2 Infancy

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Guce, Aiza Joy H.


I enjoyed listening to my parents about my development from infancy

to toddlerhood. They are so happy to see me grow and develop
different abilities as time passes by. When I am 1-2 months old, I can
create large uncontrolled arm movements. I unconsciously make a
Moro reflex as I am startled by loud sounds. My parents noticed that I
was able to clench my fists at that time. I also started to suck nipples
and fingers. At 3-5 months, I can control my head when sitting. My
hands are more relaxed and open. I always pick up toys and play
them in my mouth. My mother said that I always bang my toys on our
table and make noise out of them. She said that I also could pass
objects to them using my hands. During 6-8 months of my
development, they noticed that my palm had gained strength. I always
put my hand on the floor to sit and to crawl. I can also let go of toys in
my hand by throwing them. My parents said that I could imitate small
sounds from them. As I turned 9-12 months, my parents were so
happy because I could finally stand with their support and by holding
in our furniture. I can also bend to pick up my toys when my parents
hold my one hand. They said that I have a habit of splashing water
when I am bathing.

When I am already 1- 2 years old, I can crawl, stand alone, and walk
unaided. I can walk, run and climb well everywhere. I am also starting
to learn to use a spoon and try to eat by myself. According to my
parents, I am always holding a pen and crayon and start writing on
paper. The words and gestures I imitated increased. I also identify
some parts of my body when I am asked. It is also the time when I
am cooperating with my parents while dressing me. I can speak and
identify “papa” and “mama.” At this age, I started to learn thumbs
up, align, and wave bye-bye.

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