Asia Should Prioritize Economic Growth For The Present and Address The Cost of The Environment in The Future.

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Topic 1: Business Ethics 

Academic English Class 9 

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà 31211022323 


Asia should prioritise economic growth for the present, and address the cost of environmental

damage in the future. To what extent do you agree with this statement?


This essay will argue that Asian should focus on both developing the economy and

addressing the cost of environmental damage together. A number of reasons and evidence

will be given in order to support this argument. Firstly, protecting the environment means

building a sustainable economy. Secondly, Asia is now facing significant consequences of

environmental pollution and prioritizing economic development will even make it worse.

Thirdly, focusing solely on the economy for the present affects future welfare. However,

there is a counter argument that the cost for Asia to solve environmental issues will hinder

the growth of the economy. A response to this argument is that the growth of the economy

depends on the state of the environment


Firstly, Asia should be attentive to the environment which contributes largely to the

sustainability of the economy. Several research shows that consuming energy efficiently

can achieve a higher level of economic growth (Kraft, J., & Kraft, A., 1978). Galca stated

in 2016 that the environment plays a vital role in developing the economy as it provides

resources for economic activities 

Secondly, prioritizing economic development has a negative impact on Asia’ current state

of the environment. Regan stated in 2020 that the largest amount of carbon emission comes

from China as they use more coal than the rest of the world. Report shows that Asia is

estimated to generate 121 million tons of plastic waste in 2016 (Liang, Tan, Song & Li,


Thirdly, If Asia focuses solely on the economy for the present, environmental damage will

negatively affect future welfare. Air pollution causes a big threat to humans as it shortens

humans’ lifespan up to 6 years (Carrington, 2021). The Asia Pacific region is especially

vulnerable to climate-related damage and illness in various ways. It is clear that rising sea

levels destroy island as well as low-lying coastal plain and air pollution causes climate-

related diseases (Woodward, Hales & Weinstein, 1998)

Another view to consider is that Asia’s economic growth may be hindered as they have to

pay the cost of environmental issues instead of economic development. China’

environmental policies can reduce pollutants’ emissions together with adversely affect

GDP. The Economist Intelligence Unit’ s report in 2015 indicates that for each 6°C of

warming, there is a loss worth US$43trn 

However, a response to this is that spending money on the environment is a must for

sustainable development. Irwin stated in 2019 that the development of agriculture depends

on the weather. ODAGIU, Oroian, Burduhos, Brașovean & Balint (2019) claimed that the

environment provides resources for economic activities.


This essay has clearly shown that environmental issues should be given attention in

addition to economic development. The main arguments given are environment affects

considerably to the economic sustainability, focusing on the economy makes the

environment worse and protect the environment is to protect Asia’s welfare. Although the

argument against this is addressing environmental damage will limit the growth of the

economy, the response to that is solving environmental problems helps boost economic



Carrington, L. (2021, September 1). Air pollution is slashing years off the lives of billions,

report finds. The Guardian.

Climate change will alter where many crops are grown. (2021, August 28). The Economist.

Retrieved from



DEVELOPMENT. Anuarul Institutului De Cercetari Economice "Gheorghe Zane" - Iasi,

25(1), 73-84. Retrieved from 

Kraft, J., & Kraft, A. (1978). On the Relationship Between Energy and GNP. The Journal

of Energy and Development, 3(2), 401–403.

Liang, Y., Tan, Q., Song, Q., & Li, J. (2021). An analysis of the plastic waste trade and

management in Asia. Waste Management, 119, 242-253.

Li, G., Zhang, R., & Masui, T. (2021). CGE modeling with disaggregated pollution

treatment sectors for assessing China's environmental tax policies. Science of The Total

Environment, 761, 143264.

ODAGIU, A., Oroian, I., Burduhos, D., Brașovean, I., & Balint, C. (2019). The role of the

environmental management systems transition to circular economy. ProEnvironment

Promediu, 12(40) Retrieved from



Regan, H. (2020). China will become carbon neutral by 2060, Xi Jinping says. CNN.


Woodward, A., Hales, S., & Weinstein, P. (1998). Climate change and human health in the

Asia Pacific region: who will be most vulnerable?. Climate Research, 11(1), 31-38.

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