LT Tlrur.R'Lr Ro LHC Guidclincs Issued Urder Olfice: 0!'ftce

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7" I5$25J
Goverrrment of lndia
Ministr"v of Hcalth & Familv Wclferc
Department of Iltrrlth & linnril]' Welfarc
EIIS Section
Nirman Bharvan, New Oclhi
Drtted the t ()th Decembcr,2018

0!'FtcE ]\t ti It 0 RAli Ir I-r \'l

Sub: Ilo-ision of guidclincs regar<ling simplification of refcrral s1'stenr i.nder CGHS

\\rith rclerence to thc ab(rYc m,:nrir.rned subject thc r.rndersigned is dircclcd to state thal
rhis I{inisu), hls been rcccivinr rcprcscntlrions lbr sinrplification of proccdurc Iirr undergoirtg
t leir( ur,.:rrtliu v sri gltio r'rs lt privotc hospilals cmpanelled under CGHS. In this rcgrud aLtention is

tlrur.r'lr ro lhc guidclincs issued urder Olfice Mr:morarda No.

l r50li/r r7ll0r?/DIIUCGHSJEHS. darcd l-5.01.?018 and s.l1045i40/l0l2icGHS/HEC/CGlls
(i'1. rlatrd ll-02.1ft1i and tir slatc that thr'malter has lreen rer.ierved hy this Ministry'und it has
nou lr,-.,-.n decidt'tl to revisq thl: guidr-lines lbr con-sLrlllttion irld lrc:(mct)l at C(;l IS eml-ranclled
'pr: ir iltr hr:yiLlls ils pcr thc clctaiis .1ri. cn undcr':-

ir llelilral lLonr ('{lllS \,lcdical ()fficcr/CU}lS Spce ialisl lbr ct.rnsulti'r{ion with
Sprcinlists rt Privirlc l-lospitals eurpotellcd under (.lOHS shall Lre vr:litl lbr 30 da;'s in
tlic sanrc hospital,

iii Rcl'errrrl shall bc r.alid lor con.srLltetions Lrpto .i tinrcs in the saDrc hospitel rvithin .ii)

iii) Sinrilarly rr:feral shall be valid for consultation uith a maximunr rlf i diflcrcrt
Spccialisrs. il rcrluircil tluring a single visil.

ii ) ,\rir,il'c oI thr Cl(il IS Lrrdical Of'ticer',CCIIS Spccialist lbr listcd int e:rl igrtic,nr; shall
he vrlid lirr t prriod crl'.30 ch1"s.

\') Advics ol the CGLIS lvledical OIIicer/CGHS Specialist for li.sted trrratmenl proccdurc
slrall lx vali,:l lbr a prriod of :i months.

r,i) Lf anl lisLr-.d in!cstigalion aclvised hy Spr:cia)ist of emprncllccl hospital is rcqLrircil

rrlgertli,v as i! nlcrliclrl 11r(-r,!tn!\ ttltll certiiletl as suclt, ntrl,'bC ttndCfLrken i.ll tirc siil'llal
)rospitr rl.
\ lL i llospilals lre crnparrellcd Lrncicr C(il{S lo: thc Spccialrsls::vailirbk and nol bv rhq
nrrrrr u1- Spcc ilr lisLs.

riii) I-hr:lteferra! oICCHS lvledical Offictr/Spccialists nlay be issued lhrrrugh Conrputers

Lrr rvcn manuollv \\.ith proper stlmp of reicrring docbr.

l. L-hc r,iher tcrnrs and c(lnditions a-s pLescribed o lhe above rcl(,rrcd ONls sh$l rcmnin
u rlch:lnccd. ..|>lf,.: *1:1,

Lrnde:" $ctrerary,,

I i,;

I r\ll \liuistrics i Departinienrs, Cor.clnment ol'lntlia

I I)irecll)r, (l(jllS, Nirnran Bhawen. Ncrv Dclhi
L\ddl. l)D(i tl lQ)i^ll Atitliliunal DirccLo:'s i,loi,rt I)ircc(ors ol Ctil{S cities outsidc Delhi
-l A.ll I'try <\: r\ccoul[s Oiliccrs undcr CCIiS
:r nddilionrl Director(Hqrs)l Addition{l Dircct()r (SZ)i (CZ)/ ([Z)/'{N7.). (]CllS. Neu,
0 .l1l ((ir.)i.ll)(R&l l). C:GHS Delhi
7 (:Cl'lS Dcsk-l.i De sk-lli C( il IS-UC(iHS-II. Dtc.GHS. Nirman B}rarvan. New Delhi.
[ ] llslr,ll,'l--slt.lll,'l:srt.l\i Scctions. lvlinistryr of Healtlr & Fanrily \\iellire.
(l r\il:lr.l /.\dnn-ll Sections ol Dte,CI{S.
l0 lti1i1'a Sabha r L.ok Sr:bha Sccr*rrial.
II llcgistrar. Sr"rpremc Court ol'l:rdia /Punjab & Haryana tligh Court, Chandigarh.
Ll t-t.P,S.C. Dholpur House. New Delhi
ll Irinancc[)ir,ision.
1.1 l)dpui\ Sucrctar'1'1(iivil ScrvicrNe\vs)- l)cpflrtrlent olPrrsonnsl & Training.
ith l:lrxrr- Sardar'lratcl Ncr,r, l-)c1hi,
lj i'l)S tl SccrcLirry (ll&F\V)t Secrerarl.' (AYLISHy Sccrclar"y (llR)/ Sccrefary' (AIDS
('ontrol). \linistry" nt Ilcaltir & tanril1' Weltarc,
li-. l'l'S Lo DUIIS iss&l,lD, \l{lt}vl r AS (ll) iAS & DC (CGllS).
l7 Sr.r,anr).' Publjsher.s (P) Ltd.. P. ll. No. 216S, R. A. Puranr. Clhennai 500023.
lS Shli [,'rlrront:rl I)Lirohit. Scclctilry. Sra{i Skk. lj-C, []*oz-shel"r Road. Ne w Delhi.
lr) ,,r.11 St.rll SiJe \{crnbcrs ul-Ntuional Clouncil (JOIvl) (a-s pe r list rtlached),

),t) ()lliire oi'lhc (\rmptrullcr & r\r"idiLcir (lcneral oi hxiia, l0l-iaharlur Shah Zafar Mlrg. Ncrv
.,,:i ^.$ i r-r;,rls / l),,slis in-t.lle N.,linislry.

tg L _
No. CGHS/JPR/3-1/20l8(Admn.)/
2_l 1 S- Dated: 11.12.2018
Copy for information and necessary compliance
1. The CMO Incharge, W.C. No. 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6,7 and polyclinic CGHS, Jaipur.
2. Admn. Section, Account Section and MSD SecUon,
CGHS, Jaipur.
3. All the Central Govt. OFflces situated at JaiDUr.
4' sh' s K sharma, centrar Govt. pensioners isiociation, Rajasthan, 14, yamuna Bari, shiv
Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015.
5. Central Govt. Employees & workers Coordination Committee.
6, General Secretary, AICGHSEA, Jaipur Branch, Jaipur,
7. Website of CGHS, Jaipur (

A ql-,,

H c.c.l.s, JArpuri

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