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What I learn in this subject is, the different definition by the Philosopher’s or their different perspective,

or theory about the self or Socialization. Example of theory of George Herbert Mead’s. According to his
theory He believe that people develop their self-Image through interaction with other people. And also,
He believed that the key of self -development is the to understand the role of other. Herbert also had a
delineation and the one which is the self Develops Solely Through Social Experiment that her rejected
Freud’s that personality determined by biological drive. And Social Experience consists of the Exchange
of symbols. He emphases that the particular human is use the language and other symbols to convey
meaning, and the second last is Knowing other’s Intentions Requires Imagining the Situation from Their
Perspectives. That social experience depends on our seeing ourselves. and the last one is the
Understanding the Role of the others Result in Delf -awareness. That there is an active “I” self and an
objective “me” self.

And I learned about the Interpretation of cultures by Clifford Geertz. Which is the
Enlightenment, Consensus gentium and the Religion. The first one says that view of man was that he
entirely of piece with nature, and shared in the general uniformity of composition which natural science,
under Bacon’s and Newton’s guidance, by there discovered. Second is some things that all men here
found to agree upon as their right, real, just or attractive. The last one is most fundamental orientation
to really. Lastly is the five personality dimensions

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