Kindergarten Maths

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CONTENTS 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 0. 22, Numbers 1 to 10 Comparing Numbers within 10 Ordering Numbers up to 10 Adding One and Two to a One-digit Number Number Bonds within 10 Addition Using Pictures Addition Using Nurnber Lines. Simple Addition within 10 Subtraction Using Pictures Subtraction Using Number Lines Simple Subtraction within 10 Simple Addition Word Problems Simple Subtraction Word Problems Shapes Shapes and Sizes More on Shapes Patterns 3-D Figures Ordinal Numbers Numbers 11 to 20 Number Patterns within 20 Compating Numbers within 20 Ordering Numbers up to 20 Tens and Ones . Addition within 20 - Number Lines & Counting On Subtraction within 20 - Number Lines & Counting Back Addition Word Problems Subtraction Word Problems Comparing Lengths Measuring Lengths Comparing Masses Measuring Masses Time Numbers up to 30 Numbers up to 40 Numbers up fo 50 Numbers up to 100 Even and Odd Numbers Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 5 Page 14 22 24 27 32 35 37 56 73 85 7 108 119 127 125 129 130 150 170 177 184 190 195 199 203 216 219 224 230 239 24d 253 265 277 289 Recognise numbers | to 10 .@& Draw a line to join the numbers from 1 to 10. Count 1 to 5 ae & 2 ® & ge a ® Count the objects in each row. Then trace the numbers. 2) CPC 3 Count the objects in each row. Then trace the numbers. HO p8n0R Ea (2 2 2. 2 & @ 6 @ & BS @®6 2 tional Publishing House Ple Lid — EA AAS S&B Count 1 to 10 2 g@ 8 &@ &@ g RW we * prec GG geet nena Count the dots and write the number. Count and write @® g & ¢ @y* we * Cc Tf.) fe Vf.) fe r— > e\(@ @ \le @ ||@% | @ ||/@ |e @ |\e% | @ ||@ |\ee @ |\e@ ® |\ee gé LL J (eB j (ee 6@) 3 eC e 2 |_| @ FL is “| \ fT (em wom) fw [., t ~ zife \fe \[fe e0e\(e@ |\/ee : 2/|@ |/@ || @ || @ |\ee||e |jee ; 2 |lee||@ || @ || @ |jee|le |\jee|) e|| ; = jee||e || @ || @ ||ee|\ee \ee : < & zg (8) 68) 2) Jee ee) ee | J) Count and write eB & g &® we Bw w ® © Educational Publishing House Pie Lid Number words a @ gg ® Count and trace the words. a an ae ae NAS BeeReeS AN SEAN BOOBBOBBR | sinc EEE) fen Count and write Count and write in words. OOOO Co y a Qh, DQ. aoe. © Edu cational Publishing House Pte itd tional Publishing House Pte Ld Count and colour & S® gg ® « Be” a * Colour four pears. [On ne em etn et NE BOBO D OD! Colour six pencils. ante eine tat Colour three cars. SoD Colour five telephones. Match the numbers & @ g &® gg &y* wo * Maich the picture with the correct number and number word. BD are (two | Om ey thes | GG&E (four | 8 | nine Sofe i five zero 3) QGOOOOMO® © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Count and write & @ g ® &@ & gy @ * Count the dots in each row. Then write ihe number and number word beside it. ®@ ] one ee © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Counting 0 to 10 & &® g & & & ye wo * wa er Pi ap This is a number line. It shows the numbers arranged in order of their values. arene Fill in the missing numbers. 1 |[2 5 7 10 1 3 I 6 9 [10 1 S|] | 10 1 . | 10 Count the candles and write the number in the box. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid —+—++ + | }-++ leffO0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tight The number on the left of the number line comes before the number on its right. E.g. The number 3 comes before 4, wn nen nN What number comes before? Write it in the box. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd What comes after? ee 2@ 2 @ & @g®* o * sme Shean b—-+-—-+--+--} +--+ HF t letO 1 2.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tight The number on the tight of the number line comes after the number on its leff. en NN Np What number comes ater? White it in the box. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd What comes beiween? & @ 2 & & & wg ® » * pe, WA after » before ~ AAS 2 pap leffO 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 tight The number between two numbers comes after the number on its left but before the number on its right. E.g. The number 4 comes after 3. The number 4 comes before 5. The number 4 is between 3 and 5. What number is between the two numbers? Write it in the box. i © Educational Publishing House Pte Ld The same ee @ pg» & & & yk wo * In each box, colour the pictures which have the same number of objecis. PG remeron lana fl mat iat, | Publishing House Ple Lid Which has more? & 2 @ & @ & wg * o @ YA ga 99 Which set has more? ne ano. syne Which set has more? © a"e® & < Which set has more? nal Publishing House Pte Ltd Which has fewer? Ss PUVA lc ods Set. has fewer fruits. Publishing House Pte Ltd Which number is greater? 3 .@& & 2 © © &g * e 8 @ © Example 1 Example 2 rt++-+++++-++ ll (hl 01234567 8910 Comparing the Using the number line, number of sticks, 7 is to the right of 3. 7 is greater. So, 7 is greater. eR Sf ert Colour the greater number. Which number is smaller? So * & 4 o* s* Np ttt eee tn SEU tap ON | ® © | Example 1 Example 2 ) Pope fp ft , 012345678910 Comparing the Using the number line, number of sticks, 6 Is to the left of 10. 6 is smaller. So, 6 is smaller. ng pel Lt EIS EL Cross out (x) the smaller number. Write in order a @® & »g * @ @ Write the numbers in order. Begin with the give ane BAS eee iar Write in order & 8 Write the numbers in order. Begin with the greatest number. dep GPP GP BP Write the vunbon in wsdon Begin wth the mats number. LODHR HOHHD © Educational Publishing House Pte Ld Adding one &@ ge & w& & 4 8 ‘0 2 6 5 7 3 19 | What nui J | IL] vais ew es ® eS Now do these sums. —_ + No + o00000000 Adding two & 9000 Adding one and two & © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Nunnber bond: 3 and 4 ee @ gg» © @ ®@e@™ wo ® Match the numbers to make 3. 0 2) | + cad i —f 3 3 0 3 to | D lal 4 3 2 Number bond: 5 and 6 & &® gw & we & y * a * Match the numbers fo make 5. o] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5 ay 3) ooo Match the numbers to make 6. oO} |1} [2] [3] J4] [5] [6 NO Number bond: 7 and 8 ee @ 2g & &@ & yw” wo ® Maich the numbers to make 7. [o} [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7 6| [4] [7] [5] [1] [2] [o] [3 Match the numbers to make 8. 0} (1) [2][3][4][5] [6][7] [2 Number bond: 9 Ss & & g Bw PF we Match the numbers to make 9. | 0] [22] [NS] [o] [a] [A] [eo] [rm] [=] [Ns] [Oo] [= al [olla | [0] [oo] [N . oR ES Number bond: 10 Match the numbers to make 10. 3]| eo || Ni olan i co |[po =llo 10 & 2» 8 &© ®@y*® ©] oO =|[O]/8][a][r][eo|/N o]/0 Count and add B&B . Complete the addition seniences. @6006@ 800 + = 8 OGG GOOG0 + = 9 AAAAA AA of dette dete te [| + [| Dib ik odo Sa Addition sentences Ri S@ gp & & &®e_y*® wo ® Complete the addition sentences. etn GL pin etter geif ia itt ean PRN sain an plete jeeses ©0606 re ee enactment Ss PML LE sarin tesa genfnt anal pape pnd, ©0606 e606 e + = Oe rr gy Dnt CE recente man Gratton Ea acct N an tt at jesse @6 _ + _ = Sparen nett ag that page ont tare 7 samt payer ter fnl nO art a nett ygsen et ey ‘s ©0006 yy) * ese —_ + = _ Snare mentee 2 narinsheemOt on gon praserinnyg FO reat aipe sn pin fee, ‘ © Educational Publishing House Pte Ud More addition sentences @ g & & & — * o® Complete the addition sentences. OT cee gn natn hanes Pn pngmramatenyanthettoene oy /eeeee @O666 » + =-__| Sapte Meine pref ee ed Serer [eaten PE ttn At at PI At A Ay }@@e0e@ ® , /@60@ \ + = \ Sate Ataris faye APE enenntntnncasn sen yet Santina, oe . ; ee0e ©6660 sonia gh“ Ct = 8 ei § 7 Sten GNC ut meta pt tay sores oe _ | S natmart ‘met } attri ain Pad nnetn, gnyyih OOP tna ah Pm tip ttngin tater ON oo esse° “bk = y —_—. —_——. —__ Baer ng Tope nd © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Add with number lines & & gp & & & ge wo * ee — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COON ™ 14,241,3)).4)15})6))7))8)19) 110 @+7-10 Start with the first number. Then add the next number to it by skipping along the number line... 7 ranean Do these sums. le6e (NINN — DBM E IZ] ]be 6425. —s [a Jfa|[s|fa|is][el[7][e][o]fio $+4=___ fi [2 |[3][4][sl[e][7 [ells lio 5+5=____ [a ][2][3][4][s][o][7][e8l[9 |[1o 3+4=_ = fil[2][3][4][s]le|[z][s][o|fio © Educational Publishing House Ple Ltd More addition with number lines,2s S® = © & & » * a * Do these sums. 9+1e 2\[3 || 4][5][6|17|/8|[9 |fio 345s 2|[3][4|[5][e|[7][s8][9][10 7422 2\[3|4|[s|l6][7][el[¢ |e 841s 2\[3|[4|[sl[o][7 [8 ][9 |r 6+4= 2\[3 [4 ][5]l6][7 |[8][ 9 |[10 14+7=- til2|[3][4][s][6][7 |[e][9 |[i0 4+4= Uf2][3|[4][s]L6][7][8|L9 Iho © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Number bond: 4, 5, 6 and 7 .& Match each fish to the correct net. © Educational Publishing House Pte Utd Number bond: 6,7 and&8& & Match each apple to the correct basket. More on addition & 2 9 & & & eX se Colour the spaceships whose answers match the number on the right. POPPE Sebo pire Sell 10 (>EDE>l>7) Pebb© @ fducational Publishing House Pte Ltd Number bond: 8,9 andi0 @& & Se &® & & gy * w * Match each balloon fo the correct clown. More on addition R 3 & & er on the 20 ae SSSSG BOOSS® Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Number bond: 9 and 10 eB @ g ® &¢ ®@ yr a® Adding numbers &® gg © & & ye a? Add the numbers and write the answer in the box. 2 3 + + 4 2 oo 2 + 6 _ aa ee ) XN = 6 + 4 LS a 8 + 1 — Le 4+ 3 co _) 7 + 3 3.64+ =3 — — 2+ 5 oo) 4+ 2 ) _ 6 + 0 ) 149 © Pons SEER ssi TA AQ000000000 Educational Publishing House Pte tid SEEN Adding more numbers Bs ®@ g & & & eX ae Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 4+] = 2+0= $42= 2+) = 242= $405 T+] = 54+2= __ 4+0=_ 34+0=5 384 ]= 344=___ 5+] = 24+3=_ Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 6425 9+0= 4+2s 4+4=_ 74+3 = 4+5= 64+4= 943 = 9+) 5 9+5= 84+2=_ 7+2=__ $435 O+10= © Educational Publishing House Pie Ud How many left? & & 2 &® © &@m_* a * There are 5 balls. Cross out 2 balls. G many balls are left? ; Write the answer in the box. There are 7 bags. Cross out 4 bags. How many bags are lefi? Hee CE There are 6 telephones. Cross out 5 telephones. How many telephones are left? There are 9 cans. Cross out 6 cans. How many cans are left? monoee LL How many left? & Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid re REE BS HTS WIN TELE A How many left? 3 & @ & &¢ & ga * Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Subtraction sentences & S&S pg ® & & ye o * Complete the number sentences. © Educetional Publishing House Pe Ltd “elution More subtraction sentences @ g & & & ge a * Complete the number sentences. e. o eden absing Howe Pe More subtraction sentences .e& &® gw ® & ® yy @ * Complete the number sentences. _ ] _ PIPPOPPOOHO#P B& il © Educational Publishing House Pte Led Cross out @66@ r 4 so seese Out - eH Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. | ee coeccees | | 8888 BDODD | ps ae © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid pote “eeccccesss | \ Stina Beli 8 Auton ca, aug umaaratNneasatnbtntt nf iii yery fib ee cunning | GOOF GS eerie tga ns —_) tN sc Napa tnt neta on aint tans et Me, COFKKIH | Sera eee) Poet msaen got, mettre eect tari et) | C00CCsss er ee rarernanain gr gh gmnmenpiairttnrgagenfetranasint tt scon agen pp Degas sth gat Ato, | Cooosssss 4 — —— Beeman anatert agg MP wt nad NA ct gent ent tt sit baton onal oP wets, © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Count back nae PN DS tN aN Natal 10 O- 1-1 Start with the first number. Then subtract the next ; number from it by skipping along ct geen he number line. 3 Subtract. 8-6= LVWNEOEONENEN =—— [q]/2\[sl[al[s][e][7][8]/9]ho 9-7=___ Fale alslelz]el[olfio 7-35 1i2\[s|[4l[s lle] 7 [a l[9|[10 8-5=—_._ aa yalalfslfel7|el[o lio 5-2=—_ Folslalslelzlfello lio ___ © Educational Publishing Hi 10-4= 10-9= © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Subtraction Do these sums. 10-9 3-2s Subtraction & ® »g ® @ & yw ae rare ng TLD ere ly aac eg er Match each sum with the correct answer. Gein STU ED BY Be 2 & B 1 S10-D 5 Yo mR © Educational Publishing Hou se Pie Ltd Number bond: 2,3 and5 More on subtraction qi) & @® gg © &@ &@», * we * Colour the pots whose answers match the number on the right. Number bond: 1, 2, 3 and 4 2 Draw lines to lead the fish fo the correct net. More on subtraction & ee eee Colour the spaceships whose answers match the number on the right. PEPe@ CPeee® F>EDEDED) e680) O26) SPS © © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid AD Tee Number bond: 4 and 6 . 3 More on subiraction & 3 = green 5 = yellow 7 = blue 9 =red © Educational Publishing House Pre Lid RRC * Subtracting numbers & S&S 2» &® &¢ &@ g * we * Subtract the numbers and write the answer in the box. 6-5 2-2 | 7-5 5-5 { = o alsa (ales Lf lucational Publishing House Pte Lid Subtracting more numbers .@& @e ®@ & &ye*® eo * Subtract the numbers and write the answer in the box. ) ) 4-4 2-1 \} 5-1 4 7-3 | \~ y 4-2 9-2 | 8-1 | 4-3 a I & Oo | _ an jw i Nh a Oo I & — Td Fo obee bey pee © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Simple addition story sums BN pe ee There is 1 cat. 1 more cat comes along. How many cats are there now? Write a number sentence for each sum. Tina and Tom are reading. Ram joins them. 9 Publishing House Pte Lid There are 3 fruits on the plate. Raju puts 1 more fruit on it. How many fruits are there now? A man has 4 dogs. 1 more dog comes to stay. How many dogs does the man have now? © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Simple addition story sums Write a number senience for each sum. Meena has 5 tops. Tim gives her 1 more. How many tops does Meena have now? g g g LA Qe Fj &, 232 Si NSE EY & r]+ O- Marcy has 2 dolls. Her father gives her 2 more. How many dolls does she have now? Fo dH dH dor + | | = ea

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