Outcomes Beginner VocabBuilder ExercisesAndAnswerKey

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 1

EXERCISES E    Complete the sentences with the words in the box. The
words in bold will help you.

A    Circle the word that is different in each group. come   have   know   like  meet
1  tea milk Friday
1  We lunch at 1pm.
2  Saturday sandwich Sunday
2  Nice to you!
3  brother sister school
3   to our party at Selale
4  hot medium small
5  drink water phone
4  Hello. What would you ?
B    Circle the correct words.
5  I don’t their names.
1  I like tea from / with milk.
F  Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2  The break is at / on eleven o’clock.
anything  bus  everything  flat  friend
3  Where are you from / in?

4  They are at / on school – it’s Monday. 1  I have a big in London.

5  I’m 20 with / on Saturday! 2  This is the number 34 .

C    Are the words nouns (for people and things) or verbs 3  George is my best .
(for things that we do)? Circle N or V.
4  else?
1  come N V
5  Is OK?
2  baby N V
G    Complete the words with the vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
3  boy N V
1  fr _ sh food
4  meet N V
2  in the s _ me class
5  son N V
3  c _ ff _ _ break
D    Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
4  l _ rg _ cappuccino
invitation  invite  juice  juicy  teach  teacher
5  ch _ c _ l _ t _ cake

1  This is my English  , Mr Smith.

2  H
 e wants to friends to the party.

3  Do you like ?

4  Do you English at that school?

5  This is a(n) to my party.

6  This orange is .

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 2

EXERCISES E    Write sentences with the words.

1  go / every / they / for / walk / a / day
A    Circle the word that is different in each group.

1  vegetables fruit waiter
2  Woody / her / called / dog / is
person south north

dad centre mum
3  at / think / work / I / he’s
money city village

flat house child
4  works / called / an / in / Studio1 / office / he
park hour minute

B    Are the words for food (F) or things (T)? Circle F or T.
5  too / far / to / it’s / walk
1  chicken F T

2  euro F T
F     Put the letters in the correct order and write the words.
3  train F T
1  My friend is a(n) ixat driver.
4  burger F T
2  Maria is a(n) edtirre nurse.
5  rice F T
3  I live in a(n) igb area of London.
6  photo F T
4  This is a(n) pevenexsi shop!
C    Complete the words in the sentences with the vowels
(a, e, i, o, u). 5  Lee is a(n) ivetyrunsi student.
1  I love fish and ch _ ps! G    Match.

2  Are you r _ _ dy to order? 1  Do you know   a  20 minutes by car.

3  Do you want a green s _ l _ d for lunch? 2  It takes   b  near here?

4  I don’t eat meat, so I don’t eat b _ c _ n. 3  Do you live   c  m

 y job and the people are

5  Is there a m _ n_ for children? great.

D    Circle the correct words. 4  Do you have   d  a lot of time?

1  We live on / at New Road. 5  I like   e  her name?

2  Juanita is on / from Mexico.

3  My mother lives in / with me.

4  He works in / on a hospital.

5  Do you have a table by / for two?

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 3

EXERCISES E Write the word that means the opposite.

cold   easy   good   new   small
A Circle the correct words.
1  I don’t like the toothpaste / weather in London. 1  old

2  This is my mum and this is my father / towel. 2  bad

3  He’s a doctor / charger. He works in a hospital. 3  hot

4  ‘Long’ is a(n) adjective / map. 4  difficult

5  I don’t know this word. I need a shoe / dictionary. 5  big

B The words in bold are in the wrong place. Write them F Tick (✓) the words that are both a verb and a noun.
in the correct sentence.
1  add
1 I live in a very expensive country. I love it!

2  home

2 This is a very same coat! It’s £330!

3  shower

4  write
3 I’m nice. I want a sandwich.
5  brush
4 I work a lot and I’m normally hungry.

6  family
5 Our toothbrushes are the tired colour. They’re blue.
G Complete the pairs of sentences with the verbs in bold.
1  go read
C Put the letters in the correct order and write the words.
a  D
 o you normally shopping on
1  Do you want to get riemard ?
2  I’m sorry your dad’s not lelw .
b  Does your mum books?
3  I have no free etim !
2  take go
4  Is this your hotel orom ?
a  I a shower every morning.
5  My English book is in my school gba
b  We to the park on Sundays.
3  want take
D Complete the sentences with for, in or to.
a  Do you a coffee, Miguel?
1  My friends are a different
b  a photo of me and my dog!
country now.
4  buy go on
2  Mum takes the train work.
a  I normally holiday in June.
3  My brother works Google.
b  I a lot of clothes in this shop.
4  What do you want life?
5  take want
5  Does Gina want more books her
birthday? a  I don’t the bus every day.

b  We a new house in a different


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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 4

EXERCISES E Complete the sentences with words formed from

the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
doesn’t change.
A Are the words for places (P) or things (T)? Circle P or T.
1  They’re people. He goes to a
1  pool P T
mosque and she goes to a church. religion
2  bank P T
2  Oh, no. The café is ! close
3  tablet P T
3  T
 hese aren’t the same colour. They’re
4  company P T
. difference
5  cinema P T
4  Is the market on Sunday? open
6  light P T
5  This is a food from Saudi Arabia.
B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.  tradition

board children depends free morning second F Circle the correct words.

1  I don’t use / play my phone in the evening.
1  O
 h! Tilly is first and her sister is !
2  ‘Please can you sit / write your name again?’
2  Is there a in the classroom?
3  E
 veryone else walks / writes to work, but I take
3  The journey time on the traffic.
a bus.
4  The is my favourite time of day.
4  They get / leave the train every day.
5  I have two – a son and a
5  Do you buy / need a break?
G Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
6  Are you today, Meghan? words in bold will help you.
C Complete the sentences with at, from, in or on.
get up  need  see  share  study  turn off
1  My house is front of a park.
1  Do you want to a film this week?
2  I don’t work night.
2  My sons £50 for new shoes.
3  Do you want to go for a walk the
beach? 3  We English at the school on
New Road.
4  My English class is Thursday.
4  ‘Franco, your book with Sophia,
5  They go to school Monday to
5  I don’t early every day.
D Write the words that mean the opposite.
6  This is a hospital. your phone.
end  far  leave  old  right  short

1  left

2  long

3  start

4  come in

5  young

6  near

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 5

EXERCISES E Are the words nouns (N), verbs (V) or both (B)? Circle
N, V or B.

A Are the words for places (P) or things (T)? Circle P or T. 1  player N V B

1  main square P T 2  change N V B

2  ticket P T 3  visitor N V B

3  cash P T 4  help N V B

4  the old town P T 5  end N V B

5  museum P T 6  enter N V B

6  flight P T F Complete the words in the sentences.

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1  My brother has a lot of i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g art in his
airports  journey  party  receipt  return
2  You have to take the r _ d line to get to my house.
1  The to Leeds takes three hours.
3  The bus to the centre takes a l _ _ g time.
2  Are you going to Raoul’s by bus?
4  We have a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l view from our window.
3  Thank you, Sir. And here’s your  .
5  This restaurant has c _ _ _ p Greek food. The mezze
4  A(n) to Athens, please. Back
only costs €2!
G Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
5  A: How many are there in words in bold will help you.

England? get   get off   put   sleep   talk

    B: Three or four big ones – a lot of planes use them.
1  I never well on a plane.
C The words in bold are in the wrong place. Write them
in the correct sentence. 2  We’re here. the bus now.
1  Grant is going to watch sea later. 3  It’s easy to to Julia’s house.
2  Does she take the single to work? 4  Hans loves to about his trips to
different countries.
3  I’m going to London. Can I have a class, please? 5  You can your coat there,
4  You can see the mountains and the metro from the

5  I’m going to travel in third football.

D Circle the correct words.

1  We’re going to wait in / on platform 13.

2  Remember you need to change trains on / at Euston.

3  We need to get off / outside at the next stop.

4  Let’s go by / with train together.

5  Is the ticket machine in / from English?

6  We’re going to have a walk around / on the


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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 6

EXERCISES E Complete the sentences with words formed from

the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
doesn’t change.
A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1  The airport isn’t very . clean
flight  forest  service  tour  weather
2  I don’t like this restaurant. It’s very

1  The to Germany takes three .  noise

hours. 3  C
 an you write your here, please?

2  The in that restaurant is very  sign

good. 4  It’s a day. We can’t go to the

3  She has a beautiful house in the . park. rain

4  What was the like in Moscow? 5  T

 his is the hotel in London!

Was it cold?  good

5  We did a of the volcano! F Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
words in bold will help you.
B Put the letters in the correct order and write the words.
have  make  play  stay  take
1  It’s OK. We’re on the ghrit train.

2  Oh! There’s on eon here to 1  ‘Hello. Can I a booking for 1st

help us. July, please?’

3  This isn’t John’s house. We’re at the ownrg 2  ‘I’m hungry. Do you want to go to a café and
address. lunch?’

4  There are a lot of passengers on the bus. There’s 3  We often music in our house.
rewhnoe to sit. 4  I have three bags – I need to the
5  I didn’t like the hotel room. It wasn’t very ecin lift.
. 5  We’re going to in a hostel in
6  Brianna went to bed yelar . She Madrid.
was tired. G Complete the words.
C Circle the correct words. 1  m _ _ _ _ n art
1  We went to the beach round / during the day. 2  w _ _ i password
2  I watched TV in / after dinner. 3  l _ _ t night
3  My flat is on / at the top floor. 4  a f _ ve-s _ _ r hotel
4  Who’s outside / for our room? 5  a q _ _ _ t time of day
5  There are photos on / in my website. 6  a b _ _ y city centre
6  The café is under / over there.

D Tick (✓) the words that are both a verb and a noun.

1  problem

2  sleep

3  exercise

4  dance

5  gym

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 7

EXERCISES D Write the words for the people.

1  design
A Are the words for people (P) or clothes (C)? Circle
P or C. 2  art

1  basketball player P C 3  dance

2  coat P C 4  drive

3  dress P C 5  politics

4  jacket P C E Complete the sentences with words formed from the

words in bold.
5  prisoner P C
1  I prefer cooking to Italian. Japan
6  writer P C
2  Weibo is a website. China
B Complete the words in the sentences.
3  I think Time is an magazine.
1  This s _ _ _ _ s of books is about a boy called Harry
4  I’m going to a concert in Madrid. Madrid is a
2  These cakes are ten p _ _ _ _ _ t off. Let’s buy some!
city. Spain
3  I watch a n _ _ s programme every evening at five.
5  A
 Chihuahua is a dog. I love
4  Pavlos loves exercise and he goes to the g _ m every their size – they’re very small! Mexico
F Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
5  Dad has a big b _ _ _ _ _ _ s. It makes and sells toys. words in bold will help you.

6  I like the colour y _ _ _ _ w – my room is that colour! have  look  sing  take  try on

C Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

1  Does this T-shirt good?
1  a  Do you often go out for dinner?
2  They team sports every
   b  Do you often go out with dinner?
Tuesday afternoon.
2  a  I like films during real life. 
3  I want the right size. Is there a place to
   b  I like films about real life. 
clothes in here?
3  a  At the moment, I’m reading
4  At this modern school, you never
The Stranger.
an exam.
  b  In the moment, I’m reading
The Stranger. 5  OK, children. I want you to this

4  a  I don’t normally buy things at song with me.

the internet. G Complete the words with the vowels (a, e, i , o, u).

  b  I don’t normally buy things on 1  a v _ g _ t _ r _ _ n dish

the internet. 2  a f _ m _ _ s actor
5  a  What do you think by this shirt? 3  c _m f _ r t _ b l _ jeans
   b  What do you think of this shirt?
4  a s _ d story

5  my f _ v _ _ r _ t _ singer

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 8

EXERCISES E Complete the sentences with words formed from the

words in bold.

A Are the words for people (P) or furniture (F)? Circle 1  Do you like my son’s ? draw
P or F.
2  I’m not a great . I prefer staying
1  professional P F
at home. travel
2  client P F
3  Jacob is a very hard . work
3  bed P F
4  Dad is the at the car factory.
4  sofa P F  manage
5  parent P F 5  Bolt is my favourite . He’s
6  chair P F the best! run
B Complete the words for things in a house with the F Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
vowels (a, e, i , o, u). words in bold will help you.
1  c _ rp _ t
call  make  move  send  wear
2  fr _ dg _
1  I’m going shopping. I need to a
3  s _ nk
4  sh _ lf
2  Does your sister glasses?
5  sh _ w _ r
3  I’m going to you a message this
6  b _ thr _ _ m
C Complete the sentences with for, in or with.
4  Julia and her brother are in China. They
1  It’s cold. Do you have a coat
their mum and dad every day.
5  Our flat is very small. We want to
2  I designed my first website
G Complete the words.
3  My brother is watching a programme
1  d _ _ _ y dishes
the living room.
2  a l _ _ g way
4  Why were you late work today?
3  k _ _ _ _ _ n cupboards
5  Is anyone coming us tonight?
4  a l _ _ t dog
6  Mum makes a coffee me every
5  my o _ n company

D Write the words that mean the opposite.

come  remember  sell  similar  slowly

1  forget

2  leave

3  buy

4  different

5  fast

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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 9

EXERCISES E Complete the sentences with words formed from

the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
doesn’t change.
A Are the words for health problems (H) or things (T)?
Circle H or T. 1  It’s a day. Let’s go to the beach.

1  a cold H T  sun

2  a gun H T 2  ‘Did you your foot?’ ‘Yes, I hit it

on that chair.’ hurt
3  snow H T
3  Does your city have any
4  a headache H T
problems? environment
5  sick H T
4  S
 heila’s husband is a . police
6  a street H T
5  Tom is in prison. He’s a . crime
B Circle the correct words.
1  I can’t see! There’s something in my leg / eye. 6  Some people say that the health system is
now than it was last year. bad
2  Put this hat on your head / back.
F Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
3  The children are holding eyes / hands. words in bold will help you.
4  I told him to lie on his hand / back.
break  cut  have  start  wait
5  Dave broke his head / leg playing football.
1  I’m sad because my mum needs to
C Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
an operation.
boss  degrees  education  lamb  weather
2  I didn’t need to for the doctor to

1  My parents want me to get a good see me.

. 3  Oh, my! When did you your

2  There are lots of sheep in New Zealand and many arm?

people eat there. 4  D

 id England or France the war

3  What’s the like in Texas in the in 1202?

summer? 5  It’s your party, Stella. You the

4  I work for a big business in London. My cake!

is called Maria Massey. G Complete the words with the vowels (a, e, i , o, u).

5  It’s about 26 today. Do you want 1  fr _ sh air

to go to the lake? 2  feel b _ tt _ r

D Complete the sentences with at, in or until. 3  b _ _ _ t _ f _ l countryside

1  On average, people in my country live 4  fr _ _ time
they are 80.
5  W _ rld C_p
2  Are your brothers the army?

3  My wife’s a conference in Paris

this week.

4  There are a lot of women the

Canadian government.

5  This is Julia. We were university


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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 10

EXERCISES D Tick (✓) the words that are both a verb and a noun.

1  score 
A Are the words for people (P) or things (T)? Circle P or T.
2  camp 
1  president P T
2  cup P T 3  ski 

3  sink P T 4  election 
4  princess P T
5  exhibition 
5  plan P T
6  prefer 
6  artist P T
E Complete the sentences with words formed from
B Tick (✓) the correct sentences. the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
1  a  It’s very windy today. It’s not normally doesn’t change.
like this. 1  T
 here’s a problem with the central

   b  It’s very windy today. It’s not normally in my flat. heat

during this. 2  Is your office ? air-con

2  a  This article is around a festival in 3  We went swimming in the river. It was really

Portsmouth.  ! fun

    b  This article is about a festival in 4  Petra’s father is a . build

Portsmouth.  5 It’s a day. Let’s have a barbecue.

3  a  The fair costs €10 for ticket.
   b  The fair costs €10 per ticket. 6  I bought this present for you,
Mum. special
4  a  Let’s sit by the fire and have a coffee.
F Complete the sentences with the words in the box. The
   b  Let’s sit on the fire and have a coffee.
words in bold will help you.
5  a  The circus is in town this week. Do you
go  have  play  stay  turn off
want t\o go?
   b  The circus is on town this week. Do you 1  I need to study for an exam. the
want to go? radio, please.

6  a  What’s of this big bag?  2  B

 e careful! I don’t want you to
an accident!
   b  What’s inside this big bag?
3  The weather is going to nice all
C Write the words that mean the opposite.
boring  close  warm  wet  win 4  Do you want to to the match at
the stadium tonight?
1  dry
5  My friends jazz in a band. They’re
2  cold
very good!
3  lose
G Complete the words.
4  interesting
1  I love listening to c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l music.
5  open
2  The c _ _ _ _ y show is really funny.

3  The children washed their hands in the w _ _ h room.

4  My friend had a h _ _ _ t attack last week. I hope he’s


5  My favourite driver won the British G _ _ _ d Prix.

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Outcomes Beginner Online Vocabulary Builder_Unit_10.indd 7 11/17/18 4:30 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 11

EXERCISES E Complete the sentences with words formed from

the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
doesn’t change.
A Are these words people (P) or things (T)? Circle P or T.
1  D
 o you know what the of that
1  conference P T
building is? high
2  skill P T
2  M
 y parents were married, but now they are
3  grandmother P T
.  divorce
4  king P T
3  M
 y dad is a kind of . He’s called a
5  diary P T botanist. science
6  queen P T 4  How often do you shop ? online
B Circle the correct words. 5  He wants to kill me! I need !
1 I waited for in / over an hour to vote yesterday.  protect
2 Are you going away after / during you finish your 6  This isn’t working again! print
F The verbs in bold are in the wrong place. Write them in
3 What are you doing on the 4th of / in July? the correct sentence.
1  I want to do a degree and then become house.
4 There’s a cat in the middle up / of the road!

5 Let’s walk for / along the city wall.

2  How do your parents normally grow their
C Complete the words with the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) so
they mean the opposite. anniversary?

1  repair d_m_g_ 3  Jake wants to celebrate an actor when he finishes

2  end b _ g _ nn _ ng school.

3  rich p__r 4  Maria and Petros get vegetables during the summer.

4  bored _ nt _ r _ st _ d

5  great t _ rr _ bl _ 5  Do you and your boyfriend sometimes move angry

with each other?
D Tick (✓) the words that are both a verb and a noun.
G Complete the words.
1  date 
1  When is the next p _ _ _ _ c holiday?
2  bird 
2  Is Madrid the c _ _ _ _ _ l city of Spain?

3  fight  3  This is my l _ _ _ y hat! I always win when I wear it!

4  check  4  Martin is the t _ _ _ d person to finish the race!

5  W
 hat do you know about Australia in the
5  prison 
t _ _ _ _ _ _ _h century?
6  change 

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Outcomes Beginner Online Vocabulary Builder_Unit_11.indd 7 11/17/18 1:19 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Unit 12

EXERCISES D Are the words nouns (N), verbs (V) or both (B)?
Circle N, V or B.

A The words in bold are in the wrong place. Write them 1  call N V B
in the correct sentence.
2  charger N V B
1  You should definitely stand up me an email after you
3  hurry N V B
get to London! 
4  offer N V B
2  They want to send in contact with each other.
5  plastic N V B

6  tell N V B
3  The cupboard door is broken. Can you hope it?
 E Complete the sentences with words formed from
the words in bold. Be careful! There is one word that
4  You can’t stay during the meeting because the boss doesn’t change.

likes everyone to sit.  1  The sun is shining today. strong

5  I forget you have a lovely time!  2  That was a very trip. We loved it!

6  I sometimes repair my brother’s birthday.  enjoy

 3  Can I now, please? order

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4  You helped me a lot today. Thanks for your
. kind
couple  flowers  meal  seat  tablet
5  The boys ran to school.  quick
1  I want a , but the train is full.
F Complete the sentences with the words in the box. The
2  He gave his wife some red for words in bold will help you.

their anniversary. come out  find  lend  miss  take  throw

3  Thank you for the invitation to dinner. It was a great
1  That dress is old. You can it in
the bin. I don’t want it.
4  That’s the who live near me – Mr
2  Why does paint always of the
and Mrs Jones.
tube so slowly?
5  I don’t have a computer, but I have a
3  I can help you a solution to your
. It’s very useful.
C Complete the sentences with at, for or of.
4  Goodbye, Carlos! care!
1  Can you carry these bags
shopping, please? 5  I need to go now. I don’t want to
my bus!
2  How often do you help home?
6  C
 an you me some money, Dad?
3  Oh, no! I’m late my English class!
G Circle the correct words.
4  How do I get out here?
1  I can’t call you because my battery is low / lovely.
5  Sorry, but I can’t pay my coffee.
2  The theatre was strong / empty tonight.
6  Are you good buying gifts?
3  I hope you have a safe / hungry journey.

4  The box is really kind / heavy.

5  She made some home-made / useful sweets.

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Outcomes Beginner Online Vocabulary Builder_Unit_12.indd 7 11/17/18 1:24 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder  Answers

1 Friday 1 waiter
2 sandwich 2 person
3 school 3 centre
4 hot 4 money
5 phone 5 child
B 6 park
1 with B
2 at 1 F
3 from 2 T
4 at 3 T
5 on 4 F
C 5 F
1 V 6 T
2 N C
3 N 1 chips
4 V 2 ready
5 N 3 salad
D 4 bacon
1 teacher 5 menu
2 invite D
3 juice 1 on
4 teach 2 from
5 invitation 3 with
6 juicy 4 in
E 5 for
1 have E
2 meet 1 They go for a walk every day.
3 Come 2 Her dog is called Woody.
4 like 3 I think he’s at work.
5 know 4 He works in an office called Studio1.
F 5 It’s too far to walk.
1 flat F
2 bus 1 taxi
3 friend 2 retired
4 Anything 3 big
5 everything 4 expensive
G 5 university
1 fresh G
2 same 1 e
3 coffee 2 a
4 large 3 b
5 chocolate 4 d
5 c

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  1

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 1 11/17/18 1:25 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Answers


1 weather 1 P
2 father 2 P
3 doctor 3 T
4 adjective 4 T
5 dictionary 5 P
B 6 T
1 nice B
2 expensive 1 second
3 hungry 2 board
4 tired 3 depends
5 same 4 morning
C 5 children
1 married 6 free
2 well C
3 time 1 in
4 room 2 at
5 bag 3 on
D 4 on
1 in 5 from
2 to D
3 for 1 right
5 in 2 short
5 for 3 end
E 4 leave
1 new 5 old
2 good 6 far
3 cold E
4 easy 1 religious
5 small 2 closed
F 3 different
Students should tick: 3, 5 4 open
G 5 traditional
1 F
a go 1 use
b read 2 write
2 3 walks
a take 4 get
b go 5 need
3 G
a want 1 see
b Take 2 need
4 3 study
a go on 4 share
b buy 5 get up
5 6 Turn off
a take
b want

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  2

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 2 11/17/18 1:25 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Answers


1 P 1 flight
2 T 2 service
3 T 3 forest
4 P 4 weather
5 P 5 tour
6 T B
B 1 right
1 journey 2 no one
2 party 3 wrong
3 receipt 4 nowhere
4 return 5 nice
5 airports 6 early
1 football 1 during
2 metro 2 after
3 single 3 on
4 sea 4 outside
5 class 5 on
D 6 over
1 on D
2 at Students should tick: 2, 3, 4
3 off E
4 by 1 clean
5 in 2 noisy
6 around 3 signature
E 4 rainy
1 N 5 best
2 B F
3 N 1 make
4 B 2 have
5 B 3 play
6 V 4 take
F 5 stay
1 interesting G
2 red 1 modern
3 long 2 wifi
4 beautiful 3 last
5 cheap 4 five-star
G 5 quiet
1 sleep 6 busy
2 Get off
3 get
4 talk
5 put

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  3

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 3 11/17/18 1:25 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Answers


1 P 1 P
2 C 2 P
3 C 3 F
4 C 4 F
5 P 5 P
6 P 6 F
1 series 1 carpet
2 percent 2 fridge
3 news 3 sink
4 gym 4 shelf
5 business 5 shower
6 yellow 6 bathroom
1 a 1 with
2 b 2 in
3 a 3 in
4 b 4 for
5 b 5 with
D 6 for
1 designer D
2 artist 1 remember
3 dancer 2 come
4 driver 3 sell
5 politician 4 similar
E 5 slowly
1 Japanese E
2 Chinese 1 drawing
3 American 2 traveller
4 Spanish 3 worker
5 Mexican 4 manager
F 5 runner
1 look F
2 have
1 make
3 try on
2 wear
4 take
5 sing 3 send
G 4 call
1 vegetarian
2 famous 5 move

3 comfortable G
4 sad 1 dirty

5 favourite 2 long
3 kitchen
4 lost
5 own

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  4

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 4 11/17/18 1:25 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Answers


1 H 1 P
2 T 2 T
3 T 3 T
4 H 4 P
5 H 5 T
6 T 6 P
1 eye 1 a
2 head 2 b
3 hands 3 b
4 back 4 a
5 leg 5 a
C 6 b
1 education C
2 lamb 1 wet
3 weather 2 warm
4 boss 3 win
5 degrees 4 boring
D 5 close
1 until D
2 in Students should tick: 1, 2, 3
3 at E
4 in 1 heating
5 at 2 air-conditioned
E 3 fun
1 sunny 4 builder
2 hurt 5 sunny
3 environmental 6 specially
4 policeman/police officer F
5 criminal 1 Turn off
6 worse 2 have
F 3 stay
1 have 4 go
2 wait 5 play
3 break G
4 start 1 classical
5 cut 2 comedy
G 3 wash
1 fresh 4 heart
2 better 5 Grand
3 beautiful
4 free
5 World Cup

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  5

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 5 11/17/18 1:25 AM

Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder   Answers


1 T 1 send
2 T 2 stay
3 P 3 repair
4 P 4 stand up
5 T 5 hope
6 P 6 forget
1 over 1 seat
2 after 2 flowers
3 of 3 meal
4 of 4 couple
5 along 5 tablet
1 damage 1 of
2 beginning 2 at
3 poor 3 for
4 interested 4 of
5 terrible 5 for
D 6 at
Students should tick: 1, 3, 4, 6 D
E 1 B
1 height 2 N
2 divorced 3 B
3 scientist 4 B
4 online 5 N
5 protection 6 V
6 printer E
F 1 strongly
1 move 2 enjoyable
2 celebrate 3 order
3 become 4 kindness
4 grow 5 quickly
5 get F
G 1 throw
1 public 2 come out
2 capital 3 find
3 lucky 4 Take
4 third 5 miss
5 twentieth 6 lend
1 low
2 empty
3 safe
4 heavy
5 home-made

© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc.  6

Outcomes Beginner_Vocab Builder_AnswerKey_TIP_LE.indd 6 11/17/18 1:25 AM

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