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TÊ Bê môn NN chuyên PHAN B4c Ð41 HQC CHÍNH

ngành QUY kÿ 11 Näm hQC
2018 - 2019

Tên hçc phàn: Tiéng Anh kinh Thò'i gian MÄ THI

doanh Mã hQC phàn• làm bài 203
60 phút
PART I. LISTENING: You will listen to Simon's talk
about running his small business TWICE.
Questions 1-10. Listen and answer the questions. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.
l. How many years has Simon been running his business?

2. In which European country does he live?

3. Is the following statement True, False or Not Given?
"There are no full-time employees in his business."
B. False C. Not given
4. What aspect of the business does Simon NOT say he does?
A. Accounts B. Marketing and sales C. Conferences D. Recruitment
5. What is Simon's view of the challenges?

A. He finds them
depressing B,
They 're.part of the
everydayjob C. He
thinks they fun
6. In what field of work do •most of his corporate clients

7. How many of these companies does he work with?

A. 10-12 B. 18-20 c. 50-60
8. Is the following statement rue, álšêGNöFGiven?
"Cadbury's chocolates are a British company"
A. True False C. Not given 9,
Who does Simon NOT say he works for?
A. Auditors
B. Consumer brands
C. Management consultants D. Retailers
10. How does Simon see his future?
A. He 's very optimistic
B. He realises it won't be easy
C. He 's very pessimistic


A. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each question. Write your answer on the ANSWER
11. We've wasted enough time debating on the official launch. Let's to business now.

We have a lot of work to do.

A. trade off B. look through C. get off D. get down
12. The style of negotiation is appropriate in the case of one-off contract where we don't
care future relationship.
A. hostile B. cooperative C. win-win D. competitive
13. To attract more foreign investment, the government is making efforts to relieve administrative
burden and reduce
A. interruption B. merchandise C. monetawpolicy D. bureaucracy
14. like rent are still taking up too much of our budget A. Investments B.
Overheads C. Earnings D. Taxes
15. is a great way to break the ice when you're talking to someone you don't
know. A. Small talk B. Conversation C. Proposal D. Digression
16. We want to extend our so we're launching a new, luxury model.
A. product placement B. product range C. product endorsement D. product recall 17.
refers to a situation in which a company employs another organisation to do
some of its work rather than using its own employees to do it.
A. Licencing B. Bailing C. Outsoucing D. Franchising
18. If you want to succeed in this highly competitive economic environment, you have to think
outside of the box to gain an advantage over your

A. rivals B. partners C. opponents D. clients

19. Many businesses usewhich means adding more items to the existing
product line to increase the market success of new related products.
A. line-filling 'B. line-stretching C. line-pricing D. product mix 20. Here is the agenda.
There are a lot ofwe have to negotiate. A. compromises C. deal points D.

B. Fill in the gaps with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete the sentences.
21. The difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports is known as

23. Using an established name on another sort of product is called

25. Different products are always at different stages of their productwith increasing, stable or
declining sales.
24. is .way of doing market research which the participants of the survey are
asked to taste some food or drinks they don't not know.
25. As part-owner of the company, the shareholders are paid a


A customer negotiate with his supplier on price, payment and warranty. Use the cues
given in the brackets to complete the conversation between them :
Customer : (26)?_(probing question:
Price? ) Supplier $ 60 per piece.
Customer : That's too high for a regular customer. Could you give us a 10% discount?

Supplier : I'm afraid (27)

Customer : (28)(probing question: currency in payment?)

Supplier : I'd like you to make payment in dollars.

Customer : If we (29) , will you (30) ? (warranty
Supplier period/ two years) : Yes, we could accept that.
Read the following passage about Branding.

Having a good brand identity is critical. It can not only position a company above its competitors,
but it also communicates to your customers the reason why they should choose you instead of your
competitors, But developing a strong brand image takes time, money and effort, and it involves
much more than redesigning a logo or developing a new tagline. Your new brand identity should
evolve from your previous identity. Be careful not to start from scratch and come up with
something completely new, as you
•may- end up losing loyal customers who have forged emotion ties with your product.


It's important to understand that changing the visual aspects of your company, your logo, your
packaging and •so forth, you are.not actually changing your brand identity. Your brand identity is
the promise a company makes to its customers — its features, quality, values and service support.
Just modernising visual image does not entail a change in brand values. Many companies, sadly, are
led to believe by branding agencies that -visual changes will alter customer's perception of their
products. But such changes only inform consumers that a company is concerned about how it looks.
At best, they will assume the company is modern; at worst they will accuse the company of
unnecessary extravagance.
Successful branding may not be actually connected with the product at all, but may represent a
greater sense of purpose or a more satisfying experience. They may affirm that drinking a cup of
coffee can really make a difference, or that exercising may bring about a sense of challenge and
personal achievement. Many subcessful brands study emerging societal ideals and trends, so that
they can take advantage of how customers wish they could be. Thenthey push forward the message
that by using their product, their dreams can be fûlfillõd, and-the customer-can=gaimth-e-lifestyle-
he-or.-she-is-looking-forñbe-it-a-sense.of glamour, freedom, popularity or self-satisfaction.

Lack of consistency is probably the most common pitfall when it comes to designing an image for
your brand. You need to provide a consistent message in your proposals and presentations so that
your company develops credibility and gets noticed and remembered. To ensure that your branding
is consistent, gather all the information that leaves your company, be it faxes, emails,
advertisements, invoices or packages. Examine them for discrepancies in your company's image.
Doing so will also give you the chance to evaluate the image you are trying portray.

For questions 31-35, choose which SECTION contains the following information. Write the
correct letter A-D in boxes 31-35 on your Answer Sheet. The Section may be chosen MORE
31. a warning about redesigning your brand

32. what is involved in creating an image for your brand

33. why companies study current social trends to develop a brand
34. a list of some items which should display your brand identity

35. how companies are fooled by companies offering branding services


You are Nguyen Minh, writing a reply letter to John Smith's enquiry. Please complete the letter with
Marketing Department in Star Company, Lt

51 Nguyen Hue street

Ho Chi Minh city

27 March 2018

Dear Mr. Smith,

We thank you for your letter of 15 March 2018 and appreciate (36) . . .................our products.
In response to (37) the information of the new MS machine, we have enclosed the latest catatògue
and quotation.

It would be our pleasure to welcome you in our office to discuss in more details your requirements and to see
how I can assist you in fulfilling them.
-fn-tFe meanwhile;if-vowhave any questions or need more clarifications, please dõñOY(38) ..... .... . ........... us.

We hope that you will find your terms satisfactory and we (39) ..... . ................receiving your order.

Nguyen Minh
Head of Marketing Department

Ghi chi: Sinh viên không dwc dung tài liêu

Thông qua Bê môn

Bê môn NN chuyên ngành QUY
Näm hQC 2018 - 2019

Tên hçc phàn: Tiáng Änh kinh donnh Th&i gian làm
60 phút• MÃ ÐÈ THI
Mi hçc
D. LISTENING: . You will listen to Richard's talk about startup TWICE.
A. Questions 1-4: Answer each of the following questions and write them on the ANSWER
1. When did Smashburger start?••
2. How many branches does it have in the USA now?
3. How many US branches does it aim to possess?

4. How many international outlets does it plan to open soon?

B. Questions 5-8: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the blanks below to
complete the sentences; Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
5. In the UK, banks
6. In the US, banks

C. Questions
9. For new companies, the taxation system A. is much better in
the UK. B. is much better in the US.

C. is good in both countries.

10. Richard talks about 'garage companies', what does this
A. They started with basic equipment in a small space
B. There was a lot of driving
C. It's necessary to be some kind of mechanical engineer

A. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each question. Write your answer on the

11. To attract more foreign investment, the government is making efforts to relieve administrative
burden and reduce
B. bureaucracy C. monetary policy D. labour force
12. Among UK supermarkets, Tesco sells more than any of the other chains. It has the highest

A. market leader B. market share C. competition D. market

13. A is an individual item or element in a negotiation

A. deal point B. slide off D. tip

14. I would be grateful if you could let me have a detailed, including
prices and delivery terms.
B. term C. quotation D. order

15. Buying in can reduce unit costs.

A. bulk B. amounts C. volume D. weight
16. General Oil and PP have announced they are going to combine. It will be the biggest ever in
the oil industry.
A. stake B. take over C. holding D. merger
17. Copies of thefor the meeting were distributed to the department heads.

A. proposalB. agenda C. plan D. consensus

18. Pricing are rising very slowly: with a(n) of two per cent per
A. balance of trade B. finance C. inflation rate D. dividends
19. We can sell the modems for $100 each. They only cost $20 in
total to •produce and distribute, so we would have a
A: overheads cost C. cost D. profit margin
20. Before negotiating a deal make sure you know the strengths and
weaknesses of. A. competing B. conflicting C, commanding D. connecting

B. Fill in •the gaps With the suitable words to complete sentences.

21. If a customer orders a large quantity or pays within a particular time, we give them a
reduction in the amount they have to pay.
22. We have a very strict credit policy: our terms are that everyone pays their
order within 30 days.
23. Theis a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses during a specified
24. Different products are alivays at different stages of their with increasing, stable or
declining sales.
25. The chamber of commerce recommended giving taxto boost private sector investment.

AO Comment on what these people say to keep the conversation going.
26. A: It was atough year. I was rejected by many recruiters before getting this job. B:

27. A: We have justwon a big contract for oar company this month.

28. A: I have a -lot of deadlines to meet by the end of this month. B:

B. What will you actually say in each of these situations?

29. You welcome audience to your presentation.
30. You socialise with your partner when you meet and pick up him at the airport.
Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing
in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, has lifted all its gross margins by
manufacturing solely in low-cost markets over the past five years. In March 2002, it closed its
factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.
Burberry, in 2000, decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese license for ten years. This means that
almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia.
At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products.
Sanyo is now reacting to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in
its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo's Ginza, where it sells Burberry
products imported from Europe. In interviews with the FT, many executives say the top luxury
brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci
says: 'The Asian consumer really does believe - whether it's true or not — that luxury comes from
Europe and must be made there to be the best. '

Amitava Chatto adh a , Professor of Marketin at Insead, the business school, sa s: 'For
luxury goods, the.role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand
manager will want to et the balance between manufacturin location and the brand ima e wron
Questions 31-34: Are these sentence True / False or Not Given?
31. Coach, like many other companies, is outsourcing its products to reduce costs.
32. Some Jåpanese people choose to buy Burberry products made in Europe rather than
in Japan.
33. Sanyo's store in Tokyo sells Burberry products made only in Asia.
34. According to bomenico De Sole, the best luxury products are made in Japan.
Questions 35: Choose the best summary of the article
A. Most manufacturers of top brands now produce their goods in low-cost countries. Consumers
no longer care about where the products are manufactured.
B. Asian consumers think that European luxury goods are •of high quality. The current trend
of making such goods in Asia could damage the reputation of these luxury brands.
C. C.Most manufacturers of luxury brandsdo not wish to produce their goods in low-cost
countries because they believe that it will damage their brand image

Dear Sirs,
(thank/ enquiry/ 12
interest/ our products)
(Details/ our export prices/ terms of payment/ enclosed), and we have arranged for a copy of our
catalogue to be sent to you today.

Our representative for Europe, Mr J. Needha„ will be in Paris from the 24th to the 30th of this month,
and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you during this period. He will have with him
a full range of samples of our hand-made
lines, and (39) (authorised/ discuss/ terms of
to negotiate a contract. an order/ you) or

We - think our articles will be just what you want for the fashionable trade, and

(40) (look forward/ opportunity/ doing business/ you)

Yours faithfully,


S. Granville (Export Sales Manager)

Use the woras given. in. brackets to write•phrases/ sentences to best complete the
letter replying to ail enquiry. You have to modify the verbs where needed.

Thông qua Bê môn NNCN.

Ghi chú: Sinh viên khóng dwc:rc phép st" dvng tài lieu

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