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Cathodic Protection Project

Dr/ Ashraf Abdelraouf

Project a 2021-2022
Team Members " "
1- mohamed hosny
2- mohamed sayed ahmed
3-Ziad Essam
4-ahmed Hazem
5-omar mokhtar

Constant Value "from tables"

Resistivity Of Soil = 200 Ω.cm
Resistivity Of Sea Water = 30 Ω.cm
Max Resistivity Of Carbon Breeze = 50 Ω.cm
Current Density Of Soil = 0.2 A/m^2
Current Density Of Sea Water = 0.1 A/m^2
Wear of Silicon Iron Anode = 0.1 kg/Ampere/Year
Weight Of Silicon Iron Anode = 50 kg
Length Of Silicon Iron Anode = 2.13m
Wear Of Platinized Titanium = 0.00001kg/Ampere/Year
Weight Of Platinized Titanium = 12kg
Length Of Platinized Titanium = 1.2 m
Life Time Of Anode = 25 Years
Dimension Of Sheet Piles:- w=0.9m , h=0.23m , th=0.012m
Cross section area of sheet piles = 1.1m^2
Distance between sheet piles and ground bed :- (150 to 200
first step(in soil):-protection current
**sidewalk length=2000 meter

**number of sheet piles = Total area of surface *Cross section

area of sheet piles

** Total area (soil)= number of sheet piles * depth


**protection current=protected area* current intensity(SOIL)

Total impressed current (soil)= Total area (soil) * Current density
Second step(in soil):-selection anodes
1- Life Time Of Anode = 25 Years

2- Mass of silicon iron anode (soil)

= total impressed current (soil) * Wear of silicon iron anode
* life time of anode


3- Number of anodes (side soil)=

Mass of silicon iron anode / weight of silicon iron anode
=13200/50=264 anodes in soil
Third step(in soil):-design of ground beds in proper location
We have 264 anodes now we need 6 ground bed

1-Length of ground bed (one) =

Length of anode * Capacity of one ground bed

2-Width of ground bed = 2* Length of anode


3-Total length of ground bed =

length of ground bed * number of ground bed

4-Actual length of ground bed =

total length of surface - total length of ground bed

5-Length between two ground bed =

actual length of ground bed / number of ground bed
first step(in water):-protection current
**sidewalk length=2000 meter

**number of sheet piles = Total area of surface *Cross section

area of sheet piles

** Total area (water)= number of sheet piles * depth


**protection current=protected area* current intensity(water)

Total impressed current (water)= Total area (water) * Current
density (water)
Second step(in water):-selection anodes
1- Life Time Of Anode = 25 Years

2- Mass of silicon iron anode (water)

= total impressed current (water) * Wear of silicon iron
anode * life time of anode


3- Number of anodes (side water)=

Mass of silicon iron anode / weight of silicon iron anode
=6600/12=550 anodes in water
Third step(in water):-design of ground beds in proper location
We have 550 anodes now we need 15 ground bed
1-Length of ground bed (one) =
Length of anode * Capacity of one ground bed

2-Width of ground bed = 2* Length of anode


3-Total length of ground bed =

length of ground bed * number of ground bed

4-Actual length of ground bed =

total length of surface - total length of ground bed

5-Length between two ground bed =

actual length of ground bed / number of ground bed

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