Press Release - Maximum Retail Prices in Kenya For The Period 15th May 2021 To 14th June 2021

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Ee MAXIMUM RETAIL PETROLEUM PRICES IN KENYA FOR THE PERIOD 15™ MAY 2021 TO 14" JUNE 2021 In accordance with Section 101(y) ofthe Petroleum Act 2019, Legal Notice No.196 of 2010 and Legal Notice No. 26 of 2012, the Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has calculated the maximum retall prices of petroleum products, which will be in force from 15% May 2021 to 14 June 2021 In the period under review, the price for Super Petrol increases by KShs 3.56 per litre while that of Diesel and Kerosene remain unchanged. ‘The prices are inclusive of the 8% Value Added Tax (VAT) in line with the provisions of the Finance Act 2018, the Tax Laws (Amendment) Act 2020 and the revised rates for ‘excise duty adjusted for inflation as per Legal Notice No, 194 of 2020 ‘The average landed cost of imported Super Petrol decreased by 0.57% from USS 491.50, pper cubic metre in March 2021 to USS 488.69 per cubic moire in April 2021; Diesel decreased by 1.03% from US$ 444.17 per cubic metre to US$ 439.60 per cubic metre and Kerosene increased by 2.01% from USS 421.90 per cubic metre to US$ 430.40 per cubic metre. ‘Te changes in the landed costs are summarized in the table below; propuct MARCH 2021 APRIL 2021 (CHANGE ‘Super Petrol (USS/Cubie Metre) 49150 488.69 057% Diesel (US$/Cubic Metre) a7 459.60 21.03% Kerosene (USSICubic Metre) 421.90 430.40 201% ‘The Free On board (FOB) price of Murban crude oil lifted in April 2021 was posted at USS 63.94 per barrel a decrease of 1.87% from USS 65.16 per barrel in March 2021, ‘Over the same period, the mean monthly US Dollar to Kenya Shilling exchange rate ‘appreciated by 1.63% fram KShs, 108.63 per USS in March 2021 to KShs, 107.84 per USS in April 2021, A summary of the resultaxt retal prices for major towns in Kenya is provided Annex I. Further, a detailed breakdown and 2 progression of the cost items for retail prices in Nairobi ate provided as Annex Il and If for information. ‘The table below shows the trend of monthly crude oil prices and exchange rates for the last 12 months: son | 0 | ns0 | tae ogo | eps | owae| navso| pecan] yess { ear | owas | The purpose of the petroleum pricing Regulations is to cap the retail prices of petroleum products, which are already in the country, so that importation and other prudently incurred costs are recovered, while ensuring reasonable prices to consumers. [EPRA wishes to assure the public ofits continued commitment tothe observance of fait competition and. protection of the interests of both consumers and investors in the energy and petroleum sectrs. Regards, Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria ‘Ag. DIRECTOR GENERAL 14 May 2021 0 9002015 certified Page 2 of 11 dle ANNEX Ki Likont Malad Maing Tangalan Vol ols Kajado Malays ‘Sopana nb Kerugoya Narok Ki ‘Chukar ‘Nanyul Nab Hol Mau aris Manabi Page 3 of 11 1S May 2091 "18 June 2001 ‘MAXIMUM PUMP PRICES Super Petrol MS) Shs 12431 Tas 147 150 168 13725 12637 12661 127 127A7 127A 12778 1279 12770 Tas 046 T2032 TT a0 ‘Automotive Diesel (AGO) ‘Kshs/l 105.62 S82 0619 634 15 1087 102.66 10789 so "1877 Ema 119.05 109.08 09.20 0899 109319 10958 100 11075 TOK 1557 T1460 Kerosene aK Kshsi 9617, 552 358 36.8 3659 3535 3876 so 90012015 certfed Ole ANNEXI TE May D001 une BOT Automotive Super Petrol Kerosene «eMs) a KShsIt Kshw. yale 15580 10728 Sale rer 106.5 Hahaewn 15.25 1047 Dida 152 70340 = 15.8 10635 Elva 13708 T0855 Wai 15.65 2 0710 Moose 1337 Toss Manders “ear ross Gig 12595 oz Moga 12593 m7 Molo T2500 70 ‘Clengaraone 12673 9550 endian 12526 350 yah 136.23 38a Archers Post 13922 no Ledossit 1031 10208 Naivasha 12531 3808 Marigat 1671 a Kabaret 12720 808 Maras 2828 0006 Kiplombe 12690 oa it 73690 38.68 Nab 12690 Rt Kevse 13600 508 Kapsbat 1369 Web 1738 Kise 127.27 Kapengua 12790 Bunga 12767 Malte 1692 Burnt Fors Tas Page 4 of 1 ©) HO cots Dg ANNEXT = a Qos Me ANNEX ormnome ple ANNEXI = one du ANNEX II i Lames recy wan ta oN he Ad Ta VAT +l MS) Dil ACO) a Keren DR) ini nt Des Fetal | iver | kernene statin [xsl nsio te nT Rea TOT Page9 of 11 5 Se ANNEX III 1. Super Petrol rn : ° | aa 8 2 2. Jun20jk20Ayg20 Sep20 Ota Now2d Dee Jt ba Mar Ape May ‘eTexesand Levies aNavgins =Demusrage = Distibution Costs Landed Cost Jun-20'Jub20"Aug20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Now: Dee-20" Jani Feb-21" Mar21|Apet May 2t ‘eTaxesandLevies, Margins =Demurrage =Distubution Costs # Landed Cot — DG 3. Kerosene ‘Timosand Levies. Margins stDemurage «Distributions Landed Cort Page 11 of 1 De

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