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Levi Strauss (BE) ________ a Bavarian immigrant who (ARRIVE)__________ in San Francisco

in 1853. He (PLAN) to open a dry goods business similar to the one (OWN) ________ by his
brothers in New York. Levi (BUILD UP) ________ a very successful business over the next 20
years. In 1873, he and Nevada tailor Jacob Davis (patent) ________ the process of putting
rivets in pants of strength, and Levi’s jeans were born. When Levi Strauss (DIE) ________ in
1902 his for nephews (INHERIT) ________ a thriving company which (WHOLESALE)
________ a wide range of dry goods, including the “waist overalls\ that we (KNOW) ________
today as jeans.

At the end of this month, the last bar of soap (PRODUCE) ________ by Unilver as the company
(CHANGE) ________ to other products. The bars (REPLACE) ________ by liquid soap, shower
gels, and body washes. In our search for hygiene, the bar soap now (NOT CONSIDER)
________ clean enough. Liquid soap (COST) ________ more, but soap (BE) _______
something on which we (SEEM) ________ happy (SPEND) ________. In the last four years,
the amount the British (SPEND) on soap products (INCREASE) ________ by 15%, to a total of

Two years ago I (JOIN) ________ Greenhams Ltd., a company that (MANUFACTURE)
________ garden furniture, as a trainee in the marketing department. In the first year I
(RECEIVE) ________ a salary of 5.500, which (RISE) ________ to $6.300 in the second year.
My holiday allowance of 17 working day (REMAIN) ________ constant so far. The company
(KEEP) ________ its promise to send me on day release courses to the local technical college
and the next year I (SIT) ________ an exam for a diploma in marketing. However, I now (FEEL)
________ ready to take on more responsibility as marketing executive. I already (ANSWER)
________ an advertisement which (OFFER) ________ a more generous holiday allowance at
least 25 working days.

Procter & Gamble (COMMIT) ______________ to (IMPROVE) ______________ the

environmental quality of its products, packaging and operations around the world. For decades
we (PURSUE) ______________ policies that (HELP) ______________ protect, preserve and
enhance the quality of the environment in which we all (LIVE) ______________. The basis for
our environmental systems and programs (LIE) ______________ in the continuous
improvement cycle. Environmental quality management (BE) ______________ a never-ending
journey. All our divisions (ACHIEVE) ______________ substantial improvements in their
performance this year, but much (LIE) ______________ ahead (DO) ______________.
This year (BE) ______________ very successful for our company and we already (ACHIEVE)
______________ many of the targets for the year. One sales people (WORK) ______________
very hard and the department (PERFORM) ______________ very well. The success is
especially pleasing when we think bac to the problems we (HAVE) ______________ last year.
Sales (BE) ______________ down by 10% and things (NOT LOOK) ______________ good at
all. We (MAKE) ______________ some difficult decisions last year which a lot of people (NOT
BE) ______________ happy with. However, we are happy to say that performance (IMPROVE)
______________ sharply.

As you know, we (BUY) ______________ several machines from your company and (WAS)
______________ quite satisfied with their performance. Recently, however, the standard of
your after-sales service (GET) ______________ much worse. Our two HD 22 Cs (INSTALL)
______________ in 1922 and your regular service together with our own maintenance
programme (KEEP) ______________ them in perfect working order.
Now the situation (CHANGE) ______________ and your engineer (PROMISE)
______________ to come “in about ten days”. Last week he (ARRIVE) ______________ at 4
pm on Friday afternoon and our own maintenance engineer (BE) ______________ unable to
leave work until your man (FINISH) ______________. Let me say that we are not satisfied with
this state of affairs. We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you can promise an
immediate improvement in your after-sales service.

“My partner Liz is lawyer in the city – she (EARN) ______________ two or three times what I
can make as a designer, so it makes sense for her to be the main breadwinner. I (BE)
______________ a full-time househusband for just over a year. It much hard work than I
expected, but it (GET) ______________ easier now. I (LEARN) ______________ so much, not
only about children, but also about myself. Liz and I share the housework, though I usually (DO)
______________ all the day-to-day stuff. Liz (LEAVE) ______________ for work really early so
she can be home before the children go to bed . Amy (GO) ______________ to nursery four
days a week since she was three, and she really (LOVE) ______________ it. I think it (MAKE)
______________ her much confident, and she (LEARN) to get on with other children.”
There (BE) ______________ a great deal of research into the art of negotiating, and in
particular, into what(MAKE) ______________ a “good” negotiator. One point most researchers
(SEEM) ______________ (AGREE) ______________ on (BE) ______________. That good
negotiators (TRY) to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation. Successful
negotiators (NOT WANT) ______________ a negotiation to break down. If problem (ARISE)
______________ they (SUGGEST) ______________ ways of (RESOLVE) ______________

McDonald’s always (BE) ______________ a franchising company and (RELY)

______________ on its franchises to play a major role in its success. McDonald’s (REMAIN)
______________ committed to (FRANCHISE) ______________ as a predominant way of doing
business. Approximately 70% of McDonald’s worldwide restaurant business (OWN)
______________ and (OPERATE) ______________ by independent businessmen and women,
our franchisees. McDonald’s (CONTINUE) ______________ to be recognized as a premier
franchising company around the world. Perhaps he fact that McDonald’s management (LISTEN)
______________ so carefully to its franchisees has something to do with McDonald’s being
perennially named as Entrepreneur Magazine’s number one franchise. Our franchising system
(BUILD) ______________ on the premise that the corporation can be successful only if your
franchisees (BE) successful first. We believe in partnering relationship with our operators,
suppliers and employees and also think that success for McDonald’s corporation (FLOW)
______________ from the success of its business partners.

On 28 September 2000 the people of Denmark (VOTE) ______________ ‘No’ to joining the
single European currency, the euro. All the main political parties, the trade unions, the
employers and the media, (CAMPAIGN) ______________ for a ‘Yes’ vote before the
referendum. So why the Danes (RECEJCT) ______________ the euro? Let’s look first at the
economic background. For many years the Danish central bank (BE) ______________
committed to keeping the value of the krone stable against the German mark, and this policy
(BE) ______________ very successful in maintaining stability and prosperity. Than the euro
(LAUNCH) ______________ in January 1999, In the period after the launch the countries in the
euro zone (PERFORM) ______________ relatively well in economic terms. However by the
time of the referendum the euro (FALL) ______________ significantly against the dollar, and
the central bank of the USA and Japan (BE) ______________ forced to intervene in the foreign
exchange markets to buy euros. But the ‘No’ campaign (FOCUS) ______________ on national
identity, not economic issues.
When Donna Wallis was working as a PA in different City of London businesses, she often (AS)
______________ to arranged receptions and parties. She eventually (KNOW) ______________
exactly which venues and personnel to hire and by her fourth firm, she (BECOME)
______________ the acknowledged expert in her field. One day while she (ARRANGE)
______________a special launch for a publishing firm she suddenly (HAVE) ______________
a brainwave. She realized that for the past five years she (WASTE) ______________ her time
as a PA and that she could offer her services to other businesses for a fat fee. So she (GIVE
UP) ______________ her job and (APPROACH) ______________ all the firms where she once
(WORK) ______________. The business (GROW) ______________ so quickly that three years
later she took a logical step of opening her own office.

Not long ago I (APPLY) ______________ for a post as Regional Sales Manager at ABC plc.
The job (SOUND) ______________ interesting and the salary (ENABLE) ______________ me
to save a su of money at the end of each month. My application (REFUSE) ______________. I
never really (UNDERSTAND) ______________ why but it (BE) ______________ true that
during the interview I (NOT GET ON WITH) ______________ Mr Pike, the Sales Director. It
(BE) ______________ obvious that he (WANT) ______________ to employ a younger person
and aggressively (CHALLENGE) ______________ every idea of mine.

The trend of doing e-commerce (SET) ______________ in 1998; the next year venture
investing in Europe (BE) ______________ around $13 billion, higher than amount invested n a
year earlier. Prospects of doing business in this way (BE) ______________ promising and it
(BE) ______________ so easy to establish one’s own on-line presence. “” newly born
businesses (LAUNCH) ______________ on the back of funds form venture capitalists. For a
time, everybody with half an idea about business (CAN/RAISE) ______________ money. But,
this favourable beginning adversely (AFFECT) ______________ by a sudden plung in share
prices on America’s stock market. Since than most of start-ups (FIND) ______________ it far
harder to raise fresh money. The direct consequence (BE) ______________ that young Internet
firms (START) ______________ running out of cush.
The first branch of The Body Shop (OPEN) ______________ in 1976 in Brighton, England. So
far, we (GROW) ______________ into a worldwide organization with more than 1000 stores.
Since the very beginning, we (BE) ______________ committed to activities that (BENEFIT)
______________ communities on both local and global scale. Employees of The Body Shop
(ENCOURAGE) ______________ to take a half day’s paid leave each month (PARTICIPATE)
______________ in activities that benefit their local community. In 1991, we (WIN)
______________ the UK Award for Employee Volunteering. To date, we (RUN)
______________ 21 campaigns. We (START) ______________ a Romanian Relief Drive in
1990 to help Abandoned children. So far, our project team (RENOVATE) ______________
three orphanages and (BEGIN) ______________ care programs to improve the quality of the
children’s lives.

Dear Mr Miller,
This is the third time in a month that an incomplete shipment (DELIVER) ______________to us
form you. In this case ten dresses (MISS) ______________. I (EXPECT) ______________
them (REPLACE) ______________ immediately. I (TRADE) ______________with you for thirty
years and expect (TREAT) ______________ like and old costumer. If this the type of service
you (OFFER) ______________ , I have no wish to continue (DO) ______________ business
with you. If I (RECEIVE) ______________ another incomplete shipment I (FORCE)
______________ to end our association.

Procter and Gamble (COMMIT) ______________ to (IMPROVE) ______________ the

environmental quality of its products, packing and operations around the world. For decades we
(PURSUE) ______________ polices that (HELP) ______________ protect, preserve and
enhance the quality of environment in which we all (LIVE) ______________. The basis for poor
environmental cycle. Environmental quality management (BE) ______________ a never-ending
journey. All our divisions (ACHIEVE) ______________ substantial improvements in their
performance this year, but much (LIE) ______________ ahead (DO) ______________.

Since the 1980s, when China (INTRODUCE) ______________ a market economy and (OPEN)
______________ its doors to the West, foreign companies (COMPETE) ______________ to
get a share of this huge potential market of 1.2 billion people. In the early 80s, China (IMPORT)
______________ a wide range of goods and (SET UP) ______________ joint venture projects
and (BUILD) ______________ western-style hotels for the ever-increasing number of foreign
visitors. Since the beginning of the 1990s, China (FOLLOW) ______________ policy of
reducing imports and modernizing industry. Every year China (NEED) ______________ to
construct hundreds of kilometers of roads and railways, build new power stations and connect
another ten million people to the telephone system. Project such as these (OFFER)
______________ huge investment opportunities for foreign companies interested in (SET UP)
______________ joint ventures with the Chinese.

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