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Sherlock Holmes – Study in Scarlet / Sherlock Holmes – Penelusuran Benang Merah

1. Literal Translation

Source Language Target Language

In the year 1878 I took my degree of Pada tahun 1878 aku mendapatkan gelar
Doctor of Medicine of the University of dokter umum dari Universitas London,
London, and proceeded to Netley to go dan melanjutkan ke Netley untuk
through the course prescribed for mengikuti pendidikan ahli bedah khusus
surgeons in the army. (Sir Arthur Conan Angkatan Darat. (Penerjemah: Sendra B.
Doyle, 1877, Ch. 2) Tanuwidjaja, Cetakan kelima, Gramedia
Pustaka Umum, 2013:2)

The translator using the literal translation, it can be understandable and is either known
by the target readers, which is word for word translation that sticks too close to the
source language.

2. Loan, Calque

Source Language Target Language

The regiment was stationed in India at Resimen tersebut ditugaskan di India

the time, and before I could join it, the pada waktu itu, namun sebelum aku
second Afghan war had broken out. (Sir sempat bergabung dengan mereka,
Arthur Conan Doyle, 1877: Ch. 2) perang Afghanistan kedua meletus.
(Penerjemah: Sendra B. Tanuwidjaja,
Cetakan kelima, Gramedia Pustaka
Umum, 2013:2)

The translator translated the word “regiment” into “resimen” because it’s borrowed
from the English word. The letter ‘g’ in the middle of the word becomes ‘s’ and the letter
‘t’ at the end is removed.
3. Transposition

Source Language Target Language

Under such circumstances, I naturally Dalam keadaan seperti itu, jelas aku
gravitated to London, which all the tertarik ke London, tempat
loungers and idlers of the Empire are berkumpulnya para pemalas dan
irresistibly drained. (Sir Arthur Conan penganggur. (Penerjemah: Sendra B.
Doyle, 1877: Ch. 2) Tanuwidjaja, Cetakan kelima, Gramedia
Pustaka Umum, 2013:2)

The word drained…, which is a passive verb and verb in the source language is
translated into the word tempat berkumpulnya… in the target text, and it changes into
a noun. Therefore, this is called transposition (word-class change).

4. Unit Shift

Source Language Target Language

Worn with pain, and weak from the Lelah karena penderitaan dan lemah
prolonged hardships which I had akibat rasa sakit yang mendera, aku
undergone, I was removed, with a great dibebastugaskan. (Penerjemah: Sendra
train of wounded sufferers, to the base B. Tanuwidjaja, Cetakan kelima,
hospital at Peshawar. (Sir Arthur Conan Gramedia Pustaka Umum, 2013:2)
Doyle, 1877: Ch. 2)

The phrase I had undergone… is translated into mendera… which is a word that has
the prefix me-. Thus, it is called unit shift.

5. Phrase Structure Change

Source Language Target Language

"Now, I add this small quantity of blood to “Sekarang, kumasukkan beberapa tetes
a litre of water. You perceive that the darah ini ke dalam air. Campuran yang
resulting mixture has the appearance of dihasilkan tampak seperti air murni.
pure water. The proportion of blood Proporsi darahnya tidak mungkin lebih
cannot be more than one in a million. I dari satu dalam sejuta. Tapi aku tidak
have no doubt, however, that we shall be ragu bahwa kita akan mendapatkan
able to obtain the characteristic reaction." reaksi karakteristiknya.” (Penerjemah:
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1877: Ch. 2) Sendra B. Tanuwidjaja, Cetakan kelima,
Gramedia Pustaka Umum, 2013:2)

In the source text above, the phrase …a litre of water … is definite, and it is translated
into …air… which is indefinite in Indonesian. The TL text slightly changes the meaning
of the SL, as in the SL, there is a measurement of water in the term of uncountable
noun, but in TL it is only a noun without specific measurement.

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