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Balance Sheet

Particulars 2018 2019

Assets(Rs. In Lakhs)
Non-Current assets
PPE 2614.59 3186.24
Right of use asset 0 0
CW-I-P 105.71 273.68
Other Intangiable Assets 3.81 2.35
Goodwill 12.5 12.5
Financial assets
Investments associates & joint ventures 106 107.84
Investments 748.58 645.52
Loans 0.59 0.73
Other financial assets 9.4 9.39
Other non current assets 97.31 96.98
Total Non-current assets 3698.49 4335.23
Current Assets
Inventories 2256.64 2610.25
Financial assets
Investments 979.09 592.37
Trade receivables 757.53 803.08
Cash and cash equivalents 70.38 40.05
Bank balances 3.38 3.8
Loans 29.8 17.69
Other financial assets 18.35 68.9
Current tax asssets 78.41 102.25
Other current assets 352.02 442.6
Assets held for sale 0 0
Total Current assets 4545.6 4680.99
Total Assets 8244.09 9016.22

Equity & Liabilities

Equity Share Capital 56.43 56.48
Other equity 4897.27 5535
Equity Attributable to the owners of the company 4953.7 5591.48
Non controlling Intrests 108.78 113.07
Total Equity 5062.48 5704.55
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 1209.77 1088.79
Lease Liability 0 0
other financial liabilities 0.65 4.48
Provisions 7.69 12.36
Deferred Taxes 255.62 323.31
other non-current liabilities 22.18 20.67
Total Non-Current Liabilities 1495.91 1449.61
Current Liabilities
Borrowings 821.19 886.42
Trade Payables
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 290.6 4.38
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and smal 0 311.19
other financial liabilities 438.52 550.15
Provisions 5.47 2.95
Current tax liabilities 10.93 30.66
Other current liabilities 118.99 76.31
Total Current Liabilities 1685.7 1862.06

Total Equity & Liabilities 8244.1 9016.2

2020 2021

3470.54 3389.4
8.76 8.63
139.42 73.92
1.82 1.69
0 0

0 0
558.2 552.43
1.48 1.31
5.19 173.93
63.11 64.65
4248.52 4265.96

2506.16 2624.2

473.29 318.9
794.81 986.6
148.46 31.17
3.25 35.27
29.72 63.27
11.03 50.02
65.82 0
445.47 563.21
0.15 0.15
4478.16 4672.79
8726.68 8938.75

57.52 57.56
5608.69 5974.95
5666.21 6032.51
0 0
5666.21 6032.51

1266.14 1296.6
0.15 0.16
3.98 2.81
14.45 15.26
225.32 239.54
19.32 17.52
1529.36 1571.89

723.02 550.12

27.23 13.87
264.69 233.09
441.19 443.24
2.46 2.57
0 11.17
72.52 80.29
1531.11 1334.35

8726.7 8938.8
Profit & Loss Statement
Particulars 2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenue from operations 6248.27 6877.92 6325.15 5787.64
Other Income 197.35 222.72 171.98 189.47
Total Income 6445.62 7100.64 6497.13 5977.11
Cost of materials consumed 3438.28 3573.75 3332.63 2999.62
Purchases of stock in trade 4.15 12.92 52.05 46.59
Changes in inventories of finished goods, WIP & Stock in trade -37.87 9.06 -50.3 61.62
Employee Benefits expense 506.26 550.23 550.98 549.86
Finance Cost 118.19 119.65 132.54 111.43
Depreciation & Amortization 240 254.02 319.21 350.13
Other Expenses 1434.49 1538.2 1557.01 1390.7
Total Expenses 5703.5 6057.83 5894.12 5509.95
Profit before tax 742.12 1042.81 603.01 467.16
Share of profit of associates/joint ventures 17.51 15.93 0 0
Profit before tax 759.63 1058.74 603.01 467.16
Tax expense
Current tax 165.01 264.01 129.66 102.54
Deferred Tax 2.18 54.18 -72.14 14.21

Profit of the year(PAT) 592.44 740.55 545.49 350.41

2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenue from Operations 6248.27 6877.92 6325.15 5787.64
Other income 197.35 222.72 171.98 189.47
Total Income 6445.62 7100.64 6497.13 5977.11

Cost of material consumed 3438.28 3573.75 3332.63 2999.62
Purchase of stock-in-trade 4.15 12.92 52.05 46.59
Changes in inventories -37.87 9.06 -50.3 61.62
Employee benefit expense 506.26 550.23 550.98 549.86
Depreciation&Amortization 240 254.02 319.21 350.13
Other Expenses 1434.49 1538.2 1557.01 1390.7
Total expenses 5585.31 5938.18 5761.58 5398.52
EBIT 860.31 1162.46 735.55 578.59
Less: Finance costs 118.19 119.65 132.54 111.43
PBT 742.12 1042.81 603.01 467.16
Less: Tax
Statement of Profit and Loss
I Revenue from operations
II Other income
III Total Income (I+II)
IV Expenses
Cost of materials consumed
Purchases of stock-in-trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods,work-in-progress and stock-in-trade
Employee benefits expense
Finance costs
Depreciation and amortization
Other expenses
Total Expenses
V Profit before tax (III-IV)
VI Tax expense:
Current tax
Deferred tax
VII Profit for the year (V-VI)
VIII Other Comprehensive Income
Current Ratio
Quick ratio

Debt-equity Ratio
Interest Coverage Ratio

Fixed Assets Turnover

Operating Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin

Return on Capital Employed

Return on Equity
2018 2019 2020 2021
2.696565225 2.51387710385 2.92478006152 3.5019222843
1.35786913448419 1.11206942848 1.28795449053 1.5352718552

0.62846865567864 0.58053133025 0.54012646902 0.4817629809

7.27904222015399 9.71550355203 5.54964539007 5.1924077896

0.591922244077161 0.63031119873 0.67168683747 0.73708109

13.77% 16.90% 11.63% 10.00%

9.48% 10.77% 8.62% 6.05%

13.12% 16.25% 10.22% 7.61%

11.70% 12.98% 9.63% 5.81%

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