55 Waging War On Physical Inactivity Using Modern

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J Appl Physiol 93: 3–30, 2002;


invited review
Waging war on physical inactivity: using modern
molecular ammunition against an ancient enemy


Departments of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Physiology and the Dalton
Cardiovascular Institute, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211; 2Department
of Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104; and
Departments of Exercise and Sports Sciences and of Physiology and the Human Performance
Laboratory, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina 27858-4353

Booth, Frank W., Manu V. Chakravarthy, Scott E. Gordon, and

Espen E. Spangenburg. Waging war on physical inactivity: using
modern molecular ammunition against an ancient enemy. J Appl Physiol
93: 3–30, 2002; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00073.2002.—A hypothesis is pre-
sented based on a coalescence of anthropological estimations of Homo
sapiens’ phenotypes in the Late Paleolithic era 10,000 years ago, with
Darwinian natural selection synergized with Neel’s idea of the so-called
thrifty gene. It is proposed that humans inherited genes that were
evolved to support a physically active lifestyle. It is further postulated
that physical inactivity in sedentary societies directly contributes to
multiple chronic health disorders. Therefore, it is imperative to identify
the underlying genetic and cellular/biochemical bases of why sedentary
living produces chronic health conditions. This will allow society to
improve its ability to effect beneficial lifestyle changes and hence im-
prove the overall quality of living. To win the war against physical
inactivity and the myriad of chronic health conditions produced because
of physical inactivity, a multifactorial approach is needed, which in-
cludes successful preventive medicine, drug development, optimal target
selection, and efficacious clinical therapy. All of these approaches require
a thorough understanding of fundamental biology and how the dysregu-
lated molecular circuitry caused by physical inactivity produces clini-
cally overt disease. The purpose of this review is to summarize the vast
armamentarium at our disposal in the form of the extensive scientific
basis underlying how physical inactivity affects at least 20 of the most
deadly chronic disorders. We hope that this information will provide
readers with a starting point for developing additional strategies of their
own in the ongoing war against inactivity-induced chronic health condi-
exercise; disease; mechanism; genes; evolution

UPDATE ON THE WAR AGAINST CHRONIC DISEASE: and human suffering (103). The good news is that
THE GOOD NEWS AND THE BAD exercise intervention and exercise biology are vital and
Our society is currently at war against the ominous potentially effective components of our arsenal in the
enemy of chronic disease. Chronic disease presents a war on chronic disease. In a previous call to arms in
heavy burden to society, in terms of both medical costs this fight (25), we reviewed the overwhelming epidemi-
ological evidence linking most chronic diseases to the
rise in physical inactivity during the past century. The
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: F. W. bad news is that exercise and exercise biology appear
Booth, Univ. of Missouri, Dept. of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences,
E102 Vet. Med. Bldg., 1600 E. Rollins, Columbia MO 65211 (E-mail: to be the least used weapons in our arsenal. It is our
boothf@missouri.edu). perception that 1) much of the medical community
http://www.jap.org 8750-7587/02 $5.00 Copyright © 2002 the American Physiological Society 3

underpractices primary prevention as it pertains to change to one that strives to understand the molecular
appropriate levels of physical activity for health and 2) mechanisms of disease induced by a sedentary lifestyle
much of the research community undervalues the im- acting on a genome programmed for physical activity.
portance of understanding the cellular, molecular, and In summary, at the start of the new millennium, we
genetic bases of diseases caused by physical inactivity. are uniquely poised to wage war against physical inac-
For many, exercise is viewed solely as a research or tivity by using the modern ammunition of cellular,
diagnostic tool and not as a true weapon against biochemical, and molecular biological breakthroughs of
chronic disease. In reality, however, exercise attacks the 21st century to begin dissection of the underlying
the roots of chronic disease, that is, physical inactivity. mechanisms concerning the impact of physical activity
For us to follow a common battle plan, there is an on health.
apparent need to convince the medical community that This review does not intend to be inclusive by pro-
chronic disease is rooted in physical inactivity. Thus, in viding all known information for each inactivity-re-
this review, we focus on these roots by compiling the lated disorder; rather, we have chosen a portion of
scientific evidence to date showing the biological basis those papers supporting the role of inactivity in dis-
of how physical inactivity leads to chronic disease. One ease. Although we attempted an unbiased selection of
purpose of this review is to demonstrate that exercise material and believe that this is a fair presentation,
is more than a tool, such as in treadmill testing of the reader needs to be cautioned that our passion could
humans for cardiac dysfunctions. To address these unintentionally affect our objectivity. The reader also
misconceptions, a number of weapons will be employed needs to be cautioned that the less than exhaustive
in this review. coverage of each disease means that the reader will
have to take what is presented as only a starting point
BATTLE PLAN TO PROVE THE DEPTH OF for further study. The authors thus apologize for the
KNOWLEDGE FOR EACH CHRONIC HEALTH possible omission of any specific references.
The first portion of this review details the concept
that the human genome has been evolutionarily pro- All that we can do, is to keep steadily in mind that
grammed for physical activity. The strategy is to show each organic being is striving. . .that each at some
that physical inactivity interacts directly with the ge- period of its life, during some season of the year,
nome and thus that physical inactivity is an initiating during each generation or at intervals, has to
factor in the molecular mechanisms of disease. Next, in struggle for life and to suffer great destruction.
the longest portion of this review, a generic battle plan When we reflect on this struggle, we may console
for each health condition is presented, with each plan ourselves with the full belief, that the war on
consisting of three distinct rounds of discussion. First, nature is not incessant, that no fear is felt, that
a short synopsis of epidemiology for that condition is death is generally prompt, and that the vigorous,
given. The strategy is to document the epidemiological the healthy, and the happy survive and multiply.
evidence that physical inactivity does increase the (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species)
prevalence of the particular health condition. Second,
intermediate mechanisms by which physical inactivity From Darwin’s (48) seminal work, we have now
induces the onset of the particular condition are given. accrued the scientific basis for the notion of how envi-
Third, the cellular/molecular mechanisms, if known, ronmental forces directly modify the fates of genes and
are presented. Our strategy is to prove that, as for most how in turn that inextricable connection remains in-
inactivity-related chronic health conditions, a solid cel- tertwined and integrated with our day-to-day exis-
lular/molecular mechanism of how physical inactivity tence. Those fundamental concepts are now refined
increases disease prevalence does exist. To reinforce and applied to the understanding of how the environ-
the impact of the final discussion, speculation, when mental-genetic interaction molds our susceptibility,
reasonable, is presented as to how physical inactivity our selection, and, as we shall describe here, our strug-
might drive an inappropriate expression from a ge- gle against the onslaught of modern chronic diseases.
nome that had been evolutionarily programmed for Indeed, environmental factors have been identified as
more physical activity than exists in modern American 58–91% of causal factors for three of the most domi-
culture. In addition, our battle plan includes a large nant chronic health conditions afflicting individuals in
number of chronic health conditions whose prevalence modern-day America: Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart
is increased by physical inactivity. Our strategy is to disease, and most site-specific cancers (113, 153, 227).
overrun disbelievers’ defenses by the sheer mass of This is a dramatic shift in the preponderance of inci-
conditions influenced by physical inactivity. dence of such conditions that once were very rare.
The approach here is to document the need to under- There is now unequivocal evidence in the literature
stand the mechanisms of chronic health conditions supporting the notion that all environmental factors
produced by physical inactivity, just as it is legitimate
to understand disease mechanisms for atherosclerosis, 1
During the Late Paleolithic period (50,000–10,000 BC), humans
cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. This battle will be consid- existed as hunter-gatherers, using rudimentary chipped stone tools,
ered won if the emphasis of biological research would and are thus said to have lived in the so-called old stone age (55).

J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org


combined, including physical inactivity (defined here chronic because they are slow in progression and long
as the activity equivalent of ⬍30 min of brisk walking/ in continuance (53)]. A Scandinavian twin study (153)
day), account for the majority of chronic health condi- showed that 58–100% of site-specific cancers had an
tions (153) [these conditions are characterized as environmental origin. The Harvard Center for Cancer
Prevention in a 1996 report (95) estimated that, of the
total number of cancer deaths, 30% were due to to-
bacco, 30% to adult diet and obesity, 5% to occupational
factors, and 2% to environmental pollution. This report
predated much of the work regarding exercise’s pre-
ventive effect on many site-specific cancers. A total of
91% of the cases of Type 2 diabetes (113) and 82% (227)
of the coronary artery disease cases in 84,000 female
nurses could be attributed to habits and so-called high-
risk behavior [defined by the study as body mass index
(BMI) ⬎25, diet low in cereal fiber and polyunsatu-
rated fat and high in transfat and glycemic load, a
sedentary lifestyle, and currently smoking]. Thus the
majority of deaths from chronic health conditions in
the United States are of environmental origin. Physical
inactivity is the third leading cause of death in the
United States and contributes to the second leading cause
(obesity), accounting for at least 1 in 10 deaths (88).
Studies showed that ⬃30–50% of all cases of Type 2
diabetes, coronary heart disease, and many cancers
were prevented by 30 min of moderate-intensity exer-
cise each day in middle-aged women (e.g., walking ⬎3
miles/h) compared with cohorts who exhibited lower
levels of physical activity (42, 113, 165). Hence, the
question arises: how does an environmental factor such
as physical inactivity trigger the underlying intrinsic
genetic composition of an individual to induce suscep-
tibility to such detrimental health conditions, when our
genes have been programmed for maximal preserva-
tion by natural selection?
To provide an evolutionary-genetic hypothesis to the
above question, we will focus on physical activity and
how a sedentary lifestyle is a potent environmental
trigger for the development of several chronic health
conditions as detailed above. Environmental factors
are thought to exert their influence by altering the
expression of a subpopulation of genes that results in a
phenotype that passes a threshold of biological signif-
icance to where overt clinical symptoms appear (the
pathological state) (17) (Fig. 1). Physical inactivity
constitutes an important component of these environ-
mental factors. Modern Homo sapiens are still geneti-
cally adapted to a preagricultural hunter-gatherer life-

Fig. 1. Demonstration of the concept that physical inactivity alters

normal gene expression, which produces a pattern of protein expres-
sion that approaches the threshold of physiological significance. This
threshold is passed if susceptibility gene X and physical inactivity
are present, thereby allowing for the development of an overt clinical
disease. A: appropriate physical activity moves gene expression away
from a threshold at which symptoms of overt clinical disorders occur.
B: physical inactivity alone moves the phenotype toward the thresh-
old of clinical disorders. C: a gene polymorphism alone predisposes a
person to a clinical disorder (susceptibility gene X) and moves the
phenotype toward the threshold for overt clinical disorders. D: dual
presence of a susceptibility gene X and physical inactivity causes
gene expression to pass the threshold of physiological significance at
a rapid rate, allowing for overt clinical disorders to occur.

J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org


style (67) because the overall genetic makeup of Homo insulin resistance in muscle would have the effect of
sapiens has changed little during the past 10,000 years blunting the hypoglycemia that occurs during fasting,
(56). Hunter-gatherer societies likely had to undertake which suggested to them a survival advantage during
moderate physical activity for more than 30 min each periods of food shortage. The current literature sug-
day to provide basic necessities, such as food, water, gests that the plasticity of many of the same metabolic
shelter, materials for warmth, and so forth, to survive. proteins found with nutritional state (57, 218) extends
One can speculate, although not prove, that any phe- to physical activity (105, 202). Because inactive skele-
notype preventing a hunter-gatherer from engaging in tal muscles in periods of famine do not require as much
physical activity would increase the likelihood of the blood glucose, we speculate that the pathways conserv-
random elimination of this organism or its offspring at ing the uptake of blood sugar into an inactive skeletal
some time. On the other hand, a phenotype that would muscle were programmed into the human genome dur-
support moderate physical activity by allowing a ing the Late Paleolithic era. Furthermore, we propose
greater capacity for flux of substrates for ATP produc- that the exercise-induced enhancement of glucose up-
tion to fuel physical work would have been more likely take only into contracting muscle evolved to overcome
to survive, and its gene pool would be transferred to muscle insulin resistance to permit the physical activ-
future generations. In essence, we are extending Dar- ity associated with food gathering in periods of famine.
winian thought (169) to include a concept that random Thus the present interpretations of alterations in gene
elimination is less likely to occur during the hunter- expression with changes in daily physical activity
gatherer era for phenotypes that had a high capacity to should consider their potential origins of being pro-
support increased metabolic rates during moderate grammed into the human genome as survival mecha-
physical work. Thus it is likely that many metabolic nisms during the Late Paleolithic period. As such, they
features of modern humans evolved as an adaptation to are more than the current faddish description of an
a physically active lifestyle, coupled with a diet high in environmental perturbation of genes; rather, they
protein and low in fat, interspersed with frequent pe- should be thought of as a constitutive function for
riods of famine (67, 257). normal gene function. In other words, physical inactiv-
ity is an abnormal event for a genome programmed to
The “Thrifty Gene” Hypothesis Applied expect physical activity, thus explaining, in part, the
to Physical Activity genesis of how physical inactivity leads to metabolic
dysfunctions and eventual metabolic disorders such as
The concept of cycles of feast and famine engendered atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, Type 2 diabetes,
Neel’s (186) “thrifty gene” hypothesis. According to this and so forth (Fig. 2).
hypothesis, those individuals with “thrifty” metabolic Daily physical activity was an integral, obligatory
adaptations would convert more of their calories into aspect of our ancestor’s existence (45). The weekly
adipose tissue during periods of feasting (41). As a
consequence, those with the thrifty phenotype would
be less likely to be randomly eliminated during periods
of food shortage (257), i.e., during periods of feast they
would be thrifty and store more food calories as fat due
to their thrifty metabolic processes. The ability of an
organism to adapt to a lowering of energy intake is
beneficial to survival (218). This concept also implies
the cycling of metabolic processes with the fluxes in
feast and famine. A reduction in energy intake below
an acceptable level of requirement results in a series of
physiological, biochemical, and behavioral responses,
which are an adaptation to the low-energy intake
(218). One of these is atrophy of skeletal muscle
wherein muscle protein is degraded as a carbon source
for gluconeogenesis by the liver. Malnutrition is also
associated with a behavioral decrease in spontaneous,
free-living physical activity (218). Because inactivity
produces muscle atrophy, we speculate an evolutionary Fig. 2. Biological basis for the hypothesis that the human genome
origin for the selection of genes that respond to physi- requires physical activity to maintain health is depicted. We specu-
cal inactivity and activity in the control of muscle late that the human genome evolved to support higher metabolic
rates and strength activities of a physically active lifestyle. The
protein expression. human genome has remained largely unchanged during the past
Plasticity of metabolic pathways in skeletal muscle 10,000 years. However, we further speculate that the recent occur-
likely provides an adaptive advantage during periods rence of a more physically inactive lifestyle does not maintain the
of famine and physical inactivity. Wendorf and Gold- required metabolic fluxes and muscle loading. As a consequence,
genes expecting physical activity for normal function have altered
fine (257) proposed that the thrifty phenotype in Type expression such that the resultant phenotype induces a cross of a
2 diabetes could in fact be (or contribute to) insulin threshold of clinical significance whereby overt clinical disorders
resistance seen in muscle. They wrote that a selective appear.

J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org


activity pattern of hunter-gatherers in this century activity phenotype with the maintenance of the evolu-
followed what has been called a Paleolithic rhythm of tionarily conserved thrifty phenotype. This would al-
days of fairly intense physical activity that alternated low for a manifestation of metabolic dysfunction in the
with days of rest and light activity: men commonly form of insulin resistance, which is an underlying part
hunted from 1–4 nonconsecutive days a week with of syndrome X [the metabolic or insulin resistance
intervening days of rest and women routinely gathered syndrome of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and Type 2
every 2 or 3 days (214). Other activities involving diabetes (93)].
physical labor included tool making, butchering and
other food preparation, preparing clothing, carrying Physical Activity Is a Prerequisite for Normal
firewood and water, and moving to new campsites Physiological Gene Expression Based on the
(214). Dances (often lasting hours) were a major recre- Following Reasoning
ational activity in many cultures, often taking place
several nights per week (214). Skeletal remains from The condition of physical inactivity often extends
preagricultural hunter-gatherers showed that they beyond a benign metabolic dysfunction to a pathophys-
had habitual activity that made them more muscular iological condition. Human cells are maladapted to an
and stronger than postagricultural society (56). Today, inactive lifestyle. The variety of polymorphisms in the
most Americans are quite weak relative to our ances- aforementioned polygenetic diseases set diversity in
tors, possibly contributing to the premature onset of the threshold for obtaining biological significance clas-
physical disability (226). sified as pathology. Extrapolating from the Late Paleo-
The estimated caloric expenditure of daily physical lithic culture, one might reason that perhaps evolution
activity is much less today than in the hunter-gatherer has programmed phenotypes to undertake a quantity
society. The total energy expenditure of contemporary of metabolic fluxes to support a physically active life-
humans is ⬃65% that of Late Paleolithic Stone Agers, style. During periods of inactivity, some metabolic pro-
with the assumption that comparisons to modern day cesses involved in the oxidation of substrates could
foragers are feasible (45). However, when differences become underused with a consequent dysfunction in
in body size are considered, the energy expenditure per metabolic processes related to energy storage. Thus the
unit body mass for physical activity for contemporary often-perceived notion that being sedentary has no
American adults is ⬃38% that of our smaller human adverse clinical effect has no biological basis to it and
ancestors (45). The 30 min of moderate exercise daily hence is false. However, it is likely that humans have
in present guidelines results in expenditure of only an intrinsic biological requirement for a certain thresh-
44% of the calories of two 20th century hunter-gatherer old of physical activity, with a sedentary lifestyle being
societies, which according to Cordain et al. (45) is much a disruption of the normal homeostatic mechanisms
below estimates for calories expended in preagricul- programmed for proper metabolic flux needed to main-
tural human ancestors. Cordain et al. wrote that the tain health. Neel (187) describes this process with the
current level of physical activity is “very likely, below concept of “syndromes of failed genetic homeostasis” by
the level of physical exertion for which our genetically- increased periods of physical inactivity, which offsets
determined physiology and biochemistry have been the necessary homoeostatic balance governing energy
programmed through evolution.” input and utilization and perhaps could ultimately
Adults in the present United States have Late Pa- lead to the chronic metabolic syndrome manifested as
leolithic preagricultural hunter-gatherer genes but live syndrome X. Thus it behooves the health of modern
in a sedentary, food-abundant society whose appear- society to alter their environmental influences such
ance as a culture is less than 200 years old (56). Eaton that they maximize their “positive selection” and min-
et al. (56) contend that there is now a mismatch be- imize “random elimination.”
tween our ancient, genetically controlled biology and The importance of understanding the molecular ba-
certain aspects of our daily lives. The thrifty phenotype sis for disease is unequivocally clear. For example,
is now disadvantageous in sedentary individuals who Francis Collins wrote (43)
are allowed free access to food (257). They store fat in For me, as a physician, the true payoff from the
anticipation of a famine that does not come because Human Genome Project will be the ability to
food is available on demand. Some of those who develop better diagnose, treat, and prevent disease, and
obesity and Type 2 diabetes likely have the thrifty most of those benefits to humanity still lie ahead.
phenotype. Eaton et al. maintain that this discordance With these immense data sets of sequence and
promotes chronic degenerative disorders that have variation now in hand, we are now empowered to
their main clinical expression in the postreproductive pursue those goals in ways undreamed of a few
period and account for ⬃75% of deaths in the United years ago. If research support continues at vigor-
States. We would also like to extend the concept of the ous levels, it is hard to imagine that genomic
maladaptation of the “thrifty phenotype” to the malad- science will not soon reveal the mysteries of he-
aptation of the “activity phenotype.” Metabolic pro- reditary factors in heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
cesses in the body have evolved to support physical mental illness, and a host of other conditions.
activity. When physical inactivity is present during
states of continuous feeding, as is the norm in the We hope that our presentation in this review will
United States today, there is a downregulation of the demonstrate that physical activity should be added to
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

Collin’s list of hereditary factors, as we have inherited CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES

a genome programmed for physical activity, and phys-
Heart Disease: Coronary Artery Disease, Angina,
ical inactivity precedes some of the onset of heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, and mental illness. Genomic and Myocardial Infarction
science, as described by Collins, can only be a part of Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. The Ex-
his call for better prevention of disease. Understanding pert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
the popularized “gene-environmental” interaction will High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (61) concluded on
provide the most effective prevention of disease. evidence-based medicine
As delineated above, major “environmental” factors
of the Late Paleolithic era set the level of physical Physical inactivity is likewise a major, underlying
activity required by genes to maintain a healthy met- risk factor for coronary artery disease. It aug-
abolic function. Therefore, without that threshold of ments the lipid and non-lipid risk factors of the
physical activity expected by our genomes (secondary metabolic syndrome. It further may enhance risk
to our current sedentary lifestyles), physiological dys- by impairing cardiovascular fitness and coronary
function is likely to occur from pathological gene ex- blood flow. Regular physical activity reduces very
pression, eventually leading to chronic health condi- low-density lipoprotein levels, raises HDL choles-
tions. We agree with Francis Collins’ vision that terol, and in some persons, lowers LDL levels. It
genomic science will reveal the mysteries of the hered- also can lower blood pressure, reduce insulin re-
itary factors of heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 dia- sistance, and favorably influence cardiovascular
betes, and we support research regarding this vision. function. Thus, ATP III recommends that regular
However, these diseases will continue to occur until we physical activity become a routine component in
unravel the mysteries of the inherently enmeshed in- management of high serum cholesterol.
terplay of genetics and environment, particularly re-
garding how environmental factors such as physical Cardiovascular disease was the primary cause of
inactivity modify Late Paleolithic heredity to produce 949,619 deaths (41% of all deaths) in the United States
much of the premature death and suffering seen in in 1998. Inactivity contributed to these deaths. For
present-day human society (Fig. 2). Thus we propose example, 30% of coronary heart disease and stroke was
dual-track research that includes genomic science and prevented by 2.5 h of brisk walking (⬎3 miles/h) each
how the interaction between our environment and ge-
week, compared with those who performed less than
nome occurs. A more complete vision of the human
this amount of physical activity in a large population of
genome project would be to use every possible approach
Harvard nurses (115, 165). If the preventive effects of
in the war against chronic health conditions and not
limit research to only a portion of the possible mecha- undertaking moderate-intensity physical activity [i.e.,
nisms. activity performed at three to six times the basal met-
abolic rate, which is the equivalent of brisk walking at
3–4 miles/h for most healthy adults (197)] were to be
similar for all causes of cardiovascular disease, then
Physically Active Humans Are in the Control Group 284,886 deaths from cardiovascular disease would be
Based on Genotype and Phenotype prevented (12% of all deaths in the United States).
Intermediate mechanisms. A key cell type through
From the information presented in the previous sec- which inactivity mediates its effects on blood vessels is
tion, this review will be presented from the perspective likely the endothelial cell. Evidence is accumulating
that the control or normal phenotype in humans is a
that endothelial dysfunction is the initiating event in
physically active lifestyle, because current genes
the development of atherosclerosis (212). Indeed, as-
evolved from physically active humans. From the
sessing endothelial function has become an important
standpoint of our Late Paleolithic ancestors, physical
inactivity is abnormal; it can produce a pathophysio- tool for detection of preclinical cardiovascular disease
logical phenotype and is a major contributor to the (8). The present data point to the concept that physical
chronic health conditions of 2002. The purpose of this inactivity produces endothelial dysfunction, in part, by
review is to convince readers that the present knowl- diminishing the number of pulsatile increases in blood
edge on cellular/molecular adaptations related to phys- flow through coronary blood vessels (see Ref. 26 for
ical inactivity is only preliminary and to convince read- references). The lack of shear stresses produced from
ers that mechanisms of inactivity are directly involved the absence of exercise-induced increases in blood flow
in the potentiation of several chronic health conditions. removes the stimulus for vasodilation (acute) and
An understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease, structural enlargement (chronic) adaptations. In addi-
including those elicited by physical inactivity, is neces- tion to its effects on blood flow, physical inactivity also
sary for a complete understanding of chronic health enhances endothelial dysfunction indirectly through
conditions and to maximize their prevention. The next its modulation of the blood levels of certain metabolites
section of this review highlights the role of inactivity- and hormones (1). The prevalence of some clinical
related mechanisms in several chronic health condi- conditions that depress endothelial function is en-
tions. hanced by physical inactivity. For example, 1) obesity
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

and insulin resistance are associated with blunted en- arterial stiffness is not well understood. Sedentary
dothelium-dependent but not endothelium-indepen- individuals have a reduced large-artery compliance,
dent vasodilation (9); furthermore, hyperinsulinemia i.e., stiffer vessels, than do endurance-trained counter-
fails to augment endothelium-dependent vasodilation parts (130, 179, 233, 247). Aerobic fitness, total choles-
(228); 2) patients with Type 1 or 2 diabetes have sig- terol, and LDL cholesterol were found to be significant
nificant abnormalities in endothelial function (1); and independent physiological correlates of central arterial
3) low blood high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is associ- stiffness in healthy women varying in age and physical
ated with endothelial vasomotor dysfunction (269), as activity status (233).
therapies that increase HDL may improve endothelial Exercise also appears to exert an acute protective
vasomotor function independent of low-density lipopro- effect in heart muscle. A single 30-min bout of running
tein (LDL) cholesterol (60). Hypercholesterolemia, di- by rats on a treadmill conferred a cardioprotective
abetes mellitus, and hypertension are associated with effect on the myocardium that resulted in a limitation
reduced synthesis and/or increased degradation of vas- of infarct size 24 h later (266). Pharmacological inhibi-
cular nitric oxide (NO) (152), which reduces the vessel tion of protein kinase C (PKC) activation during the
diameters. The reduction in the activity of vascular NO exercise period abrogated this protective response
is also likely to play a significant role in the develop- (266). Exercise has also been shown to reduce is-
ment of atherosclerosis. Exercise ameliorates these chemia-reperfusion injury to the heart of rats by upregu-
disease processes through its action of increasing NO lating tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-␤, interleukin-1␤, and
production in endothelial cells (128). Exercise training manganese-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), all of which
of patients with coronary artery disease attenuated the are known to be cardioprotectants (267). MnSOD is an
paradoxical vasoconstriction in response to acetylcho- intrinsic radical scavenger, whereas TNF-␤ and interleu-
line by improving the endothelium-dependent vasodi- kin-1␤ are inducers of MnSOD (267).
latation in both epicardial coronary vessels and resis- CHRONIC MECHANISMS. Repeated increases in blood flow
tance vessels (92). by multiple exercise bouts have been shown to lead to
Cellular mechanisms. Physical inactivity decreases an enhanced capacity to produce NO in endothelial
NO production by less shear stress and thus lower NO cells and to structural enlargements of blood vessels.
synthase (NOS) expression (26). Studies that used ex- Multiple daily bouts of exercise in sedentary dogs in-
ercise to recover from sedentary conditions have shown creased the expression of eNOS mRNA in the blood
a progressive series of adaptations initiated by NO vessel wall (215). Delp and Laughlin (51) reported that
(170). NO produces vasodilation and initiates enlarge- the expression of eNOS protein in the aortas of seden-
ment of the vessel circumference, although the latter tary rats was increased after exercise training. After 8
alteration is not apparent until after numerous daily wk of aerobic training, venous plasma NO (nitrate/
bouts of exercise. nitrate) was increased, whereas endothelin-1 de-
ACUTE MECHANISMS. The first bout of exercise by a creased in human subjects (162).
sedentary individual increases blood flow past endo- As the duration of training is continued, NO signals
thelial cells in vessels, which, in turn, increases endo- enlargements in the circumference of vascular struc-
thelial cell NOS (eNOS) protein activity, ultimately tures (128). The increased vessel diameter is then
increasing its product NO. Exercise-induced vasodila- thought to minimize homeostatic disruption. The larger
tion is hypothesized to be mediated, in part, by shear diameter vessel would better accommodate the increase
stress (44) because, when endothelial cells were ex- in exercise-induced blood flow, thus lessening the re-
posed to increased fluid flow in culture, NOS mRNA sultant velocity of flow and lessening shear stress,
increased (190). The increased concentration of NO which would dampen the flow-stress-enhanced release
enhances vasodilation, which then lessens the increase of NO and its vasodilator response. Kingwell et al.
in shear stress (same flow in a larger diameter vessel) (131) suggested that the enhanced endothelium-depen-
across an endothelial cell. Several findings support this dent vasodilator reserve that develops with training
sequence. The NOS inhibitor L-NAME increases vas- over months is most likely related to lipid profile mod-
cular impedance in rats (112), whereas organic nitrates ification, which is particularly important in the setting
that increase NO improve arterial wall viscoelasticity of coronary and peripheral vascular disease.
in miniature pigs (10), which Kingwell (128) inter- In addition to synthesizing NO, all NOS isoforms
preted to mean that NO reduces arterial stiffness. catalyze superoxide anion (O2⫺䡠) formation (265). Reac-
Kingwell speculated that the most likely exercise-in- tive oxygen species, such as O2⫺䡠 and H2O2, cause oxi-
duced mechanism involves NO-induced vasodilation, dative stress in endothelial cells, a condition impli-
which in the physiological pressure range transfers cated in the pathogenesis of many cardiovascular and
wall stress from the stiffer collagen fibers to the more pulmonary diseases. The generation of free radicals in
distensible elastin matrix. In support of Kingwell’s the vessel wall from a number of mechanisms degrades
hypothesis, large-artery compliance is increased imme- NO and thus impairs endothelial function (132). The
diately after an acute exercise bout (129). Moderate production of O2⫺䡠 decreases the levels of NO䡠, as these
aerobic exercise has been shown to increase large- molecules undergo an extremely rapid diffusion-lim-
artery compliance after 4 wk in young normotensive ited radical/radical reaction, leading to the formation
but previously sedentary subjects (30). However, the of nitrite, nitrate, and, very importantly, the per-
molecular link by which NO signals a decrease in oxynitrite anion (ONOO⫺), which is highly reactive
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

with various biological molecules (18). Alteration of CHF benefit greatly from participating in exercise-
NOS activity in favor of O2⫺䡠 formation is thought to training programs. For example, exercise training of
underlie some pathophysiological events involving patients with moderate to severe CHF lowered all-
endothelial dysfunction, e.g., diabetes, atherosclerosis, cause mortality by 63% and reduced hospital readmis-
and aging (152). sion for heart failure by 71% (19). Therefore, physical
Antioxidant enzymes, SOD (converting O2⫺䡠 into inactivity can directly or indirectly account for the
H2O2), and catalase (converting H2O2 into water) aug- development of a significant percentage of cases of
ment antioxidant defenses in the endothelium. Physi- CHF and also exacerbate conditions associated with
cal inactivity lowers extracellular cell (ec) SOD levels, previously diagnosed CHF patients.
which enhances the potential of oxidants to degrade Intermediate mechanisms. Although the primary de-
the exercise-induced increases in NO. The mechanism fective organ in CHF is the heart, the peripheral mus-
is related to the lower NO production from the low culature becomes a secondary defective organ of major
blood flows and low shear stresses. Exercise training of clinical significance in that skeletal muscle limits ex-
sedentary mice increases antioxidant enzymes, whose ercise tolerance. Further skeletal muscle dysfunction
outcome would be increased NO because of antioxidant in CHF improves with exercise training, whereas the
enzymes protecting NO from degradation and vasodi- function of the primary defect, the heart, remains un-
lation (from the greater amounts of NO). Three weeks affected by training. In the heart failure syndrome, two
of treadmill training increased eNOS protein expres- of the main symptoms are fatigue and limitation in
sion in C57BL/6 mouse aortas by 3.2 ⫾ 0.5-fold com- exercise capacity. In many heart failure patients, an
pared with the sedentary-treated group (75). In paral- inherent defect in skeletal muscle function is an oper-
lel with this, the expression of ecSOD protein was also ative rather than a hemodynamic limitation (234).
increased by 2.8 ⫾ 0.4-fold, whereas aortic Cu/ZnSOD CHF is a multifactorial condition that occurs because
protein levels were not changed by training (75). In of the onset of many of the described conditions within
striking contrast to these results, in wild-type mice, this review. For example, coronary artery disease ac-
exercise training had no effect on ecSOD protein levels counts for nearly 60% of cases of CHF (97). The mech-
in eNOS⫺/⫺ mice (75). Fukai et al. (75) interpreted the anisms by which inactivity can mediate its effects on
outcome of these experiments to mean that the upregu- coronary artery disease have been described above.
lation of ecSOD in response to NO䡠 in normal mice Physical inactivity also increases the risk of other
would reduce reactions of NO䡠 with O2⫺䡠, thereby en- chronic health conditions that can lead to CHF. There-
hancing the biological effects of NO䡠 released by the fore, it is likely that many of the cellular mechanisms
endothelium. Fukai et al. further stated that the up- that contribute to the development of these above-
regulation of ecSOD expression by NO䡠 very likely mentioned diseases during physical inactivity may also
represented an important feed-forward mechanism, contribute to the development of CHF. Therefore, we
whereby NO䡠 released from the endothelium ulti- will describe how exercise may improve the function of
mately enhanced its own biological effect by reducing those inflicted with CHF rather than reiterating how
O2⫺䡠 in this critical extracellular site. Whereas a shorter inactivity increases the risk of developing conditions
training duration did not increase SOD (75), 16–20 wk that ultimately contribute to the development of CHF.
of physical training selectively increased the levels of Cellular evidence that exercise may improve the over-
SOD-1 mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity in por- all function in CHF patients. Bed rest and exercise
cine coronary arterioles (213). Thus physical inactivity restriction lead to deconditioning and increased mor-
is associated with lowered expression of both eNOS bidity in patients with symptomatic heart failure (234).
and ecSOD, less vasodilation, higher oxidative stress, Conversely, the evidence is quite clear that exercise
and more endothelial dysfunction (75). improves the overall function and exercise capacity of
people inflicted with CHF. It appears that the reduc-
Heart Disease: Congestive Heart Failure tions in exercise capacity in CHF are not solely due to
alterations in myocardial function (251). For example,
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. The in- various indicators of cardiac function (i.e., ejection frac-
cidence and mortality rate of congestive heart failure tion) do not correlate well (r ⫽ ⫺0.06) with overall
(CHF) have been steadily increasing over the past 10 exercise capacity in CHF patients (72). However, exer-
years. Approximately 4.6 million individuals in the cise capacity does correlate well with measures of pe-
United States have a diagnosis of CHF, with ⬃400,000 ripheral muscular strength and endurance (r ⫽ 0.90),
new cases occurring and 43,000 individuals dying an- which suggests that alterations in the periphery
nually (6). Hospitalizations from CHF increased from greatly contribute to exercise intolerance in CHF pa-
377,000 in 1979 to 870,000 in 1996 (6). Lack of physical tients (177). This lends reasoning that, if one is to
activity is considered an independent risk factor for the improve the overall functional capacity of the CHF
development of CHF (97). In addition, other primary patient, then it is necessary to attenuate the cellular
risk factors include obesity, hypertension, and diabe- alterations that are occurring in the periphery because
tes. According to He et al. (97), physical inactivity can of CHF. Furthermore, results from chronic heart fail-
account for 9.2% of all cases of CHF, whereas hyper- ure studies do not demonstrate improvements in left
tension can account for 10.2%, diabetes for 3.2%, and ventricular performance or central hemodynamics af-
obesity for 8.0%. Furthermore, patients diagnosed with ter exercise training, although the patients exhibit
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

significant improvements in overall exercise capacity inhibitor (102), suggesting a role for NO. There was an
(27). Therefore, it is likely that the reduction in exer- inverse relationship between change in ratio of total
cise capacity in CHF patients is due to a peripheral cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and the increase in
limitation, and the utilization of exercise in CHF pa- maximal forearm blood flow response to acetylcholine
tients appears to improve overall exercise capacity after the 12-wk training in these hypertensive patients
through the alteration of peripheral mechanisms (27). (102), suggesting a role of high cholesterol on endothe-
Sullivan et al. (232) showed that 4–6 mo of aerobic lial dysfunction.
training increased exercise capacity and improved Sedentary, spontaneously hypertensive rats had
blood flow to the peripheral musculature. The data also greater blood pressures, a higher dose-response curve
suggest that there were changes in muscle metabolism for norepinephrine, and a decreased vasodilator re-
that occurred after the exercise program, in that there sponse to acetylcholine in isolated intact aortic and
seemed to be less of a reliance on glycolytic metabo- mesenteric rings compared with exercise-trained hy-
lism. Furthermore, Hambrecht et al. (91) demon- pertensive rats (268). Sedentary hypertensive rats had
strated that endurance training clearly improved the increased adrenergic agent-induced vasoconstricting
peak oxygen consumption of CHF patients. Hambrecht responses, associated with attenuated NO release, of
et al. (91) also demonstrated that patients with CHF thoracic aortas and carotid arteries relative to exercise-
exhibited multiple cellular changes in the skeletal trained hypertensive rats (37). Plasma nitrate (an in-
muscle and that many of them could have contributed dex of NO quantity) was lower in sedentary hyperten-
to the reductions in exercise capacity. For example, sive rats compared with those allowed access to 35
their study showed that the exercise training in the days of voluntary wheel running (120). This effect
CHF patients produced a “reshift” in fiber-type propor- remained for 36 h, but exercised rats returned to sed-
tions from fast to slow and also indicated training entary levels by the 7th day of detraining.
induced improvements in mitochondrial function (91). Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is
Therefore, there are known cellular adaptations that available describing cellular mechanisms.
occur during exercise training in CHF patients that
lead to overall improvements in functional capacity. Stroke
One of the hallmark signs of CHF is a rapid devel-
opment of skeletal muscle fatigue (160). Alterations in Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Physical
excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) of skeletal mus- inactivity increases the risk of stroke (81). At least 22
cle are known to contribute to the development of publications report that regular exercise reduces the
skeletal muscle fatigue in healthy individuals (254, risk of ischemic stroke in men and women (Ref. 115
258). However, it has been shown that changes in ECC and see Ref. 146 for references). A statement for
occur in animals that are inflicted with CHF while at healthcare professionals from the Stroke Council of the
rest, indicating that alterations in ECC could contrib- American Heart Association (81) made the recommen-
ute to the rapid development of fatigue in CHF pa- dation that, as per guidelines endorsed by the Centers
tients. Indeed, multiple studies have found that the for Disease Control and Prevention and the National
function and expression of various proteins involved in Institutes of Health, regular exercise (⬎30 min of mod-
skeletal muscle ECC are altered in CHF (199). Re- erate-intensity activity daily) is part of a healthy life-
cently, Spangenburg et al. (225) described that exercise style and helps to reduce comorbid conditions that may
training may actually normalize these changes in ECC lead to stroke. The effect of physical activity’s preven-
and, therefore, allow for attenuation of the early onset tion of stroke seems more convincing for ischemic
of muscle fatigue. Therefore, it is apparent that exer- stroke than for hemorrhagic stroke (3, 115).
cise may improve the condition of people inflicted with Intermediate mechanisms. It has been suggested
CHF, whereas physical inactivity may actually be a that the protective effect of physical activity may be
determinate to the mortality of CHF patients. partly mediated through its effects on various risk
factors for stroke (85). Physical activity lowers blood
Hypertension pressure, increases HDL cholesterol concentration, is
associated with reductions in plasma fibrinogen level
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. From a and platelet aggregation, and elevates plasma tissue
meta-analysis of 44 randomized trials of physical train- plasminogen activator activity (85). Physical activity
ing, it was concluded that sedentary populations had also facilitates weight loss and weight maintenance
blood pressures that were higher by 2/3 (systolic/dia- (126). Convincing epidemiological data demonstrate
stolic) mmHg in normotensive subjects and by 7/6 that the beneficial effects of physical activity on the
(systolic/diastolic) mmHg in hypertensive patients risk of Type 2 diabetes is an important risk factor for
compared with the physically active groups (62). stroke (113).
Intermediate mechanisms. Patients with mild un- Cellular mechanisms. Endothelial dysfunction in es-
treated essential hypertension who briskly walked for sential hypertension is due to a selective abnormality
30 min five to seven times per week for 12 wk lowered of NO synthesis, probably related to a defect in the
their systolic and diastolic blood pressures and had phosphatidylinositol/Ca2⫹ signaling pathway (31). NO,
increased forearm blood flow in response to acetylcho- a potent vasodilator, is produced by the endothelium of
line infusion, whose increase was blocked by a NO cerebral arteriolar resistance vessels and is crucial to
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

maintaining appropriate cerebral perfusion (172). Hy- those partaking in regular low- to moderate-intensity
pertensive rats that are sedentary have a higher physical activity (204). Deconditioning for 30 days
thrombotic potential in cerebral vessels compared with largely reversed these training effects back to the pre-
rats either exercised via voluntary wheel running or training state (253).
fed L-arginine, a NO inducer (192). Cerebral arterioles Intermediate mechanisms. Wang et al. (253) showed
in the sedentary rats were significantly smaller in that exercise training in women at the midfollicular
diameter than those in the exercise and L-arginine phase enhanced plasma nitrite and nitrate and platelet
groups (192). Noguchi et al. (192) interpreted these cGMP levels and suppressed basal and ADP-induced
results as providing clear evidence for the beneficial platelet intracellular Ca2⫹ concentration elevation.
effects of L-arginine intake and voluntary exercise in These events have been shown to suppress platelet
mechanisms related to hypertension, thrombosis, and reactivity.
stroke. Potential modes by which NO may be working Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is
are as follows: NO inhibits medial hypertrophy and available describing cellular mechanisms.
remodeling, wards off inappropriate thrombus forma-
tion by inhibiting platelet aggregation and adhesion, METABOLIC DISEASES
prevents adhesion and infiltration of monocytes, and Type 2 Diabetes
blocks endothelial production of the potent vasocon-
strictor/mitogen endothelin (172). Exercise training Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. The
has been thought to increase sheer stress in vascular prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes continues to
endothelial cells, enhancing eNOS expression in vas- increase among US adults and is classified as an “epi-
cular beds (144, 183, 215) rather than cerebral, which demic” by the Centers for Disease Control (197). The
is yet to be tested. Centers for Disease Control has written, “In general
restoring physical activity to our daily routines is cru-
Intermittent Claudication cial to the future reduction of diabetes and obesity in
the US population” (180). Most of the prevalence of
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. The age-
Type 2 diabetes in the United States can be attributed
adjusted prevalence of peripheral arterial disease is
to a change in lifestyle that involves a genome evolved
⬃12% for those over 60 yr of age (101). A meta-analysis
from a Paleolithic lifestyle. For example, although the
of 21 studies found that the average distance to the
overall prevalence of Type 2 diabetes among adults of
onset of claudication pain increased 179% and to max-
industrialized countries ranges from 6 to 10%, it is only
imal claudication pain increased 122% after a program
0–2% in native populations that have maintained a
of exercise rehabilitation (76). Exercise also improved
lifestyle of the hunter-gatherer cultures (56). Another
functional status regarding activities of daily living (207).
example was provided by Hu et al. (113), who found
Intermediate mechanisms. Exercise training is not
that 91% of the cases of Type 2 diabetes in the Harvard
associated with substantial changes in blood flow to the
nurse’s study could be attributed to habits and forms of
legs, and the changes that occur do not predict the
behavior that did not conform to the low-risk pattern
clinical response (101). Exercise training improves ox-
(113). They defined “low risk” as a combination of five
ygen extraction in the legs independent of alterations
variables: a BMI ⬍25, a diet high in cereal fiber and
in blood flow (270), likely through improvements in
polyunsaturated fat and low in transfat and glycemic
intermediary metabolism of skeletal muscle (101). Ex-
load, engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical ac-
ercise training also improves gait and walking effi-
tivity for at least 0.5 h/day, not currently smoking, and
ciency, which then lowers the O2 cost for a given
the consumption of an average of at least one-half a
workload (101).
drink of an alcoholic beverage per day (113). We pro-
Cellular mechanisms. Breen et al. (28) demonstrated
vide this list to emphasize that physical inactivity is
that 1 h of acute, submaximal treadmill running re-
but one factor contributing to those environmental
sulted in increases in capillary growth factors, i.e., a
factors that cause 91% of Type 2 diabetes in the United
three- to fourfold increase in vascular endothelial
States. However, lack of physical exercise is a quanti-
growth factor (FGF) mRNA and more modest increases
tatively important environmental contributor, as
in transforming growth factor-1 and basic fibroblast
shown by a clinical trial (135).
growth factor mRNA in the rat gastrocnemius. Gavin
US Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy
et al. (78) found that NO is an important signaling
G. Thompson stated that at least 10 million Americans
mechanism in the regulation of the exercise-induced
who are at high risk for Type 2 diabetes can sharply
increase in vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA.
lower their chances of getting the disease with diet and
NOS inhibition has been shown to block arteriogenesis
exercise (135). Participants in a National Institutes of
in response to exercise, but not angiogenesis, in periph-
Health-sponsored diabetes prevention program clinical
eral arterial insufficiency (159).
trial who were randomly assigned to intensive-lifestyle
Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation intervention reduced their risk of getting Type 2 dia-
betes by 58% (141). On average, the intensive-lifestyle
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Seden- group maintained physical activity at 30 min/day, usu-
tary individuals have a higher platelet adhesion and ally as brisk walking or other moderate-intensity exer-
aggregation at rest and during physical exercise than cise, and lost 5–7% of their body weight. This study
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

verified an earlier study from Finland in which the insulin (49, 122, 154). Thus in its role in removing
researchers found that diabetes was reduced by 58% in blood glucose, skeletal muscle plays an important role
the group that reduced body weight, total intake of fat, in the onset of Type 2 diabetes.
and intake of saturated fat while increasing intake of Insulin resistance is rapidly increased after a few
fiber and performing 30 min of moderate exercise each days of physical inactivity (252). Most metabolic effects
day (242). of physical activity on insulin resistance are rapid in
Physical inactivity elevates the risk of Type 2 diabe- onset and relatively short in duration. Goodyear and
tes in normal-weight individuals (114), which rein- Kahn’s (83) interpretation of the literature is that the
forces the concept that physical inactivity is an inde- reduction in insulin action after short-term inactivity
pendent risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Women with is the result of a decrease in insulin sensitivity (defined
normal body weight and having ⬍2 metabolic equiva- as a decrease in the concentration of insulin required to
lent h/wk of total physical activity had twice the risk achieve a submaximal rate of glucose transport) and
of Type 2 diabetes compared with women who had not a decrease in insulin responsiveness. On the other
⬎22 metabolic equivalent h/wk (114). Because physi- hand, long periods of inactivity are associated with
cally inactive individuals are likely to have higher decreased insulin responsiveness but not insulin sen-
BMI, physical inactivity also contributes to an in- sitivity. The rate-limiting step in insulin- and exercise-
creased prevalence of Type 2 diabetes by its direct induced glucose uptake is the GLUT-4 translocation to
effect on increasing BMI in certain individuals, as the cell membrane, where GLUT-4 acts as a facilitated
the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes increases with carrier of glucose into the cytoplasm from the extracel-
BMIs ⬎25. lular space (237). The next section will consider how
Intermediate mechanisms. According to James (118), exercise signals glucose uptake into skeletal muscle.
the protective effect of physical activity on Type 2 Cellular mechanisms. Several studies have clearly
diabetes appears to be mediated by insulin levels and demonstrated that the proximal insulin-signaling
the metabolic syndrome factors (HDL, triglycerides, steps are not components of the cell signaling mecha-
blood pressure, heart rate), suggesting an impact that nism in which exercise stimulates glucose uptake (83).
is mediated by improved insulin sensitivity. Numerous Thus signaling studies demonstrate that the underly-
studies show that glucose is cleared more slowly from ing molecular mechanisms leading to the insulin- and
the blood after a meal and insulin rises more if physi- exercise-induced stimulation of glucose uptake in skel-
cally active subjects became sedentary (98) or under- etal muscle are distinct (83). Winder and Hardie (261)
went continuous bed rest (156). In other words, physical first published that AMP kinase (AMPK) was activated
inactivity leads to prolonged periods of postprandial in type IIa muscle during treadmill running. AMPK
hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. These events has been designated as one of the energy-sensing/
are then analogous to the sequence of events leading to signaling proteins of the muscle (260). AMPK has
overt clinical Type 2 diabetes. In normal individuals, pleiotropic effects, such as 1) fatty acid oxidation:
pancreatic ␤-cells secrete insulin in response to an AMPK phosphorylates and inactivates acetyl-CoA car-
elevation in blood glucose levels. In the insulin-resis- boxylase, principally through the phosphorylation of
tant state, ␤-cells compensate for a reduction in insu- serine 79 (260). This phosphorylation event is a molec-
lin-stimulated glucose uptake by increasing basal and ular switch to increase fatty acid oxidation during
postprandial insulin secretion. Eventually, ␤-cells can muscular contraction and limits fatty acid biosynthesis
no longer compensate and fail to respond appropriately during times of ATP and glucose depletion (250). 2)
to the impairment in glucose disposal, which produces Contraction of skeletal muscle enhances membrane
hyperglycemia. Finally, ␤-cells become unable to se- glucose transport capacity by recruiting GLUT-4 to the
crete insulin (i.e., overt clinical Type 2 diabetes). sarcolemma and T tubules (see Ref. 210 for references).
Exercise increases insulin sensitivity because of in- Exercise training increases the expression of GLUT-4
creased number and activity of glucose transporters, in in skeletal muscle (see Ref. 83 for references). The
both muscle and adipose tissue (83). Fernandez et al. activation of AMPK by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxam-
(66) recently wrote, “Peripheral insulin resistance and ide-1-␤-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR) increased GLUT-4
impaired insulin action are the primary characteristics mRNA (271) and protein (109) expressions in fast-
of type 2 diabetes. The first observable defect in this twitch, but not slow-twitch, skeletal muscle. Further-
major disorder occurs in muscle, where glucose dis- more, AICAR increased GLUT-4 transcription by a
posal in response to insulin is impaired.” Skeletal mus- mechanism that required 895 bp of human GLUT-4
cle is the predominant site of insulin-dependent and proximal promoter and that may be cooperatively me-
non-insulin-dependent glucose disposal in humans. diated by myocyte enhancer factor-2 (271).
Skeletal muscle is the major site of glucose uptake, as In transgenic mice expressing a dominant inhibitory
shown by an oral glucose tolerance test (124). During mutant of AMPK, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake
hyperinsulinemia, insulin-mediated glucose uptake in into the extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles
skeletal muscle represented 75 and 95% of body rate of was not blocked, hypoxia-stimulated glucose uptake
glucose disappearance at euglycemia and hyperglyce- was totally blocked, and contractile-induced hexose
mia, respectively (14). The first detectable defect in uptake only increased to 70% of that observed in wild-
patients with Type 2 diabetes is frequently the inabil- type mice (181). Mu et al. (181) interpreted this result
ity of muscle to respond to normal levels of circulating to prove the existence of AMPK as a component of a
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

contraction-induced signaling pathway. However, they more than 50% in the past 10 yr (180). An overweight
also interpreted these findings as demonstrating that condition is the most common health problem facing
muscle contraction activates an additional parallel sig- American children, particularly for African Americans
naling pathway because 70% of the contractile-induced and Hispanics (230). More than one decade ago, the
uptake of glucose remained after the inhibition of direct costs of obesity and physical inactivity accounted
AMPK. In agreement, Richter et al. (210) wrote that it for 9.4% of the US health care expenditures; therefore,
is probably naive to believe that contraction-induced these cost must be greater now.
muscle glucose transport is regulated only through the Sedentary individuals can lower their risk of many
action of one signaling pathway. Furthermore, Richter chronic disorders by increasing physical activity, re-
et al. cautioned that AMPK activation is likely limited gardless of whether they are normal or overweight. A
to relatively intense contractions/exercise during review of the literature by Blair and Brodney (23)
which some degree of hypoxia occurs and the phospho- found the following. 1) Regular physical activity ap-
creatine-to-creatine ratio and possibly the ATP-to- pears to provide substantial protection against coro-
AMP ratio decrease. Because neither insulin nor nary heart disease, especially in overweight men. 2)
AMPK appears to be the major player for exercise- Regular physical activity appears to reduce the risk of
induced glucose uptake into moderately contracting developing hypertension in men with elevated BMI,
skeletal muscles, other yet to be identified pathways and this reduction was greatest in men with the high
need to be considered. Richter et al. summarized some BMI categories. 3) Physical fitness has the same pro-
of the additional candidates linking contraction and tective effect in normal-weight diabetic men as in over-
increased glucose uptake to include Ca2⫹ (94), PKC weight diabetic men (255).
(262), NO (13), or glycogen (210), all of which are Studies have demonstrated that weight loss is not
hypothesized to enhance glucose uptake into moder- necessary for individuals to benefit from the effects of
ately contracting skeletal muscles. Over four decades physical activity on glucose tolerance and insulin sen-
ago, Holloszy and Narahara (107) reported that a rise sitivity (125, 191, 195). Inactive women with BMIs ⬍29
in intracellular Ca2⫹ concentration was a contributing have a slightly higher relative risk of 0.79 for coronary
factor to enhanced glucose uptake during muscle con- heart disease than active women with BMIs ⬎29
tractions. Increased Ca2⫹ likely activates GLUT-4 whose relative risk is 0.69 (165). Moderate-intensity
translocation to the sarcolemma through PKC (210). aerobic training had a favorable effect on glucose tol-
The potential role of NO in an exercise-stimulated erance in older people, independent of changes in ab-
glucose uptake remains undefined at present (210). dominal adiposity (52). An inverse association was
However, it is also known that the lower the muscle found to exist between physical activity and distal
glycogen content, the stronger the response to insulin. colon large adenomas (diameter of 1 cm or more), but
Although rats with a high skeletal muscle glycogen this relationship was independent of BMI (80). Thus
content are reported to be associated with decreased increasing physical activity from sedentary levels to 30
AKT activation on insulin stimulation and decreased min of moderate activity each day will also lower the
AMPK activation during muscle contractions (210), the prevalence of these conditions within the same BMI.
precise mechanisms underlying these findings remain These data suggest that America’s emphasis on loss of
unknown. Furthermore, the responsiveness of AMPK body weight in overweight individuals, although ap-
may be fiber-type specific. AICAR, an AMPK activator, propriate, usually overlooks, in our opinion, equal
increased glucose uptake only in rat type II, but not mention that inactivity, alone, worsens the prevalence
type I, muscles (12). of most chronic health disorders without a change in
There are many other potential mechanisms by BMI. We further suggest that the health outcomes
which physical inactivity could either initiate or poten- from campaigns to lower the number of calories con-
tiate insulin resistance. In both obesity and Type 2 sumed each day would be improved if a greater empha-
diabetes, plasma free fatty acid levels are elevated sis on moderate physical activity were included with
(151), likely from abdominal adipose tissue. Reports eating less.
exist to support the contention that free fatty acids Intermediate mechanisms. The findings reported in
inhibit insulin action at the peripheral target tissues the previous section suggest that physical activity,
(151). It has been proposed that the mechanisms by as an environmental factor, interacts with signaling
which TNF-␣ and leptin cause insulin resistance, and pathways to genes, independent of the percentage of
whereby the thiazolidinediones improve insulin sensi- body fat.
tivity, may be triggered indirectly via a reduction in Cellular mechanisms. Because physically active sub-
free fatty acid levels (151). jects have smaller adipose tissue stores, biochemical
changes favoring a smaller steady-state size of adipose
Obesity tissue would be hypothesized; indeed, the present lit-
erature is beginning to support these notions. Com-
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Each pared with untrained persons exercising at the same
year, an estimated 300,000 adults die of causes related absolute intensity, persons who have undergone en-
to obesity (180), making it the second greatest environ- durance training have greater fat oxidation during
mental cause of death after tobacco. Data for adults exercise without increased lipolysis (111). Blood cate-
suggest that overweight prevalence has increased by cholamine levels are less in the trained state at the
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

same absolute workload (133); thus it appears that fat activity after exercise also had the most noticeable
cells become more sensitive to catecholamines. Trained increases in postprandial lipemia (100).
subjects have an increased efficiency of activation of Cellular mechanisms. Detraining by athletes re-
the lipolytic ␤-adrenergic pathway in subcutaneous sulted in a decrease in muscle LPL that occurred
abdominal adipose tissue, although they do not recruit through posttranslational mechanisms, whereas adi-
the anti-lipolytic ␣2-adrenergic pathway in response to pose tissue LPL increased, also due to posttransla-
catecholamines during exercise (50). A consequence of tional changes, so that the adipose-to-muscle LPL ratio
exercise training is smaller adipose tissue masses, rose from 0.51 before detraining to 4.45 after detrain-
which may suggest that leptin concentrations would be ing (220). The LPL S447X polymorphism has been
lower. Leptin was shown to be lower in the portal shown to influence the training-induced changes in
venous blood and mesenteric and subcutaneous fat body fat and postheparin LPL activity in women but
pads of sucrose-fed rats that voluntarily ran on wheels not in men (77). The transcription rate of the LPL gene
compared with similarly fed rats without exercise was lower in the nonexercising leg muscle compared
wheels (185). Also, decreased leptin concentrations with muscle recovering from 60 to 90 min of exhaustive
could negatively feed back to oppose the training-asso- one-legged knee extensor exercise in humans (203).
ciated decrease in adipose tissue. For example, acute The signaling mechanisms by which physical inactivity
adiposity-independent decreases of leptin production keeps skeletal muscle LPL transcription rate low is
in response to an energy deficit in nonexercise situa- unknown. The signal by which physical exercise in-
tions have been shown to promote increased energy creases muscle LPL protein content is generated by
intake and energy conservation before body fat stores alterations in local cellular homeostasis and not by
become significantly depleted (96). adrenergic-receptor stimulation (86).
Other cytokines could also play a role in modulating
exercise effects on adipose tissue mass. TNF-␣ in- Gallbladder
creased in adipose tissue of rats that voluntarily exer-
cised (11). Results of a variety of experimental and Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Chuang
clinical studies, as summarized by Hube and Hauner et al. (40) demonstrated that low levels of physical
(117), suggest that TNF-␣ may act as an important activity are associated with gallstone formation. Sed-
auto/paracrine regulator of fat cell function, which entary behavior, as assessed by time spent sitting, was
serves to limit adipose tissue expansion. positively associated with the risk of cholecystectomy
in a prospective study of 60,290 women. In the same
study, an average of 2–3 h of recreational exercise per
Dyslipidemia week appeared to reduce the risk of cholecystectomy
Evidence that inactivity alters lipid profile. Physical by ⬃20%.
inactivity, as shown in 61 studies involving 2,200 sub- Intermediate mechanisms. There are multiple sug-
jects, decreased blood HDL cholesterol by 4.4%, which gestions for the mechanism(s) by which physical inac-
would be an approximate reduction in risk for coronary tivity produces gallstones. Leitzmann et al. (149) spec-
heart disease by 4% in men and 6% in women (150). ulated that there are probably several metabolic
Physical inactivity was found to accentuate a fall in pathways by which physical inactivity may increase
blood HDL cholesterol when fat content in the diet is the risk of gallstone disease, independent of the effect
decreased compared with a physically active group of physical inactivity on body weight. For example,
(150). Physical inactivity in the absence of simulta- physical inactivity could increase the risk for gall-
neous dietary interventions resulted in mean increases stones by increasing glucose intolerance even in the
in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol absence of weight loss (52), raising biliary cholesterol
of 3.8, 5.3, and 1.0%, respectively (150). A current levels, thus preventing cholesterol from precipitating
unanswered question in the medical field is whether in the bile (40), increasing serum triglyceride levels
there is a direct relationship between repeated eleva- (54), increasing exposure to ovarian hormones (119),
tions of postprandial lipoproteins and development of and slowing colonic transient time (99, 193), all factors
atherosclerosis (123). An interim answer is that accu- related to an increased risk of developing gallstones
mulating evidence links postprandial triglyceride-rich (149). Heaton (99) indicated that physical inactivity is
lipoproteins with coronary heart disease (123). The a plausible cause of gallstones because its metabolic
answer to this question is important because physical consequences are similar to those of obesity, including
inactivity markedly increases fasting and postprandial insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
triglyceride-rich lipoprotein levels (256). Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is
Intermediate mechanisms. Decreases in HDL choles- available describing cellular mechanisms.
terol with physical inactivity were found to primarily
involve the HDL2 fraction and to generally be associ- CANCER
ated with a decrease in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activ- Breast Cancer
ity (150). One mechanism by which inactivity increases
the plasma triacylglycerol response to dietary fat may Evidence that inactivity increases breast cancer.
involve a reduced clearance of triglyceride-rich lipopro- Friedenreich et al. (74) stated that 23 of 35 studies
teins. Subjects who had the lowest skeletal muscle LPL conducted to date show an increased risk in breast
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

cancer for those women who are physically inactive. (238). Physical inactivity could 1) lengthen gastrointes-
Lee et al. (147) analyzed nearly 40,000 women and tinal transient time, thereby maximizing contact with
concluded that lower levels of physical activity may potential carcinogens, 2) increase circulating levels of
increase the risk of breast cancer only in postmeno- insulin, promoting the growth of colonic epithelial
pausal women. cells, 3) alter prostaglandin levels, 4) depress immune
Potential intermediate mechanisms. According to function, and 5) modify bile acid metabolism.
McTiernan (174), some aspects of sex and metabolic Cellular mechanisms. Men, but not women, with low
hormone patterns throughout life are likely casually levels of physical activity were more likely to have a
responsible for a large number of breast cancer occur- tumor with a Kirsten-ras (Ki-ras) mutation than one
rences. As exercise modulates these sex and metabolic without a Ki-ras mutation (222). Mutations in the
hormone patterns, it is possible that exercise-induced Ki-ras gene have been reported as occurring in 30–50%
adaptations may play some role for the breast cancer- of colon tumors and are thought to follow the initiation
physical activity association. These factors are briefly of the neoplastic process by an earlier mutation in the
reviewed next. APC gene (See Ref. 222 for references). Women with a
REPRODUCTION AND SEX HORMONES. Sedentary females, larger BMI were more likely to have a Ki-ras mutation
compared with physically active women, are less likely in their tumors (222).
to have primary and secondary amenorrhea, delayed
menarche, and irregular cycles, all factors that have Prostate Cancer
been associated with a reduced development of breast Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Accord-
cancer. Sedentary postmenopausal women have higher ing to a review by Lee et al. (148), the epidemiological
serum concentrations of estradiol, estrone, and andro- data supporting the hypothesis that physical inactivity
gens (35, 188) and lower concentrations of sex hor- increases the incidence of prostrate cancer are weak
mone-binding globulin (189). Thus the breasts of sed- and inconsistent. However, these authors call for more
entary women are putatively exposed to a higher “load” research to clarify whether physical activity plays a
of reproductive hormones during their lifetime. role in the prevention of prostrate cancer.
Intermediate mechanisms. Lee et al. (148) reviewed
HEMATOLOGICAL FACTORS. Larger waist circumferences
the plausible biological mechanisms if physical inactiv-
increase the risk of breast cancer, especially among ity were to increase the incidence of prostrate cancer:
postmenopausal women (116). Sedentary women have 1) higher blood testosterone levels have been associ-
larger fat masses, especially the highly metabolic ab- ated with an increased incidence of prostrate cancer,
dominal fat mass, than women who exercise (138, 174). but not all data show that men who are more active
Sedentary women have higher serum insulin levels, have lower testosterone levels; 2) obese men may have
and high insulin concentrations are speculated to pro- higher free insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I blood
mote breast cancer (121). levels because they have lower blood IGF binding pro-
Cellular mechanisms. The cellular mechanisms by tein levels and IGF-I induces prostrate cancer; and 3)
which physical activity lowers the release of reproduc- physical inactivity suppresses immunity and thus in-
tive hormones are not known. creases cancer risk.
Cellular mechanisms. Tymchuk et al. (243) found
Colon Cancer that the application of serum from men who had been
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. The es- on a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercise intervention
timates for 2002 in the United States are that there for 11 days reduced by 30% the growth of androgen-
will be 107,300 new cases of colon cancer with 48,100 dependent LNCaP prostrate cells in culture compared
deaths from this disease; colon cancer is the third with prelifestyle modifications. The factor in the serum
highest site-specific cancer (5). A literature review by remains to be identified.
Tomeo et al. (238) concluded that physical inactivity Pancreatic Cancer
was the risk factor most consistently shown to be
associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. A Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Walking
50% reduction in the incidence of colon cancer was or hiking ⬍20 min/wk was associated with twice the
observed among those with the highest level of physi- risk of pancreatic cancer when compared with ⬎4 h/wk
cal activity across numerous studies (42). Thus 50,000 in 164,000 men and women (175). Among nonover-
cases and 24,000 deaths from colon cancer could have weight participants (BMI ⬍25) in the above study,
been prevented each year in the United States by more total physical activity was not related to the risk of
physical activity. Sedentary individuals have twice the pancreatic cancer. However, total physical activity was
incidence of colon cancer compared with those with the inversely associated with risk among overweight indi-
highest level of activity across numerous studies that viduals (175).
used different measures of activity (occupational or Intermediate mechanisms. Michaud et al. (175) spec-
leisure-time activity) (42, 46). ulated that their finding of physical activity’s effect
Intermediate mechanisms. Five potential mecha- only when body masses are ⬎25 could be explained by
nisms by which physical inactivity could increase the 1) high postprandial plasma glucose levels and 2) hy-
risk of colon cancer were proposed in a recent review perinsulinemia by downregulation of IGF binding pro-
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

tein I, possibly resulting in an increase in exposure to Cellular mechanisms. Presently, very little is known
free IGF-I, which has been shown to promote growth in about the cellular and molecular control of how physi-
human pancreatic cell lines. cal activity brings about this dramatic change. Studies
Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is of how exercise regulates gene expression of the ␤2-
available describing cellular mechanisms. adrenergic receptor and the interplay on the Gly16
allele would be potentially fruitful avenues for further
Melanoma research.
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Seden-
tary men and women had a 56 and 72%, respectively, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
higher incidence of melanomas than those exercising
Evidence that inactivity worsens chronic obstructive
5–7 days/wk (219). Exercising 4 days or less per week
pulmonary disease. There is no evidence suggesting
provided no protection from melanomas (219).
that physical inactivity increases the occurrence of
Intermediate mechanisms. Shors et al. (219) specu-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). How-
lated that some potential mechanisms of the physical
ever, patients with COPD have significantly reduced
inactivity-melanoma association could be 1) various
levels of physical activity and often avoid exertion
metabolic effects possibly arising from inactivity, such
because of the fear of dyspnea (229). They have weak
as hormonal effects and depressed immune function,
skeletal muscles with reduced mitochondrial density
and 2) inactivity increasing BMI and thus body surface
(229). However, pulmonary rehabilitation is now estab-
area. Indeed Shors et al. indicated that increased body
lished as an effective treatment to improve the quality
weight has been shown to explain some, but not all, of
of life for patients with COPD, and it is clear that, if
the exercise effect on melanoma risk.
appropriate intensities are used, COPD patients show
Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is
improved metabolic adaptations to training (229). Re-
available describing cellular mechanisms.
spiratory rehabilitation, including lower limb exercise
PULMONARY DISEASES training, is now recommended as part of the manage-
ment for COPD patients because it has been consis-
Asthma tently shown that this relieves dyspnea and improves
Evidence that inactivity worsens asthma. A recent health-related quality of life (140).
study by Barr et al. (15) suggested that physical activ- Intermediate mechanisms. Peripheral muscle dys-
ity may modify the association of ␤2-adrenoceptor DNA function is a common systemic complication of moder-
sequence variants (for example the Gly16 allele) and ate-to-severe COPD and may contribute to disability,
adult-onset asthma. This study (15) noted that the handicap, and premature mortality (161). Decondition-
association of BMI and asthma was most marked ing from disuse is believed to be a major contributing
among sedentary women. Although there is a higher factor in the skeletal muscle dysfunction that is ob-
predilection for those who possess the Gly16 allele to served in patients with COPD (161). Endurance exer-
have more severe adult-onset asthma [greater noctur- cise training has been conclusively demonstrated to
nal symptoms, greater-than-expected frequency of ste- improve exercise tolerance in COPD (34). In contrast to
roid-dependent asthma, poorer response to therapy, the lung impairment, which is largely irreversible,
and increased atopy (see Ref. 15 for references)], the peripheral muscle dysfunction is potentially remedia-
women with the same genotype remarkably had no ble with exercise training (163). For example, Maltais
increased risk of adult-onset asthma if they were phys- et al. (164) found that exercise training of COPD pa-
ically active. Activity was defined in this study (15) as tients increased skeletal muscle oxidative enzyme ca-
walking at a brisk pace for 1 h/wk. The significance of pacity and improved overall functional capacity.
recognizing patients with the Gly16 allele is that this Cellular mechanisms. Presently, there are no known
subgroup of patients not only have more severe symp- cellular mechanisms for how exercise affects pulmo-
toms of asthma as indicated above but also are dis- nary physiology of patients with COPD.
tinctly different from the subpopulation patients that
have exercise-induced asthma (173) and hence from a IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION
population who might be at risk to asthma associated Evidence That Inactivity Increases Incidence
with a lack of physical activity, particularly among
older subjects. Therefore, it is intriguing to speculate Physical inactivity increases susceptibility to viral
that, in the population of patients with adult-onset infections compared with moderate levels of physical
asthma related to inactivity and the Gly16 allele, activity (217). Although infections are not a chronic
nearly 100% of such asthma exacerbations could be health condition, inactivity also increases the risk on
prevented purely by physical activity. many site-specific cancers (reviewed by specific topic
Intermediate mechanisms. McFadden and Gilbert elsewhere in this article). As a consequence, it is fea-
(173) speculated that, at the low levels of physical activ- sible that inactivity could play a role in chronic dis-
ity, mechanisms related to lack of deep inspirations could eases associated with its suppressed immune function.
promote bronchospasm. More studies are also needed to With regard to the acute exercise effects on the im-
better document the intensity and duration of physical mune response, it has been shown that natural immu-
activity needed to accrue such benefits. nity is enhanced during moderate exercise (198). How-
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

ever, the numbers and function of cells mediating selected for patients to reduce the risk of chronic health
cytotoxic activity against virus-infected and tumor tar- conditions.
get cells are suppressed after intense, long-term exer- For those with osteoarthritis, exercise, both thera-
cise (198). peutic and recreational, is an effective therapy in the
successful management of osteoarthritis. Minor (176)
Intermediate Mechanisms reported that exercise is integral in reducing impair-
Habitual moderate physical activity increases mac- ment, improving function, and preventing disability in
rophage antitumor activity in mice of different ages but osteoarthritic patients. Some of the exercise benefits
also reduces macrophage myosin heavy chain 2 expres- that accrue in this patient population are flexibility,
sion and antigen-presentation capacity (See Ref. 263 muscular conditioning, and cardiovascular and general
for references). For further information, see the review health.
by Pedersen and Hoffman-Goetz (198). Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cellular Mechanisms Evidence about exercise and rheumatoid arthritis.
Presently, little information is available describing Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease of the joints,
cellular mechanisms. usually symmetric polyarthritis, marked by inflamma-
tory changes in the synovial membranes and articular
MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS structures and by atrophy and rarefraction of the
bones. There is no evidence that exercise prevents
Osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis. The cornerstone of treatment of
active rheumatoid arthritis has been bed rest, and
Evidence about exercise and osteoarthritis. Osteoar-
patients have been restrained from active physical
thritis is predominantly characterized by erosion of the
exercise on the presumption that exercise has a detri-
articular cartilage due to either primary or secondary
mental effect on disease activity and joint erosiveness
trauma (as seen with repeated use), mostly on weight-
(4). A study by Buljina et al. (29) and others have
bearing joints. A consensus report states that there is
challenged inactivity as a treatment. In a physical
no evidence for a preventive effect of physical activity
therapy-treated group, patients had more significant
on osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints (126). Phys-
improvements regarding hand pain, joint tenderness,
ical inactivity is often associated with obesity, and
and activity of daily living score. Others have also
obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis (64). How-
reported that exercise is an important tool for reducing
ever, those who have developed osteoarthritis and are
pain, stiffness, and joint tenderness in rheumatoid
inactive for prolonged periods of time are susceptible to
arthritis patients (See Ref. 90 for references). Buljina
developing a poor aerobic capacity and an increased
et al. cautioned that the intensity of the exercise should
risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other in-
be well matched with the disease to best meet each
activity-related conditions. It is well recognized that
person’s needs, taking into account the severity of the
patients with osteoarthritis of the knee develop quad-
arthritis, the patient’s other medical problems, and the
riceps muscle weakness, which is often attributed to
patient’s individual lifestyle and preferences.
physical inactivity and is presumed to develop because
Intermediate mechanism. Inactivity results in mus-
the patient minimizes use of the painful limb (64).
cle atrophy and bone loss, even in healthy individuals.
However, quadriceps muscle weakness also exists in
Exercise in rheumatoid arthritis patients appears to
patients with knee osteoarthritis who have no history
minimize loss in muscle strength but not the loss in
of joint pain (64). Evidence is also growing that decon-
bone density (90).
ditioned muscle, inadequate motion, and periarticular
Cellular mechanisms. Mechanisms for how exercise
stiffness may contribute to symptoms of osteoarthritis
reduces pain, stiffness, and joint tenderness in rheu-
(65). There is no evidence that inactivity of a joint alone
matoid arthritis patients are not well understood.
directly produces osteoarthritis. Moderate regular run-
ning has a low, if any, risk of leading to osteoarthritis Osteoporosis
(64). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated
that participation in certain competitive sports that Evidence that exercise prevents bone mass loss. Os-
demand high-intensity, acute, direct joint impact as teoporosis is defined as an age-related reduction in the
a result of contact with other participants, playing quantity of bone mass that increases a person’s suscep-
surfaces, or equipment increases the risk for osteo- tibility to fractures. Osteoporosis occurs when bone
arthritis (64). resorption exceeds bone formation. Current evidence
Repetitive joint impact and torsional loading (twist- indicates that three environmental factors accelerate
ing) also appear to be associated with joint degenera- bone loss: physical inactivity, insufficient nutrient and
tion, as seen in the elbows of baseball pitchers and the calcium intake, and reduced reproductive hormones
knees of soccer players (64). Therefore, not all types of (166). The results from the National Osteoporosis Risk
exercise are associated with a specific health benefit. Assessment (221) indicated that people who regularly
That low-intensity running has a low or no association exercised had a significantly reduced risk of developing
with osteoarthritis but that soccer does illustrates the osteoporosis. Hip fractures are associated with a 20%
concept that appropriate physical activities should be increase in overall mortality, with the health costs
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

necessary to manage fractures in the United States clear that mechanical load or exercise acts through
exceeding $13.8 billion alone in 1995 (205). Obviously, these mechanisms to increase bone growth and may
the aging of the US population means that these costs help to prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
will increase.
Intermediate mechanisms. One way known to induce Physical Frailty
increased bone formation is through mechanical
strain, such as encountered during exercise. According Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Increas-
to Wolf’s law, bone remodels itself to adapt to increased ingly, the term frailty is used to describe combinations
loads by altering its mass and distribution of mass of aging, disease, and other factors (e.g., fitness, nutri-
(166). Immobilized patients can lose up to 40% of their tional status) that make some people more vulnerable
original bone mineral density (BMD) in 1 yr, whereas (211). In a comprehensive review of the literature,
bed rest studies indicate that standing upright for as Spirduso and Cronin (226) concluded that regular
little as 30 min/day prevents this bone loss (166). Low physical activity and physical disability are inversely
BMD is the single best predictor of fracture risk (166). related, i.e., physical inactivity predicts frailty and
The formation of new bone occurs through the sensa- health-related disability. Another literature review of
tion of strain imposed via an unaccustomed direction or 31 studies (127) summarized that the most consistent
distribution. In fact, exercise intervention programs positive effects of late-life exercise were improved
have found increases of 1–5% in BMD in young popu- strength, aerobic capacity, flexibility, walking, and
lations (166). In the elderly, these exercise interven- standing balance. Nonsmoking 61- to 81-yr-old men
tions can further increase BMD by 5–8% (166). Al- who walked ⬍1 mile/day had twice the rate of mortal-
though not all studies indicate that exercise programs ity than those who walked ⬎2 miles/day (89).
can increase BMD, most do suggest that exercise can Intermediate mechanisms. Older, nondamaged, skel-
reduce the rate of bone loss during aging. etal muscle is more resistant to enlargement than
Cellular mechanisms. Although not fully under- younger muscle. Chakravarthy et al. (36) noted a fail-
stood, it is thought that formation of new bone through ure of skeletal muscle to regrow from hindlimb immo-
increased loading may be regulated through complex bilization in old, but not young, rats. Similarly, Blough
interactions of increases in IGF-I, prostaglandins, and and Linderman (24) reported a lack of hypertrophy
NO (38). During the early phases of mechanical load- during functional overload in very old rats. Our labo-
ing, the expression of IGF-I is increased in osteocytes. ratory hypothesized that a growth factor present in
The increase in IGF-I expression is consistent with the young skeletal muscle is not available in old skeletal
model in which IGF-I generated by osteocytes in re- muscle (36).
sponse to mechanical loading participates in the induc- Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is
tion of bone formation (38). In addition, the increase in available describing cellular mechanisms.
IGF-I is thought to play a significant role in the regu-
lation of bone formation by its ability to induce prolif- NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS
eration and differentiation of osteoblastic cells in cul- Cognitive Dysfunction
ture. Prostaglandins are produced very early on after
the administration of mechanical strain in osteoblastic Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Seden-
cells. Furthermore, it is known that new bone forma- tary lifestyle is associated with lower cognitive skills. A
tion induced by mechanical strain can be inhibited by recent report of 2,300 women 65 yr or older showed
drugs that inhibit prostaglandin formation (i.e., indo- that, compared with those with no physical activity,
methacin). Interestingly, prostaglandins have been high levels of physical activity were associated with
shown to increase IGF-I in osteoblastic cells (171). This reduced risks of 42, 50, and 37% for cognitive impair-
suggests that prostaglandins can be elevated by me- ment, Alzheimer disease, and dementia of any type,
chanical strain, thereby activating IGF-I, which can respectively (145). If the physical activity levels were
induce the net formation of new bone. raised in these same subjects, then there would have
NO may be involved in the formation of new bone. been reductions of 47, 62, and 52% of the above listed
This was determined by using compounds that inhibit conditions. Men did not show this effect, and the inves-
NO production (L-arginine) by competitively inhibiting tigators (145) speculated that the number of male sub-
NOS and ultimately blocking the formation of new jects could have been too small. Among patients with
bone under mechanical strain (71). Also, compounds COPD, acute exercise was associated with improved
that induce the production of NO increased the rate of performance on the verbal fluency test, a measure of
new bone formation during mechanical loading (39). verbal processing (59).
There are multiple isoforms of NOS. Expression of Intermediate mechanisms. Evidence is accumulating
eNOS has been recently detected in osteoblasts and to support the hypothesis of Carro et al. (33) that
osteocytes (73); furthermore, the small quantities of sedentary life may be a risk factor in neurodegenera-
eNOS expressed in bone have been shown to be suffi- tive diseases because it is associated with higher risk of
cient to stimulate proliferation of osteoblasts in cell cerebrovascular accidents and is more pronounced in
culture (209). Presently, the mechanistic link among the elderly. Several studies indicate a beneficial effect
mechanical stimulation, prostaglandin, and NO re- of exercise on the central nervous system; these are
mains undetermined at this time. However, it is quite described briefly here. Voluntary wheel running and
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

treadmill training have been shown to enhance spatial exhibited an enhanced long-term potentiation in the
learning in rodents (69, 70, 136, 248). For example, dentate gyrus (248). Voluntary running, compared
physical activity produced a 2- to 12-fold enhancement with the sedentary group, led to changes in the level of
in spatial learning performance on both the Morris and a large number of gene transcripts in the rat hippocam-
place-learning-set probe trials, respectively, in both pus, many of which are known to be associated with
C57 and DBA mice (70). In addition, increased physical neuronal activity, synaptic structure, and neuronal
activity attenuated motor deficits (134) and impeded plasticity (239). These striking findings can be restated
age-related neuronal loss (142). Larsen et al. (142) as follows: physical inactivity reduces the ability of the
reported that sedentary aged rats have 11% fewer rat to make decisions necessary for the water maze
Purkinje cells and 9% smaller Purkinje cell soma vol- test, and this decreased performance is associated with
umes than exercised aged rats and that exercised aged fewer brain cells.
rats have the same number of Purkinje cells as young NEUROTRANSMITTERS. Endurance-trained, adult rats
rats. They interpreted their observations to mean that showed a reduction in high-affinity choline uptake and
the degree of age-associated degenerative changes in an increase in muscarinic quinuclidinylbenzilate bind-
parts of the central nervous system is dependent on ing in the hippocampus compared with their age-
earlier life style and health habits and may be pre- matched sedentary controls (68). Wheel running
vented or delayed by physical exercise. Carro et al. (33) blunted norepinephrine release in the brain frontal
also suggested that physical activity ameliorates neu- cortex in response to foot shock (223). Alterations in
rological impairments in different neurodegenerative hippocampal bound PKC activity have been reported to
processes, i.e., exercise-induced neuroprotection. For accompany a physical activity-induced enhancement in
example, exercise has been shown to enhance recovery spatial learning performance in mice (70).
from brain damage caused by stroke (139, 235) or GROWTH FACTORS. Physical inactivity lowered the ex-
multiple sclerosis (224). Preischemic locomotor activity pression of IGF-I, FGF-2, brain-derived neurotrophic
in gerbils reduced postischemic mortality and brain factor (BDNF), and glial cell-derived neurotrophic fac-
nerve cell losses, and the investigators (231) indicated tor in the brain compared with physically active rats
that information on mechanisms underlying this phe- (see Ref. 249 for references). FGF family members and
nomenon is not yet available. BDNF increase neurogenesis in the brain (20, 246).
Several mechanisms were suggested by Laurin et al. Lumbar spinal cords of inactive rats had decreased
(145) that might underlie the potentially protective BDNF mRNA expression (82). Immunohistochemical
effects of physical activity on cognitive function. They analyses showed lower BDNF levels in motoneuron cell
cited studies showing that physical activity sustains bodies and axons of the ventral horns in their spinal
cerebral blood flow by limiting increases in resting cords of inactive rats. Sedentary animals showed re-
blood pressures, lowering lipid levels, inhibiting plate- duced brain uptake of serum IGF-I compared with
let aggregability, or enhancing cerebral metabolic de- exercising animals (32). Treadmill running at 17
mands (See Ref. 145 for references). There is also m/min by rats was associated with higher levels of
evidence that exercise might improve cerebral nutrient IGF-I peptide in specific groups of neurons throughout
supply. Rats undergoing forced running had a greater the brain, whereas serum IGF-I and brain IGF-I
density of blood vessels in the molecular layer (a strip mRNA levels remained unchanged (240). Neurons ac-
running along the top and sides of the folia between the cumulating IGF-I exhibited an enhanced spontaneous
pial surface and a line through the Purkinje cell nuclei) firing and a protracted increase in sensitivity to affer-
of their cerebral cortex than did inactive animals, sug- ent stimulation (240). Brain uptake of IGF-I after ei-
gesting that increased synaptic activity elicited com- ther intracarotid injection or exercise elicited the same
pensatory angiogenesis (22). pattern of neuronal accumulation of IGF-I, an identical
There is extensive research documenting the rela- widespread increase in neuronal c-Fos, and a similar
tionship between physical and neuronal activity (249). stimulation of hippocampal BNDF (240). BNDF in-
Twelve percent of the recorded CA1 pyramidal cells creases play a role in learning and synaptic plasticity
were selectively active while the rat was wheel run- (249). When uptake of IGF-I by brain cells was blocked,
ning. The discharge frequency of pyramidal cells and the exercise-induced increase on c-Fos expression was
interneurons was sustained as long as the rat ran also blocked (240), which was interpreted by Trejo et
continuously in the wheel. Furthermore, the discharge al. (240) to suggest that increased brain levels are
frequency of pyramidal cells and interneurons in- caused by increased uptake of IGF-I from serum dur-
creased with increasing running velocity, even though ing exercise. Voluntary running was associated with
the frequency of hippocampal theta waves remained an increase in the level of the activated transcription
constant (47). factor, CREB, phosphorylated at Ser133 in the rat hip-
Cellular mechanisms. NEUROGENESIS. Voluntary us- pocampus, for at least 1 wk but not after 1 mo, and an
age of a running wheel increased neural cell prolifera- increase in the level of phosphorylated mitogen-acti-
tion and survival, thus producing a net neurogenesis in vated protein kinase (both p42 and p44) for at least 1
the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (248, 249). This mo (216). Shen et al. (216) interpreted their observa-
increase in cell number was associated with better tions to be consistent with the view that the relatively
learning performance. Rats undergoing increased vol- long-lasting activation of these signaling molecules
untary exercise learned the water maze test better and participates in the regulation of genes, such as the
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

neurotrophin genes, and contributes to the beneficial day. We propose that sedentary is the level of physical
effects of physical exercise on brain function. inactivity below which the threshold for initial health
Voluntary running exercise has been shown to in- effects occur.
crease the number of new neurons in the adult hip- Evidence for the existence of such behavior. Approx-
pocampus (248). Because peripheral administration of imately 70% of adults in the United States do not
IGF-I also resulted in increases in the number of new undertake the recommended 30 min of moderate phys-
neurons in the hippocampus of hypophysectomized ical activity five or more times per week, which in-
rats (2), Trejo et al. (240) speculated that circulating cludes those 24% of Americans who have no physical
IGF-I might be mediating the stimulatory effects of activity (181). A psychological component may play a
exercise on the number of new hippocampal neurons in prominent role; however, the biological basis of this
normal adult rats. They observed a complete inhibition behavior is poorly understood. The biochemical control
of the exercise-induced increase in the number of new of voluntary physical activity is intricately complex.
neurons in the hippocampus when IGF-I antiserum
was infused into rats undergoing exercise training. Voluntary Physical Activity
They interpreted this finding to be a result of the
antibody blocking the entrance of circulating IGF-I Intermediate mechanisms. Transgenic-derived data
into the brain (240). suggest that the level of expression of certain genes in
NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECTS. Mattson (168) speculated skeletal muscle may be associated with the quantity of
that running exercise may exert its beneficial neuro- voluntary running activity in mice. Expression in
protective effects by inducing a mild “stress response,” mouse muscle of a dominant inhibitory mutant of
which results in the expression of genes that encode AMPK, which partially blocked contraction-stimulated
proteins such as neurotrophic factors and heat-shock glucose uptake, reduced voluntary running by 20–30%
proteins that serve to suppress oxyradical production (181). Mice engineered to overexpress GLUT-4 in mus-
and stabilize cellular calcium homeostasis. Carro et al. cle had a fourfold increase in distance run in voluntary
(33) found that physical exercise reduced the vulnera- wheels (241). These mice ate 45% more but had lower
bility to brain damage in models of neuronal injury body weights than sedentary mice without the trans-
involving different types of etiopathogenic mechanisms gene. The authors of this study (241) wrote the follow-
relevant to human disease. One mechanism for the ing: “It is possible that the increased availability of
neuroprotective effect of exercise was found to be an glucose and/or glycogen content for fuel oxidation may
increased passage of circulating IGF-I into the brain allow MLC-GLUT-4 mice to undergo the same or
(33). Carro et al. thus concluded that sedentarism higher intensity exercise for a longer period of time
increases the susceptibility to neurodegenerative pro- than controls.” Such data suggest that the protein
cesses attributable to insufficient brain uptake of se- expression pattern of skeletal muscle affects a volun-
rum IGF-I. tary command from the central nervous system via
either a direct feedback from skeletal muscle or an
SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR AS AN INDEPENDENT RISK indirect feedback from the reduced size of the adipose
FACTOR FOR INCREASED MORTALITY FROM tissue. Our Late Paleolithic ancestors probably under-
CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS took physical activity for survival (food gathering, shel-
Definition of Sedentary ter, etc.), and we thus speculate that metabolic adap-
tations to physical activity within skeletal muscle may
The word “sedentary” is derived from the Latin word have evolved some type of feed-forward mechanism to
“sedentarius,” which means “one that sits.” We specu- provide for the desire for additional voluntary physical
late that there is a biological basis for the behavior of activity. Thus metabolic adaptations to exercise (e.g.,
desiring to be sedentary, i.e., not desiring to exercise. increased AMPK activity and GLUT-4 protein) could
For the purposes of this review, we have defined sed- be biochemical clues of great importance in a culture in
entary based on health outcomes; i.e., individuals which insufficient activity for the prevention of chronic
whose physical activity is ⬍30 min of moderate-inten- health conditions occurs.
sity activity each day are sedentary. Our definition is
based on the recommendation of the Expert Panel of Ability to Undertake Moderate Physical Activity
the Centers for Disease Control and the American Without Fatigue
College of Sports Medicine who recommended the fol-
lowing: “Every American should accumulate 30 min- Physical inactivity reduces the time duration of per-
utes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on forming moderate physical activity until exhaustion,
most, preferably all, days of the week . . . Adults who preventing continuation of exercise at the same abso-
engage in moderate-intensity physical activity—i.e., lute work intensity (see Ref. 196 for references). Al-
enough to expend 200 calories per day— can expect though this may not be considered a health issue in
many of the health benefits described herein . . . One highly mechanized societies, this belief overlooks the
way to meet this standard is to walk 2 miles briskly . . . fact that low physical endurance limits the quality of
Most adults do not currently meet the standard de- life for aged individuals, whose numbers are increasing
scribed herein.” (197). Those who cannot walk briskly because medical care has extended lifespans. It is also
at least 30 min each day are sitting too much of the possible that a reduced ability to undertake moderate
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

physical activity could lead to less voluntary activity WAR AGAINST CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS
for some psychological reason. Less activity would pro-
Common Metabolic Pathways Underlie How
duce more deconditioning, less ability to exercise with-
Physical Inactivity Increases the Risk
out fatigue, and even more inactivity, a negative cycle. of Many Chronic Disorders
This cycle likely occurs in multiple chronic disorders
(e.g., CHF, COPD, frailty, physical disabilities, and so The concept of commonality for some biochemical
forth). pathways underlying some inactivity-related disorders
Intermediate mechanisms. Run time to exhaustion is is analogous to Reaven’s (206) clustering of coronary
correlated with mitochondrial density in skeletal mus- heart disease, hypertension, and Type 2 diabetes into
cle (106). One of the main characteristics of muscular syndrome X (also termed metabolic syndrome, insulin
detraining is a marked decrease in skeletal muscle resistance syndrome, or deadly quartet), because these
oxidative capacity, as shown by markedly reduced mi- disorders tend to occur jointly in the same subjects
tochondrial enzyme activities (182). more frequently than expected by chance alone.
Cellular mechanisms. Inactive skeletal muscles have Liu and Manson (158) wrote that several decades of
lower AMPK activities (261), nuclear regulatory fac- epidemiological and clinical research have identified
tor-1 (NRF-1) mRNA (84), aminolevulinic acid (ALA) physical inactivity, excessive calorie consumption, and
synthase activities (108), mitochondrial transcription excess weight as common risk factors for both Type 2
factor A (mTFA) mRNA (84), and cytochrome c protein diabetes and coronary artery disease and that this trio
concentrations (104) and reduced mitochondrial densi- forms the environmental substrate for the now well-
ties (104) than physically active muscles. Published recognized insulin resistance syndrome. Thus the
data suggest the following potential signaling pathway same metabolic dysfunction, whole body insulin resis-
(elicited by increased contractile activity): increases in tance, manifests with different pathological pheno-
AMPK activity would increase NRF-1 protein, which in types based on the end organ involved. For example,
turn would bind to promoters for ALA synthase and we hypothesize that the phenotypic expression of insu-
mTFA genes, leading to increased cytochrome c protein lin resistance in skeletal muscle initiates whole body
concentration and mitochondrial density (21, 110, 264). insulin resistance, which in turn is associated with
Because not all promoters of genes transcribing mito- atherosclerosis, hypertension, truncal obesity, and
chondrial proteins have NRF-1 binding sites, other Type 2 diabetes. Skeletal muscle insulin resistance is
transcription factors may be involved in contractile likely the manifestation of an inadequately stimulated
activity-modulated mitochondrial biogenesis. genotype that is used to seeing a certain dose of an
environmental trigger (i.e., physical activity) to main-
tain normal physiology and hence to prevent pathol-
Mortality in Adults Who Already Have Multiple ogy. In this sense, physical inactivity is a molecular
Chronic Health Conditions mechanism of disease in its role as an environmental
trigger to modify the evolutionarily programmed Late
A half century ago, physicians would prescribe bed Paleolithic genome.
rest as a cure for many disorders. As indicated else- The above concept of a common underlying biochem-
where in this review, bed rest is now found to worsen ical event for some chronic health conditions is not
many of these conditions. Another approach to evalu- unique. For example, the primary mechanistic hypoth-
ate the effect of physical inactivity is to examine esis in the STRRIDE clinical trail is that alterations in
whether it increases the death rate in those with skeletal muscle (specifically, skeletal muscle capillar-
chronic health conditions. ity) mediate most, if not all, of the favorable adapta-
Evidence that inactivity increases incidence. Physical tions in glucose and lipid metabolism mediated by
inactivity in patients who already have multiple health chronic exercise training (137). STRRIDE’s alternative
conditions is associated with twice the death rate dur- hypothesis is that other stable changes in body habitus
ing a 42-mo follow-up period than for more physically induced by exercise training, such as reductions in
active people (167). In another study, the adjusted visceral body fat, account for the majority of the favor-
relative risk for death was 2.1 for low fitness and 1.7 for able changes in whole body metabolic state, such as
self-reported inactivity in men with Type 2 diabetes insulin action and serum lipids (137). We propose a
(255). A review of the literature by Blair and Brodney third hypothesis for a commonality for some chronic
(23) found that inactive men in each BMI stratum had health conditions: that a habitually inactive skeletal
higher death rates than active men in the same stra- muscle produces common metabolic dysfunctions, such
tum. In addition, inactive men in the low BMI stratum as skeletal muscle insulin resistance, which leads to
group had similar or higher death rates than active syndrome X.
men in the high BMI group. Heredity can be divided into at least two categories:
Intermediate mechanisms. Martinson et al. (167) 1) monogenic diseases such as Duchenne’s muscular
suggested that the detrimental effects of physical in- dystrophy (resulting when a mutation in the dystro-
activity are via metabolic processes. phin gene is inherited by a gene line) or 2) oligogenic
Cellular mechanisms. Presently, little information is diseases (resulting when multiple polymorphisms are
available describing cellular mechanisms. inherited, predisposing a person to a chronic health
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

condition if exposed to a particular environmental fac- in the tertiary prevention, to compensate for the true
tor like physical inactivity) (17). Information for the causes of disease. Where this perception goes wrong is
heritability of exercise-inducible genes associated with that physical inactivity produces an abnormal gene
the metabolic syndrome can be found in the HERI- expression and is a direct causal factor of most chronic
TAGE Family Study (244). Ukkola and Bouchard (244) health conditions by its direct alteration of gene ex-
indicated that heritability accounts for 25–90% of var- pression from a normal phenotype to a preclinical or
ious components in the metabolic syndrome. We inter- clinical phenotype. This notion is based on our hypoth-
pret these findings to support our hypothesis of “activ- esis that heredity and evolution selected the human
ity-sensitive” genes in the following manner. We genome to support physical activity. Thus it may be
hypothesize that activity-sensitive genes are inherited, more useful if physical inactivity is viewed as a direct
i.e., activity selected for genes in the Late Paleolithic inducer of, not a compensator for, chronic health con-
era. The hypothesis that humans inherited genes pro- ditions. Some in the medical profession are of this
grammed for physical activity is supported by findings opinion. For example, Olefsky (194) wrote the follow-
of the HERITAGE Family Study, which has reported ing: “The genetic and environmental factors that con-
that 1) the response of the amount and distribution of trol food intake and energy expenditure must be iden-
subcutaneous fat to exercise training is characterized tified so that we can improve the ability to effect
by a moderate and more complex pattern of familial beneficial lifestyle changes and eventually develop
resemblance, 2) an IGF-I gene marker was found to be drugs to treat obese patients who are refractory to
strongly linked to the changes in fat-free mass in lifestyle modifications.”
response to 20 wk of endurance exercise, and 3) genetic The references cited in this review support the con-
variation in the angiotensin locus modifies the respon- tention that physical inactivity directly interacts with
siveness of submaximal exercise diastolic blood pres- gene promoters and signaling complexes to produce
sure to endurance training (see Ref. 244 for ref- pathophysiological states. These ideas can be restated
erences). as follows: moderate physical activity (brisk walking
for ⬃30 min/day) is sufficient to maintain the intricate
Appropriate Plans for the War Against Chronic orchestration and balance of gene expression that ap-
Health Conditions proaches close enough to the levels of our Late Paleo-
The ultimate goal is to prevent disease before it lithic ancestors so that the risk of many modern
occurs. Although primary prevention is an accepted chronic health conditions is reduced by ⬃30%.
strategy for vaccinations against smallpox and an- As molecular medicine moves into proteomics, Liotta
thrax, its application is much less for sedentary-in- et al. (155) stated that the true scientific goal of this
duced chronic health conditions. To further consider endeavor will be to characterize the information flow
this contention, the division of the prevention of dis- within the healthy and diseased cells and organisms.
ease into three categories as described by Last (143) They further stated that, in the diseased cell, the aim
will be considered: “primary prevention means pre- of proteomics is to define disruptions, derangements, or
venting the occurrence of diseases,” “secondary preven- hyperactivity in protein networks to create the knowl-
tion means early detection and intervention, prefera- edge base to fulfill the enormous opportunities and
bly before the condition is clinically apparent, and has strategies for therapeutic intervention (155). The nor-
the aim of reversing, halting, or at least retarding the mal orchestration of protein expression in cells in hu-
progress of a condition,” and “tertiary prevention mans was selected during evolution when physical
means minimizing the effect of diseases . . . by prevent- activity was higher than in the United States today.
ing complications and premature deteriorations.” It is Because the altered protein expression of cells from
our perception that medical practice usually empha- sedentary individuals is associated with a higher prev-
sizes the usage of exercise for tertiary prevention, with alence of chronic health conditions than in the moder-
insufficient emphasis placed on employing physical ately active individual, we propose that cells from
activity for primary or secondary prevention of the sedentary individuals are already expressing an abnor-
many chronic health disorders listed in this review. mal protein pattern, and thus they do not provide a
Given the overwhelming evidence in the literature valid representation of “normal” for a comparison to
for a direct role of physical inactivity in causing a cells from a overt diseased state. Furthermore, to more
myriad of disease conditions, the question then arises accurately delineate the molecular mechanisms re-
as to why such a potent medicine is not more commonly sponsible for the eradication of most chronic health
prescribed? We speculate that one reason that physical conditions, the regulation of signaling networks from
activity is insufficiently prescribed by health care physically active individuals must be determined and
workers for the primary and secondary prevention of considered as the evolutionary-based standard for
disease could be the misconception that genes are be- health. Understanding the role that protein networks
ing “physiologically” expressed in a sedentary society. play in disease will require knowledge of how physical
Further misconception could arise from the thought inactivity alters gene expression to cause many chronic
that exercise is a tool to repair the expression of the health conditions. For molecular medicine to optimize
genome when in fact exercise induces normal expres- clinical opportunities to diminish chronic health condi-
sion of the genome. Exercise is then regarded as a tool tions, a complete understanding of how physical inac-
J Appl Physiol • VOL 93 • JULY 2002 • www.jap.org

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