Zulfa Kayla Zahra - 20200210032 - Descriptive Text

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Nama : Zulfa Kayla Zahra

NIM : 20200210032

Kelas : Agro 1 English 2 Essay Writing

Three-Paragraph Descriptive Essay

My Favorite Place

Natadamar Coffee was my spiritual hangout in my overseas city, Yogyakarta. It was surrounded
by pine forests, more precisely, it was in the middle of a pine forest. Natadamar Coffee can be accessed
by a long journey up the hill (car or motorcycle) from Yogyakarta city. Or, as I did often, took the 30-
minute get on the motorcycle from my boarding house to the pine forests. It has a spacious property, with
ample seating, tree loungers, two top lawns for scenery and recreation, a myriad of "secret" trails along
clay hillsides, picnic areas, places people can stroll, and benches. for a spectacular view.

When we get there, we order a lot of food and drinks. Such as : sausage, mendoan, boiled instant
noodles, chocolate banana, cappuccino coffee, latte coffee, and fresh tea of course to warm the body
because the area is highland so we need to consume warm food and drinks.

While we ate the dishes we had ordered, we sat back while watching the beautiful natural
scenery. We are very lucky because we get a very beautiful view of the sky. On that day the sky was pink,
purple, blue, orange. Beautiful isn’t it? That afternoon the wind was very cold, plus we stayed there until
7pm. The wind was blowing very cold, my friends and I could not stay up there for too long. Then we
decided to go back to our respective boarding houses. This is truly my favorite place.

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