CEFR A2 LEVEL (Parts A & B) : Detailed Description Functions of Language Structures (Grammar) Vocabulary

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Communication  Giving and asking for  Verb to be (aff, neg &  Personal information (age,
Overall listening comprehension: personal information interrogative) marital status, job, etc)
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most  Expressing likes/dislikes.  Present simple tense  Personal pronouns.
immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information,  Describing people’s (aff, neg &  Universal pronouns.
shopping, local geography, employment) provided speech is clearly appearance/character. interrogative)  Hobbies, free time activities
and slowly articulated.  Talking about  Going to: future plans  Sports
hobbies/interests.  Present Continuous  Family members.
Interaction Spoken  Talking about daily for future plans.  Email opening/closing
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short routines.  Structure of expressions.
conversations, provided the other person helps if necessary. Can  Making future plans and questions: subject &  Adjectives
manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort; can ask and arrangements. object questions. (appearance/size/degree)
answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar  Making questions: asking  Comparatives: short  Nouns: singular/plural
topics in predictable everyday situations. about information. and long adjectives  Nouns:
 Comparing: making  Superlatives: short countables/uncountables
Conversation: Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; comparisons. and long adjectives.  Adverbs of time, place &
introductions; giving thanks. Can generally understand clear, standard  Expressing highest degree:  Nouns: countable & frequency.
speech on familiar matters directed at him/her, provided he/she can using superlatives. uncountable (much-  Verbs to express
ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. Can participate  Expressing quantity: many-some-any) likes/dislikes.
in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. Can countables &  Quantifiers for  The weather.
express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks. uncountables. uncountable nouns  Articles.
Informal discussion: Can generally identify the topic of discussion  Making future predictions.  Adverbs of time, place  Items of Clothes.
around her which is conducted slowly and clearly. Can discuss what  Making spontaneous & frequency.  Shopping.
to do in the evening, at the weekend. Can make and respond to 
decisions and offers: use of Use of Will: making  Food & food containers.
suggestions. Can agree and disagree with others. Will. predictions &  Ordinal numbers
 Buying clothes (other spontaneous  Places & buildings.
Goal-oriented co-operation: Can understand enough to manage decisions.
ítems).  Parts of a house/a building.
simple, routine tasks without undue effort, asking very simply for   Articles: definite,
Ordering a meal.  Place prepositions.
repetition when he/she does not understand. Can discuss what to do  indefinite & zero
Buying food at a  Regular & Irregular verbs.
next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for and giving market/supermarket. article.
directions. Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work  Verb combination: verb + to
 Expressing prices.  Imperatives. infinitive/verb + ING.
and in free time. Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or 
 Apologizing. Past tense of verb to  Most frequent verb
plan. Can ask for and provide personal information.
 Giving directions. be (aff, neg & combinations: get/go/have
 Talking about the past, past interrogative)  Transport.
Transactions to obtain goods and services: Can deal with common  Past simple tense (aff,
aspects of everyday living such as travel, lodgings, eating and
events.  Phrasal verbs: simple
 Talking about past habits. neg & interrogative). combinations.
shopping. Can get all the information needed from a tourist office, as
long as it is of a straightforward, non-specialised nature. Can ask for  Talking about  Used to/didn’t use to:  Finance/Banking vocabulary.
and provide everyday goods and services. Can get simple information experiences/recent past habits.  Past participle verbs
about travel, use public transport: buses, trains, and taxis, ask and experiences.  Present Perfect tense: (irregular verbs – 3rd column)
give directions, and buy tickets. Can ask about things and make  Talking about past actions aff, neg &  Time Expressions (past time
simple transactions in shops, post offices or banks. Can give and with unspecified time. interrogative. expressions)
receive information about quantities, numbers, prices, etc. Can make  Giving advice/asking for  Modal verbs to give  Expressions associated with
simple purchases by stating what is wanted and asking the price. Can advice. advice. present perfect tense.
order a meal.  Expressing possibility.  Modal verbs to  Jobs: looking/applying for a
Information exchange: Can communicate in simple and routine tasks  Expressing prohibition. express possibility, job.
requiring a simple and direct exchange of information. Can exchange  Expressing abilities. ability, prohibition &  The environment/ecology.
limited information on familiar and routine operational matters. Can  Making deductions. deduction.  Heath/illnesses/parts of the
ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free  Writing short body.
time. Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan. Can notes/messages.
ask for and provide personal information.  Writing an informal email.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges  Writing a formal email: a
without undue effort. Can deal with practical everyday demands: booking.
finding out and passing on straightforward factual information. Can  Writing a daily Schedule.
ask and answer questions about habits and routines. Can ask and  Writing a personal profile.
answer questions about pastimes and past activities. Can give and  Writing a text about a past
follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get event.

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: Can give a simple description or
presentation of people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes, etc. as a short series of simple phrases and sentences
linked into a list.
Sustained monologue (describing experience): Can describe his/her
family, living conditions, educational background, present or most
recent job. Can describe people, places and possessions in simple

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