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Engineering (Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Trained engineers have a good understanding of mechanical principles and methods of construction. Although capable
of working with others, engineers may also complete many tasks by themselves. Engineers are conversant with
metal/woodworking tools and terminology. They can draw up plans and can interpret technical drawings no matter how
obscure or involved. Master Engineers (90%+) can supervise gangs of skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled labourers up to
their APPx5 in number. Engineers can prepare plans for many projects including war machines, river locks, mills,
fortresses and dams. Many engineers are familiar with the techniques and engines of seige warfare.

Chemistry (Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Characters with this skill have a reasonable understanding of the principles of Chemistry, although their knowledge will
often be in a magical or mystical form. As chemists these characters have the ability to recognise various types of
mineral ores, naturally occurring chemical compounds and prepared chemicals. They also know where to look for these
items (eg volcanic sulphur). Chemists also know how to extract and refine chemicals from mineral ores and compounds.
They can isolate an element from its compound to produce iron, copper, silver, etc.

The GM should guide PC chemists in the use of this skill and say what is and is not possible. Gunpowder is unknown in
the Young Kingdoms and should stay that way to preserve the campaign flavour. "Greek Fire" mixtures are possible,
usually consisting of naphtha, sulphur, bitumen and oil. Melnibonean chemists know this mixture well. Fumbles on the
skill roll can be expensive, messy and painful!

Metallurgy (Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Characters with this skill recognise the ores of the more important metals (eg Fe, Cu, Sn, Pb, Ag) and, given the right
equipment, can extract the metal from the ore. They can also calculate the correct mixture of metals required to produce
alloys of various qualities, including bronze, pewter and electrum. Note that this skill confers no ability to work the
prepared metal; a smithcraft skill is required for that.

Poison Lore (SB3; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Class Effects

01-20 1 Causes limited damage immediately. Roll D100
01-15 1D20 Damage; 16-30 1D10 Damage; 31-50 1D8 Damage; 51-80 1D6 Damage;
81-100 1D4 Damage
21-40 2 Causes slow death. Roll D100
01-10 In 1D4 x 10 minutes; 11-30 In 1D6 hours; 31-60 In 2D10 hours; 61-100 In 1D6+1
41-60 3 Causes temporary paralysis or unconsciousness (pick one) for 1D100 hours
61-80 4 Causes symptoms like illness, lasting 2D10 days. Victim must make CONx5% (Stamina)
roll each day or lose 1D6 CON points permanently. Rolls must be made every day until
the character is dead, the 2D10 days are up or the antidote is taken (normal healing plants
will not work).
81-100 5 Causes instant or rapid death. Roll D100
01-10 Instant; 11-50 In 1D6 melee rounds; 51-100 In 1D10 minutes

Further, there are two subclasses within each class of poison. Roll 1D6. 1-3 Poison is painless; 4-6 Poison is agonisingly
Plant Lore (SB3; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Skill Level

01-10 Generally recognise plants, would like to learn more about their uses.
11-20 Recognises and can find edible plants in the wild.
21-30 Recognises any poisonous plants in sight. If the character has no Poison Lore skill, this level of Plant
Lore automatically confers a Poison Lore skill of 10%.
31-40 Recognises and can find plants useful in sorcery and the summoning of demons.
41-50 Recognises and can find plants that make good healing poultices (1D6 regeneration of Hit Points after
1D6 hours on a wound).
51-60 Recognises and can find plants that make good healing potions (2D6 regeneration of Hit Points 2D6
hours after drinking - works for wounds, poison and disease).
61-70 Recognises and can find plants that cure infections (complete healing of wounds or disease after 1D6
71-80 Recognises and can find plants that are hallucinogens and other emotion-affecting drugs such as
aphrodisiacs, hate-agents etc.
81-90 Recognises and can find plants to make drugs that affect the attributes (such as increasing strength).
91-100 Recognises and can find those plants which when combined will make the Elixir of Invulnerability.

Biological Lore (HM; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Skill Level

01-10 Recognises most common animals and plants and their basic natures.
11-20 Recognises most exotic animals and plants; recognises most common dangerous or poisonous animals
and plants.
21-30 Basic knowledge of ecology, animal behaviour and evolution.
31-40 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease in STR or SIZ by 1D3; can alter colour of skin, fur, feathers or
41-50 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease in STR or SIZ by 1D6; minor exterior alterations: +/- 1 armour
point, thicker fur or hairless body, longer tail, etc.
51-60 Can evaluate and estimate abilities, behaviour and biology of previously-unknown plant or animal.
61-70 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease of any attribute by 1D6; complex exterior alterations: +/- 3
armour points, gliding flaps, spikes, etc.
71-80 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease of any attribute by 2D6; minor structural alterations: paws to
hands, quadruped to biped, litters of young rather than single births, etc.
81-90 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease of any attribute by 4D6; major structural alterations: speech,
herbivore to carnivore, immunity to certain type of poison, radiation-resistant, disease-carrier, etc.
91-100 Can bioengineer an increase or decrease of any attribute by 8D6; add unnatural body parts: wings, tail,
extra legs, poison glands, etc; create whole new abilities: breathe water, mental powers, luminescence.
Chemical Lore (HM; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Skill Level

01-10 Can identify common chemical compounds.
11-20 Can make simple chemicals such as salt, lye or dues.
21-30 Can extract simple purified substances from natural sources, such as alcohol from fermenting grapes or
lead from lead ore.
31-40 Can identify complex chemical compounds such as drugs, hydrocarbons or poisons.
41-50 Can extract complex purified substances from natural sources, such as nicotine from tobacco or kerosene
from crude oil.
51-60 Can create simple but dangerous compounds, such as poison gas, explosives or acids.
61-70 Can create simple chemical devices, such as gas masks, fire extinguishers or smoke bombs.
71-80 Can manipulate and deal with radioactive substances.
81-90 Can create complex chemicals such as hallucinogens, poison antidotes or paralyzing gas.
91-100 Can create complex devices relying on chemical principles, such as acid cannon, oxygen generators or
helium gas bags.

Electrical Lore (HM; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Skill Level

01-20 Knows that lightning and static electricity are two forms of the same power and that electricity exists.
21-40 Can make simple electrical devices such as leyden jars and lightning rods.
41-60 Can understand how to use basic electrical devices, hook up batteries, read dials and switches, etc.
61-80 Can create basic electrical devices such as electromagnets, generators, telegraphs, etc.
81-100 Can create and understand advanced electrical devices.

Machine Lore (HM; Mental; 0% base; Training Only)

Skill % Skill Level

01-20 Understands simple machines such as pulleys, wagons, gears etc.
21-40 Can create and build simple machines, such as waterwheels, pedal-turned lathes, and shot blowers
41-60 Can understand the use of moderately complex machines such as steam engines, air pumps, cotton gins
or multi-speed bicycles.
61-80 Can build moderately complex machines such as steam engines etc.
81-100 Can build and understand very complex machines such as internal combustion engines, ornithopters etc.

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