Design and Development of Distance Protection Scheme For Wind Power Distributed Generation

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2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

Design and Development of Distance Protection

Scheme for Wind Power Distributed Generation
SURIYA PRIYA G, PG Student GEETHANJALI M, Assistant Professor
Department of EEE Department of EEE
Thiagarajar College of Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract— In recent years, the growth of Renewable Energy cage induction generator type wind farm but not discussed in
Distributed Generation is increased by using Renewable Sources this paper.
such as solar, wind etc. The wind power distributed generation
produces clean and pollution free electrical energy. The In paper [8] proposes accurate apparent impedance
Protection Coordination between the Distributed Generation calculation technique is proposed to detect miscoordinated
(DG) and conventional power system is needed for reliable distance relays in grid with offshore wind HVDC network.
operation. The intention of this work is to manifest a suitable HVDC parameters require to be adjusting for better
protection scheme for the interconnected power system with wind performance. Paper [9] proposes distance protection with
power Distributed Generation system. This paper evolves a modified Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip scheme along
protection scheme to refine the tripping behavior of relay and to with fault classification approach. Communication link should
ensure the protection coordination between conventional power maintain its band width at minimal value. In paper [10]
system and wind power distributed generation system. The overcurrent protection system for the grid connected condition
interconnected power system is considered with normal and fault results in longer fault clearing time when the DER is islanded.
condition (Line to Line Fault) and the faulted zone is detected It might result in loss of some power system components.
based on the impedance calculation method. The interconnected
power system with distance protection is manifested in the A. Distributed Generation
MATLAB R2014a/Simulink environment and simulation results The power system is fastly growing into a decentralized
are analyzed. The length of transmission line and size of DG does
industry. Distributed Generation (also known as distributed
not affect the relay characteristics.
energy) refers to power production at the location of end user
Keywords—Distributed Generation; Fault; Distance Relays; side. Power production on-site, rather than centrally, reduces
Protection the money, difficulty, interdependencies and inefficiencies
ally with transmission and distribution. Some of the examples
I. INTRODUCTION of distributed generation are Diesel Generators, Geothermal,
Electrical Power production is the approach of generating Solar Power, Hydro Power, Waste to Energy, Wind Power and
electricity from origins of fundamental spirit. For electric etc. Advantages of Distribution Generation systems are
utilities, it is the initial operation in the transportation of Reliability, Flexibility, Upgradability, Economy of Scale,
electrical power to end users. The remaining power system Diversity, and Efficiency.
operations as transmission, distribution are generally taken by Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in sub-
the power industry. Generation is taken out in generating transmission and distribution systems is increasing fastly. It
power stations such as Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear power plants. consequences in improved voltage profile, increased reliability
Generators are generates power from various type of sources and reduction in power system losses. Moreover, DERs are
and initially run by turbines fueled by combustion and kinetic commonly non-conventional in nature and power protection
energy of flowing water and wind. from these resources in non-polluted and eco-friendly.
In paper [2], proposes a combined distance and differential Environmental concerns along with high power money have
Protection method. Here, Performance of short circuit faults is led to rapid increase of wind power.
needed for the mentioned protection scheme. Paper [3]
B. Power System Protection
proposes connecting Renewable Generations to feeder through
four-way switches with overcurrent relays, and sectionalizes A Protection circuit consists of breakers, transducers
the feeder into several protection zones. In this method, it is (current transformers and Voltage transformers), and relays to
rare to detect the high impedance fault. Paper [6] will describes isolate the unhealthy section of the power system from the
the limitations of non-directional overcurrent protection and healthy sections. A circuit breaker can trip the faulty
improperly configured directional element. Paper [7] analyzes component of the power system when it receives commands
the influence of fault characteristics of DFIG on the three zones from the protective relay. Transducers are used to decrease the
of distance relays. Performance of short circuit fault is not currents and voltage to lesser values from higher value. It
discussed in this paper. This method may applicable to squirrel

978-1-5386-3803-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

isolates protective relays from the high voltages of the power The unsymmetrical faults generally considered are
system. A Relay is an automatic device by means of which an
• Line to ground fault
electrical circuit is indirectly controlled (opened or closed) and
is governed by a change in the same or another electrical • Line to line fault
circuit and also detects an abnormalities in an circuit and • Line to line to ground fault
causes a breaker to isolate the faulty component of the system.
In some cases it may give an alarm or visible indication to Single line to ground fault is the most common type of fault
alert man operator. Protective relays are broadly categorized that occurs in practice. Impedance calculation formulae for
into the upcoming three types based on the technologies they different faults are shown in TABLE I.
use for their construction and operation. Electromechanical TABLE I
relays, Static relays, Numerical relays. Fault type and Impedance equations
Numerical relays which are based on digital devices e.g.
microprocessors, microcontrollers, DSPs etc. In these relays, Fault type Impedance equations
the analog current and voltage signals monitored through
Current transformers and Voltage Transformers are ag Va/(Ia+3k0 I0)
conditioned, sampled at specified instants of time converted to
digital form for numerical manipulation, display and recording.
Thus, numerical relays, having monitored the current and bg Vb/(Ib+3k0 I0)
voltage signals through transducer, collect the systematic
samples of these ac quantities in digitized data form through cg Vc/(Ic+3k0 I0)
the data acquisition system, and proceed the data numerically
using an algorithmic approach to measure the fault
discrimination and make trip decisions. This approach recruits ab or abg (Va-Vb)/(Ia-Ib)
a number of distance relays which estimates the resistance and
reactance of the line impedance at the relay location. The bc or bcg (Vb-Vc)/(Ib-Ic)
estimated quantity is proportional to the line length between the
location of the relay and the point where the fault has occurred.
As the estimated quantity proportional to the distance along the ca or cag (Vc-Va)/(Ic-Ia)
line, the estimating relay is called distance relay.
A distance protection approaches is a non-unit system of
protection. A single scheme gives both primary and back-up where
protection. The important and skilled group of relays is the a, b, c – three phases
distance relay group. It includes: Impedance relays, Reactance Va ,Vb ,Vc –Voltages of phase a, b and c
relays, MHO relays and etc. zone 1 covers 80% of the line Ia , Ib , Ic – Currents of phase a, b and c
remaining 20% plus 50% of zone 2 line covered by zone 2
relays. Fig. 1. shows trip characteristics of MHO Relays These are fundamental signals. In practical, which are
measured by instrument transformer in high voltage
transmission lines.

K0=Sequence compensation factor

It is used in distance relay calculation to compensate for the
difference between the phase impedance and ground


Single lines to ground faults are ag, bg, and cg

Double line to ground fault are abg, bcg, and cag
Fig. 1 R-X Diagram of Relay
Z0 - Zero sequence Impedance
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION Z1 - Positive sequence Impedance

Single line to ground fault is a commonly occurring fault. The

The implemented algorithm based on the nature of the fault
that occurs in system. most dangerous faults are three phase short circuit faults.
2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

A. Sequences of Relay operation 5) Identify the fault zone using comparison results.
Sequence of relay operation is shown in Fig. 2 From the above five steps faulted zones are identified.
B. Two bus Test system
Start The selected test system for proposed approach is shown in
Fig. 3 and it consists of 25kV, 100km transmission line
connected to wind power distributed generation. The test
Set Relay Setting system contains Wind farm(DG1), Power transformer(T1),
Load 1(L1), Relay 1(R1), Transmission line 1(Line1), Load
2(L2), Transformer 2(T2), Conventional Electric Power
Measurement of V & I supply(EPS).

Digitization of Measured Signals

Sequence of Input Signals

Filtering the Signals

Extract fundamental frequency

Signals using DFT
Fig. 3. The Proposed test system
The ratings and parameters are given in APPENDIX I
Calculate the Impedance III. METHODOLOGY
The Electrical system for simulation and modeling
requirments has developed in Matrix Laboratory
Zone 1 Trip R2014a/Simulink the SimPowerSystem provides all the basic
fundamental components to model the electrical system. The
No Yes model of relay has been modeled and connected with grid
model by subsystem tool of Simulink. It develops the overall
Zone 2 Delay1 model compact and easy to monitor during analysis.
The Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm to increase
No Yes speed of Discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) calculation by
minimizing the number of mathematical manipulations
Zone 3 Delay2 required. The Fast Fourier Transform which requires only
complex multiplications.
Fig. 2. Sequences of Relay operation IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
In order to ensure protection coordination between the The MATLAB Simulink model contains Wind energy
relays in interconnected power system, an impedance distributed generation system, Transmission system,
calculation method is proposed in this paper. The Protection system, Conventional power system. Fig. 4 shows
methodology consists of following steps: Simulink model of proposed system. Here, wind farm is
1) Assign a preset impedance for different zones connected to conventional source. This wind energy
Distributed Generation system generates 9 MW. This
of transmission line.
Distributed Generation system is taken from the MATLAB
2) Measure the voltage and current in the
demo model. Fig. 5 shows Relay Subsystem of proposed
transmission lines by using power flow solutions.
system in overall model and their ratings are given in
3) Calculate the fault impedance as per the
APPENDIX I. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 are relay subsystem block and
impedance formulaThose are given in TABLE I.
zone detection block.
4) Compare the calculated impedance and preset
impedance. Here, preset impedance value is
permissible reach of distance relay.
2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

Fig. 4. The Overall Simulink model of the proposed system

The fundamental signals of the system are voltage and current

signals. These signals are measured by using three-phase VI
measurement block. The measured signals have harmonics.
Hence, It should be minimize the effect of harmonics.
Harmonic elimination is done by using the filter. The filtered
signals are going to Discrete Fourier block.

The magnitude and phase angle of fundamental signals are

extracted from the Discrete Fourier block. The output signals
of DFT block are used for impedance calculation.
The calculated impedances are compared with set
impedance values, where the preset impedance value denoted
as set impedance value. Preset values are set by impedance
measurement block and seen by Powergui. If calculated fault

Impedance values less than a preset value, the relay will

trip otherwise relay not trip. Here, impedance values are
directly proportional to the length of transmission line. So, Fig. 6. Zone detection for overall model of proposed system
fault zones are identified based on impedance values and line
distance. Faulted phases and their fault impedance corresponding
faulted zones are identified. For example when LL fault
applied between Line a and Line b, fault impedance is 34.34
ohm. This impedance is compared with set value of zone 1
impedance. If violation occurs at this instant then it infers that
zone 1 is out of fault occurrence. In the next step impedance
value is compared with set value of zone 2. If the condition is
satisfied then it is denotes the fault as occurred within zone 2.
Accordingly the simulation results has been obtained and
shown in table 2. Fault zones are displayed by zone detection
block. Distance protection more suitable than overcurrent
protection. The operating time of first relay is one to two
cycles . Overcurrent relays does not provide sufficient relay
Fig. 5. Subsystem of Relay block in the overall model of proposed system
coordination to protection of long transmission line due to
2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

time grading of overcurrent relays. Whenever new DG

connected with grid resetting of overcurrent relays is required
TABLE IV Transformer Parameters
as per paper [5] distance relay do not have this problem.
Parameter T1 Ratings T2 Ratings
TABLE II Faulted Zones and impedances
Connection Yn / D11 Yn/D1
Faulted Phases Fault Impedance(Ω ) Faulted Zones
Voltage 0.575/25 kV 66/25 kV
a and b 47 2 Power Rating 30 MVA 50MVA

b and c 33.28 Frequency 60Hz 60Hz

Resistance(R1) 0.0016 p.u 0.0026 p.u
c and a 50.94 2
Resistance(R2) 0.0016 p.u 0.0026 p.u

a and b 30.3 1 Inductance(L1) 0.05 p.u 0.05 p.u

Inductance(L2) 0.05 p.u 0.08 p.u

b and c 78 3
Magnetization Resistance(Rm ) 500 p.u 500 p.u
c and a 12.4 1
Magnetization Inductance(Lm ) 500 p.u 500 p.u

TABLE V Transmission Line Parameters

Parameter Ratings
The distance relay was successfully developed based on Frequency 60Hz
impedance calculation method using MATLAB/SIMULINK
R2014a package. The work describes a distance line Positive Sequence Resistances(R1) 0.1153 Ω/km
protection scheme to improve the tripping performance of
relay and to ensure the protection coordination between Zero Sequence Resistances(R0) 0.413 Ω/km
conventional power system and wind power distributed
Positive Sequence Inductances(L1) 1.05e-3 H/km
generation system. By testing the response of the relay model
under fault conditions, the relay was able to identify the Zero Sequence Inductances(L0) 3.32e-3 H/km
appropriate fault type. The relay model has the ability of
indicating the correct zone of operation in all cases. The relays Positive Sequence Capacitances(C1) 11.33e-9 F/km
identify the fault locations as expected. Whenever fault area is
changed, measured impedance values changes consequently. Zero Sequence Capacitances(C0) 5.01e-9 F/km
The behavior of the model under fault conditions was Distance of Transmission Line 100km
presented and discussed.
TABLE III Ratings of Conventional source (EPS) and Wind farm (DG1) and
Load The authors are thankful to the management authorities of
Parameter Ratings Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu,
India for providing opportunities and facilities to do this
Sbase 10MVA
research work.
Zbase 62.5 Ohm [1] Amir Ghorbani, Hasan Mehrjerdi, Nasser A.Al-Emadi, “Distance –
differential protection of transmission lines connected to wind farms”
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume : 89,
Frequency 60Hz July 2017, Pages : 11-18.
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Delivery, volume: 30, pp: 561-568, Apl. 2015.
Active power required by Loads 5MW [3] Doug Jones, John J. Kumm,“Future Distribution Feeder Protection Using
Directional Overcurrent Elements”, IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications,Year: 2014, Volume: 50, Pages: 1385 – 1390
Reactive power required by Loads 2.5MVAr
2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC)

[4] Hooshyar, A., Azzous, M.A., El-Saadany, E.F.: ‘Distance protection of

lines connected to induction generator-based wind farms during balanced
faults’, IEEE Transac. Sustain. Energy, 2014, V: 5, pp : 1193–1203.
[5] Li-HsiungChen, “Overcurrent protection for distribution feeders with
renewable generation”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy
Systems Volume: 84, January 2017, Pages: 202-213.
[6] Łukasz Huchel, Hatem H. Zeineldin,“Planning the Coordination of
Directional Overcurrent Relays for Distribution Systems Considering DG”,
EEE Transac. on Smart Grid, Year: 2016, Volume: 7, Pages: 1642 – 1649
[7] Mahat.P, C. Zhe, B. Bak-Jensen, and C. L. Bak, “A simple adaptive
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[8] Manohar Singh; Telukunta Vishnuvardhan; S. G. Srivani,“Adaptive
protection coordination scheme for power networks under penetration of
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Distribution,Year: 2016, Volume:10,Pages: 3919 – 3929
[9] Rahul Dubey; Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray; Bijay Ketan Panigrahi, “
Adaptive distance protection scheme for shunt-FACTS compensated line
connecting wind farm”,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,Year:
2016, Volume: 10, Pages: 247 – 256
[10] Shi Chen; Nengling Tai; Chunju Fan; Jian Liu; Shubin Hong, “Adaptive
distance protection for grounded fault of lines connected with doubly-fed
induction generators”,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,Year:
2017, Volume: 11,Pages: 1513 – 1520

Suriya Priya. G. received B.E. EEE in 2016 from University College of
Engineering, Pattukkottai(A Constitute college of Anna University, Chennai).
At present she is a full-time PG scholar of M.E. Power System Engineering in
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India. Her research interests include
Non-Conventional enegy resources and electrical system protection.
Geethanjali M received B.E., M.E. in Electrical and Electronics and Power
Systems Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering in 1989 and
1990 respectively. She received Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from
Madurai Kamaraj University, India in the year 2008. Currently, she is working
as an Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering in Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India. She was a recipient
of Young Scientist Fellowship-TNSCST, Chennai. She has published more
than 50 research articles in reputed journals and delivered around 10 guest
lectures. Her research interests include Power system protection, Smart Grid,
Wide-area monitoring and Control and Renewable Energy Resources.

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