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Question 1

The smooth E.R. is generally made up of

A Cisternae
B Tubules
C Vesicle
D All of the above

Correct option is


The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is connected to the nuclear envelope and consists of tubules that are
located near the cell periphery. These tubules sometimes branch forming a network that is reticular in
appearance. The network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum allows for an increased surface area to be devoted
to the action or storage of key enzymes and the products of these enzymes.
Question 2
Out of the following, find out the option which is explaining correctly the difference between
rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
A Rough endoplasmic reticulum- have ribosomes embedded at their outer membrane, smooth endoplasmic reticulum-
no ribosomes on the membrane.
B Rough endoplasmic reticulum- no ribosomes on the membrane, smooth endoplasmic reticulum- have ribosomes
embedded at their outer membrane.
C Rough endoplasmic reticulum- site of protein synthesis, smooth endoplasmic reticulum- help in building cell
D Both A and C.
Correct option is

Both A and C.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum possesses ribosomes embedded at their outer membrane. Ribosomes are also
involved in the process of protein synthesis. Such, newly formed proteins are folded correctly and
also transported to Golgi apparatus by endoplasmic reticulum.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not possess ribosomes on the membrane. It is involved in the
manufacture of the lipid and fat molecules. These lipid and fat molecules are involved in forming cell
membrane. The process of formation of cell membrane is known as plasma membrane.
Question 3
Smooth ER will be abundant in
A Thyroid
B Adipose tissue
C Adrenal cortex
D All of the above
Correct option is

All of the above

Lipid synthesis and storage and synthesis of cholesterol and steroid hormones are an important function of
the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The SER membranes also appear to be involved in the formation
of lipoprotein complexes. The SER is also implicated in the initial stages of the breakdown of fatty acids.
Conversion of fatty acids to acetyl coenzyme A esters occurs mainly in ER. As the ER has been associated with
storage of lipids, they are expected to occur in Adipose tissue. In the testes, ovary and the adrenal cortex the
SER has a role in the synthesis of steroid hormones.
Some protein secretory cells have extensively developed arrays of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
arranged in parallel stacks, as seen in the pancreatic acinar cells. The RER is distributed throughout the
cytoplasm in plasma cells which synthesize and secrete immunoglobulin. Other cells may have RER mainly in
an apical or basal orientation as in intestinal epithelial cells or thyroid follicular cells, respectively.
Question 4
Pick the correct matching set. There could be multiple matches
(A) Nucleus (i) Synthesis and protein packaging
(B) Nucleolus (ii) Nuclear pores
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (iii) Seat of ribosomes formation
(D) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum(iv) Endomembrane system with Golgi and nucleus
(v) Fat storage
(vi) Director of the cell
(vii) Detoxification of drugs
(viii) Storage house of RNA
(ix) storage of calcium
(x) Studded ribosomes
(xi) Karyotheca
(xii) Without defined membrane
Correct option is
B A- ii, iv, xi; B- iii, viii, xii; C- v, vii, ix; D- i, iv, x

The nuclear envelope is made up of two membranes separated by 10 to 70 nm perinuclear space. The outer
membrane may have ribosomes and interconnections with ER and Golgi complex. Nuclear membrane has
large number of pores with diameter of 200 to 800 angstrom.
Nucleolus is naked roughly rounded darkly stained structure that is attached to chromatin at specific spot
called as Nucleolar Organizing Region (NOR). Nucleolus contains of four parts amorphous fibrillar, granular
and chromatin. Both fibrillar and granular parts are formed of RNA and proteins. Nucleolus is the site of
formation of r RNA and synthesis of ribosomes.
The endomembrane system of a eukaryotic cell consists of endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus,
lysosomes and plasma membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes studded on their surface are called as smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (SER). SER are involved in lipid synthesis and storage, detoxification, calcium storage, hormone
synthesis and several other responses.
Endoplasmic reticulum membranes having ribosomes on surface are called as rough endoplasmic reticulum
(RER). The RER are involved in protein synthesis.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.
Question 5

Which cell organelle secretes zymogen granules?

A Lysosomes
B Golgi body
C Smooth E. R
D Sphaerosomes
Correct option is

Smooth E. R

A zymogen or proenzyme is an inactive enzyme precursor. A zymogen requires a biochemical change such as
a hydrolysis reaction revealing the active site, or changing the configuration to reveal the active site for it to
become an active enzyme. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum secretes zymogen. The smooth endoplasmic
reticulum has functions in several metabolic processes. It synthesizes lipids, phospholipids, and steroids. The
general structure of the endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes called cisternae. These sac-like
structures are held together by the cytoskeleton. The network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum allows for an
increased surface area to be devoted to the action or storage of key enzymes and the products of these
Question 6
Proteins and lipids required for building the cell membrane are produced by
A Golgi apparatus
B Mitochondria
C Lysosomes
D Endoplasmic reticulum
Correct option is

Endoplasmic reticulum

Plasma membrane is a living, delicate, elastic, selectively permeable membrane. Chemically, it is made up of
75% phospholipid. In addition to phospholipid, the membrane contains proteins, cholesterol and
polysaccharides. Membrane synthesis or membrane biogenesis is a dynamic process, i.e., some of the
membrane proteins and lipids are replaced with newly made proteins and lipids. This is an ongoing process.
Some of the proteins and lipids required for membrane biogenesis are synthesized by endoplasmic
Question 7
The network of endoplasmic reticulum is present in the
A Nucleus
B Nucleolus
C Cytoplasm
D Chromosomes
Correct option is


Endoplasmic reticulum is a tube like structure present in the cell, which extends all over the cell. The network
of endoplasmic reticulum is present in the cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exists as a membranous
network enclosing a fluid-filled lumen which almost fills up the intracellular cavity.
Question 8
Categorise the following functions respectively associated with the given cell organelles P and Q.
(i) Works as a seat of protein synthesis.
(ii) Helps in secretion of mucus, enzymes and hormones.
(iii) Helps in storage of secretory products.
(iv) Helps in development of acrosome of sperm.
(v) Helps in membrane biogenesis.
(vi) Forms a continuous transport channel with nuclear membrane.
Correct option is

P-(iii), (iv); Q-(i), (ii), (vi), (v)

The image marked as P is Golgi apparatus and Q is endoplasmic reticulum. The acrosome is an organelle that
develops over the anterior half of the head in the spermatozoa (sperm cells) of animals. It is a cap-like
structure derived from the Golgi apparatus. Golgi apparatus has an important role in the storage, packaging
and secretion of certain cell products. Pectin and other mucilaginous substances of the plant cell wall are
synthesized in the Golgi and are packaged in vesicles for secretion. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a type
of organelle in the cells of eukaryotic organisms that forms an interconnected network of flattened,
membrane-enclosed sacs or tubes known as cisternae. The membranes of the ER are continuous with the
outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. The outer (cytosolic) face of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is
studded with ribosomes that are the sites of protein synthesis. Smooth ER acts as a storage organelle. It is
important in the creation and storage of lipids and steroids.
Question 9
What are the fragments of endoplasmic reticulum called?
A Microtubules
B Microsomes
C Spherosomes
D Lysosomes
Correct option is


The endoplasmic reticulum is a system of membrane-lined channels found in all eukaryotic cells except
mature erythrocytes. During cell fractionation and subsequent ultracentrifugation, broken pieces of
endoplasmic reticulum appear as microsomes. Microsomes are the fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum
that are attached with the ribosomes when obtained by the centrifugation of homogenized cells.
Question 10
Function of ER is/are
A Attachment site of ribosomes
B Storage of genetic material
C Removal of newly synthesized on RNA
D None of the above
Correct option is

Attachment site of ribosomes

Membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) may bear ribosomes when the ER is called Granular or Rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum. It is abundant in cells engaged in active secretion. The attachment between
ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum is through signal recognition particle or SRP linked to 60S subunit of
ribosome and ribophorin present over the ER. Thus, the correct answer is option A.
Question 11
Rough endoplasmic reticulum is associated with
AFat synthesis
BSteroid synthesis
CProtein synthesis
DAll of the above
Correct option is

Protein synthesis

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) carry ribosomes on their surface and are involved in the process of
protein synthesis. The secretory proteins are synthesized on ribosomes which are present on the surface of
endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasmic proteins are synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosomes. After synthesis
on RER, the secretory proteins are pinched off in minute vesicles which carry secretory proteins to the Golgi
apparatus. The secretory proteins are processed in the Golgi apparatus and finally secreted on the plasma
membrane surface. Conjugate proteins, like glycoproteins are also synthesized in Golgi apparatus.
Question 12
List the functions of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies.

The major function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the detoxification of the body from drugs
consumed and metabolic wastes produced. The major function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is protein
synthesis and their folding into proper quaternary structures. The major functions of the Golgi bodies involve
modifying, sorting, and packaging of proteins produced by the ribosomes.
Question 13
What is more abundant in S.E.R?
ACisternae and vesicles
BCisterns and tubules
CTubules and vesicles

Correct option is

Tubules and vesicles

 The endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough) is an interconnected network of flattened, membrane-
enclosed sacs or tube-like structure which are evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm.
 A smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks ribosomes.
 It forms a network of tubular membrane vesicles which is a part of membrane-bound organelle that is
involved in the synthesis and storage of lipids (cholesterol and phospholipids).
 Vesicles are small, spherical membrane-bound sacs and tubules connect the endoplasmic reticulum to the
nuclear envelope which forms a continuous membrane.
 They are abundantly found with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
 So, the correct answer is 'Tubules and vesicles'.
Question 14
Organelle connected with lipid synthesis is
A Ribosome
CGolgi apparatus
DAll of the above

Correct option is


 Organelle connected with lipid synthesis is SER.

 The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is an interconnected network of flattened, membrane-enclosed sacs or
tube-like structure with abundant tubules and vesicles which also lacks ribosomes.
 It helps in the production and metabolism of lipid, it also produces steroid hormones and helps in
 So, the correct answer is 'SER'.
Golgi apparatus
AModifies and packages proteins
BOccurs in animals
CFound in prokaryotes
DSite for rapid ATP synthesis
Correct option is

Modifies and packages proteins

 Golgi apparatus is an organelle found in the eukaryotic cells which forms a complex of vesicles and folded
membranes within the cytoplasm.
 Its main function is sorting, modifying and packaging of proteins.
 It is also involved in secretion, glycosylation of proteins and lipids and helps in intracellular transport.
 The folds of the Golgi apparatus are called cisternae which are called the functional units of this organelle.
 So, the correct answer is 'Modifies and packages proteins'.
Which cell organelle is involved in formation of saliva, tears and sweat?
CGolgi apparatus
DBoth B and C
Correct option is

Golgi apparatus

 Golgi apparatus is a cellular organelle which consists of folded and flattened membranes within the
cytoplasm that is involved in secretion and helps in intracellular transport.
 Saliva, tears and sweat contain an enzyme called lysozyme which helps in the breakdown the cell walls.
 It helps in modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins and enzymes for secretion and also helps in the
transportation of lipid and forms lysosomes.
 So, the correct answer is 'Golgi apparatus'.
Golgi apparatus is concerned with
CATP synthesis
DRNA synthesis

Correct option is


 Golgi apparatus is a cellular organelle which consists of folded and flattened membranes within the
cytoplasm that is involved in secretion and helps in intracellular transport.
 It helps in modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins (synthesized in the ER) for secretion and also helps in
the transportation of lipid and forms lysosomes.
 So, the correct answer is 'Secretion'.

Centrosomes are composed of two .......... which is surrounded by an amorphous mass of
Correct option is


Centrosomes are the organelles that located near the nucleus and composed of two orthogonally arranged
centrioles surrounded by an amorphous mass of protein. They are responsible for the formation of spindle
fibres during the cell division. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

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