causes of stress among students. Retrieved from:

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Joshua A. 5 Things You Should Know About Stress: Retrieved from:https://www.nimh.

Khan M.J., Altaf S., Kausar H. (2014).Effect of Perceived Academic Stress on Student’s

Performance. Retrieved from: FWU Journal of Social Sciences, winter 2013, Vol. 7, No.

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McAuliffe. (2011). If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking?Retrieved



Merriam Webster (2019). Stress Definition. Retrieved from:

https://www. Merriamwebster. com/


Merriam- Webster (2019). Definition of Stressor. Retrieved from:


Michaela P., Sarah H.& Alexandra P. (2019). The impact of stress on students in secondary

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Orlandini A. (2018). Stress in High School Students: A Descriptive Study. Retrieved from:

Palomar, L. (2018). Importance of Stress Management in school. Retrieved from:

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Review of Related Literature

The purpose of this Review of Related Literature is to give additional information

regarding the academic stressors experienced by students, as well as the coping strategies

imposed by the students. This chapter includes both local and foreign review that will help the

researchers to understand the study.


Definition of Stress

In an article published by University of St. Andrew, Stress is defined as the physical and

mental response of the body to different situations being presented to an individual. It is the

effect of the response that our body does in reaction to a certain event and not the event itself.

Stress can be subjective depending on how the body and mind reacts to it and depends on the

optimal level of physiological arousal of each individual. Too much stress can lead to “burn out”

and few levels of it leads to boredom. In addition, an article from Psychology Today defined

stress as the brain’s perception of pressure and the way of the body to respond to it. Stress is

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necessary for all living systems as it sets an automatic response system that was made by the

brain or also called as the fight-or-flight response activated when the body faces unfamiliar

situations that threatens it. In addition, stress as defined by an article of MedlinePlus (2020), is

an emotional or physical tension that may arouse from any scene or thought that makes you feel

angry, sad or frustrated. On the second thought, stress can bring positive impacts like you would

be able to meet a deadline and it could help you to avoid danger. However, stress may also be

negative depending on duration period or how long the stress lasts.

Definition of Academic Stress

In connection with stress, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

(2015) stated that academic stress is one of the type of stress that students mostly experience.

This involves mental distress regarding anticipated academic challenges, failure or even the

awareness of the possibility of failure in studies. According to UNESCO (2015), students

commonly self-report experiencing ongoing stress relating to their education, which is referred to

as academic-related stress, such as pressure to achieve high marks and concerns about receiving

poor grades. Students who are in secondary education are one of the individuals who are facing

a wide array of normative stressors, which can be defined as the everyday hassles experienced by

a student such as various academic demands. In fact, secondary (high school) and college

students reported that they are experiencing stress that is related to their education. This stress is

referred to as the ‘academic- related stresses.

Causes of Academic Stress

With that said, it can be considered that stress can greatly affect a student’s academic life.

According to Thakkar (2018) Academic stressors can be seen in many aspects on student’s

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surroundings such as home, school, and peers or even in their community. Among high school

students, the greatest academic stressors include upcoming tests, grades, home works, and

academic and parental pressure. In addition, according to Associated Press-MTV survey (2009)

school is the most frequently cited as the cause of students’ stress from 13 to 17 years old. In a

Research conducted by G. Mazo (2015) in Leyte Normal University, Thesis or Research was

identified to be the main cause of stress for males and School requirements for females. Thus, the

research concluded that since the school is the “loco parentis”, identifying the cause of the stress

and understanding the proper approach to be done should be imposed.

Additionally, a study conducted by Anupreet Kaur Arora (2017),showed that Students

with low self-esteem tend to be more stressed than to those who have high self-esteem. Factors

such as financial expenses, over commitment, family expectations, deadlines and workload all

induce stress in students.(Sam M.).  According to an article of University of St. Andrews (2020),

very often, stress can be caused by the accumulation of a lot of various pressures which can be

built up progressively and unnoticeable. In this case, most of the students cited that

examinations, academic pressure, difficulty in organizing work, poor time management, last

minute assignments, noise, difficulties with personal relationships , balancing the demands of

their family with studying as their top causes of stress.

Also, According to an article of the Himalayan Times (2017), aside from school, the

environment may also be considered as a major cause of academic stress, which threaten to

hinder the students’ everyday life. However, much more causes of academic stress can also be

found at school such as, poor academic performance, grade competitions with friends, poor

interpersonal relationship, heavy subjects to learn in a short period of time, environment of

classrooms, unhealthy teacher-student relationships, lack of interest in a certain subject, and high

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expectations of teachers, parents and/ or the student himself/herself. An article from The Straits

of Time (2018) have also stated that many students today dare not to even try. Students are

terrified if they do not perform well in tests. McKenna (2016), added that students are constantly

feeling pressured to achieve high grades and not to fail which leads them to be stressed.

According to Raja (2017), those who were not born as a natural public speaker tend to

experience emotions like fear and anxiety when become the center of attention, if these situations

were unavoidable, it often leads to stress.

In association with these causes of academic stress, a more precise measure of personal

stress can be measured using a variety of instruments that have been created to determine

individual stress levels. One of these instruments is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). According

to Cohen (1994) cited by Mind Garden (2019), PSS is a classic stress assessment instrument that

helps us understand how various conditions affect one’s feelings and perception of stress. The

scale is composed of 5 levels namely “Never”, “Almost Never” or “Seldom”, “Sometimes”,

“Often” and “Very Often” or “Always”.

The Effects of Academic Stress to Students

Stress, according to Lee & Graham (2018), can have a negative or positive impact on a

student but it all depends on how they perceive it. This can be determined whether an individual

sees stress as a challenge or threat. According to V. Ruddock (2017), Positive stress, also called

as eustress or good stress is when you perceive a stressful situation as an opportunity that will

lead to a good outcome such as improved motivation, improves performance and helps in coping

mechanisms. Contrarily, a bad stress, also known as “Distress” refers to state of anxiety or strain,

often brought about by failing to study and failing grades in terms of academic life.

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In addition to this, Felman and Legg (2017) believed that short-term stress can be helpful.

This may be advantageous as it helps an individual deal with challenges and motivates in

reaching goals and efficiently accomplishing tasks. (Ufiline, 2020). Nauert (2018) also added

that good stress is a force that may influence a person’s competitive confidence and may also

boost one’s confidence. Also, an article from Ivy Panda (2019) stated that students who have an

effective time management are more likely to manage the stress they are experiencing and avoid

last minute rushes and lessen the chances of being more stressed.

But Stress, if not handled properly, may cause several type of sickness according to Psych

Lens (2017). Oxford Learning (2018) stated that the effects of stress may include some

detrimental effects to students such as problems with sleep pattern, increased irritability and

anger level, frustration, lower concentration level, slow learning, depression as well as confusion

and psychological and emotional strains (Legg, 2019). Gustafson (2018) emphasized that

whenever a student experiences a huge amount of stress regardless of age or grade, it may hinder

one’s ability to learn and earn good grades resulting to poor physical, emotional and mental

health. He added that poor sleeping and eating Habits, as well as academic pressure and hectic

schedules are examples of stressors that lead to incompetence of students. Moreover,

Schimelpfening (2019) believes that when placed under extreme and higher form of stress,

psychosomatic illness may arise, which originates from emotional stress and manifests in the

body as physical pain or other symptoms. Additionally, an article from Virtual Assistants (2012)

believed that high requirements could make an individual nervous and loss their spirit to

continue doing a certain task.

According to Lloyd (2018), researchers have already discovered that psychological stress

may affect a student’s thinking capability and brain progress even in their young age. Because

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stress can affect one’s emotional intelligence, students who are experiencing a considerable

amount of stress are most likely to lack performance in school. Moreover, Knaus (2015) believed

that when a person was distracted because of stress, the individual will be more likely to put

things off and procrastinate, leaving more things undone because of stress.

In connection with this, the increasing number of reports regarding stress experienced by

people in the U.S., led to stress becoming a top health concern for teens between 9th and 12th

grade, and according to psychologists, neglecting it and having no means of managing it could

result to serious long-term health implications (American Psychological Association 2019). Also,

based on the studies of 2015 American College Health Association National College Health

assessment, 85.6 percent of students had felt an extreme stress in 2014. The pressure of having

high grades, balancing their time with the extracurricular activities they need to accomplish and

spending time with their love ones. (Carlson, 2016) .When built over time, stress can give rise to

a host of serious problems such as depression and anxiety. Managing stress in its early stages can

help maximize the school experience and opportunities for students (Sam M. 2018).

Coping Strategies, Style and Skill

According to an article published by Science Direct (2014), as mentioned from the

Kidney-Transplantation– Principles and Practice (Seventh Edition 2014), Coping Strategies

refers to the psychological patterns that individuals use to manage thoughts, feelings, and actions

encountered during various stages of ill health and treatments. In addition, Carr & Saler (2009)

defined coping strategies as the reflection of repertoire of response to the stress that the

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individual has available and can use successfully. This can be taught explicitly or through

modeling. This can also be referred to as “Coping Skill”, which is conceptualized as a

combination of coping style and range of implementable coping strategies. Furthermore, Coping

Strategies may also be called as “Coping Mechanism”, whereas these are the strategies that

people use to face stress and trauma to help manage painful or difficult emotions. Additionally,

coping style refers to the typical manner of confronting a stressful situation and dealing with it.

Coping Strategies and its Classifications

Coping Strategies can be divided into three major categories: Active coping, Passive

coping, and Avoidance. Active coping refers to actions that an individual do to directly engage in

solving the problem relating to stress (Shahmohammadi 2011), in which, according to Carr &

Saler (2009), involves gathering information, securing social support, prioritizing tasks,

requesting and accepting help from family and peers, active distraction, biofeedback and

problem solving. Meanwhile, Passive coping, as defined by APA Dictionary of Psychology

(2020), refers to the stress management strategy in which an individual absolves himself or

herself of responsibility for managing a stressor and instead releases control over its resolution to

external resources such as other people and environmental factors. On the other hand, Carr &

Sahler (2009) stated that avoidance can be understood as denial. It can be characterized in a way

through which an individual denies the presence of the stressor. Therefore, a change in behavior,

perception, and emotional response are all neglected, resulting to the individual forgetting the

stressor. Additionally, this may also result to a sense that, although the situation is stressful, it

can never be changed.

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In a research conducted at Winneba Campus of University of Education in 2011, the

study resulted to two most predominant coping strategies that are done by the students in terms

of problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies, which are Active coping— the direct

engagement to the problem—, and “positive reinterpretation and growth” — associated with


Examples of Coping Strategies

In a survey conducted by the Nightline Association in 2013, it has been found that

managing many things at once can leave a feeling of overwhelm. It is believed that for students,

every spare minute seems to be filled with worrying. In response to this, Steinhoff (2013) gave

some tips in handling stress which includes: having a varied and healthy diet, exercise,

meditation, taking breaks regularly, owning a pet, sleeping, listening to music and laughing.

Additionally, Susan Stiffelman (2014) also suggests students to take time for self-care, be

optimistic, take academic works one at a time, lower expectations, and take a balanced and

relaxed academic life to reduce stress. Likewise, Scott (2019) stated some stress relievers that are

most appropriate for students which includes visualization, breathing exercise, progressive

muscle relaxation, proper organization, self-hypnosis and positive thinking and affirmation. An

article from Medibank Livebetter also suggests that avoiding to panic, planning better, finding

study buddy and asking for help may also help in managing stress.

There are different techniques and ways that are now being used by most people, but the

only thing needed is the ability of an individual in developing their skills on managing their own

stress sources. If not handled well this could result in more complicated situation, as stated in a

research that Dr. Rey S. Gueavarra and Romel Cimanes of Paranaque National High School

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made in 2017. Based on Generoso N. Mazo, Ph.D, Modern life is exposed to stress and everyone

is vulnerable when it comes to this. Experience and the surroundings are big contributor of stress

so anyone is exposed to different stressors, thus, being ready and wise are the key factors in

surpassing these tasks.

The Effectivity of Coping Strategies

According to an article made by Anxiety Canada, students are not resilient to stress, in

fact students are one of the most prone to stress after the workers. There are numerous factors

affecting the students which lead to stress, thus various management strategies are introduced to

students to overcome stress. Coping strategies can reduce difficult emotional states and excessive

anxiety or stress, increase energy, stimulate the mind, and improve mood, help students be more

receptive to learning and most importantly it provide coping skills that will be helpful for life.

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The Figure 1 below shows the conceptual framework of the research. The paradigm

presents the variables that will be considered in the research.

Input Process Output

1. Profile of the Participants The research to

be conducted is
a. Age The Different
qualitative and is
Academic Stressors
b. Gender a subjective
Experienced by Grade
process which
2. The frequency of stress experienced by the 10 Students and Their
will be conducted
participants Ways of Coping with
through the use of
3. Various academic activities considered by the questionnaire to
students as stressing gather data.

4. The effect of stressors to students’ outlook in

5. Coping mechanisms employed by the students
in handling stress.
Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework of the study

The different academic stressors

experienced by the students and their coping strategies will be described by five sub-variables: a)

Profile of the participants; b) The frequency of stress experienced by the participants; c) Various

activities considered by the students as stressing; d.) The effect of stressors to students’ outlook

in life; e.) Coping mechanisms employed by the students in handling stress.

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Through the use of questionnaires, the researchers will be able to identify the stressors

experienced by the participants, as well as the coping strategies they impose. In addition, through

this research, the researchers will also identify the effects of stress to the participants in terms of

Academic Aspects.


Academic Stress

-is defined as the body’s response to academic-related demands that exceed adaptive
capabilities of the students

Fight-or-Flight response

-a psychological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, ot

threat to survival.

Mental Distress

-also known as psychological distress, this pertains to a range of symptoms and experiences
of a person’s internal life that are commonly held to be troubling, confusing, or out of the


- establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behavior.

Optimal Level

-state of something in the best level it could achieve. When referred to optimal arousal,
this pertains to a level of mental simulation at which physical performance, learning, or
temporary feelings of wellbeing are maximized.

Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)

- most widely used psychological instrument that measures one’s perception of stress. It is a
measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful.

Psychosomatic Illness

-originates from emotional stress which manifests in the body as a physical pain and other

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Physiological arousal

-is interpreted in context to produce the emotional experience. This also refers to features of
arousal reflected by physiological reactions.


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Research Methodology

Research Method

The study is qualitative in nature since the answers that the researchers seek leads to

answers that are not quantifiable or purely subjective and not numerical data. De Franzo (2011)

argued that qualitative research is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions,

and motivations. In addition, it also provides insights to the problem or helps to develop ideas or

hypotheses for potential quantitative research.

Specifically, the researchers use a phenomenology design since the researchers seek to

analyze the method that the participants do to understand and evaluate the academic stressors

they experience and to help those individuals in coping with it. This method, according to an

article of Stanford encyclopedia of phenomenology (2013), is the study of structures of

consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. It centers on how people

understand their experiences as something meaningful.

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Additionally, this study is a descriptive research centering on the connection between the

different academic stressors experienced by the participants and the coping strategies they

impose in order to overcome these stressors. According to Bhat (2020), this kind of research

describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon being studied. This methodology

focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why” of the subject.

Research Setting

This research is conducted in Sto. Niño Academy located along the Mac Arthur Highway

Biñang 2nd Bocaue, Bulacan. It started as Sto. Niño kiddie school and was established in the year

1982 by Mrs. Gloria Yulo Lazaro and her family. Sto Niño Kiddie School started with two

classrooms with 70 pupils, and after two years, Grade 1 was organized and the name was then

changed to Sto. Niño School. The first Commencement exercise of elementary level occurred in

March 1991, and in the year 1995, Secondary level Commencement Exercises was held.

On that time, due to persistent requests of the parents to expand the school, High School

Department was organized in 1991. A number of Parent through PTC assisted financially which

supported the construction of more buildings and other facilities. In the same year, the school

changed its name into Sto. Niño Academy under a new set of School Officers and Board of


Research Instrument

Page | 25
The research instrument used by the researchers is questionnaire. A questionnaire is

consists of a series of questions for gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires

provide a cheap and convenient way of obtaining large amount of information from a large

sample of people. The researcher used this instrument due to the short period of time given and

lack of resources. The researcher uses open and closed questions to get a more detailed

information and data. This is the best instrument to be used since it can be used to easily collect

data in a large population in just a short time. However, it is speculated that some of the

participants may provide invalid answers and unreliable data.

Research Participants

The data was accumulated from Grade 10 students of Sto. Niño Academy. The

participants were aimlessly chosen through the use of random sampling.

Forty students from the four sections in grade 10 were asked by the researchers to

answer different questions that were written in the survey questionnaire. The said participants

were drawn using the proportional stratified random sampling. This type of random sampling is

said to offer greater accuracy and precision than a simple random sample of the same size. In

addition to that, the researchers can ensure that they obtain adequate sample points to support a

discrete study of any subgroup or strata.

According to Adi Bhat (2020), Stratified random sampling is a type of probability

sampling in which the entire population is divided into homogeneous groups or which they call

“strata”. This type of sampling reduces cost and could help improve efficiency. Members in each

of the strata should be discrete so that every member of all groups could get an equal opportunity

to be selected using probability sampling. Stratified random sampling can be also called as the

“random quota sampling”.

Page | 26
Nonetheless, the data collected from the participants will be treated with full

confidentiality. Each of the information gathered from the randomly selected student will be

exclusively used for academic and research purposes only.

Table 1
Research Participants
Section No. of Students Proportion
Mother of Perpetual Help 45 24.32% 9
Queen of Peace 49 26.49% 11
Queen of Angels 49 26.49% 11
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary 42 22.70% 9
Total: 185 100% 40

Table 2
Gender of the Participants
Gender Frequency Proportion
Male 18 45%
Female 22 55%
Total: 40 100%

Table 3
Age of the Participants
Frequency in Each Section

Age Rosary Peace Angels MPH Total Proportion

14 yrs. old 0 1 0 0 1 2.5%

15 yrs. old 4 1 4 1 10 25%
16 yrs. old 5 8 6 8 27 67.5%
17 yrs. old 0 1 1 0 2 5%
Total: 9 11 11 9 40 100%

Page | 27
Table 1 above shows that the Queen of Peace and Queen of Angels has the most number

of participants followed by Mother of Perpetual Help and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. Out

of 185 students, the researchers decided to take 40 sample participants to be part of the research.

After using the Proportional Stratified sampling, Simple Random Sampling was used to select

the individual participants from each section. Specifically, Lottery Method was used to further

identify the specific participants from each section.

Meanwhile, Table 2 indicating the frequency and proportion of the gender of the

participants shows that there are more female participants compared to the male participants.

This is due to the process of simple random sampling done to select the individual participants

for the survey.

Lastly, in the Table 3 which shows the frequency and proportion of age of the

participants in each section, it can be observed that there is a total of 1 participant aged 14 years

old which takes 2.5% of the total number of participants, 10 participants aged 15 years old which

is 25% of the total sample, 27 participants or 67.5% aged 16 years old, and 2 participant who are

17 years of age which is 5% of the total population.

Data Collection Procedure

The survey questionnaire was first be made by the researchers. The said questionnaire

was then passed to the research adviser for approval. Afterwards, the survey form was passed to

the assistant principal for further approval. After that, the approved questionnaire was distributed

by the researchers to forty Grade 10 pupils that are chosen using proportional stratified sampling

Page | 28
and simple random sampling. Finally, after collecting the needed data for the research, the

acquired data was analyzed and evaluated by the researchers.

Data Analysis

A Thematic analysis is a popular method used in qualitative research and also a good

approach to research where the researcher tries to find something about the views, opinions,

knowledge, experiences or values of people from a set of qualitative data. It is also a popular

method for analyzing qualitative data and can be applied in various different ways, such as

different datasets or collections of data, and may also address different research questions.


Random Sampling
- A way of selecting a sample of observations from a population in order to make
inferences about the population, also known as probability sampling.

Stratified Random Sampling

- A method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller
groups known as strata. Strata are formed based on member’s shared attributes or

Descriptive Research
-Defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population
or phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on “what” rather than “why” of the
research subject.

-An approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of
direct experience.

Page | 29

Bhat A. (2020). Qualitative Research: Definition, Types, Methods and Examples. Retrieved


Bhat A. (2020). Stratified Random Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. . Retrieved


De Franzo(2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Retrieved from:

Scribbr (2019).How to do thematic analysis. Retrieved from:


Simply Psychology(2018). Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Design and Types. Retrieved


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2013). Phenomenology. Retrieved from:

Page | 30

The University of Auckland. Thematic analysis a reflexive approach. Retrieved from:




Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of data

This Chapter of the paper includes the data gathered from the Forty Grade 10 students of

Sto. Niño Academy which were chosen using Proportional Stratified random sampling and

Simple random sampling to be the participants of this research. It also provides the analysis and

interpretation of data that has been organized according to the research questions enumerated in

the second chapter of this paper.

1.0 The Number of Students who experienced stress

The participants were asked whether they have experienced stress or not. Figure 1 below

shows the distribution of the answers of the Participants.

Page | 31
Do theofparticipants
stress experienced by the
experienced Grade 10 students


Always Sometimes

Seldom Never


Yes No
Figure 1

Based on the data gathered from the 40 students, 97.5% or 39 of them answered “yes” in

to the question whether they experience stress or not. While 2.5% or 1 answered “No”.

2.0 The Frequency of Stress Experienced by the Participants

This section is devoted for presenting, analyzing and interpreting data gathered from the

survey relevant to the question whether the participants feel stress or not and how frequent do the

participants experience stress. Participants who answered YES was asked how frequent did they

experienced stress rated as “Always”—Almost every time that an academic work is given—,

“Sometimes”—depending on the academic work given—, “Seldom” —Once in a while—, and

Never. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the answers of the participants.

Figure 2

Out of 39 students, it has been found that most of the participants of about 74.36% or 29

experienced stress “sometimes”. Additionally, 17.95% or 7 of the participants answered

Page | 32
Distribution of the Number of students who experienced the given
Academic Stressors

Summative Exams 32

Reports 31
Quizzes or Seatwork 7

Oral Recitation 5

Deadline 28

Projects 25

Lesson Planning 3

Demo Teaching 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

“always” as their frequency of experiencing stress. Lastly 7.69% or 3 of the participants

answered “Seldom” or they experience stress infrequently.

3.0 Various academic activities considered by the students stressing

This section is devoted in presenting data based on analyzed and interpreted data based

on the questions “What are the things that you find stressing from the given stressors?” and

“Among these stressors, what are the top 3 factors that you considered most stressing and explain

why?” In addition, through the use of thematic analysis, the major and minor themes of the

subjective answers from the second question was obtained.

3.1 Academic Stressors Experienced by Grade 10 Students

Figure 3

Page | 33
Among the given stressors, it has been found that out of 39 students, the “Summative

Exam” was the most enumerated academic stressor where 80% or 32 students have answered

this. Also, 77.5% or 31 students have included Reports and 70% or 28 students included

“Deadline” as their source of stress. 62.5% or 25 students included “Projects” as their source of

stress while 17.5 % or 7 students considered Quizzes or Seatwork as their source of stress.

Lastly, 12.5 % or 5 students included Oral Recitation in their list of Academic stressors, and

12.5% or 5 answered “Other” academic stressors where 3 of them are lesson planning while 2 of

those were Demo Teaching.

3.2 Top Stressors considered by students as the most stressing

The students were asked to give the top 3 stressors they considered as the most

stressing based from the given stressor in the question 2.2 from the questionnaire. Figure

4 shows the Distribution of their top three answers.

Page | 34
Figure 4

Distribution of the Top Three Academic Stressors experienced by the

Summative Exams 29

Reports 25

Quizzes or Seatwork 3

Oral Recitation 5

Deadline 21

Projects 20

Lesson Planning 3

Demo Teaching 2
Others 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

When asked about the top three academic stressors that the students experienced,

the data have shown that 72.5 % or 29 students have included “Summative exams” as one

of the top factor of their academic stress making it the major stressor that the participants

consider as the most stressing among the given. Meanwhile, 62.5 % or 25 students have

Page | 35
included “Reports” and 52.5 % or 21 students included “Deadline” as one of their top

academic stressor. In addition, 50% or 20 students have considered “Projects” as one of

the top academic stressor they have experienced. On the other hand, 12.5% or 5 students

included the “Oral Recitation” as one of the top three stressors. While those Academic

Stressors also considered by students as one of the top three stressors which are below

10% includes “Quizzes or Seatwork” and “Lesson Planning” which are both 7.5% of the

total participants or 3 students, and “Demo Teaching” which is at 5% of the total

participants or 2 students. Additionally there are 9 students whose answers were

irrelevant and unrelated to the questions, thus the researchers classified it as “Others”.

4.0 Reasons why students find Academic stressors stressing

Table 1

Reasons why Academic Stressors Frequency Proportion

becomes stressing of Answers
Low Self Esteem 23 58.97%
Poor Time Management 23 58.97 %
Pressure 17 43.59%
Difficulty in Performing academic Task 16 41.03 %
Insufficient Time Allotted 12 30.77%
Heavy Academic Workload 5 12.82%
Afraid of Failure 5 12.82%
Uncreative 4 10.26%
Loss of focus 2 5.13%
Difficulty in Public Speaking 4 10.26%
Others 6 15.38%

Table 1

Page | 36
Major Theme

4.1.1 Low Self Esteem

Based on the data obtained from the participants, it has been shown that out of 39

participants who answered YES, 23 or 58.97%is the frequency of them being stressed because

low self-esteem increases the stress they experience from the academic stressors. Just for

example, P34 stated reports are stressful because: “I am a shy person. I don’t have the

confidence to face the crowd’’. In connection with this, a study conducted by Anupreet Kaur

Arora (2017), showed that Students with low self-esteem tend to be more stressed than to those

who have high self-esteem.

4.1.2 Poor Time Management

23 or 58.97% of answers indicated that the reason for being stressed over academic

stressors is because of poor time management. In fact, according to an article of University of St.

Andrews (2020), stress can be caused by the accumulation of a lot of various pressures which

can be built up progressively and without us even noticing results to poor time management.

Such as P24: “Because I always pass my project not on time”, and P37:” Because if deadline is

already close I will hurry up my works”.

Minor Themes

4.1.3 Pressure

17 or 43.59% of the answers are identified that the student is feeling stressed over

academic stressors is because of the feeling of pressure. In addition to that, according to

Page | 37
UNESCO (2015), students are commonly experiencing stress relating to their education, which is

referred to as academic-related stress, because of the pressure to achieve high marks and

concerns about receiving poor grades. P38 stated that projects made him/ her feel stressed

“Because I tend to have high grade and because of that I will overthink on how can I make my

project neat and presentable’’

4.1.4 Difficulty in Performing Academic Task

Based on the gathered data 41.03 % is the frequency of students who experienced

different academic stressors shows they feel stressed over academic stressors because they have

the difficulty in performing task. In fact, one of the participants (P18) who chose quizzes and

seatworks as one of his/her stressors said that, “Because sometimes I didn’t understand the

lessons.” In this case, the participant had a hard time in performing academic task.

4.1.5 Insufficient Time Allotted

The table shows that the frequency of students who are saying that they are stressed on

the different academic stressors they have experienced because of insufficient time allotted is 12

or 30.77%. In fact, one of the participants stated that “deadline is the most stressing because in

some projects there are only short period of time to finish” (P33). In this case, the participant

identified the stressors as stressful because of insufficient time allotted to him/her.

4.1.6 Heavy Academic Workload

From the analyzed data, 12.82% of the student’s answered that having “Heavy Academic

Workload” as one of the reason why they are being stress. Thus, it could also say that “Heavy

academic Workload” is the academic stress itself, given from the answer of P32: Demo

Teaching “because there are a lot of things that we need to do such as lesson plan, visuals, and

Page | 38
the main demo” shows how Academic workload caused stress to a student. According to an

article of University of St. Andrews (2020), very often, stress can be caused by the accumulation

of a lot of various pressures which can be built up progressively and unnoticeable.

4.1.7 Afraid of Failure

5 out of 117 of the frequency have shown that some of the student’s stress is because of

“Afraid of Failure”. Such as the answer of P21: Oral Recitations “Because I might answer

wrong” and P22: Reports “Because I’m afraid to make mistake” indicates how students are

stressed out because of their fear to commit mistakes. According to an article published by The

Straits Time, “many students today dare not even try. They are terrified if they do not do well in

tests, as if academic success determines their destiny”.

4.1.8 Uncreative

From the data gathered, it has been shown that 4 of 117 are indicating that “uncreative” is

one of their reason why they experience stress. It can be clearly seen on the answer of P25:

Projects “I’m not very creative when it comes to project”.

4.1.9 Loss of Focus

The results have shown that the frequency of the students who loss focus is 2 or 5% in

proportion. The answer of P2: Quizzes and Seat works “I often don’t listen when someone is

teaching because I’m copying the lectures” such as the answer of P24: Project “I easily get bored

when doing project” shows how loss of focus resulting to academic failure can cause a student’s

stress. According to an article published by University of St. Andrew “Too much stress can lead

to “burn out” and few levels of it leads to boredom”

Page | 39
4.1.10 Difficulty in Public Speaking

Four of the answers from the students indicated that “Difficulty in Public Speaking” is

the reason for being stressed in the academic works. From the answer of P7: Reports “because I

need to study and memorize it and report it to class which I find hard because I have difficulty in

speaking in public”, and P25: Reports “I sometimes get nervous in public speaking and I often

twist my tongue”, shows how they find it difficult to do public speaking. According to Raja

(2017), those who were not born as a natural public speaker tend to experience emotions like fear

and anxiety when becoming the center of attention and if these situations were unavoidable, it

often leads to stress.

4.1.11 Others

From the data gathered, it has been showed that aside from the stressors that are given,

the frequency answer “others” is six, wherein the answer of P26: Dirt in the house, “because I

always clean our house alone and I don’t want it”, is beyond the scope of our study.

5.0 The Effect of Stressors to Students’ outlook in life

This section is devoted in presenting data analyzed and interpreted from the questions

“How do these stressors affected you in terms of your outlook in life?”, either positively,

negatively, or both, and on how may they describe the effect of these stressors to their life.

Figure 5 shows the distribution of the answers of the participants whether the stressors affected

them positively, negatively, or both.

Page | 40
Distribution of the Effect of Stressors to students' outlook in life





Figure 5

Based on the Figure shown, it can be said that 49% or 19 Participants have said

that the stressors they experienced affects them both positively and negatively. In

addition, 36% or 14 students have answered that academic stressors affected them

negatively, while 15% or 6 students have said that the academic stressors have affected

them positively.

6.0 Positive effects of stressors to students

Figure 6 further elaborates and presents the coded answers of students who enumerated

the positive effects of the stressors in terms of their outlook in life. In addition, the coded

answers of those who answered “both” was distributed to both Negative and Positive coded


Page | 41
Positive Effects of Stressors

1 1
Confidence Booster
2 6.1
Self Improvement
Academic Time

Positive Mental Effect

5 13

Provides a sense of


Positive Effects

Minor Themes

6.1.1 Self Improvement

Based from the data obtained from the participants, it has been shown that 13 participants

have indicated that “Self-Improvement” is the Positive effect that the stressor gives those

students. Answers from P11: “Positively because it might help me to improve myself”, and P12:

“Positively because it helps me to do more, to work harder and strive harder” are examples of

statements on how stress affects them positively. According to Ruddock (2017), Positive stress

may lead to some beneficial effects such as Improved Performance.

6.1.2 Effective Time Management

Page | 42
The result have shown that 5 students have answered that Positive stress affects their time

management since it helps them manage their works efficiently such as P7: “it helps me to

manage my time about school works” and P9: “ Positive in a way it helps me manage my time in

doing school works”. An article from Ivy Panda (2019), stated that students who have an

effective time management are more likely to manage the stress they are experiencing and avoid

last minute rushes and lessen the chances of being more stressed.

6.1.3 Positive Mental Effect

Out of 24 students who answered that Stress gives them Positive effect, 2 of them said

that Stress provides them a positive mental health state. Such as P21: “ affects my mentality

in how fast I do things”. Also, Ufiline(2020) said that stress may also be advantageous as it helps

an individual deal with challenges and motivates in reaching goals and efficiently accomplishing


6.1.4 Provides a Sense of Responsibility

2 out of 24 students who answered that stress gives them a positive effect have said that

stress provides them a sense of responsibility to themselves. Such as P34: “Positively because it

helps me to became a responsible student” and P23: “because when I’m stressed I am also oblige

to do my things”. In addition, Stress may also help in improving the recall and handling tasks

given (Dowdle L. 2017).

6.1.5 Awareness

Page | 43
The result of the survey have shown that out of 24 students who answered that stress

affects them positively, only 1 have indicated that overall, stress gives them “Awareness” since

they can evaluate their work and assess themselves in their academic life. This can be observed

from the answer of P38: “It affect me positively In way that I am being aware on what to change

in order for me not to stress”. In addition, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral

Sciences (2015) stated that stress gives the students the “awareness” of the possibility of failure.

6.1.6 Confidence Booster

Lastly, out of 24 students who answered that stress gives them a positive effect, only one

said that Stress boosts one’s confidence. According to P5 “Positively because this stress that we

experienced today can be used in college or to be ready and have confidence in front of many

people”. Nauert (2018) believed that good stress is a force that may influence a person’s

competitive confidence and may also boost one’s confidence.

7.0 Negative Effects of Stressors to the students

Figure 7 shows the coded answers of students who answered that the Academic stressors

affected them negatively. In addition, the coded answers of those who answered “both” was

distributed to both Negative and Positive coded answers.

Page | 44
Negative Effects of Stressors


7% 7% Negative Emotional Effect

7% Decreases Self-Confidence

Insufficient Family Time

36% Self Conciousness

Negative Mental Effect

7% 7% Problems with Eating and Sleeping Pattern

Difficulty in Performing Academic Task

Figure 7

7.1 Negative Effects

Minor Themes

7.1.1 Demotivated

Out of the 29 students who have indicated that Stress affects them negatively,

7.14% or two of them have included “Demotivated” as an effect of the stress to them.

This can be observed from P1: “Negatively because every time I get stress, my will to do

other stuff decreases” and P32: “…it can also affect me by losing hope to do my work”.

An article from Virtual Assistants (2012) believed that high requirements could make an

individual nervous and loss their spirit to continue doing a certain task

7.1.2 Negative Emotional Effect

Page | 45
From the data gathered, it has been found that out of 28 students who answered that stress

gives them negative effect, 35.71% or ten students answered that stress affects them negatively

in their emotional aspect. This can be observed from the answers of some participants such as

P33: Negatively because I became sad whenever I get stressed, and P40: “Negatively because

when I was stress I am always not in mood”.

7.1.3 Decreases Self-Confidence

The data obtained from the students have shown that 7.14% or two of those who

answered that stress negatively affects them answered that stress causes them to Decrease their

self-confidence. This can be observed from the answers of P3: “Negatively because of the stress,

my self-confidence decreases” and P6: “… Because my self-confidence decrease”

7.1.4 Insufficient Family Time

Out of the 28 students who answered that stress affects them negatively, 7.14% or two of

them have answered that due to stress, their time for their family decreases and becomes

insufficient. This is evident from the answers of some participants such as P4: “Negatively

because I don’t have time for my family”, and P9: “…negative because I spend more time on it

(school works) and I don’t have time to spend other time with my family”

7.1.5 Self-Consciousness

Page | 46
There is only 3.57% or one student who answered that negative stress affects them in

terms of their self-consciousness in a way that it affects his or her way of seing his or herself’s

physical look. An example of that is from the answer of P8: “Negatively because even we are

stress we should look presentable”

7.1.6 Negative Mental Effect

It has been found that out of 28 students,21.43% or six participants have said that stress

affects their mental aspects negatively. This can be observed from the answers of P17:

“Negatively because it brings too much stress for students that is making them to forget and

never experience the memorable life of a high school life”, P38: “negatively in a way that I can’t

think properly”, and P39: “In negative, I start to overthink”. Stress may lead to some detrimental

effects such as confusion and psychological and emotional strains (Legg, 2019).

7.1.7 Procrastination

7.14% or Two out of 28 students who are affected by stress negatively, states that Stress

causes them to procrastinate over school works. This can be observed from the answers of P23:

“…also made me cramming”, and P30: “Negatively because it gives me hurry”. Knaus (2015)

believed that when a person was distracted because of stress, the individual will be more likely to

put things off and procrastinate, leaving more things undone because of stress.

7.1.8 Problems with Eating and Sleeping pattern

Page | 47
Out of the 28 students who answered that Stress affects them negatively, 3.57% or one

participant have said that stress affects him or her in terms of his or her eating and sleeping

pattern. P25 said that “it affects me negatively because sometimes I lack in sleep and do not eat

the whole day…” In Addition, according to Oxford Learning (2018), the effects of stress may

include some detrimental effects to students such as problems with sleep pattern.

7.1.9 Difficulty in Performing Academic Task

From the data gathered from the participants, out of 28 students who answered that stress

affects them negatively, 7.14% or two have said that the academic stressors affects them in their

Performance with regards to Academic Tasks given to them. An example from of this is from

P7: “… it also affect me negatively because sometimes there are too much works that are hard to

finish” and P34: “… it becomes negative when they are fully headed and I don’t know what to

do, and what particular project I would do”. In addition, According to Lloyd (2018), since stress

can affect one’s emotional intelligence, students who are experiencing a considerable amount of

stress are most likely to lack performance in school.

8.0 Coping mechanisms employed by the students in handling stress.

This section is devoted in presenting data based on the analyzed and interpreted answers

from the participants regarding the question about the things that the participants did to cope up

with the stress that they have experienced. The obtained answers were coded and were classified

into three general classifications of coping mechanisms which are Active coping, Passive coping

and Avoidance. Figure 8 shows the classification of coping strategies.

Page | 48
Classification of Coping Strategies



Active Passive Avoidance

Figure 8

Major Theme

8.1 Avoidance

Based from the gathered data, it has been found that 90% of the answers of all the

participants can be classified under Avoidance classification of coping mechanisms. Answers

from some participants such as: P7: “I watch my favorite videos on Youtube to refresh my mind

for a while…” P10: “I will divert my attention to the thing that I loved doing”. In addition, Carr

& Sahler (2009) stated that avoidance can be understood as denial. It can be characterized in a

way through which an individual denies the presence of the stressor.

Minor Theme

8.2 Passive

The data have shown that 6% of the answers of the participants can be classified into

Passive coping mechanisms. Passive coping, as defined by APA Dictionary of Psychology

(2020), refers to the stress management strategy in which an individual absolves himself or

herself of responsibility for managing a stressor and instead releases control over its resolution to

Page | 49
external resources such as other people and environmental factors. This is evident from the

answers of P2: “I talk to a friend to help me relief my stress” and P23: “Talk to my dad because

he always know what to do”.

8.3 Active

The data have shown that 4% of the answers from the participants can be classified into

Active coping Mechanism in which according Shahmohammadi (2011) refers to actions that an

individual do to directly engage in solving the problem relating to stress. This can be observed

from the answer of P17: “I am thinking for my future so I wouldn’t be pressure the stress”.

In addition to all of the previous data presented, a participant specifically P27 who

answered “no” have suggested to his or her classmates who experiences stress “Don’t put too

much pressure on making your school works or homeworks and also get some rest when you

already feel tired.” “Take it easy” might be the appropriate theme for this as it suggests to not

pressure oneself on academic works. This can also be considered as an example of both Passive

and Avoidance coping strategy since the first phrase talks about lessening the pressure to deal

with the stressor while the other phrase talks about taking some rest to avoid the stress.

Page | 50
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter contains the research summary, conclusions, and recommendation

drawn from the gathered data. The summary includes the findings of the research study.

Generalizations and other inferences are included in the conclusion part as well as

recommendations of the researchers to the benefactors of this study will all be found in

this chapter. In general, the aim of this chapter is to sum – up the results and findings

gathered by the researchers.

Summary of Findings

Based from the data gathered, the age of the 40 participants range from 14 to 17 years

old. Wherein, out of the total sample of 40, 2.5% or 1 of them is fourteen years old coming from

peace, 25% or 10 of them are Fifteen years old Majority coming from rosary and angels, 67.5 %

or 27 are sixteen years old majority coming from Peace and MPH, and the remaining 5% or 2

participants are seventeen years old who came from peace and angels. The number of

participants from each section was obtained using the proportional stratified random sampling

and the individual member of the strata was obtained using simple random sampling. The

following data are the results gathered by the researchers after the survey has been conducted:

1. The result from the data gathered have shown that 97.5% or 39 of the

participants have experienced academic stress. While the 2.5% or 1 participant said that

he or she haven’t felt any academic stress.

Page | 51
2. Majority of the participants, about 74.36% or 29, have indicated that they

experienced stress on a frequency of “Sometimes”. This is followed by the frequency

“always” at 17.95%, and “Seldom” which is at 7.69%.

3. In terms of the Academic stressors experienced by the students, “Summative

exam” is enumerated as the top stressor experienced by the 80% students. Followed by

“Reports” which is at 77.5%, Deadline which is at 70%, Projects which is at 62.5%, and

Quizzes and Seatwork which is at 17.5%. Those stressors at the lowest rank were Oral

Recitation and Other Stressors, both at 12.5%.

4. Prior to the given academic stressors, data analyzed also indicated some

reasons of academic stress related factors or why academic stressor is stressing, such as

“Low self-esteem” which is at 64.10% of the participants’ answer, “Poor Time

Management” which is at 58.97%,”Pressure” which is at 43.59%, “Difficulty in

performing tasks” which is at 41.03%, “Insufficient Time Allotted” which is at 30.77%,

“, both “Heavy Academic Failure” and “Afraid of Failure” at 12.82%, “Uncreative”

which is at 10.26%, “Loss of focus” which is at 5.13% and lastly, “Difficulty in Public

Speaking” which is at 7.69%.

5. In terms of the effect of stress in terms of their outlook in life, it has been

found that 49% or 19 Participants have said that the stressors they experienced affects

them both positively and negatively. In addition, 36% or 14 students have answered that

academic stressors affected them negatively, while 15% or 6 students have said that the

academic stressors have affected them positively.

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6. To be specific in terms of the effects of the stressors to the students’ outlook in

life, the answers were grouped into two major effects, the positive and the negative

effects. Positive effects includes Confidence Booster(1), Self-Improvement(13),

Academic Time Management(5), Positive Mental Effect(2), Provides a sense of

responsibility(2), and Awareness(1). While the negative effects includes Demotivated(2),

Negative Emotional Effect(10), Decreases Self-Confidence(2), Insufficient Family

Time(2), Self-Consciousness(1), Negative Mental Effect(6), Procrastination(2), Problems

with Eating and Sleeping Pattern(1), and Difficulty in Performing Academic Task(2),

7. The answers obtained from the participants in terms of the coping mechanism

they impose were divided into three Classifications, The active, passive and Avoidance.

The answers that were classified as an Active Coping mechanisms in dealing with stress

are only 4%, while the Passive coping mechanism is only 6%. Meanwhile, those answers

that were classified as an Avoidance coping mechanism is at 90% of all the answers. This

results have shown that most of the students avoides the stressor by doing other things to

forget the presence of the stressor instead of dealing with it directly.


Since the researchers were able to identify the stressors that the selected Grade 10

participants experienced and the different coping mechanisms employed by them, the researchers

may therefore conclude that the research that has been conducted was successful.

It has been proven that most of the Grade 10 students are experiencing stress associated

with the academic related activities. In relation to that, the different academic stressors that most

of the students experienced are Summative Exams, Reports, Deadlines and Projects. Prior to the

academic stressors, it has been identified that the reason why the students are stressed is because

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the academic stressors low their self- esteem. Aside from the academic stressors or cause of

stress of the students given in the Review of Related Literature, some other academic stressors

aroused from the research conducted such as low self-esteem, Difficulty in performing task, and

insufficient time allotted. On the other hand, most grade 10 students imposed Avoidance coping

mechanisms as their way of coping with the stress they have experienced.


After analyzing the data gathered from the participants, the researchers would like

to recommend to the:


Rather than burdening themselves in stress regarding the academic works, the students

should start changing their perspectives on how stress works in their life. There are various ways

that a student may apply to reduce stress. This techniques are substantial and could be very much

helpful in managing the stress they are experiencing. Thus, the researchers are recommending

the students to familiarize themselves in the different coping strategies and stress management

techniques. This research can help students who are currently in the state of being stress to cope

with it.


Parents must know their children’s performance in school especially the state of their

emotional health. Being a parent does not limit their works at home, but also they must be aware

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on their children’s life on school. Therefore, this research can support the parents to feel relieved

when coping mechanisms are introduced to the students.


Even educators are not resistant to stress, therefore they must have the patience when

they see students that are already stressed. Learning the different approaches on how to manage

students’ stress can help the teacher in handling and dealing with this cases. Thus, this research

focuses on different techniques that can be used in stress management that could also be

applicable for the teachers in helping to resolve their students’ emotional well-being.

Future Researchers

This research briefly focuses on the different stress and coping mechanisms that leaves a

question to the future researchers about a more in depth study that is associated to this topics. We

are recommending the future researchers to conduct a research that will involve the students who

are more capable in answering the questions that they will be provided by them to collect a more

concrete data that will be used in defending their research paper.

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1. Have you experienced being stress?

No I 1
Total: 40

2.1 How often do you get stressed?

Always IIII-II 7
Seldom III 3
Never 0
Total: 39

2.2 From the given stressors below, what are the things that you find stressing?
Stressor Tally Frequency Proportion
Quizzes or Seatwork IIII-II 7 17.5%
Summative Exams IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII- 32 80%
Projects IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII 25 62.5%
Reports IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII- 31 77.5%
Deadlines IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII- 28 70%
Oral Recitation IIII 5 12.5%
Others: Lesson Planning III 3 7.5%
Others: Demo teaching II 2 5%

2.2.1 Among these stressors, what are the top 3 factors that you considered most stressing and
explain why?
1. Deadlines
-Sometimes, the time given to do the projects and other school works is not enough
or is too short. – Insufficient Time Allotted
2. Summative Exams
-Sometimes, exams are just so hard to pass and there are some lessons that are hard

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to understand. - Difficulty in performing academic task
3. Oral Recitation
-I am not confident enough to say my answers- Low Self-Esteem

1. Reports
-I have a fear when talking in front of class- Low Self-Esteem
2. Summative Exams
-I forgot what I have studied and I always think that I would not pass the exams-
Difficulty in performing academic task
3. Quizzes and Seat works
-I often don’t listen when someone is teaching because I’m copying the lectures -Loss
of focus

1. Projects
-because of the deadlines - Insufficient Time Allotted
2. Report
-because public speaking is my weakness Low Self-Esteem
3. Oral Recitation
-because public speaking is my weakness Low Self-Esteem

1. Deadline
-because I have a hectic schedule- Poor Time Management
2. Projects
-because we need only one hour to finish- Insufficient Time Allotted
3. Lesson Plan
-because it is hard to think about the lesson- Difficulty in performing academic task

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1. Summative Exams
-Because if you can’t review in the evening or extra time you have, you will be in a
hurry to review all the subjects that you will take in exam. Poor Time Management
2. Projects
-Our project is lesson plan, if you did not finish the lesson then you can’t teach in
Demo teaching- Insufficient Time Allotted
3. Deadlines
-The deadline of our lesson plan, because if it is not approve you can’t teach or report
your topic- Afraid of failures

1. Projects
-Because the deadline is so fast, I have been rushed- Insufficient Time Allotted
2. Summative Exams
-because I need to review at home, I need to answer and pass the exam- Pressure
3. Reports
-because I need to memorize the line that I’m going to report - Pressure

1. Summative Exams
-Because we take three subjects everytime and it is hard to focus on reviewing three
subjects at a time.- Poor Time Management
2. Reports
-because I need to study and memorize it and report it to class which I find hard because
I have difficulty in speaking in public. - Difficulty in Public Speaking
3. Deadlines
-Sometimes there are a lot of things that are on due and it’s hard to finish it all in a short

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amount of time Insufficient Time Allotted
1. Summative Exams
-Because my parents will expect high score in my exams- Pressure
2. Reports
-because I lack confidence when it comes to public speaking Low Self-Esteem
3. Deadlines
-I always panicked when I know that the deadlines in our projects is near and my
Project is not yet done.-Insufficient Time Allotted

1. Summative Exams
-Because there are a lot of words you need to memorize. Also we take 3 subjects or
more in a day that is why I experience stress on where to focus first. Poor Time Management
2. Reports
-Because we spend so much time in preparing the essential things needed in our
report but when we’re already reporting we forget all that we studied. Low Self-Esteem
3. Deadlines
-Because we cannot cope up with it for it is too short and we have a lot of things to do.
Insufficient Time Allotted
1. Summative Exams
-I considered the summative exams as the most stressing, because I need to review all
the lessons on every subjects Poor Time Management
2. Report
-I considered the report as the second most stressing because I hate talking in front of
everyone. – Low Self-Esteem

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3. Projects
-I considered the projects as the third most stressing because I don’t know how to
design and I always get rushed in making every projects- Poor Time Management

1. Summative Exams
-Because of many things I do at home I don’t have enough time to review the lessons, so
when the examination week is near, I cram - Poor Time Management
2. Reports
-Because standing in front of many people is my weakness -Low Self-Esteem
3. Deadlines
-Because I’m not responsible to manage my time while doing school works
- Poor Time Management

1. Reports
-Because I need to master my report on the given time. – Pressure
2. Summative Exams
-Because I need to study again the lesson that I will be answering the next day which is
three subjects- Poor Time Management
3. Projects
-Because it takes so much effort and time – Poor Time Management
1. Projects
- it is because I need to make my works presentable and I need to make my works right-
2. Reports
- if we have reporting, I need to master my lesson - Pressure

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3. Deadlines
- I always cram - Poor Time Management

1. Deadlines
- Deadline always stress me because I always cram - Poor Time Management

2. Reports
- Reports always scare me because I have social anxiety -Low Self-Esteem
3. Projects
- Projects always stress me because I am very uncreative person and I feel stressed when
my projects look ugly.- Inartistic/Uncreative []

1. Deadlines
- I always procrastinate because I need to get my task done on time Poor Time

2. Reports
- I don’t like reporting, they always think that I can construct sentences easily especially
if the reporting is on the spot - Low Self-Esteem
3. Projects
- Because I am not good in decorating projects and I’m too lazy to put content on my
projects. Inartistic/Uncreative

1. Audience
- Because I am a person that is too shy to face people -Low Self-Esteem
2. Teachers

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- Because they are the one who judge and tell painful words -Low Self-Esteem
3. Hard to pronounce words
- Because I have a twisted tongue sometimes I have problem in pronouncing some
words. Difficulty in Public Speaking

1. Summative Exams
-Exam give pressure as well as too much stressed for studying all night long, but still
low grades. Sometimes exams gives questions that we didn’t tackle during the days of
discussion. -Pressure
2. Reports
- Reports consume so much time only by studying the lessons, reports test the level of
confidence of a student and to help them cope with it, but reports makes the students gain less
confident. Low Self-Esteem
3. Projects
- Some project that we are required to do can’t even help and can’t be used for daily
living, we are making projects just for requirements and not for learning new things. – Pressure

1. Summative Exams
- I finish my notes at the same time I review for the exam- Heavy Academic Workload
2. Projects
- Because the deadline is like running after me Insufficient Time Allotted
3. Quizzes and Seatworks
- Because sometimes I didn’t understand the lessons - Difficulty in performing academic
1. Summative
- Because I need to memorize and study all the lesson in the scope - Difficulty in
performing academic task

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2. Reports
- Because I need to master and memorize the topic given to me – Pressure
3. Deadline
- Because I need to pass or finish something on time – Pressure

1. Summative Exams
- Because you have to memorized all the things in the pointers that is possible to show
in the exam - - Difficulty in performing academic task
2. Deadlines
- Because it makes me panic somehow on how to finish my projects on time without
messing with it - Difficulty in performing academic task
3. Oral Recitation
- Because I don’t have that enough confidence to speak in front of the class, I don’t even
know if I can make it any better Low Self-Esteem

1. Reporting
- Because I have low self-confidence and stage fright - Low Self-Esteem
2. Project
-I am slow in making projects – Poor Time Management
3. Oral Recitations
- Because I might answer wrong - Afraid of failures
1. Reports
- Because I’m afraid to make mistake - Afraid of failures

2. Demo teaching
- Because I hate standing in front - Low Self-Esteem

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3. Summative Exams
- Because I might fail and I’m afraid to be punished by my Mom - Afraid of failures

1. Deadlines
- Because I always cram, Time is my biggest competitor - Poor Time Management
2. Report
- Because I’m afraid to face the crowd of people, because of the things that they might
say -Low Self-Esteem
3. Summative Exams
- Because even though I prepared or did my reviews, I always have lapses - Difficulty in
performing academic task

1. Summative Exams
- I didn’t study – Difficulty in performing academic task
2. Project
- I easily get bored when doing project – Loss of Focus
3. Deadline
- Because I always pass my project not on time – Poor Time Management

1. Deadlines
- I get stressed at deadlines because I always think that I won’t finish it and I have
mañana habit - Poor Time Management

2. Reports

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- I sometimes get nervous in public speaking and I often twist my tongue- Difficulty in
3. Projects
- I’m not very creative when it comes to project - Inartistic/Uncreative

1. Dirt in the house
- Because I always clean our house alone and I don’t want it- Others
2. Office
- Because my mom used to command me about making papers in our office- Others
3. Home - Others

1. Reports
- I’m afraid of getting in front of other people, it’s been so stressful to have a lot of
deadlines of projects- Low Self-Esteem
2. Summative Exams
- Out of Notes, Running out of time because we are not able to take up notes easily –
Heavy Academic Workload
3. Deadlines
- Deadlines of every works to be passed is so stressful - Pressure

1. Summative Exams
- Because I always cram, it is very hard for me to review the past lessons -Difficulty in
performing academic task
2. Projects
- The expenses and how to be creative to achieve high grades - Pressure

3. Deadlines

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- Because it makes me pressured - Pressure

1. Summative Test
- Because I hate reviewing at night – Poor Time Management

2. Projects
- Because I don’t have any talents in artworks - Uncreative
3. Reports
-Because I can’t speak in front of many people- Low Self-Esteem

1. Summative Exams
- Because some of summative Exams have no choices, the subjects becomes harder as
times pass by - Difficulty in performing academic task
2. Reports
- Because we will stand in front of the class and we will get nervous. Sometimes
teachers add additional questions that makes me more nervous - Low Self-Esteem
3. Oral Recitation
- I’m scared that my answer is wrong and will get embarrassed in front of class
Low Self-Esteem

1. Demo Teaching
- Because there are a lot of things that we need to do such as lesson plan, visuals, and
the main demo – Heavy Academic Workload
2. Summative Exams
- Because it is hard to memorize a lot of things together - Difficulty in performing
academic task
3. Deadlines

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- Because there where time that the deadline will about to come but I’m not done yet
Insufficient Time Allotted

1. Deadlines
- For me, deadline is the most stressing because in some projects there are only short
period of time to finish Insufficient Time Allotted
2. Summative Exams
- Summative Exam is the second most stressing because there are many subjects that I
need to review - Heavy Academic Workload
3. Projects
- Projects, because there are some projects that I have no what idea on what to do-
Difficulty in performing academic task

1. Projects
- Because you were only given a short time to finish such things in instant. If you passed
a messy projects your grades will be affected Insufficient Time Allotted
2. Summative Exam
- I spend my night reviewing, memorizing this lesson that I don’t even get. I just keep
on memorizing -- Difficulty in performing academic task
3. Reports
- I am a shy person. I don’t have the confidence to face the crowd Low Self-Esteem

1. Lesson plan
- We have a specific deadline and we also need to study the given lessons and then we
need to think of motivation. We don’t get enough sleep because of this - Heavy Academic

2. Demo teaching

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- Nervousness became my number one enemy, public speaking is one of my weakness
and I also feel pressure to do always my best, because I think of the standard given to me -Low
3. Summative Exams
- I don’t sleep during exams because I don’t get satisfied with my way of reviewing. I
also need to do good on exam because I need to consistent to stay In honor
- Afraid of failures

1. Summative Exams
- Because I always get low scores even though I’m always reviewing in house
- Difficulty in performing academic task
2. Quizzes and Seatworks
- Because I always get low score - Difficulty in performing academic task
3. Reports
- Because I am always nervous Low Self-Esteem

1. Summative Exams
- Because I will review that night – Poor Time Management
2. Reports
- Because I will study my reports to pass -
3. Deadlines
- Because if deadline is already close I will hurry up my works - Poor Time

1. Deadlines
- Because everytime the deadline is near I do procrastination which will cause for me to
get tired easily and stressed out - Poor Time Management

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2. Projects
- Because I tend to have high grade and because of that I will overthink on how can I
make my project neat and presentable- Pressure
3. Summative Exams
- I stressed out whenever I am lacking of time in reviewing for exams - Poor Time

1. Summative Exams
- Because I have to review all the past lesson - Pressure
2. Reports
- Because I need to research my reports and study all of it - Pressure
3. Projects
- Because I need to think how to do it and because the projects making is made after the
exam –Poor Time Management
P40: Yes - Others
No- Others
Yes- Others

2.3 How do these stressors affect you in terms of your outlook in life?
Positively IIII-I 6
Negatively IIII-IIII-IIII 14
Total 39

2.3.1 Explain why it affects you positively/negatively/both

P1: Negatively because everytime I get stress, my will to do other stuff decreases -Demotivated
P2: Negatively because when I became stress I will have a panic attack. –Negative Emotional
P3: Negatively because of the stress, my self-confidence decreases –Decreases self-confidence
P4: Negatively because I don’t have time for my family – Insufficient Family Time

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P5: Positively because this stress that we experienced today can be used in college or to be ready
and have confidence in front of many people –Confidence Booster
P6: Both because my self-confidence decrease but also positive because I learned from my
mistakes and to challenge myself –Decrease Self-Confidence and Self Improvement
P7: Both because it helps me to manage my time about school works but it also affect me
negatively because sometimes there are too much works that are hard to finish. –Effective Time
Management and Difficulty in Performing Academic Task
P8: Negatively because even we are stress we should look presentable – Self-Consciousness
P9: It affects in both way, positive in a way it helps me manage my time in doing school works
but at the same time negative because I spend more time on it and I don’t have time to spend
other time with my family –Effective Time Management and Insufficient Time for the Family
P10: Negatively because I hate being stress –Negative Emotional Effect
P11: Positively because it might help me to improve myself –Self Improvement
P12: Positively because it helps me to do more, to work harder and strive harder –Self
P13: It affects me in both way, positively because it always give a courage to be good and
negative because it is stressful - Self Improvement and Negative Emotional Effect
P14: It affects me negatively because I feel sad –Negative Emotional Effect
P15: It affects me negatively because I always end up doing stress eating and brings me emotion
control issues –Negative emotional Effect
P16: Negatively because after that I felt so sad - Negative Emotional Effect
P17: Negatively because it brings too much stress for students that is making them to forget and
never experience the memorable life of a high school life - Negative Mental Effect
P18: Positively because it helps me to work hard –Self Improvement
P19: Both - invalid
P20: Both because you can realize a lot of things after doing it with stress, like knowing more
that you can do more than what you can–Self Improvement
P21: Both because it is a lot of stress but it also affects my mentality in how fast I do things-
Positive and Negative Mental Effect
P22: Both because it is a lot stressing but also has good effect –Positive and Negative Mental
P23: Both because when I’m stressed I am also oblige to do my things but also made me
cramming - Procrastination and Provides a sense of Responsibility

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P24: Both because, positive is when I go to school I can get my daily allowance while negative
because I don’t want to get up early - Others
P25: Both for it affects me negatively because sometimes I lack in sleep and do not eat the whole
day. It affects me positively because I see it as motivation and challenge to overcome – Problems
with sleeping and eating pattern and self- improvement.
P26: Negatively because my body becomes so down and it’s hard to think – Negative Mental
P28: It affects positively because of training- Self Improvement
P29: Both because by feeling or experiencing these stressors make me stronger - Self
P30: Negatively because it gives me hurry- Procrastination
P31: Both because it makes me stressful but I discover new things by doing this stressful things
- Self – improvement and negative emotional effect
P32: Both, It affects me positively by making me more hardworking to do more things, it can
also affect me by losing hope to do my work- Demotivated
P33: Negatively because I became sad whenever I get stressed- Negative Emotional Effect
P34: It Affects me in both way, positively because it helps me to became a responsible student
and it becomes negative when they are fully headed and I don’t know what to do, and what
particular project I would do – Provides a sense of responsibility and Difficulty in Performing
Academic Task
P35: Both, Sometimes I will finish my work even a week before deadline and I always double
check before I pass it, But negatively because I don’t think I did a great job or I will always fail –
Effective Time Management and Decreases self-confidence
P36: Both because of the time my classmates are bullying me so I was nervous - Negative
Emotional Effect
P37: Positively because they help me to pass my works in time - Effective Time Management
P38: It both affect me positively In way that I am being aware on what to change in order for me
not to stress, negatively in a way that I can’t think properly - Awareness and Negative Mental
P39: In negative, I start to overthink if I finish all of this and for positive I learned how to
manage my time – Effective time management and Negative Mental effect
P40: Negatively because when I was stress I am always not in mood- Negative Emotional Effect

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2.4 What were the things that you did to cope up with the stress that you experienced? (e.g. I
listened to music). Give atleast 3 and briefly explain each
2.4.1 listened to music. Music makes me happy and when I am listening to
music, I feel like there’s nothing to worry about. -Avoidance
2.4.2 Watch Movies. I watch movies so that I wouldn’t mind the time-
2.4.3 I sleep. To forget my problems temporarily and to have strength.-
2.4.1 I talk to a friend to help me relief my stress-Passive
2.4.2 When I got no friends to talk to, I try to eat something to lessen my stress-
2.4.3 I will lend my stress in a piece of paper, I will write as the things I’m stress
about -Passive
2.4.1 I sleep and playing online games- Avoidance
2.4.2 Playing online games- Avoidance
2.4.3 Eating - Avoidance
2.4.1 sleep and drink vitamins ,medidating, Eating chocolates- Avoidance
2.4.2 Meditating -Passive
2.4.3 Eating- Avoidance

2.4.1 I watch Korean dramas and read wattpad to less my stress in school-
2.4.2 I listened to music from radio or my Spotify to less my worries about the
deadlines and projects at the school- Avoidance
2.4.3 I do some household chores if some have time and to happy to do it-
2.4.1 Eating - Avoidance
2.4.2 Playing online games. - Avoidance
2.4.3 Sleep- Avoidance

2.4.1 I watch my favorite videos on Youtube to refresh my mind for a while. I
also listen to music especially those that helps me to focus. I also eat my favorite
snacks to regain my energy. - Avoidance

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2.4.2 I also listen to music especially the instrumental ones to help me in
focusing- Avoidance
2.4.3 I also eat my favorite snack to regain my energy from all the stress that I
experienced. - Avoidance
2.4.1 Listening to music, because when I am listening to music I’ll be calm-
2.4.2 Having fun with friends because when I am with forget my problems-
2.4.3 Always pray because I know God is always with me-Passive
2.4.1 I listened to music. One of my stress relievers is music because if I listen to
music I feel like I was not stress at all. - Avoidance
2.4.2 I watch videos on Youtube. I watch videos on youtube because everytime I
watch videos on youtube I’m enjoying it especially vlogs and mukbangs-
2.4.3 I play with my younger sister. One of my stress reliever is to play or to talk
with my younger sister. I asked her what happened about her day-
2.4.1 I listened to music- Avoidance
2.4.2 I will divert my attention to the thing that I loved doing- Avoidance
2.4.3 I will drink coffee- Avoidance

2.4.1 I listen to music to make my mind calm- Avoidance
2.4.2 I eat my favorite food to lessen my stress- Avoidance
2.4.3 I watch movies to relax myself- Avoidance
2.4.1 I eat because it helps my mind to relax. - Avoidance
2.4.2 I watch Netflix because I imagine things on the movie- Avoidance
2.4.3 I play mobile games because I enjoy doing it. - Avoidance
2.4.1 I sleep because it helps my body to be relaxed- Avoidance
2.4.2 I listen to music because it helps my mind feel calm- Avoidance
2.4.3 I eat to have a healthy body- Avoidance
2.4.1 I listen to music. Music helps me relax- Avoidance
2.4.2 I watch random videos on youtube. I find relief in this videos- Avoidance
2.4.3 I eat. Eating makes me happy- Avoidance


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2.4.1 I eat food . I listen to underrated songs- Avoidance
2.4.2 I procrastinate and sleep on it- Avoidance
2.4.3 I keep doing maniarisms. - Avoidance
2.4.1 I stroll around just to relax my mind- Avoidance
2.4.2 Play some mobile games. - Avoidance
2.4.3 Sometimes standby beside the road- Avoidance
2.4.1 I am thinking for my future so I wouldn’t be pressure the stress-Active
2.4.2 I think about may parents hardwork so I study harder and forget the
struggles. -Active
2.4.3 I am thinking about myself to have a better life in the future-Active
2.4.1 I listened to music because it helps my mind to be calm- Avoidance
2.4.2 I eat a lot of sweet foods- Avoidance
2.4.3 I watch movies- Avoidance
2.4.1 I listened to music. Because it makes me calm- Avoidance
2.4.2 I eat food because it relieve my stress- Avoidance
2.4.3 I will drink coffee- Avoidance
2.4.1 I listened to music. Because I just loved too especially listening to anime
musics- Avoidance
2.4.2 Watching anime. Because I love anime and they are very entertaining-
2.4.3 Eating, I like foods and I love eating. - Avoidance
2.4.1 Eat. It helps me relax- Avoidance
2.4.2 Listening to music. It soothes me- Avoidance
2.4.3 Watching anime. It bring back my energy- Avoidance
2.4.1 Watching anime and reading manga helps me to relax- Avoidance
2.4.2 Eating some cookies and drinking milk like cookie monster- Avoidance
2.4.3 Punching my brother and sister helps me release my stress-Passive
2.4.1 Listened to music because it makes me calm. Sleep because it gives peace-
2.4.2 Talk to my dad because he always know what to do-Passive
2.4.3 I sleep because it gives peace- Avoidance
2.4.1 I listened to music- Avoidance
2.4.2 I play basketball- Avoidance
2.4.3 I sleep- Avoidance

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2.4.1 I read novels that I like because sometimes I imagine myself in their
position- Avoidance
2.4.2 I listen to music because it helps me calm my mind- Avoidance
2.4.3 Sometimes I just sleep because all I need is some goodnight sleep-
2.4.1 Playing games, it makes me socialize and being happy at the same time I
became happy- Avoidance
2.4.2 Listening to music, It clears my mind and by listening to it I can bring back
my mind- Avoidance
2.4.3 Talking with my crush she makes me inspired- Avoidance
2.4.1 Listening to music because it makes me feel comfortable- Avoidance
2.4.2 Watching inspirational movies so I can adopt-Passive
2.4.3 Thinking for future therefore I can get motivation to go on-Active
2.4.1 I listen to music. It calms my nerves. Also it let me think peacefully-
2.4.2 I watch vlogs. The vloggers make my laugh- Avoidance
2.4.3 I sleep. By sleeping. I can rest my mind- Avoidance
2.4.1 I play bball (basketball) - Avoidance
2.4.2 I play mobile games- Avoidance
2.4.3 I play music- Avoidance
2.4.1 I use cellphone and chat my friends- Avoidance
2.4.2 I eat my comfort foods- Avoidance
2.4.3 I watch Netflix- Avoidance
2.4.1 I can cope up with the stress by eating foods because it makes me happy
that can release my stress- Avoidance
2.4.2 By listening to music, Because the music can make my mind more relaxed-
2.4.3 By going out with my friends, because it can make me happy and I will not
be able to remember the things I need to do- Avoidance
2.4.1 Play with my dogs, because they are stress relievers- Avoidance
2.4.2 I listened to music of (di ko alam ), EXO, opm songs and many more
because music makes me happy- Avoidance
2.4.3 I watch on youtube, I watch ASMR videos, vloggers, café vlog and many
more- Avoidance

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2.4.1 Listened to music. It makes me feel relaxed and relief( knowing that) it
makes symphony to my ears. - Avoidance
2.4.2 Sleep tight. If problems, stress are bothering me, I just need to relax and for
atleast an hour I can forget those problems. - Avoidance
2.4.3 Eat my comfort food such as ice cream, sweets. It make my mood happy. -
2.4.1 Play basketball because it turns away my stress- Avoidance
2.4.2 Play computer games to be happy - Avoidance
2.4.3 Social media to forgot my problem - Avoidance
2.4.1 I listened to music to avoid stress- Avoidance
2.4.2 I am pray to avoid stress-Passive
2.4.3 I am play a game in my phone to avoid stress- Avoidance
2.4.1 Play basketball because it turns away my stress- Avoidance
2.4.2 Play computer games to be happy- Avoidance
2.4.3 Social media to forgot my problem or stress- Avoidance
2.4.1 Doing my best to stay calm in order for me to function properly -Active

2.4.2 Watching television or using gadgets after a certain work, it helps me to

regain my mood- Avoidance
2.4.3 Praying. Because I believe in God will regain my mood and energy-Passive
2.4.1 Playing games, I feel relax- Avoidance
2.4.2 Listened to music, to think positive- Avoidance
2.4.3 Stress eating, to relieve the stress I feel- Avoidance
2.4.1 Listened to music because when I am listened to music I feel relax-
2.4.2 Drawing because when I was stress I give to my drawing my emotions-
2.4.3 I eat food because it feel me relaxed- Avoidance

3.1. Have you seen some classmates or friends being stressed over schoolworks

Yes I

3.2 If you are to advise others how they could overcome stress, what advice tip
would you give them?

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P27 : Don’t put too much pressure on making your schoolworks or homeworks and also get some
rest when you already feel tired.- Take it easy, rest

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