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REPORTED SPEECH – The indirect languaje

• Verbal Tense Changues

• Questions
• Adverbial Changues

• Introduting Reported Speech

General Statements: SAY - TELL – EXPLAIN – INTRODUCE
Questions: ASK – INQUIRE – QUERY
Negation/Disapprobation : REFUSE – DENY – ARGUE – WARN – NOTICE
My Love of Wattpad (Chapter 1- following)

User: Poeta_oscuro001
Name: What do you care, gossip?
Location: Read the previous answer.
Gender: M
Spanish Language
Member since: December 2010
Votes received: 10 859

He had uploaded two stories and a collection of enigmatic poems. The "About Me" category was empty.
He hadn't written anything else about himself. His profile picture was literally blank. I made an effort not to fill his
wall with insults, because it wouldn´t be useful at all. I would have to show him that I was more mature and
civilized than he was. I calmly typed the message I wanted to send him.
Hello, Dark Poet.
I understand that you didn't like my story, but you didn't have to be so rude.
I pressed the send button, but didn't even have time to breathe before that the phone vibrated to
announce that he had already answered me. Really? This guy was really fast! I narrowed my eyes at his
response. @ Poeta_oscuro001: Did I strike a chord? ;)
I bit my lip angrily and immediately hit the "answer" option.
@SuperJules: I'm just saying you didn't have to be so rude. If you don't like my stories, don't read them. Save
your hostile comments.
After a few minutes, I received your reply.
He: Put down the drama, little girl. This is not one of your stories, it is real life; p
And this was the way, my friends, that a discussion of epic dimensions began.

I: First of all, don't call me "little girl"; I do not know you. Second, I'm not being dramatic. You wouldn't lose
anything if you were nicer.
He: Why would I want to be nice to you? I do not know you.
I: Exactly: you don't know me. So you have no reason to be rude to me.
Him: It doesn't matter, little girl.
I: Don't call me that.
He: It goes with your personality.
I: Of course not! I'm just saying you to be nicer the next time you want to give your opinion on a story.
He: Oh! Did I hurt your feelings?
I: Yes
For a moment I thought he was going to apologize. What a fool I was!

He: Do you want to cry on my shoulder, little girl? :)

I: Can't you just apologize?
He: No
I: I give up. I don't want to talk to you anymore.
He: You're breaking my heart, little girl. Can't you see?
I: Shut up! Your sarcasm doesn't help.
He: I think so;)
I: Why are you so bothering me?
He: Because…
I: …¿«Because…»?
He: Because yes :)
I: Don't talk to me anymore.
He: You were the one who entered my wall. Get out, stalker.
I: I didn't come in to harass you. I went in to try to reach an agreement. I would like you to understand
that your rude messages hurt people.
He: Blah blah blah.
I: You are a ...
He: Can't you think of any insults, Miss Strawberry?
I: Strawberry? What a daemon?
He: Yes, you are a strawberry and your stories are the most pink.
I: What a wicked!
He: Thank you;)
Me: It wasn't a compliment.
Him: I say yes;)
Me: Agh. Goodbye.
He: Run along! Get out! You're staining my wall with your pink fingers and your stinky strawberry smell.

I came out of his wall furious. What was wrong with that guy? He had no manners or respect for others.
I felt my heart leap out of despair. I buried my face in the pillow and groaned in rage. It had pissed me off. How
could anyone be so rude?
The phone vibrated, but it took me a moment to look at the screen. I had a new email. "Poeta_oscuro001
sent you a private message."
Had he sent me a private message? How daring. I frowned as I read it: “It was a pleasure talking to you,
Miss Strawberry. This is not over :) ».
I clenched my fists. We would see who would laugh last.

• Change to reported speech.
1. She said, "I can get home on my own".
She said that _____________________________________________________________________

2. They said, "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages".

They said that ____________________________________________________________________

3. The police asked me, "When did you leave the house this morning?"
The police asked me ________________________________________________________________
4. He said, "I'll think about it."
He said that _______________________________________________________________________

5. Mary said, "I should have phoned my mother".

Mary said that _____________________________________________________________________

6. The doctor told me. "You should cut down on your smoking."
The doctor told me _________________________________________________________________
7. He asked me, "Do you understand all the rules?"
He asked me ______________________________________________________________________

8. She asked me, "When will I see you again?"

She asked me _____________________________________________________________________

9. My parents said, "We are going on holiday tomorrow."

My parents said that ________________________________________________________________
10.She said, "Wait until I get back!"
She told him ______________________________________________________________________

11.My sister said, "I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad."
She said that _____________________________________________________________________

12.The workers said, "We won't have enough time to finish the job."
The workers said that ______________________________________________________________

13.The passenger asked, "Could someone help me with the luggage?"

The passengers asked ______________________________________________________________

14.Mom said, "Don't worry!"

Mom told me ______________________________________________________________________

15.Jack said, "We must leave soon."

Jack said that _____________________________________________________________________

16.She said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."
She said that _____________________________________________________________________
17.They wanted to know, "What time does the party start ?"
They wanted to know _______________________________________________________________

18.The guide said, "The weather may get much worse."

The guide said that _________________________________________________________________


Choose from the verbs of reporting below to complete the sentences


1.”Tomorrow’s class is cancelled” (the teacher/us)_______________________________________

2.”Would you like to come to the café with us? (Paul/me)__________________________________
3.”I can’t let you into the match without a ticket” (The man/them)_____________________________
4.”I´ll phone you this evening” (She/her mother)__________________________________________
5.”Don’t forget to double-lock the front door”(The doorman/me)______________________________
6.”Let’s buy her a romance novel” (Sandra/her friend)_____________________________________
7.”I wouldn’t cycle on the route if I were you” (Tim/his brother)_______________________________
About the reading
Write the following conversation from Jules and Evan into reported speech

He: Why would I want to be nice to you? I do not know you.

I: Exactly: you don't know me. So you have no reason to be rude to me.
Him: It doesn't matter, little girl.
I: Don't call me that.
He: It goes with your personality.
I: Of course not! I'm just saying you to be nicer the next time you want to give your opinion on a story.
He: Oh! Did I hurt your feelings?
I: Yes

Answer the questions

1.What were Dark Poet’s publications like, according Jules?
2.Why Jules didn´t insult Evan on his wall? What did she want to prove him?
3.What would you say Evan if he was so rude commenting your stories?
4. Could be considered that Evan makes bullyng? Argue your answer

Reading Revision
The following text is a summary from Chapter 1. There are 7 wrong statements. Mark each one;
then, re-write the paper with right contents.
Jules was a teenager who loved reading and writing. One night, while she was looking for free books
on the web, she discovered Wattpad, a platform where people share stories, comment and follow them.
Although she has a credit card, she didn´t want to spend her balance in ebooks. But she had a huge
surprise when she found many books which could be read without paying. She never had listened
about ebooks, cause of she thought that was a good chance to know them.
As she needed an account in Wattpad, she subscribed it. She liked the platform a lot so she followed
writers and commented their stories immediately.
She organized the time to share with her friends and to connect the platform. However, over time she
became neglecting fellows and realized that she was an addict of Wattpad.
The matter got worse when she met Dark Poet, because they argued all time. He was one of the lot of
men that wrote and followed stories. Moreover, he had commented Jules one in a bad way, saying that
it was so feminine, pink and unreal. Because of this, Jules didn’t want to talk over with him; not only
that, but also Dark Poet continued outwitting her stories, so they became enemies.

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