IT4125-STM-Unit 2 Sample Questions

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a d

b c

IT 4125 Software Testing Methodologies
Course Notes for Unit 2

1. What is path testing & what is it used for?

2. What assumptions are made for path testing?
3. Define a control flow graph listing its elements.
4. List an important difference between a flowchart & a CFG
5. Draw a Control Flow Graph for :

LABEL: IF A > C A := A + C

6. Make a linked list representation for the CFG above.

7. Define a path through a CFG for a program.
8. How is the name of the path obtained in a CFG?
9. What are the difficulties with multi-entry multi-exit subroutines in a program for drawing a
10. How are multi entry/multi exit routines integrated into a CFG?
11. What is the static analysis of code or structure?
12. What is dynamic analysis of code or control flow?
13. List the three path testing criteria/strategies.
14. Order the path testing criteria in their increasing strength.
15. Describe all statement testing (P1) criteria for path testing.
16. Describe the branch testing (P2) criteria for path testing.
17. What is the basic criterion suggested by Beizer for the set of covering paths thru’ a
18. Describe the all paths testing criteria.
19. Find the minimal covering set of paths in the following CFG.

20. For testing a path with a simple loop with iterations from 0 to N, what are the #iterations for
which path testing is to be done?
21. What are the limitations to the effectiveness of path testing?
22. What is a path predicate in a CFG?
23. What is a path predicate expression?
24. What is path sensitization in a CFG?
25. What is correlation among predicates?
26. Predicate coverage is ___________ than P1 & P2, and ____________ than P∝.
(stronger / weaker)
27. What is a process dependent variable?
28. When is an entry-exit path through a CFG achievable?
29. Mention briefly the steps in sensitizing the paths using heuristics (in path testing process)
30. Mention the main path instrumentation techniques.
31. Explain the traversal marker technique for path instrumentation.
32. Describe the path instrumentation method.
33. Why do you need double markers or double counters in path instrumentation?
34. The output link during path instrumentation of a junction is equal to the ________________

35. Describe the application of path testing to New Code, Maintenance, and Re-hosting
36. What are the assumptions made for path testing during integration of components?
37. How are stubs used for performing path testing?
38. Transaction flow testing is a part of ________ testing (functional/control flow)
39. What is a Transaction flow graph?
40. Which operations give rise to newer transactions in a TFG?
41. How is a transaction flow used from the system user’s point of view?
42. Pictorial representation of system’s processing is (Control flow, Transaction Fl, Data Flow)
43. Describe with a brief example transaction oriented system’s architecture.
44. List and describe the splitting of transactions in a TFG.
45. List and describe briefly the mergers in transactions in a TFG.
46. What are the cautions to be taken by designer, programmer, test designer, modeler when
working on design/implementation/testing a Transaction flow graph?
47. What are the steps in Transaction flow development & transaction flow testing?
48. How are paths selected for transaction flow testing?
49. Describe sensitization in a Transaction flow graph.
50. Which kind of paths makes sensitization of a transaction flow difficult?
51. How is transaction flow instrumentation done?
52. Write about the activities related to test data bases in a Transaction oriented system
53. Which pointers are important in a transaction based system design (architecture)
54. What are the hidden languages (flow control languages) and the related disadvantages –
during the transaction flow testing?
55. Define the data flow testing strategy.
56. Why is DFT important?
57. How is DFT defined in terms of the data object interrelations?
58. Which assumptions are made for the DFT strategies to analyze and study them?
59. Define Data Flow.
60. what are the different program steps that act on a data object?
61. Draw the data flow object state graph.
62. What is a data flow model? Draw one example.
63. Define a definition clear path segment thru DFM
64. Define a loopfree path segment thru DFM
65. define a simple path segment thru DF model
66. define a du path from a node I to j
67. List the DFT strategies
68. What are Slicing & Dicing?
69. How are debugging, testing and slicing and dicing interrelated?
70. What is dynamic slicing?

72. Draw the data flow model (DFM) for the variable ‘A’.


IF A > 1 B := 1
A := 123


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