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2a série militar

Recuperação Código:XXXXX

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• Faça sua avaliação à caneta azul ou preta;
• Provas feitas à lápis, com uso de corretivo ou rasuradas não serão recorrigidas;
• assinale apenas uma alternativa para cada questão. A marcação em mais de uma
alternativa anula a questão;
• não serão fornecidas folhas para rascunho;
• esta prova contém 2 páginas.

If you, or someone you know is suffering from

INGLÊS abuse, please call the NSPCC Child Protection
Helpline on 0800 800 500 any time, day or night. Or
Texto para as questões de 01 a 07. if, after reading this, you would find more
information helpful, please call us on 0171 825
A cry for children
This is Michael's story. NSPCC
The Independent, 28 March 1996.
'It would start with a smack. But then there was
no stopping him. He'd lay into me like I was his worst
enemy. It was as if he forgot who I was. But he'd Mark the option which best summarizes the overall
usually remember to hit me where it wouldn't show. purpose of the NSPCC text:
When he didn't, I'd be kept off school. If a teacher
asked me about a cut or a bruise, I'd just lie. A report on different types of parental love.
A cry for help.
Once he broke my arm. Mum told the hospital I'd A campaign against child abuse.
had an accident. Finally, a neighbour saw my A crusade in defence of violence.
bruised face, and reported it. I will always be grateful An attempt to explain what the NSPCC is.
to my counsellor. He said I wasn't to blame. He
helped me to feel better about myself. He was the
father I never had.' There are thousands of cases
Which one of the following statements best
similar to Michael's each year, from every level of
captures the main idea of the NSPCC text?
society. But they are only the tip of the iceberg.
Violence is everywhere but does not lead
Thousands more children are the victims of less
society anywhere.
obvious forms of cruelty. Some people wouldn't
It's time we stopped to react to and think about
even think of these as abuse. But imagine being
the way parents behave towards children.
constantly shouted at. Or ignored as if you don't
There are thousands of cases of sexual abuse
exist. Or criticized for everything you do. The
towards children.
emotional effects can be just as painful as those
The emotional effects of violence can have
caused by more obvious forms of abuse including
serious consequences.
low self-worth, humiliation, loneliness, depression
One should always respect one's father, no
and an inability to relate to others. Some children
matter how aggressive his behaviour is.
have even been driven to kill themselves.
Because of all this, the NSPCC has launched a
campaign called 'A Cry For Children'. It's a cry to
everyone to stop and think about the way they
behave towards children. To listen to them, talk to
them and treat them with respect.
And to recognize the impact that any form of
cruelty can have on a child, please answer the cry.

In the sentence "He'd lay into me like I was his worst “And to recognize the impact that any form of
enemy" (line 2), the word worst is the opposite of cruelty can have on a child, please answer the cry.”
which one of the following? In which of the following sentences the Indefinite
Better. Pronoun ANY is used in the same way?
Acceptable. I didn't get any nice presents for Christmas this
Best. year.
Worse. I don't have anything to wear to the dance.
Most terrible. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
She is so rich that she can buy anything she
In the sentence "Finally a neighbour saw my bruised I don't have anywhere to go today.
face and reported it" (lines 4 - 5), the meaning of the
word reported is best defined by:
Recorded the incident involving Michael. “The doctor says: "I'm happy we found this trend
Described the father's crime. toward reduced risk." – The INDIRECT SPEECH is:
Stated that the father had been wrong. He said that he __________ this trend toward
Read an article about it. reduced risk.
Told the authorities what had happened.
is happy they found.
has been happy we have found.
was happy they had found.
Which of the following did not occur in "Michael's will be happy we will find.
Story”? would be happy they would find.
Michael was blamed for having accidents and
had to lie down at home.
His father would often be careful to make sure He said: “Stay here!” – The INDIRECT SPEECH is:
that he left no obvious signs of his violence on
Michael's body. He told me to stay there.
If Michael had cuts or bruises which could He said: stay there.
easily be seen, then Michael would be kept at He said to me stay.
home. He said to: me stay there!
Michael's injuries were once so bad that he had He stay to tell me there.
to receive medical treatment.
The authorities were informed of his father's
abuse and so Michael was given psychological “Open the window!” – The INDIRECT SPEECH is:
help. He asked me to open the window.
He asked me open the window.
He asked me opened the window.
Which of the following sentences does not change He asked me not to open the window.
the meaning of: “But then there was no stopping He asked me opening the window.
But then there wasn’t no stopping him.
But then there were any stopping him.
But then there wasn’t any stopping him.
But then there was some stopping him.
But then there wasn’t never stopping him.

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