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Construction Project Quality Plan (PQP)

What is Construction Project Quality Plan?

The Project Quality Plan (PQP) for construction work is a written plan which serves
as the basis for the overall Project Quality Assurance System and identifies the
Quality requirements, methods to achieve Project Quality objectives & continual
improvements during the work execution.
This is different from a Company Quality Manual, which explains the quality
policies and procedures in general, but not with information specific to each project.

What are the items dealt with this?

The Project Quality Plan (PQP) for Construction Work addresses the management
of quality assurance activities such as the following:
1.0 Management Review Procedure
2.0 Internal & External Audit
3.0 Planning & Scheduling procedure
4.0 Project Progress Reporting Procedure
5.0 Pre-qualification Documents
6.0 Nonconformance Procedure/Control of Nonconformities
7.0 Document & Data Control procedure /Control of documents & data’s, receipts,
correspondences, drawings, control of quality records.
8.0 Procurement Procedure
9.0 Material Control Procedure
10.0 Control of Inspection, Measurement & Testing Services
11.0 Laboratory & Sampling Procedure
12.0 Procedure for the Management of change
13.0 Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure
14.0 Design Measurement & Control Procedure

Alternatively, PQP is defined as:

A construction  Project Quality Plan (PQP) is a structured document that outlines

how you’ll handle quality on a particular construction work.
A company quality manual, on the other hand, outlines the quality policy and
procedures in general but does not provide specifics unique to each project.
Clients may request a project quality control plan in a variety of ways. One way is if
your contract specifies that you must apply a quality management plan. Another
possibility is that your client approaches you and requests a quality program.
Everyone needs your project quality control plan, organization quality manual, and
standard operating procedures in the majority of cases.
A list of questions that your project quality control plan should address is given
below. I’ve described forms you can include in your program to offer your answers
underneath each question. (e.g. the set of information your client wants).

Various document attachments for Construction PQP

Construction PQP
Who makes up the project quality assurance team?
Who makes up the project quality management team?
 An organization chart
What qualifications do they have?

 Appointment letters that spell out each team member’s responsibilities and
 Personnel Qualification Form confirming each team member’s skills and who
authorized them
 Each team member’s resume
What kind of preparation and training will you provide to ensure that your employees
have the skills and knowledge required for this task? Can you teach your customer
how to operate and maintain their equipment and processes? The quality system,
quality assurance, quality practices, construction quality control plan and professional,
and other training should all be included.

 Training Plan detailing the training given and who got it.
Who are the project’s points of contact?
 List of Contact Points
How can you ensure that all quality control-related knowledge and processes from the
plan reach those who need it?

 Communication Plan
When and to whom would you send what papers, processes, reports, and records?

 Schedule and Log of Submittals

Project Specifications, Standards, and Process

What are the specifications and applicable standards required in the work?

What are the applicable regulatory codes and industry requirements for this work?

 Building Regulatory Codes and Industry Standards Shape for Projects

Inspections and Tests for Specific Projects

What kinds of checks and evaluations are you going to do? What method would you
use to keep track of each inspection and test?

 Form for Inspection and Testing

 Construction Task Type with PQP
What measurement instruments need to be calibrated, and how much do they need to
be calibrated?

 Calibration Type for Measuring Devices

Purchasing for Projects

What credentials and services, such as licenses, insurance, and production capability,
do your main sub contractors require? Also, how well does their service suit your
 Qualification Form for Sub contractors and Suppliers
What materials will they supply, and who are your trained suppliers?

 Form for Supply Sources

What should be included in a project

construction quality control plan?
Essentials Elements

Project staff
As a part of the customer requirements, every contractor should have a designated
quality manager – the person in charge of the project’s quality control and quality
assurance. Your client wants to know who this person is and what his or her duties
and responsibilities are in terms of quality. In a way, include this information, as well
as the person’s qualifications for the role, in your quality plan.

Although the quality manager is in charge of the project’s overall quality control and
quality assurance, the project supervisors are in charge of the contractors’ daily field
operations. Your quality management plan should detail the duties and responsibilities
of your supervisors.

Have an organization map to demonstrate the quality manager’s and supervisor’s


Effective Communication
Do you intend to have a kick-off meeting as well as regular production meetings to
address quality issues? Will you be sending your client or customer files, test results,
and forms? Then, as part of your qc procedures, you should have a quality
communications plan that outlines the expected contact points with your client.

Surveillance for Quality Assurance (QA)

Many clients are concerned about what management can do to track overall quality
and how they will ensure that controls are functioning properly.

With this in mind, your client will anticipate some kind of quality assurance (QA)
monitoring. Will you be checking on the consistency of the project on a weekly or
monthly basis? What would you be looking at? Include it in your construction PQP so
your client has a clear vision of how you’ll keep the project on track.
Manufacturers, Suppliers, and sub contractors
Outside organizations play an important role in providing supply, product, and
completing building construction. Tell your client who your primary suppliers for
materials and subcontractors.

What parameters do you use to choose your manufacturers, subcontractors, and

suppliers? You most likely checked that they were capable of performing the work or
providing materials, products, resources, and services in addition to the price.

Including the following in your process is always a smart idea:

 Procedures for vetting that you adopted

 List
 Documents of qualifications are kept on file

Project Quality Control Standards

It goes without saying that you will follow your customer’s instructions. In certain
cases, however, the requirements do not specify which building codes or industry
standards apply to your activities. Make a record of them so that you don’t get
confused about which versions of criteria apply.

Inspection and Test Plans

Inspecting phases of activities (for example steel structure erection) and performing
tests to check material quality (such as concrete strength) or device operation is a
standard part of any construction process (for example determined by leak test).
You should make document of all the checks and tests that you plan to conduct during
the construction stages. Include the inspection forms and test reports you’ll need when
the time comes.

You must apply procedures for performing task inspections in most quality control
plan specifications. Even if the client does not expressly request these procedures, it is
a good practice to include them.

The following should be included in your inspection procedures:

Ascertain that the work area is ready to begin.

Perform material receiving and checking

Monitoring the work areas in progress.

Check that the finished work meets the project’s requirements.

Controlling Nonconformances
Everyone knows that things go wrong in construction from time to time. How you
will manage these circumstances should be discussed in your plan. Make it clear how
you’ll handle nonconformances in order to maintain the project’s overall efficiency.

Parts of quality assurance are to make sure that the definition of controlling
nonconformances excludes regular corrections and punch items, otherwise, you’ll end
up with a lot of unnecessary paperwork.

Typical nonconformance procedures include:

 Issues related to specifications, drawings, and method statements

 Corrective actions

Project Completion Inspections

So far, all we’ve spoken about has been about individual people roles and phases of
work. You should also talk about how you’ll perform a set of inspections and punch
out near the end of the project in order to make sure the contracted work elements are
done correctly.

What is a Construction Quality Assurance (QA)

The quality assurance processes evaluate how products and/or services are checked
for quality and the items that need to be inspected. The deliverables are usually
reviewed for quality assurance to ensure that the goods meet the requirements of the
customers. The review methods used to assess quality should be explained in the
section of the QA plan. A business may use a variety of methods to decide whether a
product meets its quality requirements. Internal project evaluations, inspections, and
walkthroughs are all popular methods.
The goal of this plan is to give confidence in the ability to meet the standards.

Final Thoughts
Clients are curious about how you can handle work efficiently. You’ll comply with
their specifications by addressing project-specific, site-specific, and specific
requirements in your project construction quality plan.

Project construction quality control plan proposals, on the other hand, are restricted in
scope. As a result, make sure to devote time to creating and documenting the
company’s quality control policies and procedures.

Is there something I’m missing? If there is anything you can suggest, please leave a
message for me. I’d be delighted to hear from you. is the founded by Jose S. Villegas Jr, a website that

specializes in submittal-ready construction QA/QC plan models and custom quality
plans, as well as construction quality inspection and punch list applications. You can
also browse the website set of method statements related to the construction industry
and download a digital product for QA/QC-affiliated document.

Project Quality Plan (PQP) for Construction Work [Template]



1. Project Director (Name of Company Here) PD

2. Manager (QA / QC) (Name of Company Here) QAR

3. Technical Manager (Name of Company Here) TM

4. Construction Manager (Name of Company Here) CM

5. M.E.P.- Construction Manager (Name of Company Here) MEP.CM

6. Planning Engineer (Name of Company Here) PEE

7. QA/QC Engineer (Site) (Name of Company Here) QA/QC (Sit

8. Head (Construction) (Name of Company Here) EVP/P & C



1. Project Director (Name of Company Here) PD

2. Technical Manager (Name of Company Here) TM

3. Construction Manager (Name of Company Here) CM

4. QA/QC Engineer (Site) (Name of Company Here) QA/QC (Site)

5. Manager QA/QC (Name of Company Here) QAR

6. Project Engineer (Name of Company Here) PE

7. Site Engineer (Name of Company Here) SE




 QM-QAD / G1 Cover Page  01

 QM-QAD / G2 Amendment Record Sheet  01

 QM-QAD / G3 Controlled copyholders of PQP  01

 Controlled copyholders of ITP & Method

 QM-QAD / G4  01
 QM-QAD / G5 Contents 02

 QM-QAD / G6 Declaration  01

 QM-QAD / G7 Glossary of Terms 01

 QM-QAD / G8 Scope, Purpose and Terms & Definitions 02

Quality Management System

 QM-QAD / 4.1  General requirements  02

 QM-QAD / 4.2.1 Documentation requirements 01

 QM-QAD / 4.2.3 Control of Documents 03

 QM-QAD /4.2.4 Control of Records 01

Management Responsibility

QM-QAD / 5.1 Management Commitment 01

QM-QAD/5.2&5.3 Customer focus & Quality policy 02

QM-QAD/ 5.4 Quality Planning & Quality objectives 01

QM-QAD / 5.5 Responsibility, authority & communication 07

QM-QAD/ 5.6 Management review 02

Resource management

QM-QAD / 6.0 Resource Management 01

Product Realization

QM-QAD / 7.0 Product realization 01

QM-QAD/ 7.2 Customer related processes 01

QM-QAD / 7.2.4 Design and development 01

QM-QAD / 7.4 Purchasing 01

QM-QAD / 7.5 Production and service system 02

QM-QAD/ 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices 01

Measurement, analysis, and


QM-QAD / 8.0 General, Customer satisfaction 01

QM-QAD / 8.2.2 Internal & external audit 01

QM-QAD / 8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes 01

QM-QAD / 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product 01

QM-QAD/ 8.3 Control of nonconforming product 01

QM-QAD/ 8.4 Analysis of data 01

QM-QAD/ 8.5 Improvement 01

QM-QAD/ 8.5.2 Corrective action 01

QM-QAD / 8.5.3 Preventive action 01


Annexure – 1 Corporate organization chart 01

Annexure – 2 Project organization chart 01

Annexure – 3 List of Method statements 01

Annexure – 4 List of Inspection & Test Plans 01

Annexure – 5 List of Quality Assurance Procedures 01

Annexure – 6 List of Forms & Records 01

Annexure – 7 Responsibility Matrix 01


This document and its contents are the property of (Name of Company Here). No part
of this document can be reproduced in any form (including photocopying or storing in
any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to
some other use of this publication).


SEVP Senior Executive Vice President

PD Project Director

FM Finance Manager

PM Project Manager

PE Project Engineer

HO Head Office

ITP Inspection And Test Plan

RFI Request For Inspection

JCR Job Cost Report

LPO Local Purchase Order

MIS Management Information System

TM Technical Manager

MPCS Management Planning & Control System

MR Management Representative

MRN Material Receipt Note

MTC Manufacturer’s Test Certificate

PEE Planning Engineer

P& M Plant & Machinery

PA Preventive Action

AM Accounts Manager

MEP Mechanical & Electrical Planning

PO Purchase Order

HR Human Resource
PQP Project Quality Plan

PR / MR Purchase Request / Material Requisition

PRE Procurement Engineer/Manager

QS Quantity Surveyor

QA / QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control

QA/QC(Site) QA / QC Engineer (Site)

QAR Quality Assurance Representative (HO)

QIR Quality Improvement Report

MS Method Statement

SH Section Head

STE Structural Engineer

ADM Administration

TC Test Certificate
WO Work Order

WPS Welding Procedure Specification

PQR Procedure Qualification Record

CH Head (Construction)


1.0 SCOPE:

1.1 General: This Project Quality Plan (PQP) has been prepared and formulated as a
Management Summary of Quality related activities required to meet the terms of
contract with (Project Name). This plan sets out the Management Practices, describes
the Quality Management System and its relationship with (Name of Company Here)
Quality Management System.

1.2 Application: The content of this document shall be applicable to all works carried
out by (Name of Company Here) in connection with the above project. The
scope/responsibility matrix is as per Annexure -7

1.3 Principle parties involved in the project:

OWNER – Name of Owner here

CONSULTANT – Name of Consultant here

CONTRACTOR – Name of Company here


To be continued………..

Download these QA/QC templates and other related stuff by clicking the link

here: and get the free Project Quality Plan Template (contact
me at

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