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Cross-cultural Communication in Hospitality Industry (Indonesia)

Cross-culture has been realized and implemented since ancient times when
humans began to interact with other human groups. Different ways of life when
interacting become a difference that can cause conflict or otherwise become common
property and serve as a benchmark in living life because they are considered positive.
As an example, in Indonesia, if you look at historical facts, the arrival of Indian
civilization had a significant influence on people's lives at that time. Hinduism and
Buddhism developed rapidly, influencing local languages and almost all elements of
culture; this was followed by the arrival of the Middle Eastern civilization, which
brought significant changes to the archipelago, namely Islam, which is the largest
religion in Indonesia. Then the Europeans' arrival brought with them new civilizations
such as science and technology as well as Christianity.
However, it does not mean that the indigenous or local culture is lost and
disappeared without a trace. It turns out that since ancient times there have been many
cultural blends in Indonesia, even in the world, whose paths can still be traced. There
was cultural diffusion, acculturation, and even cultural assimilation due to different
cultures' interactions. It is true that society and culture are never static but always
dynamic in line with the evolution of the times.
Indonesian society has various kinds of diversity, such as religion, nation, race,
language, customs, etc. Indonesia is famous for its cultural diversity. Culture is a
concept that arouses interest. Culture is formally defined as an order of knowledge,
experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings. It is passed down from generation to
generation through individual and group efforts.
Cross-cultural communication is the process of exchanging thoughts and
meanings between people of different cultures. When such contact occurs between
people of different nationalities (international), between ethnic, racial groups
(interracial), or language communication, it is called cross-cultural communication.
Liliweri (2003: 9) defines cross-cultural communication as the most effective
interpersonal self-statement between two people with different cultural backgrounds.
In a broader sense, cross-cultural communication is an exchange of messages
conveyed verbally, in writing, and even imaginatively between two people with
different cultural backgrounds.
Cross-cultural communication often occurs in a company or organization due to a
misunderstanding of communication that rarely creates conflict and leads to acts that
are not imposing on both parties. Cases like this are rife in companies engaged in the
service sector, one of which is hospitality.
The hospitality industry is an intensive activities industry that is increasingly
operating internationally, create real challenges for their employees, managers to
interact effectively with people from different cultural environments. Many problems
may relate to intercultural communication between the managers and employees,
employees and guests.

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