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“of two leading real estate firms in town…” ARGUMENT.

Real-estate is a huge industry that plays vital role in any country’s economic growth especially in an
under developing country. the argument asserts that among the two real estate firms in a town , one of
them is Adams Realty is more prosperous than its rival firm Fitch Realty. The author then refers to
number of agents which each of these have and also the amount of revenue that each gained during
last year. Further, author tries to prove his assertion by exemplifying his own case and comparing
these two firms in selling the author’s home. The argument concludes that Adams Realty is more
superior then Fitch Realty. This argument rests on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions and
therefore indecisive.

Firstly and most importantly, argument is on this assumption that because of Adam’s agent is
more than the fitch’s, the Adam is working more properly. This statement is not acceptable at all,
Adam’s agents maybe more than the fitch’s but maybe work less efficiently. Quality is more
important than quantity and as a result, author should provide us more information to prove his point.
Another assumption which the argument relies on is that because the revenue of the Adams Realty is
more than the Fitch’s the Adam’s Realty is superior. First of all, what does the author mean by the
revenue. If it means the whole revenue of the realty firms, we should consider that these realities
should be analyzed based on the average of their agents. This is believable that the revenue of each of
the agents in Fitch’s realty is more than Adam’s. Also the possibility is there that if the revenue is not
net revenue then by subtracting the taxes and wages of agents the Adam’s revenue becomes less than

Furthermore, the argument fails to substantiate this assumption that Fitch Realty is not as
good as Adams Realty, now. The author compares the Fitch Realty ten years ago, with the Adams
Reality in last year. It is not an appropriate comparison. There was maybe reasons that cause delay in
selling his home ten years ago, which was not in last year. Furthermore, houses were not the same.
Maybe the old house has some defects which led to the delay.

By sum it up, I believe that the argument is not persuasive, it can become more clear by
adding more information about the revenue of each agents in both firms and also the information
about the selling process before ten years and before a year by each of the firms.

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