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Amplified Tachyon Mirror

Body Deflector

Any sincere seeker may receive the Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body attunement
irregardless of previous energy system training. It will do something beneficial
for everyone who wants assistance.

You are worth protecting.

Now there is an easy way.
Enjoy your spiritual safety.

Channeled By: Mariah Windsong Napieralski

Any thoughts or intentions from people or wants to control you shall be deflected
and either transmuted in the Violet Light of Transmutation or amplified upon
their return from whence they came.

Any healing intentions from others that simply are not in your highest joyful good
shall be deflected and transmuted for Earth. For example a frequency you are not
ready for or energies that although well-intended, might cause unbalance within
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector works everywhere and every-when.

Any part, aspect, speck, imprint, memory, thought, consciousness, footprint or

projection of you that is or shall be.

When you receive your attunement, let the energies build and move out from
here to all that you are.

Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector responds to the authority of your

Higher Self, Soul and Eternal Sacred Source.

This means that if your Higher Self, Soul or Eternal Sacred Source deems that
there is a lesson that needs to be learned; certain energies may be allowed
through, even if you disagree. Energies of Eternal Sacred Source and ones who
resonate entirely of that frequency will always be able to flow through easily.
There are many ways that those who are upset at us, want to control us or do us
real harm can get in or set up programs for us to bump into. Amplified Tachyon
Mirror Body Deflector is designed to minimize such occurrences and increase our
right to interact only with energies and being who we agree to interact with.

Disclaimer: Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector and manual is for

entertainment and self edification purposes only and does not diagnose nor treat
nor protect from any disease or illness.
If you are not well, please seek the care of a licensed professional immediately.

You may pass this attunement on to other people if you are a Reiki or Seichim
Master Teacher and accustomed to passing attunements. Send in the most sacred
attunement manner you choose. Simply tell your student how to access the
attunement and send this manual along fully intact with no changes.

You may charge your regular fee for your time in preparation and sending of
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector.

Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski, DD, RGMT

April 27thth, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved
Photos from Google images

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