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Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in

Relationship to Customers Satisfaction: Basis for

Development Training and Seminar Program


A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High

Sta. Lucia High School

Pasig City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion



Raye Albert Balane

Abegail Beberino

Nel Jame Naiga

Criszel Joyce Pabay

Hendrix Pallingayan

Jen Rona Lai Ygusguiza

March 2018

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Zark’s

Burgers’ Food Presentation in relationship to customers’

satisfaction of Grade 11 TVL students at Sta. Lucia High School,

Pasig City during the school year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of Zark’s Burgers’

Food Presentation as perceived by the customer with respect

the following?

a. the focal point

b. colors

c. garnish

2. Is there significant relationship to Zark’s Burger’s

Food Presentation and customers satisfaction of food?

The study used the descriptive method of research and the

questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The respondents of

the study were the 60 or 89 percent of Grade 11 TVL students. The

statistical tools used to treat the data were the mean and Likert


The salient findings of the study are the following:

1. On the effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation

in relationship to customers satisfaction is rated

2. There is

The researchers wants to thank to those people who helped us

to finish our research. We want to thank the following:

Ourselves, for always attending our meetings regarding our

research and also for doing our responsibilities as a member.

Our Parents, for providing us financial support.

Beberinos Residences, for allowing us to stay in their house

and for giving us food for us to be focus.

Teachers, for supporting and always cheering for us.

Respondents, for answering our questionnaires honestly.

God, for giving us strength and patience.

To God Be The Glory!






















This chapter presents the background of the study,

the statement of the problem, the significance of the

study, and its scopes and delimitation.

Background of the Study:

The way the food looks on the plate is what tempts

our eyes and makes you want to taste it. It is just as

true with food presentation and how the elements are

arranged on the plate. According to Chef Sean Bone of

Sean Bone Private Chef Services (2016), Food Presentation

is just as essential to the success of dish as its taste

and flavour.

Sensory-specific satiety may have an important influence

on the amount of food eaten. Studies have shown that

increasing the food variety can increase food and energy

intake and in the short to medium term after energy

balance. So Yes, Food Presentation is important. It can

make or break a restaurant and it can turn a dinner

party into a great success if done right. It is stated

that “Food Presentation is all about timing. There is no

point in offering your guests a fancy dish if it is

served cold, when it was supposed to be hot. So spend

just enough time plating your dish.” From the site,

Several studies have investigated which sensory

properties of food are involved in sensory-specific satiety

taste, smell, texture, and appearance-specfic satieties have

been identified, whereas studies on the role of

macronutrients and the energy content of the food in

sensory-specific satiety have given equivocal results.

According to Republic Act No. 10611 (2013), Food

Presentation is important in food safety because, it works

in the principle of achieving food safety to protect human

life and health in the production and consumption of food

and protect consumer interests through fair practices in

the food trade. The protection of consumer interests shall

be geared toward the prevention of adulteration, misbranding,

fraudulent practices and other practices which mislead the

consumer, and the prevention of misrepresentation in the

labelling and false advertising in the presentation of

food. In order to support this food legislation, standards

for food safety measures shall be developed.

Statement of the Problem:

This study attempted to determine the level of Zark’s

Burgers’Food Presentation and its relationship to customers

food choice and food satisfaction.

More specifically, it answers to the question below:

1. What is the level of acceptability of Zark’s Burgers’

Food Presentation as perceived by the customer with respect

to the following?

a. the focal point

b. colors

c. garnish

2. Is there significant relationship to Zark’s Burger’s

Food Presentation and customers satisfaction of food?


 Respondents  Development and

Effectiveness of
Validation of
-grade 11 Zark’s Burgers’
students Food
Presentation in
Relationship to
 Statistical
 Pictures of Customers
treatment of Satisfaction
food from
Zark’s Burgers

 Analysis and
 Questionnaire interpretation
of data

Figure 1: Conceptual Model of the Study

Conceptual Model of the Study

The conceptual model which guided the researcher in conducting

this study is shown figure 2.

The input consist of Grade 11 students of Sta. Lucia High

School who will be the respondents and the Questionnaire as the

data gathering instrument.

The process contains the Development and Validation of

Questionnaire, the statistical treatment of data and the analysis

and interpretation of data.

The output consist of Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food

Presentation in relationship to customers satisfaction.

Significance of the Study:

This study is considered significant because of its benefits

that could offer to the following sectors:

To the customers, the result of this study would enable them

to gain ideas on what is the basis of choices in consuming food;

To the students, they will know the factors that affects

customers food choice, it will give them more knowledge when it

comes to food choice, and they will be more informed about food


To the future researchers, they can use the result of this

study as basis for topics for further research.

Scopes and Delimitations of the Study:

This study aimed to determine only the Food Presentation of

Zark’s Burgers and their relationship to customers food choice and


The respondents were the Grade 11 Senior High Students of

Sta. Lucia High School. The questionnaire-survey and documents

analysis were main instruments of gathering the data.


This chapter presents the review of related literature and

studies, the theoretical framework, the conceptual model of the

study, the research hypothesis, and the definition of terms used

in the study.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

A number of books, articles and unpublished studies

were used as references that would help the researchers

conceptualize this study. These are presented in the

succeeding pages.

Related Literature. Food presentation is the art of

modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to

enhance its aesthetic appeal. The visual presentation of

foods is often considered by chefs at many different stages

of food preparation, from the manner of tying or sewing

meats,to the type of cut used in chopping and slicing meats

or vegetables,to the style of mold used in a poured dish.

The food itself may be decorated as in elaborately iced

cakes, topped with ornamental sometimes sculptural

consumables, drizzled with sauces, sprinkled with seeds,

powders, or other toppings, or it may be accompanied by

edible or inedible garnishes. (Queen:2017)

Also, she defined the food presentation as an important

part in the overall success of restaurant. Another important

rule of food presentation is balancing variety and contrast.

It is good to have a variety of textures on the plate, but

how these textures are combined is also important. Putting

the same idea and the same components of a dish in different

parts of the plate triggers customers’ appetite further.

It was emphasized by Queen (2017) that if presentation

of the plating makes an impression, even a promise,

with the viewer. If the foodie is intrigued by the food,

the artistic plating has done its job. If it looks good,

you’re gonna wanna have it.

The importance of food presentation can be summarize

as follows: a) the focal point, b) colors, and c) garnish.

A focal point serves an important function on a platter

It introduces a large shape into a field of smaller

shapes. It adds height. It can make the arrangement logical

and sensible to the guest; one common focal point is a grosse

pièce (literally “big piece”). The guest can instantly identify

the food on the platter. Sometimes, in place of a grosse

pièce, there may be one or more significant garnish elements.

Strong, clean lines arrange the food neatly and logically

Lines can be straight, curved, or angled. When two lines

meet, they create a shape. When you repeat a line, you create
a pattern. The more evenly spaced the lines, the more obvious

the pattern. The wider the spaces, the more obvious they are as

discrete lines. In order to have a line, you need a starting and

ending point; the focal point in an arrangement is that reference

point. Lines can move from or toward this point and thereby

introduce a sense of flow or motion into the arrangement. The

platter’s layout can be symmetrical or asymmetrical The position

of the focal point on a platter or plate determines how the food

is arranged. A focal point positioned off-center means that one

side of the arrangement appears to have more weight than the

other. The lines extending away from the focal point are of

different lengths. When the focal point is positioned in the

center, it gives the impression that both sides of the arrangement

are in equilibrium. The lines radiating from the focal point

are the same length. Asymmetrical arrangements tend to look

natural while symmetrical arrangements look formal.

Also, it was stated by Brady et al., 2001; Gilbert et al.,

2004; Lee and Ulgado, 1997; Bougoure and Neu, 2010 on the

“Customer satisfaction with the Restaurant Services and Food

Presentation”. These studies show that service quality is a

key determinant of customer satisfaction. In addition, there

are also studies which have demonstrated that food

presentation is one of the key factors in the formation

of customer satisfaction in FFRs. Today, restaurant business,

specifically the business dealing with fast food, is

characterised as a highly competitive market. Food is a

core product and it plays a crucial role in the restaurant

business (Liu and Jang, 2009). Several researchers have provided

strong support that food quality is one of the key factors

for success (Du and San, 2005; Lawless, 1995).

Empirical evidences reveal that food quality has a

significant impact on a firm’s long term financial

performance due to its ability to create a favourable

preference for the firm’s products when consumers can

differentiate its product quality from others in a meaningful

way (Du and San, 1995). Hence, to be able to gain competitive

advantage and survive in the market, It is therefore essential

for the restaurant managers to identify which attributes

are vital and reachable to consumers and to know which

parameters have impacts on the purchase decision (Bryhni et

al., 2002).

The definition of food quality is a very subjective

matter (Moskowitz, 1995). Each individual has different

perception on food quality as food quality is a

heterogeneous term. (Rohr, Luddecke, Drusch, Muller and

Alvensleben, 2005).

Peri (2006) defines food quality as “a system of

product requirements both material and immaterial, related

to the product in itself, the production context, the

product- packaging system and the product-market system”.

Bredahl (2003) includes the sensory, health, convenience and

process dimensions in his definition of food quality.

Customers are clear about what kind of food quality they

want, which has led to the growth of food industry.

However, there is still a lack of well-defined concept of

food quality. Cardello claims that the dearth of proper

definitions of food quality is because interest in defining

food quality was found only among food scientists who formed

a minority among those concerned with food quality.


Darby and Karni (1973) have argued that quality is

generally classified into three dimensions which are search,

experience and credence. Search dimensions are related to

the quality which can be determined by the Customer at the

time of purchase while experience Dimensions are related to

the quality which can be determined only after the purchase.

Lastly, credence dimensions are related to the quality which

customers can never determine neither upon nor post-purchase

but with no choice, they have to trust the comments of

others (Bech-Larsen & Grunert, 2001).

In general, food quality can be evaluated in objective

and subjective ways. A number of studies have been

undertaken to distinguish objective and subjective food

quality (Grunert, 1997; Brunso et al., 2004). ‘Objective quality’

is concerned with the product- and process-oriented quality.

The study conducted by (Brady et al., 2001; Gilbert et al

2004; Lee and Ulgado, 1997; Bougoure and Neu, 2010) and the

present study is very much related because they both dealth

with service quality is a key determinant of customer


Related Study. A study conducted by Charles Michel,

Carlos Velasco, Elia Gatti, and Charles Spence about

assessing the influence of the artistic visual presentation

of food on the dining experience. About total of 60

participants (mean age of 27.7 years, ranking from 18 to

58 years old), 30 males and 30 females took part in the

study. The result showed as food being considered as more

artistic, more complex, and more liked than either of other

presentations. And the participants were also willing to

pay more for Kandinsky-inspired plating. Interestingly, after

consumption, the results revealed higher tastiness ratings

for the art-inspired presentation.

This result supports the idea that presenting food in

an aesthetically pleasing manner can enhance the experience

of a dish. In particular, the use of artistic (visual)

influences can enhance a diner’s rating of the flavour of

a dish. These results are consistent with previous findings,

suggesting that visual display of a food can influence

both a person’s expectation and their subsequent of a

dish, and with the common assumption that we eat with

our eyes first.

Another study conducted by Javan Okumu about Importance of

Customers Satisfaction in Waskia Restaurant. The purpose of this

thesis was centred on measuring and developing customer service in

Waskia restaurant. What is the customer perception of service

quality and customer service of Waskia restaurant? The theoretical

framework focuses on description and analysis of customer

satisfaction and importance of customer satisfaction. The

empirical study of this thesis was accomplished by quantitative

research by use of questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed

on the basis of theoretical study related to service quality and

customer satisfaction. Based on the research results, the level of

customer satisfaction in Waskia restaurant would be judged above

average which is quite good. Although the majority of customers

were satisfied with the overall service quality of the case

company, several areas for improvement were found. It is

recommended that Waskia restaurant should improve on wine list,

waiters mastery of the menu and also waiters knowledge of how to

recommend wine and food.

As earlier mentioned in the introduction of the study,

customer satisfaction is the ultimate priority of every company

especially in hotel management. It is important for companies to

know and understand the theory of customer satisfaction in order

to improve it and exceeds the expectations of customers. Over the

last decades customer satisfaction has become very important for

companies which leads to investing heavily in improving their

services that would contribute to a strong customer’s satisfaction

such as service quality and customer service (Hill. 1996: 1).

Whether the buyer is satisfied after a purchase depends on

the performance of the offers in relation to the buyer’s buyer

satisfactions. Generally speaking it can be said that satisfaction

is a person’s feelings that can be pleasure or disappointment

resulting from comparing a service or product’s perceived

performance or outcome in relation to the buyer’s expectations

(Kotler, 2000: 36).

Good customer value can be achieved only when service quality,

product quality and the value-based prices exceed the customer

satisfaction. If one of these is neglected the customer

satisfaction will suffer a tremendous setback. Even if price and

the product are good but the service is bad, the entire ‘’image’’

of the company product will be bad and the customer will certainly

not be happy (McNeil, Crotts. 2006:38).

The perceived service quality model describes what customers

perceive as a quality and not on what the companies perceive as a

good quality (Gronroos. 2000: 67).

Figure 2 below is the illustration of the perceived

quality model

Service Quality


Outcome/ Process/Fucti
Technical onal Quality
-sales Quality
-word of mouth What

Figure 2.The perceived quality model (Gronroos. 2000:

Theories about the customer describe that the buying behaviour

has a strong influence on the service quality model. According

to the perceived quality model, the quality of a service is as

perceived by the customer, It is the result of a comparison between

expectations of the customer and his/her experiences. In a

situation where the experienced quality exceeds the expected

quality the total perceived quality can be said to be positive.

If the expectations are not met the total perceived quality is

considered to be very low and the customer satisfaction is then

negative ( McNeil, Crotts. 2006:39-40).

The study conducted by Michel and the present study

are very much alike because they both dealth with the

effectiveness of visual presentation.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

This study is anchored to the Charles Michel’s model for the

influence of the artistic visual presentation of food on the

dinning experience (Painting #201 by Kandinsky, 2014). He

demonstrated that a variety of visual factors, such as the color

and balance of the elements on a plate, can influence a diner’s

perception of, and response to, food. People perceived and

appreciate food in a manner that is multisensory (Spence C:

Multisensory flavour perception. Curr Biol 2013, 23:365-369).

Herein, he report on a study designed to assess whether placing

the culinary elements of a dish in an art-inspired manner would

modify the diner’s expectations and hence their experience of food.

The dish, a salad, he arranged in one of three different

presentations: One simply plated (with all of the elements of the

salad tossed together), another with the elements arranged to look

like one of Kandinsky’s paintings, and the third arrangement in

which the elements were organized in a neat (but non-artistic)

manner. Visual cues such as colour and texture have been shown to

exert a significant influence on the perceived flavour and

acceptance of foods (Chemosens Percept 2010, 3:68-84; Nutr Food

Sci, 1999; i-Perception, 2011).

He assessed Sixty participants (mean age of 27.7 years, SD =

7.2; ranging from 18 to 58 years), 30 males and 30 females who

answered two questionnaires, one presented prior to and the other

after eating the dish, to evaluate their expectations and actual

sensory experience. Charles Michel’s art-inspired presentation

resulted in the food being considered as more artistic, more

complex, and more liked than either of the other presentations.

The participants were also willing to pay more for the Kandinsky-

inspired plating. Interestingly, after consumption, the results

revealed higher tastiness ratings for the art-inspired

Colour Simply Plated

Balance of Elements #201 Of Organized in a neat

By Food manner

Look like one of
Kandinsky’s Paintings



Expectations Perception Response

Tastiness Result

More Artistic More Complex More Liked

Figure 3. A Theoretical Framework of the Study

Definition of Terms

Colors - The color of food is a significant factor in

determining its acceptance. It is important in the perception

of flavor. Color can label flavor type. Customers

Satisfaction – is a marketing team that measures how products

or services supplied by a company meet or surpass a

customer’s expectation. It is important because it provides

marketers and business owners with a metric that they can

use to manage and improve their businesses.

Focal Point - it serves as an important function on a

platter it introduces a large shape into a field of

smaller shapes. It adds height. It can make the arrangement

logical or sensible to the guests.

Food Presentation – is the art of modifying, processing,

arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic

appeal. It often emphasize the complexity of a dishes

composition as opposed to its flavour.

Garnish – it is an item or substance used as a decoration

or embellishment accompanying a prepared food dish or

drink. It makes food or drink more visually appealing.



This chapter presents the method of research used, the sources

of data, the data gathering instrument, the data gathering

procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research Used

In this study, the descriptive method of research was used by

utilizing correlational research design. According to Creswell,

correlational research are used by investigators to describe and

measure the degree of relationship between variables or sets of

scores. It also examines the relationship between two or more non-

manipulated variables.

Correlational research design was used since its purpose is to

determine the relationship if there is any on customers’

satisfaction and food presentation effectiveness.

In the same manner, Polit D.F., Hungler B.P (1999) emphasize the

purpose of descriptive method of research is to observe, describe,

and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs.

Sources of Data

The respondents of the study were 60 students of Grade 11

TVL students of Senior High Sta. Lucia High School. The grade 11

students were randomly selected to measure the effectiveness of

food presentation in each customers.

The questionnaires were given to the respondents personally

to assess the customers’ satisfaction on food presentation.

The distribution of respondents in Grade 11 students of Sta.

Lucia High School is presented in Table.

Table 1 Distribution of respodents from Grade 11 TVL students of

Sta.Lucia High School
Section Total Population Total number of Percentage
repondents (%)

Alain Ducasse 36 20 28

Melissa Murphy 40 20 31

Candice Nelson 38 20 30

The table shows that there are 89 percent of the TVL Students

were involved in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked permission first to the School Head and

set the schedules when to execute the actual study and at the same

time we will identify the respondents of the study.

A total of 89 percent of Grade 11 TVL students regardless of

their demographic profiles.

Questionnaires were distributed personally by the researcher

and it will be retrieved after they answered in an ample time to

Data Gathering Instruments

The data gathering instruments was the questionnaire

checklist and visual presentation. Part I of the questionnaire

checklist was composed of items which elicited the customers’

satisfaction on food presentation under three indicators, namely;

focal point, colors, and garnish.

Statistical treatment of Data

The following statistical treatments of data were used to

treat the data in this study.

Mean. This was used to determine the level of satisfaction of

the students with respect to its focal point, colors, and garnish.

Likert Scale. This was used the level of customers’

satisfaction under three indicators namely; fcal point, colors,

and garnish. The following equivalence were given:

Scale Range Verbal

5 4.5-5.00 Very Much Satisfied

4 3.5-4.49 Much Satisfied

3 2.5-3.49 Moderately Satisfied

2 1.5-2.49 Not Much Satisfied

1 1.0-1.49 Not Satisfied

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered, the analysis and

interpretation based on the sequence of the questions raised in

Chapter I.

Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in

Relationship to Customers’ Satisfaction.

Table 1 presents the effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ food

presentation in relationship to customers’ satisfaction with

respect to the focal point of the pictures presented. As perceived

by the students of TVL- Alain Ducasse, TVL- Mellissa Murphy, and

TVL- Candice Nelson of Grade 11 at Sta. Lucia High School.

Table 1: Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in

Relationship to Customers’ Satisfaction
Indicators Mean VI Rank

Pictures/Visual are well presented. 4.73 VMS 1

Pictures are sufficient enough to enhance the 4.35 MS 4

customers’ appetite.

I am satisfied with my decision to buy this 4.40 MS 3


The elements are balanced and it can 4.00 MS 6

influence the diner’s expectation.
The elements are balanced and it can influence 4.02 MS 5
the diner’s perception.

It helps and guide me for my food 4.43 MS 2



It can be seen that the indicator one “Pictures/Visual are

well presented.” ranked 1st with 4.73 as its mean and verbal

interpretation of Very Much Satisfied. The last in rank is

indicator four “The elements are balanced and it can influence the

diner’s expectation.” With a mean of 4.00 and a verbal

interpretation of Much Satisfied.

The result shows that the students prefer to have a well

presented Menu with pictures in order to be satisfied in ordering

a meal. Well-presented pictures are also encouraging pursuing the

customers to buy this meal.

Table 2 shows the effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ food

presentation in relationship to customers’ satisfaction with

respect to the colors of the pictures presented. As perceived by

the students of TVL- Alain Ducasse, TVL- Mellissa Murphy, and TVL-

Candice Nelson of Grade 11 at Sta. Lucia High School.

Table 2: Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in
Relationship to Customers’ Satisfaction
Indicators Mean VI Rank

The color compliments with the food. 4.22 MS 3

The colors are attractive. 4.47 MS 1

The colors enhances customers’ appetite. 4.33 MS 2

The visual has a balance and contrast in color. 3.98 MS 6

The colors are balanced and it can influence 4.02 MS 4

the diner’s perception.

The colors are balanced and it can influence 4.00 MS 5

the diner’s expectation.


It can be seen that the indicator two “The colors are

attractive.” ranked 1st with 4.47 as its mean and verbal

interpretation of Much Satisfied. The last in rank is indicator

four “The visual has a balance and contrast in color.” With a mean

of 3.98 and a verbal interpretation of Much Satisfied.

The findings shows that the students prefer to have an

attractive colors in pictures for their menu in order to be

satisfied in ordering a meal. This means that an attractive colored

pictures makes the menu an eye-catchy for the customers.

Table 3 shows the effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ food

presentation in relationship to customers’ satisfaction with

respect to the garnish of the pictures presented. As perceived by

the students of TVL- Alain Ducasse, TVL- Mellissa Murphy, and TVL-

Candice Nelson of Grade 11 at Sta. Lucia High School.

Table 3: Effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in

Relationship to Customers’ Satisfaction
Indicators Mean VI Rank

It enhances the visual appeal of food. 4.47 MS 3

It coordinates well with the food. 4.30 MS 5

It fits the plate and color shceme. 4.00 MS 7

The food is not over-garnished. 4.13 MS 6

It makes the food more attractive. 4.60 VMS 1

The color and texture of garnish is balanced 4.52 VMS 2

and harmonized.

The garnishes are artistically arranged. 4.37 MS 4


It can be seen that the indicator five “It makes the food

more attractive.” ranked 1st with 4.60 as its mean and verbal

interpretation of Very Much Satisfied. The last in rank is

indicator three “It fits the plate and color shceme.” With a mean

of 4.00 and a verbal interpretation of Much Satisfied.

This result shows that the students prefer to see attractive

garnishes in pictures for their menu in order to be satisfied in

ordering a meal. Garnish are substances used as a decoration for

the food presentation that is making the food more attractive to

the customers.

This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Zark’s

Burgers’ Food Presentation in relationship to customers’

satisfaction of Grade 11 TVL students at Sta. Lucia High School,

Pasig City during the school year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of Zark’s Burgers’

Food Presentation as perceived by the customer with

respect the following?

a. the focal point

b. colors

c. garnish

2. Is there significant relationship to Zark’s Burger’s

Food Presentation and customers satisfaction of food?

The study used the descriptive method of research and the

questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The respondents of

the study were the 60 or 89 percent of Grade 11 TVL students. The

statistical tools used to treat the data were the mean and Likert

The salient findings of the study are the following:

1. On the effectiveness of Zark’s Burgers’ Food Presentation in

relationship to customers satisfaction is rated

2. There is


1. The students prefer to have a well presented Menu with pictures

in order to be satisfied in ordering a meal.

2. Well-presented pictures are also encouraging pursuing the

customers to buy this meal.

3. The students prefer to have an attractive colors in pictures

for their menu in order to be satisfied in ordering a meal.

4. Attractive colored pictures makes the menu an eye-catchy for

the customers.

5. The students prefer to see attractive garnishes in pictures

for their menu in order to be satisfied in ordering a meal.


1. Zark’s Burgers should provide a well presented menu with

pictures that would satisfy a customer.

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