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Application of Leadership Theories in Analyzing the Effects of Leadership Styles

on Productivity in Philippine Higher Education Institutions

Sherwin E. Balbuena
John Erinorio M. Perez
Stanislaus Irudayaselvam
Maria Magdalena Balaccua

The study shows the Application of Leadership Theories in Analyzing the Effects
of Leadership Styles on Productivity in Philippine Higher Education Institutions which
explore the effects of leadership behavior in the members in various higher institutions
in the Philippines. It assessed the effects of leadership style on the organization’s
productivity and evaluates the application of different leadership theories for greater
organization productivity that leads to success. The purpose of the study is to determine
the relationship between leadership experience and school productivity and to know the
effect of leadership behaviors on school productivity. The objectives are to determine
the association of leadership behavior or style to the school productivity and institutional
board performance. In several studies, it stated that without leadership, it would create a
chaotic environment and employees would be lost, and also without good dyadic
relationships, the employees may fail to perform their best ability. Hence, if there are
good dyadic relationships, productivity will increase. The main variables of the study are
leadership theories, leadership styles, and productivity in Philippine Higher Education
Institutions. The application of leadership theories and the effects of leadership styles
are the independent variable while the productivity of the Philippine Higher Education
Institutions is the dependent variable. The research instruments that the researcher
used in the study to measure the variable is the Leadership Behavior Description
Questionnaire (LBDQ) and Leader-Member Exchange Scale (LMX 7) questionnaire.
The LBDQ gives a strategy where organizational individuals can portray the initiative
practices of the recognized immediate leader and initially approved by Schriesheim and
Kerr and the LMX 7 was created by Graen and Uhl-Bien. The researchers used a
summarized form of LBDQ with 20 questions and the LMX with 7 questions by which
the participants depict their subordinates by showing how much the item articulations
are genuinely dependent on the experience of the participants. An integer value ranging
from 1 to 5 corresponds to each reaction category, where 1 is the most minimal degree,
and 5 is the furthest extent.

The researcher of the study utilized correlational, causal, and descriptive

research designs in this study. The study aimed to decide the significant straight
relationship between two factors: Leadership experience and school productivity. It can
determine the cause and effect of the two variables which are leadership experience
and school productivity, with the help of causal research design. It attempts to clarify the
circumstances and results between two factors. Aside from that, a Descriptive Research
Design helps to find out the attribute of the population samples under analysis. The
researcher portrays the accessible information from the sample, as they identify with the
current concept of leadership. The populations that the researchers wanted to
investigate are the 29 scholars recognized by CHED as centers of excellence. They are
working in different private or Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and masters and
doctoral students in various universities. In choosing these participants to collect data
and information, a purposive sampling technique was used and the results of the study
are much more align and accurate due to having the exact population. The study used
Google Forms as a Platform for creating and spreading the 7 items LMX where the
respondents are asked to describe their relationship with their leader and 20 items
LBDQ where the respondents are asked about the specific way that the leader may
desirably behave. In this platform, the researcher included an items section on the
socio-demographic profile. The researchers also included a version of electronic LBDQ
and LMX where the respondents were tasked to point out bullets and boxes and the
results are tabulated in graphs in Microsoft Excel Format. The researchers also used
the information/data gathered from the regular releases of findings of board
examinations conducted by the PRC to obtaining the quantitative measures for school
productivity. To fully analyze the data needed for the study, the researcher used the
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation analytical tool with a given significance level of
5%, and the statistical methods were analyzed using the computer software IBM, SPSS,

This study provided three results. First is that the outcome of the LDB-board
association along with the LMX-board efficiency association was suggesting that LDB
has a higher rate that links to the LMX and the passing rate for 2016. It means that in
LBDQ, it is important to show leadership behavior to have higher institutional
performance in board examinations. However, the 2017 board shows a low rate and
one of the possible reasons is that LMX has a weak relationship with overall school
productivity. Second is the effects of LBD and LMX onboard performance as the second
result in figure 1, where the researchers used a regression model and revealed that only
29.3% had been observed, and the remaining percentage are the other factors that are
not included in the data. The board performance of school productivity might be hard to
predict if the researchers just used the LDB scores. The last result is about eh
application of theories in analyzing the information gathered from leadership behavior
descriptions and the researchers presented Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory
Y. Theory X explains that the employees come to work just for a living and for the
solution, the organizations need several managers or leaders to oversee the workers,
while Theory Y is the employees come to work because they want it, which shows a
good relationship between the managers and workers.

The results and data of the study lead the researchers to the conclusion that
organization performance and productivity was affected by the leadership styles as the
researchers established in the study the strong correlation between leadership
behaviors exhibited by educational leaders in different HEIs in the Philippines and their
performance productivity in licensing exams in 2016 has been identified. The
significance of the study is for the employees and the organizations as well such as to
have a good performance or behavior in their environment; they should be treated fairly
and can be motivated and inspired by the leader. Lastly, for the organization, it can help
to have a good result in their organizations because of the good relationship among
members and leaders.

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