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Product / Part: Go-Jek


Process Functions Requirement

locating driver to locate driver driver location

payment verification to verify payment customer payment
order status check to display order status customer order
open application to run the application application opened
verificcation OTP code to verify customer account customer phone number
receiving order to receive order order from customer
giving rating to give rating completed order
lokasi salah
otp tidak dapat
status error
aplikasi crash
pembayaran tidak berhasil
mendapat 2 driver
makanan dibawa plg
poin tidak dapet
poin bisa ditukar
promo tidak bisa digunakan
rating error




fail to locate the driver confusion 3 minor

fail to verify the payment order failiure 3 minor
fail to update order status miscommunication 5 low
fail to run application cannot open the application 8 very high
fail to receive OTP code cannot verify account 8 minor
1 order 2 driver confused driver 5 minor
fail to give rating no rating for driver 2 minor
Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Control Methods

Prevention Control

inaccurate signal make a strongger and more accurate locating system 9

bad signal provide a more stable payment process 2
faulty server automatically update 2
malfunction or corrupt data run more testing before implement a new update 5
wrong number double check the number that entered 4
system failure restrict the constraint into only 1 driver 1
system failure good internet connection for the customer 2
Effects Analysis

Control Methods


Detection Control

radius measurement of the driver location 2 54

order that have not paid within 5 minutes 2 12
confirm status order manually 7 70
system detect the malfucntion 1 40
User does not enter OTP for 5 minutes 1 32
system check if there is more than a 1 driver 1 5
system check if the rating has been received 1 4

Original Date: Revision Date:

Recommended Action

Target Finish Actual Finish

Action Responsibility
Date Date

create a prevention IT Staff 3/26/2022 3/30/2022

create a more stable payment process IT Staff 3/13/2021 3/16/2021
update automatically IT Staff 4/3/2021 4/6/2021
fix the malfunction IT Staff 5/3/2021 5/6/2021
make OTP code system more responsive IT Staff 10/3/2021 10/9/2021
restrict the constraint into only 1 driver IT Staff 5/3/2021 5/10/2021
make rating system more responsive and stable IT Staff 4/4/2021 4/12/2021



2 8 1 16
2 1 1 2
2 1 1 2
1 6 1 6
7 3 1 21
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Quick Tips with FMEA Analysis Add-In for Excel
1. How to quickly Insert new item (the yellow item)?

Step 1: Check the Enter To Insert option in the

Step 2: Select the the item below which you wan to insert a new one and press Enter

2. How to quickly detele the item without impact other items

Step 1 Select the item need to be deleted

Step 2: Rightclick and select Delete Item in the righclick menu


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