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BPO Building Musical Bridges

Pilot Project 2021-2022

In Partnership with:
Buffalo Public School #45, International School
Lead Teacher: Kelly Salas
Orchard Park, Ellicott Elementary School
Lead Teacher: Heather Holden
The purpose of this pilot project is to create connection, dialogue and understanding between students of
different geographic, socio-economic and cultural environments using music and ELA as the vehicles of
exploration and expression. An elementary school from the city of Buffalo will be paired with an elementary
school in a suburban district to explore shared musical experiences, facilitated by a BPO Teaching Artist. The
project will culminate in an event that brings the two school communities together in a musical performance.
By using the universal language of music as a bridge to understanding our similarities and celebrating our
differences, students and their families will come away from the project with a greater appreciation and
connection to their neighbors in Western New York. 

The project will take place during the 21-22 school year, targeting the 3rd grade students at each school
(approx. 115 students at each, for a total of 230 participating students). The year will be broken into three
stages of the project:

Period 1 - Sharing, Connecting, Observing

● Students will be paired with a counterpart at the sister school for ‘pen pal’ writing activities to begin dialogue
● Students will explore musical preferences and share language around the themes of musicality, expression and
identity through music, speaking and writing activities
● Students will utilize video resources to engage in virtual dialogue, communicate and share experiences with

Period 2 – Collecting, Reflecting, Collaborating

● Students will interact with the BPO Teaching Artist and each other through a variety of musical activities focusing
on exploration of musical identity
● Students will utilize digital music creation resources, available musical instruments, etc.
● Students will write creative journals and song lyrics
● Students will engage in dialogue reflecting upon their work and other students’ work
● If possible, students will attend in-person music workshops

Period 3 – Creating, Refining, Authenticating, Performing

● Students will prepare for a culminating combined performance experience to take place at the end of the project,
bringing families together from both school communities to witness and celebrate the connections that were made
throughout the year
● If possible, students and their families will be invited to Kleinhans Music Hall for performance and fellowship, to
connect them with their local professional orchestra
Dear Ellicott Elementary 3rd Grade Parents, 12/15/21
I am thrilled to announce that our 3rd grade music classes are participating in a new pilot
program with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra entitled, “Musical Bridges.” This
program partners our suburban school with an inner-city Buffalo Public School,
International School #45, for musical experiences, lessons and even visits with artists from
the BPO.

Your child will soon be partnered with a “pen pal” from School #45 and we will be sharing
messages and music with our partners throughout the school year. The details of this
program are outlined on the back of this letter. Because we are helping the BPO create the
program in this pilot-stage, the outline provided is not set in stone and details are subject
to change based on timing, availability, restrictions, etc. However, we can be sure that this
is an exciting and unique learning experience for our students.

We have been preparing in music class and talking about our partnership. We’ve even met
Miss Kelly, the music teacher from School #45, and Miss Anna Mattix, a BPO oboe player
and teaching artist, through videos. But, next Wednesday, 12/22, the Ellicott students will
be hosting Anna Mattix live on our stage for an assembly style music lesson. We will stream
that assembly to our partner school and our “penpals” will be able to participate, remotely,
with us in the experience!

As more details evolve, I will communicate with families. We are truly hoping that we will
be able to take a field trip to the BPO later in 2022. Be sure to check out the program details
on the back of this sheet and be sure to ask your child about their penpal once they’ve been
matched! You can email me if you have any questions. Sincerely,
Mrs. Heather Holden, Ellicott General Music

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