Young's Modulus Virtual Lab (Ee)

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Click the link:

Read the “Theory” first:

Click the side tab “Procedure” just read this page.

Then click the Self-evaluation: In this tab 5 questions will appear. Give the answer of all and press
submit. Result will show immediately. Take a screen shot here. You have to submit this.

Click simulator: Once you click it following window will open: Don’t worry you don’t have to

Select the space (it may be Earth/Moon/Uranus/Saturn). You can choose any thing: Choice is yours.
But the other parameters should be fixed as per the table given below. So, fix breadth, thickness
as per your roll no. and fix the distances between knife edges (again your choice: better to take
60 cm). Be careful about the table below. Any discrepancy will cause deduction of marks.

Roll number Material breadth Thickness

1, 2 0.5, 0.6
1 cm
3,4 0.4, 0.55
5,6 0.5, 0.6
Steel 2 cm
7,8 0.4, 0.55
9,10 0.5, 0.6
3 cm
11,12 0.4, 0.55
13,14 0.5, 0.6
Wood 1 cm
15,16 0.4, 0.55
17,18 0.5, 0.6
2 cm
19,20 0.4, 0.55
21,22 0.5, 0.6
3 cm
23,24 0.4, 0.55
25,26 0.5, 0.6
1 cm
27,28 0.4, 0.55
29,30 0.5, 0.6
Aluminium 2 cm
31,32 0.4, 0.55
33,34 0.5, 0.6
3 cm
35,36 0.4, 0.55
37,38 0.5, 0.6
1 cm
39,40 0.4, 0.55
41,42 0.5, 0.6
Copper 2 cm
43,44 0.4, 0.55
45,46 0.5, 0.6
3 cm
47,48 0.4, 0.55
49,50 0.5, 0.6
Steel 1.5 cm
51,52 0.4, 0.55
53,54 0.5, 0.6
Copper 1.5 cm
55,56 0.4, 0.55
57,58 1.5 cm 0.5, 0.6
59,50 0.4, 0.55
61,62 Wood 1.5 cm 0.5, 0.6

An example: I have taken Steel: Set the breadth: 2 cm Thickness: 0.25 cm and distance between
knife edges: 60 cm and mass of the weight hanger at 50gm. This is my O position. Take the reading
of this position.

Now to take the reading just position the mouse on the vertical scale and a zoom sign will appear like
below and just click on it: The yellow circle in the left-hand side shows the enlarge view of the sharp
hanger top in inverted condition thorough the microscope.
Once you click that the following zoom in view will appear. Take the reading form the scale
considering the Vernier constant 0.001 cm

Manually add these data in the following table: Be careful you have to give the screenshot of this
table. Now change the weight to 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 gm. For example, I have shown the
result for 250 gm. Due to this load the sharp edge of the hanger will shift upwards from the centre.
Look the red circle.

We have to bring the sharp hanger edge to the origin (i.e. at the crosswire position) by adjusting the
microscope scale by pressing it left / right so that it will move up/down.
Once you achieved the cross-wire position take the reading of the scale using same fashion. Zoom in
on the scale and take the reading.

By this way you have to take the reading for 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 gm (increasing load). Once
you finished that decrease the weight in opposite order and do the reverse to bring the sharp inverted
tip on the cross wire. And Fill the following table. Be careful you have to submit this table. You
can draw the table on A4 sheet.

No. Distance of the Load Microscope reading Depression

knife edges (𝐼 ) (M) (g)
Loading Unloading Mean
Next you have to plot a Load vs Depression graph and calculate the slope from it. And then calculate
Young’s modulus manually by putting the value of slope in the working formula.

𝒈𝑰𝟑 𝒎
Working formula: 𝒚=
𝟒𝒃 ⅆ𝟑 ⅇ

Where d denotes thickness of the material bar, b represents the breadth of the material bar and
depression is denoted by e.

Finally click the assignment tab and solve any Two question from assignments.

Your final file should consist Four things:

Screen shot of self-assessment.
Screen shot of result table.
Scanned copy of graph and calculation table and other calculations.
Answer of any two assignment questions.

How to prepare a single file: Just open a word file and paste all screenshots and scanned copies. Save it
in pdf format. Simple.

Remember one thing only a single merged pdf file named with your
roll number will be accepted. Don’t Send multiple files.

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