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Group I Mains - 2009

jhs; - I
Paper – I
(jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy tbtk;)
(Tamil & English Versions)
Neuk; : 3 kzp nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; : 300
Duration : 3 Hours Max Marks : 300

tpz;zg;gjhuh;fSf;fhd nghJ Fwpg;Gfs; :

General Instructions to the Candidates.

i) tpdhf;fs; gl;lg;;gbg;g juj;jpYk;> tphthf tpilaspf;Fk; tifapYk; cs;sJ.

This Question Paper is describle type in Degree standard.
ii) tpz;zg;gjhuh; mtUila gjpT vz;iz gpujhd tpilj;jhspy; mjw;nfd xJf;fg;gl;l
,lj;jpy; kl;LNk vOj Ntz;Lk;. gpujhd tpilj;jhspd; NtW gf;fq;fspNyh my;yJ
$Ljy; tpilj;jhs;fspNyh gjpT vz;iz fz;bg;ghf vOjf;$lhJ .
Candidates should wirte their Register Numbers in the space provided for in the main
answer – book only and should not write anywhere else and also in the additional answer
iii) tpdhj;jhshdJ jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy tbtq;fspy; cs;sJ. VNjDk; re;Njfq;fs; ,Ug;gpd;>
Mq;fpy tbtpy; jug;gl;Ls;s Fwpg;gfNs KbthdJ.
The Question paper is printed in Tamil and Englis Versions. In all matters in cases of
doubt English version is final.
iv) tpz;zg;gjhuh; tpdhf;fSf;F jkpoNyh my;yJ Mq;fpyj;jpNyh my;yJ gFjp jkpoNyh
kw;Wk; gFjp Mq;fpyj;jpNyh tpilaspf;fyhk;.
The Candidate may answer in Tamil & English or partly in Tami, and English
v) tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; tpdhf;fs; kw;Wk; Jiz tpdhf;fspd; vz;fis fz;bg;ghf vOj
Ntz;Lk; . mt;thW vOjj; jtpwdhy;. me;j tpilfSf;F ve;j tpj kjpg;ngz;Zk;
Candidate must write the correct number of the question and sub – question Failure to do
so will entall loss of credit for the answer.
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Group I Mains - 2009
vi) ,j;Njh;it nghWj;jtiu mofhf vOJtjw;Nfh kw;Wk; gpioapy;yhky; vOjpajw;fhfNth
jdpahf kjpg;ngz;fs; xJf;fg;gltpy;iy.
There is no reservation of marks for neatness of execution and correctness of spelling in
respect of this paperof this paper.
vii) tiuglq;fs; tiutjw;fhf tiuglj;jhs; jug;gl;Ls;sd.
Graph Sheet has been provided for drawing graphs.
gphpT - m
(kpfr;rpwpa mstpy; tpilaspf;fk; tpdh tif)
(Very Short Answer Type)
Fwpg;G : i) midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilasp xt;nthd;wpw;Fk;
20 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;.
Note : Answer all the questions not exceeding 20 words each
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; xU kjpg;ngz;
Each question carries one marks. 40x1=40

1. .................... Mz;by; xOq;F Kiwr; rl;lk; gpwg;gpf;fg;gl;lJ.

The Regulating Act was passed in the year............................

2. ,e;jpahtpd; ve;j khepyk; ePz;l flw;fiuiag; ngw;Ws;sJ?

Which state of india has the longest coastline?

3. cld;fl;il VWjy; Kiwia ePff

; path;.................................Mthh;.

The practices of Sati was abolished by

4. 1961-Mk; Mz;Lr; rl;lg;gb itrpuha; nray;ghl;LFO cWg;gpdh;fspd; vz;zpf;if

........... Mf cah;j;jg;gl;lJ.

The number of members of the Executive Council of the Viceroy has been raised by the

Act of 1861 to...............

5. tq;fhsj;jpy; tpjitfs; kWkzj;jpw;fhf Fuy; nfhLj;j Kjy; rKjha rPh;jpUj;jthjp

.......... Mthh;.
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The social reformer of Bengal who championed the cause of widow remarriage


6. .................... vd;gtuhy; gpuk;kQhd rig Vw;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.

The Theosophical Society was established by.............................

7. .................... vd;gtuhy; ,ul;il Ml;rp Kiw mwpKfk; nra;J itf;fg;gl;lJ

The Dual system was introduced by......................................

8. Nkjhgf;jh vd;gthpd; ngah; ve;j jpl;lj;Jld; ,izj;Jg; Ngrg;gLfpd;wJ?

Medha Patkar is a name associated with which project?

9. Mg;gphpf;fhtpypUe;J epakpf;fg;gl;l Kjy; If;fpa ehLfspd; nrayh;............... Mthh;

The first UN Secretary General from Africa was................

10. tpLjiy ,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; [dhjpgjp ahh;?

Who was the first President of free India?

11. ,e;jpahtpy; Mz;fistpl ngz;fspd; vz;zpf;if cs;s khepyk; vJ?

Which state in India shows an excess of females over males?

12. vy;yhd; rh;r;rpy; nrk;gpspapd; Kjy; Gj;jfk; vJ?

What is Ellen Churchill Sample’s first book?

13. ,e;jpa jpl;l Mizaj;jpd; jiyth; ah;h?

Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

14. cyf tq;fpapd; Nehf;fk; vd;d?

What is the aim of World Bank?

15. ml;ltizg;gLj;Jjypd; Nehf;fq;fs; ahit?

What are the objectivies of tabulation?

16. ............... mth;fspd; fhyj;jpy; 1813Mk; Mz;L gl;lar; rl;lk gpwg;gpf;fg;gl;lJ.

The Charter Act of 1813 was passed during the time of.............................

17. Xg;gikr; rhjfk; vd;gnjd;d?
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What is comparative advantage?

18. 1985 Mk; Mz;bd; 52tJ rl;lj;jpUj;jk; vijg; gw;wpaJ?

What is fifty second Amendment Act of 1985?

19. UNCTAD tphpthf;Ff


20. cz;ikg;gphpT ,ilntspfSf;Fk;> Njhw;wg; gphpT ,ilntspfSf;FkpilNa cs;s

NtWghLfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.

Mention the different between the inclusive and exclusive intervals.

21. tiuglj;jpd; cjtpAld; Nfhl;l msitia tpthp

Define skewness with the help of diagram

22. Kjy; rpW fzpg;nghwpfs; ve;j Mz;L cUthf;fg;gl;ld?

When was the first mini computer built?

23. glj;jpy; cs;s rJuk; ABCD gug;ig fhz;f

y B(0,1)

C (-1,0) o A(1,0) x

D (0,-1)

find the area of the square ABCD given in the following figure

y B(0,1)

C (-1,0) o A(1,0) x

D (0,-1)
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24. tiuglj;jpd; cjtpAld; jl;l msitia tpthp

Define kurtosis with help of diagram

25. Vo;ik vd;why; vd;d?

Define Poverty

26. tiuaiwf; fPohd Ntiy vd;gjd; nghUs; vd;d?

what is the meaning of under – employment.

27. ngz; rpRf; nfhiy vd;why; vd;d?

what is Female Infanticide?

28. ,e;jpahtpy; ve;j khepyj;jpy; ngz; fy;tp epiy cah;e;Js;sJ?

In which state of India is the women literacy rate high?

29. 1989 Kjy; 1999 tiu ,e;jpah vj;jid Kiw ghuhSkd;w Njh;jy;fis re;jpj;Js;sJ

How many Paliamentary elections had taken place in India between 1989-1999?

30. kj;jpa khepy muRfspd; cwT gw;wpa Mizaj;jpd; jiyth; ahh;?

Who headed the Commission on Centre State Relations?

31. ,e;jpa murpaiykg;Gr; rl;lk; gphpTfs; 13>32>131-136> 143 kw;Wk; 226-d; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij

RUf;fkhf $Wf

Briefly state the importance of Articles 13,32,131,-136,143 and 226 of the constitution of


32. ,e;jpa jpl;l Mizak; Ntiyapd;ikia vt;thW tpsf;FfpwJ

How has the Planning Commission of India described unemployment?

33. jw;Nghija ntsptptfhu fhgpndl; mikr;rh; ahh;?

Who is the present Cabinet Minister for External Affairs?

34. rhd;wpjo; ePjpNguhiz vd;why; vd;d?

what is certiorari?

35. fl;lis ePjpNguhiz vd;why; vd;d?

What is mandamus?
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36. jfty; ngWk; chpikr; rl;lk; vd;why; vd;d?

What is Right to Information Act?

37. vg;NghJ xg;ge;j njhopyhsp Kiw ekJ ehl;by; xopf;fg;gl;lJ?

When was the system of contract labour in our country abolished?

38. ,df;nfhiy vd;why; vd;d?

What is Genocide?

39. jkpo;ehl;by; ve;j khtl;lj;jpy; Foe;ij njhopyhsh;fs; mjpfk; cs;sdh;?

Which district in Tamil Nadu has the highest child labourers?

40. mz;ilah[h]; vd;gth;fs; ahh;?

Who are antyajas?

gphpT – M
(rpwpa mstpy; tpilaspf;fk; tpdh tif)
(Short Answer Type)

Fwpg;G : i) fPo;ff
; z;ltw;Ws;VNjDk; ,UgJ tpdhf;fSf;F
kl;Lk; tpil jUf. Xt;nthU tpdhtpw;F 50
nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;.

Note : Answer any twenty of the following questions not

exceeding 50 words each

ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; %d;W kjpg;ngz;fs;

Each question carries three marks. 20x3=60

41. gpshrpg; Nghh; tiuapy; (1757) fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdpapd; tsh;r;rpia tpthp

Describe of the growth of the East India Company upto the battle of Plassey (1757)

42. irkd; fkp\d; Gwf;fzpf;fg;gl;lijf; Fwpj;J Fwpg;ngOJf.

Write a note on the boycott of Simon Commission

43. mikr;ruit J}Jf; FOtpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij ntspf; nfhzh;f.
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Bring out the importance of Cabinet Mission Plan

44. ,e;jpahtpd; ftpf;Fapy; vd rNuh[pdp ehAL Vd; miof;fg;gLfpd;whh;?

Why is Sarojini Naidu know as the Nightingale of India?

45. Yypj; fyh mfhlkpapd; rhjidfis Ma;T nra;f

Review the achievements of Lalit Kala Akademi

46. Gjpa fy;tpf; nfhs;ifiag; (1986) gw;wp Fwpg;ngOJf

Write a note on the New Education Policy of 1986

47. Nghghy; tp\thA frpT ngUtpgj;J gw;wp njhFj;njOJf

Give an account of the Bhopal gas leak tragedy.

48. Gtpj;jfty; njhFjp El;gj;jpid itj;J ek;khy; nra;af;$baJ vd;d?

What can we do with GIS Technolgy

49. cyfkakhf;fiy tiuaW

Define Globalisation

50. Mf];l; 9> 1971 Mk; ifnahg;gkhd ,e;jpa – Nrhtpaj; el;GwT cl;dgf;ifiag; gw;wp

RUf;fkhff; Fwpg;gpLf.

Briefy mention the Indo – Soviet Treaty of Friendship of 9th August 1974

51. 2006-Mk; Mz;L [_d; khjk; ele;j cyf th;j;jf mikg;G khehl;bd; ,e;jpaf; FOtpd;

jiyth; ahh;?

Who led the Indian Delegation at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in

Geneva in June 2006?

52. Kjy; gj;J ,ay; vz;fspd; ruhrhp kw;Wk; jpl;ltpyf;fk; fhz;f.

Find the mean and standard deviation of first 10 natural numbers
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53. fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s gutiy Nkypd; FtpT guty; kw;Wk; fPopdFtpT guty;fshf


tuhe;jpu$yp (&) gzpahsh;fspd;


0-200 40

200-400 51

400-600 64

600-800 38

800-1000 7
Convert the following distribution

into more than cumulative frequency aand less than cumulative frequency:

Weekly Wages (Rs.) No of workers

0-200 40

200-400 51

400-600 64

600-800 38

800-1000 7

54. fPNo cs;s AB = 10cm, BC= 15 cm, glj;jpy; NkYk; AD:DC=2:3 vdpy; <ABC If; fhz;f


In the following figure, AB = 10cm, BC= 15 cm, AD:DC=2:3 then find <ABC

55. [_iy 2004-y; jdpahh; tq;fpfSf;fhf ghuj hprh;t; tq;fpapduhy; tFf;fg;gl;l

Nfhl;ghLfspd; rpwg;gk;rq;fs; ahit?
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What are the salient features of guidelines unveiled by RBI on july 2004 for private


56. ,e;jpahtpy; thOk; rka rpWghd;ikapdh; ahth;?

Who are the religious minorities in India?

57. ,e;jpahtpd; jw;rkak; epyTk; rKjhag; gpur;rpidfs; ahit?

What are the current social problems affecting the Indian society?

58. ml;ltizg; gl;bay; [hjp kf;fSf;fhf Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Njrpa Mizf;FO gw;wp Fwpg;G


Write short notes on National Commission for scheduled Castes.

59. Njh;jy; rPuikg;ghf 2004-y; ,e;jpa j; Njh;jy; Mizak; nfhLj;Js;s topfhl;L newpfs;


What are the guide lines given by the Election Commission of India as electoral Reforms

in 2004?

60. nfhj;jbikj; njhopYf;Fk; Foe;ijj; njhopYf;Fk; cs;s NtWghLfis tpthpf;f

Distinguish between Bonded Labour and child Labour.

61. kpd; MSif vd;why; vd;d?

what is E- Governance?

62. ,ul;il FbAhpik - tpthjp

Discuss Dual Citizenship

63. Njrpa rpWghd;ikapdh; Mizak; tpthjp

Discuss National Commission for Minorities

64. ,e;jpahtpy; eilngWk; jPz;lhik eltbf;iffSf;f VjhtJ %d;W

vLj;Jf;fhl;Lf;fisf; $Wf.

Give any three examples of Untouchability practices in India

65. ,e;jpahtpy; cs;s Vo;ikf;F VjhtJ %d;W Kf;fpaf; fhuzq;fisf; $Wf

What are the main causes of poverty in India?
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gphpT -,
(RUf;fkhf tpilaspf;Fk; tpdh tif)
(Brief Answer Type)
Fwpg;G : i) fPo;ff
; z;ltw;Ws;VNjDk; ,Ugj;jpnuz;L tpdhf;fSf;F
kl;Lk; tpil jUf. Xt;nthU tpdhtpw;F 100nrhw;fSf;F
kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;.
Note : Answer any twenty –two o f the following questions not
exceeding 100 words each
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; Ie;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Five marks. 22x5=110

66. gf;rhh; Nghhpd; tpisTfis fl;bf; fhl;Lf.

Point out the results of the battle of Buxar

67. 1916-y; yf;Ndhtpy; Vw;gl;l cld;ghl;bd; Kf;fpa \uj;Jf;fis Ma;T nra;f

Examine the main provisions of Lucknow Pact of 1916

68. Ntjhuz;aj;jpy; eilngw;w cg;g rj;jpahfpufj;jpy; uh[h[papd; gq;fspg;gpidg; gw;wp

kjpg;gPL jUf.

Give an estimate of the role played by Rajaji in the Salt Satyagraphs at Vedaranyam

69. NeU mwpf;ifapd; Kf;fpatj;ij thjpLf?

Discuss the significance of Nehru Report.

70. nrd;i
; d khepyj;jpd; MSeh; vd;w Kiwapy; jhk]; kd;Nwh Mw;wpa gzpfis kjpg;gpLf

Estimate the work of Sir Thomas Monroe as Governor of Madras

71. ,uhkypq;;f mbfshhpd; rka rPhj

; pUj;jq;fisj; njhFj;njOJf.

Give an account of St. Ramalinga’s religious reforms.

72. gpuk;kQhd rig vd;why; vd;d? jkpo;ehl;bd; mjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ijg; gw;wp Fwpg;gpLf.

What is Theosophical Society? Indicate its significance in the history of Tamil Nadu.

73. ,e;jpa tpz;ntzp Muha;r;rp kw;Wk; tsh;r;rpiag; gw;wp RUf;fkhf vOJf.
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Write briefly on Indian Space Research and Development.

74. ekf;F cyf miktplk; fhl;Lk; njhFjp El;gk; Vd; Njitahfpd;wJ?

Why do we need positioning system (GPS) technology?

75. murpayikg;G \uj;J 370fUj;Jiuf;f

Comment on Article 370

76. %yjdf; fzf;F ghpthj;jid xU ,yf;fhf Vd; ,e;jpah ,d;Dk; vLj;Jf;


Why is India yet to accept capital account convertibility as a goal?

77. ,e;jpag; ngUq;flypy; cs;s jPTfis mtw;wpd; gug;gsTfSld; Fwpg;gpLf.

cyfj;jpNyNa kpfg;nghpa jPitiaAk; Fwpg;gpLf.

Name the islands in the Indian Ocean with their areas and also mention the largest island

in the world.

78. gpd;tUtdtw;wpd; tphpthf;fq;fis vOJf



Write the expansions for the following :



79. A kw;Wk; B vd;w ,uz;L fphpf;nfl; tPuh;fs; ngw;w xl;lq;fspd; tpguq;fs; jug;gl;Ls;sJ.

jpwikahd Ml;lf;fhuh; ahh; vd;wk; epiyahd xl;lf;fhuh; ahh; vdf; fhz;f.

A 5 7 16 27 39 53 56 61 80 101 105

B 0 4 16 21 41 43 57 78 83 90 95
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The following are the runs scored by two batsmen A and B. Who is the better scorer and who is
consistent player?

A 5 7 16 27 39 53 56 61 80 101 105

B 0 4 16 21 41 43 57 78 83 90 95

80. (101.11)-I jrk vz;zhfTk; 983.27 vd;w jkr vz;fis vl;il mbg;gilahf nfhz;l

vz;zhfTk; khw;Wf.

Convert (101.11)2 into decimal number and the decimal number 983.27 into octak


81. Ez; nrayfj;ij mbg;gilahf nfhz;l fzpg;nghwpfspd; MW mbg;gil $Wfis


Explain the six basic components of a microprocessor based system

82. kjpak; 2 kzpf;F A,B vd;w ,Uth; KiwN akzpf;F 2 fpkP kw;Wk; 6 fp.kP. Ntfj;jpy; xNu

,lj;jpy; ,Ue;J Gwg;gl;ldh; vdpy; tiuglj;ijg; gad;gLj;jp vg;nghOJ ,UtUf;Fk;

,ilNa cs;s J}uk; 15 fp.kP Mf ,Uf;fk; vd fhz;f.

At 2.p.m two persons A and B starts from a place with a speed of 3 km per hour and 6

km per hour respectively. Find graphically when the distance between A and B will be


83. NAEP gw;wp RUf;fkhf vOJf

Give a brief explanation on NAEP

84. kj;jpa fz;fhzpg;G Mizak; gw;wp xU rpW Fwpg;g vOJf

write a short notes on Central Vigilanve Commission (CVC)

85. jPtputhjj;jpd; r%ftpay; fz;Nzhl;lj;ij tpthpj;J vOJf

Describe the sociological perspective of terrorism

86. jd;dhh;t mikg;GfSf;Fk; mur - rhuh mikg;GfSf;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s NtWghLfis

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Explain the difrrerence between the Vountary Organization and Non - Governmental


87. ,e;jpahtpy; cs;s ngz;fspd; nghUshjhu chpikaila cjTk; Gjpa jpl;lq;fis


Explain the new programmes for Economic Empowerment of women in India.

88. ekJ ehl;by; cs;s murpay; cah;e;Njhh; Fohtpd; r%f nghWg;G gw;wp tpsf;Ff.

Explain the social responsibility of political elite in our country.

89. jPtputhjj;jpd; fhuzq;fs; gw;wpa Nfhl;ghL tpsf;fj;ij tpthpf;f.

Describe the theoretical explanation of the causes of Terrorism

90. 2006-y; eilngw;w cs;shl;rp Njh;jy; jkpof murpdhy; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l khw;wq;fis


Describe the changes introduced by the Government of Tamil Nadu in the local body

elections in 2006

91. rpwg;g nghUshjhu kz;lyq;fs; tpthjp

Discuss Special Economic Zones (SEZ)

92. ,e;jpahtpy; ejpePh; gq;fl

P ;bd; Kuz;ghLfs; fUj;Jiuf;f

Comment of River Water Disputes in India

93. ,e;jpahtpy; cs;s murpay; fl;rpfspd; r%f epiy gw;wp tpthjp. ,e;jpa kf;fs; Ml;rpapy;

cs;s ,jd; jhf;fk; vd;d?

Discuss the social base of political parties in India what has been its impact on Indian


94. newpKiwf; Nfhl;ghLfSf;fk; mbg;gil chpikfSf;fk; cs;s NtWghLfis tpsf;Ff.

Explain the different between Directive Principles and Fundmental Rights.

95. ,e;jpahtpd; kdpj chpkikfis epiyehl;lj; Njitahd jPhT

; fis tpthpf;f

What are the solutions to safeguard the Human Rights in India
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gphpT -<
(tphpthf tpilaspf;Fk; tpdh tif)
(Detailed Answer Type)
Fwpg;G : i) fPo;ff
; z;ltw;Ws;VNjDk; MW tpdhf;fSf;F
kl;Lk; tpil jUf. Xt;nthU tpdhtpw;F 200nrhw;fSf;F
kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;.
Note : Answer any six o f the following questions not
exceeding 200 words each
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Five marks. 6x15=90

96. tFg;gthhp jj;Jtk; ,e;jpa murpaypy; tsh;r;rpAw;wij tpsf;Ff. mjd; tpisTfs;


Trace the growth of communalism in Indian politics. What were its effects?

97. hpg;gd; gpugtpd; rhjidfis kjpg;gpLf

Estimate the achievements of Lord Ripor.

98. [t`h;yhy; NeUtpd; rhjidfis ntspf; nfhzh;f

Bring out the achievements of Jawaharlal Nehru

99. ,e;jpa FbauRj;jiythpd; mjpfhuq;fs; kw;Wk; gzpfis fPo;f;fz;l Fwpg;Gfspy; fPo;


eph;thf mjpfhuq;fs;> rl;l kd;w mjpfhuq;fs;> ePjp njhlh;ghd mjpfhuq;fs;> epjp

njhlh;ghd mjpfhuq;fs;> ,d;d gpw mjpfhuq;fs;> ntspehl;L tptfhuq;fs; kw;Wk;

J}juf mjpfhuq;fs;> neUf;fb epiy njhlh;ghd mjpfhuq;fs; kw;Wk; neUf;fb epiy

mwptpj;jy; Nghd;witfs;.

Discuss the power and functions of the President of the India on the following points :

Executive powers Legislative powers, Judical powers, Financial powers. Miscellaneous

powers, Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic powers Emergency powers and Declaration of

Emergency etc.
Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 Page 14
Group I Mains - 2009
100. ,e;jpahtpd; kjrhh;gw;w Nfhl;ghl;bd; nghUs; kw;Wk; mjd; nray;ghLfis

murpaikg;Gld; xg;gpl;L jpwdha;T nra;f

Critically examine the meaning of secularism in Indian and its relevance to our polity

101. fpuhkg;Gw Viofs; Vd; tsh;e;J tUk; ehLfspy; FOkpf; fhzg; ngWfpd;wdh;.

vd;gijAk;> fpuhkg;Gwq;fspy; tWikiaf; Fiwf;f vd;d nra;a ntz;Lk; vd;gijAk;

mWjpapl;L kjpg;gpLf

Critically assess why rural poors are concentrated in developing countries and what to do

to reduce poverty in rural areas.

102. ,e;jpa kf;fl; njhifapdhy; Vw;gLk; gpur;rpidfspd; tPhpaj;ij tphthpj;J mijf;

fl;Lg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd jPh;tpid vOJf

Critically analyse the magnitude of population problems in India and suggest ways and

means of controlling its growth.

103. gaq;futhjk; tiuaW ,e;jpah kw;Wk; cyf ehLfspd; gaq;futhj gpur;rpidfs;

kw;Wk; cyf ehLfs; vjph;Nehf;Fk; rthy;fis jpwdha;T nra;f.

Define terrorism Critically examine the problems and challenges of terrorism in both

national context of India and as a global phenomenon.

104. ngz;fs; kw;Wk; Foe;ijfs; eyDf;fhf rpwg;g eltbf;iffis Muha;f

Critically examine the special welfare measures available for women and children
Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 Page 15

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