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Cadre Seniority (*)

Office Code / Name (*) Employee Code

1.Name 2.Father’s Name

3.Date of Birth 4.Sex M F 5.Marital Status {Married (M) Unmarried (U)}

6.Phone Residence 7.Religion 8.Blood Group

9.Domicile / Province 10.Nationality

11.CNIC No. 12. Passport No.

13.Mailing Address

14.Permanent Address

15.Category of Appointment 16. Designation 17. BPS

(Regular /Contarct /Daily Wage / Work

18. Date of 19. Joined WAPDA as in BPS


20. Qualifications
Serial Degree / Certificate Year Grade / Institute

21. Service Back Ground (In Descending Order)

Date From Date To Designation Department / Office City Date of Promotion

22. Earned Leave Balance Last Earned To

Leave From

23. Name of Spouse 24. No of Children

25. GPF No. 26. Nominee for GPF

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27.Nominee for Pension 28. Nominee for GLI
Relation Relation

29. Bank’s Name & Branch 30. Account No.

Rented WAPDA Accommodation Self Owned Others

32. Medical Cash Facility 35. Lanaguages Read Write Speak

33. Computer Literacy Yes No
34. Superseded Yes No

36. Detail of Departmental Training 37. Detail of Departmental Examinations

Name of From To Training Name of Date of Examination
Course / Institute Examination Examination Status

38. Awards Received (If Applicable)

Serial Title Date Achievements By Whom

39. Penalties Imposed (If Applicable)

Serial Title Date Grounds By Whom

40. WAPDA Loan Position (If Applicable)

Serial Title Value (Rs) Purpose Date

41.Declaration of Assets (Up to Date Position)

Name In Whose Province & Nature of Approximate How Remarks
Name District in Property & Value of Acquired?
Held Which Extent f Property At Whether
Property is Interest the Time of Purchased,
Situated Held Acquisition Gifted or
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

It is solemnly affirmed that the information given above is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief; I understand that in case of incorrect information, I shall be dealt with
under WAPDA Employees (E & D) Rules, 1978.

Countersignature of Head of Office Signature of Employee
(As a token of authenticity of above information)

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1. Fill in all the columns. However, those having (*) sign should be left blank because these columns
will be filled by Computer Section of HR & Admn.
2. Paste one colored passport size photograph on the place provided on the upper right corner of the
form and attach another duly attested by Officer In-Charge on its backside. Do not use stapler
while attaching the photograph.
3. The employee concerned must sign this form.
4. This form must also be signed by the Officer In-Charge of the concerned official / officer.
5. Complete information must be provided. In case of insufficient space on the form additional sheet
may be attached.
6. Filling of column for Date of Birth. (First two for date, second two for month and last four for years)
7. If service record is not filled according to the given format, the form will be rejected.
8. In case of any inquiry, HR & Admn Directorate, WAPDA House, Lahore may be contacted.

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