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Wisdom from corona that hit parts of

the world
As we know now, covid-19 has changed the learning system into an
online method or lecture from a distance, of course it is no longer productive.
Many students complain about this kind of learning. Method is not easy and
fun, but even worse than usual. This method gives a lot of assignments to
students, usually in the face-to-face method there have never been this many
assignments. this makes some students tired and become a little stressed.
Another impact is on consumer rights in Indonesia. With the advent of the
covid-19 outbreak, it was not what made humans care for one another. But,
think more about each other’s advantages. With this apidemic people are
encouraged to wear masks. But whatever the power, mask producers make
this disaster as a financial field for him, they arbitrarily raise the price of
masks to be more expensive and some even reach ten times the normality.
And also there are some people who deliberately resell used masks. Behind all
the impact resulting from the co-19 disaster, there is a tremendous wisdom
content. Much terrible than the side of distaster.
What is that?. Namely the corona virus has attacted our hearts to return
to human nature as a family ceature. So far as we know globalization has
changed the nature of humans into indualists. They are busy with each other’s
business without caring about others. As if he become a world entrepreneur.
Humans have been blided by property, have rank, have a positions and feel
high social status. They forget themselves and love the world too much. Even
though the world only a temporary place to stay, property, rank and
Position will not be useful one day in the hereafter. Before the outbreak
of the corona virus, people always left the house from morning to night, both
parents who made a living or teenagers who were studying. In the past people
often roamed here and there, so that the house only a place to sleep and
remove dirt.
Houses should be built for shelter for one family member, giving advice
and sharing information with one another. But the world has sifted everything,
people love the world more. The emergence of the disaster from the covid-19
outbreak has made us to always be at home with family, both in doing work or
doing learning for children who are studying.
Here is a very valuable opportunity that has rarely happened. Even if
there is time to gather, surely each one is busy with sophisticated gadgets that
always at hand. This co-19 outbreak is a test given by Allah swt to test who
has better practices. Every disaster there is always a lot of wisdom in it, does
not in vain give us disaster.
Later a strom caused bt the covid-19 outbreak will give birth to a more
resilient and intelligent figure. So don’t complain when you get a test from
Allah swt. p


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