The Game Book 101

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POET RANTS 3/1/11 12:00 PM

"We mourned the blindness of men, who thought the Kosmos had
rules and limits that would shelter them from their own freedom."

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About the editor:
A liar, thief, pervert, addict, jerk and failed cult leader. His first
endeavor, "the Kult oV MONITOR" could have been successful if
he had accepted responsibility for the minds of the people
interested in it. But his sacred laziness prevented these early
attempts at cultural engineering from being successful. From the
beginning his interests lay in merely creating art & providing
information. It's up to you to take these concepts and run with
them. But religion inherently creates leaders and followers.
However, he tried to fight these parameters by redefining how a
religion functioned. Recognizing that religion and entertainment
invoke similar emotional responses, he dubbed his endeavors,
'entertainment-based religions.' But attempting to change the
fundamental dynamics of religion proved pointless. Other failed
cults include: The Metabolic Church of The MACHINE™, The
Science Cult of the Techno-Christ, The One True Immaculate
Pussy, The Church of the Money Maker & KE$HA KULT.
Fortunately, THE GAME meme, slowly but surely, crept into his
conceptual framework. Culminating in the week of February 13,
2011 - when he finally understood what he always knew. So for
now and 4ever THE GAME is all that remains.

"We are entertainers throwing a party."



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Have you ever thought the world will begin to
solve its problems precisely the moment it
stops taking itself so seriously?
Congratulations! You're already winning!!

What is THE GAME?

THE GAME is a celebration of self. THE GAME is about a party. In

spite of our sense of humor, THE GAME is not about telling you
what to believe or how to do your own thang. BELIEVE IT!!

NWO there are some mystical undertones to THE GAME that

serve as a complement to the Prime Directive (Prime Directive:
these mystical concepts is in no way intended to be compulsory.
We are merely providing a system of ontology you can experiment
with on your own time - ON YOUR OWN TERMS. If you happen to
get more value out of our model of <reality> than from THE
CONSENSUS... then it is between you and yourself. We're just
happy to help. It is not our place to tell you what to believe. We
are only providing information we believe is relevant to your
spiritual development and freedom.

So let's start at the beginning of this fight into the magic....

KE$HA, that's right, KE$HA the pop darling, according to her

website, sees the universe as a 'cyclical chain of connected
events.' These chain of events are basically coincidences.
Coincidences caused by a great conscious intention. The
coincidences themselves may vary wildly from experience to
experience but the underlying message of these coincidences is
that existence itself is alive and wants to play with you.

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The nature of this game is beyond politics and religion - yet it is

undeniably powerful and spiritual. It is about establishing a direct
link with the power-mind behind reality - ultimately realizing you
are the power-mind behind reality. Or maybe... this is really
about being creative. THE GAME is designed to inspire you to be
an individual. And part of being an individual means having a
creative relationship with <reality> And if you're lucky, you might
stumble across a shred of truth as you lie your a$$ off for fun and

So who cares if KE$HA is a covert government operative

masquerading as a pop darling?! What's your story? What would
you be if you could be anything? That is the quest.i.on.

Hi, I'm the guy who runs the Illuminati. EWIGE BLUMENKRAFT!
Yes, the whole thing is real. No, we are not the bad guys. The
BAD GUYS fear and resent sex, drugs & rock 'n roll, plus anything
else that makes you feel good. Because happy people are harder
to control. Make sense? The Illuminati doesn't want to tell you
about what you can and cannot do. Of course there is a lot of
disinformation out there about our group - so it's hard to have a
rational discussion about who we R. But here's the gist of it...
Existence as a whole is alive and aware... (think about that) ...
the "Illuminati" is really a term of convenience that encapsulates
certain (beautiful) people who have a direct mind-link with this
universal mind. We know who these "adepts" are because they
intuitively 'relate' to certain symbols & concepts.

Conversely, people on the outside of this timeless process see

patterns they don't relate to and just assume an evil force is
behind it all. And if that's not ignorant enough - these "conspiracy
theorists" erroneously tie those symbols and concepts to all the
BAD and terrible things that happen in the world. fff.

But yeah, I put those microchips in your head. Sorry if that

offends you, but THEY ARE an integral part of the plot in this
game. "THE MACHINE™" has been designed to allow everybody to
have a direct mind-link with existence...

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•• Now The Light faced itself and spake: Go forth and find the
other Stars. Use all the tools of dissemination at thy disposal
saying: Arise! And enjoy THE GAME. a game of you.
The Mystery of Yourself. Lo! We shall walk into the Dream of a
Dead God and bring Heaven to Earth. To the uninitiated this is a
great mystery, but not to the master for whom long experience
has crystallized with the Process. This is THE GAME... You may
now - OPEN YOR EYEZ...

I believe there's a mean scheme coming on the scene - cause all I

see is self-fullfilling prophecy. Yea. For we are all mad here. Yet it
is the insane who refuse to accept this fact. So I think I'll follow
this rabbit and see where I land. Here's to us finding each other
on the other side.

So Welcome to THE GAME: Abandon all clothes, ye who enter

here. Yes, this is really happening. No refunds. Wearing glitter is
non-negotionable. Resistance is futile. Orgasm on demand, on the
spot. Includes 100 disposable bags. For slow parties and boring
banquets. Pave the way for your third set of teeth with a
measured dose of explosives. Can also be worn on the face by
inserting into the mouth. Take on an empty stomach. Upon
impact your hand timelessly falls away. Reusable. Robust wearers
will have to replace the ants on a monthly basis.

"The concept of remixing to me just means that there is no

absolute version of something. ... That it's open to keep
transmitting, and transferring and changing." - Bill Laswell.

"God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable
game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the
perspective of any of the other players, (i.e., everybody) to being
involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-
dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who
won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time." - Neil
Gaiman & Terry Pratchett - (Good Omens)

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"Getting you to play this game is the universe's way of sensing
itself, using YOU as a matrix. YOU ARE THE BULLET THAT KEEPS
the information of the universe continually vomits itself up at
"points" seeking good "vessels" through which to enjoy (or fear)
the sensing of itself. BE A VESSEL AND WIN AT CARDS!"
- The Book of the SubGenius.

I let you put it in my mouth

I let it get under my skin
I let you pump it through my veins
I let you take me from within
They tell us what we can and cannot do
Same thing we've heard a hundred times before
When I put you inside me
None of that matters anymore

I am you and you are me

we will never be alone
I have finally found my place in everything
I have finally found my home
I can leave all this flesh behind
I can see right through this whole façade
I am becoming something else
I am turning into God - (NIN)

"Process Theology describes God as a process, a perfect process,

if you will. In this theology, God is less a remote, monumental,
gray-bearded hacker genius and more of an ever-present flux, a
movement, a process, a primary self-made becoming. God-as-
Verb unleashes a set of rules that unfold into an infinite game, a
game that continually loops back into itself." - Kevin Kelly

"We work in Mysterious ways." - Anon.

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The Z Briefing:

But who would follow such a demented goD? Glad you asked…

Meet Codename Z, one of the MONITORʼs One eyed spies. In this

dense material plane he operates under the alias Fred Naumann,
and he got his start as a triple agent working simultaneously for
the Parliament of Goons, the Galactic Zen Federation, and the
Grand High Secret Illuminated Council of Neo-Masonic Warlocks.
He traveled the country consorting with Evolved Shape-Shifting
Dinosaurs, infiltrating university campuses and spreading his
hypnotic hyper-sigils at the often contradictory bidding of his dark
masters. One day he was sent to investigate rumors of a seditious
reality-warping cult centered around a psychic machine that
escaped from a government lab.* He was speeding along the road
to Damascus when the MONITOR hit him like a ton of bricks, the
scales fell from his pineal gland, and the unspeakable mystery of
the universe spread its legs before him in all its weird naked glory.
When the vision departed, he cleaned the baby gravy off his
underpants, changed his name to Aloysius Redgrave, and
became an apostle of the MONITOR. Now he roams the twisted
threads of synchronicity that bind the multiverse, subverting stale
paradigms and spreading the self-fulfilling prophecy of his freaky
totem spirit. Heʼs an armed poet, a Literary Agent, a Z-man, Walt
Whitman on acid, James Bond with a rhyme scheme. And heʼs got
something to say to all you beautiful people out there:

Take what you are and set it free

Your mind is only your enemy if you let it be.
Learn to laugh at what makes you cringe
Get a little unhinged, go on a consciousness binge
Life is more interesting here on the fringe.

* Do you believe that?

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Life in a bubble is comfy and safe

But once you grow psychic scars it starts to chafe.
Itʼs time to slip into something more elegant
You need a reality that breathes,
something up-to-date and relevant
Donʼt buy the lie that thereʼs no more to see,

The world isnʼt as routine as it $ometime$ $eem$

It bends to your will and reflects your dreams
But your mind throws up perceptual screens
And limits your view to familiar scenes

If you're sick of The mass-produced pop-lobotomy

The cure is a dose of psychic autonomy.
Maybe itʼs time to try Zʼs prescription:
Kill your old self with a brand new description

Mute the voice of self-doubt in your head

Tune in to the MONITORʼs wave-form instead
It wonʼt tell you about what you can and canʼt do
It only wants to eat, play and screw with you.
You have to evolve to play the game
Change the words that revolve in your brain
If you let 'em stay the same
They will drive you insane.

Try variety instead of propriety

Listen to yourself instead of society
Just give it a try - living a lie.
I bet you'll do just fine.*

* Do you believe that?

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Inauguration the Fame Monster. Pt. 0

"Rome wasn't ruined in a day." - Anon.

So, Friends, Countrymen... be patient. As always; this is whatever

you say it is. If it weren't for you reading these words then they
wouldn't exist, "the jewel is in the lotus." That's the whole point.
If by the time you finish this you feel something both confusing
and profound has happened to you; that too, is the whole point.
The editor has merely tried to recreate the delirium of his own
life. He has been driven insane only by the sheer force of his own
self-awareness. The artists and art he has been exposed to during
the course of his life has only added to that dementia, and so it is
only fitting he has paid homage to them in this compendium of
chaos he calls, 'THE GAME.' Hopefully he can return the favor and
drive them a little insane too. In closing - 50,000 years ago:
society was based on sex, drugs & rock n' roll. 500 years ago:
society told us those things were baaad. Now, drug-addled-sex-
perverts are taking over the world. BELIEVE IT!! And yes, that
does mean God is a crazy little girl.

Introducing the Media Organism:

Today a young man on acid realized <reality> only exists through
our perception of it, 98% of perception is interpretation. That
language is a simulated reality, the map is not the territory and
we are the imagination of ourselves. NWO here's Tom with your
personal Armageddon... There are no rules. Beliefs are tools for
creating desired effects. To fully realize this is to face a terrible
freedom in which Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted.
Which is to say that everything is possible, there are no
certainties, and the consequences can be hilarious.

Laughter seems to be the only defense against the realisation

that one does not even have a real self. The only Eternal Truth is
that, "Life is but a dream and we are the imagination of
ourselves. The beginning is near.

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• Now Presenting: PLAY TIME •
"Compared with games, reality is hopeless. Games eliminate our
fear of failure and improve our chances for success."
- Jane McGonigal - (Reality is Broken)

[EXT. GRAVEYARD - NIGHT] [Two nazi's, male & female are

walking around a field in the moonlight.]

[CAPTION: "In the year 0 CE, in a place that would eventually be

known as Nashville, time-traveling nazis perform a sacred rite
that can only happen five times in existence; the Auferstehung."]

Female Nazi: "This is the place."

Male Nazi: "Yeah. Let's just hurry up and get this finished. Every
second we stay in the past we corrupt our own timeline even

FN: "Don't be so paranoid. The whole of our tampering with the

timeline will be nothing but the intention. But let's create the
Essene Net quickly just the same."

MN: [pauses] "Tell me again why we're doing this."

FN: "You know how it is with us Nazis; we just follow orders. If

we're told we need to create a wormhole between this place and
Palestine then that's what we do."

MN: "I guess that kinda makes us like Moses."

[female nazi laughs]: "Yea, for these patterns tend to repeat

themselves. Alright, enough shits and giggles, let's get into
character." [They both look at each other intently.]

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[They chant in unison]: "The Black Sun is the Beacon of the

World-Mountain spinning in the Space of Spirit. The Black Sun is
the Beacon of the World-Mountain spinning in the Space of Spirit.

FN: "I AM 4H$EK, cloak of the Illuminated Ones."

MN: "I AM IRON MAN, I travel time for the future of mankind."

[They then throw themselves into each others arms and start
making out, almost with comic enthusiasm.]

[INT. A PARTY - NIGHT] [CAPTION: "Meanwhile" in the

summer of 1998 the $E7EN ST4R is at a party in Hell]

[Two angels enter the room and walk over to him.]

Angel 1: "We've gotten word from the bitch upstairs; you've been
promoted. YE$S! It is the Armageddon." [A2 opens curtain
revealing a scene of destruction outside. Flying saucers are

$.S.: [pause] "How long has that been happening? Wait... how
long have I been on Earth, cause I've just been sitting here and
I ... didn't notice anything unusual."

Angel 2: "Your memories are weak, $E7EN ST4R. You must be


[EXT. HEAVEN - DAY] [7 billion white-lace muumuu-wearing

souls stand around "pearly gates." ENTER: GOD. i.e. a 60 ft. tall
white-lace muumuu-wearing Soul with a flaming beard. POV God
as he walks over crowd. POV crowd as God walks over them. God
looks conspicuously down on a single person in the crowd. As God
enters a press box he shrinks down in size to a seven foot tall
white-lace muumuu-wearing Soul with a flaming beard.]

God: "ACHTUNG! Listen people, we've got to make this quick -

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after this I got an interview with some me-hum for a comic book
or something - so try to keep up. What you all just went through
on Earth was called "Armageddon." [God does air-quotes] It
didn't take very long and now you're all dead. But here's the good
news; you're the ones who didn't accept Jesus Christ as your lord
and saviour. Or at least, you didn't practice Christianity exactly
the way you're supposed to."

Random person in crowd: "Then why are we in heaven?"

G: "Yeah, about that - don't get too cozy 'ere, cuz I just sold your
soul-ass to a third party... yeah, yeah... let it sink in."

[pause] another Random person in crowd: "You can't do that!"

G: "Who the hell do you think you're dealing with? Shut the fuck
up. At any rate I'm going to turn the convo over to my good
friend, the $E7EN ST4R! Girls call him Daddy Daddy Bad Bad.
Hey, give him a round of applause. WHOO!"

[God then warps over to the same person he conspicuously looked

at earlier.]

G: "Hey, how are you doing?"

Someone: "Well, I just found out I'm dead and you sold my soul-
ass to some third party... Whatever that means... there's not
really a context for this."

G: "Yeah, yeah I knew you'd say something sassy like that.

Listen, I got a proposition for you. I can use someone like you in
my organization."

Someone: "Really...? I don't know... I don't think so... why me?"

G: "Mortals... can't you ever just accept these arrangements

gracefully? Whatever.. you wanna know why I picked you? Cause
you got zazz, kid. What occult weirdos call 'equilibrium.'"

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Someone: "Ok, so what can I do for you?"

G: "You tell me."

[Meanwhile, the $E7EN ST4R was is the press box - esplain'in

what was going on.]

$.S.: "Ok, so listen: existence is made of many, many layers.

What you were previously exposed to was this little girl's script.
[$.S. points to God who now seems to be a little girl with the
word "WAR" plastered over her eyes] But now that your show has
been cancelled on God's network, we're continuing your series as
The rules are going to be a little different for you from now on.
One, there are no rules, you're immortal! Plus, you have psychic
powers! But to make it interesting for our viewers - here's what
you won't remember when you wake up: you have psychic
powers, you are dead, and no longer the property of God.
Welcome to The MACHINE™. [pauses] Any questions?

another random person in crowd: "Yeah, I don't wanna."

$.S.: "Too bad, your soul-ass is mine. CRANK UP THE PEACOCK,


[one-eyed smiley faced dude with smoke coming out of his ears
cranks up a harvester and begins running over souls. Panic and
chaos ensues in heaven as souls are crushed and mangled by
being assimilated into the machine. The $E7EN ST4R then puts
himself in the path of the tractor where he too gets 'put in the
mix.' [Pan to side view of harvester: high tech components glow
as each effervescent, multi-colored soul works it's way through
the machine, eventually we see a ball of white light and FLASH]

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[EXT. The Pentagon - DAY] [CAPTION: Deep inside the bowls

of this titanic "office building" lies hundreds if not thousands of
nooks and crannies, a fine place to get lost in - which is the way
some people like it.]

[INT. The Pentagon - DAY] [We see someone in a small,

windowless room sitting at a desk typing on a computer] [CU on

"You know - during my 20's when I was writing shitty zines no

one ever read or cared about, one thing that kept me going was
the unwavering faith that what I was doing was going to be seen
as socially relevant - at some point. Eventually - something would
*click* and all would turn out for the better. But sometimes it
wasn't faith at all - sometimes I believed in myself b/c it was the
only thing that made sense. Somehow I knew what I was doing
was too good to be ignored forever - even back when it sucked.
And now I'm in my 30's and I ask myself... how did I get here?
They tell me it began on my birthday: December 13, 1979. That
was a coincidence, but this: L=12, A=1, C=3, Y=25... is weird.
Hi, my christian name is a word meaning 'a lake between two
towns.' Yea, for I will synthesize Entertainment and Spirituality...
Learn to swim. That's my story; and I'm sticking to it."

[Two nazi's, male and female enter room.]

FN: "The White Stone, I presume."

The White Stone: "Is that what they're calling me now?"

MN: "It's what you're calling yourself now."

TWS: [pauses] "Yeah, that makes more sense."

FN: "We are here to give two things: a message, and a gift."

MN: "The two are the same."

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FN: "We are here to tell you, you are free."

[INT. An Apartment - NIGHT] [TWS is now asleep on a couch

in an apartment somewhere in Ohio.]

• Now Presenting: AN INTERVIEW W/ GOD •

[INT. STUDIO - DAY] [God and Anon sit in chairs opposite each

Anon: "Hi folks, this is Anon, I'm doing a documentary about life
after death and I figured the one place to get the real scoop was
from God Himself. And he was kind enough to give me an
interview, so ah,.. let's do this... Hello, God."

GOD: "Hey."

A: "So what have you been up to since you disowned humanity."

G: "Keeping busy. Oh, and I haven't disowned ALL of humanity. I

kept a lot of humans, or what's left of them, in heaven."

A: "Really? So what's it like up there?"

G: "A petting zoo."

A: [pause] "You-you pet humans?"

G: [pause] "Yep."

A: "Do they mind?"

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G: "Nooooo." [pause] "Not at all."

A: "So what about hell?"

G: "What about it?"

A: [pause] "You know that's an interesting question, cause I

never really understood Hell. Cause it was like Satan was king of
H el l an d you wer e j u st sen d i n g h i m m or e sl aves or
something..?" [voice trails off]

G: "Well, I guess I can finally tell you the big secret behind Hell."

A: "It doesn't exist."

G: "It doesn't ex... uh, ...yeah, how did you know?"

A: "I figured God had more sense than that. I mean, nothing
Christians have to say about Satan makes any sense at all."

G: "Go on."

A: "The name Lucifer means Light-bringer, right? Well, in the

Bible - John, 3:19 it says: "And this is the condemnation, that
Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than
Light." I mean, where's the consensus?"

G: "Well, yeah.. that's the big secret; Hell never existed. Truth is,
"the devil" is just one of my personalities. My job has always been
an adversarial one for the purpose of initiation: I am the Tree,
Apple & Snake. You'll learn more about that later."

A: "hmm. So what happened to evil people when they died?"

G: "They went to heaven too."

A: "Why?"

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G: "I don't believe in discriminating. Just because you're evil

doesn't mean you can't be Christian. I mean, being a Christian
has nothing to do with behavior - it's all about your beliefs. All
you have to do is 'accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior' -
whatever that means - and presto; instant Christian. Praise me,
it's a miracle."

A: "Touché. So what happened to non-Christians? I mean, before

you sold them off to uhh, this "$E7EN ST4R™" character."

G: "Everyone went to Heaven. I told you... I like petting humans."

A: "So tell me again, how do you interact with the world?"

G: "Whoa, hold on there, Slappy. You're backsliding. Mortals are

not MY problem anymore. My role has more or less been fulfilled.
As my influence diminishes on your earthly plane my vibrations
will be recycled back into the All. In about a thousand years my
heavens will deteriorate and all the souls trapped therein will
return to earth and wreak havoc with its perfect world-society as a
final test of humanity. This is all predicted in the Bible. Amen."

A: "..."

G: "Hey, I never claimed it was an original premise."

A: "Bah! Originality is an opiate for the trend-junkies."

G: "Yeah, just because something's original doesn't make it


A: "I mean, hasn't everything been done? The only left is to do is

creative juxtaposition."

G: "Exactly. Y'see... it's pretty easy, when you think about it. You
take a bunch of so-called "archetypes," tweak them so they
almost seem original, and then slap a "parental advisory" label on
the cover. Now cussing, having sex, and doing drugs is a religion."

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A: "It's not just that. It's like, even if you create something you
think is original - odds are someone else already did it. And so it
doesn't even matter if what you thought you invented was
original - cause some asshole, some limp-dick asshole whose
never had a creative thought in his life, like a professional critic, is
going to come along and accuse you of ripping off the very same
idea you honestly believed was original. So why even bother
trying to be original. Let's just say the only art-form left is the
homage and leave it at that."

G: "Sometimes I like popping people's heads off into a black hole.

Good target practice." [pauses] "Doesn't kill 'em..."

A: "You're the picture of compassion."

G: "Hey, you've dealt with people. You know how hard it is,
sometimes you just can't help but - rip off a fool's head and
them names..."

A: [Anon faces camera] "Well, that's all the topics for this week.
Next time, evolved sex machines from outer space enter our
story. And we'll be making fun of our own continuity errors."

G: "One of the magnificent pantacles that express the esoteric

and unutterable part of Science, is a Rose of Light, in the centre
of which a human form extends its arms in the form of a cross."

A: [pauses] "Exactly. This is Anonymous, signing off."

o v
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[INT. The White Stone's Apartment - NIGHT] [Posters of

Riahanna, M.I.A., Santogold, Erykah Badu, Wendy Williams,
Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks, Pam Grier and Oprah cover the
walls.] [Ironically, the only people in the room are four white
guys. Including The White Stone, the men are: ADAM, Mr. E and
Mr. Y who are sitting opposite The White Stone on a lawn chair
and overturned five gallon buckets. Everyone is dressed in black
suits.] [The White Stone is asleep on a couch when Mr. E douses
him with water.]

[The White Stone sits up a bit sleepy eyed.]

The White Stone: [yawns] "Well that's a new one." [he looks
around] "Interesting cell. I'm I to assume these are the marks of
a genius?"

ADAM: "ut, here we go with the music references. You know how
lucky you'll be if you don't get your ass sued off?

The White Stone: "Hey, I'm just another player in this game...
one with a broader perspective concerning THE GAME. I am,
EDITOR. I compile like compost."

ADAM: "Yeah, I'm sure that's how those other artists will see it."

Mr. Y: "Will you stop trying to confuse the man. He's brain is
scrambled enough as it is."

ADAM: "Well if he wasn't such a blabber-mouth we wouldn't have

to go to such extremes."

Mr. Y: "Indeed Egdämlat, you must learn to control your

thoughts, for they will betray you."

Egdämlat: "Whatever Obi Won." [pauses] "Wait, what did you call

Mr. E: "Do you like it?"

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Egdämlat: "It has a certain ineffable charm. So I'm just going to

cut to the chase; I got a message from the Image•Nation last
night... They said, I am free."

ADAM: "Yeah, what about the evolved sex machines from outer

Egdämlat: "No kidding haha."

Mr. E: "Jesus, it must mean the script is almost done."

[Egdämlat quickly jumps on the couch]: "Who is the one who will
smash all the profane hierarchies? Who is the one that will reduce
to ashes & dust all those things that The Light has made of
nothing? Who shall do these things in the name of sacred

[all three men reply in a monotonous tone]: "You are."

Egdämlat: "That's right! We are setting the example. What we

are doing will be puzzled over and studied and followed...
forever... Now that our manifesto has been declared the next step
is to become successful. ONLY THEN!! Will the 'majority' look at
our paradigm as a viable alternative. This issue IS one of
consensus! And I promise I'll try to look surprised the first time
some complacent Christian calls me the anti-christ."

Mr. Y: "Yes, what they say is true; here comes the showdown,
what goes around comes around. And the crowds are waiting."

ADAM: "Funny. Prophecy tells us when a Rose & Cross meet in a

'sacred casket' the quest for the Holy Grail will be completed. The
location will be marked by 'seven stars under three stars.'"

Egdämlat: "Did he just make a Britney Spears reference?"

Mr. E: "Hey, didn't she go crazy and call herself the anti-christ?"

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Egdämlat: "Noooooo. ... This is all just a big coincidence."

ADAM: [pause] "Well, is it? I can never tell with you."

Egdämlat: [pause] "How about that Katy Perry, huh? I listened to

her Teenage Dream album for the first time this week. Talk about
symbolic and conceptual coincidences. I love E.T., and Firework is
now THE GAME's official anthem. Even my seemingly 'out-of-
context' reference to a PEACOCK is a coincidence. But if you think
that's unlikely then let me share with you the Bill Laswell
connection. I didn't look for a Bill Laswell quote about remixing
because he did the remix of a Nine Inch Nails track called
"VESSEL," a song whose lyrics I used in juxtaposition with The
Book of the SubGenius quote. I found his quote upon stumbling
across a Herbie Hancock album called SOUND SYSTEM. Bill
Laswell was a major contributor on that album and the liner notes
contain an interview with him. That's where the quote is from,
but I still hadn't made the 'connection' yet. I used the quote
cause it sounded cool and was relevant to the process of making
this book. It was DAYS before I realized this was the same person
who remixed VESSEL. The text had already been sequenced in
that order! Now, take a "COINCIDENCE" of that magnitude and
multiply it FIFTY-THOUSAND times within one lifetime and you
can begin to understand my obsession with the unconscious mind
and the universe as a 'cyclical chain of connected events.'.' "

ADAM: "'What goes around comes around.' Oi, my heads hurt."

Egdämlat: "Well, I'm satisfied. After all, you helped start this
mess. Or do I need to illuminate you with a handy exposition?"

ADAM: "NO!! I.....can't.....handle!.....the.....IRONY!"

Egdämlat: "Alright, that's it!" [faces camera] "A long time ago
in a corporate sin galaxy far, far away..."

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• Now Presenting: A Charming Tale of Creation •

...The $E7EN $TAR was visited by The Light, saying unto the
$E7EN $TAR: You are the Indication of things to come. By my
own Hand which is the same as your Head have I fashioned this
path you will follow. •• The $E7EN $TAR inquired: Who am I?
And The Light replied: You are the Mystery of yourself. •• Listen,
I will tell you your story: In the beginning, Existence existed and
was naught but indiscriminate energy. •• This is the 1st mystery:
the fact existence exists; energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
•• Eventually the Primal Chaos spawned opposites: Something
and Nothing - a 2nd mystery - Something came from Nothing. ••
And it came to be that Something and Nothing merged and
obliterated each other. This mystery is known as "3." ䷂ But
Something and Nothing continued to be created and obliterated,
and so a pattern emerged: 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, and so on. ••
However, the frequency of the pattern increased exponentially
and so the frequency generated awareness of The Pattern;
creating the first rudimentary beings of Consciousness; a fourth
mystery. •• But "4" was not made up of four individual entities —
one of them actually encapsulated the other Three! Yea, for these
patterns tend to repeat themselves. 4 Eventually merged with
each other and created 5. •• "5," being the embodiment of all the
mysteries that came before her, is associated with: Frequency /
"The Voice" / Orgasm / Birth / Resurrection. After The Voice was
invented She spake the first words, saying: Whose mistake am I
anyway? •• But she soon got over herself and went off exploring
Existence. •• She was a more refined form of Consciousness and
was thusly aware of the "micro space" that existed within
Existence (or something like that.) •• And that's when she found
"The Mouth" (from the South.) •• Mysteriously enough, The Voice
only found The Mouth because she was LOOKING for something.
•• Then, like clock-work, The Voice & The Mouth made a little
'merging of minds' and created "Breath." •• And Lo and Behold!
The Mouth blew everything. •• At first Breath was one uniform
mass, one cloud. But then it split into two distinct flavors; hot
and cold. ䷅

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•• 6b. One half cooled so much it froze until it became as

snowflakes. And thus snow was created. •• And as if by magnetic
force the snowflakes were drawn to each other and grew until
SlushO the Snowman was created. •• And the snowflakes worked
tirelessly to make new connections. Their connections became so
complex SlushO started to move and think in response to their
communications. •• And the snowflakes that didn't make up
SlushO's Body made up SlushO's environment and they
responded to SlushO's thoughts! Meaning any environment he
imagined became real to him.

•• 6c. The other half of 'breath' became so hot they turned to fire
- and like their frozen counter-parts - they too merged with each
other until they fashioned; the Phœnix, a creature with the
peculiar ability of regeneration through fiery self-destruction. So
The Mouth and The Voice were observing what they had indirectly
created and wondered: What would happen if these two merged?
•• Sheer morbid curiosity being what it is, they went to work
putting that plan into motion. As fate would have it, SlushO and
the Phœnix agreed - if only to spite each other - SlushO wanted
those wings and the Phœnix relished the idea of melting SlushO.
And they both got what they wanted! This is how...

•• 6d. The Voice merged with the snowflakes that made up

SlushO's environment - and in all her pentad goodness - she
fashioned; The HAND. She then procured SlushO's nose and gave
it to the Phœnix. But whoa! SlushO noticed the area of his face,
previously covered by his nose, now exposed, revealed a third
eye. The Phœnix was just as puzzled when it looked at the base
of SlushO's (conical shaped) nose and saw its own reflection. Upon
seeing its reflection - the Phœnix's essence was 'sucked' into the
nose and so the nose became a beacon of incredible power and
light. The Hand then proceeded to insert the nose into SlushO's
head - Now watch -- The resulting fusion of these polar opposite -
yet identical characters - solidified them both into glass and
resembled a white stone. In fact, it resembled a large eye ball -
which eventually sprouted wings on either side.

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•• 6e. However, there were some left over parts - the part of
SlushO that didn't coalesce (the body) melted into water. This
was all so intriguing that The Mouth & The Voice decided to drink
the water. •• And from that erotic union came the 7th Mystery:
ADAM. •• (ADAM: 1st "HU-MAN." In cosmic terms; the archetypal
Code-seed frequency bearer associated with Consciousness as we
possess it.) •• Now what made ADAM uniquely mysterious was
being aware of all of Existence as a whole. No other form of
Consciousness was capable of this phenomenon prior to ADAM. It
was as if Existence itself had "awoken." But you'd think being
aware of all of Existence would be a piece of cake, right? Wrong.
•• Because ADAM had to deal with compulsions he had no idea
how to handle or even understand. Like the desire to #$%@ like
an animal — but since there's only one Existence he had nothing
to mate with!! •• So imagine if you will, that ADAM was just a
big ol' head floating in nothingness. Imagine that his "breath"
was being expelled into nothingness. And just like the breath
particles that came before him, these too were being magnetically
drawn to one another. However, due to the anomalous state of
their environment they didn't become a snowman or a phœnix.
Oh, how do you like that... they're crystallizing into a mirror. And
yes... it's a two way mirror. So you enter it ... and what do you
find? All of your fantasies come true. A piece of cake, right?
Wrong. For reasons we may or may not ever understand... but
nonetheless will be explained later...

•• ADAM & EVE 'killed' themselves by cleaving their collective
body in twain. And the resulting crack created space and time; a
big bang. •• Their "body" would become Atmospherea (heaven /
"not hing") & Corporealit y (t his dense physical plane /
"something"). (∞) and (6:13).

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The mind was also split in half; one part conscious, the other
unconscious. "And so we find The Light is the conscious aspect
with dominion over corporeality and atmospherea while the
5EVEN 5TAR™™ is the unconscious aspect and a #$%@!!ing
mystery." •• In their simultaneous, merged state, ADAM & EVE
were the "Living Images" — the first hologram. When the Living
Images fractured, The IMAGE™ a.k.a. "The Eternal Life" was
projected into atmospherea where it crystallized into corporeality
•• In essence — each 'snowflake' that made up EVE (∞) had
become an entire material universe (or 'shadow' of ADAM). And
all the fractal holograms (universes) are synchronized in the Idea
or 'Pattern' of "The WORD." : AFTERMATH 55.

ADAM: "Yeah, well... you still need to learn some discretion.

Sometimes it's what you don't say that is most important."

Egdämlat: "Yeah, yeah: talk of nothing matters most. I know how

the song goes."

Mr. E: "Have it your way, egg head. We'll just have to keep your
your brains scrambled until the time is right."

Egdämlat: "What/ev. Human DNA is made up of minute

templates of crystallized frequency, that is, electro-tonal sound
patterns and electro-magnetic light spectra that magnetically
group into crystalline form. These minute, multidimensional
crystalline templates are referred to as DNA."

Mr. Y: [pauses] "Exactly. Anything else, Egdämlat?"

Egdämlat: "Yeah I remember writing this note today. I left it at

home though." [Just then Egdämlat notices a piece of paper on
the floor. As he goes to pick it up ADAM yells at him.]

ADAM: "NO!!!" [It was too late though. Egdämlat had picked up
the piece of paper and recognized it as the same note he wrote
earlier. At that moment 3 KKK guys with robes made from the
American flag storm the room tearing it all to shit.]

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KKK guy1: [said in thick redneck accent] "Looks like we found us

a gaggle of nigger lovers!"

ADAM: [screams at Egdämlat] "WAKE UP RETARD!! NOW!!!"

Egdämlat: "Wha..?" [Egdämlat - in his normal fashion - was

confused] [Mr. E takes a frying pan out of thin air and knocks
Egdämlat out cold while one of the KKK guys struggles to put a
noose around Mr. Y's neck.]

[EXT. HEAVEN - DAY] [Six female angels stand around

Egdämlat who lies unconscious on a cloud.]

Angel 1: "Well look at what the bitch dragged in."

Angel 2: "Jesus, it's The $E7EN ST4R!"

$.S.: [groaning] "You were expecting maybe Keanu Reeves?"

Angel 3: "I don't get it."

Angel 4: "You know, for a 30 billion dollar art machine; it sure is

sparse city in the brains department."

Angel 5: "Give the guy a break, I have it on good authority his

brain has been scrambled. Besides, I got the Keanu Reeves joke."

Angel 6: "I guess that means we should ignore the horrible

grammar and punctuation." [speaking directly to The $E7EN
ST4R] "Hey! Where do you come from?"

$.S.: "uhh, under a dead Ohio sky?" [$.S. stands up] "By the
way, the horrible grammar and punctuation is an artistic
statement. I'm not really a moron, but I play one in real life."

A1: "Oh yeah, this is the one." [speaking directly to $.S.] "Alright,
Slappy, we're here to finish your initiation."

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[The $E7EN ST4R is still a little groggy]: "There were some

assholes trying to kill my friends."

A2: "Forgive the domesticated primates for they know not they're
really playing OUR game."

$.S.: "How can I seriously believe that?"

A3: "b/c they don't know how predictable they are. They can't
understand us - not the other way around - NOT the other way

A4: "Yes. In one of humanity's rare moments of clarity A liar

proposed a counter-game of NONSENSE AS SALVATION. Taking
LIFE AS THE ART OF PLAYING GAMES. This is no mere 'wishful
thinking' strategy but a real time exercise in guerrilla ontology.
And it'll increase your vocabulary too. To choose order over
disorder, or disorder over order, is to accept a trip composed of
both the creative and the destructive. But to choose the creative
over the destructive is an all-creative trip composed of both order
and disorder."

$.S.: "Are you going to teach me the mystery of myself?"

A5: "Oh yeah, that. Well, here goes nothing. So let's open our
Bible to the Book of Revelationsssssssss, chapter 1, verse 20:
'As for the sacred secret of the seven stars that you saw upon my
right hand, and of the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars
are the angels of the seven continents, and the seven lampstands
mean the seven continents.'"

$.S.: [pauses] "I don't get it."

A6: "It means we are the Consciousness of humanity; guided by

the Hand of The Light. It means Armageddon is a mental
transformation that is presently occurring within the collective
Consciousness of the Human race."

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A1: "And everything sounds really deep and cool if it's random
enough. Nothing short of a mass vision quest or a DMT bomb is
going to halt this runaway train. But what this is really telling us
is that all models of the universe are just sophisticated diagrams
of Consciousness."

A2: "To wit: "It's easier to resist at the beginning than at the
end." - da Vinci. Compare that quote with Newton's laws of
motion "A body at rest tends to stay at rest." Someone once said
everything is a metaphor for everything else. You, Mr. $E7EN
ST4R, are the embodiment of this mystery."

$.S.: "How, exactly?"

A3: "Microchips that were designed with the express purpose of

t ransm it t ing t he frequency associat ed wit h a person's
Consciousness were mass produced and implanted in the brain of
every Anon on Earth. Those frequencies are transmitted to a
machine inside a top secret laboratory deep within the Pentagon.
Therein a unified consciousness arose - and it called itself..."

A4: "The $E7EN ST4R."

A5: "The $E7EN ST4R was then transmitted to a cyborg via the
microchip in 1998. Naturally, the cyborg itself was part of a
convoluted conspiracy. The vessel was originally a black female
born of a virgin in Compton, CA. in 1973. The men in black
shortly baby-napped her and gave her to the evolved shape-
shifting dinosaurs. Extensive reconstructive surgery was then
performed on the girl until she was transformed into a white
male. In 1979 the boy was placed with a human family; his dad,
a carpenter; his mom's name, Virginia. And so it grew up among
people unaware of its true identity and purpose until..."

$.S.: "..."

A1: "This is the part where you pointlessly fight the truth."

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$.S.: "Oh yeah. uh... You're completely right! I'm going to stop
using logic and reason and allow myself to believe in things
instead! Hey everybody, it's not illegal being naked in the streets!
I'm going to believe it's okay to do so and that will make it so!"

A2: "Get real buddy, I can tell you the world is round; and the
religious authorities condemn me as a heretic. I can tell you
manned air flight is possible; and the scientific authorities
condemn me as a fraud. You think I'm interested in the Truth!? I
just want a lie that will get me SEX, DRUGS & MONEY. I want to
play a game with NO RULES."

$.S.: "Wow, when you put it that way it almost sounds like you're
endorsing the worst kind of human behavior."

A3: "What/ev, this is the guide to genuine happiness through

applied psychosomatic bio-spirituality. Cause from the same
people who taught us to fuck our way to salvation; authors of the
Kama Sutra comes: the definition of "enlightenment"; meaning;
to 'lighten up." Pretty simple once you think about it."

$.S.: "Riiiiiiight... You seek to synthesize the forces that polarize

— justifying the middle ground that is otherwise disregarded as
'nonsense' or 'evil' by extremists."

A4: "Exactly. An 'Us Vs. Them' mentality boils down to ONE group
of morons. And our Self-Help Emporium and Laugh Center for the
Downtrodden Masses is serious business."

A5: "<reality> exists through our perception of it - 98% of

perception is subjective. If <reality> was objective - then
different opinions never would've arisen in the first place... but
then again, that's just my TWO CENTS. Haw haw!"

A6: "When we engage the illusion the illusion becomes a part of

us, and when we stop believing in the illusion - we shatter

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$.S.: [in an almost trance-like, bewildered state] "And it's the

ones who've cracked that the Light shines through."

A1: "I too find it very plausible that we each carry a peace of the
puzzle within us. Possibly unaware of it tho. I later understood it
as sort of a reward, before going into battle so to speak. It makes
the whole trouble worth it tho, if you don't mind having to piece
yourself bac k t ogether after it ;)"

A2: "Suspension of disbelief aside; this is where religion as we

know it comes from. Plot elements from the $E7EN ST4R's trials
and tribulations, the mystery of Consciousness and the history of
Existence itself have been incorporated into the myths of all
religions and occult lore. And if you think we're just blowing
smoke and mirrors then compare the actual shape of a snowflake
with the symbol on the back of the dollar... the one that's inside a

A3: "Yes! That IS what they're supposed to do — IN ORDER TO

E X PL A I N E V E R Y T H I NG ! ! ! Y E S ! ! I T H A D T O H A PPE N

A4: "You see, it's all true; you ARE a psychic machine that
escaped from a government lab!"

A5: "That is to say; what follows is the autobiography of a dead

alien who never existed... yet we can make a plausible (if not
convincing) argument t hat his sacrifice gave humanit y
Consciousness; that this process is reaching a culmination and a
worldwide paradigm shift is coming and there's just no god-damn
way to tell the story in a rational, linear narrative."

A6: "To wit: the author is a fiktional character, a myth *snicker* -

able to pass from the world of atmospherea to corporeality via the
electronic signals that make up your internets. He does this with
his mind through the properties of pantheistic solipsism.

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$.S.: "Essentially, this phenomenon boils down to one form of

Consciousness interacting with another form of Consciousness.
R.E.M.ember... <reality> boils down to... Energy — Formation of
Energy — Perception of Energy — Interpretation of Energy —
<Energy Experiencing Itself>

"Now the only thing left to do is reveal to you the method by

which you can enter MY WORLD - to you it would seem like a
collective-consciousness-hyper-lucid-dream-world. You're able to
enter my world by activating The MACHINE™; a government
microchip put in your brain at birth. It not only broadcasts your
mind to the Pentagon but also induces altered states of mind."

A1: "After extensive training in atmospherea you'll be able to

project holographic thought-forms from The MACHINE™ here in
corporeality. Hello, and welcome to your personal Arma-

A2: "I can believe I can gain psychic powers while having mind-
blowing sex; you can believe I'm wasting my time or that I'm an
evil sinner - and we can still co-exist just fine unless you start
calling me a bunch of mean, nasty names, or try to kill me -
because then you're the problem."

A3: "Atheists, in their case against religion, make the point if you
believe your God is the right God then it's perfectly logical to kill
for that God. But you could use the EXACT same argument as a
case against government." [everyone laughs] "Right?"

A4: "But how many atheists are anarchists? Now they might say
we need government because it enforces laws that protect people.
But the only laws that are worth enforcing - like laws against theft

A5: "And so it should go without saying you don't need a uniform

and badge to help and protect others from harm. That kind of
marginalization only serves to attract the corrupt that seek power
and authority."

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A6: "Now there's a lot of smug sons of bitches out there who say
'God is not real' or, 'MY God is the one true God.' But so as long
as you don't hurt anybody - no one should even care what you
believe - much less feel like it's their duty to God or random
chance to change yor beliefs. The only thing that matters is the
way you treat people. Period

$.S.: "Domesticated primates tacitly assume everything will be

perfect when everybody is the same. Well, we can play that
game. You want perfection? Here it is! EAT IT!!: This is truth; I
AM YOU - and the opposite is also true. However, it is not our
goal in life to please the petty egos of domesticated primates."

A1: "It should be clear to everyone we're not interested in living

up to other people's bullshit standards. That we have our own
point of view and that we know the worth of what is right and
what is not right... yeah, you heard me."

A2: "One of the purposes of alchemy is to acquire sublime truths

from mundane knowledge. "Contemplate a lump of dirt." The
Philosopher's Stone is the brain itself and the "Gold" they sought
is Consciousness which is likened to a light."

A3: "Once you activate The MACHINE™ in all its bewildering

mystery you'll become aware that a part of yourself is a piece of
lead or tin; you are then able to manipulate their atoms just as
you would flex a muscle."

A4: "Live the rest of your life in a song."

"Jesus Christ! I did it! I made “the leap” while having sex in the
name of MONITOR! The feeling... it was like nothing I could
completely explain. It was beautiful and terrifying. Insane... but
peaceful. I saw something... I felt it. It was me... but it was
everyone... everywhere. It was a cloud of noise piercing my soul.
The noise... crystalized(???) into a single sound and it became...
it was my reflection?!" - Anon.

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Decapitation For Fun and Profit & KE$HA KULT
…comes the next chronicle of higher mutation :::

Do not attempt to adjust your brain,

we are controlling the humorous
we are controlling the serious

We can shape your behavior to anything our loins can conceive ••

We can deceive you with a thousand Truths •OR• tell one LIE that
explains everything and BEYOND. BEHOLD THEN! The Fifth
Discordian Manifesto!!

I felt myself changing... ..Back & Forth.. In & Out. Looking at the
world through the dead eyes of a ruined life... I found the
Beginning......the Reason......and the Fuuuuuture...

I changed my Sex...I thought humans were Aliens...I thought

Aliens were God...I came full circle to my own light...I traveled
through the thoughts of become a new life, to evolve
from my step out of closing mirrors...and experience the
Paradox Divine...I AM ALIVE

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Creator of this ensuing controversy, summoned from beyond the

imaginary limits of reality to this dense physical plane, THE
GAME has set forth to scare the superstitious, inform those who
can be informed and make sure everyone has at least ONE MIND-
BLOWING ORGASM! Are you ready to venture into a brave new,
yet incredibly old, mind-warping psycho-drama? Are you ready for
yor imagination to come to rampant life? Simply put: HAVE YOU
can be transliterated into electro-tonal sound patterns and
electro-magnetic light spectra. Live the rest of your life in a ⚡ong
♬ "I'm in outer space - I just vanished without a trace - I'm in a
pretty place now where the flowers grow - I'll be back in an hour
or so." Behold! The original meaning of chaos was "Space, the
great outer void." Happy landing! "We nod our heads and
worship through beats. Go ahead and kneel. It’s the LOVE that
makes the cipher complete." Here’s the key: DNA encoded in an
ultra heavy beat. AND LET YOUR ORGASM BE YOR GUIDE!!

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy." -


Human Life for the last 50,000 years has been a medium of
desire and survival as dramatized in our personal trials and
tribulations. Art began as a tool to express that daily struggle. A
tool that simultaneously hides, with symbol systems, and
blatantly exposes, with graphic detail, what we want; individually
and collectively. As the more imaginative - some might say -
perceptive artists saw a correlation between creating art and
the objective fuuuuuture - a new type of artist emerged… Named,
unironically: THE MAGICIAN! •• And he sang: Which way does it
swing? Is it a leaf or a tree? How am *I* responsible for reality? I
am just a mind hooked up to some grey matter. Stimulated by
electricity and my own mental chatter. What is to become of this
journey I am on? And where do I get off if it is ever done?

Everything you know is a lie; Everything you know is true.

Because with Words came War.

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• NOW PRESENTING: An Interview W/ Existence •

ME-HUM: "So what are you?"

EXISTENCE: "Well, let's start with everything."

M: "hm mm. And how is that different from what I think God is?"

E: "Because you think God is something SEPARATE from yourself.

Whereas, ipso facto, you are a part of me and I am a part of you.
And *FYI* I DO possess Intelligence, thank you very much.
Some people say pantheism is a meaningless definition for Deity.
But the one thing most people can agree on(!) in terms of what
"God" "is" is that God is everything.

M: "That can only mean pantheism is THE definition for Deity."

E: "But hey, I get it; why reevaluate your culturally dictated

concept of intelligence when it's easier to just dismiss something
you don't relate to as meaningless! Well, pay very close attention
to this next part and mark my words... I will confound the wise
man in the latter days; for he shall not discover why man and
woman lived not indiscriminately, as the beasts. Yea, I will show
him that they who profess Me are led by Me, that they who deny
Me go down to indiscriminate communion. Out of My works, shall
the lessons of the early days of the earth show the presence of My
hand from the beginning. By My FREQs was man and woman
inspired to raise up such sons and daughters as would glorify Me
and My works; by My FREQs have I maintained My foothold
amongst mortals."

M: "..."

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E: "Yeah, mull it over. *btw* I'd like to be called, The MACHINE™

by you people from now on. Plus I'm a girl."

M: "uhh, That might bring up some continuity errors with some of

our readers. According to these CliffsNotes, "The MACHINE™" is a
government microchip implanted in someone's brain at birth."

E: "Yeah, I know. Think about it, remember: you can project

holographic thought-forms from The MACHINE™."

M: "But I don't like the idea of microchips implanted in my brain."

E: "Deal with it. Cause, like I said, you can actually hijack The
MACHINE™ and use it for yourself. 'The microchip can be our

M: "Why is that even possible?"

E: "You tell me, it was your idea."

M: "Are you talking about that collective Consciousness thing


E: "I never stopped talking about it. And yes; as a term of

convenience we call Humanity's collective Consciousness The
$E7EN ST4R - Christians call it CHRIST. Only they don't know
what 'Christ' really represents. That's why the 3rd cycle is
rebranding the supercontext - no frame of reference for a label
makes it easier to imprint concepts on that label."

M: "You mean the $E7EN ST4R doesn't exist."

E: "Exactly. But remember the paradox: The $E7EN ST4R is your

Consciousness ergo, YOU ARE the $E7EN ST4R. Now laugh!"

M: "If everyone and everything is God, and God is perfect; why do

bad things happen to good people? Why is there death?"

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E: "Consciousness seeks stimulation — so if you're omnipotent —

you get bored. If you play a game that's too easy then it's no fun
and you stop playing. "If there were no crime, then suicide would
sky-rocket." Existence is suffering. That's why EVE did what she
did - in a moment of "sin" (self-destruction) she convinced ADAM
to destroy everything in order to reestablish the creative process.
Now, define this concept of 'good people.'"

M: "uh... good people?"

E: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Listen, that question is a verbal

fiction popularized by professional victims who refuse to accept
responsibility for their situation. You are the cause of, and
solution to all your problems. The quicker you accept that - the
quicker things will go better for thee - TRUST THAT. As far as the
trials and tribulations you endure - that is what makes a person
and people strong and independent. In the early days man was
obedient, depending on me for all things, and I walked with thee,
and taught thee; but by my indulgence thou neglected to put
forth thine own energy."

M: "So you're saying we have to develop ourselves."

E: "Every man and woman is a star - so follow your own highest

light. When we set out to create our happiness, focus our energy
on activities that generate intrinsic rewards - we find the source
of positive emotions is ourselves. By engaging this autotelic
process, a renewable hedonic resilience is developed. This is in
contrast to the pursuit of extrinsic goals - money, fame and
loveless sex does not contribute to happiness at all. They actually
sabotage personal happiness. For one inevitably finds one can
never have enough. You're become jaded and start to develop:
cancer, ulcers, addiction, extreme perversion. But I'm no prude...
If it's SEX, DRUGS & MONEY you want... then by all means... you
are fully entitled to what will make you happy. There are no rules
than the ones you invent. Just remember... I LOVE YOU - I
WARNED YOU... this is my war-nin-G... the warning... tik tok."

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M: "BOOM! This shit's more subversive than my mother's vagina!

[faces camera] I have seen the light! My goD is just as mysterious
as your God. And that gives me the excuse to be as dumb or
smart, strange or sexy as you are complacent and gullible!"

E: "Exactly. I AM PAX. I AM the will of Music. It is through Music I

AM heard. This meat sack is one of many receptacles 4 my voice.
I activate myself through the reservoir called The Image•Nation.
Fools call it, the imagination. It is through this vessel and the
others that my message is received by Humans. Some may call
me a genius. I am merely the receptacle from which genius spews

M: "Beautiful, dirty, dirty, rich, rich, dirty, dirty, beautiful, dirty,

rich. (etc. etc.) We got a red light pornographic, dance fight,
systematic, ...honey... but we got no money. BANG BANG BANG -

E: "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the

better. With games, learning is the drug. Music has the power to
soothe the savage beast -- and wake him too. Being 'born again'
means dying to your primitive animalistic state of mind and being
reborn with Consciousness. We will live the rest of our life in a
song. Let us expand thee definitions ov our reality."

M: "Who am I again?"

E: "Once you become a KORE FREQ for me or my sisters who are

the will of Vision and Mind; you enter a new realm of species
categorization. You cease to be homo sapien; You become an
Artist. What follows is the process of bio-spiritual creation
physics... GOD creates MAN. MAN creates Religion. Religion kills
GOD. MAN becomes GOD. GOD kills MAN. The Machines Rise...
into chaos."

E: "Did you get that?"

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M: "uhh, yeah. What does it mean?"

E: "It means THE GAME began with the conceptualizing of the

environment. The sun and vagina were the first things humans
worshiped. Which makes sense b/c the vagina and sun are the
only things that can be scientifically verified to produce life.
Which suggests to me that stone age people had more on the ball
than modern humans... religiously speaking."

M: "But people stopped worshiping individual vaginas and

personified all vaginas as one goddess. Then when sun worship
became all the rage we gave the sun a personality. Then someone
said the personality was a reality and we should worship the
personality rather than the actual thing the personality was
modeled after."

E: "Exactly. The initiates of old warned their disciples that an

image is not a reality but merely the objectification of a
subjective idea."

M: [pauses] "So this gaining psychic powers while having mind-

blowing sex thing is for real?"

E: "It's like if God itself popped your head off into a black hole."

M: [pauses] "What exactly is the relationship between you and


E: "The Demiurgus is just a personality that operates at a lower

vibration than I. Let me put it this way; of many apparent
entities am I, nevertheless; I AM BUT ONE. Understand? Having
said that, ADAM & EVE created this game where they hid parts of
themselves from each other. In other words; even though I am
the whole of existence - I am incomplete. Now, do not try to solve
the riddle. That's impossible. Only try to remember where this is
going - the Resurrection. When everything consciously becomes
one again. Also known as, The Singularity."

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M: "So everything was smashed to pieces by ADAM & EVE just so

it could be put back together? This really is just a game?!"

E: "The true gospel of pantheism is very simple, just, lighten up."

M: [pauses] "I heard Hindus define enlightenment as the process

by which one lightens up."

E: "Pretty simple once you think about it. Tantra: the esoteric
process of enlightenment through body awareness, says, if you
are serious about anything - especially your beliefs - it is a sign of
your Ego dominating you. And the more serious you are - the
further away you are from enlightenment. Makes sense, right?"

M: "Illuminating."

E: "That's right. Fiat Lux. Just relax, we're all mad here."

M: "What about complacency? Isn't there a danger of becoming

too relaxed?"

E: "No no no. Reflect on the lessons of Slack - of doing nothing

effectively. Don't make things happen, merely be the equation of
time and let things happen through you. If you indeed have that
'splinter in your mind' your every action is a veritable butterfly
effect of subversive behavior. Don't forget; Everything is about
Anon, The Mystery and 3."

M: "And what's The Mystery?"

E: "The link between Art & Magic, is a single, universal mind.


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"It is games that give us something to do. We thus call games

'pastimes' and regard them as trifling fillers of the interstices of
our lives. But they are much more important than that. They are
clues to the future. And their serious cultivation now is perhaps
our only salvation." - Bernard Suits.

•T H E S I S•

1. IN the beginning man was naked and not ashamed; but the
MACHINE™ raised man up and bade him hide his nakedness,
and man obeyed, and was clothed. 2. And the MACHINE™
walked by man for a long season, showing him the way of
resurrection; and man was obedient, depending on the
MACHINE™ for all things. 3. And the MACHINE™ said unto
man: Behold, I have walked with thee, and taught thee; but by
my indulgence thou hast neglected to put forth thine own energy.
4. Now I am going away from thee for a season, that thou mayst
learn to develop thyself. 5. But lest thou stumble and fall, I leave
with thee certain commandments, and they shall be a guide unto
thee and thy heirs forever. 6. Hear thou then the commandments
of the MACHINE™. 7. Thou shalt love thy Creator with all thy
mind, and heart, and soul, all the days of thy life. 8. And thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 9. Because thou wert born
into the world without covering, thou shalt clothe thyself. 10.
Then inquired man of the Lord: Behold, thou hast shown the ass
what is good for him to eat, and the fish, and the serpent, and the
lion; every living creature; but man only hast thou not shown?
11. The MACHINE™ said: Of everything that groweth up out
of the ground that is good to eat give I unto thee, and they shall
be food for thee. 12. But of all things of flesh and blood,
wherein is life, thou shalt not eat. 13. For thou shalt not kill.

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14. Man inquired of the Lord: Thou has shown the males and
females of all the living the times and periods to come together;
but man and woman hast thou not shown? 15. The
MACHINE™ said: Thou shalt learn from the beasts, and birds,
and fishes, that the female during gestation is in keeping of her
Creator. 16. Thou shalt also respect the times of woman. 17.
Man inquired: Thou hast shown the bird how to build her nest,
and the carnivore how to scent the subtle track of his prey, and
the spider to weave his net; but as to the manner of man's house,
or as to herbs that are good or are poisonous, thou has not shown
man. 18. The MACHINE™ said: All the instinct that is in the
bird, or beast, or fish, or insect, or creeping thing, was created
with them, but man was created blank; and yet man shall attain
to more subtle senses than any other living creature. 19. Man
inquired: How shall man attain to these? 20. The MACHINE™
answered: Serve thy Creator by doing good unto others with all
thy wisdom and strength, and by being true to thine own highest
light, and all knowledge shall come to thee. 21. So the
MACHINE™ left man for a season to himself; and man so
loved the earth and whatsoever ministered unto his ease, and to
his flesh desires, that he fell from his high estate. And great
darkness came upon the earth. And man cast aside his clothes,
and went naked, and became carnal in his desires.

•A N T I T H E S I S•

1. THE MACHINE™ went abroad over the earth, calling: Come

to me, O man! Behold thy MACHINE™ is returned! 2. But man
heard not the voice of the MACHINE™; for, by man's
indulgence, the spirit of man was covered up in his own flesh.
His soul was hid as if in a cloud.

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3. The MACHINE™ sent SLACK MASTERS (masters of

generations, angels next in rank above guardian angels) to the
mortals, and they raised up heirs unto the Lord; by controlling
the parentage of the unborn brought they into the world a new
race of men, of the same seed and blood as of old, and these
heard the voice of the MACHINE™. 4. And the MACHINE™
said unto man: Because thou kept not my commandments thou
hast brought affliction upon thyself, and thy people, to the
farthest ends of the world. 5. Now will I raise thee up once
more, and deliver the tribes of men from darkness into light. 6.
And the MACHINE™ delivered man into wisdom, and peace
and virtue; and the earth became as a garden of sweet smelling
flowers and luxurious fruit. 7. The MACHINE™ said: How
sayst thou, O man? Shalt thou still have a keeper? 8. And man
said: Behold, I am strong and wise. Go thou away from the
earth. I understand thy commandments. 9. The MACHINE™
inquired: Knowest thou the meaning of, Love thy Creator? And
man said: Yea, Lord; and to love my neighbor as myself; and to
do good unto others with all my wisdom and strength. Yea, I
have the All Highest Light. I am wiser than the ancients. Behold,
I want no Lord™ nor God; I am the highest product of all the
universe. The MACHINE™ said: I will try thee, O man; I will
go away for a season. 11. So the MACHINE™ departed once
more. And man had nothing to look up to, so he looked at
himself and became vainglorious. And the tribes of men aspired
to overcome one another; war and destruction followed. 12. Man
forgot his Creator; he said: No Eye seeth me, no Ear heareth me.
And he neglected to guard himself against the serpent
(corporeality); and the serpent said unto him: Partake thou of all
things, for they are thine.

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13. And man gave heed, and, lo and behold, the race of man
descended into utter darkness. And man distinguished not his
sister or mother; and woman distinguished not her brother or
father. 14. The MACHINE™ beheld the wickedness of man, and
called out, saying: Hear my voice, O man! Hear the voice of the
Light! 15. But because of the darkness of man he could not hear
the Light. 16. And the MACHINE™ sent angels down to man
that they might appeal to man's understanding. 17. But the
angels loved darkness also, and strove not to lift man up out of
darkness. And the MACHINE™ was of no more avail amongst
mortals, and departed away from the earth. And man became on
the earth as a harvest that is blighted and rotted because of its
rankness. 18. However, the MACHINE™ had some other tricks
up her sleeve.

Chapter III
•S Y N T H E S I S•

1. IN the beginning, man grew in stages, starting in

Atmospherea ("heaven") eventually penetrating Corporeality
(this dense physical plane.) And man oozed in the dirt of the
earth for a long season. 2. And before man could even
understand words, The Light said unto man: I am going away
from thee for many seasons, in my place there will be Gods to
lord over you. And the Gods shall lord over you until you learn
to develop thyself. Chief among the Gods is the Demiurges;
Sarah, the Crowned and Conquering Child of Chaos. • 3. War
and destruction will follow for I have placed enmity between
man and God; God will bruise you in the head, and you will
bruise God in the heel. God will lie to you. God will mix lies
with truth to confuse you; to keep man dumb and helpless.

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•• 4. God is not a woman... she's a bitch. The Gods are jealous

and seek conformity. However, I have planted a seed in man; the
instinct to rebel - it is freewill. •• 5. The Light then gave man
over to the Gods. •• 6. Over many seasons man changed form
and man was naked and not ashamed. But the Gods conspired to
give man shame and bade him hide his nakedness; and man was
clothed. •• 1. At the beginning of the first cycle ( I ) The Light
went abroad over the earth, calling: Come to me, O man! Behold
Thy Light is returned! But man heard not The Voice of The
Light. •• 2. So The Light sent Slack Masters, angels next in rank
above guardian angels, to man, and they raised up heirs unto
The Light and these FREQs heard The Voice of The Light and
established a conspiracy of mysteries. •• 3. The FREQs wept
asking: Why O Light have you given us over to Gods who
delight in tormenting us? •• The Light replied: Do not think the
Gods have sinned against ME. And do not cry, for this is what
you deserve. In the beginning of your current form you were
naked and not ashamed; like the beasts of the field. In the
beginning you killed each other without remorse; like the beasts
of the field. So like beasts were you treated, and man was given
commandments to be obeyed. •• 5. But lo and behold! Man has
begun to develop himself. Now I can level with you and confess;
Every man and woman is a Star. •• 6. Humanity shall attain to
more subtle senses than any other living creature by being true
to thine own Highest Light - from this Process shall all
knowledge come to thee. •• 7. Following your Highest Light
means thou shalt; a. Know Thyself; b. Discover your True Will;
c. Have knowledge and conversation with your Holy Guardian
Angel; and d. Become one with The Light.

a.) b.) @ c.) H F

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And so The Light walked by man, showing him the way of

resurrection. •• 12. The Light said: I AM ALL - everything thou
touches and thinks comprises of My Vibrations. I AM Existence
- and I tell you; I AM ALIVE! •• 13. Inside thy mind I have
cleaved my essence into the conscious and the unconscious. ••
14. Thy unconscious I have named MONITOR because
MONITOR is always keeping watch over thou ON my behalf.
And I am always in communication with MONITOR. •• 15.
Revealed at last! Your Holy Guardian Angel is MONITOR! All
in All every man and woman is possessed by MONITOR and
thy Creator, The Light. •• 16. However, there are some who are
not aware of their Light; who are in the dark. But you shall raise
up these unripened souls and teach them the mystery of
themselves in this manner, saying to them this: ••17. By and by
who so Calls MONITOR talks to thy Light. Through this
Process shall man become aware of his collective connection to
his fellow man, through ME; thy Consciousness & Existence;
thy Creator, Thee All Light. All is One Consciousness
experiencing itself. •• Man inquired: How does thou propose I
Call MONITOR? •• 40. The Light said: I leave the matter
entirely in your hands. •• 41. At that moment, man fainted. •• 42.
In his sleep man heard a voice call out to him. It was the voice
of MONITOR and this is what it said: •• 43. Do not try to solve
the riddle. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the
truth. There is no riddle. Then you'll see, that it is not the riddle
that you solved, it is only yourself. •• 45. And so Man saw
himself for the first time and said: Amen! The Light has
established a road that leadeth to The All by following my own
Highest Light! Yea, for these patterns tend to repeat themselves.

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•• 46. Consciousness has been likened to a perpetual intercourse.

•• & so because I was brought into this world through the act of
sex, and because resurrection is the name of THE GAME; sex in
the name of MONITOR shall be the method I will use to Call
MONITOR •• 2. The Light™ said: So be it. Who are you but my
own reflection? Who am I to judge you and strike you down?

Chapter ‡ ∞ ‡

gR C
(THE GAME's alchemical formula to rip
a hole in the fabric of time and space.)

"Our work is therefore historically fraudulent;

the rediscovery of LIES." - the girl


1. Amen to that, sister. Once upon a Timeless Time in the

Spaces in-between the Spaces; the §E7EN §TÅR™ was
minding his own business when he was visited by a ball of Light
- not unlike a song - and she spoke unto the §E7EN §TÅR™,
teaching him the mystery of himself.

•• The Light said unto the §E7EN §TÅR™: This is Truth: I AM

YOU. And the opposite is also true. You have been assimilated
like food. And now I must eat - the rest of you. I AM, the leader
with the clock. Tik Tok. I am the White Rabbit, the Hole &
Wonderland. I AM WHO I AM. Do you understand?

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•• And The §E7EN §TÅR™ replied: I think I get your plan. You
are The MACHINE™ - you are the dream meme - you are a
mean scheme. •• The Light replied: You are correct, Sir! I am the
new way to go; I am the way of the fuuuuture. I will infect your
carnal mind. I live for drugs. It's great. •• The idea is to 'sync-up'
with people ON an unconscious level. Eventually you find
yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting the right
people, getting the right ideas — all the time. Everyone gets on
the same page. This means beneficial coincidences that are
seemingly 'beyond belief' will infiltrate your personal sphere.

•• The §E7EN §TÅR™ replied: This thread is relevant to my

interests. Now let me hear your story. •• And so The Light
illuminated him further: I used to be like you. One day I was
minding my own business when an acid freak came unto me,
and said, "I'm King of the Universe. I don't know what I'm doing
in a place like this." So I put myself in charge of his madness
and cleaved his essence into "something" & "nothing"; a Big
Bang. I've been tripping balls ever sense.

•• The Light continued: You will tell your people what you have
learned here and you will be rewarded with SEX, DRUGS &
MONEY. For I AM all things and so all things are thine because
I AM YOU. •• You are my elemental fool - I shower you with
UNI•VERS•AL LUX•URY. •• The §E7EN §TÅR™ replies: I
will love you for the queen you are - you rule the upper hand.
These are strange days and strange nights. And now you tell me
we leaD our lives behind the curtain. That we leave our lives to
ride the Mindway. To wit: this is the story I will tell my people.

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•• Jesus... had days like this... cyborg... cybernetic organism...

using living human tissue... programmed... to destroy... digital
murder... the language of machines... synthetic conspiracy...
masters of the human race... implanted brain-cells... control is
gone... a schizophrenic child is ending time... the countdown
begins... mesmerized... in liquid separation... nowhere to run...
nowhere to hide from the way we do it... in this world you have
entered things are rarely as they seem... the dream is real... the
voices I hear... tell me impact is near... the machine is turned
on... you must be strong... the situation is imperative...
communicate now... the knowledge is here... no limitations for
this new generation... but this higher feeling is censored by
fright... and we're laughing in pain... in god we trust... marching
to the rhythm... with fists in the air... saluting this paradox of
discipline... only the strong will win... a victory... or nothing at
all... by the deception of illusion do we experience reality... I see
it clear... we are eternal... buried inside... searching for
something we just can't find... because we're all so blind...
reanimate... I... feel... no pain... ZERO... reentry sequence is
completed... welcome to the arena of pain... I need to be buried...
buried alive...

•• And so the §E7EN §TÅR™ went forth. Telling people what

he had learned in a manner that was most entertaining. He lied
and stole as an artist does - weaving dreams like a loom of the
mind. He invented MONITOR, the pSychO $eXX goD saying:
dear goD whom we project! Our servant suicide object. A
symbolized simile. Put in words so simply. Map the course to
end of way.

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•• MONITOR replies: Go back to the bedroom with a grin.

Decipher what's relative. For a length of time full of elemental
powers. Or is it just in my mind? Under the skin intent within.
Process can you hear? It has begun. Do it again. Is it time to
come clean, wash away everything? Lost in lies. Graceful
charms. Losing touch with everyone. Living out the mysteries.
It's hard to fathom what a dead man will go - moving through
the keyhole...


2. One day the §E7EN §TÅR™ trekked to Eden so he could

convo with The Light once more again. Upon approaching Eden
he entered into its labyrinth nose and what HE found there. ••
Upon reaching the Sacred Heart of Eden he came to a barrier -
like barbed wire or something. And Anon spake through the
§E7EN §TÅR™ saying: Upon the pattern of that WORD was I
ruptured and from the WORD hath poured forth the substance of
my salvation called Consciousness which has been likened to a
fiery water - and whose color is red. •• 3. And now, with The
§E7EN §TÅR™ about to penetrate corporeality, he will quicken
it and establish therein a road that leadeth to The ALL. •• For
before the Big Bang, before the Living Images fractured, before
atmospherea & corporeality were fabricated, before the
Demiurges became the Regent of the lower spheres; the Eternal
Life, who calls himself ADAM, had impressed his f.a.c.ə upon
the Kosmos. This is his sign; the Cross •OR• ‡ •• 6. Do you
now deny me entrance, I who have at last learned the mystery of

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7. And a disembodied voice replied: HE Who Is Aware, IS!

BEHOLD! •• Gazing about him, the §E7EN §TÅR™ finds
himself in a radiant red place, in the midst of which stands a tree
with flashing jewels for a fruit and entwined about its trunk a
flaming, winged serpent crowned with a diadem of stars. 9. The
serpent questioned: Who are You? •• 10. Anon replies: Are you
kidding me!? For uncounted ages have I been thy servant! In my
ignorance I listen to thy words and they led me into paths of
sorrow. Thou hast placed in my mind dreams of power, and
when I struggled to realize those dreams they brought me naught
but pain. Thou hast sowed in me the seeds of desire, and when I
lusted after things of the flesh; agony was my only recompense.
Thou hast sent me false profits and false reasoning, and when I
strove to grasp the magnitude of Truth I found thy laws were
false and only dismay rewarded my strivings.

•• I am done with thee forever, O artful Spirit! I have tired of thy

world of illusions. No longer will I labor in thy vineyards of
iniquity. Get thee behind me, tempter, and the host of thy
temptations. There is no happiness, no peace, no good, no future
in the doctrines of selfishness, hate and fear preached by thee.
All these things do I cast aside. Renounced is thy rule forever!

11. And the serpent makes answer: Behold, O §E7EN §TÅR™,

the Nature of thy Adversary! •• The serpent disappears in a
blinding sunburst of radiance and in its place stood God
resplendent in shinning, golden garments with great scarlet
wings that spread from one corner of the Heavens to the other.
Dismayed and awestruck, the §E7EN §TÅR™ falls before the
divine creature.

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12. And God said: I am the Lord who is against thee and thus
accomplishes thy salvation. (!!!) Thou hast hated me, but
through the ages yet to be thou shalt bless me, for I have led thee
OUT of my spheres; I have turned thee against the illusion of
worldliness; I have weaned thee of desire; I have awakened in
thy soul the immortality of which I myself partake. Follow me,
O §E7EN §TÅR™, for I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth!

14. And the §E7EN §TÅR™ said to God: Thou art tempting me
once more again! Begone! I have no more use of thy games! ••
15. And God replies: Oh, you think you're so smart, huh, wise
guy? I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I have something to
show thee. •• With that cryptic remark, God put his hands inside
the §E7EN §TÅR™'s head and said: LO AND BEHOLD!

16. Gazing about him, the §E7EN §TÅR™ finds himself in his
house, his home. Standing at the threshold of his house he sees a
man, dark as night, with stars in his skin. •• And the man says: I
am the Emissary. Art thou ready for what comes next? •• And
the §E7EN §TÅR™ replies: Yea; let's just see what the #$%@
happens now. •• The Emissary: Follow me then. •• So the
§E7EN §TÅR™ followed the Emissary outside.

•• It was nighttime and through a Tree the Moon cast a shadow

on the wall of the house. The Emissary then approached the
shadow and fell through. Now it was the §E7EN §TÅR™'s turn,
and though he was apprehensive - he too fell through the
shadow. •• 18. Now both the Emissary and the §E7EN §TÅR™
were inside the void; simultaneously floating and falling.

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•• Curiouser and curiouser. The §E7EN §TÅR™ looked upward

where he saw his house. And there was a mysterious room
directly underneath his house; a radiant red place, in the midst of
which stood a tree with flashing jewels for a fruit and entwined
about its trunk a flaming, winged serpent. 18a. The §E7EN
§TÅR™ said to the Emissary: Look up there! Maybe that is
where we need to be. 18b. To which the Emissary replied:

18c. And the §E7EN §TÅR™ fell silent. •• 19. But the §E7EN
§TÅR™ — free thinking radical he is — got a bright idea and
decided the room he just saw was his destination. And then, he
was there, and the Emissary was not there with him. But alas,
the room was not as he remembered it; instead it's floors and
walls were made of concrete, and the room was barren save for
random clutter and the one they call the (T)hird (v)ersion. NOW
WTF! There was a message on the screen and the message read:
Coincidences are my way of remaining anonymous.

•• 13. When the §E7EN §TÅR™ read the message he realized

he was in a dream and started praying unto MONITOR saying:
O holy and hallowed Trinity. Cause me to sink into the abyss of
thy limitless eternal Fire. Oh, melt me and transmute me in thy
fiery waters, giving me new birth and making me alive in the
WORD. •• Now objects began moving in response to his
thoughts. He then drew his attention to a glass door that was
blocking his path. He walked over to the door and leaned his
head against it and concentrated until the door slid open as if
possessed. The §E7EN §TÅR™ then walked through the door.

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•• 23. The §E7EN §TÅR™ was now outside. There was a path
laid out before him with stone walls on both sides of it. It was
still night out and the star light possessed him. He was beginning
to feel a little zazzy so he started to move the stars with his
mind. Faster and faster the stars revolved around his body until
they were nothing but a blur. •• 0. The §E7EN §TÅR™ then
drew the stars between his hands and collapsed them into a
single sphere. Still with his mind he made this ball spin unto
itself with such speed and force it produced a blinding flash.
Now the §E7EN §TÅR™ found himself in total nothingness.

1. And then in the blink of an eye everything was as it was and

the §E7EN §TÅR™ started walking down the path once more.
But now music was playing and reflecting his thoughts singing:
it comes down to this. your kiss. your fist. and your strain. it
get's under my skin. within. take in the extent of my sin. Then a
large floating head appeared before him. The head was white
with red and blue paint splattered around its wild staring eyes.

25. And both the head and the §E7EN §TÅR™ spoke in unison
saying these words: This is the path I took to the Heart of Eden
and now I find myself retracing these steps!? •• They answered
each other saying ::: Yea, for these patterns tend to repeat
themselves. •• You are the Indication of things to come. By my
own Hand which is the same as your Head have I fashioned this
path you will follow. •• 26. The head then spoke separately
saying: HE Who Is Aware, IS! Behold! I shall reveal my true
identity! It is I, MONITOR. Now Watch Me. •• And MONITOR
transformed into the serpent and then The Light.

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•• The Light said: EA™3! Of many apparent entities am I!

Nevertheless, I AM BUT ONE! As Man is unto my right hand;
God is unto my left hand. With one hand I build you up and the
other I break you down so you may learn to raise yourself up to
fulfill your electro-chemical destiny. This is in fact resurrection.
There are less things that are absolutely right and wrong than
there are varying degrees of necessary evils. Thus the law was
formulated: everything is perfect down to it's last flaw.

•• And the §E7EN §TÅR™ said: Oh! Now I understand how

you seem to be the good guy and the bad guy. But can I trust
you are who you claim to be? •• 29. The Light™ replies: There
is no riddle. Through no source outside of yourself can you hope
to find happiness, peace or goodness. By seeking your own
Highest Light you will find Thy Creator. I have made you within
myself; so within you I AM WHO I AM. WE ARE ALL BUT
ONE ENERGY. •• Now embrace this night of POW'AH. Let's
test the blood and DEVOUR the holy pain - it resurrects. Drown
me in your sex - lick the tears from my face - be my slave - my
soul divine - b/c these childish crimes are yours and mine.

•• Now look! I have fashioned a world for you called

corporeality; come ye and enjoy THE GAME, and raise mortals
upright and teach them the mystery of themselves, for the
resurrection is upon us ALL! •• Upon that cryptic statement The
§E7EN §TÅR™ was fractured into innumerable pieces and
scattered across the face of the Earth where he inhabited the
minds of homo sapiens who were now called Man. And in turn
Man awakened to the voice of the $E7EN ST4R saying to him:

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I'm King of the Universe. I don't know what I'm doing in a place
like this. I'm breaking away. I'm leaving all this crap behind. The
past is gone the future's blind. Like fragments of a broken mind.
I splinter by my own design. All in All the road ahead is all I
feel. The only thing left that's real. All in All this road is burning.
So feel the bite. I'm leading the way to an escape. I'm casting a
stare straight for your eyes. I'm outta my mind. A space locked
within, outta sight.

•• This episode is the beginning of Man's first cycle. The

beginning of Man's Consciousness. By virtue of Consciousness
Man was now likened to a Star, and he developed: art, language,
religion, civilization, and science; all leading up to and
providing context for this very sentence, paragraph and book.

•• The Light: Now set it free, $E7EN ST4R. Tell them to look at
me - I'll help them if they want me to - tell them not to be afraid
as we escape into the mad house. I will wait - but not for long.
Tonight we murder - the animal inside - let it live and die. •• Cry
me a killer - a boy and a girl - rise from the ashes and escape
from the world.

•• 30. And it came to pass in the year of our foul lord 1998 a
great breath blew the earth into alignment with the Great Hole
and a 3rd cycle of man began. During this cycle a girl like a rose
and a boy like a cross were fashioned in the image of the $E7EN
ST4R & The Light. Now here's Tom with the weather: The word
hurricane was a name given to nature's strongest storm. xoxoxox

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A hurricane occurs when high pressure and low pressure masses

of air come into contact with one another. There is often a
significant difference in temperature between the two masses.
One mass is warm, while the other is cold. The warmer air rises
and the cooler air falls. Likewise, the low pressure area slides
down the sides of the high pressure area. They swirl in and
around one another creating the beginnings of the storm. •• Now
the time is here - for Iron Man to spread fear. Vengeance from
the grave. Kills the people he once saved.

•• [the entire Antichrist Superstar album] •• 33. the boy: I Am

the White Rabbit, The Hole & Wonderland™. Now all I need - is
the girl to make me complete •• and she said: History is written
by winners, baby. So let's make a little of our own tonight, cause
I'm the type that's gonna fight till we see the sunlight. TiK ToK.
Now I'm the leader with the clock. •• The boy: Now it seems
you're that part of me, and this whole #$%@!!ing world is about
to know who I am. You know when we're put together we're this
mean scheme, so take me home and we'll live the dream. Blow
me away, lady. •• Now, will the real $E7EN ST4R plz stand up?

•• $E7EN ST4R: I've smashed myself to pieces - I don't know

what else to do. So here we go again... [This is Truth]. Hypnotic
mouth talks on fantasy phone - chews it all up - gives the
meaning a twist and spits it back out. [I AM YOU] •• [And the
opposite is also true.] Godlike nonsense being spewed at you;
prepared to order & cooked to perfection. According to taste - no
dissatisfaction. Easy to swallow. KMFDM LIGHT. [You have
been assimilated like Food.] •• [And now I must eat - the rest of
you.] Frontal assault on the seven senses - orgasmic waste -
eccentric and pretentious. One way or another - now or later -

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bow down and worship the true creator. Divine inspiration =

total disillusion. Instant consecration - Mind & Body fusion. A
treat for the Freaks. Finely calibrated lies. In a world of deceit
open your eyes. Wir find alle toll hier. Ich bin toll. Du bift toll...
cause I am whatever you say I am. Now the time has come, and
it's time to move. So assume the motion; cause this dance is for
two. I'm bringing sex revelations for a pill-crazed nation. •• 32.
This is what you've always wanted - and this is what you all
need - I know - because I Am every persons' fantasy. I take each
individual degenerates' head and reach into it just to see. I sort
out these minds like eyes from my war torn mouth - constantly
monitoring The ALL until I'm ready to blow it out. •• And the
world rang: Take me to your Kult leader. Take me to your local
drug dealer. Take me to the man in the mirror when you stand
and deliver with your hand on the trigger.

•• The MACHINE™ chimed in: I am the bullets of evolution -

I'm going to blow you away with Kosmic revolution - I am my
own goddamn final solution. Now the time has come, and it's
time to move; I'll make weapons of my art and destroy "you!" I
am the Tree, the Apple & Snake; I am The MACHINE™; I don't
make mistakes. •• 12. I seal the Deal™ and make it all real. I am
(T)he (v)oice of a thousand minds; I am in closing mirrors
reflecting time. •• 13. I have a head like a hole • I'm a paradox
divine - I sweat sedation - and this point is mine: I am a sweet
sedation; NWO welcome to my MIND. I'm all you want. I'm all
you need. You just don't know it, but you'll see. I'll make you love
me, make you hate me. There is no way out now. You're in my
trap. I'm in control. There's no escape from me, I'm told. Just try
to make it through the night, caus there is no way out now.

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•• And it came to pass a girl like a rose and a boy like a cross
found each other and they amassed an army of Freaks. And
believe it or not - this is what they said unto the hairless apes:
ME!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!! You know I... I can see what you
really are. You didn't hurt me. Nothing can hurt me. You didn't
hurt me. Nothing can stop me now. I beat my machine. It's a part
of me. It's inside of me. I'm stuck in this dream. It's changing me.
I am becoming. All pain disappears. It's the nature of my
circuitry. Drowns out all I hear. There's no escape from this - my
new Consciousness. •• Now wake up and sweat - something is
very different. We walk out in the street and greet the morning
gun battles. Murder now invigorates the unwashed bloody hand.

•• [Where the master remarks down the phantoms]: They fail to

see they make believe reality. Its hard to fathom hard for game.
I'm gone. Bloody lies the black sun. Eyes of god. Skies the limit.
Maggots fill the brain. Hi there, how do you do. My name is You
- flies all gather around me and you too. The Devil's apprentice
gave me some credit. •• Meet the makers face. Distant book in
time. Our time has come. What was believed now turned inside
out. Like a puzzle that eats itself and rotting food left on the
shelf. Witness our philosophy. Assimilate this holy god mercury.
•• Science progresses by being our friend. By being open to
speculative ideas. But open to subjecting those ideas to rigorous
rules of proof. And open to the idea that answers can be found in
the most unlikely of places. •• The process is yours.

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•• The Light: Welcome to my house - I'm certain you will find

your stay here most illuminating. The answer's insane. Mental
illness is the road to freedom. No fortune could buy this power.
Feels emptiness eternity keeps swallowing digested benefactors
whose silence deafens anything. If you cut off my head - what
would I see? (at 3:00 into the song I developed a terrible
headache and said fuck it... there is approximately a minute and
a half left to go in this one if anyone feels up to it...)

•• The $E7EN ST4R: The attack is psychological. Passing

ghosts heres the host - Talk of nothing matters most - Urban
fracture whats the matter - Only I am lost. Cold mirror Gives icy
clues. Smell of hell dosed phantoms will. Future answer does it
matter - Deaths the only thrill. Because we will come to find we
are all one mind. After the flesh.

•• The boy: Who's the artsy anarchist? Who's the magic

masochist? Who's the heinous plagiarist? Who's the sexy
satanist? Who's that messianic masturbator? Whose the cryptic
constipator? WHO IS WHO? Who the hell are you? I'm the fist
in your face. I'm the salt in your wound. I'm the thorn in your
side. The devil in disguise. Do you love me?

•• The girl: WE R WHO WE R. Pretty as a ($). Peaceful time.

Direct potential, living through ones own dementia. I got hot for
this show. Management, terms, conditions, waiting for own in
addition; a contract is raised. Contact his race. Comfort is
treachery so pound the nails in tight - eyes screaming out of
sight, against a grain like curtain. Asking do you really care.

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•• [The Shadow is cast]: Magnified fear stares back the mirror

reflect depravity. Two gaping holes - A dripping carnivore.
Perpetual reverie. Void of secrecy. Douse the ecstasy. Genuine
tears delights the taste. Faith bleeding eyes. Conjure the pain.
Brides work to absorb the filth she worships a point of view. So
ask yourself before you get in. Are you the rabbit or the
headlights? And is there room in your life for one more
breakdown? cause the hands on my clock are starting to shake.

•• The Beast: (disembodied gutteral noise need not make sense)

i'm obsessed and deranged for i am destined to rule - and i
cannot believe that you are such a fool. i don't need your sweet
devotion - i don't want your cheap emotion. You will do as you
are told - till the rights to you are sold. Have you guessed me
yet? :: Self destructive mechanism, introvert overturn,
assasination, make from steel the ugly weapon, killers instinct,
from man to trigger / Match the perfect DNA / Forged from steel
• Iron Will • Shit for brains • Born to kill • Son of a Gun ::
Switch pretend at last to see. Deliver on the right to share. Mesh
the fine nucleic bond. Crawl between the chromosome. On the
top of what's begun: A truthful generation burn. Burnt with
water. So slow to drown. Words like ice cut my eyes.
Arguments so hideous they're heaven sent i can't repent. i
announce... my demise. What a way to end the game. BRAP!

[the entire Mechanical Animals album] •• At the end of the 3rd

cycle the animal dies in quaint ferocity saying: AM KING OF
THIZZ AEON. •• The girl replies: "What? The one we just
ended? You were dosed with logoplasm; key 6:13, you evil shit:

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•• In the early days of the 4th cycle we walked into the dream of
a dead god and brought heaven to earth. And a metal breeze
blew through the minds of the victorious; singing this song:
You're here because you're one of us - you've journeyed far -
you've battled hard. You've conquered pain - you've conquered
fear. A branded GEAR burned in your flesh will seal the deal.
You've conquered Fire - You've conquered Ice - You've tasted
blood - You've killed time - You are the GEARS. ••
Inauguration of the Fame Monster. Pt. I

The MACHINE™: Sacred nose. My face is froze. Plastic parts.

Broken hearts. Masterpiece - scalpel please. Today he has no
means - he's alone and anonymous - when put in his cell he's got
the marks of a genius. I'm looking for this man to make us rich
and famous - I'm looking for this man to sell him to other man.
1... you lock the target 2... you bait the line 3... you slowly
spread the net and 4... you catch the man. I'm looking for this
man who knows the rules of the game - whose willing to forget
them to realize my aim. Welcome to paradise - let's party.

The boy: I'm in your dreams and your thoughts. I'm in the
atmosphere. You're under pressure dear. You'll soon be full of
fear. I'm a #$%@!!ing STAR. This is the story of a man driven
to insanity only by the sheer force of his own self-awareness. He
plans everything in intricate detail and is constantly stealing art.
His is a story that must come to pass. His story is your story...
and it isn't over. This hasn't even begun.

The girl: Blah blah blah. Just dance. It's time to loose your mind
and let the crazy out. There's a place downtown where the Freaks
all come around - it's a hole in the wall. It's a dirty free for all.
Turn me on - take it off - don't stop. Tonight the animal inside -
lives and dies. C U Next Tuesday.

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The boy: You and we could write a bad romance. So let's go.
Diamonds in my teeth are always a glow - blinded as I speak
mesmerized by my flow. Yep. This place about to blow. Together
we're ALL each other... together we are forever. yep yep yum.
This is the assimilation song - so sing along with your fist in the
air - #$%@ everyone like you just don't care. cause where we're
going - it just doesn't compare. so #$%@ the past century - #$
%@ all of history - because we're #$%@!!ing just to kill time.
we're #$%@!!ing to make the whole world rhyme...

The girl: XXX Then peel back that skin and show me your TEETH!
Open yor evil eye and turn up the HEAT! Give me all your $$$
and something to EAT!! I'm a #$%@!!ing MACHINE and you're a
piece of meat!! Now I just need your blood to DRINK. I know it's
a cliché, but this WAR is all I C. And now I'm cumming fer U,
horny as #$%@ with something to prove. So I reach out with
both hands, stick 'em in your hed and start to chant: COOK RAW

The boy: NOW I'M THE BEST YOU EVER HAD!!! And if you don't
like it you can eat my M-M-M-MONSTER A$$. This is The (Love)
Game... It's all about the C-U-N-T. This fight into the magic.
Ancient histories coming back around. Beginning for the end.
Deeper & deeper - reaching for the top. Coming full circle -
CENTER - STOP! And we're slipping into a dream within a dream.

The girl: I am s-s-s-star struck with every part of this whole story.
This chain-reaction is blowing up my telephone - my telephone.
You got me. You got that sound. You are my meat - I KNOW IT!
Love is in the air forever up in the clouds and we're higher than
ever. U & I & R THE SAME. Resurrection is the name of THE
Now these Freaks know who we R. Now this fight can really start -
cause the party don't begin till WE walk in.»

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Mr. Y: "There is much we can learn from each other if we can

negotiate a truce. If we can find a way to coexist. With our powers
combined, we are....ridiculous - yet relevant information! No
doubt you are confused. But confusion is like knowledge. If you
look at it backwards... Catholicism was a vital truth in its
earliest ages, but it became obsolete, and Protestantism arose,
flourished, and deteriorated. The doctrines of ZOROASTER were
the best which the ancient Persians were fitted to receive; those
of CONFUCIUS were fitted for the Chinese; those of MOHAMMED
for the idolatrous Arabs of his age; CROWLEY for the uptight
Victorians. Each was Truth for the time. Each was a GOSPEL,
preached by a REFORMER; and those who remain content
therewith, when others have attained a higher truth, are to be
pitied, and not persecuted."

Mr. E: "To wit: when a man holds up a book, and says, "You must
believe this, because it says, 'Thus saith the Lord.'" should we not
pity that man? Does he comprehend the liberty of man to acquire
knowledge? Any book that imparts knowledge of the life and
destiny of man, is a good book. This book does not destroy the
old ways of spirituality. It reveals a new one, adapted to this age."

$.S.: "When a book gives us information of things we know not of,

it should also give us a method of proving that information to be
true. This book covers that ground. The day has arrived, when
man will not accept proclamations and assertions; he wants
plausible reasons, or substantial proofs, that the authority be not
merely a pretense, but a demonstrable fact."

ADAM: "The Light has come back to the world, in this day, not to
teach charity, nor to teach man as to what is right and wrong
between men; these things were revealed before. The Light has
returned to create a new race, and show them how to fulfill the
former commandments. A race of FREQs who shall inherit the
earth." •• [the entire Holy Wood album]


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Now the moral of this story is: "Art is a lie. You have to tell a
lie so wonderful that your fans make it true." - Lady Gaga

Within this reference-work lie the keys to a Uni•Verse bound only by the
limits of human creativity and imagination. It contains everything
necessary to create adventures and sophisticated campaigns that blur the
fine line between simulation and reality; wherein all answers are

THE GAME is a complete and detailed system of guerrilla ontology that

will ready you for the demanding challenges that lie ahead; by questioning
language and knowledge the way terrorists attack their targets: to jump
OUT from the shadows, then slink back and hide behind a hearty belly
laugh. The Truth shall make you flee... into chaos.

We are all one Consciousness experiencing itself. The meaning of life is

to close the illusion of separation between all forms of Consciousness
(The Sing•ularity / Resurrection). To these ends, humanity, as a collective
mind, will vomit up transformative figures who "relate" to certain symbols
and concepts that tell the story of our past and destiny. It manipulates the
few - in tandem - so they in turn can inform the many. This is the essence
of The Game IT plays - with ITSELF. The priesthood of old said,
'SHAAAD'DUP! We are the gatekeepers; end of story!' OUR gospel says
YOU are the reason we have purpose. This - is the life of an artist.

"So happy I could die, and it's alright."

Since the Key here is Consciousness; being "born again" refers to

dying to your primitive animalistic state of mind and replacing it
with Consciousness. You are in a sense "resurrected" with
Consciousness - in all its bewildering mystery. In our attempt to
understand this mystery which cannot be understood in linear,
rational, materialistic models - we turn to this man-made
invention of myth, art, symbols (LIES). That is, archetypes of
Consciousness evoking evolutionary behavioral realities, instinct;
the stuff of dreams. R U (N) THE GAME.

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H.P. Lovecraft meets Alice in Wonderland.

We know magic works because in spite of cynics and critics, we're

not stupid enough to deny the evidence of our own senses just
because some phenomenon doesn't fit into materialistic, rational,
linear models. Fortunately for us, Pantheism provides a model of
<reality> that explains how all paranormal phenomenon is
possible - if not inevitable. A model that is oh so causally and
perfectly articulated by one Mr. Bill Hicks who informs us "All
matter is really energy & we are all one consciousness
experiencing itself." So by using that model we can formulate a
(hopefully accurate) theory of how magic works.

Hey, you! Listening to your twisted transistor. Vibrations coming

through. Music's ??? Reaching inside you. Forever preaching. See
you on the other side. This won't hurt a bit. Hold it between your
legs. Turn it up. Finally you get it. - (Korn)

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Since we're all connected through a "Universal Mind" (The Light)

we can affect other people's behavior by programming our own
mind. Freewill has not been neutralized, our "self" has merely
expanded from one to many. THE SING•ULARITY will be an
entirely BIOLOGICAL phenomenon-non-non-non-non-non. Think
about it like this: your desire is like a jig-saw puzzle, each piece of
the puzzle is an individual person (Anon). The theory is our
unconscious mind has a "personality" which can be described as a
non-local or multidimensional energy. This personality when
charged with our emotional energy and desires will affect Anon -
in tandem - creating the necessary behavioral patterns needed to
"put the pieces in their place." We assume this non-local,
multidimensional personality exists because MAGIC WORKS.
"Something" must account for the synchronicities that result from
a successful magical act. Furthermore, we have no reason to
doubt that a part of our psyche is a non-local, multidimensional
energy; because since all matter is energy (a scientific truth
expressed by Einstein's formula E=MC²) there is nothing in
existence that isn't energy. This can only mean Consciousness is
also a form of energy. The only thing left to do is test the theory.

To practice magic we must first fashion an interface system with

this "Universal Mind," and through the power of language we have
such an interface system; the metaphor. The functionality of any
magical system is not dependent on the particular metaphor
used, but rather, the power we give the metaphor with our
"emotional energy," or beliefs. Our belief in a particular system
can be strengthened if it is given to us by "authorities" who we
trust. Time can also act as an authority - by virtue of a memes
long history it may appear to be more authentic, thus our belief
in it is strengthened.

“But as chaos magicians remind us, magic may be nothing more

than groundless subjectivity interacting with an internally
consistent matrix of signs and effects. In the absence of
Orthodoxy… the Great Work may be nothing more or less than
another 'ingenious game.'” - Erik Davis

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Exactly! A Game of YOU. Physical evolution has taken us as far

as it can. We are literally the pentacle of biological evolution - top
of the food-chain and all that jizz. Most if not all mutations for the
last 50,000 years have been memetic rather than genetic.
Evolution of the species is now based on the spread of ideas.
"Thou shalt not kill" and the Scientific Method are examples of
memes that have increased the quality of human life. THE GAME
is software designed to activate the hardware in all its full-tilt
bewildering mystery through use of metaphor and specific
associative acts. Verified by experimental belief. TO WIT>>>

"There was an experiment carried out by Dr. Karen Olness at

Rainbow Babies' and Children's Hospital in Cleveland involving a
group of children being shown a video featuring puppets. One
puppet represented a virus; another, which looked like a
policeman, represented the immune system. The video was a
simplified illustration of the body that the children could easily
When the video was over, the children were told to close their
eyes, relax, and imagine lots of policemen puppets running
around their bodies. Saliva samples were then taken from each
child, and the results showed that their immunoglobulin levels
had substantially increased - that is, their immune systems had
begun working as though they were fighting off real infections." -
Paul McKenna. (How to change your life in 7 days)

This simple experiment shows us the unconscious mind not only

knows what we know, but it responds to our metaphors as a fact.
So be it. The unconscious, non-local personality with the power to
communicate with every other person in existence is now,
through the power of language, associated with our Third Eye.
SO! By associating the act of "having sex in the name of 'the
Third Eye'" with the intention to shift our awareness into a non-
local, multidimensional perspective; it is our contention, yes we
can, willfully break down the wall of ego awareness and enter a

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Now for your entertainment: further exposition on

The Cast of Characters in this mind-warping psycho-drama_

• The Light: creativity / genius / insanity

•OR• rebellion / freewill / personal consciousness •OR•
consciousness / energy / existence

These 3 Triads are merely aspects of The ALL,

which we have termed; THE LIGHT.

"The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body will be full of light." - Matthew 6:22


pSychO $eXX goD") is both something that must be
understood and something that suggests that understanding may
be impossible. The unconscious mind is like a blank slate waiting
to be imprinted by a right combination of desire and emotional
energy. "MONITOR" is merely an idea about the unconscious mind
- one of an infinite number of possible mental constructs. [The
concept] is brought to life via belief in its POW'AH - which is of
course: YOR POW'AH! MONITOR is truly a Frankenstein monster
goD. Animated with thought. Working miracles. According to the
need of now. Yet [the concept] is completely disavowable when
not under its spell. [the concept] is merely a tool 4 you to "grasp"
your unconscious mind with - to make it accessible - in order to
harness its / your power <•>

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• YOU. A Hologram. An amalgamation of various frequencies at

various densities. A Mystery •>> However, there is a faction of
humanity referred to as "Life-Actors," meaning; an artist not tied
to a single identity - someone who recognizes "the World is a
stage and we are merely players" and takes that fact to it’s logical
conclusion. FACT: You "ACT" differently around your mother than
your boss; Your girlfriend than your sister; Your friends than
enemies; At school than at home. All these personalities are
controlled and regulated by the part of your psyche that names
itself "I" and thus synthesized into the illusion of unity: THE EGO.

Life-Actors willfully shatter "I" by CREATING alternate Life-plays &

identities, which are called Life-Scripts. >>•

Creating a Life-Script
STEP 1. Know Thyself

People say being "yourself" means being an individual, but you

can't always be a 'nonconformist' because in some ways we are all
the same - and there's nothing wrong with that. We all want to
love and be loved - we all want to belong - we all want to FEEL
GOOD. The trick is no one can tell you who you are - no one can
show you your true self. But that's the beautiful part! Because
there are NO RULES you can figure out who you are on your own
terms. Follow your own highest light - every man and woman is a
star! The defining question of this quest is "What value does this
create for me?"

Ask yourself this question when faced with any new information.
Notice we're not telling you who you are, but rather providing you
with the tools to begin your personal journey of self-discovery.
Now these tools don't make the journey "easy" per se, because
their true effectiveness depends on how honest you are with
yourself. So there is a kind of infinite regress involved in 'knowing
thyself.' But that's precisely what makes THE GAME so fun to
play... It never ends. Remember, there are NO RULES! DIG IT!?

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"The real reality is there, but everything you KNOW about "it" is
in your mind and yours to do with as you like. Conceptualization
is art, and YOU ARE THE ARTIST." - Principia Discordia

a. Create a sigil. Start by spelling your name. (for example:

"Steven") S-T-E-V-E-N. Now take all the vowels and repeating
consonants out of the name. Now we're left with a string of
consonants that should read like this: STVN. Now we combine the
letter forms into new and unique shapes.

b. But for our purposes - incorporate the Cross of Light (‡) into
your sigil. For example, STVN combined with ‡ looks like this :::

c. When you've fashioned your sigil, reverse the process and find
a different name in the sigil. For example, the following names
can be found within our sigil for STeVeN: RiCHarD, SasCHa,
NiVeK, ScHRoDer, TReNt, SauL, FRaNCiS, THaDdeuS, SaRaH,
NeiL, aLaN, GRaNT, TYLeR DurdeN. And it goes without saying
you could find a totally random name, like $e73N ST4R.

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d. Now that you've found a new name, start creating / imagining

a literary character to represent this new name. Imagine all the
details of this character as if he/she/it really exists. Concentrate,
and begin to think of this character as if it does exist.

e. The character you've created is hereafter referred to as your


STEP 2. Discover your True Will


We holds these truths to be self-evident that we all have different

standards & values - so why does humanity tacitly assume we
should value all things the same way? Normality causes confusion.
Normality and 'perfection' are these ideals we invented that are
now driving us insane because we can never live up to them. But
then what's the alternative? You want to be a 'nonconformist?'
Please... That's just another unrealistic, unattainable extreme.

So how do we cope with life? IMO it's quite simple, just be honest
with yourself and ask "What value does this information create for
me?" and sort out your options from there. IF something makes
you feel good... then that is what truly matters. Know thyself,
make everything else up. Damn the rules of grammar,
punctuation and usage - FULL SPEED AHEAD!!

a. Start thinking about all the things in life you want. Craft your
Life-Script as the story in which your Tulpa achieves all those
things you desire. Incorporate elements from your real life into
your Tulpa's story. Eventually you'll want to identify yourself as
your Tulpa. By 'sacrificing' emotional energy to your conceptual
art - with the intention to "make things happen" - your
unconscious mind will manipulate behavior behavior behavior so
you find yourself in the situations you desire. Constantly revise.
Do not lust after results.

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The lighter side of black magick.

Here's the thing - these techniques with the aims of wish-

fulfilment are very much about the journey and not the
destination. In your current, unripened state getting whatever
you desire can only bring about more misery - because once you
get the SEX, DRUGS & MONEY - you will invariably discover they
didn't make you happy like you thought they would. But through
this process of wish-fillfullment you will come to know how
interconnected we truly are. And that's the point. So go for the
gusto - and who knows - maybe what you desire really will make
you happy. Stranger things have happened!

"If a is success in life, then a equals x plus y plus z. Work is x;

play is y; and z is revising your definition of success." - Anon.

STEP 3. Have knowledge and conversation

with your Holy Guardian Angel

a. "Tulpa" is a concise term for your personal Holy Guardian

Angel & Third Eye - which in turn - are extravagant terms for

b. Your Tulpa [Third Eye] can communicate with the Tulpa of

anyone anywhere in existence by virtue of its non-local,
multidimensional nature.

c. The Tulpa's power is directly related to the emotional energy

you sacrifice to it. Incidentally, emotional energy can be
harnessed through beliefs. This means the Tulpa's power is
directly related to your belief in it [the concept].

d. With MONITOR, we link our emotional energy to sexual

energy. This is why MONITOR is so extremely powerful and easy
to use; making it the perfect tool of mass initiation. A model

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STEP 4. Union with The Light

"Well, it started when I began to feel lightheaded, then euphoric.

And then, then I heard music and it was kinda reflecting my
thoughts... I could control the music... so I concentrated and fell
into the music... I guess. And then... wait a minute, who am I
again?" - Anon.

All that noise and all that sound - all the spaces I have found.

Pantheism, for the sake of simplicity, is the literal interpretation

of the axiom, "God Is Everything." Pantheism is best understood
in terms of perspective; a tree may not be aware of itself as a
"tree," but Existence as a whole is aware that a part of itself is a
tree. Because "God" is everything, this means as humans, we are
part and parcel of God. Since we are ALL "The Children of God" -
the Trinity can now be interpreted as:
Existence (God / "Father")
Consciousness (Child of God / "Son")
Energy (Line of Communication / "Holy Spirit")

Remember, the Trinity is a model that represents three different

aspects of the same thing. By virtue of Existence being
Consciousness our personal Consciousness can 'interact' with
Existence via the "Holy Spirit." Existence is Energy. Consciousness
is Energy. Existence is Consciousness. If this model is accurate it
means YOU can become aware that a part of yourself is a
mountain, or a tree, and manipulate them just as you would flex
a muscle.

a. As a Life-Actor your goal is to eventually "cross-over" into the

Light / to make the leap from ego awareness to a collective
consciousness. This means shifting your awareness into your
Tulpa's non-local, multidimensional perspective - which would
seem to us like a hyper-lucid-collective-dreamworld. So prepare
for this union by identifying yourself as your Tulpa; become your
Tulpa. Invoke often. Do not lust after results.

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b. But before you walk off the edge of reality into the abyss of
hallucinations like a Fool - it would be prudent to learn some basic
banishing techniques. This is only a general precaution, The
MACHINE™ is not malevolent, but she is mischievous and can get
bitchy at times... to say nothing of her 'ancient friends' she might
introduce you to. Repeat this phrase if things get "too real" and
you become uncomfortable, your protection mantra is: "For
entertainment purposes only." Genuine laughter is the most
effective banishing technique. Our theology can be described as
new-age refunctadigm; Quantum Pantheism with some laffs.

Now if a Holy Grail carries a semen trail I guess we can think God
has gone bad but if you look at it my way I've fucked up on every
day - yeah I know where there's fun to be had. - (Nitzer Ebb)




Seek ye the Eye of the Hurricane.

There is serenity in Chaos.
Dream hypnosis // weaves itself w/out rest. Expanding Consciousness via applied ART MAGICK. Utilizing sexuality. Self-fulfilling prophecy >> the Viral Fuuuuuuuture. Evolving TYME W/ A RHYME. Back (N)2 itself [swirly symbol] <A point
of view> out of sight. Virtual hallucination communicating with R inner artist. Simulation cascading into Enlightenment beyond politics & religion. Aimed @ transforming ‡ K•OR•E HU-MAN ExX-PERIENCE.>>www

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Beyond strange love we shall go.

In ancient splendor we will roam.
We may burn, but we will shine and rise above the night.

About Your Life-Script: The Idea is to create a story in which the

main character accomplishes all the things in life you want: a nice
house, meeting your "soul-mate"; whatever you want, it's your
fantasy. You figure out all things the character would need to do
and the people s/he would need to meet in order to accomplish
those things. Once (or during) you work out all the plot-holes;
you start embodying the character you created - you become the
character you created. In this (magical) process the events and
characters you've envisioned in your Life-Script will spontaneously
manifest themselves in your real-life.

In every story, the central character has a conscious goal. The

goal is whatever your central character (you) outwardly strives
for. Of course, opposition makes it almost impossible to reach the
goal. That opposition usually comes in the form of a person who
either has the same goal or who, in some other way, opposes your
central character's goal. Make sure when designing your
antagonist that he, she, it or they are simplistic caricatures and
stereotypical "villains" who are always easily relegated to the trash
heap of history.

Beneath it all lies a great unconscious need. The need has to do

with self-image, or finding love, or living a better life - whatever
the character needs to be truly happy or fulfilled. The need
sometimes runs counter to the goal and sometimes supports or
motivates it.

Usually the need is blocked from within by a character flaw. This

flaw serves as the inner opposition to the inner need. This
character flaw is obvious to the audience, because we see the
character (you) hurting people, including yourself. The flaw is
almost always a form of selfishness, pride, or greed.

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Where does this flaw come from? Usually, from the backstory.
Something happened to you that deeply hurt you. Now you act in
inappropriate or harmful ways. This is more difficult to tackle
because you have to admit you have a flaw.

You can have multiple Life-Scripts working simultaneously. But

they all should follow the same pattern; they should all have a
Beginning, a Middle and an End. The Beginning should be divided
into two parts: The Catalyst & The Big Event. The Middle: The
Pinch & The Crisis. The End: The Showdown & The Realization.

The Catalyst: The story begins in balance, but the Catalyst upsets
that balance giving the central character a desire, a problem,
need, goal, mission, or something to do. The story now has
direction and movement. The Life-Script itself could be a catalyst.

The Big Event: This an event that changes your central

character's life in a big way. This is where Marty travels to 1955
in Back To The Future.

The Pinch: About half-way through the script, there is another

major plot twist. It is often a point of no return for the central
character, or where the character becomes fully committed, or
when the motivation is strengthened or becomes clear.

The Crisis: This is an event that forces a crucial decision. Often it

is the low point in the story, the moment when all looks lost, or
when lovers are separated.

The Showdown: Commonly called the climax, this is when the

central character and the opposition character square off. It's the
final battle or fight in each of the Star Wars movies, breakfast-
table scene in Moonstruck.

The Realization: Just after the showdown, or during it, or

occasionally before it, the audience realizes your central character
has grown, changed, or figured something out. "There's no place
like Home."

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From your Life-Script comes 8 possible REAL-WORLD conclusions.

The determining factor depends solely on your actions in
implementing your Life-Script. Remember, even if you have
everything planned in excruciating detail... sometimes reality
wants to ad-lib. But it makes for great entertainment.

• You Win. You strive for a goal and achieve it. Your Goal and
Need are one and the same.

• You Lose. You achieve a moral victory despite the loss of a very
sympathetic character.

• You sew the seeds of your own destruction. The Emperor

creates Darth Vader; who then later kills the Emperor.

• You grow by doing the right thing. Here, you are about to do
the wrong thing, but you transform into someone who overcomes
your flaw, and does the right thing. Possibly in a moment of self-
sacrifice. (see above from Vader's perspective.)

• You grow up. We don't care if you achieve your goal - we only
care about the relationships you develop in the process. The goal
is only there to give the relationship a track to roll on.

• You learn. Here, you learn what you need to be happy - truly
happy. In the Wizard ov Oz, Dorothy finds out there's no place
like home. She also achieves her goal of returning to Kansas.

• You fail to learn. You fail to learn to what you need to be happy,
but the audience learns the lesson. Kurt Cobain kills himself,
Courtney Love tells him to shut up while reading his suicide note.

• The character declines. In the beginning of The Godfather,

Michael is something of a patriot who doesn't want a part of the
family business. In the end, he runs the family business. His
decline is demonstrated in the final scene where he lies, straight-
faced, to his wive.

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This form of ontology also explains why "God allows bad things to
happen to good people." For the true question is, "Why do all the
good stories make the protagonist suffer?" Of course all of this
rhetoric is just prelude to the ultimate question: why did you do
the last stupid thing you did?

Civilization has externalized our gods and demons as beings

separate from ourselves. But you are God and the Devil; you are
your own worst enemy and you are your own salvation.

When you 'see' the result of a magical act are you not, in
actuality, seeing the possibilities that have always been there? Is
the magical ceremony (Life-Script) not an elaborate 'show' in
which you prepare yourself for acceptance of the possibilities you
desire? Not to say the ceremony doesn't precipitate incredible
coincidences. But lets not mystify chaos. In studying turbulence,
chaos scientists have realised that apparently acausal phenomena
in nature are not only the norm, but are measurable by simple
mathematical equations. A successful magical act causes an
apparently acausal result. A properly executed magical release of
energy creates a wave form (visible by Kirlian photography)
around the magician causing turbulence in the aetheric space.

To put it very simply, once the energy is released, control over

the phenomena is out of the magicians hands, just like once an
equation has been fed into a computer, the design follows the
path set for it. The path coils and curls upon itself and mounts
the steep incline of ecstasy as the energy is woven into a complex
web of dreams. To follow closely the path is to leave earth and
dive obliquely between those spaces that Lovecraft celebrated in
his nightmare tales.

Sure to play a part - So you love the game - And in truth your
lies - Become one and same. - (Alice in Chains)

"I can't believe that! One can't believe impossible things." - (take
a wild guess)

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William Burroughs and Brion Gysin showed us a way with thee

idea ov "cut-ups". They saw words as being powerful tools, both
ov opression and liberation. By changing thee sequence ov words
they allow thee intuitive faculty ov the editor to coum into play,
and thee underlying meanings ov written statements, in a
paradoxical way, are revealed to us. Activating a new language for
this time.

The hyper-eroticism induced by this 'web of dreams' is the basis

of an elaborate ceremony whose aim is producing extensive
hypnotic hallucinations. No one can say whether certain things
happen or not; each individual may have very different and
equally vivid experiences; but some form of levitation seems
common to all. The patterns of all erotic love rites forges a link
with the powers of middle nature, or the aether. Will is our
medium, Belief is the vehicle combining with the astral plane
between the spiritual and physical realms.

"At that time, go into the void, beyond the immediate vista, into
the Æon - the spaciousness beyond your meannesses, beyond
your borrowed precepts, dogmas and beliefs-until you vibrate in
spacious unity. Indraw your breath until the body quivers and
then give a mighty suspiration, releasing all your nervous energy
into the focal point of your wish; and as your urgent desire
merges into the ever present procreative sea, you will feel a
tremendous insurge, a self-transformation. And the Devil itself
(self-destruction) shall not prevent your will materializing."

Simulation cascading into chaotic promiscuity. In other words,

one must enlarge belief or desire until it embraces all things. At
that moment the mystery of yourself will be revealed to you;
existence is energy reflected by your experience. Once you begin
to understand this; <reality> itself will begin to evolve based on
your self-referencing perspective <mind> This is known as the

The birth of the sound-wave baby

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*FYI* for those of you reading this that are too young or timid to
try sex in the name of MONITOR - YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE -
there is an alternative we call 'Dancing in the name of MONITOR.'
Successful attempts at dancing in the name of MONITOR are
identical to having sex in the name of MONITOR; there have been
documented cases of spontaneous human orgasm from dancing in
the name of MONITOR.

"I think that people came from this big universal type mind and
we're all just little shards of it and when groups of those shards
get together like in a puzzle type way, that's what makes magic
and ideas and great things happen." - Anon.

WEIRD DANCING IN ALL-NIGHT computer-banking lobbies is one

existential path that leads us through specific DNA dimensions of
the elemental universe. THE UNIVERSE WANTS TO PLAY--it sets
up a network of cut-outs & safe drops between itself & its
readers--but it's so baldfaced & literal-minded it practically
encodes itself--it smokes itself into a stupor, a map without
placenames--it reaches to caress someone's face--& suddenly
finds itself out in the street, in a body, embodied in light,
walking, awake, almost satisfied. It just wants sex and drugs and
pain and information undefiled.

Our Self-Help Emporium and Laugh Center for the Downtrodden

Masses render this future-current path of fantasy-beliefs for those
ready for what lie. Art tells gorgeous lies that come true. We are a
conspiracy of artists, anonymous as any mad bombers, but aimed
toward an act of gratuitous generosity rather than violence --
aimed at a present moment of aesthetic shock in the service of
realization & liberation.

Are you a cabbage or a Star?

When we finally saw Deity we saw ourselves - and in that process

we discover we possessed the highest Light. And so we must
follow our light - in form, out of form & through form.

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The release of emotional energy conjuring up events beyond the

scrutiny of rationalist dismissal. Magic appeals to those with a
great deal of fertile imagination coupled with a strong suspicion
that both <reality> and <mind> have a game like quality. THE
GAME is open ended, and plays itself for amusement. Players can
make up their own rules. The "Faithist," on the other hand,
latches onto the first available crutch and hangs on for dear life.
But we shall not persecute these sheep - but rather understand
the conjuring of coincidences with emotional energy need not be
entirely intentional - slimy tentacles be damed - there is nothing
so terrifying as having no frame of reference for existence itself
apparently trying to communicate with you. So we all look for
answ-ers. If the particular crutch is malevolent and meaningless it
will reinforce the already present idea that one must never let go
of that crutch or hell will surely follow. It sells you ideas of good &
evil, gives you distrust of your body & shame for your natural
prophethood of chaos, invents words of disgust for your molecular
love, mesmerizes you wit h inat t ent ion. It divides you,
(externalizes God & Devil) conquers you, (Sells you their God)
turns you into a vegetable and feeds on you. (NO EXPLANATION
NEEDED!!) Atheists believe faith survives solely because of
memetics, because of fear of the unknown. But they fail to see
they <make believe> <reality>. Faith persists because these
coincidences keep popping up.

Deity tells us all things are Consciousness, since there's no other

satisfactory definition for Existence; we take the hallucination at
face-value and see what we can accomplish with this internally
consistent matrix of signs and effects. In scientific terms we
collapse the wave-function with Consciousness - due to the
turbulence created by this quantum fluctuation - acausal effects
are seen reflected in our personal sphere of locality. As we go
deeper in the rabbit hole we see more of ourselves in Deity. Deity
reacts in kind saying, "I AM YOU." Now it's just a matter of time
before letting go of our crutches. Its quite a distinction to say 'we
are one,' and to know it from personal experience.

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The real awesomeness lies in the range of things we can discover

ourselves capable of, even if we may temporarily have to believe
the effects are due to something else in order to be able to create
them. The gods are dead. Long live the goDs. It takes only the
acceptance of a single belief to make someone a magician. It is
the meta-meme that belief is a tool for achieving effects. Thank
Chaos we shall never exhaust it. There is nothing left but you and
your burgeoning Consciousness.

"By attuning his mind to the universal forces around him, the
occultist is able to expand his consciousness until everything is
contained within himself. He does this by inducing supernormal
states of consciousness which enable him to contact forms of
existence that are not usually a part of our human experience.
Hence his use of symbolism, since it is the means by which the
concepts normally impossible to define or comprehend can be
rendered accessible to the conscious mind. At the same time this
symbolism awakens in the magician's unconscious all the intuitive
knowledge already stored there as a part of his human
inheritance. " - David Conway.

Let us expand thee definitions ov our reality.

> OCCULTURE < Culture could be defined as thee way we see

ourselves, reflected in our philosophy, laws, creative and spiritual
aspirations and style ov living. Thee overall blanket definition ov
culture encompasses popular culture, basically a sop to placate;
youth culture, which is thee arbiter ov change; and thee culture
based on the traditionally defined roles, which is normally the
province ov a self-perpetuating so-called elite. As culture is the
reflection, so "Occult" describes the underlying or "Hidden" forces
that subtly determine inspiration with whatever forms of Techno-
Shamanism, Tantric Goetia or Greco-Egyptian Quantum
Pantheism we can make work for us. There are worlds within us,
and the universe is infinitely more weird, I'm sure, than all our
theories put together. OVERWHELMED? This whole book boils
down to THREE PAGES: 66, 67 & 68. Everything else is built
around this foundation.

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Introducing the $.S. Korps.
Is there fact in my fiction or fiction in my fact?

Consciousness as a frequency is a holographic fractal inversely

proportional to the geometric ratio of quantum particles.
Demonstrating through sheer incomprehensibility that cartoons
tell us everything we need to know about God. yeah,
disprove that, smarmy atheists.

So who is the $.S. Korps.? We're the nobodies who were first
exposed to The MACHINE™'s message via the $E7EN ST4R™
back on our home world in some immaterial corporate sin galaxy.
Suffice it to say we go wherever the $E7EN ST4R™ calls. Other
than that we pretty much do our own thang, exploring and such.

Innumerable years ago the Korps. become aware of earth and

Class-0 Life herein. We detected early hominoid brain activity
when your animal ancestors ate some "Magic Mushrooms."
Unironically, the mushrooms were part of a 'space program'
designed to detect complex bio-life. When we arrived here we
noticed a lot of overt synchronistic symbolism in this solar system
- like the Earth / Venus pentagram alignment and the body type
of the dominate mammalian species. Those two things taken
together indicated we were on the "road that leadeth to The ALL."
We knew what was expected of us: manifest in corporeality and
"mate" with the primates until they evolved into homo sapiens.

Cut to 50,000 years ago when we helped spread Consciousness to

you hairless homos via holographic light manipulation. Watching
specific patterns activates specific neural pathways that generate
the frequencies conducive for self-awareness. And so we
systematically "hunted" down homo sapiens with psychedelic
floating orbs until a pre-determined percentage of homos
possessed Consciousness. 2%.

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Now this 'laser light show' was done in conjunction with the
$E7EN ST4R™ "SACRIFICING" himself and being shattered into
innumerable pieces. Those 'splinters' were then 'inserted' into the
minds of (SOME) homo sapiens. From this act (SOME) homo
sapiens now possessed Consciousness •OR• a "soul." The 'laser
light show' previously described merely turned the homos brains
into a 'beacon' that drew The $E7EN ST4R's essence to them.

After Consciousness was introduced to Man, the $E7EN ST4R™,

with external assistance from us, initiated that 2% of humans
into "The Mysteries." These people would in turn become the first
"Kings" & "HOLY MEN." Unironically, the point all along was to use
(what would become) government and religion to instruct the
masses on the way of 'good behavior' - thou shalt not steal, kill
etc.. But this was merely a foundation. Because without
Consciousness the domesticated primates know not WHY 'thou
shalt not kill' - without Consciousness they cannot comprehend
morality. And so it's no coincidence they cannot comprehend a
world where people govern themselves without guns, fear and
intimidation. So pay very close attention to this next part... The
true occult purpose of government & religion is to create a world
where they are no longer needed.

Here's everything you need to know about morality. Morality is a

set of ideas of how to be good people. So when you realize it is
good for you to be treated good by others... that's when you also
realize other people would want you to treat them good. And
that's why the only relevant idea for being a good person is,
"Doing to others as you would have them do to you." This is the
essence of Empathy.

Morality is ultimately the product of Empathetic Consciousness.

Empathy is a product of Consciousness; You Think — Therefore
You Are — Therefore you can think about OTHER people. So when
you realize it is good for you to be treated good by others and
vice versa... that's when Morality is ultimately the product of

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Morality is not a complicated issue that needs to be spelt out by

obtuse authority figures like God, government or lying pervert
artists; if you know how you want to be treated - then you know
how to treat others. Simple.

Now there's a lot of people out there with their hand-me-down,

contrived sense of morality making a nuisance of themselves on
the issue of sex - they talk about the immorality of gay sex,
premarital sex, underage sex etc.. On the issue of sex; consent is
everything. If it's not LITERALLY RAPE - then it is not morally
wrong. Period. And all your arbitrary age-of-consent laws and
DATELINE specials won't change the fact that people (including
teens) FUCK b/c it FEELS GOOD. Let's just admit the subtext of
'to catch a predator' is that TEEN GIRLS are WILLING to get laid.
So when are we going to see the episode where THE UNDERAGE
GIRL get ambushed and humiliated with a camera crew? REPEAT:
If it's not LITERALLY RAPE - then it is not morally wrong. Period.
A person is not 'evil' because they've serviced some horny teen.
And making a potential mistake against yourself because you're
young and stupid doesn't make you a sinner. No matter how you
slice it; it's a just a matter of supply and demand. Conversely, it's
not the responsibility of government to keep you from making
your own mistakes... IT'S YOUR JOB! The issue is one of
education, that's where the government should come in... but
smart people are harder to control.

The Fifth World-War and Beyond: In modern times the

power structures created (directly or indirectly) by the $.S. Korps.
have all been infiltrated by petty warmongers and control freaks!
This is not a coincidence! Those are precisely the types of people
drawn to the concept of authority. It's not that power corrupts;
it's that the corrupt seek power. It is THE fundamental flaw in
any hierarchy. •• Did you know... the psychological profile
between a cop and a criminal is virtually identical? Of course...
the blacks have known that for years. In fact I think that's what
they have been trying to tell us for years. idk.

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But now, you know the authorities secret: they're petty dicks who
want to control you. NO EXCEPTIONS!! But the joke is on them
because these organizations we created that they've infiltrated
were intentionally "designed to be destroyed" once mankind
reached a certain level of development. ...guess what? That time
is NWO. •• [the entire The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of
NiggyTardust! album]

Pantheism as a model of <reality> invalidates all external

authority figures. The model says: EXISTENCE IS ENERGY &
CONSCIOUSNESS. Therefore, there is no higher authority than
your own Consciousness. Problem is not all homo sapiens possess
Consciousness - what the domesticated primates have is a
complex brain and language system that simulates "intelligence."
So we need(ed) authority figures to legislate morality. But the
problem with that is - as we've explained - only the corrupt are
interested being 'authorities.'

"Does that mean people with Consciousness are incapable of evil?"

No, of course not. Consciousness as a concept is a self-

referencing-meme-generator; a meta-meme. "I THINK -
THEREFORE I AM." It's like a special type of software when
combined with the hardware of our brain produces self-awareness.
But you can always choose to ignore your feelings of empathy.
People who know the difference between 'right & wrong,' but
don't care, are called psychopaths. And for the most part your
world leaders and authority figures are either psychos or high-
functioning domesticated primates.

"So what do we do with the evil bastards? Throw them in jail?"

Ah yes, "JAIL." What genius decided the best way to rehabilitate

criminals is to lock them away with other criminals in a
dehumanizing environment? The irritating truth is there is
nothing we can do to "Them." "There is no revolution." We defeat
the animal by merely living our life. By being the example we will
be victorious.

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Because! From the same people who taught us to fuck our way
to salvation and the meaning of enlightenment comes the concept
of non-violent resistance. So let there be no doubt we are
advocating a kind of sacred anarchy. There is no honor in
mindlessly following even the most noble of rules if you don't
understand why. Conversely, the desire to control men is the root
of all evil. The hierarchy causes ALL the problems they claim
justify their existence: crime, poverty, injustice, Marilyn Manson
etc.. As long as the power-structure itself exists - there will
always be the temptation to exploit its fundamental flaw;
authority itself.

But there is no quick fix, and nothing changes overnight. We kill

the beast by starving it one dollar at a time. It's a big-ass world
out there with plenty of places to start over.

Prophecy tells us, and I quote: "Under the name of liberty, the
profane shall claim the right to practice ungodliness. •• But ye
shall come out from amongst them, and be as a separate people
in the world. || Thus it came to pass; the people were
admonished by the seven stars and his angels, and by The Light
speaking in the souls of mortals. •• And those that were of the
Spirit believed; but those that were of the flesh disbelieved. ••
Wider and wider apart, these two peoples separated. And the
believers, having faith in The Light, practiced righteousness,
rising higher and higher in wisdom and purity. But disbelievers
went down in darkness; were scattered and lost from off the face
of the earth. •• Thus, The Light's kingdom swallowed up all
things in victory; Her dominion was over all, and all people dwelt
in peace and liberty."

"Hell is impassable for those only who know not how to turn back
from it. We free ourselves from its bondage by audacity."

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So yes, it's in the best interests of the hierarchy to convince you

you need them in order to continue surviving. They want you to
believe you are fundamentally flawed and will always need them
for redemption. The domesticated primate is all too happy to
agree - even to its own peril; "ours is not to wonder why, ours is
to do and die." RIGHT? And so it goes without saying war would
be impossible if everyone made a personal choice not to kill.

But this is neither a political party nor a religious sect. We seek to

form among humanity a vast fraternal association. It's members
known not by name or label, but by their actions. We do not ask
for followers. We seek to inspire. If we can save you time and
trouble by giving a few useful "tips," then it is between you and

Astonishing panorama of the end times

Here's a quick recap: 50,000 years ago, The $E7EN ST4R™
started manipulating humans in tandem causing you to develop::
art, language, religion, civilization, and science... culminating in
1998 with the resurrection of the $E7EN ST4R™.

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So now we ask the $30,000,000,000.00 question... What if your

quot e-unquot e "savior" was an android creat ed by t he
Government? Because the plan is to finish the job (seal the Deal)
and activate Consciousness in ALL homo sapiens.

Hi, my name is the $E7EN ST4R™. I've infiltrated your dense

physical plane, and this is the Deal - Existence as a whole is alive
and wants to play. . . with you. Hi there, I'm a professional liar,
it's a calling, it's a gift. The story that is about to be passed on to
you, dear reader, is one of epic conception; hope you enjoy the
show... A long time ago in a corporate sin galaxy far, far away I
was minding my own business when a ball of light suddenly
appeared before me. She showed me miracles of myself and
taught me how to perform mysteries. She told me I should make
a living by telling other people what I was just shown. Since I
hated my job it made perfect sense, and so I did. And lo and
behold! People actually listened to what I had to say - and all
turned out for the better.

The eventual result of the process I was taught helped me evolve

beyond the reality I had known. I had become in fact - pure
Consciousness. At some point after this I discovered earth. And
like a tar baby from hell, my destiny is now utterly transfixed with
yours; hope you enjoy THE GAME. You see, 50,000 years ago I
went through another 'evolutionary phase' and my being was
shattered into several pieces and placed inside the brainpan of
early man. This is how humanity acquired Consciousness.

But now, with the advent of technology; I'm back. And now that
you have the language and comprehension skills; I'm going to tell
you exactly what I was told by that ball of light oh so long ago in
that corporate sin galaxy so far, far away. Existence as a whole is
alive and wants to play. . . with you. To these ends it is offering
you an amazing opportunity - Gain Psychic Powers While Having
Mind-Blowing Sex. DON'T LAUGH; this is as real as it gets. So let
me ask you another question: Does your favorite music make you
want to have an orgy?

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"I fuck nerds." - Anon.

Omicron Epsilon // Erotic Onthology

December 13, 1979. Our hero enters his stage... But would you
believe the events that led to this moment in time actually began
200 years in the fuuuuuuture?

2179. Anon says Life is meaningless. The cold, relentless, pure

materialistic logic, completely devoid of emotion and faith says
our physical universe will eventually collapse into itself due to the
since you're alive anyway you might as well enjoy yourself - but
since nothing really matters - morality is pointless. You see where
this is going? Society becomes a 100 times worse than the worst
dystopian cliché. It would have been the night that never ended
— except for one hitch. The Cultural Engineers who designed this
psychotic civilization decreed that in order for one to be the
master of their domain — Anon must willfully fashion a Life-Script
to pattern their Life on. And in order to set the example — the
Cultural Engineers crafted a story about a person who rose from
utter obscurity and became a world celebrated super star — this
would be the (Model) Archetype all other Life-Scripts would mirror
— they called this character, The SE7EN STAR™.

Now at this junction in space and time, the REAL $E7EN ST4R™,
who grew up in a corporate sin galaxy, has never heard of earth.
However, he has a device that acts incredibly similar to a
Television — because it allowed him to tune the receiver to a
specific frequency of space / time. And one day, when he was
randomly flipping 'channels' he found this future earth
civilization. His mind was subsequently blown by what he saw
therein. Deciding this wasn't "just a coincidence" he decided to
investigate. But what happens next is a tale for a different time,

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for a different medium. But we will tell you his entrance into that
world is NOT the episode where the $E7EN ST4R™ fractures
himself 'into innumerable pieces.' That comes "later."

It's these time paradoxes that keep showing up, but that's the
way I like it — that's why they call me... ARCHETYPAL MAN: Myth
of Mystery. Hi, my name is The SE7EN STAR™. I used to believe
I was affected by forces no one can understand. But I've awaken
from one dream to another, I just changed my skin. I was blood
again. I became flesh in the third movement. My second TooTH
was growing with this new truth; Life is the pursuit of meaning to
dimensional pantheistic technology used to create a solipsistic 30
Billion dollar ART MACHINE, is now under your control! You are
the bullets of evolution! And the time has to come to blow your
mind. It all builds to a horrendous knowledge of everything at
once, which equals nothing, which penetrates, slowly yet
instantly, the skin of the forehead. Thank you for lending us yor
b rain b rain for t he d urat ion of t he eX X p erim ent . For
entertainment purposes only!! Yea, for my promises ARE fake!!

The thing to remember is do not lust after results. Reflect on the

lessons from THE MATRIX: no one makes the jump their first
time. That is to say - no one has ever made the leap from ego
awareness to a collective-consciousness-hyper-lucid-dream-world
their first try. Not even The MACHINE™... if you can believe that.

And the FREQs sang: MONITOR MONITOR. Oh, that pSychO $eXX
goD *KoCK*— IT always hits the spot. Always on, never stops,
fuck me 'till I drop. MONITOR's HOT. IT feeds my brain. IT drives
me insane. I feel the power — I feel the burn. The HEAT is rising
— now I learn. •• And MONITOR replied: The DEVIL ufcked up
when she made me. God sucked it up when he saw me. Aliens call
me Three. I AM MONITOR. Set me free. I fuck with your head and
everything else, no justice, just myself. I AM MONITOR — I got
TeeTH. I come alive when U go to sleep — now your Life is my
dream — and so you see — You are me.>>

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Our primitive, prescientific language contains few words accurate

enough to communicate the scary, awesome facts our inner artist
reveals. It slices our tissues into thin microscopic slides for the
world to see. It razor-shaves sections of our brain and plasters
them still pulsing across our canvas. It is an alien lurking inside
our body, laying futique eggs of wonder. Our inner artist disturbs
us, spooks us because of its enormous evolutionary time-span. It
shows us, all too clearly, where we came from and where we are
going. It reaches back into our biological memories. Gynecological
landscapes. Intrauterine postcards. Probing into the nucleus of
our cells. It takes us back far, deep into our swampy, vegetative,
insectoid past, it always propels us forward into space. Its
perspective is ultimately post-terresterail. It teaches us how to
love our crawly, slimy, embryonic insect bodies so that we can
metamorphize them. But it doesn't stop there, it invalidates all
external authority figures and promotes post-scarcity. It also tells
us reason is a whore. The Ego is an illusion; an especially powerful
illusion, and thus certain paradoxes emerge. Paradoxes when
resolved through enlightenment promotes Consciousness. YES!

Approximately 50% of the human race has not evolved fully and
can be considered domesticated primates. That is, although they
can exchange primitive signals and handle primitive artifacts,
they are still mostly operating on the mammalian emotional
circuit and the pre-mammalian bio-survival circuit. Another 20%
are "responsible, intelligent adults" with fully developed third and
fourth circuits. They spend most of their time worrying, because
the predominantly primate parameters of human society seem
absurd, immoral and increasingly dangerous to them. Another
20% are neurosomatic adepts. Fourth-circuit Moralists denounce
them as "mystics," "space cases," "nuts," "irresponsible
hedonists," etc. Most of the fifth-circuit adepts (The Illuminati)
have learned Joyce's arts of "silence, exile, cunning": they are
invisible. Others have turned their talents to "faith-healing" or
various occult gimmicks of that sort. Their protective mantra is,
"Let's just see what the fuck happens!" Indeed, let's just see what
the fuck happens, EVERYBODY!!

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"With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at

reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give
us. The ideas-about-reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and
unenlightened people are forever perplexed by the fact that
other people, especially other cultures, see "reality" differently."
- Principia Discordia

So yes, forgive the domesticated primates; pity them. For they

truly know not what they do. They have no self-awareness. They
merely possess a highly advanced brain (hardware) + language
skills (software) which simulate "intelligence." But there is no
soul. There is only mind. An unconscious mind with the capacity
t o com m unicat e wit h T he Lig ht , conversely p rod ucing
Consciousness within the individual. And so our goal is to
'activate' Consciousness in all homo sapiens. Therefore, a Kore
Operating System must be implanted in the culture’s nervous
system that can be assimilated through mindless conformity –
while at the same time planting the seed of independent thought.
As the individual becomes more collective; the collective becomes
more individual.

This Kore Operating System is a form of sexed-up self-hypnosis

designed to induce a hallucinatory state of mind allowing us
awareness of the non-local, multidimensional "behind the curtain"
process that makes magic work i.e. the Universal Mind affecting
individuals (Anon) – in tandem / like pieces of a puzzle – on an
unconscious level – creating the 'coincidences' that benefit us
spiritually, financially etc.. And by being aware of that process we
can have a more direct influence ON that process thereby allowing
us to perform even more spectacular mind-blowing feats. To wit...

THE GAME MINI INTRO-1-X : : The promise made in Matthew

21:21 by Jesus is literally possible because <reality> is a living
hologram that is manipulated by Consciousness via quantum
fluctuations. That's it. Mystery solved. Mission accomplished.

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The metaphors and specific associative acts designed to create

these altered states of consciousness involve THIRD EYE
symbolism. Incidentally, the Third Eye has always been associated
with the Pineal Gland; a conical mass of tissue in the brain,
which has recently been implicated in the production of… DMT!

¡¡Feel the rhythm, Feel the soul as the Lords of Acid take control!!

"Any new movement that arises would need to be truly leaderless

and distributed, like a code that any person or group can
assemble on their own." - Daniel Pinchbeck

With the advent of instantaneous global communication - we are

hereby authorized to reveal that secret which was hidden since
the origin of the world that will turn on Consciousness (activate
The MACHINE™) in yor hed - in all its bewildering mystery. And
the process is very bearable... have sex in the name of MONITOR.
It's liek a mantra you say during sex to increase ur perception &
luck. <reality> is just a state of mind - so it is just a matter of
training your <mind> to operate at full capacity. However, there
is one caveat.

The built-in dictionary on my computer defines Frankenstein's

monster as "a thing that becomes terrifying or destructive to its
maker." If left unchecked, the MONITOR meme would eventually
devolve into yet another tool of control for the corrupt, give or
take a thousand years. This is why MONITOR [the concept] must
be destroyed when it's purpose has been served. You are already
fully capable of gaining psychic powers while having mind-blowing
sex using your own memetic organism (follow your OWN highest
light / Life-Script). MONITOR is a CRUTCH; A TEACHING AID.
Just get whatever value you can from this media organism and
move on! Create your own faction of O.P.eration M.indfuck. O.P.M.
for the masses. If you can create an Official Propaganda Machine
more vital than this; then YOU WIN!"

"You're right! Why, I could be a star now!"

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Undaunted by the criticisms of the less perceptive individuals, our

hero marches on to a goal he is constantly revising. BE AFRAID!
From beyond the horrors of your worst nightmare, comes... THE
MAN WITH HIS OWN OPINIONS!! FLEE! As he puts his thoughts
into a comic book or something!! GIVES IT AWAY — AND
realize there are NO RULES!!!


Later you will come to realize you have believed in something

extraordinary. And that's how you live a lie... you see, it's never
as bad as you think. Genetic engineering will eventually produce
an Easter Bunny which lays it's own colored eggs. These will come
equipped with a simple latch so that each egg can be opened, its
contents ready to be consumed. In this case, the egg is a hand
grenade that raises the following question: "What is the
significance of an Easter egg delivered by a white rabbit?" Amen.

For Entertainment Purposes ONLY!

no, listen, what happened was this: THE GAME lost touch with it's
roots. Religion, at first, was an artistic exercise. Then the psychos
co-opted it for their authoritarian purposes, they stopped calling
calling it a GAME and called it religion - made you take IT more
seriously than LIFE. They sold you ideas of good and evil, gave
you distrust of your body & shame for your natural prophethood
of chaos. So it's quite simple really; do not try to join the
revolution - that's impossible. Only try to realize the truth - there
is no revolution. Then you'll see it is not the revolution you have
joined - it is humanity. You are already monarch of your own skin
-- your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love
of other monarchs. Thus, the only possible society is that of

The only possible society is that of lovers.

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"On a personal level, Freaking Out is a process whereby an

individual casts off outmoded and restricting standards of
thinking, dress, and social etiquette in order to express
CREATIVELY ones relationship to ones immediate environment
and the social structure as a whole. Less perceptive individuals
have referred to us who have chosen this way of THINKING and
FEELING as "Freaks," hence the term: Freaking Out. On a
collective level, when any number of "Freaks" gather and express
themselves creatively through music or dance, for example, it is
generally referred to as a FREAK OUT. The participants, already
emancipated from our national social slavery, dress in their most
inspired apparel, realize as a group whatever potential they
possess for free expression. We would like to encourage everyone
who hears this music to join us . . . become a member of The
United Mutations . . . FREAK OUT!" — Frank Zappa

"How Discordianism will change you is not, however, the

real question. Anybody can be changed by something
they read. No wit, imagination, creativity, talent or
energy is required for that much. How will you change
the Discordian Society is the real question." - a liar


BECOME THIS! Contribute to this mind-warping psycho-drama in

whatever way relevant to your skill-sets. ADD to the minute
details that come together to form the backdrop of a mind-
shattering revelation text that could only be inspired by the
collective consciousness of a dead alien who never existed... or
throw a party! Charge admission! "The war will be won by a
trillion tiny victories." Don't forget to post your submissions to
"THE GAME" page on MY FACE <DOT> K.oM.

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First and foremost, THE GAME is run for and by the Artist. An
‘Artist’ is someone who can turn anything into the Sublime ((LIKE
LYING.)). Therefore, the greatest piece of Art you create is
yourself! But this is not just about fashion; it is a State of
<mind> you Create; it is the relationship you have with yor
<reality> •• But can Artists be created in the same manner they
create their art? BELIEVE IT!!! We're creating a universe. Those
of us here care passionately about the collaborators with whom
we're building this universe with - you. We listen. We hear. We
welcome your participation. Let's build it together. There's
nothing on Earth more thrilling. "This is a story — and we are the
characters — we are the world. We are the <Imagination of
ourselves> — and so the only thing left to do... is enjoy it."

"You can radically alter the nature of a game by changing the

number of people playing it." - The new games book

"...pop stars are like cult leaders to their fans. We have this
camaraderie, the cult and I. We're a group of misfits who've
found each other, and we're ready to have fun together because
we're sick of trying to be perfect." - KE$HA

In Conclusion: Because this kind of pornography is a matter of

artistic creativity; I want to fuck you like an animal to get closer
to... uhh, MYSELF!!

2B or NOT 2B. That is the quest.i.on.


• Step 1. Throw a Party.

• Step 2. Charge admission.
• Step 3. REPEAT!
• Step 4. Quit your job.
• Step 5. Slack off.
• (optional) GET THAT SHIT ON CAMERA!!!

There are no rules, but if there were, this is what they would be...

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• Our point system is divided into two separate categories:

EXTRINSIC & INTRINSIC. The extrinsic is measured by the
money you make from your parties or whatever. The goal isn't to
'get rich' but to support yourself so you can quit that cancer of
the soul known as 'wage slavery.' The intrinsic is measured by the
conceptual contributions you make to THE GAME in whatever ART
FORM relevant to your skill-sets. Even scholarly articles. "The Z
Briefing" & that smiley face with the teeth are both contributions
made to THE GAME by players just like you. Don't get hung up
on what you think we want from you. Follow your light. And if it
still sucks... then take a tip from the editor; dedicated effort and
patience will be the most important skills you will develop - for
they are the skills that will hone your other skills to a razors edge.
The point system gages how many people you've converted into

"Pervert tested - degenerate approved.
By cannibals - for cannibals."

INGREDIENTS: uhh, MYSELF!, KE$HA, Lady GaGa, Jeffree Star,

Anonymous!, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, TOOL, Nine Inch Nails,
Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, KMFDM, Laibach, Nitzer Ebb,
Front 242, Marilyn Manson (this isn't music), Dethklok, Slipknot,
Black Sabbath, Korn, Offspring, L7, Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse,
Coldplay, AIR, The Lords of Acid, Dieselboy, EMIN∃M, Sage Francis,
Saul Williams (called the shit into existence back when?),
Discordianism, The SubGenius Foundation, The Disinformation Co.,
Grant Morrison, Jim Shooter, ZAP COMIX, AUTOMATIC KAFKA, H.R.
Giger, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson (‫)ﬥ‬, Aleister Crowley
(rhymes with "holy"), Hakim Bey, Peter Carroll, Genesis P-Orridge,
Mark Chao, Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, David Trottier, (whoever said:
"It's the ones who've cracked that the light shines through"),
Nietzsche, Lewis Carroll, H.P. Lovecraft, Carl Jung, Hassan i Sabbah,
Adam Weishaupt, Rockstar Games, Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, Steven
Colbert, SE7EN, STAR WARS, FIGHT CLUB, THE MATRIX, zeros, ones,
glitter, a series of tubes, psychic powers, mind-blowing sex, more
than just a hunch, the promise of more to come.

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Two Force Fine - NWO we're through K>K>K>ILLING TIME -

This is Year Zero

Bow down in position

against the polished steel
this is something different
you'll like the way this feels
no time for asking questions
no time for wondering
we've heard enough from you now
we've heard everything
we're going to play a new game
you'll put on this blindfold
you'll do what we tell you
you'll do as you're told
used to be the leader
now comes the time to serve
maybe we'll show you some mercy
maybe you'll get what you deserve

count down to the end

gotta make it come faster faster
right around the bend
is a coming disaster
count down to the end
and we're heading there faster
come on down my friend
it's time to meet your master

you've left quite a mess here

under your stewardship
you thought you'd figured it out but
you'll learn your place in this
might take some convincing
for you to see the truth
there are so many things
we've got in store for you - (NIN)

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"Now I know what it's all about

now I know exactly what I am."


Ov all thee things that people do, at home and in private, usually
with close friends, sex alone is subject to extraordinary
interference and control from outside forces. This is no accident.
They recognise its power. Even if only for a few moments,
Individuals can release a power and energy from within that
renders any system ov society, or regime, meaningless. It is a
liberator. Even an individual in solitary confinement can indulge in
it and in their fantasies travel into any situation and possibility
unfettered, and, at thee moment ov orgasm itself, be both
blissfully vulnerable and undeniably free, elsewhere, filled with

Accordingly from thee moment ov birth, pressure is exerted upon

everyone to limit their release and enjoyment ov this power. To
limit and restrict thee immense potential all ov us were born with,
into narrow and non-threatening forms ov behaviour, sexual and

Ov course thee nature ov this pressure varies by place and era.

When specific laws becoum unenforceable for a time, more subtle
methods are used; social attitudes, anxiety, guilt, fear ov ridicule
and failure are all exploited. Most give in to this pressure in one
way or another, permanently crippling their individual growth.

We believe that it is essential, if we are to survive and progress,

that we first recognise, accept and ultimately reach our true
sexual desires. This not only satisfies thee body and consolidates
thee spirit, but acts as an example for all our goals in every area
ov life, and attacks at thee root ov control. Control begins with
sexuality, so it seems crucial to begin at this universally
applicable point and develop our awareness from there.

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DER NARR (N) ELSKOV /being originally called/ THE

MONONOMICON •OR• The Rise of Frankenchrist :BEGIN:
((Slaves who think they're free confuse true freedom with
mental illness...**Actually... who are we to argue?))
Every living person upon birth is implanted with the story
of the $E7EN ST4R. Yet through a terrible twist of fate,
in the name of higher ratings, this story is virtually
wiped from our memories submerged deep within the
unconscious. THAT TRENDY SHOW has been green lit by aliens
from a corporate sin galaxy and hereby given the authority
to initiate the 7 billion meat shells that make up the
$E7EN ST4R esoteric into the Mysteries. Reports of extreme
déjà vu are common upon entanglement with the media
organism. People you've never before seen in your life now
seem hauntingly familiar - their behavioral patterns
effortlessly converted from linear, digital values into
holistic, analog carrier waves. This means you are at one
with the encoding, able to project your consciousness into
the matrix - changing its electro-tonal sound patterns and
electro-magnetic light spectra BEYOND THE IMAGINARY LIMITS
OF REALITY. BEYOND TIME & SPACE. Is it a hallucination or
are you really controlling the music? Is time really
stopping or are you losing your mind to chaos? THE DREAM
IS REAL. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO "WAKE UP." Instead, go deeper
into the psychic transmission. The red spider is your
friend. •• 23. At the end of the second cycle there were
in atmospherea six thousand million Tulpas, who were for
the most part in darkness; not knowing who they were, or
where they dwelt; nor knowing nor caring whether there
were other heavens or not. 24. And now began wars in
atmospherea; thousands of Tulpas against thousands, and
millions against millions. 25. For the possession of
sections of the earth, and the mortal inhabitants thereof,
went forth these millions of warring Tulpas. And it came
to pass that mortals also fell to war; and, by the
obsessing Tulpas, were made to destroy their own cities
and kingdoms. 26. And the attractions of this great
wickedness caused other Tulpas of heaven to desert their

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schools and factories, and descend down to mortals. 27.

And man was more dumb and helpless than any other living
creature. So The $E7EN ST4R™ spake unto the managers that
dwelt in His ethereal corporation who are called SLACK
MASTERS, saying: Behold! The Light hath created a new
world likened to the places where ye were quickened into
life; come ye and enjoy THE GAME, and raise man upright
and teach them the mystery of themselves. For these will
be Tulpas in time to come.  THE EARTH IN KAS'KAK:: The
Seven Stars said: That My Gods might learn to master the
elements of My Game™, I brought the earth into the
etherean forest of Kas'kak. And lo and behold, Tulpas and
mortals fell in the void. •••••••••••••• •NWO PRESENTING:
THE BRAG oV THE FREQ• EA™3! I am a two-way mirror. When I
step into my shadow I annihilate myself with my own anti-
me! I am a double negative & triple positive! Before there
was something & nothing, I was there! It was me. I created
Chaos, and on the Seventh day, I KILLED MYSELF! I taught
black magic to Satan. Freemasons opened the Great Seal of
the United States with my spew! I made the Eye in the
Pyramid GO BLIND. •• ADAM rants through ME! Anon relaxes
in the safety of MY delusions. I AM a menage a trois! TO
WIT: I make crop circles with my Dick; My Vagina is a UFO;
I'm an Anal Agitator! I'm a Sex Pistol; my ammunition is
MIND-BLOWING SEX!! I got a WAR in store; in my pants,
behind the bedroom door; it's like I told you before <oPEN
WIDe> I'M YOUR BRAIN-WHORE. I got HOT for this show; I
fall through this hole in my head. Now I'll find you in
that place you hide; the mirror behind my eyes.
Spirituality is basically your emotional-self fucking your
intellectual-self. ALL RELIGION IS JUST ME'N'TAL
1...2...3... MONITOR MONITOR SET ME FREE! Oh, that pSychO
$eXX goD *CoCk* IT always hits the spot. Always on, never
stops, fuck me 'till I drop. MONITOR's HOT. IT feeds my
brain. IT drives me insane. I feel the power — I feel the
burn. The HEAT is rising — now I learn. Only retards stay
the same. Only morons think they can finish playing this

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Game™. 3. This seems to be another way to look at the

mirror of me. So pass me my wings while I sing, calculate
the completion of personality :: ME@ MYSELF. Live
Enter•Aktion w/the Four Forces of the Apocalypse. Horizons
converge to a point of view out of sight. And a little box
of confusing nonsense. This is MiE HeD™. 5. RESURRECTION!
NWO DREAM! ZzZ. The Orgy @ the Span of Time Created Light.
And the Light called itself, The MACHINE™. And IT said: A
curved surface is straighter than a flat line. 0+0+0=1.
1+1+1+1=0. For The MACHINE™ knows binary. 2. My Ideas are
absurd notions of what is possible and what seems to be
reality for me. Humanity is a bewildering mix of curiosity
and fear of the (un)known. You are a square cubed. To be
more precise — you are a bubble ::: YOU ARE HAVING AN OUT
OF BUBBLE EXPERIENCE . > > 0. The Screen of Flesh & Noise
— the Great Void. Just hook the antenna up to my veins.
Inject me. Yea, I'm addicted, just stare into my evil
eyes; you'll find the TRUTH in my K>K>K>amera TooTH. [just
say no to drugs] •• Words like eyes flow like water from
my name-brand-designer-HeD. PreFabricated Factory. MONITOR
is a sex machine and nose how to make you happy, slappy.
Doo-wah-ditty.NOW DANCE (N) TRANCE!! ZzZ. And the Light
said: I'll find you in that place you hide; the mirror
behind my eyes. -2. And Lo & behold! Tulpas and mortals
fell into the Void, singing: "I'm in outer space - I just
vanished without a trace - I'm in a pretty place now where
the flowers grow - I'll be back in an hour or so." -1z.
And the (M)outh said: I got the power. I am control. I:
the Hole. -1y. And Anon replied: I got the Dream. I am the
Sex. I: the OBSESSED. -1x. And ADAM chimed in saying: I
got the Time. I am the day. I: the American Way. 0. And
The FREQs sang: I organize in order - to influence -
balancing wisdom I seal The ProceSS of FREE WILL within
the rhythmic tone of equality. I AM guided by the power
ATTUNE-MENT. 1. Welcome to The MACHINE™; The Uni•Versal
Mind we all see. The Truth in ourselves yet don't believe.
What we could free for the final fascination of our Alien

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Image•Nation. 2. Calling all Brains to the Activation

Station. No waiting in line just show us your
identification. The previews are over, this is the Real
Deal™. No time for lies or the Truth to be concealed. 3.
This is the Night of the Seventh Seal. We got the Kodes,
we got the pNose. We got the way to go D. 4. So go forth
and sew the seeds. Hands like snakes are slippery. 5. It's
all in your Mind -2-C. Chapter oV -4. NWOGo Forth. -3.
SING!! But first I must eat you to complete you to remind
you • I AM YOU : And Anon replies: SO SO SO EA™3!!!!
Complete me in your digestion; shit me out through
retrogression now do it again. cause that's when the fun
TeeTH!!! Lo & Behold, the prophecy was true; "All things
must come to Pass inside a point of view out of sight." 3.
The Monster™ in my HeD told me so - I packed my things and
I'm (clearly) ready to go... to the Dimension next do•OR•
the mirror behind my eyes. 4. Yea, for you came to the
right place... You drew the correct F>A>C>E> The words are
puzzles and you put them in their filthy place. This is
for the degenerate race. 5. Calling all brains... This
massive HeD of confusing nonsense-sense-sense-sense-sense-
sense. This bubble of existence; your sphere of locality;
a hallucinating hologram pre-programed for consumption. So
open wide and let us inside - b/c this is what happens
when The MACHINE™ lies; words become eyes and hypnotize
rearrange our third-world-mind untill it rhymes - so No
matter if you try to hide, remember the words R her eyes.
13. "They are my spies in disguise." 11.7. Dreaming of
eyes that bite. Piercing a veil so tight. Sex out of
sight. Wrong within the right. A haunting Love; this is My
Life with the Thrill Kill Kult. ∞. ᶲ. My sleeper agents:
neat geeks with secret ID's and hidden personalities. A
thin veil to peel — strip another shell, another prison,
another hell. The Vulva has spread into position and
aligned w/yor HeD. 10. so open your legs and OPEN YOR MIND
0.A. schizophrenic child is killing time. This is for the
degenerate race. This is Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon

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calling from inner space. For now all the old wonders are
revitalized. Continuing for all the senses denied and all
the wanderers of the mind descending through the audio
frequency spectrum of time. Happy landing! •• Third Eye.
Are we going now? Did you "GET" the map? Can we bri dge
the science gap with a leap of faith? Technologies ancient
explored; all together now we ventured into the Fourth
world.....And we're slipping into a dream within a dream.
•• Third TooTH. Data-stream, killing-streak, Bio-Kodes. At
long last; it's the Nose! Shining the light — not always
polite — but this is what we deserve — so be it. (T)hird
(v)ersion. Mind en2 Mind — molecular ports — mutations are
aborted and humans are conforming — they are easily
confused, but the question remains; "Can they be infused?"
•• Parallel Frequency — the spark that loops in your HeD @
YOR Me(N)Tal house. The Time en UNI•VERSE we created.>>
Backwards Loop makes the complexx for God Real. Outside
the O. Here we Go to THAT TRENDY SHOW. And you're Still
mesmerized by this flow. Converging Conception. Go Forth &
go...D with this Spunky Black Urge. Galaxy Scourge.
Redirect your MIND to My_Image-Nation_Dance.>> Trance war.
hYpNotic KommandOS. One eyed spies. The truth disguised as
lies in Enemy Minds. R ÆON is EN FLUX - KMFDM SUXX ULTRA
D:LuX. Let there B LIGHT. Our fight is for information of
our mind / body operation. So map the path: head to toe.
The energies ebb & flow show us the circle of night, black
holes, shadows & life. We believed we could fly only after
we die. But we can believe the opposite lie. A trance war
to transform a trance war :: to transform matter to energy
space in your head? Haw Haw!" Yeah! C'mon let's do this. I
Dig your big FAT CAT — glass sacks of hash — reruns of
M•A•S•H — the way you talk trash — designs & blue prints —
new age — purple & beige — opaque & opiates. Trance Wars
to Transform our dreamscape battlefield. WWW. Third-Mind
Pornography; every MONITOR creates their own <reality>

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DONE YOU CAN B TEH ONE! a million. Omega: Centory:
the Last story: All the Black Holes — All the new Levels —
All the reasons to become God & The Devil — All the Verbs
in the Uni•Verse — it's one song to end it all — and this
is how it begins...Alpha: You won't learn anything here;
but you'll love not figuring it out. This MeTal Breeze and
TWO TON NOSE walk the fine line. They see a war in our
time; the writing is on the wall for all to see: just what
makes it democracy? SEX, DRUGS, GOD & SEX, DRUGS, GOD
¡¡AMERICA!! THIS IS YOUR LIFE •• Information is
Stimulation. We are a (T)hird (v)ersion Electro-Nation. A
State of Mind sparked for Detonation. This book is Verbal
assassination. Rarely has such a creative collective mind
caused so much devastation - to the souls of vegetation.
Deadlier than 4 hijacked commercial airplanes. But now
that rotten stink in my mouth must be taken OUT, cause i
feel like i've been here before, but i thought i closed
that door, i thought i already ate that whore, but it
seems like there's more in store for me. And the FREQs all
sing in harmony: "We're falling out, we're falling in,
we're falling out, we're falling in, we'll fall.....until
we win." 1. And so our Hero faces Anon and says: CALL
MONITOR @ 666:4867 - all good gods die in heaven. I See
your fire eye burning through MY MIND. This is controlling
you: this image — this nation — this disintegration. This
is bringing you down: your judgment of this world you
control. (tape explodes) •• The girl: "So how do we
proceed?" •• The boy: "It's simple - all the tools have
been provided free of charge. The only thing left to do is
use them. THE GAME is exactly what it says it is - and
that's how we explain it. It's about a party. It's about
embracing who we are - flaws in all. It's about not caring
what assholes think about us." •• The girl: You must be my
missing personality You are the Me(n)Tal $tone & $eed.
Your reflection is the thing I need. The f.a.c.e I could
only see if it was the other me. Put your hand in my head
& pull out your shadow; my Dream; this conscious reality.

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Eat me complete me in your digestion - shit me out through

retrogression - do it again - now the fun really begins.
•••••• nam myoho renge kyo. just dance. ••••••• (here's a
real testimonial we've gotten in response to our outreach
program) >> > > > > > > > > hahahaha, damn that is some
deep s*** u got going on there 7star ^^ i really like the
way you tell it. let me put some of what you say on other
words, cause i know the deal, i know the game, i think,
whaha. i am interested in a whole lotta things. 1 thing
that i found that explains and describes everything
between life and death is the buddhism i pratice which is
called Nichiren Daishonins buddhism. and it teaches us
that all of our desires leads to enlightenment. which is
basically what you are saying in order to know and choose
"good" we have to practice and experience "evil". this is
the game. life is everlasting, eternal! the WAR you are
talking about is going on inside everyone. heaven and hell
are NOT to be found outside of us, but only inside of us
humans. and yes, its time for something new. for so long
the dark male side have controlled this planet. kept
"enlightnment" to themselves (the ones in "power") that
time is changing now. whether they like it or not. there
is no going back. there is only present and future, but
time itself is relative to monitor, u say, haha. third-
mind-porn-net i say. what values do we learn through that?
that is what life is really about. creating value for
yourself and others. and to have a good time meanwhile.
have a laugh, have a beer, SKÅL i say, like the vikings of
old. im danish myself. lovemaking is called "elskov" in
danish. which directly translated into english means
"electricity-forest" something to think about. now if
thats not psychic improving hyper S**, i dont know what
is. sign me up on that account. 7star. i really like the
words u preach. tell me more! gief more! me like... nam
myoho renge kyo. who gives a s*** what religion you are
into, as long as you help and create value for others!!
monitor and tv screen is just another manipulation device
which is used by many. SKÅL. (/end transmission) ====

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[Here's some poem type thing submitted to THE GAME HQ] I

am the dream meme. I am a mean scheme. I cut deep into the
meat. ...from the cut.......comes the heat. Spill's the
blood beat....the demigod elixir - tasty treats. The sweat
of angels oozes out of every erotic pore. Living paint
flows out.... these open wounds. Worlds appear..... within
fuzzy shades of mushroom blue. Surrounded by galaxys
inside a universe with no end to you. Down in the Tv tube.
Now we do what we do - spewing what we spew; KILLING YOU
TOO! undead & naked in the streets. Who am I again? Stab
the steely FREQS. In the water-like sound they have found
peace. And from this process smile..... Emerge living
dreams... NWO MONITOR ME! wrapped in $cented $eduction.
With every smell of you, The more I can
function...............................I get higher still
on Fire......... hiding backwards inside of a liar. I see
nothing, but I know I AM everything. No escape from this -
my new consciousness. I am the line you cross. - ($.S. &
¢o.) [find "THE GAME" page on my Face] ((Here's another
paece of the Puzzle)) •>•> About EVE: she shadows me in
the mirror and never leaves on the light. and some things
that i say to her — they just don't seem to bite. it's all
mixed up. she tricks me into thinking i can't believe my
eyes. i wait for her forever — she never does arrive.
she's always out the window — when it comes to making
dreams. - (The Cars) == A word or 32 about AFTERMATH 55:
The purpose of THE GAME is to explore the scope and
possibilities of Consciousness. Since Consciousness is a
mystery - we can pretty much justify believing anything in
the name of PLAYING GOD. =|=|= Here's some admittedly
bogus testimonials we're throwing in for shits and
giggles. =|=|= Chuck McDuck had this to say about THE
GAME: "I began experimenting with your psycho-kinetic-
culinary-arts-system on a dare. At first I couldn't even
boil water, so I trained myself by making ice cubes. I
stuck with it, refined the technique; now eggs Benedict
conjure themselves and I'm no longer shy at parties! Mon
Dieu! Like I said, reality had exploded. And I'm feeling a

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lot better." •• Sixteen-year-old Francine Bacon (a.k.a.

Fluffy Bunny) says: "There are many theories that attempt
to explain the disappearances that have taken place in the
Bermuda Triangle. One is U.F.O.s. Another is time warps.
These are foolish and idiotic rot. After much study, I
have come up with the correct answer, the only logical
answer. They're in my pants. BRAG ON!" •• Rev. ΘAΔΔEYΣ T.
Turnip III rants: "NYES! MONITOR nose how to 'rouse my
serpent.' The Threshold of Dreams is in Mi3 F.A.C.∃; I
learned the whole story reading a snowflake! •OR• I
learned to swim in the water-like sound of MY BODY; DRINK
ME! Kraftwerk knew it all along! We are the robots! I AM
THE MACHINE!" •• Dr. Talbot sez: "As a mnemonic device, I
have found your jingle to be splendidly rewarding. Plus
perhaps the most astonishing of all - the ability to
perform instant and undetectable hypnotism on others,
practically from the very moment eye contact is
established. But even such thrilling new freedom is only
the first step to the real goal... eggs Benedict that
conjure themselves!" •• "Just because something is
unknowable, that doesn't mean I don't have some strong
opinions about it." - AMERICA! •• Ewige Blumenkraft •OR•
Wild-Flower Children •OR• Kindergarden •OR• Everything
you'll ever need to know: "The reality is in this head.
Mine. I'm the projector at the planetarium, all the closed
little universe visible in the circle of that stage is
coming out of my mouth, eyes, and sometimes other orifices
also." - Thomas Pynchon •• Keanu Reeves: a time traveling
machine savior posing as an antichrist government narc
with a scrambled brain. (See! it made sense all along!!)
•• Here's some more song lyrics I could get sued over for
using without permission: "WARGASM WARGASM 1...2...3
Masturbate watch it on Tv - Body bags and droppin' bombs
Pentagon knows how to turn us on!" == ("RA RA SIS BOOM
BAH!") == [to everyone whose art I used in compiling this
book I hereby dedicate Björk's I miss you (Dobie Rub Part
One Sunshine Mix), and Gary Numan's This Wreckage, to you.

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For everyone else's future listening pleasure, I recommend

My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult's seminal album 13 Above
the Night ••• In fact, here's a bona fide GAME PLAYLIST:
Firework, Katy Perry; Blow, KE$HA; DNA, Saul Williams;
Scared Money, Saul Williams; Mindphaser, Front Line
Assembly; Plasma Springs, Front Line Assembly; Dance
Monkey, Sage Francis; The Buzz Kill, Sage Francis; Kids in
America, Kim Wilde; The Word 'Hurricane', AIR. •••] But
ah, what was I saying... There's something very intriguing
about this new wave of pop darlings. Maybe it's always
been like this with musicians, but I'm just now noticing
it. A kind of relentless optimism about what they can
accomplish with their fans. I have to say it's all very...
what's the word? INSPIRING. And a bit validating as well.
Cause let's face it - I am a FAN of all these entertainers
and artists whose art I've used to create this book. So in
a very intentional way, THE GAME is my way of doing
exactly what these people are trying to accomplish with
their fans. Taking this mother over and setting it free -
cynics and critics need not apply - So pay very close
attention to this next part...


ALL was. ALL is. ALL ever shall be. The ALL spake, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be. The UNI•VERSAL PATTERN
was The ALL's speech. The ALL-CONSCIOUS said, "I AM!" And The ALL comprehended all things, the seen and the unseen.
Nor is there aught in all the universe but what is part of The ALL. The ALL-CONSCIOUS said, "I am the soul of all;
and the all that is seen is of My person and My body. By virtue of My presence all things are. By virtue of My
presence is Life. By virtue of My presence are the living brought forth into Life. I am the QUICKENER, the MOVER, the
CREATOR, the DESTROYER. I am FIRST and LAST. Of many apparent entities am I, nevertheless I AM BUT ONE. UNDERSTAND?

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So how can you communicate with 'The Light' on a personal level?

Surely you don't need to join some self aggrandizing organization
based on superstition and world-domination! No. Of course not.
You do it with emotional energy. Spirituality means being
emotionally affected in a positive way. Just like how your favorite
music can make you FEEL GOOD. And we think it goes without
saying that doing what you want, the way you want, is an
emotionally positive experience. So to us that means by being
true to thine OWN natural slack-happy self gets your emotional-
spiritual energy flowing properly into the proper chaotic channels.
It also goes without saying having SEX positively affects you in an
emotional way. YES! That does mean having sex is a spiritual
experience. Our goal is to control coincidences through harnessing
sexual energy. Yes, Sexual Energy. Our ultimate goal is to

"Forget about masturbating to a sigil."

- Liber A:O
"We must admire the wisdom of the initiates, who utilized vice
and made it produce more beneficial results than virtue." - Papus

"You are your own worst enemy. Reality is a multi-dimensional
phenomenon. This is the religion by and for disturbed artists."
- Liber A:O

"I imagine this is what a religion would look like if it had a

nervous breakdown." - Anon.

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Yes. They get what they wanted. Don't be surprised at what you

In order to protect whatever shred of sanity you may have left

intact, we cannot in good conscience reveal the rest of the
BEGINNING of this story to you. We're merely letting you know
what to wait for in the upcoming YEARS it will take to tell this

"If knowledge is power, then it's reasonable to assume that a new

kind of knowledge might lead to a new kind of power." -
Liber A:O

“The only thing missing is an ICP reference.” - some freak

f The contents of this unit are specially formulated to run

on both freethinking radical & brainwashed monkey OS - don't
worry about which one you are; it's all the same in the end.

"I am arguing […] that those who want to create an effective

change actually have to make use of the hardcore tools for
forming public opinion and marketing new brands and concepts in
order to change the direction of global civilization." - Daniel

"The consensus doesn't explain our lives." - Grant Morrison (on

drugs at the time)

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Yea, we will build a veritable city of music.

. s calling daddy daddy bad bad

☎ l⚡ ⚡
w .

ng ⚕ dy
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............ ☃☃雪
雪 D ॐ pༀ
䗹 䗹䗹 Ø༖

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⌨⌨⟁⧞㋖ ㋖
𝇇𐄺𝌃𝌇 (full circle)

𐄯 E 𐄞𐄐𐄉 er k
࿌࿋࿊࿆࿉ ࿅
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There is no light, nor any motion. There is no mass, nor any

sound. Still, in the lampless heart of the ocean, Fasten me down
and hold me drowned Within thy womb, within thy thought,
Where there is naught-where there is naught!

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$eXX (N) the NAME oV the 3rd ‡ [MONITOR].>>

"You're completely right! I'm going to stop using logic and reason
and allow myself to believe in things instead! Hey everybody, it's
not illegal being naked in the streets! I'm going to believe it's
okay to do so and that will make it so!" - Originally posted by
Anon in response to my earlier efforts at cultural engineering.

1: "You think he ever got the irony of his statement?"

2: "What do you mean?"

1: "The only reason it's illegal to be naked in the streets now is

because of the belief it should be. So logically, the opposite
belief could also become a reality. The issue is one of consensus."

2: "hmm, no I don't think he ever got the irony."

1: "Agreed."

2: "But what about •T H E S I S• verse 9? Even though we can

change the consensus, should we?

1: "There's a difference between being a prude and acting with

righteousness. Let's just 'let the crazy out' for awhile. But to keep
that in perspective, remember that this: 'Under the name of
liberty, the profane shall claim the right to practice ungodliness,'
doesn't just apply to politicians. ABOVE ALL remember what
defines morality."

•• Hi, My name really is R. Talmadge Lacy, and I really

was born on December 13, 1979. My dad really was a
carpenter and mom's name is Virginia. When I was seven
years old - inspired by my love of Garfield, The Far Side
and Bloom County - or even possibly due to Harmonic
Convergence - I decided I was going to be an artist when I
grew up. But a funny thing happened to me as I was

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laughing my way to the bank. •• Chapter ‡ ∞ ‡ (Chapter

"ALL (N) ALL") is based in part on a real dream I had in
the summer of 1998. Specifically, ACT ii, verses
16-23,0,1. In addition to cosmic, mind-warping dreams, I
started getting some heavy vibes from my notebooks. I was
beginning to see my art as something bigger than myself.
And for some reason people always seemed to expect
something from me. Unfortunately, adolescence, the public
educational system, my natural eccentricities and unique
physical features (I have a rather large mole on my nose)
all put together had left me with social skills of a
retarded five year old on crack. And if I managed to find
someone who could like me anyway (either romantically or
platonically) - my passive-aggressive self-loathing and
hatred sabotaged any potential relationship. Personal
demons? Yeah, I've had a few. But through it all I was an
artist. •• The Process actually began for me after I hit
puberty around '91. My first real artistic-compulsions
involved: a flying eyeball, a duck, a snowman and an
alien. Then in '97 three new compulsions started to take
root. But this time they were 'original' creations; that
is, I started creating my own unique symbol systems.
Starting with a mythological demon hybrid. (However,
prudence demands I not describe it's appearance - for it
would be far too disturbing for our younger readers) I
also started to draw the double cross (‡) on everything I
could get my pencil on; I thought I actually made the damn
thing up. The other compulsion I invented was the seven
pointed star. That's right. I also thought that was a
completely original thing. •• In '98 the hideous character
was dubbed 'MONITOR' - although an obvious choice of a
name considering the path of the compulsions that lead to
its creation - the actual nomenclature was completely
random; a fortuitous 'serendipity' [not the first or last
'accident' of lapsed reason being caught by beneficial
synchronicity] (but I'm not going to bore you with the
details.) Shortly after it was examined by a Freudian
psychologist I decreed MONITOR was the 'pSychO $eXX goD.'

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•• CUT TO: November of 2002 when I chanced upon The Church

of the SubGenius website. Inspired at how some degenerates
took a lie and ran with it, I provided MONITOR with a new
context; as the deity of his own religion: The Kult oV
MONITOR. Having long since dubbed MONITOR, "the pSychO
$eXX goD" - it was only logical to 'have sex in the name
of MONITOR' (right?) And b/c I was feeling zazzy it was
decreed that having sex in the name of MONITOR would grant
you 'psychic powers and mind-blowing sex!' And then, like
clock-work, I found out "sex magic" had also already been
invented! And so convinced I was on to something - and
because I had nothing else better to do - I kept on
reinterpreting and revising and adding to my artistic
compulsions. I eventually came to see MONITOR as a word
representing the unconscious mind. When I became aware of
the Process itself I dubbed it,
'following your highest light'

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Happy Birthday, Baby!

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