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Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066 – Kafka on The Shore (Dunia Kafka)

1. Clause Structure Change

English Indonesian
Supply routes from Taiwan and the continent Jalur pengiriman dari Taiwan dan benua lain
had been cut off by this time and urban telah terputus, dan daerah perkota - an
areas were suffering terribly from a lack of sangat menderita akibat kekurangan pangan
food and fuel. Kafka on The Shore, 2005 serta bahan bakar.
(Penerjemah: Dewi Wulansari. Dunia Kafka
(Kafka on The Shore). Cetakan 3, Maret
2016, Tangerang: PT. Pustaka Alfavabet
Anggota IKAPITh.)

The sentence of “had been cut off” is basically translated into “telah terputus” is indicated
has a clause structure change from passive form.

2. Sentence Structure Change

English Indonesian
I do what he says, get everything else out of Aku melakukan apa yang dikatakannya,
my head. I forget who I am, even. menyingkirkan hal-hal lain dari pikiranku.
Kafka on The Shore, 2005 Sampai aku lupa siapa aku.
(Penerjemah: Dewi Wulansari. Dunia Kafka
(Kafka on The Shore). Cetakan 3, Maret
2016, Tangerang: PT. Pustaka Alfavabet
Anggota IKAPITh.)

The sentence structure change in the word of “even” which is part of an adverb that is directly
put at the end of the clause, the translator uses the adverb before the clause and using the word
“Sampai” instead of “Bahkan” and without comma.
3. Cohesion Change

English Indonesian
"Because you decided it is," says Crow. “You “Karena kau sudah memutuskan begitu,”
don't want to be at the mercy of things katanya. “Kau tidak mau lagi berada di
outside you anymore, or thrown into bawah belas kasihan apa pun yang ada di
confusion by things you can't control.” luar dirimu, atau dibingungkan oleh hal-hal
Kafka on The Shore, 2005 yang tidak dapat kau kendalikan.”
(Penerjemah: Dewi Wulansari. Dunia Kafka
(Kafka on The Shore). Cetakan 3, Maret
2016, Tangerang: PT. Pustaka Alfavabet
Anggota IKAPITh.)

The name “Crow” translated into “katanya” in the target language. Crow is a noun, while
katanya in Indonesian is a possessive pronoun with the suffix -nya which placed after a word.

4. Level Shift

English Indonesian
I can't really understand what it means. All I tapi aku tidak dapat sungguh-sungguh
know is I'm totally alone. All alone in an memahami apa artinya. Yang aku tahu, aku
unfamiliar place, like some solitary explorer benar-benar sendirian. Sendirian di tempat
who's lost his compass and his map. yang asing, ibarat seorang pengelana yang
Kafka on The Shore, 2005 kehilangan kompas dan peta-nya.
(Penerjemah: Dewi Wulansari. Dunia Kafka
(Kafka on The Shore). Cetakan 3, Maret
2016, Tangerang: PT. Pustaka Alfavabet
Anggota IKAPITh.)

In this source text, the morpheme with the suffix -ly in the word “totally” becomes a
reduplicated word “benar-benar” with different phoneme variation. Also, in the word with the
prefix “Un-familiar” translated into a conjunction “yang” in the TL.

5. Scheme Change
English Indonesian
For my part I'm staring straight ahead, Sementara aku sendiri menatap lurus, tanpa
undaunted, at the camera. takut, ke arah kamera.
Kafka on The Shore, 2005 (Penerjemah: Dewi Wulansari. Dunia Kafka
(Kafka on The Shore). Cetakan 3, Maret
2016, Tangerang: PT. Pustaka Alfavabet
Anggota IKAPITh.)

The parallel scheme in the ST “undaunted” translated differently with alliteration scheme
“tanpa takut” in the source language.

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