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Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 2 2010, 09:59 PM



The following is a true story as told to me by the principle character here. I encouraged her
to write it

and post it in the story section of Beast Forum, but she doesn't have confidence in her
writing skills

so she asked me to write if for her. I will take some literary license with this in that it will be
in the

first person (with some conversation interspersed therein) and obviously, I am not her. I
think that I

know her well enough be now to do this. Names and places have been changed for obvious



My name is Jeanie. I'm the only child of a single mom and we live in the outskirts of Port

Arthur Texas. The area we live in isn't crowded and there is plenty of space around here. I'm
in my

last year of school, about to graduate, and have lived a quiet life here. I'm shy by nature and

make friends easily. Also I belong to a religion that discourages interaction with males until
one is

married. My Mom was a member of a very strict religion. The Church and my Mom both

think sex is a good thing (they say it is dirty), so I have little experience. That isn't to say I
don't know about it and what people do. Actually several months ago, I felt like I wanted a
Boyfriend, and one boy in particular interested me. So I was open with him and we dated a
few times. I know all the boys in this area expect the girls to "put out" for them if they date,
and I was OK with that, regardless of what my Mom thought .

We dated a few times, or maybe I should say, I went over to visit him a few times. We had

sex, and from what I know now it was very basic sex, without much emotion involved. I
found it very

unsatisfying. He would have an orgasm shortly after entering me and that was the end of the

I ended the relationship after little while, and I was discouraged about sex in general. I
figured Mom

and the Church were right.

Several months ago, my Mom met a gal from down the street and became friends with her.

Like I said, it isn't very crowded where we live and her house was only a couple blocks away.

had a Kennel and raised Great Danes. Her property was quite private as she owned a few
acres .

After a few months my Mom got a Great Dane from this woman. Her name is Samantha, but

seems everyone calls her Sam or Sammy. I didn't know much about the transaction that
gave my

Mom our dog, but she told me one arrangement was that he could be used to breed Sam's

when needed. Our dog, Black Jack, was about a 2 yr old male, huge and so majestic. He was
very well behaved and gentle, except for one habit I found uncomfortable. He liked to sniff
my crotch .

A few weeks after we got Jack, Sam asked Mom to bring him over to breed her bitch. I

went with Mom and Sam led us back to her Kennel. She brought the Bitch out, a beautiful

and let the process begin. After sniffing a bit and sensing the bitch was in heat, Jack wasted

little time. He mounted and was immediately humping her. His motion was very frantic

and it seemed like twice the pace I had experienced at the least. The mating went on for a

time, and eventually Jack lifted a leg over the bitch and turned so he was facing away.

said, Jack is tied now, it will be a while before he can dismount. Several minutes later Jack

to disengage, but he evidently was still tied. It took several attempts, but he finally got free.
When I

saw his penis out I was almost shocked. It was huge, and had this bump close to his belly

was as big as a tennis ball. I was turned on by the whole mating process. Watching Jack have

sex with the Bitch was amazing .

I couldn't get the image of Jack having sex out of my mind and started searching the web

for information. Like most subjects I google, I got multiple responses to my search of K9

breeding. One of them was Beast Forum and I visited the site and joined. What I found here

almost unreal. It was all about sex with humans and animals, and there was so much in the

and so many members it almost floored me. I started reading some of the stories, especially

ones about dog sex. I'll admit most of them turned me on to the point my vagina would be

wet. I sometimes put myself in the subjects position and it became even more exciting. I
more and more time on the site, and soon made contact with Ken (the man writing this story
for me). He was an older man, didn't live close to me, and had experience in the area of K9
ex for gals. He also wasn't aggressive, seemed honest, and I felt very comfortable with him.

During out first chat online after we connected I asked him many questions about dogs

mating with girls. He told me he had personal experience helping gals with their first mating,

knew several girls who were active. I asked him about the age of the girls and he told me

ranged from 22 to 54. He asked how old I was and I told him I was 18, about to graduate

HS, and had little sexual experience. We talked about that and I let him know how

I was in sex. I conveyed that my Mom and my Church said sex was dirty, and also that my

religion discouraged girls and guys being alone together, and therefore wouldn't have

to have sex. Another thing about Ken is that he used very explicit terms. Usually I don't like

hear them and when my friends in school do I'm disgusted with them. Somehow, it seemed

like a natural way for him to talk, and I wasn't upset. Like he said, "I like the language of

fucking and how descriptive it is."

Our conversation turned to whether I wanted Jack to have sex with me. I told Ken I was

turned on by the thought of it, but scared and way too shy to ever do it. He understood this
and asked if I would allow Jack to lick my "cunt" ( his words). Again I told him I would be
afraid to do that because from what I had read, he would make me his bitch and have
control over me.

Ken told me a male K9 could do that, but they usually obeyed their master and, if well

could be controlled by others easily. If they were disruptive or aggressive, a swat on their

would usually be enough to control them and they would obey. I told Ken, it didn't make any

difference because I would never have any kind of sex with Jack. My Mom came home about
then so our conversation was over.
The next day, I again contacted Ken and we resumed the conversation about Jack and

I having some kind of sexual contact. I again told him I would never do that because I was

afraid he would control me and make me a bitch. Plus, I still believed the notion that sex

was dirty. Ken told me about several of the girls he knew and had helped online and how

came to love K9 sex. He was more explicit of course, but I still couldn't bring myself to say

K9 fucking. Ken continued to encourage me and said I should at least let Jack lick my "cunt."

I'll admit I get turned on by conversation with Ken, and my vagina would get very wet doing

This time it was happening again .

I told Ken that Jack slept in my Mom's bedroom and he had several questions about

that. Then he surprised me with a couple of statements. He said "Jeanie, Black Jack is trained

to fuck gals, and he is fucking your Mom".. I insisted my Mom would never do anything like

that. She was far too religious. Ken didn't press the issue and we moved on to letting Jack

lick my vagina. Again, I insisted it wasn't going to happen, although I was intrigued by the

subject. Another thing I had learned about Ken is that he is a Dom, and into BDSM. I really

don't know anything about that, but he explained it well to me. He told me his area of kink

didn't really rely on pain, because he called it "torment". In fact "cunt torment". He

that torment is different than torture as it didn't depend on pain as a main feature. But he

it to bring out the best and most intense orgasm he could in a gal. He asked me what time

came home from work and I told him . That time was close so I agreed to contact him as

as I came home from school the following day .

To be continued :

Posted by: dogerguy@girl Apr 3 2010, 12:10 AM

super start.hope to read more .

Posted by: anexmpswife Apr 3 2010, 01:01 AM

great beginni9ng , keep it going please. seems u had grt experience. wish i could meet
someone like ur friend

Posted by: robroy Apr 3 2010, 03:08 PM

Good start keep on with the story Please .

Posted by: cattlebreeder Apr 3 2010, 06:43 PM

Great So far kee p going !

Posted by: LongThinDane Apr 4 2010, 01:44 AM

Thank you for sharing this story with us. It is certainly off to a good start. I hope you will post
more soon.


Posted by: kellywoods18 Apr 4 2010, 06:20 AM

I like the story and I would like to read more about it hope you post so more soon

Posted by: iwont Apr 4 2010, 08:04 AM

Hello, thank for an hot start, I cant wait for much more instalment. A ten for you and
Jeanie .

Posted by: Deanne Apr 4 2010, 11:01 AM

I love it so far, I can not wait for your continuation.. Great job

Posted by: easy924 Apr 4 2010, 09:03 PM

thanks Bigdogf4bym thats a good story and i like were it going

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 4 2010, 11:52 PM


Chapter 2

The following day I went home early from school and did s little snooping in my Mom's

I suppose subconsciously, looking for evidence that Mom was into sex with our dog. I didn't
find any

but did find a box that contained a black dildo, and anal plug, some clamps, I took them to
my room

and was looking at them when Ken came online.

He asked me if I had been thinking about having sex with Black Jack. I told Him it was on my
mind constantly.

By now I was very comfortable talking to Ken about anything. He had an convincing way

of communicating, even on line. He asked me if my computer was a laptop. I told him it was

I was on wi fi. He then told me to strip and get Jack in my room. Take your clothes off now .

I did as he requested. We had talked about Jacks size and mine prior to this. He is a very big

I'm 5' 6" and slim, small boobs and what I thought was an average butt and legs. I had sent
Ken a

picture online (completely dressed) and he said my ass and legs were hot. I accepted his

and didn't argue but I never thought I had any special features. But I did feel good about
what he

said .

I took off my clothes and Ken instructed me to sit on the edge of the bed and spread my

legs, Then to finger my clit and get wet, looking Jack in the eyes and, when my vagina was

to order him to come over and lick it. It didn't really take any time for my vagina to get wet. I

hornier than I thought I would be and opening my legs to Jack only increased my lust. I
looked at
Jack and he needed no encouragement from me. He sniffed the air, and could sense the

I was in and came over immediately. Putting his nose close to my crotch he quickly licked my

entire vaginal area with his tongue. It was broad and felt rough, but felt oh so good. I was

and having a hard time laying still. He continued to lick and his tongue even went into my

vagina. Ken was talking to me as this was happening. I could do little but make one word

and I'm not sure they were legible, but Ken picked up on them. He encouraged me, mostly
to just

enjoy what was happening to me. My mind wasn't able to convince me to stop things now. I

committed to this. If I had thought I could stop at just the licking, I now knew I was kidding

Ken, of course, is talking in specific and explicit terms. After about 4 minutes and a huge

he asked me "Are you ready for Jack to fuck you?" I was helpless now but said "NO" very


For the next few days, I was constantly thinking about what had happened. Being licked by

Jack was the better than I could have imagined any sexual activity could be. And it made my

vagina very wet and almost dripping. Each day when I came home, I went online and Ken

there. We talked about the first experience and each time he talked me into stripping and

Jack lick my vagina again. It was just incredible, the feeling it gave me, and I can truthfully

I was lusting for it. It seemed like it was on my mind continually, all day and night. Ken

that I was almost consumed with it and asked if there were any girls I might want to have
sex with.

That surprised me, because I had given him no hint that I might be interested in girl sex at
all. In

fact, I told him I definitely wasn't that way at all. I had no interest in playing with girls. But I

no experience in being licked and, especially to orgasm, so this was all new to me .
Ken kept asking me each time "Are you ready to be fucked Jeanie?" and I told him "NO' each

time, still emphatically. But there were feeling stirring inside me that I couldn't understand.

I lusting for a sexual union with Black Jack? His cock came out every time he licked me and I

admit it excited me. I wasn't sure I wold be able to resist much longer. Even though I was

fabulous orgasms, I wondered what a penetration would feel like. Ken continued to tell me

was trained to do it and I would love it. I was beginning to believe him. How long could I

the temptation .

End Chapter 2, to be continued.

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 5 2010, 12:16 AM



Jeanie's Story

I came home one afternoon and again got online with Ken. We talked for a while about my

feelings about being licked and whether I was ready to be mounted. I still insisted that I
wasn't ready for it, but Ken was insistent in saying I would love it. I had conflicting emotions

through my head and still couldn't imagine Jack inside me. But the image of his penis was

inside by brain also. Of course, Ken using the explicit language added to my confusion. I was

used to it now and it didn't bother me like it had at first. Also, I had developed a trust with

He hadn't mislead me in anyway so far. And he really seemed to be concerned that my first

experience would be a good one .

Ken talked me into stripping and getting in position again. I was sitting on the edge of the

bed and Jack immediately went to my vagina. He licked me better and better each time, or

I was just imagining that because I loved it more and more. Jack quickly brought me to the

of an orgasm and I let Ken know. He encouraged me by using the explicit language while he

encouraged me to enjoy it fully. I really didn't need that kind of encouragement. I definitely

enjoying it, immensely. Finally, Ken said, "Enough of this delaying Jeanie. Get in position to

fucked. " I couldn't resist anymore and turned around, planting my feet on the floor and

my head and shoulders on the bed as he had told me. My butt was higher than my
shoulders, and my feet spread

some. I was almost shivering with the anticipation. As instructed by Ken, I said to Jack "Up

Jack, mount me," although Ken told me to say "fuck me ."

I don't think Jack really needed any encouragement from me. He was on my back quickly and
I felt him

poking for an entrance. In seconds he entered me and I moaned loudly. The effect was so

I might have collapsed if I hadn't been supported by the bed. It felt so big and he was so
deep inside

me, I couldn't imagine he he had anything left to push inside of me. I kept moaning and Ken

up on the feelings I was having. Of course, he continued to explicitly instruct me and I

suppose, in

a way, comfort me. I could never have imagined how incredible the feelings I was getting
from my

vagina. I was ready to have another orgasm in a few minutes after entry, and not having cum

any kind of sex, other than masturbation before, this was all new to me. My moans were
louder and I

had a hard time keeping our conversation going. But Ken seemed to know and made an
demand: CUM BITCH, BE A FUCKING K9 SLUT. Seeing that order online put me over the

not that I needed a push, but I had an orgasm that was so much more than even the first
one from his

licking me. Ken told me to push back into his thrust and I did and suddenly I felt his knot
slam against

and then into my vagina. I might have screamed, I don't remember, but I did feel like I was
going to

cum again almost immediately. Again, Ken knew and was making me even impatient to have

next orgasm. It hit me hard and I was completely overcome with the sensations and
intensity. Jack

continued to pound into my vagina for what seemed an eternity, but I really had no concept
of the

time element. More orgasms ensued and I simply let them happen, and I really did enjoy
them more

than I had anticipated. Eventually, Jack moved on leg over my back and turn back to back on
me .

His penis, continued to put cum in me and I had no way of stopping it, not that I wanted to
do so.

Ken told me that when Jack pulled out of me I should suck his cock. I insisted that I wouldn't

that. Ken said it is a way of showing how much you appreciated his fucking you. And again,

had a convincing manner in the way he directed me. After a couple painful tries, Jack pulled

At this point I had no idea of how long Jack has inside me. I only knew it was a long time .

Then, in something that surprised me he said, "sit on the edge of the bed again and he will

your cunt again". "Will I cum more"" I asked. "Yes, you most likely will." Ken answered.

I did as Ken instructed and Jack saw it as an invitation to lick my vagina again. He started

licking like he wanted me again .

This lasted another 5 minutes and I came 2 more times. I was totally spent. I couldn't believe
anything could make me feel so good. My vagina was still tingling and I felt some strange

throbbing in my clit.

Ken then told me I had just had a 25 minute fuck and suck. Jack was in me for 20 minutes

and that was an outstanding fuck. Most first time fucks are only about 10 minutes if they are
good .

It takes time to adjust to the position a gal needs to be in to have a good one. His use of

language no longer bothered me, but I still couldn't bring myself to use those words.

I told Ken I couldn't believe how terrible I felt. He asked me why I felt terrible and I told him I

so dirty. And I knew I was now under control of Black Jack. Ken asked me if I enjoyed what

happened to me physically and emotionally while it was happening. I admitted I did. He also

asked me if it was better than I ever dreamed a "fuck" could be, and again, I admitted it was.

He asked me if I would want to do it again, and I told him I didn't know. I said I felt like I just

wanted to run away because I felt so ashamed. And I would now be a K9 bitch. Ken tried to

reassure me and I had conflicting emotions about it. I did like it, a lot. But I couldn't shake

other side of the emotions .

I had to sign off with Ken then because it was time for my Mom to come home and I needed

to clean up and straighten out the room. Ken asked if Jack was still in the room and I told
him he

went downstairs already. Ken said it sounded like he would have fucked me one more time if
I had

time. I told him I wasn't sure I could take more.

I straightened out the room and cleaned up myself. My clit was still throbbing. I knew in my

mind I would be thinking about this sexual experience a lot and I thought I would even do it

but I knew I would resist unless I felt the strength of Ken's words.
End of Chapter 3, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 5 2010, 12:35 AM

Thanks for your instalments, a ten for yo .

Posted by: kellywoods18 Apr 5 2010, 04:28 AM

Hello, thank for the hot start, and I love where this is going I cant wait for more chapers to
read. A ten for you and Jeanie, and the story .

Posted by: LongThinDane Apr 5 2010, 10:28 PM

Thank you verymuch for continuing your story. You are doing very well so far.

Keep up the good work.


Posted by: chin Apr 5 2010, 10:53 PM

1 hot story a 10 from me thanks

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 6 2010, 01:47 AM

Thanks for the compliments, but this is a true story. So the continuation is dependent on the
principle involved .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 6 2010, 01:53 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 4

For the next few days, I was constantly thinking about the events of Black Jack mounting

me and entering my vagina. My anxiety level was high and my emotions were bouncing all
over. In one sense I wanted to forget all about the incident because it made me feel dirty

my mom said sex would. But there was a knawing within me, an emotion I had never in all

my life felt before. I couldn't explain it, but then it was all new .

I didn't talk to Ken for a couple day, but finally my curiosity got the best of me, I had to

talk to him about all that had happened. So on a Saturday night, when my Mom was out for

the evening, I went online and made contact with him .

I told him all about the conflicting emotions I was feeling. He had a way of separating them

and making them seem so simple to understand. He told me that we are all brought up to

believe in certain things, it is a part of growing up and being taught right from wrong by

who help us learn and mature. But once we are adults some things aren't as prohibitive or

unpleasant. We can engage in activities that once were off limits. It is what happens with

sex. Were told one thing when we are young, but learn that sex is really wonderful when we

are adults. He told me "Jeanie, you are a young adult now. It's time for you to realize that

in and of itself isn't a bad thing. Everyone does it in one form or another." As Ken usually,

does, he made sense of it all, but I was still conflicted .

Then Ken asked "Did you love being fucked by Jack". I admitted it felt wonderful, and like

nothing I could possibly imagine. Then he asked "Do you love your cunt?" I told him again

I don't use those words. He asked "Do you want to fuck Jack again", and I couldn't say no,

but didn't say yes either. Ken knows I am not aggressive by nature and usually need some

kind of push to do new things. So he took control.

He asked me how long my Mom would be gone. Then he told me to get Black Jack up

to my room. I did as he ordered me, and once he was in my room Ken ordered me to

strip. I took off my clothes and then he ordered me to sit on the edge of the bed and let

Jack lick my "cunt". Jack wasted no time and was licking me with that wide long tongue

immediately. In no time I was on the brink or my frist orgasm. Ken was no becoming
more insistant with each minute this was happening. "Do you love being licked Jeanie"?

"Yes, I do" was my response and it was the truth. Again, I realized it was sex like I had

never imagined it could be .

After having me suvbmit to Jack licking my vagina for about 5 minutes, Ken asked if his

cock was out of his sheath. I looked and, God, it looked so huge. I told Ken it was out and

he ordered me to get into position to be "fucked". I did as he asked and Jack didn't waste

any time at all. He was on my back and in my vagina in a flash. He initial penetration was

almost brutal, but I felt his penis deep inside me and I knew I loved the feeling. Jack was

thrusting vigorously and Ken was urging me with command like "BE HIS FUCKING BITCH"


respond with was a "yes". "TAKE HIS FUCKING KNOT BITCH" he ordered and I leaned

back into his thrust and I felt his knot slam hard into me. It felt like it almost ripped me

open and the was a flash of pain in my vagina. But that was quickly replaced by the feel

of his knot hitting my g spot and I had an immediatel orgasm. Ken made it even more

intense with his constant commands "CUM BITCH ! BE A FUCKING K9 SLUT CUNT"

and I responded "I AM, I AM". I don't know how me responses made sense because I could

only hit one key on the keyboard and it would string out like "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMM ! ! ! ! ! ! " Ken continued to try to make

me respond to "DO YOU LOVE YOUR CUNT?" and I kept telling him no. He knew I didn't

use those words and he was trying to get me to admit it. Finally I admitted "I DO, BUT I

CAN'T SAY IT" Jack was in me a long time. I'm wasn't certain how long but I know it was

longer than the first time. It seemed like his cum kept pouring into me and there was no

stopping him of course because I knew I was tied .

I had been in almost constant orgasm and I didn't know when it would stop but I could

feel that Jack was about to try to pull out. Ken told me, "Once he pulls out I want you to

suck his fucking cock Jeanie". I said no again, but he ordered me to do so again, and said

"You need to show him your appreciation for his fucking you". I didn't respond because Jack

pulled out and then laid down and started licking his penis. My God is was huge and I
resist, but laid down next to him and started licking it with him. He licked my face like he was

approving my action. I couldn't get my had around his penis, it was so huge, but I held it and

finally opened my mouth and took some of it inside. He was still squirting some cum and I

was tasting his cum along with the taste of my own pussy. I had no idea of how long I sucked

him, but Ken had told me to do it for at least 5 minutes. Jack seemed to unload another load

of cum in my mouth, but I couldn't be sure because this was a first for me. After a while I got

up and asked Ken if I could stop now. He said I could.

Ken asked me how big his cock was and I told him I couldn't get my hand around it, but I

had tried to stretch my fingers over the length from the tip of my little finger to the tip of my

thumb and it looked like it must be 11 inches or slightly more .

Ken then asked me if that wasn't a "fabulous fucking". I said it was. "Was it better than

you ever expected a fuck to be?" and again I agreed with him. Then he asked again, "Do you

love your cunt?" and again I couldn't use the word but let him know in other words that I

He then said "Jeanie, you are a fucking K9 slut, admit it?" and I had to agree again. He said

"You will do this again and again because it is so fucking hot and you need it, don't you"?

I had to admit I did and would do it again. d

Ken then ordered me to sit on the edge of the bed again and let Jack lick my "cunt" again.

I did as he ordered. Me clit was so swollen and sensistive I had 3 more huge orgasms. I had

no idea of where this was all going and didn't think about that perspective at all. All I knew

now is that I did indeed love being had by Black Jack and would do it again and again. I had

no resistance anymore.

Ken then told me I had just had a 40 minute fuck and with the licking of my "cunt" and me

"sucking his fucking cock" it was over a 50 minute "K9 fuck". He then said "Jeanie, you are

a natural K9 slut cunt and will do it as often as you can. You need this kind of huge cock

fucking and won't live without it .

We talked for a few more minutes and then I told Ken I had to clean up and go to bed. He

said goodnight, again referring to me as a K9 slut. I actually didn't mind that.

End Chapter 4, to be continue

Posted by: Asgier Apr 6 2010, 11:22 AM

Thank you for continuing your story.

It is so interesting and hot.

Thank you .

Posted by: want2trainu Apr 6 2010, 12:57 PM

Great one !

Posted by: animal40 Apr 6 2010, 02:16 PM

Great story, keep it going .

Posted by: popol Apr 6 2010, 02:44 PM

great beautifull story and sure there must be going on and on for our greatest pleasure
thank you for sharing all your experiences

Posted by: dodogs2003 Apr 6 2010, 02:50 PM

Great story so far. A 10+ from me !

Posted by: knothead Apr 6 2010, 03:52 PM

GREAT Story !!

Please continue writing more .

10 if i could vote !

Posted by: assman99 Apr 6 2010, 06:26 PM

great story
Posted by: rodeotexas Apr 7 2010, 04:26 AM

Fantastic !

Posted by: iwont Apr 7 2010, 09:00 AM

Thank for an hot instalment, a ten for you .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 7 2010, 11:48 PM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 5

For the next few days, I thought about what I was doing. I couldn't deny that I found the

sex I was getting from Black Jack to be physically wonderful. I had no idea it could ever be so

exciting, and I was admittedly lusting for it. On the other hand, I was constrained to some

degree by my upbringing and the constant reminder from my Mom and the Church that sex

was dirty. I felt shame and guilt constantly, but the act itself and how it felt to me was also

on my mind all the time .

I didn't talk to Ken for a few days, maybe as a way of dealing with the lust I felt. I knew if

I did talk to him, I was almost powerless to resist his commands that I be a K9 slut. Also,

Jack seemed to know how much I wanted to do it again and he was sniffing my crotch and

pushing his nose into me at every opportunity .

Finally, on Wednesday, I went online and Ken was there. We talked about the things that

I had done and how I felt about it, and it's effect on my life. He was convincing as always,

able to separate fact from emotions. I had to admit to him that I loved having Jack's penis

inside me, more than I could ever have dreamed. We talked more about how Jack had been

trained to do this. Ken again said he was positive my Mom was also enjoying Jack. I asked
him why he thought that and he said "Samantha is training dogs for this purpose. You don't

keep a dog for 18 months if you don't have to, not if your a breeder. Plus, he is sleeping in

her bedroom every night and you say the door is always closed. It's just all too evident." I

didn't agree with him and said "My Mom would never do that, she is way to religious." Ken

dropped the subject there. I think he knew it upset me .

After chatting online for awhile, Ken asked me "Do you want Jack to fuck you now?" I

answered "What do you think?" Then he ordered me to "Get Jack now." and I did as he

demanded. When Jack was in the room I saw the message on the screen "If Jack is

there now, strip!" I did as he ordered me .

We then went through the same sequence as the previous session with Ken telling me

over and over again that I was a K9 slut, a bitch for Jack and and a "fucking cunt slut". He

has this obsession with getting me to admit that I love my "cunt", and while I admit I do in

my own words, I wouldn't say what he wants me to say. Jack licked me for about five

minutes and I had a couple orgasms. Then Ken told me to get into position to be a "K9

cunt for Jack" and it was what I was waiting to hear. I did as ordered and Jack quickly

mounted me and his cock and knot were inside me in a short time. While he was busy

pounding my vagina and I was having successive orgasms, Ken was also telling me what


or other exclamations of my depravity. I admitted he was right every time, and when he


I admitted I did. Mentally, I was becoming conditioned to what Ken was saying and I

knew he was right. But I still also admitted verbally to being dirty and full of guilt at what

I was doing and wanted. Ken asked me if I thought about "fucking Jack a lot" and I told

him "It is all I think about." He then said, "JEANIE, YOU ARE A TRUE K9 SLUT CUNT


IT. YOU WILL BE FUCKING K9'S THE REST OF YOUR LIFE". I didn't object or try to

disagree .

Friday, Mom was gone again and I went online. Ken was also there and we chatted
for a while, then her ordered me to let Jack fuck me again. I did and it as the same as the

last time, It lasted for almost an hour again, and Ken again got me to admit how much I

loved the "fucking by Jack", I still wouldn't use the language he wanted me to. I think he

was trrying to get me to talk like a slut because I was being one in real life. I couldn't

use those words, but did admit to his evaluation of me. He told me he thought my Mom

was over at Samantha's, and they were most likely enjoying her dogs. I avoided the

subject again and he dropped it. I finally told him I had to clean up and go to bed .

The following Sunday, I was in my room and went online. Ken was there. We talked

about how I wanted to have Black Jack lick me and in me all the time now. Well, Ken

said "licking my cunt and fucking me". I admitted it was all I could think about again.

Jack was in my room already and was trying to get his nose under my skirt. I kept him

at bay as best I could, but I did want it. Ken told me if I wanted to control him I could

just swat him on his snout, not too hard, but hard enough, and he would stop. If he

continued, then swat his snout again each time and say NO each time and he will get

the message eventually and stop doing it unless my legs were open and I was naked.

Ken asked if I was home alone and I told him Mom was downstairs and Samantha was

visiting .

He then made the suggestion, after asking what I was wearing, that I could take my

panties off and lift my skirt and let Jack lick me. It didn't take much encouragement and

I did what he suggested, but actually took off my skirt also. I sat on the edge of the bed

and Jack started licking me. I reacted almost immediately, and to prevent moaning too

loud, I put my panties in my mouth. I opened my legs wide and Jacks tongue felt so

hot and he was making me cum as easily as when he was inside me. Ken was edging

me on as usual saying "YOU LUV YOUR CUNT DON'T YOU JEANIE?" which I still

refused to say in those words. 'YOUR CUNT NEEDS THIS ALL THE TIME. YOU ARE

A FUCKING K9 SLUT AREN'T YOU?' Again, all I could do is say yes. The licking had

gone on for about 15 minutes and I kept cumming over and over. Ken knew i wanted to

be fucked, but couldn't because I wasn't home alone. I was in a different world with the

wonderful orgasms, but suddenly I knew something was wrong. The door to my bedroom
had opened and someone saw me being licked by Jack. I stopped Jack then and told

Ken what had happened. We discussed it for a few minutes and he reassured me that

nothing would be said about it immediately. After Sam went home, if it was my Mom she

would either bring it up then or be too embarrassed to talk about it. If it was Sam then it

would either never be brought up or I would know about it very soon. I took Black Jack

downstairs and let him go outside. Mom asked me why I did that and I told her he acted

like he needed to go out. Sam just sat there looking at me, smiling, but that was the

way she usually was .

I went back to my room and Ken and I talked about it for awhile. He tried to make

me feel better, but I was ashamed again, regardless of who had opened the door. It just

brought back all the guilt I have had since this all began. Ken did his best to make me

be OK with it, and it did help some, but I still had the shame. Ken asked if I still wanted

Jack to fuck me again, and I admitted I did.

End of Chapter 5, to be continued .

Posted by: ultra-wolfman Apr 8 2010, 08:34 AM

This is getting more and more interesting with each new part .

Another 10 for you .

Posted by: Asgier Apr 8 2010, 08:53 AM

Thank you for writing this story .

Posted by: iwont Apr 8 2010, 09:29 AM

Thank you for a very hot continuation, the story becomes better and better. Ten for it .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 9 2010, 03:34 AM


Jeanie's Story, Chapter 6

I was puzzled about who might have opened the door to my room and saw me being

licked by Black Jack. But Ken was right, there was nothing I could do about it. It still left

me confused, but I was a little sure it wasn't my Mom because after Samantha left, nothing

was said. It is possible she would be too embarrassed about it, but I thought she would be

more irate than embarrassed. So I went to bed uncertain .

The next day I found out who it was. I had decided I was going to stay home and let Jack

have me again. In spite of the incident of discovery, I was still horny and my lust for a K9

event was too strong to resist. Shortly after Mom left for work, I got a call from Samantha.

She told me I had to come over to see her immediately. I dressed and walked the few short

blocks to her home. I couldn't have in my wildest imagination predicted what would happen


The day was in some ways confusing, and in others revealing, but in both senses very

liberating. I couldn't quite put it in perspective mentally after I went home, and I didn't go

online so didn't discuss it with Ken.

The following day, I had a Dr. appointment so I was home again in the morning. Mom

was going to come home and take me to the Dr. but I had time so I went online and Ken

was there. We chatted for a couple minutes, then Ken asked me if anything had happened

about the events of Sunday. I said yes, they had, but I was too embarrassed to talk about

them. Ken responded that we were past the point of anything being embarrassing in our

online discussions, in as much as he had been through my first and subsequent session

with Jack sexually. There really wasn't anything left to the imagination. I also knew he is

a Dom, and although I don't completely understand what that is, I knew enough to know

that is part of what happened on Monday. So he started asking questions which brought

it all out of me.

I did tell him that when I walked into Samantha House, she was dressed in weird sexy

clothes. She had on some kind of leather outfit with the bra part open so her breast were

bare. Also the crotch was open so her vagina was in plain view. There was another girl

there and I knew her as Tammy, who was about 21 years old and lived with Sam. Both she

and Sam were tall, at least taller than me, and both had very big breasts, at least a D cup.

Tammy was only wearing what looked like a dog collar and it had a leash attached to it. Sam

was about 25 years old as far as I knew.

Samantha immediately said, "I saw what you were doing yesterday, and if you don't do

everything I tell you now, I will expose it to your Mom." I had expected she was the one

and she would tell me about that, but I didn't expect the threat. I had no reasonable way

out of it in my mind, so I guess I was giving in to her. She gave me something to drink, a

very sweet cherry flavored drink. I probably gulped it down as I was nervous. When my

glass was empty she filled it up again. Again, I may have drank it faster than I would

normally drink something. I was feeling a little confused, and Sam made me stand up

where upon she started kissing me. She shortly started taking off my clothes, and I didn't

even think of resisting. Once I was naked she put a collar and blindfold on me and said

"I own you now ."

Ken asked me if Tammy helped undress me and I said she did. Then he asked if she led

me to another room. I again agreed she did. Ken asked what happened next. I told him

I was put on a piece of furniture, and my legs were spread and tied down, then my wrist

tied down too, so I was bent over with my ass in the air. But the front part didn't go all the

way down like the front. Soon Sam sat in front of me. Ken asked "Did she make you

suck her cunt", and I confirmed that she did. "What happened then, did they have a dog

fuck you?" "Yes", I replied,"I heard the dog come into the room and he got on top of me

almost immediately and entered me." "Did Sam make you suck her cunt all the time he

was fucking you?" Again, i answered in the affirmative .

"How long did this go on?" Ken asked. I told him I didn't know but it went on for as

long as I was there. He then asked me when I got home and I knew it was a little after

2 PM. So knowing I went there a bit after 9 AM I was there about 5 hours. Ken then told

me if what I told him about this was right, I was fucked by K9's for about 4 hours. All I

could say was I was confused by everything happening and had no sense of time, but I

knew I was entered constantly while I was tied up. Ken asked if Sam licked my cunt

and I told him no, but Tammy did after every dog was done. In response to his question as

to whether I liked being sucked by Tammy, I said "Yes, she bit down on my clit and I liked

that." He then asked if I liked sucking Sam's cunt and I told him I guess I did. I know

he was thinking back to when I told him I wasn't that way and a girl didn't interest me at

all sexually, and I had no desire to play with them .

I asked Ken if I was becoming a Bitch and a slut. Ken explained that what one

person does is considered slutty by others who don't understand it, but to someone like

him or Sam it was just a form of sex that seemed normal and acceptable. So to us,

NO, it wasn't being a slut necessarily, but he said you will like being called that in the

future. He then asked "What did Sam call you when you were sucking her cunt?" I

told him she called me dirty names like "Your a fucking cunt, a whore for K9's, a slut,

a fucking Bitch etc. Even some names I had never heard of before." Again Ken talked

about how long I was there and asked if Sam said anything when I was ready to go

home. I told him that yes she did. Sam told me she owned me and she was going

to make me just like Tammy. By now I had known that Tammy had been engaged to be

married when she met Sam. She dropped her fiance and was now living with Sam .

Ken then asked me if I knew how many mature Great Danes Sam owned. I told

him I didn't know for sure but it was around 6 or 8. Then he said "Based on what

you have told me about what happened, and the number of dogs she has, you were

gang banged by 6 to 8 Great Danes for 4 hours, each fucking me maybe twice .

Did you like it?" I said, "I guess, I was almost like I was in another world. My mind

was numb and I was floating."He asked if I came a lot. I said "almost all the time ."

Ken asked if Sam made any demands or told me anything about what would happen
in the future. I said "She told me again that she owned me and she would make me be

like Tammy" I told Ken that I walked home and even after all the sex I had I was still kind

of horny, but I was way too sore to think about having sex again .

I had to go to my Dr. appointment then so signed off with Ken. I talked to him the

following day for a while and he asked me if I wanted to know what would happen from

now on with Sam. I told him I did so he told me. It was too involved for me to really

comprehend all of what would be happening and why, but knowing Ken was a Dom I

had no reason to doubt him .

End Chapter 6, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 9 2010, 08:32 AM

Thank for an hot instalment, a ten for you .

Posted by: k9seekersUK Apr 9 2010, 03:57 PM

I am really enjoying hearing all about Jeanie's journey. I look forward to reading the next
chapter soon .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 10 2010, 03:37 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 7

Even though I talked with Ken briefly on Tuesday, it was mostly to see what he predicted

what would happen to me as it relates to Samantha in the future. I was still conflicted by it

I felt ashamed of what happened, but yet admitted to still be very horny when I got home

the 5 hours of being at Sam's mercy. I knew I liked what was happening when it was being
done. I felt that was wrong, and my upbringing from both my Mom and Church most likely
had a lot to do with that .

I went back online again on Thursday in the early evening. My Mom was gone to a meeting

of a club to which she belongs . Ken was online also and we chatted again about the things
that had

happened and he wanted to know if I remembered anything more since we talked on


I told him that I couldn't remember anything more and reminded him I was almost in a

Ken asked me if I had let Black Jack mount me again since Monday and I admitted I had on

Wednesday after we had talked. He asked me if I was horny now and I replied "What do you

think?". So he talked me into and through letting Jack lick and fuck me, and I again sucked

his cock afterward. Like the other mounts, it lasted almost an hour with the licking and

included. I was starting to have almost continuous orgasms now, and even being licked

make me cum. Our conversation was mostly about my attitude changing gradually, to being

able to accept that I was a submissive slut for K9 cock .

Friday, i was home after school and kind of restless so I went for a walk. I hadn't gone more

than a few blocks and I ran into Samantha. She grabbed my arm and ordered me to come

her. Once inside her home, she gave me a glass of punch again, and started kissing me and

removing my clothes. Once I was naked she put the collar on me and attached a leash, then

blindfolded me again. Tammy was there helping again. Then they led me to another room

tied me to the same piece of furniture as last Sunday. Sam sat in front of me, grabbed my

and pulled my face into her pussy and said "Eat my cunt you fucking K9 bitch". I couldn't

resist and was immediately licking and sucking her vagina. At the same time Tammy brought

in one of the Great Danes and he immediately mounted me and penetrated deep and fully.

no longer shocked me to feel a K9 enter me so fully. He soon had his knot inside me and he
fucked me for quite awhile. I had no idea of how long, but he stayed inside a long time.

he was done Tammy sucked the cum from my vagina, biting my clit when she did and I found

that to be very stimulating and erotic too. Then she brought in another dog and he took

This went on for a little over 3 hours, then Sam led me back to the kitchen and let me dress

and go home. Again she told me she owned me .

Saturday I was home all day of course since there was no school. Again, I felt shame for

the events of the previous day, but strange feelings were also disturbing me in a different

Mom left after dinner saying she was going to visit Samantha. I went online and found Ken

again, and we talked about my feelings again. He could explain the conflict I was dealing

and it did make sense. He said we are raised with a set of standards and beliefs that are

meant to shape us. Once we grow older, we learn there is some leeway to those beliefs, and

we are able to handle the change and not discard our upbringing. But in the case of sex, we

learn as we get older that it isn't dirty and can be incredibly enjoyable. He said while sex is

supposed to be for procreation, the very act was also one of the most enjoyable physical and

emotional pleasure we would experience. I understood but still felt the guilt .

Ken then asked where my Mom was and I told him she went to Sam's. He said "She is

doing the same thing you are Jeanie. She is getting gang banged now" I told him again She

would never do that and he dropped it. Then he asked me "Do you want to be fucked now"?

Of course he knew the answer so he convinced me to get Black Jack and go through the

whole process of being licked, being fucked and then sucking his cock and being licked again

afterward. My orgasms seemed to be getting stronger with each event. Again the whole

scene went over an hour and Ken encouraged me with orders like "Take that huge fucking

K9 cock deep in your hot cunt bitch." and I was totally compliant. He called me all the same

names Sam did and it made it hotter for me. He also continues to demand "Tell me you love

your cunt", and I tell him I don't use those words. By the end of the fuck he had me saying

"Fuck me harder Jack" and also got me to admit that I did indeed love my cunt. After we
were done and I was chatting normally with Ken, he told me again "Tell me you love your

cunt". and I said it to him. We continued to talk into the morning. Finally I was feeling tired

and so was Ken so we said good night and went to bed .

Sunday was like any other Sunday, except that I was incredibly horny. I went online and

Ken was there. We talked about things for a while, both what I was going through and what

Sam was doing. I told Ken I wished my Mom would go away for awhile. He sensed that

I was restless so I finally said I was going for a walk. Ken said "Your going to Sam's aren't

you?" I told him I hadn't thought about that but the idea appealed to me. Ken told me to

take off my panties and when I got in her home to kneel down and tell her "I need to eat

cunt Samantha. Fuck my face. Treat me like Tammy and use my cunt as you wish".

Ken also told me to lift my skirt to show my naked cunt when I begged her to take me.

The suggestion was so devilish I took my panties off. It was only about 2:30 in the afternoon

so Ken told me to come back online later and tell him what happened.

I walked down to Sam's and when she answered the door she was angry. She said

"You weren't invited." and slapped my face. Then I knelt and said "I want to be your slut

Samantha. Fuck my face and make me like Tammy." Sam was wearing her open bra and

crotchless bikini bottom plus high heel boots that came up over he knees. She said "This

was meant for Tammy, bitch" and then straddled me and grabbed me by the head and

my face. Her cunt was full of K9 cum and I sucked it all out, and she came in my mouth

and then rubbed it all over my face. Then she and Tammy stripped me and gave me a

couple glasses of her punch. They blindfolded me and led me to another room again. I was

again tied to the same piece of furniture, but this time I felt a sharp sting on my ass. Some

thing was used on me and it stung really bad. Then my nipples were pinched and Sam got

into the furniture and forced me to again "Eat my fucking cunt you slut bitch". I sensed there

were more than just Sam and Tammy in the room now and was soon sure of it. Clamps

were put on my nipples and they hurt at first. But they were both put on at the same time,

so I know it was more than one person. Tammy then brought in a Great Dane and I was

mounted and fucked hard. They pinched me and treated me very roughly. Once one dog
was finished, Tammy would suck the cum from my cunt and bite my clit. I was starting to

have orgasms from that too. I was now almost addicted to what they were doing to me,

except the pain was new. I was fucked by several dogs. I counted 5 but it could have been

more. When we were done, Sam whispered in my ear "Tammy's a pain slut. You will be

just like her." She told me to dress an go home.

I got home around 8 PM and went online. Ken was there and I told him all about what

happened at Sam's. He asked me if I had any idea of who the other person or persons

were? I told him no, but I was sure there were some, at least one. He suggested that my

Mom might have been one of them and I told him "No, I left her here." He asked me if I still

loved what Sam was doing. I told him I did although I still felt shame and guilt from it.

Ken told me I would eventually get over that and not to worry about those feelings. Ken

asked me how I felt about the pain from the clamps and the belt of what ever they hit me

with. I could truthfully say I didn't dislike it so much as it was a complete surprise to me.

It was just unexpected. Ken told me to expect much more of that kind of treatment and

more intense pain. I admitted to Ken that I was still kind of horny. He laughed (like only

a laugh can be online - hahahahaha - and said "Your a fucking slut cunt bitch Jeanie. You

are my kind of gal." and we said good night and signed off.

End, Chapter 7, to be continued

Posted by: kellywoods18 Apr 10 2010, 03:50 AM

I love the story and want to see what happens next to Jeanie you get another 10 from me on
this story

Posted by: iwont Apr 10 2010, 09:33 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: popol Apr 10 2010, 10:33 AM

what a great story and sooo we"l written it excite me always when i read it and please go on
there is so much more for her to learn b.j. anal ect..

thank ypu very much for sharing all your fantasies

Posted by: Asgier Apr 10 2010, 11:56 AM

It is a wonderful story.

Thank you .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 10 2010, 04:03 PM

Thanks for the compliments. But I remind you all, this is a true story. Every bit of it. Nothing
is fantasy or manufactured. I've been Jeanie's confidant through all of this mostly because I
talked her through her first K9 events and she trusts me. So enjoy it as it is. It is all incredibly
real .

Posted by: anexmpswife Apr 10 2010, 04:11 PM

please keep it cumming i love your story and if i could vote i would give it a 10 over and

Posted by: dilligaff5 Apr 11 2010, 02:01 AM

Lovely story. Total turn on. Thank you for taking the time to write and to share it with us.
Hope to read more from you soon. 10/10


Posted by: kittenamy1 Apr 11 2010, 09:18 PM

Hmm lovely story and even better because it is true !

Posted by: cindykennelluver Apr 11 2010, 10:42 PM

Mmmm wish i started like that and when i was younger. would have discovered my real self
a lot sooner lol

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 12 2010, 03:54 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 8

The day following the episode at Sam's was still occupying much of my mind the following

day. When I came home from School, I went online and Ken was there. We talked more all

about the things that happened. I could hardly believe the reaction of Sam when I showed

but then I had no previous experience with someone in BDSM. Ken explained it is a matter of

control. Every Dom or Domme wants total control, unless He/She agrees to give it to

else .

The pain was a totally new ingredient and unexpected. Like I said, it wasn't that I disliked

it so mch as it was a surprise. I did have some bruising, but nothing bad. It did add an

that increased the intensity of some of my orgasms .

Ken asked me if I had Black Jack mount me when I came home from school and I told him

I didn't have time because I had to go with Mom to town. We talked about the K9 fetish

and it didn't take long for Ken to make me horny. He seems to know how to "push my

when it comes to making me wet and horny. He teased me for awhile making me almost beg

him to make me relieve myself. Finally I told him he was being mean to me and he said "Of

course Jeanie, I'm a Dom." Then he talked me through a long masturbation session. That

seemed to last almost as Jack taking me. Of course there was no licking and no cock to suck

after I came. We talked some more and Ken said he had to go to bed and would see me the

next afternoon. I told him I couldn't do that because Mom wanted to go shopping again and
wanted me to go along .

I didn't talk to Ken again until Wednesday, and again we talked about my becoming a total

K9 slut. He made it easier for me to accept although I still felt some guilt. He asked then if

I had heard from Sam again and I told him she had called and told me to come over to her

house after school tomorrow because she wanted to talk to me about a party on Friday. I

asked her what kind of party and she said "Don't worry about what kind, You will love it."

figured it would involve other people watching me get fucked by K9's maybe even being able

to participate. Since Sam had only had me lick her pussy so far, he figured she might be

a lesbian. I had no idea, only that I was to be there at 7 PM. She told me to tell my Mom

that I would be gone over night, so I had to have to say I was at a sleep over or something.

I did that and Mom had no problem with it, so I was set. Then Ken asked if I had let Jack

fuck me today, and I told him I had. I was so horny when I came home from school I couldn't

wait to have him. He called me a K9 slut and other nasty names, but by now I kind of liked

hearing myself called those names. Ken talked me into masturbating again (I still had my

Mom's dildo in my room) and I did as he asked. He was making those sessions longer and

more intense each time. After finishing masturbating we talked briefly and finally, he had to

go to bed and so did I, so we signed off .

I went to Sam's house on Friday night about 7 PM and she met me at the door. She took

me into the kitchen, gave me a couple glasses of punch and then started kissing me and

taking my clothes off. She put a leather collar on my neck with a leash on it and then a

blindfold on me. Then she put clamps on my nipples and labia. They were connected by a

chain. She led me into another room, tied me to the furniture and then the party began

The first thing that happened is Sam sat in front of me again and I had to lick and suck

her vagina while a dog entered me. I don't know how long the dog was in me but when he

done Tammy licked and sucked the cum from my vagina and bit my clit while doing it.

dog replaced the first one and entered me right away. I was now taking the knot right away

with every mount, and he was tied almost immediately. Their fucking was fast, hard and
deep. I had my mouth on Sam's vagina so I couldn't really say anything except moan. The

party went on for hours and I always had my mouth on a pussy or a cock. As near as I

could tell there were two men and all the rest were women. I had no idea of how many of

them there were. I got home the next morning at 10:30 and went to bed .

Sometime in the afternoon I woke up and went online. Ken asked me how the party

went and I told him I couldn't talk about it. He chastised me saying "I've been through

helping talk you through your K9 fucking and sucking his cock. And making you so hot

you masturbate. You also admit to me now that you love your cunt. What makes you

ashamed to tell me now?" I admitted he was right and told him about how it started. He

asked me if I was fucked by many dogs and I told him I was. He also wanted to know if

my mouth was always busy with someones pussy or cock. I told him I was entered in

both ends all the time I was there. He asked if I was fucked by gals with a strap-on too

and I told him yes, some of them had to be a strap-on. Then he asked if I was fucked in

my ass too and I told him yes, either in my cunt or asshole all night long. I told him I was

led by a leash to a new person when one was done with me and I didn't know if it was a

gal or a guy until my mouth made contact. He asked if there were any men and I told him

"yes, there were two black men." He wanted to know how I knew they were black and I

told him it was the way they talked, the jargon and accent. One of them was nicer than

the other and whispered in my ear while he was fucking me. One thing he said is "Would

you like to be my black cock sucker bitch?" Ken asked how long the party went and I

couldn't tell him except that it was long. "Did you sleep at all?" he asked. I told him

only a little while before I came home. The party was over then and Sam took me to her

bedroom and I slept with my head between her thighs. "Why, did she make you suck

her cunt more?" Ken asked and I told him "Yes, when she woke up, about 3 times ."

We talked about the party some more and the other things I remembered was I was

begging and screaming for more. "What do you mean?" Ken asked and I told him I was

saying "fuck me harder, or faster or deeper" I couldn't get enough.

We talked more about the length of the party and as close as we could determine

it lasted from 7 PM Friday,until 5 AM Saturday. I slept a little with Sam but not much.
Ken then asked the one question I wasn't really expecting. He asked "Jeanie, did you

like it". I replied immediately without hesitating "Dammit I did". I was sore but I did

like it and the pain wasn't that bad. I told him my clit was swollen and sore and my

cunt lips were very sore. Ken always insisted he was kind of a "Prick" as a Dom and

then he showed me. He made me masturbate. Gawd it hurt so good .

End Chapter 8, to be continued

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Apr 12 2010, 06:42 AM

Terrific! I have been enjoying this so much - her experiences and your passing them on. You
write it so welll. Thanks to both of you ..

Posted by: iwont Apr 12 2010, 08:08 AM

Thanks to Jenny, her story is fantastic .

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 13 2010, 06:29 PM

Just finished chapter 6. This is an amazing story! 10

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 14 2010, 04:18 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 9

The next day I went online and started talking to Ken again immediately. He had all kinds

of additional questions about the party on Friday night. One of the things I had mentioned

the clamps being on my labia and nipples all night. Another was that something liquid was

rubbed on my clit and in my cunt and ass and also on my nipples. Ken wanted to talk about

that in more detail. He asked me if I remembered more about it.

I told him I was shocked many times. He asked if it was like an electric shock and if it was

painful, and I replied "Yes of course it hurt. I screamed". He asked if the shock hit my clit and

again I told him "Yes, and it made me cum". He asked if they used anything on my clit and I

told him they had some kind of tube on it when I was tied up and no one or no dog was

me. It felt like it was pulling my clit out. Ken told me that was a vacuum tube and that he had

couple of them, but his also vibrated. I told him this one didn't but when they pulled it off,

someone would strike my clit hard and that made me cum too. He asked if it was like a stick

a cane and I told him it felt like leather. He figured then that it was a riding crop and

that they could be bought with different kinds of tips from wide to narrow. The only thing I

is that it hurt bad, but it also made me cum, and I was becoming a slut for cumming.

that made me cum I liked. He also asked me if I would cum from being fucked in the ass. I

him I didn't want to talk about that. Ken insisted that I had no reason to be shy by now. He

when we met you told me you wouldn't fuck your dog but were intrigued by stories of it,
and said

he helped by get into that, plus sucking his cock. He also reminded me I told him I would

lick or suck a pussy, because I wasn't that way, but now loved doing it. I didn't say anything

he said "You do like it don't you and you cum from it?" I replied that I did.

Ken knows now how to tease me and make me hot and it was getting to me. He continued

to talk about kinky things that happened and I finally almost blew up. I told him to stop it,

said "You know what I want". Then he made me masturbate for a long time again, telling me

what a fucking slut and cunt I was, and a bitch for K9 cock and a whore to my cunt and every

nasty thing he could think of. It was the same way the people at the party talked to me and
made it hotter and more exciting. I fucked my cunt hard with my Mom's dildo. I hadn't put it

back yet. He knows he has control over me when he talks about kinky fucking and K9's and

especially my cunt. Now he was making me tell him that I loved my cunt every time almost .

This time before he would talk me through a masturbation he told me to repeat 3 things.

was "I love my fucking cunt". The next was "I love fucking K9's." The third was "I love sucking

cunts". I'll admit saying them made me hotter and I loved it .

Monday, I came home from school and had Jack fuck me immediately. I was so horny it

was all I could think about at school. I talked to Ken later in the day and told him about it and

he said "Jeanie, you are a committed K9 cunt now and you will do this as often as you can".

I admitted he was right. He asked me if I was tempted to let Jack fuck me in the ass. I told

him "NO. No way will I let him do that." He asked "Why not? Guys and gals are fucking your

ass at the party and you say they had big cocks and strap-on's." I told him Jack would rip me

open and I could never do that. He reminded me that I was doing a lot of firsts and this

just be another one .

We also talked about the punch. Ken had been a Pharmaceutical salesman and knew a lot

about drugs. He told me the punch had something in it and it was most likely GHB which is

something that muscle builders used for years before it was banned in the USA. He said it

couldn't be the most common rape drug Rohypnol because that would make me sleepy and I

wouldn't be able to stay awake for the entire party. He asked if I craved the drink when I

at home and I said no. We also discussed the liquid that was rubbed in my cunt and ass and

on my nipples and he knew of several things that would make me want fucking from that. I

understand exactly what he was saying and he gave me web sites to look at some. I did but

it didn't really make any difference. I knew what ever it was made me want my cunt and

filled, and even to yearn to have my tits whipped.

Wednesday, I talked to Ken again and Mom was gone so I got Ken to talk me through

fuck with Black Jack again. As usual, it was a complete tie and a long fuck. Jack licked my

cunt both before and after the fuck and I came so many times I lost count. Again, Ken was

calling me the names that made it hotter and made me feel more exciting, increasing the

of my orgasms. Again I sucked off Jack after he fucked me and I was becoming as addicted to

that as I was to him licking and fucking me. Ken again told me he figured Mom was over at

Samantha's being gang banged. I asked him to tell me why he felt that way and he had a

logical reasoning. I'm still skeptical. I just don't see my Mom doing that. Ken told me to walk

down toward Sam's house and see if my Mom's car was there. I finally said I would do that. I

came back online in an hour and told him her car was there. I told him I didn't get up close to

a window so I could peak in and he said that was a good thing. With all those dogs around

they would most likely alert Sam there was an intruder or something, and I might have been

caught .

We talked more about what a slut I had become and he and Sam made me that way. He

asked if I liked being what I was doing and I admitted I did. He asked me to tell him I was

a K9 cunt now and loved K9 fucking and sucking and fucking the people at the party and

I had to admit I did. I told him this would never have happened if I hadn't met him online

he said he was glad he had been able to help me get over my inhibitions. I told him I was

I met him.

I didn't talk to Ken again until the following Sunday. He asked if I was OK and I said yes,

I was busy with Sam for the past 3 days. Ken asked if she called me and told me to come

over on Thursday and I told him she called Wednesday and told me to come over on

after school. I told him she gave me a drink of punch immediately, kissed me and then

me and put the collar on me with the leash. Then I took her clothes off except for the leather
garment with the open tits and crotch. She led me to a chair with arms and sat on the edge

with her legs over the arms. I knelt down and immediately began eating her cunt. She was

calling me a fucking cunt eating whore and slut and everything like always and pulling my

into her cunt. Tammy wasn't there so it was just her and I. After I was done eating her she

told me to come over at 7 PM on Friday and I would be there for 2 days for a party. She told

me I was to say a certain couple wanted me to baby sit for the weekend. My Mom was OK

with that and didn't even question it. Sam said I was going to love the party .

End Chapter 9, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 14 2010, 07:34 AM

Thank for continuing an a ten for you .

Posted by: Asgier Apr 14 2010, 07:32 PM

I love this story.

Please go on writing .

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 14 2010, 10:08 PM

I've finally managed to get up to current day with the reading. Love the story! 10/10 .

Posted by: kitty32 Apr 14 2010, 10:44 PM

I can't wait to read the rest !!!!

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 14 2010, 11:27 PM



Jeanine's Story, Chapter 10

Ken was surprised I was able to get away for a supposed baby sitting job for 2 days and

nights. I told him Mom trusted me, but he still thought it was a little unusual. He also asked

if Samantha had to force me to eat her cunt now and I told him, no, I knelt down and went

at it because I knew it was what she wanted and I had to obey her. He said it was unusual for

anyone to want to be sucked that long at any one time. He also asked if her cunt was full of

K9 cum and I told him it always seemed to be. He also asked if she had a big clit and I told

him it never dawned on me, but she did have a very big one, and in answer to how big, told

it was the size of my thumb nail at least. Tammy also has a very big clit .

We then got into discussing the party. I told him it started after dinner on Friday. Once I

arrived, I was given a couple glasses of punch and Sam was soon kissing me and stripping me

of my clothes. She put a collar on me, and a blindfold, then wrist and ankle cuffs. Finally she

put the clamps on my nipples and cunt lips with the chain attached to them. We then went

another room an the party started in the same way the last one did. I was tied to a piece of

furniture, kneeling on a bench type thing covered with Leather. I was leaning against the

which was raised and bent over it at so my head was lowered some. Sam sat in front of me

and I knew that meant I was to eat her cunt again. Someone, I assumed Tammy, was rubbing

my cunt, ass and tits with a very cool lotion. Within a minute I was mounted and entered

by a K9 cock. Her dogs are well trained to thrust deep immediately and this one wasted no

time getting deep, and tied quickly. He fucked my cunt hard while I was sucking Sam's cunt.

It seemed like it lasted a long time. I could hear others moving about the room, but had no

of what was going on because of the blindfold. Once the dog was done, someone, I assume

was Tammy, got behind me and sucked the cum from my cunt, biting my cunt lips and clit as

she was doing it. That made me cum also and although it hurt, it also felt good when I came.

A second dog entered my cunt once Tammy was done cleaning me out, and he was like the

first dog, thrusting deeply immediately and quickly tied with me. I had already cum multiple

times and nothing slowed down and the orgasms kept on. I know I was addicted to the K9
fucking now and the rest of what was happening was almost as exciting for me .

Ken asked if anything else happened and I told him yes, I was hung up in the air. He asked

if it was by the wrists or ankles. I told him both at once or just by the wrists. He asked what

happened while I was hung by the wrists and I said "I was whipped on my tits, ass and cunt

and shocked." "Were your legs kept open?" he asked and I told him yes. He also wanted

to know if they used the pump on my clit and again, I told him they did and immediately

it was pulled off I was struck by a stick, which he said was a riding crop. That would also

make me cum. He wanted to know what happened when I was suspended by both ankles

wrists and I told him "I was fucked shocked, whipped and sucked". Ken wanted to know if

I was fucked in my ass as much as my cunt and I admitted it seemed like it. When I was hung

by both, there were two people fucking me, both in the cunt and asshole. All night,

someone was fucking me in one hole the other also seemed like it was full of something. I

told him that I felt strap-on's and cock fucking me all night, some were K9's and others were

by both men and women, and my mouth was constantly being used. A couple people even

peed in my mouth and I almost got sick. Ken explained that I didn't have to tolerate that and

I had the right as a submissive to set any limits I wanted to set. I told him I had to do what

Sam told me to do, and she told me that and that she owned me. Ken explained that no self

respecting Dom or Domme would disregard a negotiated scene, unless they were given the

OK to push the limits. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I dropped it.

Ken asked if this kind of activity went on for two whole nights and all day Saturday. I told

him that I didn't know what was happening during the day Saturday but the party never did

stop. The fucking seemed to be continuous from the time it started after 7 PM Friday, until

I left at about 8 AM Sunday. Ken asked if I slept at all and I told him I didn't know, but if I

did it wasn't for long. He was skeptical that anyone could continue fucking for two nights

and all day Saturday. I answered that as far as I knew people could have been coming

and going the entire weekend and I had no way of knowing. All I knew is that I was used

and abused all weekend and my cunt and ass were really sore. He asked if my clit was
swollen and my lips were hanging out of my cunt and I said of course, my clit was very

swollen and sore, but I hadn't looked at my lips. What I did remember is I was fucked in

either my cunt or asshole almost constantly and someone, maybe other than Tammy

sometimes, always cleaned me out in between the fucking by sucking me clean

We talked about the party for a while longer and finally Ken asked if I like what was

happening in these parties and with Samantha. I had to admit that I knew I was now a

slut and that, yes, I thought I loved what I was doing. He asked if I thought any of the K9's

might have fucked me in my ass and I told him again that there was no way that was

going to happen. I told him that I knew there were a lot more men there this time, and all

seemed to have huge cocks. The strap-on's were also large, so whenever something was

in my cunt or ass it was very big. I had to go have dinner then so we signed off. He told

me he would be around all night so if I came back online we could talk more.

A couple hours later I went back online and we talked about how I now loved fucking

and sucking off men and women and especially K9's. He talked about the appearance of

Sam and Tammy, especially their cunts. I told him Sam wore jewelry in her nipples, some

times it was rings and sometimes bars. She also wore a ring in each lip and one in her clit

hood. Tammy had nipple rings too, but her cunt lips had 4 rings on each side and one in

her clit hood. Ken called it a "Minora". I asked him why and what that was and he said it

had an ethnic origin, relating to a kind of candelabra. Ken wanted to know more about what

Sam was like and how she made me do things. I was getting frustrated with the conversation

again and asked him if we could quit talking about it. He asked "your getting turned on by

this aren't you?" I told him Yes, I was and he was being mean on purpose again. He

told me to get ready to fuck myself again, and I did. My clit was so sore I didn't think it

was possible to want more now, but he had lit the fire in my cunt again. So he talked me

through another long masturbation session in which I came multiple times. My clit was

so sore it hurt, but at the same time it felt so wonderful. He called me all the nasty names

I had been called all weekend and that made it even hotter for me. He made me admit that

I was a fucking K9 cunt and a slut for it and that I loved whoring my cunt to K9's and I had

to admit I loved it. By the last cum he had me admitting again that I loved my fucking cunt.
I no longer felt shy or ashamed about admitting it. On the final cum, I felt like I peed all over

the bed. Ken told me that "No, that wasn't pee. It was more likely your cunt squirted for

the first time. It's cum. Taste it and you will know. Pee tastes a little salty, cum is usually

mild." I tasted it but said I had to clean up so we signed off. My cunt was so sore but it

really did feel good to cum once more. My lips were swollen and my clit was huge. I

cleaned up the bedroom and my bedding and went to bed.

End Chapter 10, to be continued .

Posted by: dracin69 Apr 14 2010, 11:56 PM

great story keep going. i give it a 1000 .

Posted by: iwont Apr 15 2010, 12:41 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: k9seekersUK Apr 15 2010, 06:56 PM

Enjoying the contiuation of the story very much

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 16 2010, 04:20 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 11

School was becoming a distraction from what I really wanted to be doing everyday. I found

if harder and harder to pay attention and I certainly wasn't concentrating on anything. With

possible exception of the yearning I was having constantly in having a big K9 cock in me
It made things difficult for me. Monday I went to the bathroom during lunch to masturbate

I was late getting to my class after lunch so I had to stay after school .

When I got home I went online and caught up to Ken again. He asked me why I was late in

getting home from school, and I told him. He though it was amusing but was understanding .

He keeps telling me now that I am a K9 cunt and I will need it everyday. He says once you've

experienced the pleasure of the knot and the long fuck a K9 can give you, you don't ever lose

the desire. It didn't hurt that Black Jack had a very thick cock as well as a long one. I didn't

know his was bigger and longer than usual for a K9. He says the most common breeds gals

he has talked to who are active are Labs and Rotties and they usually are from 5 to 7 inches

in length with a knot like a small lemon turned sideways. That would make them about 9

total. Jack was at least 11 1/2 inches total in length and maybe a bit more. It seems to me

that he is bigger and bigger each time he fucks me. I do know that he way thicker than the

ex-boyfriend who was my first sexual experience. And, although some of the men at the

were large, they weren't like Great Dane cock. I haven't experienced any other breed, but

what Ken has told me I am happy with Jack and his brothers over at Sam's .

I told Ken Mom was going to be late coming home again and he asked if she was at Sam's.

I told him I didn't know but it was possible. She didn't tell me why she would be late and I

ask. He asked me if I wanted Jack to fuck me and I said "what do you think?" So he told me

to get Jack and get naked. I needed little encouragement and within minutes I was seated on

the edge of my bed and Jack had his nose in my cunt. I lay back, spread my legs and was in

the throes of an orgasm almost immediately. I loved the way his tongue swiped from the

of my cunt to the top and hit the clit. And he could push it into my cunt and that was just as

much of a turn on. My cunt was dripping in minutes and he was licking it up. Of course Ken

was calling me every nasty dirty name he could think of and making me feel like more of a
than ever. I loved him doing that. After a huge orgasm Ken asked if I wanted Jack's cock in

cunt and I could say a very simple yes. So, on his demand, I got into position and Jack wasted

no time, mounting me and driving his already huge cock as deep inside my cunt as he could .

His knot too was in me almost immediately. He humped with so much vigor and was

so deep that I was quivering from my cunt down to my toes. It is such a great fuck and feels

wonderful, I can't imagine not ever doing this. Ken reminded me that I was his slut, his

cunt and a whore for my cunt when it came to K9's and I agreed with everything. I loved him

calling me all the dirty nasty names he could, because it made it nastier and made me feel

dirty. I don't know why, but it was an intoxicating mental feeling for me now. Ken had

sensed what I was capable of doing when we first started talking online and he led me in the

direction of K9 sex quickly and completely. He insisted I admit to my lust for the experience

and even though I resisted at first, I complied completely. Jacks cock always expands and

gets bigger when it has been in my cunt for a little while. I would swear it is bigger each time

but that might just be the result of my all consuming lust for it. I know he fucked me for a

good 25 minutes, if not more and once he pulled out I dropped down next to him on the

and immediately started sucking his cock. He would continue to squirt cum and I had now

come to love it. I don't know if the result was that I sucked him off or not, but I knew I had

sucked a lot of cum out of his cock. He obviously loved me sucking his cock.

When the fuck and suck session was over, Ken again discussed how far i had come as

a K9 slut. We also discussed the pain and BDSM play I was being subjected to at Sam's.

We talked about the different kinds of pain I was being subjected to and my reaction to

He asked me if I liked all of it and I said I felt like I wasn't supposed to like it at all. It didn't

seem right to have someone do this to me and make me like it. Ken explained the Dom/

submissive dynamic well and I kind of understood, but it was still all so different that I felt

like it was wrong to like it. Ken told me to enjoy it without guilt. It is something a lot of
people are doing now and it is far more common than one might think. He explained that

BDSM community was large in his area. He was going to meetings several times a month

sometimes and really didn't have time to go to all he could attend. We also talked about

where my Mom had been (she was home now) and Ken figured she was at Sam's again. He

still thinks she is into the same thing I am with Sam. I asked him to explain how that could

happen. I wasn't sure that Jack was doing her. Ken said "Think about the situation Jeanie.

She met Sam a few months ago. After about a month Sam gave or sold her a Great Dane .

The condition was she had to let Sam use him to breed her bitches when she asked. About

a month after she gets the dog, Sam wants him to breed a bitch. You went along and you

both watched it. Jack sleeps with her every night and her door to her bedroom s closed .

What do you make of all of that?" I told him I didn't want to think about it. Ken also said

he would be surprised if she wasn't involved in the same way I was with Sam and the parties.

That I didn't believe at all and I told him. How would she get involved in that. Ken asked me

"Have you gone back to Sam's with your Mom since Jack bred the bitch". I told him I hadn't

and he asked "Do you ever wonder why?" and I said I hadn't thought about it. I asked him

again "How do you think she got into the same thing?" and he said, it might have happened

just like it did with you. They were friends, so maybe she was given some punch. You

said you didn't feel like stopping Sam from kissing you and stripping you and making you

do what she wanted so maybe the same thing happened with your Mom. She might have

been told if she didn't do what Sam wanted then she would expose her. I didn't really want

to think about it anymore so I changed the subject .

I had to go eat dinner then so I signed off. Later we connected again, and the discussion

was more of the same but maybe more about the BDSM scene and the things Ken knew

had happened. After he told me about one nurse who had 2 slaves (young nurse interns or

students I guess) who were slaves to her, fucking or sucking her and her friends, then being

fucked by her K9's and after that being fuck meat again. I said "you are sooooo mean . "

Ken said, I didn't mean to make you horny again Jeanie and I said "yes you did". He then

made me masturbate to several climaxes. I told him again that I liked what I was doing and

was glad he was making me a slut and a K9 bitch. He told me it was in me from the
and he just found out a way to bring it out. We chatted for about an hour, then I had to go

to bed, so we said goodnight and went to bed .

I didn't talk to Ken the next day, and it was a terrible day. I want online Wednesday and

saw Ken was there so we chatted briefly. He asked iif everything was OK and thought I might

not have been home the day before. I told him I had been home most of the day, and he

if I was alright. Then I told him about my accident .

End Chapter 11, to be continued .

Posted by: iwont Apr 16 2010, 08:05 AM

Thank for continuing and a ten foryou .

Posted by: ultra-wolfman Apr 16 2010, 09:11 AM

Accident? What accident???

Please don't keep us on suspense for too long .

Thanks for that new part. I like this story .

Another 10 for you .

Posted by: susan Apr 16 2010, 01:57 PM

well sir

a very well done so far but why the blindfold?????? unless you dont want some one to find
out who is at the parties i think we will find out soon dont you

well done and a big 10 from me


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 16 2010, 06:27 PM

Again, thanks for the compliments from everyone who has posted. As to the blindfold, I
remind you that I am just writing the story for the Principle in it (Jeanie). If and when it
comes off is up to her and her Domme. The story will continue to be an accurate report of
what she is going through, and it is very current .

Posted by: Jumba Apr 16 2010, 08:34 PM

Intense story! Well written, too, and that for me is a turn on right there .

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 16 2010, 09:07 PM


Posted by: Asgier Apr 17 2010, 08:50 AM

Thank you for going on.

It is a fantastic story .

Posted by: mentalist Apr 17 2010, 06:19 PM

+++10 great story thanks. Will there be more? When will she find out her mother was part
of the parieis ?

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 17 2010, 10:42 PM



Jeanie''s Story, Chapter 12

I didn't go online for a couple day after my accident and when I did, Ken was there. He

asked me immediately if things were OK with me. Maybe he sensed something was wrong .

He certainly seems to know how to read me or know me better than I know myself. I told

I had been home most of the day Monday and all day today too. He asked if I was sick from

the party or something else, saying it was a very intense long fuck party to put anyone

even seasoned swingers .

I told him no, it wasn't that I slipped on the steps when I was going off to school Monday

AM and cracked a couple ribs and cut my head in one place. I slipped on a step because of

the rain and it hurt so bad I couldn't get up. Mom had to call Samantha to help get me into a

car and take me to the hospital. I told him they took x rays and found I had breaks in two of

my ribs in a very painful location. Mom was with me all day, and again today, because I can't

even go to the bathroom by myself and am not supposed to walk anywhere without help.

arranged for Samantha to come over tomorrow. I was not in a mood for any kind of

and even looking at the screen on the laptop hurt my eyes. I had a concussion too. I was

on some very strong pain killers and muscle relaxers every 4 hours. So I told Ken I was really

of it and not going to stay online. He wished me well and said he would pray for a quick full

recovery for me. We signed off then.

A couple days later we talked again and he was very concerned about my care. He seemed

to understand a lot about health and medicine and we discussed where the pain was the

and if my headaches were still bad. I told him about how uncomfortable I was and how I only

comfortable in certain positions. He asked if Sam had come over and stayed with me and I

him she had in the morning and Tammy came over in the afternoon. She told me to get well

and kissed me on the forehead the first day and Tammy was very quiet, mostly watching me

It was the end of the week and Mom was home so Sam wasn't coming over that day. Ken

if Sam did anything sexually with me during the week.

I told him the third day she had played with my nipples, sucked them and bit them. It made

my cunt wet and she finger fucked it for me. In answer to whether I had to suck her cunt, I
Ken that she asked me if I wanted to eat her cunt and I replied that I did. His question then

didn't it hurt you to get in position to eat her? and I told hm she got up on the bed and

my head and lowered her cunt onto my mouth. He knew without asking that her cunt was
full of

doggie cum. It was still hot and it was very full. I sucked all the cum out of her and she came

my face a couple times. Sam left in early afternoon and Tammy came over. She played with

nipples too and sat on my face also Her cunt was also full of hot doggie cum. I sucked it out

she came all over my face. She also fucked me with her finger. They did the same thing on

Friday, but Samantha added clamps to my nipples, cunt lips and clit. She whipped all three

places and made me cum that way, but eventually she would sit on my face and I would eat

her cunt, always full of hot doggie cum. Ken asked how she was dressed when she came

and I told him she wore a short leather skirt and a see though blouse. She didn't wear

or a bra and her tits were very visible. She would lift her skirt out of the way for me to eat

cunt, but by it didn't take long and she was naked. Living outside of the city she didn't have

worry just coming over here. I was getting tired by then so we signed off and I took a nap .

I went back online that night and Ken was there again. We chatted again about how I felt

and he had me adimit that I loved having Sam come over everyday now. She hadn't been

today, but then she wasn't needed and it was the weekend. Then I told him that this was the

first time I was going to be alone for awhile. I could walk with caution now so didn't need a

full time helper. He asked where my Mom was and I told him she went to visit Sam. Again

he said she is having a party and your Mom is doing what you are. We discussed this in

detail again and he has convincing reasoning. I still told him I didn't think my Mom would do

the things I am doing. I didn't want to hear about it, and told him that and he dropped it.
he started telling me about a couple he had just met who were into K9 fucking and other

play and he got me so horny talking about it I begged him to make me masturbate. He made

me cum over and over before letting me stop. Even though I was in some pain, I couldn't

wanting to cum and being called a K9 bitch, whore for K9's and a slut cunt. He knew me so

by now that he could push my buttons without trying. Sam was my Domme at home and her

home but Ken was my Dom also, and I loved that .

He sent me a couple cards from a site called Naughty Cards. Very nasty and he wrote in

them about how proud he was of my being a K9 bitch and a slutty cunt. I loved them and

him one in return telling him how much I loved being his slut and K9 bitch. I asked him if he

thought I was becoming a lesbian and he said no, you love being fucked by cocks too, both

K9 and human at the parties. He said I am definitely bisexual, and it was apparent I loved

that form of sex. I asked him how he knew that. He asked me if I liked the taste of Sam's

cunt and I admitted I did. Even when it is full of doggie cum, and again I told him I liked it

way too. He asked if I liked the taste of Tammy's cunt too and I agreed again that I did. Then

he asked if I enjoyed sucking pussy when I was at the party, not knowing who they belonged

to and I admitted I did, even though I didn't know who they were and I told him sometimes

were full of cum too, either dogs or mans. All this talk about sucking different cunts got me

again and once more, Ken made me masturbate to multiple orgasms. I was tired again so we

signed off. I was thinking of how much I had changed in the past few weeks. Even being in

bed from the accident didn't slow down my yearning for hot nasty sex, now that I had so

experience in it now. I also knew I loved sucking cunts, and being Sam's bitch slut cunt. I fell

asleep thinking about it all.

End Chapter 12, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 17 2010, 11:18 PM

Thank for continuing, a ten for you .

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 18 2010, 12:51 AM

10 again !

Posted by: Asgier Apr 18 2010, 11:42 AM

This story is so nice .

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Apr 18 2010, 07:48 PM

Thanks so much to both of you for continuing to share her experiences. I am finding the read
very hot and enjoyable. If I could vote - a definite 10 for you !

I look forward to the next installment .

Posted by: Wmtale4 Apr 18 2010, 10:03 PM

Great story. Thanks for posting .

Posted by: kellywoods18 Apr 19 2010, 02:04 AM

[COLOR=purple ]

This story is great I keep reading it wondering what is going to happen to Jeanie next in her
new life. I think Ken is right about what she is becoming or I should say what she has now
become you get a 10 for the whole story. i want to read more of what happens to her so
hurry and post more .

Posted by: Dawgmann Apr 19 2010, 03:34 AM

Fabulous story Ken. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.


Posted by: Asgier Apr 20 2010, 07:05 PM

I really enjoy this story and wonder, what will happen next .
Posted by: parex Apr 20 2010, 10:38 PM

outstanding story- well-written and hot-thanks for sharing her story- 10/10

Posted by: dracin69 Apr 21 2010, 07:06 AM

love the story so far i give it a 1000 and cant wait for the next instalment .

Posted by: jaybird54300 Apr 22 2010, 10:31 PM

A big 10 from Me and waiting for more......Thanks

Posted by: jaybird54300 Apr 22 2010, 10:32 PM

A big 10 from Me and waiting for more......Thanks

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 23 2010, 03:38 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 13

I went online the following day and chatted for a while with Ken. It was more of the same

discussion of my new found lust for fucking our dog and also Sam's at the parties, plus how

I was now eating out every cunt I could. He talked me through one long masturbation and

we signed off. I still didn't seem to have a lot of energy.

We talked again the next day, and as always, it was mostly about sex. I told Ken Sam had

come over again that morning and we went through the same routine sexually that I had the

past several days. I suppose the most significant point in the discussion was that I really did

want the K9 fucking, and the fuck party attention very much. I also enjoyed what she was

to me with the clamps and shocking me. All of it made me cum and the more they did it the

more I wanted it. Ken suggested I was becoming mentally adjusted to accept all the things I
had told him in our first few online meetings I would not do, and now was doing them

I couldn't argue with that, but I also admitted that I did whatever Sam told me to do in

and what he ordered me to do online. We didn't talk long and he said he needed to go to

early, so we signed off.

I stayed away from the internet for several days, getting as much rest as I could, but Sam

continued her daily visits. They were all pretty much the same. After about 3 days, I went

back online and caught up with Ken. He asked how I was doing and if I felt any better. He

wanted to know when I would get checked by the doctor again and I told him that it was

a week away. I had to go briefly but when I came back we continued our discussion, turning

it to what Sam was doing on her visits everyday. He made a couple observations that I didn't

think he should and I finally said "Sam is here now", which didn't surprise him necessarily,

did change the tone of our conversation. I told him she had clamps on my nipples, lips and

and was hitting them which made me hot and sometimes I would cum. He asked if I had yet

to eat out her cunt and I told him "of course, I did that first, and it was full of hot dog cum as

usual. Sam was telling me what to say to Ken. She had me ask him if it bothered him that

She owned me. I assured her that it didn't because I felt she needed a strong Dom/Domme

to control her and guide her in all the nasty fucking she was getting. Sam told her she was

going to use the cat on her and she would love it. Ken asked what kind of cat was I talking

about and I replied "Cat O Nine Tails". He knew what that was so he asked about whether I

was standing now and I told him no, I was laying down. Ken said he thought that by now

she would be fucking me with a strap on and I told him she wasn't but she said she had done

it, so it had to happen at one of the parties, or all of them.

Sam had instructed me to call her Mistress from now on and I told Ken that and that she

was flogging me with the cat while we talked. He asked if I had cum from it and I replied

"Oh yes, several times". So he said, then you love being whipped with the cat too don't
you?. I admitted to loving it. Sam told me that I was now addicted to very large objects in

my cunt and ass and I loved being fucked by all of them. Sam had the clamps hooked up

to a black box and she would do something on the box and I would get shocked. It made

me moan and cum every time. Ken asked if she had used the clit pump today and I said

not today and it had been awhile. So he figured my clit wasn't as big as it had been and

he was right. About that time I came again and Ken encouraged me to enjoy it, not that

he needed to do that. But maybe it was the nasty names he called me that added to it.

Sam knew that it was Ken talking to me the day she caught Midnight licking my cunt.

For the rest of the afternoon, I was either eating Sam's cunt, or being shocked or whipped

by the Cat and, of course, I was cumming over and over. Some times she did all 3 things

to me at the same time. I know my conversation with Ken was sporadic, but I couldn't

help it. He understood. Things were getting too hard to handle in the online conversation

so I went off line. A while later I went back and he was there. He asked if Sam was still

there and I told him she had left about 15 minutes ago. She had been there past the time

my Mom usually came home but about 15 to 20 minutes, but I thought nothing of it. I told

him she made me have several more orgasms. When she left she put some kind of a

lotion in my cunt and left a bottle of soda and said "enjoy yourself". Ken asked what

size the bottle was and I said it was like a liter, or at least close to it. He asked if I was

still horny and I told him I was. As hard as it was to admit, after all the cumming I had with

her and all the electric and whipping and fucking with a dildo, I needed more. Ken then

asked me if I was ready and he made me fuck myself with the bottle. It was huge and I

plunged it into my cunt as deep as I could. After my first cum, I told him it hurt bad when

I pushed it in deep. He said turn it around and I said "No, it won't fit that way." Ken told

me to tilt is a bit and put one edge in first before pushing the entire bottom of the bottle

my cunt. I was still so horny I followed his instructions and it went in completely. It was

so big and so deep I had several more orgasms. By now, I would have thought I had had

enough fucking to satisfy me, but my cunt still felt like it needed more. I signed off with

Ken and soon had dinner with Mom .

Later the same night, I went back online and Ken was there again. I told him Sam told
me I was becoming just like Tammy. She said I was a dirty little fucking slut and I was

also a pain slut. I told him I admitted to her I loved what she did to me and wanted it from

For some reason I don't understand, that pleased me. Ken understood and because I was

new the the BDSM lifestyle, he went on to explain it to me, saying it was about BDSM

used with sex for the most intense orgasms one could have. The pain was bearable and I

think it did add to the orgasms. I was left with welts and bruises sometimes but they really

didn't hurt that much.

We talked about how I loved big objects in my cunt and he said "You take the cocks of

both men and the strap-on's in your ass when your fucked at the parties don't you?" and I

said I did and I admitted I would cum from being fucked in my ass. He told me Sam was

conditioning me to cum from all her play and she would have a K9 fuck me in my ass at

a party sometime soon.. I told him there was no way that could happen, their cocks were

way too big for that. He said, "Hun, the anal ring has amazing elasticity and it will happen."

I again said it wouldn't and couldn't happen. The lotion in my cunt was still affecting me

and Ken was inciting my libido with his conversation. Finally, I said "STOP IT, TAKE ME

NOW", demanding her make me fuck myself again. He did, and it was just as hot as all

the others that had happened that day. I was sore but it was OK, and I loved it. He kept

me fucking for a long time and when it was over, it was late so he had to go. I don't know

how many times I had cum that day, but I knew it was a lot. I thought I must becoming a

total whore for fucking in all these different ways by now. It was a liberating day in some

respects, even if I didn't really comprehend the magnitude of it all.

End Chapter 13, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 23 2010, 08:34 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: PetWaffle Apr 23 2010, 06:05 PM

Love the story, great work can't wait for more !!!

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 23 2010, 06:37 PM

Thanks for continuing! 10/10

Posted by: Asgier Apr 24 2010, 10:55 AM

Such an outstanding story .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 26 2010, 12:11 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 14

For a few days, I didn't really go online and talk to Ken. My life was changing so completely a

nd out of what I would have expected as normal a few months ago, it was hard to

I knew that I was intrigued, even turned on to some extent, when I was reading stories in BF

elsewhere. But what I was becoming was totally way over the limits I felt I had about myself.

really looked forward to Samantha coming over every day during the week. Every time she

start by sitting on my face and letting me suck the dog cum from her cunt and fuck my face

she would cum all over it. Sometimes Tammy came with her and then she would do the
same thing,

sit on my face and after I sucked the cum from it, cum all over my face. Most times Sam
would make

Tammy suck her cunt and lick her asshole too .

When I went back online in after a few days, Ken was there. Now I know it seems like he is
there but I seem to know when he will be there, so it is partly for that reason I can always
find him. We

talked about the events happening each day, and the things I've mentioned above.He asked
if Sam

always put the clamps on me and I told him she does. I also told him sometimes she also
brought her

electric box and shocked me off and on. He asked if my reaction was still the same as when it

first started. I agreed that it was, I would scream but also cum from it.

He said you probably don't know whether she is changing the strength of the electric surge
and I

had to agree with that. But the result was always the same. Lately, she was using the Cat O

tails more and more and the whipping also made me cum. I didn't mind the pain because it
was my

tits and cunt and ass she flogged and it was sexually exciting and made me cum also.

everything she did to me seemed to make me cum except when she made me eat her cunt.

asked me if I felt different about her now than when things started and I told him I did. I
would do

whatever Sam asked me to do and doing loved it all. I also admitted to loving the taste of her

regardless of whether it had dog cum in it or not. She always came several times and would
fuck my

entire face, leaving it smeared with her cunt cum. When Tammy came along Sam would
make her fuck

herself with a huge dildo and make me watch. In answer to Ken's question about being a

when that happened I agreed it was a turn on watching her.

He asked me if Sam had a party the previous Saturday, and I told him she had and also that

Mom was gone for most of the night. I wasn't sure how long because I went to bed a little
midnight. Ken again said that sometime I would know for sure if my Mom was involved

Sam would make it happen, exposing each of us. I told him I didn't think he was right and

to know how he was so sure that would happen. He explained his reasoning again and he is

convincing. But I told him I didn't want to think about it. I told him Sam had come over, as

that morning and we went through the same scenario as usual on her visits. I did tell her I
was a

little upset with what she made me do with Ken because of the effects of the lotion she put
in my

cunt and asshole. She laughed and said, "I will do what I want with you, your my fucking

We talked some about what he had been up to and he sure leads and interesting life. But

that is his story, and this is about me.

The next day we chatted again, and I told him Sam had been there did the usual, making me

her cunt first, then she put the clamps on and started playing with my cunt. She said she was

to work on opening me up, whatever that meant. She started with fucking my cunt with a
couple fingers,

then added another and finally another. She made me cum several times. Ken said she is

your cunt ready for a fist fucking. I told him I didn't believe I could take an entire fist in my

Tammy came along today, and watched Sam work on my cunt. I thought Sam should let me
watch while

she was fucking me with her fingers, but she refused to let me see. She worked on for a long

I'm not sure how long but she was here all morning and most of it was spent working on my
cunt. By

the time Sam left, I had cum so many times from her using her fingers in me, I had to rest
awhile. Ken

asked if I still had some pain and I told him I did, but the pills helped most of the time.
A few days later, Sam was there and I was online with Ken. I told him she had her fist in my

and was fucking me that way. He asked if I didn't suck her cunt today,and I replied that was

as always. She had fucked me the day before with her entire fist in me and had me watch it
in a

mirror. I couldn't believe how her fist just slid into my cunt and went in all the way past her

It was so erotic watching my own cunt being fucked and it made me cum even more. I
couldn't really

talk with Ken very well with Sam fucking my cunt with her fist so I signed off. Later, after she

I told him Sam had brought along some of her punch for me to drink. She also had another
drink in

a jar that was white, and thick. She told me to drink it all and I did. I told Ken I thought it
might be

cum, although she wouldn't tell me. I told him it was just thick and tasted salty so I figured it

be cum, and he agreed. I also told me Sam had fucked me for a long time, almost all the time
she was

there. I didn't know exactly how long that was, but I knew she was there past noon and she

came over around 9 AM. I figured it had to be around 5 hours. Ken asked how she was able
to fist

fuck me for that long. I told him she changed hands and had no trouble getting them in me
and was

always very deep. She also played with my asshole and had several fingers in me there. She

she was opening me there and Ken said, "She's getting you ready to be fucked in your
asshole by

a dog". I told him she would never do that, and besides, I could never take it. Ken felt she

do it and I would love it. We chatted a little longer, then Ken made me fuck my cunt with the

black dildo, and after cumming made me fuck my asshole with it. I was becoming such a
horny fuck
slut and I told Ken that and admitted that I loved it. We signed off .

End Chapter 14, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Apr 26 2010, 12:46 AM

Thank for an new instalment .

Posted by: chopper73guy Apr 26 2010, 06:20 PM

Thanks !

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Apr 28 2010, 05:55 AM

Thanks again to both you - I am continuing to love her story. I agree - the mother must be
doing the same as Jeanie. It would not surprise me if the mother already knows about her
daughter - Maybe even was there at some of the parties and watched her daughter being

Well, we will see ...

Posted by: Tightchik101 Apr 28 2010, 09:23 PM

Great installment! I've been following from the beginning and I love each of the new parts! I
agree with engineer Jim I wouldn't be surprised if her mom already knew and even if her
mom already hasn't done stuff with her at the parties !

Posted by: Viktoria K69 Apr 29 2010, 07:32 AM

I'm soooo jealous! What an amazing story! Thanks for all your effort - can't wait for the next
installment !

Posted by: popol Apr 29 2010, 03:57 PM

great story and fantastic plots you are a great writter thank youn for sharing them

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 29 2010, 05:13 PM

Thanks for all the compliments. But I must remind everyone, there is NO plot. These events
are real and are happening now. I have contact almost daily, or at a minimum 3 times a
week. There is a delay in the events as reported in the story as reported and actually
happening so the events can be shown in how they increase in depravity and intensity. I
hope you all can understand this .

Posted by: cindykennelluver Apr 29 2010, 07:20 PM

What depravity? sounds like a case of excellent advance doggy/pain slut training by two very
obviously excellent trainers. lucky girl .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Apr 29 2010, 08:05 PM

Your right of course Cindy. I was just being respectful to those who don't appreciate the lack
of limits in sexual play and servitude. In my mind it is all good and working out for the
principal here. And yes, I participate .

I know there has been a delay in posting the next chapter. I won't do that until I have her OK
and she has been unavailable for a few days. It's her story and I want to keep it real and
legitimate. It should be posted on Saturday at the latest, maybe tomorrow.

Posted by: cindykennelluver Apr 30 2010, 06:59 AM

with limits you can not soar with eagles nor can you wallow in the mud with the pigs.

most really good dominates can see what their slaves are capable of and how much they will
have to push them to get there. they get into their heads and then their bodies.

the hardest part for the sub/slave in letting go of their limits is facing the pure facts on who
and what they really are and what they really desire. once they come to terms with that, the
limits they thought they once had...disappear.

then you begin to relish the increasing levels of depravity and corruptions of morals your
Masters/Mistress' have planned for you. with a mixture of excitement and fear you find
yourself wondering how deep into the gutter can they make you crawl only to have you beg
for more.

once again i say lucky girl that she found you both.

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 1 2010, 04:41 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 15

I didn't talk to Ken again for a few days. When I went online again, he was there. We talked
for a while about how I was feeling about the activities I was engaging in before he asked me
about the past few days. I told him Sam was over on Friday, and after going through the
almost daily routine, me sucking her dog cum filled cunt, being clamped on the nipples, lips
and clit and then whipped, she had me lay on the bed. She put lotion in both my cunt and
ass. First she fucked me in both my cunt and ass with a big black dildo, then she used her
fist. First she fucked my cunt then she fucked my ass. Finally she whipped me again, tits cunt
and ass. Ken asked if I was still enjoying it as much even by the end of the scene. I admitted
that I did and, in fact, Sam made me ask for it all the time now. If I didn't request it, she
would make comments that led me to want it, so I would ask for it.

The next day was a Saturday, and Sam came over sometime in middle afternoon. I had been
masturbating on and off most of the day. The lasting effects of the lotion were still affecting
my need for sex. Sam told me she was having a party that night and didn't have time to stay.
But she did put a lot of that lotion in my cunt and ass again, and I went crazy with lust. I used
the big black dildo and the bottle all night and into Sunday morning. Mom left about 6:30
and was gone all night. I didn't talk to Ken Saturday night or Sunday. But when I went online
on Monday, I told him about everything that had happened the past few days. He
commented on the transition I was going through in becoming a complete slave slut to Sam.
I told him Sam again told me I was becoming just like Tammy. She never called me by name,
but rather my fucking cunt, my slut, my bitch, my fucking pain slut, or names in
combinations. She also made me call her Mistress all the time and to beg for the things she
would do to me. That included sucking her cum filled cunt immediately on her arrival .

A coupld days went by and I had a check up scheduled at the Dr. on my injuries. Mom
arranged for Sam to take me to the appointment so she didn't have to miss work. She came
over in the morning, and after having me suck her cunt full of dog cum and cumming all over
my face, she had me get dressed and took me to the Dr.'s office. I went into his office myself
and she waited in the outer office. The check up was fine and he told me I could go back to
school and resume normal activities, but to use some caution. We went back to my home
and Sam came in and put me through a normal scene again. Fucking me with dildo, fist,
whipping me with the cat o nine tails and using the clamps, after putting the lotion in both
my cunt and ass. She had put a lot of the lotion in both my cunt and ass , and the effects
were really difficult to understand because it seemed to be mental as much as physical. All I
knew is it made me want more, very intensely.
Sam left after telling me to enjoy myself with Ken. I went online and he wasn't there right
away, but did come online after about an hour. I made him use me again, telling me how to
be fucked. He told me I hadn't had a fuck with Black Jack for some time and to get him in my
room. I did as he asked, calling Jack upstairs. I already had been fucking my cunt with the
black dildo and was still doing it as I called Jack up, so Ken suggested I get into position and
let Jack fuck me in the ass while I fucked my cunt. I told him I couldn't take him that way, he
was way too big, but after getting in position, Jack immediately mounted me and made a
hard thrust forward. I didn't have time to take the dildo out of my cunt and he found my ass
immediately. I felt an accute pain right away and Ken asked if he was in my cunt yet. I told
him no, the dildo was still in my cunt, so he asked if he was in my asshole. I told him he was
and he told me to lean back into his thrust and his knot would enter me. It was his order so I
did it and Jack's knot slammed into my ass and he was in deep. It felt so different and I felt
so completely filled that it was a new sensation and I loved it. Of course Ken kept up the
conversation by calling me all the nasty names and making me tell Jack I loved his fucking
cock in my ass. Anytime Jack fucked me it usually lasted over 30 minutes and this was no
exception. I came so often and so hard I'm felt I was trembling uncontrollably by the time he
quit cumming and finally pulled out. Ken immediately told me to wipe his cock and suck it. I
spent the next 10 minutes sucking Black Jacks cock. He loved me doing that and would lick
my face once in a while. I finally got up from sucking his cock and Ken asked me if I enjoyed
my first K9 ass fucking. I couldn't lie about it, I really did love it.

Ken asked me again about the whipping and how intense it was. I told him I would jump and
moan, even scream sometimes, but still took it however Sam wanted to do it. I would even
beg for more. He asked if I were laying down when she whipped me and I said "No, I am
standing with my feel spread out so my thighs are open and my hands on my head." I held
that position all through the whipping, all the while begging for more .

A couple days later I was online again with Ken. Sam had visited in the morning and went
through the entire sequence of kinky events I had become accustomed to. She told me she
had a party scheduled for that night and I was to be there by 7 PM. After doing with me
what she wanted, she applied a generous amount of lotion to both holes before leaving. She
told me to have have fun with my friend (meaning me) but to get lots of rest because I
would need it that night. Ken talked me through another ass fucking by Black Jack, while I
fucked my cunt with my big dildo. Afterward Ken asked if I had mentioned to Sam that I had
taken Jack in my ass yet, and I admitted that I had that morning. I told him I just said I had
been fucked by Jack again while the dildo was in me, not saying specifically what was where.
She just smiled and didn't comment on it. I was about to stop talking to Ken and try to rest,
even though I was still wanting more, when the doorbell ran and I had to excuse myself .

I didn't talk to Ken for while and when I responded to him again I told him that I couldn't talk
because the person at the door was Tammy. She had 2 black men with her and said "Let's go
upstairs, these studs want to fuck us." We came up to my bedroom and for the next hour
they fucked Tammy and I every way imaginable. We took them in the cunt, ass and in
between each fuck we had to suck the cum from the hole they used on the other. We would
suck each other at the same time and after cleaning each other we sucked their cocks to get
them hard again, then they fucked us some more. After an hour they left and I finally
responded to Ken's last question. I told him about the events and he wondered if Samantha
was aware of what was happening because of the party coming up that night. I told him
Tammy told me Sam had ordered her to come over with those men and fuck us. I told him
Tammy said the men would be at the party later. I had to straighten up my room then so I
signed off with Ken and took care of the chores, finally laying down for a brief time as the
party was scheduled for 7 PM. I didn't really sleep well, being anxious for the party as I
hadn't been to one for several weeks, and I did miss them.

End Chapter 15, to be continued .

Posted by: enigma18586 May 1 2010, 01:27 PM

Great story. I am really enjoying your writing .

Posted by: Viktoria K69 May 1 2010, 01:30 PM

Yes, thanks again!!! Great story ...

Posted by: dilligaff5 May 1 2010, 04:23 PM

Enjoyed the update. Thanks for taking the time to write and share it with us.


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 1 2010, 10:17 PM

Cindy you are absolutely correct. I wouldn't be one bit hesitant about including anything if I
were posting this story in a Forum dedicated to BDSM. Being it is Bestiality themed first and
foremost, I temper my dissertation somewhat. Not much, the depravity is still going to be
included. Some friends of beast are also inclined towards BDSM, but most into BDSM will
accept bestiality .

One's place in life comes into play as well. One may consider nudity immoral for one or all of
several reasons, while another practicing nudist considers it "vanilla" and completely normal
and moral. Similar judgments will apply to more uninhibited and intense activity. We look at
these things with our own perspective and moral compass.

In this story, the fact that one so young and inhibited can be transformed so completely is
the over riding point of interest .

Thanks for your comments. You put it in an excellent perspective .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 1 2010, 10:19 PM

Cindy you are absolutely correct. I wouldn't be one bit hesitant about including anything if I
were posting this story in a Forum dedicated to BDSM. Being it is Bestiality themed first and
foremost, I temper my dissertation somewhat. Not much, the depravity is still going to be
included. Some friends of beast are also inclined towards BDSM, but most into BDSM will
accept bestiality .

One's place in life comes into play as well. One may consider nudity immoral for one or all of
several reasons, while another practicing nudist considers it "vanilla" and completely normal
and moral. Similar judgments will apply to more uninhibited and intense activity. We look at
these things with our own perspective and moral compass.

In this story, the fact that one so young and inhibited can be transformed so completely is
the over riding point of interest .

Thanks for your comments. You put it in an excellent perspective .

Posted by: iwont May 1 2010, 11:09 PM

Thank for continuition .

Posted by: cindykennelluver May 2 2010, 06:08 AM

yes Sir you are so right. some sexual groups tend to accept certain overlaps of other sexual
practices but turn around and are totally against another. depravity is all in the eyes of the
beholder. i believe most of those into BDSM have learned to take from all forms of sexual
practices to enhance and expand the experiences. Beastiality lends itself easily to this end.

as you said about nudity. to me nudity is vanilla in itself. i place it along side classical
paintings, photography, and other art works. a nudist is not embarassed by his/her nudity
because they feel it is natural and normal. The purpose of a nudist colony isn't to keep the
nudist in but to keep the voyeurs

But being naked to me is a whole different ball game. for me it is used as humilation,
vulnerablity, total excessability. it could be forced or willingly allowed. it could be planned or
on a whim. it could be in privacy of ones home or exposed outdoors or somewhere where
others "could"witness your debauchery. throw on a collar and leash and it brings the level of
humilation to a whole new level for now you are identified as a slave, or play toy, or simply
having the same status as an animal.
your accounts of your young "friend's" experiences are so compelling and alive that one
can't help to be drawn into it with her. i do hope that one day Sam will let you met and play
with your "friend". After all you have been there to encourage her to accept what she really
is and to push her into letting go of her misconception of what she is or isn't capable of.

i am very sure that never in her life did she ever expect to welcome into her house 2 black
strangers who would use her body as they wanted without so much as a question or protest
as well as all the other wonderful things she surrendered to. have to admit a bit of jealousy
that i was't as lucky when i was her age .

with my humblest respects,

cindy .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 2 2010, 08:21 PM

Thanks for your kind words again Cindy. You must be a delightful lady to interact with in any
area of life. Your knowledge and perspective of BDSM is very extensive .

Bigdog4fbym (Kieth)

Posted by: chopper73guy May 3 2010, 12:35 AM

Thanks !

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 5 2010, 04:56 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 16

I was really excited about going to another party at Samantha's. I know it seems like I am
turning into a complete slut for fucking K9's, men and women, sucking them all off, and
being whipped and shocked. I never dawned on me that there could be so much pleasure in
sex. Only a few short weeks ago, I felt that sex was dirty, now I had to admit I was doing
somethings that I know many would consider filthy sex. Nothing has happened to me that I
haven't come to love .
I arrived at Sam's at 7 PM sharp, and she immediately gave me a drink of punch. I finished
that quickly and she gave me another right away. She began kissing me and stripped all my
clothes off. Then she put a blindfold on me, then leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles, a
leather dog collar on my neck. Finally she put clamps on my nipples, cunt lips and clit,
connected by a chain. She led me into another room and I could sense there were a lot of
people there. How many? I had no idea, I just knew there were many. Sam then did
something she had never done before at a party. She gave me an enema in front of
everyone. She took me into a bathroom to expel the fluids. Then brought me back. I was tied
to the one piece of furniture she used every time and I was immediately mounted by a K9.
His cock slammed hard into my cunt and he was fucking furiously right away. I didn't have to
wait for the knot, that followed with one of the first few thrusts. Sam had put some of her
lotion in my cunt and asshole and I was mentally and physically hungry for this fucking, and
Sam had my head in the familiar position, between her legs, eating her cunt. But this time
she also made me lick her asshole. The first K9 fuck went on and on for I don't know how
long. When it was over, someone, I assumed Tammy sucked the cum from my cunt and
another dog was quickly fucking me. The party was now going strong and I loved it. It
became a continuous scene of unbridled lust and depravity that lasted all night and into the
morning. I finally went home about 11 AM the next day, and after a short nap, went online
and found Ken there.

He asked if I had a great fucking and loved the party and I told him I did, and loved it all. He
asked me to tell him about it and I gave him the short answer "I was fucked, whipped,
shocked and tied up, and forced to suck cocks and eat cunts". For some reason this didn't
satisfy Ken and he started asking questions about the party. I feel somewhat annoyed with
that because I felt he knows everything that goes on and the questions were only
redundant. Anyway, he wanted to know if I had been tied up in any new ways, and I told him
I had and described them. I was suspended by the wrists part of the time while I was
whipped and shocked. Sam had whipped me harder this time and I had welts on my tits, ass
and around my cunt. He wanted to know if I disliked the pain from the welts and I said I
didn't mind them at all. Ken said I could put ice on them if they were swollen and if there
was an abrasion I might want to use an ointment to soothe them. I told him I didn't mind
them and they didn't hurt too much. I told him I had to get some sleep then and we signed

Later, after I had awakened, I found Ken online again and we started talking about the party
again. I told him that my Mom told me she was going to visit Sam that evening. He assumed
she was having a party again, but didn't press anything. We got back into discussing the
things that happened to me and he was especially inquisitive about the whipping and

He asked if I came from the whipping and I told him I did, even from being whipped on my
tits. It was a painful cum when she struck my clit. I told him I was also suspended by all four
cuffs and when they were fucking me in my ass, cunt and mouth, all at the same time. In
between fucking someone was cleaning the cum out of me with their mouth. Again, I
assumed it was Tammy, but I couldn't be sure .

Ken then wanted to know if there were a lot of women there and I told him I was sure there
were many, but didn't know how many. I told him I had to eat cunts and lick their assholes
and most of them were full of cum. He asked if it was male or dog cum and I said it tasted
like a lot of them had dog cum in their cunt, but I couldn't be sure because I didn't see them
fucked. There were also many gals who fucked me with a strap on in both the cunt and
asshole. Several of the women pissed in my mouth and they all were calling me every nasty
name they could. "Whore, bitch, cunt, slut, fucking cunt, fucking whore, K9 fucking whore,
etc" were but some of them. He asked me how they pissed in their mouth, was it after
sucking them off and I said it was. They would straddle my head and hold my head while
they pissed. I then told him some men also pissed in my mouth and held my head while
doing it. A few of them had their cock way into my mouth. He also asked if I had sucked off
any of the K9's or if any of them had fucked my asshole. They had, and I did suck some of
them off, I said. He asked if I had any time to sleep during the party and all I could say is I
thought I tried a few times but don't think I really did. Then he asked the one question that
put the entire night in focus. He asked if I loved it and I said "Yes, I was begging for more, for
someone to fuck me harder, whip me, shock me, let me suck them off, eat their cunt.
Whatever I could think of, I begged for it over and over." We agreed, I was now a total cunt
slut, submissive slave to Sam, and a K9 cunt. He started asking me questions about my need
for this kind of fucking and treatment. I admitted it seemed like I was a natural for it, and
even I was amazed about how I had changed over a few weeks. He made some comments
about how sexy I was and the things he was saying turned me on again, and even though I
was very sore, I had begged him to talk me through a masturbation session, after which we
said goodnight and signed off.

The next day, when I went online, it took a few minutes for Ken to appear. When he did I
told him I was in a lot of pain and couldn't stand up. When I did, I would want to fall back
down because of the intensity of the pain. He was critical of Sam putting me through such an
long session of BDSM and fucking. I couldn't really comment on that, I was just in too much

We didn't talk long. I told him Mom had been gone all night and now was sleeping. It was
the middle of the afternoon. We ended our conversation and signed off.

The next morning I went online and told Ken I was worse and Mom would be taking me to
the hospital right away. I couldn't walk but would crawl to the car. He wished me well and
we signed off.

I didn't go back online for a couple days and when I did Ken wanted to know about my
health right away. I told him I had the flu and it had really hit me hard. I had been home all
week recovering and hadn't done any masturbating or fucking with Black Jack. I really didn't
feel like sex at all. We talked for about half an hour and then said goodnight.
The weekend came and Sam had another party. Mom was going to be gone and even I
admitted she was probably going to Sams. I stayed home and Saturday night, I had a couple
masturbation sessions, but I didn't go online so Ken wasn't there to encourage me. Sunday,
Mom again was sleeping most of the day, and I talked to Ken for quite awhile. I was horny so
I told him I thought I would go down to Sam's house. He encouraged me to go and get back
to him later. So I went down there and Sam was glad to see that I was OK and was there.
When I got back home, Ken wanted to know how she reacted to my showing up without
being invited. I told him she was happy to see me. He asked if I got any K9 fucking or had to
eat her cunt. I told him no, she fisted me almost the entire time I was there. Both in the cunt
and asshole and sometimes both at the same time, and I had huge orgasms from all of it.
She told me she wanted me to come over anytime I wanted to from now on.

We talked a little more about how I was feeling in general and I told him I was over the flu
entirely and felt really good, and my need for sex was back to normal. I gave no thought to
the implications of that admission.

End Chapter 16, to be continued .

Posted by: iwont May 5 2010, 08:54 AM

Thank for continuing and a ten for you .

Posted by: k9seekersUK May 5 2010, 11:56 PM

Just been catching up with the latest chapters. A great story an loving all aspects of it. Look
forward to reading more soon .

Posted by: librabipride May 6 2010, 01:22 AM

Wow, sooooo hot

Posted by: chopper73guy May 6 2010, 03:09 PM

Great stuff !

Posted by: Asgier May 8 2010, 01:14 PM

Really nice .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 11 2010, 04:38 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 17

The morning following my visit to Samantha's unannounced I was ready to go to school


the phone rang. Mom had just left for work, so I answered it. It was Sam. She told me "You

have a choice today. Go to school or come over here and be my fuck toy." I didn't hesitate at

all. I walked down to Sam's immediately. Once I got there I saw that Tammy was naked,

for her collar and leash. Sam's computer was on and she told me to send Ken a message. So I

telling him what Sam had said to me when she called. I told him I couldn't resist, I needed

Sam was giving me sexually and in BDSM. He sensed something a little unusual in my

and asked me if I was at Sam's then. I admitted I was. He then said "Have a great fuck Hun,

back to me when you can .

Sam then immediately made me suck her cunt and lick her ass. I could tell her cunt had dog

cum in it and it seemed her ass did also. I also was made to suck off Tammy, who also had a

cunt and ass full of dog cum. Then Sam put a leather contraption on me that I can't really put

name on except to say it is a harness of some kind. Not what you put on a horse or other

but seemed to be made just fo rme. It was narrow leather strapping and there were pins
sticking out

of it in the areas around my tits, cunt and ass. Certain movement caused them to go into my

not causing bleeding but a different kind of stimulation. Not necessarily pain, but yet a slight

of discomfort, but also making me want them to press into me. The straps circled the edge
of my
tits leaving them naked in the opening. Where it went through my legs, it passed by each
side of

my cunt, not over it, and around my ass. The harness has some snaps that I can attach dildos

and put in my cunt and asshole. Sam gave me the dildo's to wear, and I wore them home.

I went home a little while before Mom would be there and went online. Ken was there and I

him about the day at Sam's. Again he wanted details, so I filled him in on them. After I had

Sam and Tammy clean, and the harness was put on me, I was whipped on my tits, ass and
cunt .

As usual, this caused me to have several orgasms. I cum almost every time she hits my clit

the Cat O Nine Tails now. Sam had me suspended and my legs open while the whipping was

When I was let down, I was strapped into a piece of furniture again and Sam's Great Danes

fucking me and Tammy. I was fucked by 4 of them as was Tammy. We had to suck each

cunt or ass clean after each fuck. After that, Sam fucked me in my cunt and ass with a huge

on dildo. I couldn't tell how long it was, but I knew it was very long. It was also thicker than

fists. After fucking me with the strap on she fisted my cunt and then asshole, and then finally

then both at the same time. Be the end of the afternoon I was thoroughly fucked and
thought I was

about to be sent home. But Sam put some of the lotion that makes me want to be fucked
into my

cunt and asshole, then put the dildo's she gave me into both holes. I told Ken I took them
out once

I got home and put them in my dresser drawer, but I was still horny and wanted to be
fucked. Mom

came home then and I put on a robe and went downstairs for dinner after awhile .
About an hour after dinner, I went back online and started talking to Ken again. We talked

my conversion to being a pain slut and a total K9 slut, but also a submissive to Sam and

she wanted to do to me. I admitted to him that i loved everything she did to me and wanted
it more

and more lately. The more she did the more I wanted it. It seemed she was deliberately

me horny and wanting to be fucked, either by her and her dogs, by my dildo's or my Mom's
dog, or

by Ken making me masturbate long and hard. We agreed that we were amazed at how much
I had

changed over the past few weeks. My need for pain and fucking was to the point I was what

described as insatiable. I wasn't upset with that description at all, and I didn't dwell on the
way I

used to be. I told Ken I needed to be fucked again now, or had to get off somehow. He asked
if I

wanted him to make me masturbate immediately, knowing I'm sure, that I wasn't going to

He wanted to know how I could do it with the harness. Did I want the dildo's or what. I told
him I

did want the dildo's so then he asked if I could do it sitting on the chair. I told him I could do
it that

way or on the corner of my water bed. He told me to sit on the chair and get ready to be

I did as he ordered and once I started pumping up and down of the chair, I was cumming in a

short time. It was about 10 minutes to 8 PM when I started and after about 15 minutes of

fucking with the dildo's in me, I told Ken someone was at my bedroom door. He asked if they

coming in the room and I said yes, they are in the room. It was Sam, and she put me on my

on the floor in front of my chair and pulled her skirt up, sitting on the chair. As is usual, She

wearing panties and She pulled my head into her crotch and said "Suck my fucking cunt
bitch", and
I immediately planted my mouth on her cunt and started eating her .

Sam then typed a message to Ken saying it was her online now. She told him "the slut is

my cunt now". She and Ken exchanged a few messages and Ken did congratulate her on

me a complete slut. She told him "I have many sluts." She came on my face about then and

Ken she had to go and to enjoy himself. She got up and left and I got back on the chair and

fucking myself on Ken's demands. By the time I was done it had been another fuck that
lasted over

an hour. Then I discussed the night with Ken and told him Sam had gone back downstairs
and had

been talking to Mom again. She was gone now. We discussed whether she wanted
deliberately was

trying to get my Mom to discover me masturbating. There were many reasons to suspect
that it

might be what she was trying to do. Ken finally said "If she wants to do it she will, and she

have to make it seem like an accident." I was tired by then, and we signed off .

End Chapter 17, to be continued

Posted by: ultra-wolfman May 11 2010, 07:46 AM

Great new part. Thanks for that .

I'm curious to know what happens next ...

Another 10 for you .

Posted by: iwont May 11 2010, 07:56 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: Viktoria K69 May 11 2010, 08:37 AM

Fantastic Story

Posted by: Curiousandinteresed May 11 2010, 03:00 PM

Great story and an amazing young woman. Thanks for your effort .

Posted by: chopper73guy May 11 2010, 05:43 PM


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 13 2010, 03:30 AM

Again, I appreciate the interest in the story. And I do have to remind everyone, it is he true
account of what has happened to a very great acquaintance and a wonderful gal .

I hope to make thing move faster now. There have been some issues that have delayed
approval by the principal and I won't post without permission of her. Those issues seem to
be ameliorated for now .

Posted by: WolfGrey May 13 2010, 04:08 AM

It is great keep it safe for her. So we can hear her story .

Posted by: kellywoods18 May 15 2010, 05:03 AM

I have read what some people have commented on this story some points I agree with, and
there are other points I don’t agree with. EngineerJim11 figures that Jeanie mother was at
the parties and watched her daughter, and even was part of it all knowing what her
daughter was doing. Also Tightchik101 agrees with him, and also thinks her mother has
already done stuff with her at the parties. I am not sure if I agree with the two of them on
these points. I want to read more to see what is happening to Jeanie’s mother to see if they
are right or if what I think is what happened at these parties, and my way of thinking could
be that it is because I am new to all this. There was also cindykennelluver who has many
points of view on this story which I agree with her about some of them. One of her points is
what depravity Jeanie is going through she is being trained by two very obviously excellent
trainers which are training her into the world, and life of a doggy/pain slut which she is now
enjoying her new life what a lucky girl. She also talked about being naked that when it is
used to embarrassed, and it is used as humiliation, vulnerability, and total accessibility. It
could be forced or willingly allowed or it could be planned or on a whim or it could be in
privacy of ones home or exposed outdoors or somewhere where others could witness the
debauchery. Throw on a collar and leash and it brings the level of humiliation to a whole
new level for now you are identified as a slave, or play toy, or simply having the same status
as an animal. I agree with what she says kelly

Posted by: tobygirl May 15 2010, 01:57 PM

OMG! I read this thread for the first time today ... and read it thru completely. What an
awesome story! THANK YOU!!

As I used to live in the area described in the story, I can only wish that I'd known these folks!
What a shame to have missed them!

Thank you again ... I can't wait to read the next installments.

Posted by: animaltrainer69 May 16 2010, 07:00 PM

very good story, i know a girl in canada that went through this same thing

Posted by: Idanor May 16 2010, 10:49 PM

An amazing story! thank you for sharing. Gosh I wish I knew people like them ...

Posted by: chopper73guy May 16 2010, 11:42 PM

QUOTE (kellywoods18 @ May 15 2010, 05:03 AM)

I have read what some people have commented on this story some points I agree with, and
there are other points I don’t agree with. EngineerJim11 figures that Jeanie mother was at
the parties and watched her daughter, and even was part of it all knowing what her
daughter was doing. Also Tightchik101 agrees with him, and also thinks her mother has
already done stuff with her at the parties. I am not sure if I agree with the two of them on
these points. I want to read more to see what is happening to Jeanie’s mother to see if they
are right or if what I think is what happened at these parties, and my way of thinking could
be that it is because I am new to all this. There was also cindykennelluver who has many
points of view on this story which I agree with her about some of them. One of her points is
what depravity Jeanie is going through she is being trained by two very obviously excellent
trainers which are training her into the world, and life of a doggy/pain slut which she is now
enjoying her new life what a lucky girl. She also talked about being naked that when it is
used to embarrassed, and it is used as humiliation, vulnerability, and total accessibility. It
could be forced or willingly allowed or it could be planned or on a whim or it could be in
privacy of ones home or exposed outdoors or somewhere where others could witness the
debauchery. Throw on a collar and leash and it brings the level of humiliation to a whole
new level for now you are identified as a slave, or play toy, or simply having the same status
as an animal. I agree with what she says kelly

I'm trying to figure out where a non-existant mother is, along with a strong church influence.
Didn't mom miss her dildos missing in the early goings? What did mom think was going on
when Sam went to her daughter's bed room and spent "time". Sounds a bit strange to me. I
would think that one might be a bit "raw" after hours of violation. I'm a bit surprised that
medical personel didn't detect some abuse when the hospital visit was
needed????????????? God is great, beer is good, people are crazy! Wow !

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 17 2010, 04:04 AM

You might be guilty of over analyzing Chopper. Just like Animaltrainer was making an
unlikely comparison or assumption which can be dangerous. We tend to think we know
what is happening or will happen all the time in this world but it isn't like that. I remind you
of Waco, Jonestown, and there are others where the followers were anything but chaste and
lived in purity .

The one thing about life in fact is that it is what it is. We often try to analyze it to death. Who
knows what lurks in the minds of men or women behind the surface. There is a perpetual
chronicle of Priests, Pastors, Ministers, Clergy of all stripes failing to live up to their
commitments in life .

My advice, is let it happen as it is portrayed because it is true .

Posted by: k9seekersUK May 17 2010, 10:39 AM

Caught up again and still loving reading this story

Posted by: blkdog May 21 2010, 07:09 AM

Wow what a lucky young woman...xoxoxo I can't wait to read what happens next...Take
care till then ......

Posted by: chopper73guy May 21 2010, 02:30 PM

QUOTE (Bigdog4fbyM @ May 17 2010, 04:04 AM)

You might be guilty of over analyzing Chopper. Just like Animaltrainer was making an
unlikely comparison or assumption which can be dangerous. We tend to think we know
what is happening or will happen all the time in this world but it isn't like that. I remind you
of Waco, Jonestown, and there are others where the followers were anything but chaste and
lived in purity .
The one thing about life in fact is that it is what it is. We often try to analyze it to death. Who
knows what lurks in the minds of men or women behind the surface. There is a perpetual
chronicle of Priests, Pastors, Ministers, Clergy of all stripes failing to live up to their
commitments in life .

My advice, is let it happen as it is portrayed because it is true .

Sorry..... No offense! Just reading the story .

Posted by: Dawgmann May 22 2010, 03:24 AM

Thanks for more great chapters Big Dog. This is one amazing story. I look forward to each
new addition .


Posted by: geeWally May 22 2010, 04:13 AM

I don't know how I missed this one!!! Just read it and read it all the way through to the last
installment. WOW, this is a HOT, VERY HOT story. Loved it and all the descriptions. Thanks
for sharing and hope to read more .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 25 2010, 01:47 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 18

The day after Samantha visited us and came into my bedroom, making me suck her cunt
while Ken was talking me through a masturbation fuck, I was very unsettled. I went online
and found Ken immediately. He asked me about the end of the night and how things went
when Sam left. I told him I stayed in my bedroom but was concerned Mom had heard me. I
told him I even stuffed my wet panties in my mouth to keep from making noises that would
alert Mom that I was doing something sexually. Ken could sense my mood being different
than usual and as he usually does, he was able to bring it out of me .

We discussed the conversation he had with Sam while I was being forced to suck her cunt
and had completely different interpretations of that chat. Ken's was that Sam had admitted
to him after his mentioning to her Mom being one of her sluts,that she was and my feeling
was that her answer really referred to another statement in between the question and the
answer. Now I know this seems nit picking to the reader, but it is important to the story here
for a very good reason. Ken had to admit to me that another interpretation was definitely
possible. He said it didn't make any difference to him, and it wasn't really important. I said it
was very important to me and I didn't want Mom to know what was going on. We ended up
agreeing that there was no definitive answer at this time. This seem to mollify me to some
extent, and I was no longer frustrated by the possibility .

I went to Samantha's the next morning and had what can best be described as an all day
fuck session. Yes there were Great Danes fucking my cunt and ass and Tammy was also
fucked. We sucked each other clean after each one. I sucked Sam off right away and several
times thereafter. When I left she put some of the cream in my cunt and asshole again and
told me I had to wear the harness and the dildos in my cunt and asshole all day tomorrow -
even in school. I didn't get a chance to talk with Ken much as I Mom asked me to help her
with some things .

The next day, I wore the harness and had a dildo in both my cunt and asshole. I felt so
humiliated. It was difficult to even walk and I was sure others knew somehow that I was
doing something naughty or even nasty. Several times I had to go to the bathroom to finish a
masturbation. I have never been so uncomfortable for such a long period of time. I might
have gone home except that Sam instructed me to stay all day. After school was out, I
immediately went to Sam's. She let me in and told me to strip right away. Then I had to
crawl to her and suck her cunt and lick her asshole. She fucked me with a strap on and one
of the dogs fucked me, then I went home. I contacted Ken right away and told him of my
humiliating experience that day. We hadn't really discussed the day before in depth, so he
wasn't aware of the inclusive order Sam made on the harness and the dildo's. The day
before, there were several discipline sessions and whippings, and shocks that went along
with the fucking. Sam also fisted me several times and her strap on dildo was huge. She also
made some demands on my behavior, such as calling every Dom or Domme I talked to by
"Master". So I was now calling Ken Master also. He told me that Sam was my Mistress in
personal contact, but because he had introduced me to K9 fucking, masturbation online and
discipline he was in fact my Master online. I agreed and told him I really liked being his
Submissive. We talked a few minutes about how good it would be if we lived in the same
town and were actively involved in a M/s relationship .

Sam was going to be gone for the weekend so I was thinking I would be staying home. I
talked to Ken for awhile on Friday and he suggested that maybe Tammy would love
company, especially if kinky fun was involved and I could get a lot of K9 fucking. We
discussed it and eventually I agreed it might be a good thing. I told him I would go to Sam's
house and talk to Tammy. We signed off and I left soon thereafter. I was back within a
couple hours and since it was still early, found Ken online right away. He asked how it went
and I told him "Not good".. I told him Tammy made me strip and masturbate the entire time
I was there. She didn't offer any dogs, whipping, fisting, strap on fucking, or anything I
expected to have. Needless to say, I was sexually frustrated, but Ken talked my through a
masturbation session that night and a couple during the weekend. Tammy had told me that I
had to come over on Monday in the morning as Sam would be back .
Monday came and I went to Sam's immediately after Mom went to work. She made me strip
immediately again, crawl to her and lick her cunt and ass, then gave me a couple drinks of
her punch. Leather cuffs were put on me, and a collar.There were 2 black men there who I
had seen before. They were the ones who came over with Tammy to Mom's house and
fucked us for a couple hours. Both possessed huge cocks. I was at Sam's from a little after 8
AM until 3 PM. Sam put the cream in my cunt and asshole right away, and for the entire
time I was there I was fucked in the cunt, ass and mouth, unless I was being whipped or
shocked. I took on several dog fuckings in both the cunt and asshole. Everyone fucked my
cunt and ass, Sam and Tammy using huge strap on's. Everyone fisted my cunt, and Sam and
Tammy fisted my asshole. There were clamps on my nipples and cunt lips and clit and I was
shocked several times. I was suspended for awhile while I was whipped and shocked. The
whipping were concentrated on my tits, nipples, cunt and clit. I couldn't believe how I could
keep cumming, over and over again. It seemed like I could never get enough. By the time I
left, I was limp from cumming so much, and also very sore. I found Ken online that night and
told him about it all. He asked if I was blindfolded this time and I told him no. He thought
maybe that was an indication that I wouldn't be blindfolded anymore, but wasn't sure. We
talked for awhile and I was still feeling the need to be fucked from the cream in my cunt. Ken
again got me to admit I loved every second of it. There was no longer any pretense of
wanting it any other way. We signed off and I went to bed.

End Chapter 18, to be continued .

Posted by: Dawgmann May 25 2010, 03:32 AM

Another great chapter! Thanks Big Dog.


Posted by: got2watch May 25 2010, 03:33 AM

I have been waiting for Chapter 18....hooray! Will be looking for more. Thanks for your


Posted by: iwont May 25 2010, 06:41 AM

Thank for continuing

Posted by: sefriendlyguy May 25 2010, 08:23 AM

, sounded like a very intense day !!!

here is a 10 for you !!!!

Posted by: popol May 25 2010, 09:59 AM

i really think this is one of the best if not the best story i have ever read here so please don't
stop your imagination is so fertile thank you sooo much for sharing it with us

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 25 2010, 06:18 PM

I appreciate the wonderful comments. But once again, some think this story is the product of
my imagination. I repeat: This is a TRUE story. I am not adding anything or leaving anything
important out. As much as some of it might seem improbable, it is happening and evolving
now .


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 26 2010, 11:08 PM



The following week thing seemed to settle into a routine, weird as that may seem
considering that sexual play, both with Black Jack and the domination are still relatively new
to me. I came home from school early on Tuesday, and later went online as I was sure Ken
would be there. We discussed the events of the day before again for a short time and then
he asked me if I had been fucking Jack again. I told him I had, 3 times. Twice in my cunt and
once in my asshole. He asked if I also sucked his cock and I said I had, each time. I told him I
had an overwhelming desire for cock now and it was all I could think about all morning. He
said the cream I was putting in my cunt and ass were making me more aware of the physical
desire to be satisfied. I told him Samantha had given me some of the cream to take home
with instructions to put it in my cunt and asshole every day. Ken asked if I was wearing the
harness and the dildos all day again and I told him I was, again on orders from Sam. Mom
called me for dinner about that time so we signed off .

The next day, I followed the same routine. I went home early, just after noon, and spent the
next 3 1/2 hours fucking and sucking Black Jack. I went online again just before the time
Mom was to come home and Ken was there. He asked about the day, and I told him it was
the same as yesterday. Fucked two times in my cunt and once in my asshole, always with a
dildo in the other hole. It was now a compulsion, for me to have Black Jack every chance I
could get. I was getting impatient in the mornings, waiting for lunch break to come so I could
leave and get home to Black Jack. Even after almost 4 hours of K9 fucking and sucking, I was
still horny and wanted more. Ken wasn't feeling well so we didn't stay online long, signing off
early .

The next day was no different. Like I said earlier, it was becoming a routine for me. Put the
cream in my cunt and asshole in the morning, insert the dildos,dress and go to school and
think of nothing but that huge cock and knot Black Jack had waiting for me at home. I had a
very difficult time waiting for the noon break to come so I could rush home and be fucked.
The conversations with Ken were becoming routine too. He often asked the same questions
over and over again, but then I didn't always offer the information without him asking. He
asked if I had heard from Samantha and I told him I had. She had called me and told me I
would have a "baby sitting" job on Saturday. I had asked her about Friday night , but she said
I was not to come over on that night. I also asked if I could come over that afternoon and she
said no to that also. Ken thought she would have something different in store for me. I asked
him what, and he didn't know, saying he would be guessing. I really wanted him to guess but
he wouldn't saying it wouldn't be a surprise for me then. He asked if Mom was home yet and
I told him no, she told me she was going shopping after work. Ken then asked if I was still
horny, and my answer was the obvious "What do you think?" So Ken ordered me to get
Black Jack, which I didn't need to do as he was already in my room. Ken then ordered me to
strip and get Jack ready to fuck me, by sucking his cock for a little while. I did as ordered and
he was soon at full staff. I then got into position as ordered by Ken and Jack mounted me
immediately. It was a long hard fucking and I felt like it was the first one of the day. I came
over and over and by the time Black Jack's cock had receded enough to pull out of my cunt, I
was almost limp, but still feeling like I wanted more .

Friday came and it was like the rest of the week. I followed the same routine. Get up, put the
cream in my cunt and asshole, insert the dildos, dress, go to school and be impatient for the
noon hour break. I would try not to look like I was in a hurry to leave but I did rush home as
quickly as I could, considering my cunt and ass were full. I hurried home and went through
the same routine with Black Jack, sucking his cock before and after fucking, and letting have
all my holes. I didn't talk to Ken until later in the evening. We talked about my use of the
cream or lotion in my cunt and ass every day. Ken didn't think I really needed it by now. I
was becoming a real fucking slut for K9 cock. My lust was overwhelming, but Ken didn't think
it would be much less if I didn't use the cream. Samantha had given me orders however, so I
did as she instructed. Ken complimented me on being a good submissive, both to him and
Sam. Ken then talked me through a masturbation session that was very intense. He was
calling me every name he could think of, the nastier the better and all it did was make it
better for me. After a very long session, we chatted briefly and then signed off .

Saturday came and I was excited about the coming party. I talked to Ken briefly, about
nothing in particular, and he told me to catch him on Sunday. I promised to do that and got
ready for the party. A black couple picked me up at 6 PM and we were off. I know it is only a
couple blocks away, but it seemed longer. My anticipation and lust would soon be realized.
The party was different and intense.
Sunday, I was brought home at 8:30 AM by the couple who picked me up on Saturday night.
I slept for a little while in the early afternoon and then went online and talked to Ken. I told
him the party was different than before. When I got to Sam's I was immediately stripped,
given some punch to drink, then blindfolded and had a collar put on my neck. Then clamps
were put on my nipples, cunt lips and clit connected by a chain. Finally leather cuffs were
put on both wrists and ankles and I was taken out of the house and to another building,
which was fulll of people by the sounds I could hear. I was soon tied up and was fucked in
both my cunt and ass at the same time, wiht aonther cock in my mouth. Then dogs were
fucking me, first in the cunt and then in my asshole. Men and women (with huge strap on
dildos) both were pummeling me constantly. Some of the men would whisper nasty things in
my ear, like "your being black bred bitch."

When my mouth wasn't full of cock it was planted on a cunt, usually full of cum. Ken asked if
I could hear any familiar voices. I told him I could hear someone else who I thought was
Tammy, also being fucked like me, and it seemed there was another room and the same
things seemed to be going on in that room. When I wasn't being fucked or sucking someone
I was hung above the floor and whipped and shocked. I would cum every time the cat o nine
tails hit my clit. The party was non stop, and I didn't even have a chance to rest. Ken figured
that meant there were really a lot of people there. He asked me if there were many cars
outside of Samantha's when I left and I told him, only the couple who had brought me had a
car there. So everyone had gone home. I told him the black couple who took me home told
me they wanted me to visit them for an overnight evening. The baby sitting had been a ruse
of course, but now they wanted it for real. Again, Ken asked if I loved what happened and I
admitted to it immediately. I loved it completely. He said I was now a true committed K9 slut
and submissive. He called me "a fucking K9 cunt slut" and I told him I liked the sound of that.
We signed off then.

End Chapter 19, to be continued .

Posted by: iwont May 27 2010, 12:22 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: Dawgmann May 27 2010, 02:22 AM

Thanks again,


Posted by: blkdog May 28 2010, 03:38 AM

It's amazing to see the transformation from the begining of this up to this point.....don't
stop keep it coming I look for the continuance of this .....

Posted by: TiedandBred May 28 2010, 06:15 PM

8+Overall a very nice story, but a bit repetitive at times. Still a hot read though .

Posted by: chopper73guy May 28 2010, 06:35 PM

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 29 2010, 12:13 AM

Yes, I agree that it is somewhat repetitive, but that is the nature of her progression through
the debauchery. Some things are going to be repetitive as the level of play is increased .

Posted by: booboo69er May 29 2010, 03:51 PM

This is without a doubt, one of the most erotic writes that I have ever read - and I have been
reading stuff like this for many years! As an experienced Dom who has Played both in reallife
and on line, I can appreciate how ken must feel. Younger women are the most challenging to
train and turn because they are uncertain about their sexuality and often afraid of crossing
society's boundries but there are some young women like jeannie who give in to their urges
and cross over into the life of a submissive and perversion and who find it to be a very
natural process. I have found in reallife and on line that more mature women are much
more likely to let go and be trained so this is a noce change. I hope that this story continues
and I have an idea where this is headed. Excellent writing and story line.. keep up the good
work .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM May 31 2010, 02:56 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 20

I was becoming aware that I was no longer interested in much of anything except my play
with Samantha and Black Jack in person and Ken while online. I was more than just lusting
for the K9 fucking and whipping on my cunt, ass and tits. I was also consumed with sucking
Sam's cunt and licking her ass. It wasn't like it was in my mind at certain times of the day, it
was overwhelming my consciousness all day. I was putting the cream in both my cunt and
ass like Sam ordered me to do. I also wore the harness and dildo's all day when out of the
house. I was starting to love the feeling of the very short pins or needles in the harness
surrounding my tits and cunt. They did pierce the skin slightly when squeezed or pinched
and a little blood would come out, not enough to be a problem, but the effect was
stimulating sexually, while only mildly painful. I wasn't sure I was addicted to pain but I
surely loved the pain from the whipping Sam gave my tits and cunt. Cumming was not an
option when my clit was whipped, it was a given .

Even though the party on Saturday had lasted into Sunday Morning, and I rested some on
Sunday, I was more than ready when Sam called me immediately after Mom left for work on
Monday. She ordered me to come to her house right away. The routine didn't change much
from other visits, which meant I stripped immediately, crawled to Sam and sucked her cunt
and licked her asshole.. Her cunt was loaded with fresh K9 cum and I sucked it all out. Then
clamps were put on my nipples, lips and clit and cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I was tied up
and fucked by K9's, Sam, and Tammy, both with Strap on dildos and fists. They took turns in
my cunt and asshole. Tammy was fucked by K9's too and we had to clean each others cunt
or assholes when the fucking was over. In between the fucking I was whipped, mostly on the
tits and cunt, but also the ass. I was there for almost 7 hours and there were few if any
breaks. I was worn out when I left because the action was non stop as much as possible. I
didn't go online that night at all.

The following day, I rushed home from school at noon and had a 3 hour fuck fest with Black
Jack directed by Ken. After being fucked we chatted for awhile about the kind of people at
the parties. He knew I was concerned about the one man telling me I was going to be black
bred. I told him I didn't want a baby and he asked if I was still on birth control. I replied that I
was and he cautioned me to never forget to take the pill. I admitted that it was hard to
remember some times but I thought I had been very consistent in taking them. He
mentioned that maybe the "morning after" pill might be a better option. I wasn't sure about
that, but I promised him to keep being vigilant about taking my pills .

Thursday I was again eager to leave school and left at the noon break. I raced over to Sam's
immediately The routine was the same except that now she was making me beg for
everything. Fucking or sucking and even whipping. I didn't go online that night so I didn't
have an opportunity to talk to Ken about anything. There was really nothing different that
happened. I was there about 3 hours again and the routine was the same as the last time. I
didn't talk to Ken when I got home, partly because I had things to do for Mom and I didn't go
online at all .

I didn't talk to Ken on Friday either, but went to Samantha's immediately from the noon
break at school. Sam put me through a lot of whipping and shocks. Of course I had to do the
obligatory cunt sucking and ass licking first, then be cuffed and clamped. Sam had a party
scheduled for that night, but she had me whipped and fucked several times in the afternoon
before the party started. I went online on Saturday late in the afternoon and I told Ken
about Thursday and the party on Friday. Ken asked if it was in the other building again and I
told him it was. He asked if my Mom was home and I told him she had left a note for me
saying she would was going out and would be back late. Ken figured Sam had another night
party going on and she was there. I didn't discuss it with him, but didn't think he was right I
did tell him I was sure Mom couldn't have been at the party Friday night because Sam made
me call her to ask what time she wanted me to come home from my girl friends and the
overnight I was supposed to be at. I told Ken it was very hard to talk to Mom with someone
fucking me and me being close to cumming. Ken figured that call could have been a signal to
Mom that I could come over to the party. I didn't agree and we dropped it. I told him the
party had lots of men and women, and the activity was about the same as the last time. One
big difference is that now I have to beg specifically for what I want all the time. If I want to
suck a cock or cunt that is what I have to ask for. If I want a K9 fuck, or a couple of mens
cocks fucking me, or women with big strap on dildos then I had to beg for it. I also had to
beg for where I wanted to be fucked, cunt or asshole. I knew i was sometimes screaming for
whoever was fucking me to do it harder or deeper. Another thing that was different was that
people were asking if I wanted a drink. If I said yes, they would piss in my mouth. It was
mostly gals who asked me, and they would straddle me and hold my head while they pissed
in my mouth. Also once a man had fucked my ass and came in it, I had to beg to suck if for
him. As far as the whipping was concerned, I was required to beg for more or it would stop. I
don't know if it was the cream in my cunt making me beg or my mentally needing the
kinkiest fucking I could get, as well as the pain from the whipping. All I knew is I wanted it,
needed it, and loved it, and I admitted to Ken that I loved what Sam could give me .

Even thought the party had lasted until well into the morning, it was now evening and Ken
sensed I wasn't fully satisfied. He talked me through a long fucking session with Black Jack.
This time I had the dildo in my cunt and Jack in my ass. I was tied and I didn't know how long
the fuck lasted but Ken told me it was a 40 minute fuck. Finally, I was satiated and after a
few exchanges with Ken we signed off and I went to bed.

End Chapter 20, to be continued .

Posted by: geeWally May 31 2010, 04:31 AM

BigDog, Love the great continuing story. This is really an intense description of some major
sexual activities! Thanks for sharing and hope to read more .

Posted by: iwont May 31 2010, 06:49 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: chopper73guy May 31 2010, 07:46 PM

Thanks for continuing !

Posted by: blkdog Jun 2 2010, 06:31 AM

Thanks for continuing! Can't wait for more .....

Posted by: erythro Jun 3 2010, 02:34 AM

wow !!

Posted by: Dogsbitch89 Jun 3 2010, 06:27 AM

my god please don't stop with this. It truly makes me want something like this to happen to
me. I'm not luck enough to have a dog or people around me that are even close to liking
what I like. Not even lucky enough to have a good dom. I'm really envious of her right now
so wanting to be her. Though I will admit I think even i would have a few problems mentally
with a few things like the peeing and pain but just like her I'm sure I would fall into place if I
liked it. Keep the post coming I really want to see if the mom is having fun as well .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 5 2010, 03:34 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 21

I talked to Ken some more about the weekend on Sunday afternoon. I told him Mom was
gone Saturday night, and Ken asked when she came home. I told him I didn't know because I
was already sleeping then. She woke me up in the morning for Church, so could have been
gone all night as far as I could tell. I told him I didn't know why I even went there because of
what I was doing now. We discussed religion and both his and my practice of it, but didn't
really get into it very extensively. I told him I was uncomfortable being there because I was
wearing the harness with the dildos in both by cunt and ass. It made me very horny and I
really could only think about being fucked again. Ken asked how I dressed with the harness
on so it wouldn't show. I told him with a long skirt and a sweater. He asked how Mom
dressed and I told him a long skirt. In response to whether I was built about the same as her
I told him yes I was, but she had bigger tits. Ken thought that might be something that
wasn't done growing on me .
We talked about the fact that Mom was gone, most likely, all night again and Ken thought
she was obviously at Samantha's at the party. He still thought she knew I was there the night
before and might even have been there herself. He also had the theory that the weekends I
am there both nights the party is going on, Mom might be menstruating, so would be
unavailable. He has so many reasons to think Mom knows about my activity with Samantha,
and I don't agree with him. We got into it again and he gave me the reasons he thought she
was involved. Of course Ken is a Dom and a Master, and has experience in how Dom's or
Domme's might operate, so he can be convincing. But my thought was, OK, if she is involved
in the parties, maybe she was forced into them so to speak, in the same manner as I was. So
she would be blindfolded and not know who was there, and obviously would have no idea of
who the others were. Ken would concede some points I made but insisted it was highly
unlikely that Mom didn't know about my activity, and was, in fact, at some of the parties
with me. His final point is always, he has experience with things like this and has seen it
before and never been wrong. My final point was I probably could believe she was a slut for
Samantha, but didn't want to believe she knew about what I was doing at Sam's. Mom was
sleeping in the afternoon so I told Ken I had things to do and we signed off.

Later that same day, I went online again and found Ken there also. Ken told me he thought if
I searched Mom's room I would find pics of her with dogs, or even a DVD. His reasoning is
Sam needed some leverage with her. I wasn't sure what that was all about so I dropped it.

He asked if I was stll horny like I was in church. I told him I was, but had some relief earlier.
He asked how I did that and I told him I took Black Jack for a walk and got fucked. I explained
that there was a big park close by, and there were lots of bushes and places off the trails
where people couldn't see what was happening from the park or the trails. I wore a skirt and
the dildo in my cunt, When I found a good place, I bent over spread my legs and had Black
Jack fuck my ass. Ken said, "Jeanie, all your K9 fucking last over 30 minutes, weren't you
afraid of being caught." I told him I was really hidden by the bushes and well off the trails,
but I really didn't care anyway, because I needed to be fucked. He was amazed and said "OK,
I can understand that, but if it were a young girl or boy, you might have a difficult time
explaining it and keeping it confidential." I told him Jack also licked my cunt for awhile and I
also sucked his cock. So Ken figured I was there over 40 minutes, fucking in the park. A little
later, Mom was sleeping again and I asked Ken to talk me through another masturbation
session. We signed off after that .

I didn't talk to Ken much for a couple days, we just missed each other when we could talk,
and then I went out of town with Mom to visit a long time friend and we stayed over night
with her, as it was several hours away. Ken asked if I thought it was a sexual friend and I told
him no, it was just a long time friend. Ken asked if I had any opportunity to fuck Black Jack
since we returned and I told him no. He correctly figured it was not a good time of the
month for me. We really didn't get into much conversation about anything until the end of
the week.

Friday I came home early from school and went online. Ken was there (he usually always is
on Friday until about 6 PM). We chatted briefly about normal life things and then he asked if
I didn't need a lot of hard fucking by now. I told him I would be getting a lot of that starting
tonight. The couple was coming over to pick me up at 6 PM, supposedly to baby sit, but it
was really for another 2 night fucking party. We talked again about whether I thought Mom
knew what I was doing, and why I would be gone for 2 nights, but didn't resolve anything. At
6 PM the couple showed up in their van to take me to the party.

Sunday, I came home and slept a while in the early afternoon. I went online and Ken was
there. I told him that the black couple fucked me in their van before taking me to the party.
First I had to suck her cunt, then she fucked my cunt with a strap on while he fucked my ass.
I had to finish him off with my mouth. They had a mattress in the back of the Van. They were
very rough in their fucking me and they told me it wouldn't be the last time. Ken asked how
old they were and how they were built. I told him in their late 20's probably, and built well.
The man had a very big cock and the gal was tall, good looking, well built with very big tits
When they were done we went to Samantha's.

When I went online Sunday afternoon, I told Ken I was prepped in the same manner now, I
had to strip, crawl to Sam, then she put the collar on me, clamps on my nipples and cunt lips
and clit, and cuffs on my ankles and wrists. I had to suck her cunt and lick her asshole. Then
she put the cream in my cunt and ass and fist fucked me in both holes at the same time.
After that I was taken to the party on my knees. I was put in bondage in a different manner
this time, but since I couldn't see I had no idea of how. For all of Friday night, most of the
day Saturday, and all of Saturday night, I was fucking and sucking. I now had to beg for
everything I wanted, like the previous party. Whether I wanted to suck cocks or cunts, or lick
an ass, or be fucked in the ass, cunt or mouth, and even be fucked by a dog, I had to be
specific. When I got it I had to bark before using my mouth. Ken asked about rest periods
and I told him I know I slept some of the time, but it usually started when I had a cock in me,
and when I woke up it was gone. One time I knew I had cocks in all 3 holes when I dozed off
from exhaustion. It also seemed like the gals were almost on the floor when I was sucking
their cunts, but Ken figured they had to be on a bench or I would have been too low for the
dogs to be able to fuck me being that they were all Great Danes. He asked if the cunts were
always filled with cum, and if I could tell if it was dog cum. I told him they were but I wasn't
sure what kind it was. I told him I was also whipped and shocked like always, but I had to beg
for that also. I cum with every strike of the whip on my clit, at least to me it is a cum. The
shocking does the same to me. I was also asked if I wanted a drink, and if I said yes, I was
made to drink piss. When the party was done on Sunday morning, the black couple took me
home .

Later, after trying to nap, I got Ken online again and made him put me through a
masturbation session. He was especially nasty this time. Maybe he figured if I was fucked all
weekend and still had to masturbate, I was insatiable now and wanted to be treated like the
dirtiest slut he could imaginable. I told him Sam had put a lot of cream in both my cunt and
asshole before I left the party that morning, and he said that explains it. Mom was sleeping
when the session was going on, but later in the masturbation session I could hear Black Jack
moving around and soon Mom too. I finished cumming and laid down in bed, pretending to
be asleep. Mom came in my room and said something but I just moaned like I was dreaming
so she left. After she left I talked to Ken for awhile again and I finally told him I was thinking
of going down to Sam's to get fucked by her and the dogs and suck her cunt. I just felt so
horny yet it was compulsive and I couldn't think of anything else. Ken told me if I was that
horny yet after all the fucking over the weekend and what he had just put me through, that I
should do it. Go to Sam's and get fucked. I didn't need much coaxing and left immediately.

I was back home at 10:30 and went online and talked to Ken. He asked if Sam was mad
because she might have been tired from all the partying. I told him that no, she expected me
and had put additional cream in me to make me more horny. He asked what happened and I
told him she called 4 black men to come over. She gave them control, after I had sucked her
cunt. The used me over and over, 3 at a time, sometimes joined by Samantha or Tammy
with strap on dildos. Ken asked if the dildos were big, and I told him huge. The men seemed
as determined to hurt me as much as to fuck me. They whipped me very hard. Harder than I
had ever been whipped. And the fucking was more brutal without concern for whether it
was uncomfortable for me. When they were all done I had bruises and welt all over my cunt,
ass and tits. Sam put some kind of ointment on the bruises and welts, but it was painful yet.
Ken asked the defining question as always, "did I like it?" and I had to admit I did. We signed
off and I went to bed, finally feeling satiated .

End Chapter 21, to be continued

Posted by: Dogsbitch89 Jun 5 2010, 06:38 AM

God Am I really loving this story never really got into one this good but its amazing keep
them coming .

Posted by: iwont Jun 5 2010, 06:55 AM

Thank for an new instalment .

Posted by: chopper73guy Jun 5 2010, 03:38 PM

Posted by: cindykennelluver Jun 6 2010, 01:29 AM

Mmmm a girl after my own heart. i have no doubt as to how much she is loving this. wish i
could be with her soooooo much .
hug cindy

Posted by: geeWally Jun 6 2010, 04:19 AM

BigDog, Loved the latest installement!!!

This is a great ongoing story.

Another THANKS and another ten!!


Posted by: Syl20 Jun 6 2010, 07:06 AM

I'm just starting to read this story, and loved it immediatly. WOW !

Too bad I can't read it all by now... but I'll be there as soon as possible, for sure.

Thanks a lot, and please, let us know what happens next

Posted by: Dawgmann Jun 7 2010, 07:16 AM

Another great installment. Thank you,


Posted by: momtaxi43 Jun 11 2010, 05:33 AM

is there really cream like that? this is all very wild



Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 12 2010, 09:43 PM



Jeanie's Story
When I talked to Ken about my late visit to Samantha's I told him I would be gone for a few
days. He asked if everything was OK and I replied that Mom needed to go to Houston for a
few days on a private matter and she was taking me along, rather than leave me at home
alone. I'm certainly capable of living alone, especially for such a short time, but I did feel
good that she wanted me with her. Ken wished us a safe trip and said he would look forward
to talking to me when we returned.

When we returned from Houston at the end of the week, I talked to Ken a few times, but I
wasn't very open, or in the same kind of mood that I normally would be. Finally, after a few
days, I opened up to Ken and mentioned that Mom was experiencing some health issues. I
explained it had to do with her heart, blood pressure, and some things I didn't really
understand well. He has had experience in the medical field as a Pharmaceutical
Representative, and had also been in the hospital supply business. He helped me understand
a lot of what was going on. Even though I had been with Mom, she is shy and quiet by
nature, like I am, so I knew she wasn't going to talk much about it, Ken assured me that at
some point she would open up with me. I guess I believed him, anyway, I was able to deal
with it better .

I wasn't in the mood for the kind of party Samantha has so I called her and told her I needed
some time without them. She said it was OK, but I knew she wasn't happy with me. But she
didn't make it an issue, and Ken told me that it would be better if I told her the reason for
not feeling up to a party. I told him that I understood that but felt maybe Mom should tell
her what was going on in her life because they were such good friends. He agreed but said
Mom shouldn't put it off. Friends are important when one is going through difficult times.

Ken and I talked off and on, usually briefly, and it wasn't the usual: make me masturbate or
be fucked by Black Jack. By the end of the week after our Houston visit, he asked how I was
handling being horny all the time, and asked if I was wearing the harness every day. I told
him I was wearing it and it felt normal to do it everyday. I didn't even consider not wearing
it. As for being horny, I told him I was taking care of that. He asked how and I told him I
would take Black Jack for a walk everyday, towards Sam's home, and take him in the woods
to an obscure area and have him fuck me. Ken asked if I wasn't afraid of being caught. I told
him no, it was too wooded and private. He asked how much property Sam owned and I told
him several acres, although I wasn't sure exactly, but it was a lot. Enough for me to find a
private area. He asked how long I woulld be gone and I told him I wasn't sure, but it was long
enough to suck Black Jack off and have him fuck me in both my cunt and asshole. I had such
an immense need for his fucking me it was like I couldn't control it anymore. I really didn't
even care if someone caught me, but I was sure no one would. Ken understand my needs
and emotional connection to K9 sex now so it helps me to discuss it with him .

The next day I felt an uncontrollable need to see Samantha. I called in the morning, and
instead of going to school, went to her house immediately after Mom left for work. She was
happy to see me, although I know her form of happy is different than most. She put me
through the normal preparation, and then I was stripped, whipped, fisted, fucked and
abused by her and Tammy and the dogs all day long .

There were no rest times and when I didn't have a dog's cock in my cunt or ass, then it was a
fist, or Samantha or Tammy using a strap on to fuck me. Most times a fist was in both my
cunt and asshole. Ken asked if Sam was increasing the size of the dildo in the strap on. I told
him it was huge now, but everything felt huge. I guess it was about as long as my forearm
and thicker. I was insatiable and was cumming from everything they did. Sometimes it felt
like the orgasms were non stop. Another thing both Sam and Tammy insisted on is using my
mouth to piss in every time they had to go. I would lay on the floor and they would sit on my
mouth filling it with their piss. I had to swallow all of it. Ken said I evidently needed all the
debauchery they gave me because I didn't seem to say it was unpleasant or distasteful. I
agreed I needed a day like that. Samantha also asked me if I wanted to have my cunt and
nipples pierced and have jewelry put in them. I wasn't sure. Ken told me his preference for
girls who love being whipped is that it is not a good idea. He knows gals who had their
nipples ripped from a whip catching in it. He also said jewelry can deaden the sensation one
gets from fucking in some cases while others feel it increases the sensation and intensity of
the fucking. I'm undecided on that for now .

A few days later I came home from school at noon to take advantage of letting Black Jack
fuck me for a several hours. I took him in the cunt, asshole and mouth again and played with
him for over 3 hours. I talked to Ken later and told him about it. I finally told him I now know
I am a total fucking cunt slut. I not only enjoy everything Sam, Tammy and the guest do to
me, I now crave it. It's a mental obsession as well.

I know I have to have it, over and over. I look forward to the parties, no matter how
depraved they become. I told him there was a party coming up on Friday and Saturday that
Sam said I had to attend on Friday. I told her I would be there but later was feeling so
depressed, probably about not knowing everything about Mom's illness that I called Sam
and told her I wouldn't be there. She wasn't happy with me, but said it would be OK .

Saturday I talked to Ken in the morning and he became aware that I was just super horny. I
told him I was missing the party and wish I had gone, but also wanted to be with my Mom,
so I was conflicted. I said if I was sure Sam wouldn't be mad I'd go down to her house for
awhile and see if I could get some hot hard fucking. Ken said "She told you that you can
come anytime you want now so go ahead. If you leave now you can be back to help mom
make dinner." It was all the encouragement I needed and I said goodbye to Ken and left
immediately. I told Mom I was going to visit a girl friend. Sam said she was glad I came and
she needed me immediately. I was striped, that cream was put in my cunt and asshole, then
I had to suck off Sam and lick her asshole. She put the blindfold on me and the cuffs and led
me to the other building. It was a very intense 5 hours of being whipped, shocked, fisted,
fucked sucked and used in every way I could imagine. My holes were rarely left empty and
the fucking was aggressive. When it was over Sam led me back to her house, then put a lot
of her cream in my cunt and asshole again and sent me home. After Dinner I had to have Ken
put me through a masturbation again and he didn't hold back. He called me every nasty
name he could think of and gave me explicit orders on how to fuck my own cunt and
asshole. It was wonderful. I admitted to Ken I was insatiable. We signed off and I went to

End Chapter 22, to be continued .

Posted by: iwont Jun 12 2010, 10:37 PM

Thank for an new instalment, a ten for you .

Posted by: Dawgmann Jun 13 2010, 03:14 AM

Thanks for another great chapter.


Posted by: geeWally Jun 13 2010, 03:45 AM

Yet again, another great installment! Love the ongoing story. Hope to find out about mom
soon. I'm thinking she's in on all the hot action too!

Keep up the Hot story!


Posted by: cindykennelluver Jun 13 2010, 02:20 PM

you have me drooling from mouth and pussy . i am now addicted to your writtings . if i
could vote i would give you a 1 even if you just said "hi "

jeanie was right in that her mom should tell Sam about the health issues. however, to just
not explain to Sam why she can't come over is not right either.

please, please, please continue letting us know about how jeanie is doing and the training
she is receiving. she is very very lucky having so many wanting to "help" her discover what
she really is and what she is capable of.


Posted by: chopper73guy Jun 13 2010, 05:24 PM

Posted by: erythro Jun 14 2010, 02:39 AM

Bump 10

Posted by: Redfox56 Jun 14 2010, 05:34 AM

Wow, I've just read this in one sitting and it is addictive. I'm sorry I can't vote yet. It's worth a


Posted by: mavrik9475 Jun 14 2010, 07:43 AM

love this so far cant wait to read more

Posted by: essceelle Jun 14 2010, 01:46 PM

I'm so drawn in by this story. I love it! Great work .

Posted by: tdoglovr Jun 14 2010, 01:55 PM

Thanks so much for sharing this story

Posted by: kellywoods18 Jun 15 2010, 01:18 AM

I remember when this story first started Jeanie was shy by nature, and belong to a religion
that discourages interaction with males until one was married. As I keep reading the story of
Jeanie it sounds like her religion is no more, or maybe her religion has changed to one that is
into being a bitch for the dogs, and a slut for all those men, and women at the parties. I
never realized that a girl could end up enjoying the pain, and degradation, and humiliation
that Jeanie has become to love, and need.
I agree with Cindy about how you can become addicted to your writing, and I can see why
she is drooling, and others want you to continues writing more of the story as it unfolds I
even want to see what is going to happen next .


Posted by: bobblack01 Jun 16 2010, 07:26 PM

This is a great story lovng every min of it can not wait for more

Posted by: geniee Jun 16 2010, 09:02 PM

What a wonderful story, it has been a joy to read. The descriptions are so vivid and the
conflict in her mind is all so real. Please please keep posting. Thanks to both of you .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 19 2010, 09:12 PM

Sorry for not getting the next chapter out sooner. I've been experiencing some PC problems
and have not had the time to finish the Chapter. I expect it will be finished and posted by
Monday at the latest. Thanks for your patience .


Posted by: momtaxi43 Jun 19 2010, 09:42 PM

wild story


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 21 2010, 03:43 AM

Group: Members

Posts: 236

Joined: 3-May 04


Jeanie's Story, Chapter 24

I had a good night of sleep after being so totally fucked and abused at Samantha's in the
afternoon on Saturday. Ken also eased my mind some as he seems to be able to do when I'm
worried. Sunday was a normal Sunday for us until mid afternoon. My Mistress came over
and came upstairs to see me. I was wearing only my robe (and of course, the harness) and
she had a jar of that cream with her. She put a lot in my cunt and asshole and told me to talk
to Ken. I went online and he was there.

I told him what Samantha had said. He asked me if I was horny. Sam had put so much cream
in me that it almost felt like my cunt was burning with desire. He asked me if I needed to
fuck badly and I told him "Yes, I needed it bad and now, but I'm afraid Mom and Sam will
hear me." We went back and forth on this for a few minutes. I told him I had a bad feeling
about this. He could sense my anxiety level was very high. Finally, he made the choice
simple. He said "Jeanie, do you need to be fucked now?" I said I did, but I was still worried
about being too loud. He told me if I was concerned about that to put a pair of panties in my
mouth. So he made me get ready to fuck. He asked if I had my dildos handy and was ready,
and whether I wanted to use the chair of the corner of the bed to make it a better fuck. I
told him the corner of the bed because it drove the dildos in deeper. So Ken ordered me to
put the dildos in my ass and cunt and start fucking.

Ken asked if the dildo was in my ass yet and I was already responding. We have a code to use
when it is difficult for me to talk. I let him know it was in. He then ordered me to get the one
in my cunt and start fucking the corner of the bed. I did and had an orgasm in short order.
Ken was encouraging me, well actually more like ordering me to fuck harder and to cum
again. He was calling me all the dirty names he could and being really nasty with me. I was in
the middle of another orgasm when the bedroom door opened. I signaled Ken someone was
in the room and he asked if it was my Mistress. I said yes, and he said she probably wants
you to eat her cunt while you fuck. Sam put clamps on my nipples and cunt and left. But she
left the door open while she went downstairs. I was about to cum again when I heard her
coming back upstairs. An orgasm hit me when she came through my bedroom door again. I
looked, and while moaning with pleasure saw Sam leading Mom on a leash attached to a
collar on Mom's neck. She led her to me and had Mom embrace me and kiss me. Her mouth
was full of cum which she let run into my mouth, then I gave it back to her as we were
ordered by Samantha. After several exchanges we were ordered to swallow.
Sam took the laptop and sent Ken a message, which I later learned said, "She is going to be
busy for awhile, she will come back to you." Ken asked if it was Mistress Sam online now and
she said it was. He told me that he had told her he had been expecting this to happen for
some time now. Sam told him she needed to finish our training with each other and she
knew I would approve. Ken told her "Absolutely, get it done ."

Sam took us to Mom's room and made us eat each others cunt in the 69 position while
fucking each other in the asshole with dildos at the same time. Mom was crying and saying
"I'm sorry Jeanie. I love you" and I was responding the same way. But we both had orgasms
from eating each others cunt. When I told Ken about it later he asked I loved the orgasms
from Mom eating me, and I had to admit I did. Sam was whipping us both on the ass and tits,
and when she could, our cunts .

After several minutes she went back and talked to ken online again. She told him that Mom
had been her slut since she met her. She also told him she was at the parties and was a bitch
like Jeanie. Ken asked if she had fucked Jeanie with a strap on and she said no, she was a
fuck slut like Jeanie. He asked if she they had sucked each other off before, and Sam said
"Yes, but they were both blindfolded and didn't know they were. This was the first time they
knew who's cunt they were eating." Ken also asked whether the cream was the one
available at a well known BDSM web site. Sam said she had it made special for her in
different strengths, and in answer to whether it included known irritants, She told him that it
was special because she didn't want the reaction to be the slut would fuck anything. She also
told Ken now they can share Black Jack. Sam left and went back to Mom's bedroom.

A little later Jeanie went back online and talked to Ken. She told him about the mouth full of
cum kiss, being ordered to eat each other while fucking the asshole with dildos. Ken seemed
to want to make me feel good about what was happening. He asked if Sam was still there
and I told him she was in Mom's room with Mom and Black Jack. Ken asked if Jack was
fucking Mom and told him he was. I was to wait in my room until she called me again. We
talked about my misgivings about what had just happened, and how to deal with it. He tried
to make me see that it was going to be better for both of us to have it all in the open. He
said there is no reason to hide anything anymore and we would be even closer from now on.
I found it hard to accept and told him that. He knew I didn't want to find out Mom was living
the same role in kinky sexual BDSM like me, and at the parties. I finally said "You were right
all along. Mom is a slut and bitch for Sam just like me". It had been about 30 minutes since I
came back into my bedroom, and now Mistress called for me so I had to sign off and go back
to Mom's room.

Mom had been fucked by Black Jack and it was now my duty to eat her cunt clean and lick
her ass. I did as ordered by Samantha. After that she had me licked by Black Jack and then
put into position to be fucked. He fucked me really hard, and of course I loved it. Mom
stayed and watched me get fucked. After he was done she was ordered to eat the cum from
me and lick me clean. After a few commands about what our position was to her, Samantha
left. It was a little after midnight. I had been dreading finding out this was the truth and
discovering we were both sluts. I loved who I was, but finding out Mom was also was
difficult to accept.

End Chapter 24, to be continued.

Posted by: geeWally Jun 21 2010, 04:21 AM

Great addition to the saga !

This is one excellent series. I love it and your writing .

Hope you keep it going !!

Posted by: momtaxi43 Jun 21 2010, 05:22 AM

this just keeps getting wilder


Posted by: Dawgmann Jun 23 2010, 12:13 AM

Thanks Tank,

This is a great story & keeps getting better. Thanks again for sharing.


Posted by: cindykennelluver Jun 25 2010, 08:06 AM

now that both know...OMG the things Sam can do with them. absolutely love this new

Black Jack is going to be one very very happy dog. hope Sam tells them that they both have
to submit to him whenever he wants. time...yummmy


Posted by: chopper73guy Jun 26 2010, 08:09 PM

This should be interesting !

Posted by: Strawberry7975 Jun 27 2010, 09:22 PM

Wow that is just hot !

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Jun 28 2010, 12:11 AM

I am still loving the saga ..

Who knew when this began how far it would go? Since this is an account of events as they
happen there is no plot.. Just an unfolding of events as they happen .

I should think this will bring mother and daughter even closer as they recognize in each
other - themselves.

I continue to look forward to more. Many thanks to both of you for willing to share this in
our community .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 29 2010, 03:24 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 24

After the expose Samantha put Mom and I through, both of us were uncomfortable.
Samantha left and we put on robes and sat in the living room trying to have a conversation.
There were some tears, some hugging, but mostly embarrassment. I wasn't ready for this
and had no idea of how to deal with it, and I don't think Mom did either .

The next day, I went to school. When I got home there was an offline message from Ken. I
figured he would have some questions and some insight and maybe that could help me. He
asked how the night ended and I told him about being called back to Mom's bedroom about
when Black Jack was done fucking her. Sam made me lick her clean and eat her cunt. Then
she put me in position for Black Jack to fuck me. Ken asked if Mom stayed and watched and I
told him she did. After he was done, Sam made her lick me clean and eat my cunt. After
telling us that from now on we should share Black Jack together and enjoy fucking him, Sam
left. It was after midnight by then.

Ken asked what Mom and I did and I told him about putting robes on and sitting in the living
room, not really knowing what to do or say. We were embarrassed, I think somewhat
ashamed, and didn't know how to handle this at all. We made some attempts to talk, but it
was awkward. We cried some, hugged a little, told each other "I love you", and tried to come
to grips with it. Ken told me that he felt my Mom was probably having a more difficult time
than I was. I asked why he felt that way. Ken said you need to remember she has always
been the parent and your Mom. I know she has been a great Mom for you and now she has
been exposed as something she never intended to be. She has to deal with her image as a
Mom as well as her sexuality and love of BDSM being exposed. Ken told me I could help her
cope with it and it might be easier for me to do than her. I asked him to explain that and he
said "Show her you really love her, now more than ever. Tell her you understand her need
for K9 sex and this form of sexuality Sam has introduced to you both". He encouraged me to
hug her frequently, tell her that I loved her. He said she needs to know you don't think bad
of her and accept her. Let her know often but also when you kiss her now, don't do it like a
daughter, but more like someone you want physically as well. I had a hard time with all this
and told Ken so.

Then we discussed again whether Mom knew what I had been doing going to the parties or
not. Ken still felt it was almost unreasonable to think she didn't know. I still felt she didn't.
Ken said Samantha told him that they had been at the same parties. They had also licked
each other and ate each others cunts at the parties, but didn't know who we were sucking.
He also thought it was just too coincidental that we arrived at the same parties at different
times without one of us knowing when not to come. My position was if we were both
blindfolded how could she possibly know about me. Ken's reasoning made so much sense
that is was hard not to agree with him. But I still held out for her not knowing, maybe
because I just couldn't accept it. I then told Ken I had agreed to watch TV with her so we
signed off .

I talked to Ken again the next day. Mom had to go in for a check up on her treatments and it
was a long day. I went with her. She is depressed and tired of it all afterward so I try my best
to take care of her and make her as comfortable as possible. Ken also said it would help a lot
if I had Black Jack fuck me sometime without trying to hide it, letting Mom know be example
we could be open about it. He was again encouraging me to be as open about both the K9
fucking and being sluts for Sam as I could. If I did it, Mom would be more accepting of both
of us being sluts. We agreed to watch TV together after she had a nap. We did that and after
awhile we both went to bed .
I didn't talk to Ken for a couple days and finally on Friday went back online. He had sent an
offline IM saying he figured I might be going to a party. He hoped he could talk to me first. I
caught him online and told him I had told Sam I wasn't up to being at the party this
weekend. He asked how Mom and I were dealing with our embarrassment and guilt. I told
him it was difficult and we were doing the best we could. He again encouraged me to be the
one taking the lead. He also said I should openly fuck Black Jack because it would help to be
open about it with her. He asked if she still closed her bedroom door at night and I replied
she still did. Ken thought then that she might well still be enjoying a fuck from Black Jack
once in awhile but I told him I could knock on her door and go in at any time, so I didn't think
she was doing it. Mom wanted some help so we signed off.

Saturday I talked to Ken in the afternoon and he again was encouraging me to openly fuck
Black Jack. He asked if I wasn't horny and he knew the answer to that before asking. I
wanted a fuck so bad, but was still afraid of what would happen if I did. After much
discussion I agreed with Ken to just tell her I needed a good K9 fuck and to do it openly.
Mom wanted to go shopping for groceries then so we signed off .

Sunday I again talked to Ken in the afternoon. He could now sense my need for a good fuck
was overtaking me. He talked me into getting naked and asked where Black Jack was. I told
him downstairs with Mom. He said call him upstairs, start with him licking your cunt again
then fucking you, and to leave my door open. I agreed and Black Jack came up right away.
He went right for my cunt and started licking it. It was on fire and I came in short order. Ken
warned me that Mom might come up and join me. I no longer cared about being discreet
about being fucked or Mom knowing I was getting it. Ken had me get into position and Black
Jack was so used to fucking me by now that he made immediate penetration. It felt so great
to have his huge cock inside my cunt and fucking deep. I was in paradise again. Within a few
minutes, Mom came into the room. She watched for a few minutes, then Ken told me to tell
her I wanted her cunt. I told her and she shed her robe and climbed on the bed, putting her
cunt under my mouth. I was so horny I was probably ravenously sucking her and she was
moaning as much as I was. Then she begged me to bite hard on her clit and cunt lips and I
complied. She was having orgasm after orgasm like I was. Suddenly she was crying and she
got up and bolted from the room. I was tied so couldn't move and still being fucked. Ken
knew what had happened and encouraged me to go to her when Jack untied and pulled out.
It took awhile but finally Jack pulled his knot out. I left and immediately went to find Mom .

About a half hour later I went back and found Ken was still online with me. I told him I went
and hugged Mom, told her I loved her so much and was glad she joined me. She sucked the
cum from my cunt and we spent some time biting each others nipples and clit. We made
each other cum several times again. I left her with Black Jack licking her cunt. Ken told me to
get her back upstairs with Black Jack and tell her I wanted to help her get fucked by him. We
talked about that for a couple minutes on how to do it best and finally decided she would be
more comfortable in her bedroom so I called her to do that .
Mom came up to her room and I took my laptop in so I could talk to Ken. It started with Jack
licking Moms cunt. She was really into it and Ken said if Black Jack wasn't hard yet to play
with his cock and suck it to get him ready. I agreed and did that. In a short while he was
ready and Ken told me to tell her to get ready for a fuck. She did so immediately. Jack fucked
her fast and hard. I pinched and twisted her nipples and made her scream but I knew she
liked that so I kept doing that. Ken finally asked she wanted to suck my cunt. I asked her and
she said yes. So he ordered me to give it to her, get it under her mouth now. I did as he
ordered. In the middle of a great fuck I lost connection with Ken. My laptop had been giving
me some problems with freezing up .

A little later I went back online again and Ken was still there. He asked if Mom enjoyed
fucking Black Jack with me. I told him she did, even though I was still a little timid about it.
He asked how it ended and I told him we both came several times when she was being
fucked and she was eating me. After Jack pulled out we sucked each others cunts and bite
our nipples and clits for maybe between a half an hour to a full hour. Ken asked if we sucked
doing a 69 and I said we did. We hugged and were honest about needing this and loving it .

Ken asked if I got the relief I needed, because he knew how strong my lust was after not
fucking for a week. I told him I still needed more. I wanted to be ravaged like a whore until
passing out with pleasure, although I didn't use the word whore. I almost wanted to be
raped, my need was so intense. Ken suggested I call Samantha. It was still afternoon, not too
late for her to take care of me. She had all those huge K9 cocks, plus her and Tammy with
huge strap on dildos. I told him I didn't want to leave Mom alone so he suggested I tell her
what I wanted to do and ask if she wanted to go along. That sounded like a good idea, so I
asked her. I fully expected she might not want to go after our session but she agreed to go
also. She made the call to Sam immediately and Sam told us to be there at 6 PM.

End, Chapter 24, to be continued

Posted by: momtaxi43 Jun 29 2010, 05:09 AM

wild stuff luv it

Posted by: iwont Jun 29 2010, 07:49 AM

Thank for an nice instalment, a ten for you .

Posted by: Dogsbitch89 Jun 29 2010, 09:32 PM

got to love your stuff keep up the good work

Posted by: Dawgmann Jun 29 2010, 11:45 PM

More good stuff! Thanks BD.


Posted by: geeWally Jun 30 2010, 03:21 AM

Another great addition. Thanks and always enjoying the saga .

Posted by: lunalupo Jun 30 2010, 05:52 AM

I have just finished chapter 14 and had to skip to the last page and was sooooo happy to see
that there are at least 10 chapters to go. This is probably the hottest story I have read here.
Jeannie is so awesome and your telling of her story is tremendous. Please thank her for me
(us) for letting you tell her story. You tell the story so well, it is as if I am there watching and

You received a well deserved ten from me as you will each day I get a chance.


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jun 30 2010, 07:40 PM

Thanks again for all the compliments. Jeanie is the star here not me. I am only putting into
words her experiences as they develop. I am in about a 5 week delay and the events are still
developing so you know there is more coming. I would also like to say Jeanie has editing
rights on each installment so it remains accurate, not only in what happens, but in her
mental processing of events after they are history .

Posted by: lunalupo Jul 1 2010, 01:57 AM

Wow. I just finished reading through chapter 24. Thank you so much for presenting Jeanie's
amazing saga to us .

Maybe you can talk her into getting a BF membership so that we can thank her directly too.

I will be checking on this for future episodes. Give her our heartfelt thanks.

Posted by: chopper73guy Jul 3 2010, 03:41 PM

I'm keeping up. Catch ya next time .

Posted by: k9seekersUK Jul 3 2010, 04:19 PM

Really enjoyed catching up and glad the question about Jeannie's mums involvement has
finally been answered. Looking forward to reading more soon .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 6 2010, 07:22 AM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 25

We arrived at Samantha's at 6:00 PM sharp and Sam immediately had us stripped, collared
and put clamps on our nipples and cunt lips. She then led us to another room where there
we six couples. All the men had very large cocks and the women had extra large strap on
didlos with them. Sam and Tammy both had their strap on harnesses with them also. All the
Great Danes were there, and while I have never counted them, I know there were at least 8
of them. I now realize that adds up to 22 huge cocks all available to fuck Mom and I. They
started in immediately, and for the rest of the evening and through the entire night, Mom
and I were constantly being fucked with exception for the times we were whipped and
shocked. Whenever we had a cunt and ass full of cum, Mom and I had to clean each other
up, usually in a 69 cunt sucking posture. It was more intense than the fucking I normally felt I
received at the parties, and I also felt they were trying to impart a greater sensation of pain
to me. I don't know what the intensity was on the pain level for Mom. They also called me all
the nasty names they could think of, with the obvious additional monikers, such as "Lez
Mom and Daughter, Mom and Daughter Bitches", and any other reference to including a
family reference .

Late the next afternoon I went online and told Ken about the night. His first question was
whether we were blindfolded and I told him we weren't. It hadn't really dawned on me at
the time, but that condition was definitely a change. He asked about the room, and my most
memorable recollection was that it was very bright and warm. Ken thought that might be an
indication it was being recorded somehow. I didn't see anything like recording devices,
camera's etc., but then I'm not an expert at what is used all for things like this. (Ken's aside:
It could also be that it was live on a web site, like the "insight" web site that has been
discontinued). I told Ken I usually had 3 cocks in me at a time, one each in my mouth, cunt
and asshole. I couldn't see what was happening with Mom but I assumed she was being
fucked in the same way. Of course when a dog was fucking me in either the ass or cunt, it
wasn't possible to have 2 other cocks in me, but there was always a cock or cunt in or on my
mouth then too. He asked if any of the other women who were part of the couples were
fucked by the dogs and I replied I thought a couple of them had been. Mostly, they were
part of the triple fucking Mom and I were subjected to all night long. I couldn't keep track of
whether a man or woman with a strap on dildo was fucking my cunt or ass, only that the
cock was huge and the fucking was hard. Ken asked if Mom was able to keep up with it, and I
told him that no, she couldn't and had to stop before I did. In response to when the gang
bang party ended I told Ken we got home at 9:00 AM. I also told him I did pass out, or lose
consciousness at some point in the late morning. From what I could tell that didn't stop
them from using my body continuously . We both went directly to bed and I was quickly in a
very deep sleep. I told Ken it was exactly the kind of group fucking I felt the overwhelming
lust for the day before. I couldn't really consider it a rape gang bang, because it was all
consensual, but the effect was what I wanted .

Ken again brought up the way I should help Mom in dealing with the fact that we were both
sluts and loved K9 fucking and gang bang parties. I still felt self conscious talking to her that
way. He made the case for it being easier for me to do it than her, because she had just had
her parenting role unalterably changed. She now had to deal with the fact that Her image
had forever changed in my mind. I again admitted to Ken that I loved Mom no less, and
probably even more than I had before. I had to agree with his reasoning and I promised Ken I
would really try to make it easy for her .

Ken also said I should give her more hugs than I was used to doing, but that they needed to
be different. He said I should hug her and kiss her as much like a lover as I could. We now
shared the love of K9 fucking and the pleasure of our cunts in uninhibited fucking. The fact
that we were both aware of that, and lived together has changed our living dynamic. We
didn't have to keep our private life in seclusion anymore, and it would be much easier for
both of us if we were able to enjoy this openly now. We needed to rid ourselves or our guilt
and accept who we were, both individually and together as Mom and Daughter. As usual, I
couldn't dispute the case Ken made for this change in the way we should treat each other
now. I had Black Jack fuck me under Ken's direction and then we signed off .

The next morning, Samantha came over early, I think mostly to make sure Mom was OK.
Mom was sleeping very well and I didn't want to wake her. Sam made me eat her cunt and
and then put some of the cream in my cunt and asshole and fist fucked both. She left after
that. In the early afternoon, the cream was making my cunt and asshole so intensely in need
of fucking,I brought Black Jack into my bedroom. I put the clamps on my nipples and cunt
lips and got Black Jack in my asshole immediately. He was fucking me hard and had his knot
inside me, while I pulled on the chains to add pain to the fucking. Mom came in the room
and slid under me. She started sucking my cunt and biting my clit, and it was just what I
needed to add intensity and pain to the fucking. I also was eating her cunt while being
sucked and fucked, and I also was biting her clit and cunt lips, and we had multiple orgasms.
It was the kind of fucking I loved now, and it was wonderful to share it with Mom now. She
didn't seem to have any guilt or be hesitant at all. It was apparent she was enjoying it as
much as I. We didn't talk about it afterward, but it felt like very comfortable to fuck with
each of us involved in this manner .

Later that evening I went online and got in touch with Ken. I told him about the morning,
Sam's visit and the afternoon fucking Mom and I shared .

He thought it was a great way for both of us to start losing the guilt and accepting our new
lust for uninhibited fucking with K9's and pain included.

We talked some more about the manner in which I could make sure Mom was getting over
her guilt. Ken then sensed I was still in a very high sexual need and suggested I get fucked
again. He told me Mom should be invited to share again, and I told him I could take my
laptop down to her bedroom and do it there. That way I could communicate with him and
he could direct me and also call me the names I now liked having used by a Dom/Domme.
Mom was laying in bed reading. Black Jack was laying on the floor in the corner so I didn't
have to call him. I was naked, except for the harness as was Mom. I told her what I was
doing and that I wanted her to share in a K9 fucking. Ken asked a question and I told him
Mom could see the screen and I could talk directly to her now. She could answer .

Ken said "Hi Diana, I am the one who introduced Jeanie to K9 fucking and had guided her
through her first K9 fucking". Mom said she didn't know that and asked why he didn't leave
me alone, I was too young. Ken said "She wasn't too young at all and it was going to happen
at some time in her life, because she was already interested in doing it". Ken also told Mom
that he also had been the one to talk me through my first ass fucking by Jack and was online
with me the day Sam discovered me being licked by Jack. That was the event that made it
easy for Sam to convert me into a K9 slut and eventually a party slut. Ken told her "She's a
K9 slut now and so are you Diana". Mom said "Your a pervert, leave us alone." Ken replied
"Of course I'm a pervert Diana, I admit it. And your a fucking slut for K9's and lot's of
fucking." He also told her she should be thankful that it was him helping me, because he was
concerned about my safety and treated me with love, making sure I was safe. He told her
that there are a lot of pretenders out there and some Doms who wouldn't care at all about
my safety, and many of them had no idea or the necessary protocol all Dom's need to
follow. Mom wasn't convinced and again told him to leave us alone. Ken said "Diana, I'm not
going to do that. Jeanie is a fucking slut now, and loves K9 fucking, and I know you do also. I
am her master online now. I want you to enjoy it together, admit your fucking sluts and
share it with each other." Ken also said Jeanie has a gorgeous cunt and I'll bet you do too. It
is gorgeous isn't it?" Mom admitted it was. Then she said "I can't talk to you anymore, I'm
going to eat her cunt ".

I then took over the conversation with Ken in the codes I used to make it easy for me. Jack
was fucking my cunt and I was sucking Mom's, and biting her clit and cunt lips. We both had
multiple orgasms and it was a great fuck for both of us. I told Ken Mom didn't like talking to
people on the computer in general so it was unlikely she would while being fucked or
sucked. Ken said, she will do it if she has to do it often enough and she will be fine with it. It
had been a day of a "new beginning" of a sort, and Ken hoped it would make it easier for
Mom and I to get the maximum pleasure from our lust for K9 sex, gang bangs and eating
each others cunts. We signed off then .

End Chapter 25, to be continued .

Posted by: iwont Jul 6 2010, 09:41 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: abroge Jul 6 2010, 02:21 PM

hot hot hot

Posted by: collie99 Jul 6 2010, 04:05 PM

I have just finished reading your amazing story. very, very good... I could identify with some
of the 'goings on' but your imagination or your chats have made me almost virginal...... well
not quite!! I loved the very 'wet' read.

Colleen xxx

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Jul 6 2010, 08:57 PM

Thank you so much for continuing! This is one of the stories I love to visit every day to see if
there is an update. I continue to get really excited with each installment. Tell Jeannie thanks
so much for consenting to share her experiences with us.

Engineer Jim

Posted by: Dawgmann Jul 7 2010, 03:04 AM

Thanks again for more great story.


Posted by: momtaxi43 Jul 7 2010, 04:32 AM

love this story !

Posted by: chopper73guy Jul 9 2010, 03:55 PM

As always!~ Great story !

Posted by: erythro Jul 10 2010, 03:34 AM

good story !!

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 11 2010, 10:18 PM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 26

The following day I found myself being reflective. I had gone through such a complete
change it was hard to understand. I know that if someone had told me 6 months ago that I
would be craving being fucked so much, even by one male, I would never have believed
them. When I had my brief fling with having a boyfriend, fucking him because I thought it
was the only way one could hold on to a boyfriend, I didn't sense that sex meant that much
to me. What was it about the fucking I was getting now that made me obssess over it. It was
on my mind so much I almost felt consumed by it .

What made it all the more unbelievable is that it wasn't just getting fucked I was obssessing
over. It was being fucked by K9's especially, and lots of them, over and over. Add to that,
having many men that wanted my cunt, asshole and mouth for their pleasure, and women
who seemed to get a special kick out of fucking me with strap on dildos, and it was even
more unreal. I will confess my love for cunt sucking was genuine, and I had no idea 6 months
ago that I was interested in cunts to the slightest degree. Now I wanted cunts as much as
cocks. I'm sure Samantha being who she was, had a lot to do with that transition. But I knew
I could be satisfied if there were just cunts and K9's fucking me the rest of my life. However,
now I was not only really enjoying sucking cunts for my pleasure, as well as the owner of the
cunt, I really loved sucking my Mom's cunt. I went online finally and talked to Ken about it.
He has a way of being able to put it in perspective and showing me why I love what I do now.
I always seem to feel better and more accepting about what was happening after talking to
him. I didn't do anything sexually that day .

The following morning, Samantha called me and told me to come right over there after
school because she had a surprise for me. That puzzled me and it was all I could think of the
remainder of the day. When school ended that day, I almost raced to Sam's. The surprise
was that the black couple who had been inviting me to visit them were there. Sam said I was
theirs for the afternoon. I found that they were much more into pain than sex. Not that
fucking wasn't a part of their play, it definitely was. And they both fucked me often, him with
his huge cock and her with a huge strap on dildo. They used my cunt, asshole and mouth
repeatedly. When not fucking me, they were whipping me and shocking me. They did it far
more severely than others have, even Samantha. They definitely got off on inflicting pain. I
also had to swallow her pee a couple times. Sam was there and fucked me a couple times
also, and some of the Dane's were also available to fuck me in both my cunt and asshole.
Sam put some of the cream in my cunt and asshole before we started fucking so I had the
uncontrollable need to fuck for the entire time. When it was over, after about 4 1/2 hours, I
went home. I was very sore in my cunt and asshole, but that was more likely from him fist
fucking me in both the ass and cunt, than the fucking. I was used to a lot of fucking now, and
this hadn't been as much as I got at the parties. I went online and discussed it with Ken. He
told me my desire for pain was increasing .

I was quiet for a few days, until friday. I had Black Jack fuck me on Thursday right after
school, but didn't do anything with Mom after she came home from work. I went online
friday and talked to Ken. We talked about this being the first weekend party I would be
going to since finding out Mom was involved in them too. This would also be the first party
we would be at together and knew about it while it was happening. Ken told me I should
hug, kiss and make love to my Mom before we left. I thought that was a good idea and when
Mom came home I started in with her right away. We ended up in her bedroom, naked and
in a very intense 69 cunt sucking. It went on longer than usual and I was communicating in
my codes with Ken. I told him we would be late for the party and Samantha would punish us.
Regardless of the consequences, neither of us could stop until we had immense orgasms and
felt sated. When we were done, we had 10 minutes to get to Sam's place. Luckily, she was
just down the street from our house .

We arrived at Samantha's close to the proper time and she didn't seem too upset. We were
prepped and collared immediately and led to the party .

I was going to be there for both nights but Mom would be going home after the first night. It
was much of the same activity that was involved in the other parties I had been in. Sunday,
after having a nap on getting home, I went online and talked to Ken about it. He asked
immediately if we were blindfolded and I told him that no, neither of us were. That
confirmed for him that Mom had been to most of the parties I was. I now had to agree with
him. I told him there were 2 girls about my age who were blindfolded, and a couple of older
gals blindfolded also. Ken said they were new recruits for the weekend fuck parties, and they
were being trained to be sluts too. He asked if anything different happened and I told him
yes, there was something new. When we were to enter the party room, Mom was told she
was to do some play scene to start the party. She was to seduce me, kissing and hugging me,
then strapping me into a piece of furniture. Then get on top of me in a 69 and suck my cunt
while I sucked hers. Before we sucked each others cunt however, Sam put a handfull of cum
in each of our cunts. It was kind of cold and thick. We were intructed so suck it all out. Ken
said it was horse cum. I asked him how he knew that and he told me that Sam had told him
we had sucked or drank it before, even though we didn't know what it was. Mom played it
like it was a new thing for us and once we were involved in a 69 suck, and had an orgasm in
it, a couple of men with very big cocks fucked us in the asshole while we were sucking. After
they were done, I was fucked by a couple of the dogs for what must have been at least an
hour or more, still tied up. But again, now I could see much of what was going on and was
going to happen. I told Ken there were a couple of rooms, and one of them seemed to be
where people went to do some more intense pain. I was taken there several times. I found a
new level of pain this time. Needles were put through my nipples and cunt lips. The pain was
very intense for me, and the one's doing it seemed to love it more when it was. I had
multiple orgasms from the needles and the whipping and shocking I received. I was also tied
spread eagle to a post for quite awhile and flogged, whipped.and shocked. I had clamps on
my nipples and my cunt lips. The whipping and flogging frequently put me into an orgasm. I
knew now I had no control of orgasms from pain and they were every bit as intense as the
ones from the fuckings. Ken asked if saw what was being done to Mom and I told him I
hadn't seen her, I was too busy. I did see her leave Saturday morning with the black couple
who were my surprise a few days earlier. I didn't know if she just walked out with them or
went home with them. He also asked if I had interacted with the new girls who were
blindfolded, and I told him I was sucked by them after being filled with cum and they got me
off. I also sucked their cunts a few times. Some of the women used my mouth to piss in and
a couple of the men did also. I noticed a few of the women were also fucked by dogs, and
Ken thought that maybe they were some who had been trained by Sam in the past. As in the
past, Ken wanted to know if I enjoyed it as much, or more, now than ever. I had to admit I
did, very much more than before. We signed off then .

End Chapter 26, to be continued.

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Jul 11 2010, 10:53 PM

Thanks so much for the latest chapter! I have been following and enjoying her story very
much. Thanks to Jeanie for allowing you to share it, and thanks to you for taking the time to
do so.


Posted by: iwont Jul 12 2010, 06:50 AM

Thank for an very nice instalment .

Posted by: ultra-wolfman Jul 12 2010, 04:47 PM

Thanks for continuing .

A 10 for you .
Posted by: geniee Jul 13 2010, 12:41 AM

The mention of horse cum has me very interested in where this story is going. Could this be
a new experience for the hot chick and her mother .

Can't wait until the next episode

Posted by: Dawgmann Jul 14 2010, 11:59 PM

Thanks again for another wonderful chapter. Love it !


Posted by: popol Jul 19 2010, 03:12 PM

it is a great story and soo well written but i think it is time to put some new plots for the
characters so why not starting some horse sex and more S M but i will still like it the way you
fantasises about it thank you soooo much

Posted by: chopper73guy Jul 19 2010, 07:22 PM

Good addition to the adventure .

Posted by: ROAMING DOG Jul 20 2010, 12:49 AM

Now that was hotttt aand exciting to read!! great story. brought back some good memories !

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 20 2010, 03:43 PM

Thanks again for all the wonderful comments. I'm continually amazed at how many seem to
think this is a fantasy, and I have control of the plot or what is happening. Look again at the
first chapter. It's a TRUE story, and as incredible as that might seem, it's unfolding as I write
about it. I am in about a 6 weeks delay, and much of it is repetitive. I try to make each
chapter about some change in the events to add some interest. But the same things are
happening almost every week, so it is going to be repeated. My role in this story it to present
it in some form of story line to make it as interesting as I can. To do that, I decided, with the
permission of Jeanie to do it in the first person. Therefore I won't post anthing without her
approval and she does exercise editorial privilige. Jeanie's been busy with some personal
things lately and that's why a new chapter is not yet posted It will be soon .

Thanks again for your patience and comments. Jeanie and I both appreciate them .

Posted by: iwont Jul 20 2010, 06:13 PM

Thanks and plese continue your story, a ten for you .

Posted by: got2watch Jul 21 2010, 03:49 AM

I must admit that I have been hanging for each new chapter from the beginning. Truly this is
an enlightening story. I appreciate the way you are telling it and the respect that you give to
your sub. Thank you both and her mom for our insight into this saga.


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 28 2010, 04:51 PM

The next chapter will be added soon. Maybe today

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 29 2010, 03:41 PM



Jeanie's Story, Chapter 27

The remainder of the Sunday after the party, Mom and I had a quiet day. I think we were
satiated with sex for now. I talked to Ken for while about many general topics, but he didn't
push me into a K9 fuck or anything involving sex. Monday I went to school and came home
around noon again. I was having less and less interest in school, and becoming more
involved with the debauchery I was being subjected to now. It was beginning to seem like it
was a normal part of life for me. It wouldn't surprise me anymore if everyone was involved
in something like I was.

Later that afteroon, I was horny as usual. I took Black Jack up to my room and stripped. After
letting him lick my cunt until it was dripping I let him mount me. He was fucking hard and
fast when Mom came into the room. She sat by me on the bed and carressed my cheek and
the back of my head. I reached over and pulled her robe apart to i could see her cunt. It
looked so tempting and succulent I couldn't resist. I pulled her to me and started licking and
sucking it. I kept sucking her as long as I was being fucked, and knowing how she liked being
bit on her clit, I did that too. We both had several orgasms by the time Black Jack was done
fucking me and pulled out. I got on top of Mom and put my K9 cum filled cunt on her mouth,
letting her suck the cum from it. I actually fucked her face, and came from that too. I wasn't
done with that, and neither was Mom. We got into a 69 position and ate each other until we
came again, making sure we were biting each others clit .

That evening I took my laptop into Mom's room and got Ken involved with us. He talked to
Mom online and tried to get her to admit to loving being a slut for K9's. She was not very
friendly and later I learned she called Ken a pervert and in general wouldn't participate in
this with him online. He has no problem with being called a pervert and admits he is one. He
did get her to admit I had a gorgeous cunt. He also got her to admit she wanted to suck me.
We did get into a group with Black Jack fucking Mom, and her sucking my cunt. Once he was
done and pulled out, I sucked the cum from her cunt. She stayed in the room but wouldn't
talk to Ken anymore .

The next few days, Mom was not feeling well and I was busy caring for her plus my
menstrual cycle was active, so we didn't do any fucking with Black Jack or cunt play. I talked
to Ken almost every day and we were talking about a lot of things in general. We even
discussed the infamous sexual exploits of a famous golfer. I did express to him that I would
talk to Samatha about Mom mistreating him. Ken suggested I forget about it, but I really
wanted her to like him. I talked to Samantha, because I had to tell her we weren't coming to
the party this weekend. She wasn't happy with that, but agreed it wouldn't be good with me
having my period. She also said she would take care of Mom being rude to Ken .

Sunday, I was clear of the menstrual flow and had a very strong urge to be fucked by Black
Jack again. Late in the day, I got Mom into it again, and we joined in a fuck with Black Jack.
Ken was online with us but again, Mom was rude to him. He took it in stride, but I still
wanted them to be friends .

Monday, Ken came online in the afternoon and saw I was online. He said hello and I couldn't
really respond like normal. I tried to type something but it was gibberish. Finally he

He assumed I was being fucked by Black Jack and I told him "No" in our code. He said "You
have a visitor huh. I'll leave you alone for now" I said OK but the man fucking me took the
laptop and wrote to him. He said "This is Gene, you can talk to me now while she is sucking
my cock and cleaning me up from fucking her ass." Then he told Ken he owned me and Mom
until 6 PM. He had been fucking me for 2 hours already, and Mom was due home soon. Sam
had called her and told her to go home early, because Gene would be waiting. He was one of
the men at the parties, so we both knew who he was, but not his name. He told Ken his
name, and Ken told me later .

Mom came home in a little while and Gene took her into her bedroom. I could hear him
whipping her. He had a couple floggers and a riding crop. She was screaming and crying with
the whipping. I told Ken I was going to go down to her bedroom and tell him it was all my
fault, and he should punish me, not her. Ken tried to talk me out of that, but I insisted it was
my fault and I needed to do it. It turned out Ken was right. It was a huge mistake, and Gene
not only didn't stop whipping Mom brutally, but also did me the same way. In between the
whipping he was fucking Mom in her cunt and asshole. I was make to suck the cum from her.
He left around 6 PM. I don't think either Mom or I had ever been whipped so severely .

I talked to Ken about it the next day. I told him Sam had called and told us that we were to
treat all Masters with respect. Mom being rude to Ken wasn't acceptable, and from now on
if one displeased her she would have us both punished. Ken also told me Gene told him he
had paid Sam to own us from 1 PM until 6 PM. I was confused by this, and asked Ken if that
meant we were prostitutes now. He assured me we were not. We didn't sell sex for money.
Then I asked him "Didn't she pimp us?" and he said she had, if what Gene said was true. I
was confused and asked him if she was pimping Mom and I at the parties. Ken said no she
wasn't. She is most likely charging the people who come to the parties, but she isn't
specifically selling your sexual services to anyone. Just your availbility to sex and BDSM. He
maintained that she most likely earns her income that way. Being in her mid twenties, she
needs an income unless she inherited a huge estate. Selling a few dogs wasn't going to
support her or her lifestyle. He asked if it made me look at things diffently if I knew that
now. I told him I loved what she was doing to me, the whipping, shocks, bondage, fucking
and sucking and the K9's. All of it was excting to me. I asked Ken if I was becoming an addict
to it, and he said it was very apparent I loved what was happening, but I was not an unusual
submimssive. I liked the Master/submissive or Master/slave relationship. He said I was most
likely into it a little more intensely than most, but it wasn't all that rare .

Thursday, I talked to Ken 3 times. In between I was so horny, I was being fucked by Black
Jack. I told him Sam had called and said there was a party on the weekend. I was to come on
Saturday, Mom was going to be there on Friday night, but not Saturday. Ken thought that
was puzzling, but maybe she needed to split us up because of the number of people
attending being down from the usual number.

Later that evening I took the laptop down to Mom's room and we set up a fuck for us with
Black Jack Mom talked to Ken and apologized for treating him badly. He told her he didn't
need an apology but appreciated it. Mom then was very friendly with him and told him she
loved K9 fucking, sucking my cunt, fucking and sucking at the parties etc. She also admitted
her clit was bigger than mine, and Ken says mine is big. It turned out to be a really hot
fucking, but after it was over she still didn't want to chat with Ken. I was just happy they
were getting along better .

Friday, Mom went to the party around 6 PM. I went online with Ken and was fucked by Black
Jack a couple times, once in the cunt and once in the asshole. I told him Sam wanted me to
come early Saturday afternoon because she had a surprise for me. We tried to guess what it
might be but neither of us could imagine it .
Ken came online Saturday morning I was fucking Black Jack at the time. He asked when Mom
got home and I told him about 4 AM. She was sleeping now. He asked what time I was going
to the party and I told him Sam wanted me there at 2 PM. He told me to have fun and was
looking forward to hearing about the surprise. We signed off then .

End, Chapter 27, to be continued

Posted by: iwont Jul 29 2010, 05:56 PM

Thank for continuition .

Posted by: Urotsakidoji Jul 29 2010, 07:01 PM

Wow, this is amazingly hot, detailed and well written. Once I started reading I couldn't stop.
It's a pleasure to hear of ones explorations and opening of the mind into the world of
debauchary. Thank you for the mental adventure .

Posted by: EngineerJim11 Aug 10 2010, 06:34 AM

Thanks so much for continuing! I love to hear of Jeannie's adventures - and her mother
coming in makes it especially hot, as well.

I check back here whenever I have time to see if there are any new installments...

With a life like that - no wonder school is just not very interesting !

Posted by: boinkaroo Aug 11 2010, 07:48 AM

Seriously, you need to continue this .

Posted by: bol10x Aug 14 2010, 05:46 AM

yet another amazing episode, please keep them (and me) cumming

Posted by: godoggo Aug 18 2010, 03:07 AM

QUOTE (dogerguy@girl @ Apr 3 2010, 12:10 AM)

super start.hope to read more .

A great beginning to a very good story.Keep it going a ten For a start .

Posted by: godoggo Aug 18 2010, 03:23 AM

QUOTE (Asgier @ Apr 6 2010, 11:22 AM)

Thank you for continuing your story.

It is so interesting and hot.

Thank you .

OOh yes thanks for a great story.Please do continue,This is one hot story,Thanks for posting
Another ten for ya .

Posted by: LukeTHr Aug 19 2010, 03:14 AM

I have been reading the chapters of this story and this is an incredible set of events. I have
been hard the entire time I have been reading. I do have one question tho. What is the
cream that is being used and where can it be found ?

Posted by: JillNa Aug 19 2010, 04:08 PM

I love this story.

I have barely got to chap 4 but i look forward to

reading the rest .

Posted by: chopper73guy Aug 19 2010, 04:34 PM

Just got caught up, with the latest chapter .

Posted by: JillNa Aug 20 2010, 05:57 PM


i have gotten as far as chap21

this is a great story .

cant wait to cont the rest .

Posted by: LukeTHr Aug 20 2010, 06:35 PM

I agree Jill. It is a great story and very well written. I am curious to know more about the
cream used by Samantha. What is it and where can it be found

Posted by: JillNa Aug 21 2010, 06:44 PM

OMG OMG i love this story.

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Sep 10 2010, 06:04 PM

As the writer of this story, I think I need to bring people up to date. I haven't heard from
Jeanie for several weeks. I'm not sure what is happeing, whether it is a something that has
happened to her, or maybe her Mom. There are new developments I can add to the story,
but Jeanie has to approve what I write. There are a few personal things she is not willing to
share and that is her right .

Hopefully, I will hear from her soon. It is totally not like her to be out of contact with me for
so long .


Posted by: susiemart Sep 11 2010, 02:35 AM

incredible story thanks! hope she's back soon and everything is great. I have been out for
sometime too, I had an accident and was recovering. Hope nothing has happened to them .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Sep 11 2010, 05:02 PM

There has been some who would like to know about the cream used by Samantha in this
story. It does exist, but she has it made for her personally. I do know of a source for a cream
that is similar in effect, but I don't think the mods here want this forum to promote a private
business. I will respond to any who PM me with a request for the source. I think that will
satisfy the regulations of the moderators here .


Posted by: k9seekersUK Oct 17 2010, 03:58 AM

Really enjoyed the most recent chapters just sorry it has taken me so long to catch up .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Oct 18 2010, 03:35 AM

Again, I am posting as the writer of this story for Jeanie, the principle character herein. I
have had no contact from her since Aug 8, 2010, so I am going to wrap the story up with
what I have to add, from the point of my last revelations about her travails into debauchery.

Sadly, I have no idea of what has happened. I do know she was scheduled to go into formal
slave training sometime in the late summer on orders from Mistress Samantha. I'm not sure
if her Mother was also going to be a part of that venture, but my best guess is that she was
not .

I know that Jeanie's primary, and only interest, and goal in life at the time of our last
conversation, is to be a full time live in slave to Samantha, a K9 bitch, and a pain slut and
fuck slut for Samantha to use at her will. She was totally committed to that lifestyle. At the
end of her formal training I'm positive she is all of that .

My personal evaluation of Jeanie is that she is a very vivacious young girl who is more
intelligent than she would take credit for being. She also had/has a quick perception of the
trend of events in her life and the direction they were taking. She has total respect and love
for her Mother and was very comfortable and wlling to share her most depraved
experiences with her. It is/was her good fortune that her Mom understood the lifestyle so
well. I miss our conversations very much.

I am going over the final weeks of our conversations at this time and should have the final
chapter posted (normally, I would have enough material for 3 more chapters, but publishing
all would require her approval, which I can no longer obtain) .

A few people here have questioned the veracity of the events contained within this story. I
have no way of convincing those who may doubt, but I know what I believe. I'll leave it at
that. Look for the final chapter within a week .

Posted by: ultra-wolfman Oct 18 2010, 07:37 AM

Thanks for the message, although it is a bad one. I really liked Jeanie's story of how she
became a dog slut .

Thanks for sharing her story with us. Another 10 for you .
Posted by: chopper73guy Oct 18 2010, 06:33 PM

Posted by: hiredhand Oct 19 2010, 12:12 PM

what a awesome story had me bursting to get home and continue reading

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Nov 1 2010, 06:46 PM

I'm sorry I haven't posted the final chapter on Jeanie's Story yet. It seems I've become a
pariah on yahoo so they deleted my account: Thus I lost all my archives where my
conversations with Jeanie were stored. I do remember most of the happenings during the
months of June and July so will do my best to post them accurately very soon (I'm working
on it now). I think it is now apparent that Jeanie is no longer able to communicate with the
outside world and is under total control of her Mistress Samantha 24/7. I do miss my contact
with her. She is a wonderful slut and submissive, and totally into K9 fucking. The final
chapter will be done this week. I apologize to all who have been waiting for it .


Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Nov 4 2010, 10:53 PM

As I have explained, I haven't heard from Jeanie since August 8. One reason might be that
yahoo deleted my account and she doesn't have my new ID, although I did send it to her
email address.

Another reason might be that she is now a 24/7 sub/slave to Samantha and Sam forbids
contact with outside influences. Or it could be that she just no longer is interested in talking
to me. But whatever the reason, I feel compelled to finish the true story I started to write of
her journey into the world of submissive/slave devotion to a Mistress and commitment to
K9 sex. This will be the last installment of her travails and transition. Because I can no longer
have her review this for accuracy and edit it to her recollection, I will write in the second
person on this chapter. I have had some correspondence with others about this story in
general and Jeanie in particular. My new yahoo ID is in my profile for those who want to
connect with me again. As for Jeanie, I'll miss her. I do know she has been online since Aug
8th but she's made no contact with me. (Bigdog4fbym)


Chapter 28, Jeanie's Story

Jeanie didn't contact me until the Monday after the party weekend. I asked her what the
surprise was that Samantha wanted her to come early for, and she told me it was just that 6
men with huge cocks wanted to gang bang her and use her however they wanted to, which
was in a more brutal manner than usual. They all happened to be black men, and the way
they handled her served to inflict some pain with the sex. Most of the time they were
fucking her in both cunt and ass, and some of the time the mouth was included. It lasted for
4 hours from 2 PM until 6 PM and was done in a separate private room without any
interuption form others. The room was well lit and was very warm, both of which intrigued
me for reasons I'll explain later. After a short rest, the main weekend party began about 7
PM. Jeanie said it was much of the same as the others, with K9's, many men and women, all
with huge cocks or strap on dildo's. Much of the time she was in the room in which pain was
a feature, whether with whipping, flogging, caning, needles or whatever they wanted to use
to inflict pain. Jeanie said she now had more intense orgasms from the pain being used in
combination with sex. Because she no longer was blindfolded anymore she could also see
what was about to happen. There was a lot of time spent in the room where the dogs were
and that included a lot of sucking K9 cocks and being fucked in both the ass and cunt by
them, plus a lot of fisting in both holes, as well as being made to eat cunts and rim assholes.
The one new thing that happened is that the party lasted through all day Sunday, Sunday
evening and into Monday morning. She was exhausted when she finally got home, but
admitted again to loving every minute of it.

The next week we didn't communicate much. I did talk her through a few K9 fuckings, and
had one session when her Mom was involved also. Mom finally admitted to me that she had
no idea that Jeanie was being a fuck slut at the parties and that they had been at the same
parties before. So I had to admit to Jeanie that she was correct in that her Mom didn't have
any idea of what Sam was doing to her and she actually believed Jeanie was baby sitting.
Diana was now being very cordial with me, even though she still objected to me being a part
of the sexual excapades of her and Jeanie. There was a party on the weekend again, and
both Jeanie and her Mom were there on Friday evening. Jeanie came online Sunday evening
and told me there were 2 new girl/girl couples there, all blindfolded, and put through
sessions like she had when she first was going to the parties. They were totally submissive,
and although Jeanie seemed to have graduated to a more senior position amongst the party
revelers, she was still submissive and did whatever Mistress Samantha wanted, or other
dominant men or women wanted. There was no question she was a total party fuck slut for
her Mistress .

The following weekend there was another party, During the week in between the parties,
Jeanie had been to Samantha's a couple of times. Once on her own she practically ran to her
house after school because she was so horny and wanted to be dominated intensely. It was
becoming an adiction now, without reservation. I may have talked her through a session
with her mom and Jack, but I don't have the archives to confirm that. I did ask her if the
other new couples were there again and she said they were. On questioning, Jeanie said the
couples both consisted of one older gal and one younger. One of the younger gals she
thought she recognized but couldn't say where from. The others were complete strangers.
They could have been Mom/daughter like she and Diana were,but again didn't have any
reason to believe so. The party was like the others, with Jeanie being used a lot in the well
lit, warm room where pain was featured .

I didn't hear from Jeanie for several days, and finally on a Friday she came online. I asked her
if she was OK and she said she was now, but had been very ill. She had an infection that had
caused extreme pain to the point she couldn't walk. Mistress Samantha and her Mom took
her to the Doctor, but it wasn't Jeanie's normal Dr. Samantha took her to her own Dr.. It
happened to be a woman MD, and Jeanie was immediately given very strong pain meds
which made her very groggy. She did remember a few very odd things. It turned out the
infection was in her intestines, and she had recollection of something big being put into her
ass the first day. She said she also had something huge in her ass the day she was dismissed,
although she was still groggy. She thinks the Dr. may have fisted her in the ass in a sexual
manner rather than medically. She said she came both times and it was embarrassing but
she couldn't help it. She also said the Dr. Looked familiar. I asked her if she might be one of
the gals at the parties. Jeanie said she might be, but because she was so often in the pain
room, or had a cock or cunt in her mouth she didn't see many faces she would remember .

The following week, Jeanie was very distant when we talked online. I was concerned,
knowing something was wrong but she didn't seem to want to talk about it. Both her and
her Mom missed the party that weekend. Finally, I got Jeanie to admit the following week
that her period was late and she was worried about being pregnant. I asked her if she was
still taking birth control pills and she said she was, but had missed a couple days at the
parties. She said she would take them again as soon as she got home if she forgot. I
convinced her to talk to someone about it and not let it consume her emotionally. She finally
confided in Samantha. Samantha told her not to worry,if she did have a baby there were
people at the parties who would luv to adopt it. This upset Jeanie, mostly because she just
didn't want to have a baby at her age. The black men who had gang banged her always were
saying they She was being "Black Bred". We discussed it in general and I told her as long as
she was taking the pills as scheduled she would not likely get pregnant. She went to the
party at the end of the week and on the last day, her period came. She was very relieved,
but said Samantha seemed to almost be upset that she wasn't pregnant.

In the meantime, Tammy had become pregnant, and was no longer living with Samantha,
but had gone to the farm until she had the baby and was able to party again. One of the
results in that was that Samantha had Jeanie come over several times to service her sexually
as a sex slave.

Jeanie was coming online less and less. She went to the parties every weekend again, and
Mom would usually be there one of the nights, either Friday or Saturday night. After a few
weeks, Jeanie and Mom both spent almost all of their free time at Samantha's. They both
slept there, coming to there home only to get personal items and fresh clothing. Jeanie was
being gang banged almost every night, by anywhere from 6 to a dozen men, all with huge
cocks. K9's weren't involved in these events, but would fuck Jeanie every morning.
Afternoons were normally spent satisfying Samantha.

This change in living was probably the reason I didn't hear from Jeanie much anymore. She
did tell me the Dr. who had treated her infection was indeed a participant at the parties. She
was there without any male companion, at least as far as Jeanie could see. She fisted Jeanie
in both the cunt and ass often, fucked her with a huge strap on in both cunt and ass, and
made her suck her cunt as well as pissing in her mouth. As far as Jeanie could see, the Dr.
didn't do anything with the K9's, but loved watching Jeanie fucking and sucking them.

Mom was still not doing well as far as her health was concerned, and some days stayed in
bed, even though they were basically living at Samantha's. Mom and Samantha had decided
Jeanie would go to the farm soon for formal slave training. Samantha said when she was
done she would be her slave and do everything she was ordered to do without question.
From my perspective, I thought that was almost already the case .

I also had the stong feeling that the evening gang bang sessions were being video taped, or
put on the internet live. My reasoning was the room was always well lit and warm. Mirrors
occupied the most of one wall and a lot of the ceiling if I understood Jeanie's description.
They could easily be one way mirrors. Also, I figured that unless Samantha had inherited a
lot of money, she needed an income at her young age, and selling a few dogs a year
wouldn't provide enough of that. Also I figured that Samantha was charging for attendance
at the parties, which would again provide income. But those were only my impressions and,
while they are the most sensible and plausible explanaions of a lot of the conditions, I could
be wrong .

This brings me to the August 8 chat online with Jeanie. It was a Sunday evening and there
had been a party. Jeanie told me she was soon going to the farm for training, and Mom was
going to a clinic for a complete evaluation soon. There was little else in the conversation of
any note. I had the feeling at the time, I wouldn't hear from her for some time. I had no idea
we would never talk again, but then I don't know what has happened. I do know I have seen
her online, and I have left messages about my change in yahoo ID for email and messenger
being on my profile here .

She is a wonderful girl and I loved being a part of her transformation into the world of BDSM
and K9 sex. I hope she is doing well .

This ends the story .

Posted by: iwont Nov 5 2010, 01:14 AM

Thank for continuing .

Posted by: slutrobert Nov 8 2010, 12:03 AM

great story(s) - I was there with you and fantasizing it was me .

Posted by: bigdavesdream Nov 28 2010, 07:55 PM

Another bump so i can find these GREAT STORIES

Posted by: bigdavesdream Nov 29 2010, 12:34 AM

Holly molly that was an AWESOME story took

the better part of my day but it was well worth the time and eye strain


Posted by: furprincess1224 Nov 29 2010, 08:25 PM amazing...what a story...ten in my book ...

Posted by: chopper73guy Dec 7 2010, 07:08 PM

Thanks for continuing, probably closing the adventure. Good story .

Posted by: Tdata Dec 9 2010, 05:35 PM

Love the story! If I could vote, I would a 10 .

Posted by: MidnightWolf3 Dec 9 2010, 05:50 PM

QUOTE (Tdata @ Dec 9 2010, 05:35 PM)

Love the story! If I could vote, I would a 10 .

I'd love to +10 to lol, was a awesome story. Tdata, wanna trade post counts? ;] lol

Posted by: iampudd Dec 10 2010, 04:12 PM

great story, thanks for sharing

Posted by: Tdata Dec 10 2010, 04:22 PM


You will eventually get there. After my last post, I was surprised to see that I was in the
upper 90s. So keep posting replies to good stories does help !

Posted by: sa3437 Dec 10 2010, 06:44 PM

Very long series, very well written. I do hope all is well in her world. A 10 for all the writing
not to mention the time taken to post it all. Thanks !

Posted by: kinkyfetishes4me Dec 11 2010, 08:13 PM

I lost a few hours reading this from beginning to end but it was definately worth it. Your
recount of the events were great. I hope all is well w/Jeannie and her mother. Thank you for
sharing !

Posted by: develischdesire Dec 14 2010, 12:32 AM

I have to agree with my previous writers. A really great work ...

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Dec 24 2010, 07:03 PM

Just a quick update for all who followed this story so closely and expressed an interest in it in
this thread. I've talked to Jeanie again lately. She is OK and doing well. There is nothing to
add to the story at this time .

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the wonderful people who showed an interest
in Jeanie and followed the story, and to all who love the K9 and BDSM fetishes .


Posted by: st1024 Dec 28 2010, 01:06 AM

What a great story, I love it, and it got better once her and mom got together, wish we had
pictures to go with the story that would have made agreat story even greater, nice work !!

Posted by: jackdevo101 Jan 1 2011, 02:46 PM

Just found this story...thank you for a great New years gift ...
Posted by: southernsweetheart Jan 7 2011, 01:02 AM

Great story, thanks for sharing !!

Posted by: ILuvK9Gals May 2 2011, 10:49 AM

Mmmmmmmmmm love how this story is starting !

Posted by: erja May 6 2011, 01:56 PM

Great story, thanks for telling us

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Sep 13 2011, 05:59 PM

Just posting an update. I know Jeanie has some fans in BF yet. I've talked to her a few times
this past month. She's doing fine and not much has changed. She is still a slut and now a
slave to a dominant couple. She is also stell active with K9's. Overall she is happy with her
life .

Posted by: ILuvK9Gals Mar 22 2012, 07:43 AM

Mmmmmmmmmm she follows orders well !

Posted by: RSQ Mar 23 2012, 04:52 PM

What a story! If true, it opened my eyes to what real submissives are like and what fulfills
them. I hope both ladies are safe and enjoying their new found freedom from the
constraints of convention.

And thank you for a very well written tale as well as your integrity in only publishing what
you were given permission for .

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Mar 23 2012, 07:01 PM

I'm amazed to see that their is still interest in this story. I am still in contact with Jeannie. I'm
sorry to report that she lost her Mom to cancer. Jeanie continues to serve her new Master
and Mistress, as well as her original Mistress .

Posted by: ILuvK9Gals Jun 12 2012, 01:35 AM

Mmmmm wonderful story! I just had to read it again. I'm very sorry Jeannie lost her mother
to cancer .
Posted by: BROKENWRENCH Jun 14 2012, 01:24 AM

i have read this story from the beginning over the last three days . based upon this account
and of another long running account about k9 , equine , pain and slave training. there is an
elite class of slave traders that buy and sell these women. some start their training at a very
early age. some of these girls are offspring of sex slaves that get pregnant and are born in
secret with no public records. some of the top political leaders in the highest areas of
governments of many countries are involved.

Samantha was most likely trained as a slave herself but defiantly recruited to be a sex slave
farm to provide stock for this type of sex slavery. unfortunately unless these slaves are very
lucky once they are too old or lose their looks they are discreetly killed and disposed of or
sold overseas and never heard from again. this is the hard truth.

one instance that i know of from my hometown was a biker gang had won one of these sex
slave girls in a poker game. they owned a secluded farmstead that was very remote and had
several ways to access discreetly. after the gang got tired of their sex toy they coated her
hands and feet with tar and tar coated strips of cloth until the tar balls were about a foot in
diameter the tied the girl to a large wagon wheel by the wrists and ankles which they
suspended from a tall large a swing set frame they set the tar balls on fire and used the girl
for a night light for their drunken party when the girl screamed all night until her feed and
hands burned off and burned the ropes that let her fall into a fire pit beneath her after the
party was over and the gang left. when the girl was found she had been blinded and had her
ear drums destroyed and her vocal cords destroyed so she could not identify or tell her story
to anyone. yes she is still alive she has had one eye partially repaired by a eye operation and
one eardrum was repaired to the point she can hear. she was able to identify most
responsible and some did not survive their arrest and the others were given life in prison.
they did not last very long.

this girl does not know who she is she said she was raised in a cage and tortured continually
and does not know who her parents are. she never went to school and could not read or
write and had a very limited vocabulary.

her ordeal shook my hometown to it's core when the details came out in court after the
gang was rounded up. 4 of the members were drive thrus and said the girl was already on
fire when they arrived and turn states evidence and was key in tracking down where the girl
came from. it was finally determined that the girl was a daughter of a prostitute who worked
both sides of the mexican border. the mother traded her newborn daughter to a drug lord
for her next fix.

it is one thing for a girl to willingly choose this lifestyle it is a totally different thing to break
them into submission as an unwilling one .

Posted by: manbitch247 Jun 24 2012, 03:03 AM

22 chapters in so far, loving every one of em, thanks !

Posted by: Messa Cali Jun 24 2012, 03:25 PM

Superb story. Really like it.

Posted by: txgal2012 Jun 24 2012, 04:00 PM

Great story! Thank you for sharing it and keep up the great work! Looking forward to hearing
another adventure with Black Jack .

Posted by: cutegirl_bitch Jun 24 2012, 05:10 PM

thanks for the story such a erotic one

Posted by: PuppyBboy Jun 24 2012, 08:42 PM

I am reading this and it so so HOT.. it makes my cock hard and I love it! I rated you a 10 !!!

Posted by: manbitch247 Jun 24 2012, 11:29 PM

Very sad to hear that jeanies mom passed, but happy you finally have contact, thank you so
much, and jeanie as well for sharing this wonderful story, when i hit 100 posts here soon, i'll
return to give you the ten you deserve

Posted by: manbitch247 Jun 26 2012, 11:12 PM

this is my 100th post, you get that and a ten from me, thanks again and thanks for the
response to my mail

Posted by: Bigdog4fbyM Jul 3 2012, 03:48 AM

Just a short update for fans of Jeanie. I talked to her the other day. She fell and broke her
pelvis about 7 weeks ago and had just been able to come home. She was returning from a
Horse fucking show where she was the star. Needless to say she is incapacitated for now and
very horny. She continues to love her life .

Posted by: courious teanager Sep 1 2012, 05:21 AM

Hello I am on chapter 7 so far it has my interest all the way I never thought anything like this
could happen in real life. thank you for sharing this with me. Cathy
Posted by: minimac Nov 8 2012, 09:43 PM

OMG that was fantastic. So loved the story .

A massive 10 out of 10.


Posted by: curious teenager Dec 25 2012, 03:26 AM

WOW Fantastic and awesome story i have just finished the story, and i love it. Your story is
incredibly erotic, and has left me absolutely dripping wet, and wanting a lot more that i wish
it was me that all this was happening to .

Posted by: ILuvK9Gals Aug 30 2013, 06:09 PM


Posted by: Trangbeer Sep 1 2013, 11:03 PM

An awesome story told with real character. I love how you still keep update of Jeanie for
everyone. I hope she's doing well. It's a nice note that she's now move on to horse fucking.
What a cute turn out. Big sorry to her mom, I didn't expect that coming even with how her
mom's health was in the story. It's been at least 3 years now since the story began but still
have great impact .

Posted by: Bestboy123 Nov 20 2014, 06:45 AM

I still love this story. I think it's my all time favourite. I wonder if we will ever hear another
update .

Posted by: indiansexid Nov 28 2014, 06:44 PM

great ............

Posted by: PuppyGirlSophie Nov 30 2014, 05:04 AM

Loved this story , in a way I envy her

Posted by: redfir Feb 11 2016, 02:09 AM

loved this story , thank you for posting

Posted by: AngiesBFWyatt Feb 11 2016, 07:12 PM

Great story. Thanks for sharing. I gave you a 10.


Posted by: curi5 Sep 30 2016, 10:42 AM

great job!

thank you for sharing!

Posted by: socali6969 Sep 30 2016, 05:51 PM

Fantastic story...such a woven thread through the mom/dau scene with parties to be
used....wonderfully sexy !!!

Posted by: jaynecage Feb 23 2017, 08:14 PM

Loved reading this story so many taboos and I loved the mother daughter aspect

hope their will more in the same vein


Posted by: Essaxone Feb 24 2017, 02:32 AM

I enjoyed the story immensely. Thanks so much for sharing. Well deserving of a 10

And I read on

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