Ingersoll Case Studies Aman Raja DCM-GR2 - Pgsf2005

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Ingersoll Case Studies

1.How should IR distribute Centac-200? Why? How should distributors benefit from Centac-200?
How about the Sales Force?

Ans- a) The company has taken responsibility for providing its distributors with a product line that
will yield a good ROI penetration in the market can be better done by distributors and air centres, as
ATLAS has already captured 30% of the oil free machine market, and the distribution would be
consistent with the hp assignment. This would also strengthen the company's long-term relationship
with distributors. They opt direct sales strategy because of which their sales cost was less and they
also established a well service and because of good planning and strategy they do not required
training. And because of independent distributors there was a well-established network and because
of well established network

there was a better and quick services in a work and because of which customers can easily get

b) The Centac-200 was a centrifugal machine with a power output of 200 horsepower. It belongs to
the 25 hp to 300 hp power range. The distributors benefited from Ingersoll Rand's well-established
network. Ingersoll Rand lines provided 50% of sales and profit to independent distributors. In order
to match the competitive prices, the distributor was charged 20% of the list price plus a 5% discount
on special situations. They fixed their own resale price and earned a gross margin of 10-15% on
spare parts and services and 30-35% on spare parts and services. Large customers with relatively
sophisticated buying behaviour were sold compressors at the higher end of the distributor class
product range.

To serve these consumers, Ingersoll Rand chose to work through distributors. On an annual basis,
spare components should cost no more than 2% of the initial cost. As a result, distributors would
find it unappealing because they thrived on it. The presence of inter channel competition made it
too tough for distributors, but after the Full Partner Program, distributors could receive commission
for forwarding inquiries to direct sales, as well as a 2% commission on a lead and a 5% commission if
they were actively involved in sales.

C) From a high of 100 in 1980 to a low of 75 now, the direct sales force sales index has been
declining (1985) As a result, the direct sales team isn't performing up to par. Exhibit 4 clearly shows
that the problem with underperformance is not limited to any particular product type, since sales
through this channel are declining across the board. In these conditions, a new product like centac-
200, which has a high entrance barrier but minimal competition, might drastically alter the
salesforce equation.

Benefits from Centac-200:-

 Table C shows that only sales force previously had experience selling centrifugal air
compressors, and that the Centac-200, which falls into the same category, can be best
handled by direct sales force.
 Because of the aspects that go into the performance of the Centac-200, such as working at
fast speeds, technical support is a necessary (50000 r.p.m.). As a result, the individual in
charge of sales must have a high level of technical expertise in order to deliver superior
customer care. Direct sales reps have previously received technical training. When
compared to training the distributors, this will save time, money, and give faster results.
 Because the Centac-200 will be Ingersoll-first Rand's oil-free machine, it makes more sense
to use the sales force channel to better serve this new segment, as it is favoured by
industries such as food processing, electronic assembly, and pharmaceuticals where other
channels will be ineffective.

Q 2)- How do you explain the basic logic of IRs channel tasks and the way in which it has delineated
the respective selling domains of the IR direct sales force, Air Centers, Independent Distributors and
MRs? Is this a good allocation given the nature of the product, buyer behaviour and competition?

Ans- IR is adjusted to its channel as indicated by item classifications which will keep away from the
contention by differentiating a separate area and each channel can work freely. And furthermore,
they utilize diverse motivation structure for various channels which required every item unique
degree of specialized administrations and selling mastery. The item is delegated modern and the
pluralistic multichannel framework was viable as various sections were served by various channels
and clashes were limited. In view of the purchasing conduct the pluralistic framework fills as channel
are planned dependent on specialized ability required accessibility and capacity this does anyway
decrease the adaptability for serving similar client with various necessities in various occasions. Since
the opposition has had the option to accomplish high piece of the pie by utilizing merchant in
innovative items his made a confuse in the company’s conviction that those items needs particular
direct power.

Q 3)- Will Web change the multiple channel system?

The internet-based inventory could be accessible on the site with itemized instructional exercises
about the item. This would permit complex items to be sold straightforwardly to the client without
specialized expertise. The merchants would have the option to now stock complex items and the
business power could be robotized for the business work force to team up with wholesalers and get

With the approach of innovation everything has changed, Multiple channel dissemination includes a
business utilizing more than one sort of dispersion channel. MultiChannel appropriation is
progressively normal. For instance, a high stret retailer may now additionally convey
straightforwardly to customer utilizing online business and maybe likewise utilizing inventories sent
through regular postal mail. Furthermore, consequently in the coming occasions, web will change
different channel frameworks.
3-3- Will Web change the multiple channel system?

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