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that build and practice exercises hat crema reinforce basic Von ee jae ere en a eeeer Ch a | Ss Oday e¢ Grammar CONTENTS ee eng TEED AEDS POS 1. Body Paris 1 2. Sense Organs 6 5. Feoings n 4 Colous 6 5 Fomly Tee 2 6. Things We Use 7, Occupations 8 Places 8. Around the House 10. Inthe Garcon’ M1. Creepy Cremses 12. Lond Animas 18. Animals and Their young 14. Animal Sounds 15. Animal Homes 16. Sea Crectures SRSSYIIVLSSHSERY 17. Plants 18 Fruts 19. Vegetables 20. Days of the Wesk 21. Months of he Year 22. Oppostos 108 23. Things that Go Together 18 2a. Preveading Sls 8 28. Phonics 1 2. Nouns 140 27. Articles m 28. Pronouns 6 29. Verbs to bo! 188 30. Verbs ‘to have’ 193 31. Verbs 7 82. Adectnes 22 38. Advoros 205 34. Connector 213 36. Modais 216 36. Wr Questions 219 $37. Punctuation and Capitalisation 3 38. Word Order 2 38. Comprehension 21 20. Revision 1 2a 441. Revision 2 23 2. Revson 3 285 23. Revision 4 a7 ‘4d. Revision 5 289 Parts of the body & ee @ @&@_yror The body is nade up of many parts ‘ Point to each part and say the name. The arm Bw A ee i Trace the dotted words. The leg & Trace the dotted words, This is a dual ebig Howe Pi . - % Parts of the face & ep & a eZ oe Point to each part of the face and say the name. eyebrow ao ve Zz Z ear ZA My body & ero Sa) ee Look in the mirror. Write down what you see. Isee Isee Isee Isee Isee Isee What are sense organs? & S@erk®eeya™ ae entre ane gr YORI Our sense organs tell us more about the things around us. Our eyes can see. Our ears can hear sounds. Our tongue tells us If the food is hot or cold, sweet or sour. We feel with our skin, Our nose can smell. Point to each picture and say its name. eyes 2 cna % The five sense organs ee Pe %®ere* Match each picture to its name. ~ 8 skin y nose ane a ean cE ear Our sense organs & ee Fil In each blank with the correct answer from the box. nose | see with my 6s ajoke. | feel ___. 6. | yawn when | am How do | feel? & ge es Draw how you look when you are happy. Draw how you look when you are sad. Colours & Ft er® aay o® Trace the dotted words. Then colour the pictures. Pra Drown Colours & Trace the dotted words. Then colour the pictures. Word search on colours & e@ ep ® eaearee Colour the paints. Then find the colours in the fable and circle them. nnd blue AID = (ES ted G B3lob-l~x|-lo|—-|o brown’ 2 orange, ao yellow, vom ae ¢ a % jo |—|+10 Ja fa |=|c = [5 |< |o |-|o)/|0 ts |o ||= |o |=|o la —|e l< [a /5 | ja |o fa ln |= |3]o Kola 0 {D0 |@ fQ |5 |a|=]|o 3 |x ]o |>|+|x |—-|+) S{-]€ [0 |-|—|o |< fo |o |= |n |+}o |— ) \ red present, 2 Os My present is orange. Colours & fpr ewer oe Rearrange the letters to form the name of a colour. Then colour the balloons. Family tree & a eee eee eee ARI A family tree shows how each member of the | family is related, = ae (| (aes Ese) Grandfather] [Grandmother ‘Aunt | [Uncle Aunt ‘Cousins Uncle | [| Aunt Uncle a Cousins Family tree Tan Meng Chuan See Ai Ling Mary John Susan, Tom um Tan Lim Chua = = 1 Valerie Paul Chua Chua Chua Tan Tan Shu Chung Shu li Beng Fen Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the box. parents siblings cousins uncle niece nephew grandparents children husband wife daughter son 1. Tom and Susan are Shu Fens 2. Shu Lils Tom and Susan‘’s —___. e@ pt aeyt _ RR EPR ong NEE I A SEEN 3. onan 10. i. 12, Shu Li, Chung Beng and Shu Fen are . Paul and Valerie are John and Mary’s ». Paul is John and Mary’s . John is Mary’s . Susan is Toms . Valerie, Paul, Shu Li, Chung Beng and Shu Fen are . Shu Li is Mary’s Paul Is Tom’s John is Chung Beng’s Meng Chuan and Ai Ling are Shu Li’s © ecto Ning Hera Ped os % At the beach @ gp & e% oe % Match each picture to the correct word. 5 goggles & q swimsuit (©; [ & } | float | beach ball i Travelling @ gp ® we %eroe & Match each picture to the correct word. map luggage passport camera clothes | 1D) @ Home appliances & eS epr®ae Colour the things you can find in your home. - 2 Stationery B Re rtarayrs* Write down the name of each thing. Use the words from the box. crayon pencil pen sharpener eraser stapler LA SS = || 0 Q Z Word search on Occupation 2 ® gp ® weer oe Here are some people who help us. Look for the words in the puzzle. Then circle them. \S qiwie|r}/tiy{ulc|ilpjo| f djol|c/tjo[rfelalcjojz|i elalsidifigih|rijilikir njz|xiclv{binip|m}ij}j le tiplolijult}yle|riclejm i}qiclel|tig|mjn}jjefila slylg q|m}s|n t{m}h| r|w{d]ale[clalb/u x{infu}r}sjelyir{ tints |m Occupations & @eteetygt% ae GU Pater gro DOE ee Fill in each blank with the comect word from the box. baker doctor postman fearner 2 8. oe He delivers letters, He is q____. We go to her when we are ill. She is a He grows fruits and vegetables. He isa He bakes bread. He isq___..___, a % More occupations & @ ep ® ee e®—_er oe Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. Preacher talor policeman carpenter a ee He isa She teaches us. She is a ey it! He makes cupboards and tables. He isa He sews clothes. He isa Where do they work? & ee pt eeygroe® Match each person with the corect place. & What do they use? ePeptety UNNI i | i 1 Ce i og og a¢ = Where am | going? & ee Se eX er Fill in the letters to find out where Tom Is going. Where is it? & &@ pg ® & Hert ae Mary wants to go out. Fill in the letters fo find out where she wants to go. anen— wun =oO05 miucnnd Code ) mm) o Gey x-sQ00 BIS0en (23 (s: Xe ayy CA a z At the playground BB @ 9 ® & &eX oe Draw in the box three things you can see in the playground. ae % At school e pr aey® Circle the things you can find in your school. & Se tree marker pupils ] i computer chair desk | Geo trolley whiteboard book é sss Places & eC p®aeeeyX™o® Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. eee eee clinic school field library airport 3 a_i oie ch Igo to the ____ to Se take an aeroplane. 5} @| 5; Pal FP | | study ina I visit the ____ to borrow books. My brother oe football in the We go to the ____ UE] when we are sick. More places & a i ‘Answer each question. Use the words from the box. a — bakery playground supermarket food court park swimming pool 1. Where will you go to play on the seesaw? 2. Where do you go for a swim? 3. Where can you go to buy fruits and vegetables? 4, Where will you go to buy a cake? 5, Where will you go when you are hungry? The living room & eS et®aea woe Colour the things you can find in your living room. In the bedroom 2p & oe? Look at the picture. Write the letter beside the things you can find in the picture. bedsheet dressing table blanket tug bed wardrobe bolster pillow a ae In the bathroom & eet aeygrtee Look at the words. Find the things in the picture and colour them. Lom bathtub soap. toothpaste toothbrush _tolletroll sink shower tap towel rack Low ad In the study room & ep ® we ae_eroe* A study room is a place where we can study and do our homework Draw below three more things you can find in a study room. @ ss In the kitchen (1) sx ee 4 @ - © ee «= P~ toaster pot chopping board stove microwave __ refrigerator 2 a % In the kitchen (2) & 2 p® ee Ber oe Match each picture with the correct word. chopsticks frying pan oven bowl teapot coed In the garden & e eM a tyrse aaron PRI TE Write down the names of the gardening tools with the correct words from the box. fake spade shears lawn mower water hose watering cai 4 In the garden & e@e®ae ’ ope nnn \Write down in the wheelbarrow the names of the things you ‘can find in the garden. In the garden B ee @® &&_erX oe What are these peo| doing? Match each picture to the correct word. digging watering 3 5 a plucking Flowers & & p® & eer ee Write down the name of each flower with the correct word from the box. orchid hibiscus morning glory rose tulip. sunflower 9 & Creepy crawlies e »@ ® & Oe ee Match each picture to the correct word. lizard _ spider BS cockroach beetle caterpillar ee! % ¥ popu | spy creepy crawlies & ee % a tyr ee ee Can you spot the creepy crawlies in the garden? Write down the names of these creepy crawlies and colour them. ce | Word search in creepy crawlies,2& Pep r®eeyrtoe s}hjgjelals|b/t|mltfi mis[nfali[t]s[blbo/njul bin|x}rjoly/jlofulsiv qjajb/t]ujsjklclg}/tiw gi k|]mjh|bly|wiqisjajla tle;]s|w|djgliclajpjelec s|ijclojc|k}rjojaseth nfeterelmaly Trin] rhe] OY Jly|jp}m{}t| ki n|miticlz @ Can you find the names of the creepy crawlies In the puzzle? Circle them. — snake bugs _ es woe age snail Sorumeanrel ant a Bm — . % Farm animals & @ gp ® ww er% oe Colour the animals that live on a farm. yhe WONT \ed” Cows & Se ® & &g% oF ERT ET GE Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. cow milk legs — farm grass oe 1. This is a 2. It lives ona —__. 3. It has four Ch lejos 5. Itgivesus__ ws) Beh _— % Horses & ee RSD referee ree Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. rose eos mane hay _ stable 1. This isa 2. It lives ina 3. It has four 4. The hair on its head and neck is called the 5. It eats Hens & Sete eer or RRR TEER NE TE EO Write three sentences about hens. Use the words in the box to help you. hen feathers legs grains eggs farm ib Sheep ee 2 ep & @ wer oe White five sentences about sheep. Use the words in the box to help you. sheep legs wool farm grass white 16 What animals give us & epee wyroe What do these animals provide us with? Match them with the correct picture. df eo) oe Pet animals & 2 a a Colour the animals that we keep as pets. ews & Ps 3 0 Dogs s&s Seta ty Zot Fill in each blank with the comect word from the box. pS ¥ dog bones ears oe pet AL 1. This is a 2. Itiskeptasa___ 3. It lives In q_—____. 4, tt has two______. 5. It eats co bliginn Poat . » Cats & ee ® ae eer oe Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. ( WY cat Sy igh fish 4 |S \YSs whiskers 1. This is a 2. It is kept as a 3. Ithas ________ on its face. 4. It has a long 5. It eats é - My favourite jungle animal et 2 pt a eey*™ eer ete INC igen Draw your favourite jungle animal. Then colour it, sc % Jungle animals a Look at the picture. & eS pr®eety*Xo* - y Then fill in each blank with the comect answer. 1. There are four and three big 2. The black and white striped animal is called a 3. Along ____is coiled up on the branch of a tree. 4. The animal with a long neck is the 5. Two_______ are swinging on the trees. Farm animals and their young ,2& @ yp ® we Ber or Help the young animals find their mothers. Match them with their mothers. Pet animals and their young A i) Help the young animals find their mothers. Match them with their mothers. By. ag ale. By Jungle animals and their young.& w he ae Help the young animals find their mothers. Match them with their mothers. Gx 5 ES ey ° © GG ) fa” Gp & . - Sounds animals make & @ p® eer o4 People make sounds when they talk, laugh or sing. Animals can make sounds too, as Smew..> & 5 a A donkey brays, A cat mews or purrs, trumpets ee @ Animal sounds & S ep ®eegtoe What are these animals saying? Write the sounds in the bubbles. SS= bleat quack ck cluck grunt, aa as ¢ oe «sy Sounds of animals & @er® ester oe ark Rearrange the letters fo form the sounds made by the animals. I when | see strangers. ees when | am hungry. fo when | sing. a when |. am in danger. Homes of animals & @ pte syr or Match each animal with its home. Where do | live? & Sp ®eeyX™ene Fill in each blank with the correct word. eae] A hen lives in a (ae eeas] | “aN, 1 aN A monkey lives on a * t \ \ A beat lives in a wi Es a Z a A snake lives in a = ed Le | A rabbit lives in a sinners % Uncle Joe’s farm & eX eter ee Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. ea kennel stable sty hutch Uncle Joe has a farm. There are many animals on his farm. He keeps the pigs in a —___________ and horses in a ao . Uncle Joe lets me take the u rabbit out from the (AH and play with it. Uncle Joe has a pet dog. It sleeps ina ANY when it is not guarding the house. é ae Sea creatures & 2 eg ® & &er%oe There are eight sea creatures in the picture. Find them and write down their names on the lines below. & More sea creatures ee ® e eet er Match each picture with the correct word. turtle dolphin shark — stingray pages whale Parts of a fish & A fish has many paris. The fins help it to swim, the: eyes help it to see and the scales protect its body. Did you know that the gills help the fish to breathe Edible sea creatures & e@ wp ® ewe e®yX se annem rer tarot Colour the sea creatures that can be eaten. Plants & 2p ®ateyeX oe A plant is made up of different parts. | . Point fo each part and say the name. flower leaf fruit ho root a % Parts of a plant & a ee Write the name of the parts of a plant shown in the picture. 0 ae What does each plant part do2e Se eeyrXoer ee I lam Beanie. lam a seed | live inside fruits and vegetables, Ineed food, water and sunlight to grow. | use these to take in food and water. When | grow big, I ook like this. ae % Crossword puzzle on plants .2& Se®eeertoe 7 we & Life cycle of a plant @ ep ® a e@yr%oer Draw arrows to show how the plant grows from a seed. en le om red Fruits & Pert aeyereoe Write down the names of the fruits. More fruits aw Serta egrXor Senne OH Say the name of the fruit, Draw a picture of it in the box. strawberry pear durian mango rambutan | |watermelon sn % Fruits with one seed & @ eg ® a &eroe® Did you know that some fruits have only one seed? Other fruits have a few seeds or many seeds. Some fruits have no seeds at alll Match each picture with the correct word. oO Le Fruits with a few seeds & ee epr®eeyrXeoe Collect the seeds of these fruits and paste them in the boxes. 7 orange apple seeds seeds pear grape seeds seeds | scan netiig ave Ped Fruits with many seeds & epee eer ee Find out what fruits have many seeds. Write down the names on the blanks. ( ~ My favourite fruit & eg % @ yr oe Draw your favourite fruit in the box. Then write a few sentences about it. ce % Green leafy vegetables & @ e@® @ eer se Look out for these vegetables when you go to the market. They are green and leaty. Wt) () kale caixin q WY watercress spinach kangkong

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