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I. VOCABULARY: v: giống từ gốc -> ko cần chép lại / x: ko có hoặc ko cần quan tâm
Brave: dũng cảm ‘bravery: sự dung cảm V ‘bravely X
‘Buddha: Bụt, Đức V Budd’histic: thuộc X X
Phật ‘Buddhism: đạo Phật về Phật
‘Buddhist: ng theo đạo Phật
‘cruel: độc ác ‘cruelty: sự độc ác V ‘cruelly X
‘cunning: xảo quyệt, ‘cunningness: sự xảo quyệt, V X X
gian xảo sự gian xảo
‘dragon: rồng V X X X
‘empire: đế chế V Im’perial: thuộc về X X
‘emperor: hoàng đế đế chế
‘evil: (sự) xấu xa về V V ‘evilly x
mặt đạo đức ‘evil-‘doer: ng làm việc xấu
‘fable: truyện ngụ V ‘fabulous: kì diệu ‘fabulously x
ngôn, điều kỳ diệu ‘fabulousness: sự kì diệu
‘fairy: (nàng) tiên V X X X
‘fairy tale: truyện thần tiên
Fierce: hung dữ, dữ ‘fierceness: sự hung dữ, sự V ‘fiercely X
tợn dữ tợn
Folk tale: truyện dân V X X X
Fox: con cáo V X X X
‘generous: hào Gene’rosity: sự hào phóng V ‘generously X
phóng, rộng rãi
‘giant: (người) V V X X
khổng lồ
Hare: con thỏ (hang V X X X
trên mặt đất) (thỏ
‘Rabbit: con thỏ
(hang dưới đất)
Knight: hiệp sĩ V X X X
‘legend: truyền V ‘legendary: thuộc về X X
thuyết truyền thuyết
‘lion: sư tử đực V X X x
‘lioness: sư tử cái
Mean: xấu tính ‘meanness: sự xấu tính V X X
‘ogre: quỷ ăn thịt V X X X
người, yêu tinh
Prince: hoàng tử V X X x
‘princess: công chúa
‘tortoise: rùa cạn V X X X
‘turtle: rùa nước
‘wicked: xấu xa, độc ‘wickedness: sự xấu xa, sự V ‘wickedly X
ác độc ác
Wolf: chó sói V X X X
‘werewolf: người sói
Wood: gỗ, rừng V X X X
(thưa) ‘Woodcutter: tiều phu
‘ancestor: tổ tiên V ‘ancestral: thuộc về X X
‘ancestry: dòng dõi tổ tiên
‘ancient: lâu đời, cổ
I’magine: tưởng Imagi’nation: sự tưởng I’maginable: có thể X V
tượng tượng tưởng tượng
I’maginary: chỉ có
trong tưởng tượng
I’maginative: giàu trí
tưởng tượng
‘moral: (thuộc về) V V ‘morally X
đạo đức
‘magic: ma thuật V ‘magical: mang tính ‘magically x
Ma’gician: nhà ảo thuật ma thuật
Greed: sự tham lam V ‘greedy: tham lam ‘greedily x
Cheer: cổ vũ V ‘Cheerful: vui vẻ ‘cheerfully V
Kind: tử tế ‘kindness: sự tử tế V ‘kindly X
‘coward: hèn nhát ‘cowardice: sự hèn nhát V ‘cowardly x
1. Past simple vs past continuous (V-ed vs was/were V-ing)
- Past simple: quá khứ đơn: hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ (e.g: I watched the first two matches of
the 3rd qualifier in September)
- Past cont: quá khứ tiếp diễn: hành động xảy ra ở 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ
e.g: At 8 p.m on Sep 7 th 2021, I was watching the match between Vietnam vs Australia.
* Sự phối hợp thì dùng “When/While”:
- When S + V-ed + (O), S + V-ed + (O): chỉ những hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau, hành động 1 xong rồi đến hành
động 2
e.g: When I finished watching the match between Saudi Arabia vs Vietnam, I went to sleep.
- When/ While S + was/were V-ing + (O), S + V-ed + (O): hành động đang xảy ra (dài hơn) thì hành động khác
chen vào (ngắn hơn)
e.g: When I was watching the football match last month, my daughter asked me to tell her bedtime stories.
- When/ While S + was/ were V-ing + (O), S + was/were V-ing + (O): 2 hành động xảy ra song song, ko rõ đâu là
hành động xảy ra trước
e.g: When I was watching the football match, everyone was sleeping.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
1. A. folk B. plot C. ogre D. golden
2. A. brave B. fable: truyện ngụ ngôn C. castle D. tale
3. A. suggest B. cunning C. luxury D. ugly
4. A. heaven: thiên đường B. mistreat: đối xử tệ C. ahead D. jealous: sự ganh tị
5. A. shout B. found C. announce: công bố D. couple
6. A. look B. bamboo C. food D. school
7. A. royal B. god C. blossom D. technology
8. A. lantern B. grand: kỳ vĩ, hoành tráng C. anniversary D. pray
9. A. ritual B. ancestor C. saint: thánh D. fast
10. A. forest B. worship C. north D. sort: kiểu, phân loại
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others
1. A. Re’pay B. ‘servant: người hầu C. ‘tortoise D. ‘rescue: giải cứu
B. ‘spindle: con suốt
2. A. ‘fable B. ‘stepmother mẹ kế C. ‘legend D. re’flect
3. A. ‘origin B. com’mand: (sự) ra C. con’tinue D. ‘ancestor
4. A. ‘granny: ông bà lệnh C. ‘swallow: nuốt D. ‘capture: tóm được, chụp dc
B. an’nouncement: sự
5. A. ‘woodcutter công bố C. ‘suddenly D. ‘emperor
B. ‘elephant
6. A. ‘festival B. ‘carnival C. ‘fighting D. con’trol
7. A. Con’fusion B. ‘memorable C. ‘decorate D. ‘offering
8. A. ‘childhood B. ex’perience C. commemo’ration D. ‘culture
9. A. ‘public B. per’formance C. ‘incense D. ‘history
10. A. pa’goda C. ‘emperor D. ad’dition


I. Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences
1. A creature is half of human and half of fish. That creature is a ___________
A. mermaid B. fish fairy C. ogre D. merlion: biểu tượng của Sing
2. What a ___________king he is! He killed all prisoners.
A. brave B. cruel C. generous D. mean
3. A ___________appears to help the woodcutter find his axe.
A. fable B. princess C. fairy D. witch
4. The witch gave Snow White a ___________apple.
A. delicious B. poisonous C. poison D. ripped
5. Many people believe in ___________.
A. Buddha B. Church C. King D. Queen
6. The tortoise ___________ahead of the hare at 3:30 yesterday afternoon.
A. ran B. was running C. running D. is running
7. At this time last year, Anna ___________a party at Royal Palace.
A. was attending B. were attending C. attend D. am attending
8. The Buddhist Festival is held annually. The word "annually" has the same meaning with ___________.
A. every year B. twice a year C. two year once D. usually
9. The Starfruit Tree is a ___________.
A. legend B. fairy tale C. fable D. folk tale
10. When the prince___________ Cindrella at the party, she___________ a beautiful gown.
A. saw/ wearing B. seen/ was wearing C. sees/ wear D. saw/was wearing
11. What a ___________ fairy!
A. considerate (biết điều) B. consideration C. considerately D. Considerable: đáng kể (nhiều)
12. The title is ___________
A. the type of the story B. the name of the story
C. the people who the story is about D. the content of the story
13. He ___________ as fast as possible in the contest, so he got the first prize.
A. was running B. is running C. were running D. ran
14. The workers ___________ the windows for several hours.
A. has clean B. have cleaned C. cleaned D. bored
15. The knight ___________ a horse to the castle.
A. were riding B. riding C. was riding D. ridden
16. A little princess ___________ a ball and __________ me accidentally.
A. throw/hit B. threw/ hit C. throws/ hit D. threw/ hitting
17. Alice ___________ down the street when it begins to rain
A. is going B. are going C. was going D. went
18. He___________ as fast as possible in the contest, so he got the first prize.
A. was running B. is running C. were running D. ran
19. Neil Armstrong ___________ the first person to walk on the Moon.
A. Was B. is C. be D. have been
20. The atmosphere is___________ in the festival.
A. hot B. cold C. noisy D. quiet
HW: Làm hết phiếu Unit 6 practice 1 + học thuộc vocab buổi sau ktra gg forms + nghe xong link trước 23.59 T6 8.10
& nghe lại link trợ giảng up sau để nhắc lại từng câu
21. People often ___________ many useful and interesting activities in a festival.
A. act B. play C. take part in D. perform
22. _________ is a traditional story written for children that usually involves imaginary creatures and magic.
A. Fairy tale B. Fable C. Legend D. Folk tale
23. ___________ is a story that parents have passed on to their children through speech over many years.
A. Fairy tale B. Fable C. Legend D. Folk tale
24. A/ an ___________ always appears whenever the main character gets into trouble in fairy tales.
A. ogre B. fairy C. witch D. monster
25. It is commonly believed that a___________ of matches is the symbol of luck in the New Year.
A. bar B. can C. box D. bottle
26. In Vietnam, children have to___________ their head when greeting old people.
A. shake B. nod C. bow D. pat
27. ___________ Banh chung on Tet holiday is originated from the story of Lang Lieu prince.
A. Do B. Doing C. Make D. Making
28. In my hometown, the wrestling festival often___________ at the beginning of February.
A. does B. gives C. starts D. finish
29. A ___________ can be an ancient story about brave people or magical events that are probably not true.
A. fable B. fairytale C. folktale D. Legend
30. The main___________ of the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" are a tortoise and a hare.
A. characters B. personalities C. plots D. titles
31. A/ An___________ is a human-like creature, but it is extremely tall, strong and often bad and cruel.
A. mermaid B. giant C. ogre D. elf
32. The fox used his tricks to get food from the crow. What a ___________ fox!
A. mean B. stupid C. cunning D. fierce
33. The Snow White's stepmother is___________. She has tried to kill her several times.
A. ugly B. kind C. clever D. evil
34. A good ___________ quickly chanted a magic spell to change the curse.
A. emperor B. fairy C. knight D. dwarf
35. In folk tales like Little Red Riding Hood, the ___________ is always bad.
A. lion B. horse C. wolf D. hare
36. One day, Mai An Tiem___________ a bird eating a red fruit.
A. see B. saw C. is seeing D. was seeing
37. ___________ to the princess at midnight last night?
A. Was a fairy talking B. Did a fairy talk C. Has a fairy talked D. Does a fairy talk
38. When Tam___________ her hair, Cam___________ all fish from Tam's basket into hers.
A. washed - poured B. was washing - was pouring
C. was washing - poured D. was washing - was pouring
39. Thach Sanh was very___________ when he let Ly Thong and his mother go back to their hometown.
A. selfish B. mean C. generous D. brave
40. The ogre was so ___________ and was about to catch Thach Sanh with its sharp claws.
A. fierce B. mean C. clever D. ugly
41. Thach Sanh was so___________ that he could push back the troops with his magical guitar and
A. kind B.clever C. hard-working D. fast
42. An Tiem was very___________ to move to a deserted island.
A. brave B. honest C. kind. D. generous
43. Khoai was very___________, but his landowner was___________.
A. lazy - cunning B. clever — brave C. honest - wise D. honest - cunning
44. Tam was a very ___________ girl who had to work all day.
A. mean B. generous C. hard-working D. lazy
45. Cam was very__ when she killed the nightingale, cooked it and threw the feathers in the Imperial Garden.
A. wicked B. ugly C. honest D. mean
46. Luu Binh was very___________ to invite Duong Le to come and live with him.
A. selfish B. kind C. mean D. brave
47. The toad was very___________ because he tried to find way to the heaven to sue God.
A. brave B. kind C. generous D. mean
48. The King was very____ to allow his daughter, Tien Dung, to travel to the wonderful places of the kingdom.
A. wise B. mean C. kind D. wicked
49. The Peacock was well known to be a/an ___ animal, so he just applied black colour to the Crow’s feathers.
A. hard-working B. lazy C. ugly D. clever
50. The wife of the fisherman was very___________ when she demanded for bigger and bigger things.
A. kind B. generous C. greedy D. fierce
II. Use the correct form of the given word to complete each of the following sentences
1. The Queen gave (birthday) ___________ to a lovely baby girl.
2. The King and the Queen held a big (celebrate) ___________ for the new-born princess.
3. Her mother was always (care) ___________ to keep her away from spindles.
4. Their (communicate) ___________ is always good.
5. He used all his (strong) ___________ to force the door open.
6. A fairy store is an (imagine) ___________ story typically involving magic or fairies.
7. She was cleaning the kitchen when someone ___________ the event. (announcement)
8. An old woman___________ appeared and gave Snow White an apple. (sudden)
9. I’m afraid my book is an ___________ one because it looks quite new. (origin)
10. The King announced to reward the___________ of his daughter. (rescue)
11. The Queen was beautiful; however, her___________ would kill her. (cruel)
III. Use the correct form and tense of the verb in brackets
1. I (see) ___________ the accident when I (wait) ___________ for the taxi.
2. What you (do) ___________ when I (phone) ___________?
3. They (not visit) ___________ their friends last summer holiday.
4. It (rain) ___________ heavily last July.
5. While people (talk) ___________ to each other, he (read) ___________ his book.
6. Chris (eat) ___________ pizza every weekend last month.
7. While we (run) ___________ in the park, Mary (fall) ___________ over.
8. you (find) ___________ your keys yesterday?
9. Who she (dance) ___________ with at the party last night?
10. The woodcutter (work) ________ in the woods. He (hear) _______ a loud scream from a small cottage.
11. Hans Christian Andersen (grow up) _____ in a Danish village and (move) _____ to the big city in 1900s.
12. Cinderella (have to) ___________ work hard all day since her father died.
13. Cinderella (dress) ___________ in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders while her stepsisters always (dress)
___________ splendid and elegant clothes.
14. I (see) ___________ the accident when I (wait) ___________ for the taxi.
15. While people (talk) ___________ to each other, he (read) ___________ his book.
16. Who she (dance) ___________ with at the party last night?
17. While we (play) ___________ basketball in the park, Mary (fall) ___________ over.
18. When Cinderella (run) ___________ , she (loose) ___________ one of her slippers.
19. Someone (knock) ___________ the door at midnight yesterday.
20. When the villagers (have) _______ a party, a dragon suddenly (appear) ______ and took a fiery breath.
21. "We (not ride) ___________ horses to the beach at this time last week", said the knights.
22. Sinbad and his men (leave) ___________ the cave while the giant (sleep) ___________ in his lair
23. When their parents (die) ___________ the older brother (take) ___________ almost everything, and only (give)
___________ the younger brother a cottage and a star fruit tree.
24. While Cinderella (do) ___________ the housework, her stepsisters (travel) ___________ to the ball.
25. Jenny (wait) ___________ for me when I ___________ (arrive).
26. “What (you/do) ___________ at this time yesterday?” I was being asleep.
27. “___________ (you/go) our last night?” “No, I was too tired”.
28. How fast___________ (you/drive) when the accident ___________ (happen)'?
29. Sam___________ (take) a photograph of me while I___________ (not/look).
30. We were in a very difficult position. We (not/know) ___________ what to do.
31. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last (see) ___________ him, he (try) ___________ to find a job.
32. I (walk) ___________ along the street when suddenly I (hear) ___________ footsteps behind me. Somebody (follow)
___________ me. I was scared and I (start) ___________ to run.
33. When I was young, I___________ (want) to be a pilot.
34. Last night I (drop) a plate when I_______ (do) the washing up. Fortunately it__________ (not/break).
35. Thu (talk) ___________ to her friend, Hoa, on the phone at 8 o’clock last night.
36. Lan (practise) __________ the piano while her sister (read) _________ comics at 7 o’clock last nigh
37. The monkeys (climb) _________ up the trees when we (visit) _________ the zoo yesterday morning.
38. Ba (talk) ___________ with his classmate when the principal (enter) ___________ their classroom.
39. Last night I (make) ___________ a cake when the lights (go) ___________ out.
40. While I (cross) __________ the street, I (step) _________ on a banana skin and (fall) ___________
41. It (begin) ___________ to rain when I (plant) ___________ some flowers in the garden.
42. When I (arrive) ___________, the teacher (write) ___________ on the blackboard.
43. When they (walk) ___________ down the stairs, they (hear) ___________ a strange noise.
44. When my uncle (come) ________, we (water) ________ the plants and flowers in the garden.
B. In my last holiday, I went to Hawaii. When I (1. go) ___________ to the beach for the first time, something wonderful
happened. I (2. swim) ___________ in the sea while my mother was sleeping in the sun. My brother was building a castle and
my father (3. drink) some water. Suddenly I (4. see) ___________ a boy on the beach. His eyes were blue like the
water in the sea and his hair (5. be) ___________ beautiful black. He was very tall and thin and his face was brown. My heart
(6. beat) ___________ fast. I (7. ask) ___________ him for his name with a shy voice. He (8. tell) ___________ me that his
name was John. He (9. stay) ___________ with me the whole afternoon. In the evening, we met again. We ate pizza in a
restaurant. The following days we (10. have) ___________ a lot of fun together. At the end of my holidays when I left
Hawaii I said goodbye to John. We had tears in our eyes. He wrote to me a letter very soon and I answered him.
IV. Complete these sentences with appropriate prepositions.
1. The Lim Festival is always crowded___________ foreign visitors.
2. _______addition ________ , Chung cake, boiled chicken and sticky rice are also traditional dishes.
3. I enjoy watching fire display ___________ New Year's Eve.
4. She and her friends went to Hue___________ car.
5. Saint Giong is regarded___________ our traditional hero.
V. Underline word or phrase that needs correcting and provide correction
1. One of my friends called me very late last night is calling again.
2. Yesterday is a bad day for me.
3. The Wilson built a new house in Washington DC this year.
4. I am listening to music when Jack came last night.
5. The princess had no choice and let the frog staying in her bed.
6. When a dragon was fly over the tower, he heard the princess crying for help.
7. What a beautiful princesses she is!
8. I phoned you around 9 a.m last night, but no reply.
9. Peter gets used to do his homeworks in the evening.
10. They aren't go to bed at 9 o'clock.
I. Read the passage below and decide which option best fits each space
PASSAGE A. Many, many years ago, in a kingdom far, far away there (1) ___________ a beautiful princess. She (2)
___________ long red hair and (3) ___________ roses so much that everyone (4) __________her Princes Rose. Every
evening after dusk, Princes Rose (5) ___________ on the balcony and (6) ___________ her hands. A golden bird came flying
out of nowhere and (7) ___________ on her shoulder. Instantly, the princess's hair (8) ___________ to shine, ablaze with
brilliant red light. When the bird started to warble an (9) ___________ tune, Princess Rose joined it in a song, and everyone
in the kingdom (10) ___________ and had sweet dreams till the break of dawn.
1. A. lived B. lives C. living D. life
2. A. has B. is C. had D. was
3. A. loves B. loved C. loving D. to love
4. A. calls B. call C. called D. calling
5. A. went up B. went C. went in D. went out
6. A. clapped B. was clapping C. claps D. were clapped
7. A. alighted B. put C. land off D. stood
8. A. begin B d.began C. starts D. starting
9. A. enchant B. enchantment C. enchanted D. enchanting10.
10.A. fall asleep B. sleeps C. fell asleep D. sleepy
PASSAGE B. A farmer was ploughing his field. Sometimes, he shouted at and beat the buffalo that was (1) ________ the
plough. A tiger happened to stroll along the edge of the field. “Buffalo, you are so big. (2) ________ do you let this weak
man beat you?’, he asked. The buffalo answered, “The man is small (3) ________ his wisdom is big.” The tiger did not
understand what wisdom was (4) _________ he shouted at the man. “Hey you, man, what is wisdom? Let me see it.”
“Wisdom? Oh, my wisdom (5) _________ at home,” replied the man, looking at the tiger’s teeth and claws. “Go home (6)
_________ get it. Bring it here so that I can see it,” the tiger ordered. “Oh, no! I am afraid that you will eat my buffalo (7)
_________ I am gone. (8) ______ you agree to be tied with rope, I will run home and fetch the wisdom.” The tiger agreed.
(9) ______ fastening the tiger, the farmed beat its back. “(10)______ is my wisdom. This is my wisdom”, he explained.
1. A. pull B. pulling C. pulled D. to pull
2. A. What B. How C. When D. Why
3. A. and B. but C. so D. or
4. A. and B. but C. although D. so
5. A. is B. are C. was D. were
6. A. but B. and C. so D. yet
7. A. why B. while C. although D. if
8. A. While B. Because C. Although D. If
9. A. Before B. After C. Because D. But
10. A. Here B. There C. She D. That
II. Fill in each blank with ONE word that has an opposite meaning to complete the following passage. There are more
words that what you need to complete each blank.
brave - dishonest – fast – generous – handsome – happy – lazy – polite - stupid - wicked
1. Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a king who was very___________. (mean)
2. The farmer had three sons. All of them were___________. (coward)
3. One day, a___________ prince came galloping up to the castle, (ugly)
4. The___________ witch turned the prince into a frog, (kind)
5. The___________ ogre believed what he said and released him. (clever)
6. The tortoise knows that it cannot run as___________ as the hare, (slow)
7. It was a ___________ knight. Everyone in the village liked him. (rude)
8. Cinderella's stepsisters were ugly, ___________, and selfish, (hard-working)
I. Write full sentences using the words given
1. Little Red Riding hood/ lived/ a wood/ her mother.
2. When/ she/ pick up/ some flowers/ the path/ she/ meet/ wicked/ wolf.
3. The wolf/ run/ Granny's house/ and/ swallow/ Granny.
4. What/ the eagle/ promise/ the younger brother?
5. Giong saint/ live/ a village/ Phu Dong.
6. Emperor/ Hung Vuong/ announce/ prince/ make/ the most/ delicious/ food/ would/ become/ new emperor.
7. Hue Festival/ big/ cultural/ event/ of/ Hue City.
8. Visitors/ can/ enjoy/ colorful/ grand/ opening/ ceremony/ unique/ performances.
9. Lan/ Festival/ Buddhist/ festival/ that/ emerged/ long/ ago/ Vietnam.
10. Hoi An/ famous/ its/ ancient /buildings/, /shops/ pagodas.
11. Cultural/ festivals/ occur/ every/ country/ world.
12. When / ogre / roar / anger / prince / hit / eye / sword /.
13. While / Tam / sort / rice / flock / sparrow / come / help /.
14. Frog / turn / handsome / prince / and / marry / princess /.
15. One day / knights / patrol / around / castle / when / hear / someone / cry / help /.
16. Yesterday/ when/ he/ carry/ a suitcase/ he/ drop/ it/ on his foot.
17. He/ break/ his leg/ when/ he/ ski/ last month.
18. He/ sit down/ on/ chair/ when/it/ paint/.
19. Lan/ sit/ in the garden/ when/ a wasp/ sting/ her/ on the nose.
20. As/ we/ drive / down the hill, a strange object/ appear/ in the sky.

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