F2021 M202 L800 Final Information

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F2021 Mat E 202 L800 Final Exam: Dec 18th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 (Noon)

Information – Please READ

EXAM Format

1] The exam will be completed synchronously online through eClass at the time stated above.

2] The exam will be Open book. You can freely use your notes, assignments, lab handouts
and/or your own summaries for information during the exam.

3] WARNING, the exam will be structured such that if you need to continually flip through your
notes/summaries for information you definitely will NOT finish the exam.

4] You CANNOT use other people/students or the internet for information – more on this later.

5] You will NOT be provided a formula sheet - you will need to make up your own formula

6] Material to be tested will include the entire course with emphasis on the post midterm
material. It will included the material from all lectures, seminars and labs.

PRE- EXAM Procedure (on eClass)

1] At 8:45 AM, open the ZOOM in eClass title Final Exam. ASC students open the same
meeting. ACCESS this meeting via eClass. Do not try to access directly through ZOOM.

2] Input your name in ZOOM as LAST Name, First Name and ID

Example: Wiskel, JB, 12345678

3] Have your camera on.

4] When requested by the TA, hold your STUDENT CARD up to the camera so a TA can see
both the card and yourself.

*I apologize, but this may take a few minutes for the TA’s to confirm everyone*

5] Keep your eyes on CHAT – this is how the TA’s will communicate with you.

5] Leave the camera ON for the entire exam. The TA’s will also be monitoring students during
the entire exam.
WRITING the EXAM (on eClass)

1] At 9:00 AM the Final Exam will become available.

2] Have your camera positioned such that we can see you in ZOOM – we do NOT need a
closeup. A general view is fine. For example; place your smart phone camera on a nearby

3] OPEN the topic titled F2021_M202_L800_FinalExam and read the instructions.

4] Save/Open the F2021_M202_L800_FinalExam PDF. You will see all the questions.

6] Handwrite (as you would do in a test under normal circumstances) your solutions. I strongly
recommend printing out the exam and writing on this printout (if you have a printer). Otherwise
answer the question on a blank sheet of paper. Print your name on all the paper you submit

7] When you are finished the exam, SCAN all your written papers and submit as a PDF file. The
submission is exactly the same as if you are submitting an assignment.

8] The name of the submitted file MUST be in the following format;



9] You will have 15 minutes to submit your exam after the exam time is completed.

10] Post any questions you may have during the exam to the TA in ZOOM CHAT.

11] ASC students – email me your EXAM. Do NOT submit in eClass.

Academic Integrity

1] The exam is to test YOUR individual knowledge of the material.

2] The use of other people or the internet is NOT ALLOWED. The potential cost to yourself
and/or your career, for non-compliance is not worth it. Just study.

3] TA’s will be continually monitoring everyone in ZOOM during the exam - this is why you
must keep your camera ON.

This is a lot of information and steps to follow. We tried to streamline the process as best we
could, but I think you understand the rationale for the a number of the dictates.

Good luck on the exam. Dr. Wiskel

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