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Habiburrahman Faiz


Kelas A Palembang

A. Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1. She will go abroad tomorrow.
2. We learned English last week.
3. I always eat breakfast in the morning.
4. They are reading a newspaper now.
5. My friend has done his homework already.
6. Now the students are in the classroom.
7. Last night we went to a wedding party.
8. My brother has married already.
9. Our teacher teaching us English last week
10. We are student of Management Department, UNSRI.

B. Make your own sentences using the following VERBS.

1. He is reading book at the library
2. He played more than 10 years for Indonesia
3. I listen to tour guide very carefully
4. I can speak both English and Indonesian
5. They are sleeping in this bedroom now
6. I made this food for my family
7. I will call you to night
8. I printed my exercise yesterday
9. Lucy brought me some coffe
10. I visited Bandung last week

C. Answer the following questions

1. How are you doing today?
I am very well and happy
2. Who and what are you?
I’m Habib and I’m student at the Faculty Economics at the Sriwijaya University
3. What is your age?
I’m 19 years old
4. How do you like English?
I really like English and I hope English becomes my second language
5. Where do you live?
I live in Palembang at jl Nias no 576
6. Where do you come from?
I’m from Indonesia to be exact Palembang, South Sumatera
7. Are you married?
No, Iam not married yet because I’m still student
8. Do you like dancing?
Yes, I like dance espically traditional dance
9. Is your father from Palembang?
Yes, He is from Palembang
10. Have you been to Bali?
No, I have never been to Bali but I have transited at the Ngurah Rai airport.

D. Tulislah dalam satu paragraph pendek tentang dirimu..seperti biodata singkat..7 sampai 10
kalimat..dalam bahasa Inggris.
My name is Habiburrahman Faiz. You can be call me Habib. I’m 19 years old. I was born on
June 26, 2002. I'm from Indonesia to be exact Palembang, South Sumatera. I am a student of the
Faculty of Economics at Sriwijaya University and Iam still in the first semester. I live with my
little family in Palembang at Jalan Nias no 576. I have one older sister. My hobbies are eating,
playing games, and sports especially running. Usually every afternoon I take my time to run with
my friends.

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