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UEH ISB EAP5 Research Report Marking Guide

GROUP:____ Student Name: ___________________ Date: ______

Genre and Organisation Overall rating

Your response is appropriate for a research report writing task. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For example, you:
 address the prescribed task in the specified word count and in
academic style
 include all the required sections (Abstract, Introduction,
Methodology, Results, Discussion)
 include all the ‘moves’ in each of the sections
 include accurate data analysis
 base the report on an adequate research instrument
(questionnaire, experiment)
 demonstrate appropriate use of secondary sources

Language and Grammar Overall rating

The response includes effective and accurate use of vocabulary and grammar. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For example, you: Comments
 use a broad range of vocabulary with correct word forms
 included a range of sentence types
 use correct sentence structure with subject/verb agreement,
accurate tense forms, and appropriate articles
 use transition signals accurately for cohesion
 use an appropriate level of modality –especially in Discussion
 use nominalisation for abstraction

Other Features Overall rating

The response is appropriately presented. 4 3 2 1 0
For example, you:
 use internal references correctly
 include a reference list consistent with Harvard Style referencing
 use correct spelling
 use correct punctuation
 use correct format including a title page and contents page
 include tables and diagrams that are correctly formatted and labelled
 have attached your research instrument

Total: /20
Record in MARK FOLDER - Convert: /15

Assessment of student written work

Your In-class writing essay test task has been marked according to the
following criteria:

 Genre and Organisation /8

 Language and Grammar /8

 Other Features /4

The following ratings should help you to understand your mark:

 18 – 20 Excellent (This is an exceptional mark!)

 16 – 17 Very Good

 14 – 15 Good

 12 – 13 Average / Standard
Most students will be in
this range.
 10 - 11 Pass

 8–9 Below Standard

 6–7 Very Poor

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