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Question A B C D

In addition to procedural HR practices work A and B None of the above

knowledge, declarative environments
knowledge, and motivation,
________________ also
affect performance.

Which one of the following Each Our company Our firm will Each team is
is an example of Strategic salesperson must double reduce the price required to
priorities & linkage to will increase the number of of our items by 20 propose a set of
Goals? $10,000 in our product percent to team goals that will
sales by the lines to gain compete in the help the
end of the greater East Asian market organization
quarter. diversity and within the next achieve its
customer five years. To do organizational
satisfaction. so, each store goals.
must increase
productivity by 8
percent and
implement a one-
year hiring freeze.
____________ refers to the Drive to Expectancy Specificity Valence
degree of desirability of achieve goals
outcome or strength of an
individual’s preference for a
particular outcome
Which of the following Behavioural Low employee Short-term criteria All of the above
choices must be made criteria versus participation versus long-term
when designing a results criteria versus high criteria
performance management employee
system? participation

Strategic consensus occurs organizational workers; unit- Managers; Firms; industry-

when __________agree on units; strategic level goals organizational wide practices
a common set of _______. priorities values
A gap analysis consists of "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
strengths/weaknesses with
opportunities/threats and
determining whether the
situation is conducive to
positive outcomes, negative
outcomes, or a mixture of
Which of the following Task Declarative Contextual Result & Behaviour
performance facets must performance knowledge and performance and
be considered to and results procedural results
understand performance? knowledge

The individual’s Halo bias Stereotyping Horn bias Perceptual set

performance is completely
appraised on the basis of a
negative quality or feature
perceived. This results in an
overall lower rating than
may be warranted.
Motivation involves which Choice to Choice of level Choice to persist All of the above
of the following expend effort of effort in the expenditure
behaviours? of that level of
___________________ Instrumentality Perseverance Expectancy None of the above
refers to the perceived
likelihood that such a result
will lead to attaining a given
  _________________ Task Contextual Exceptional None of the above
performance is fairly similar
across jobs and is not likely
to be role prescribed.
The establishment of a "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
structured performance
appraisal system has an
inverse relationship with
organizational outcomes.
Goal Setting Theory was Peter Drucker G D Norman Philip Truce Edwin Locke
established by of USA in
The technical definition of The Only the Only the None of the above
performance includes: employee’s results of the employee’s
behaviours and employee’s behaviours
the results of behaviours
the employee’s
Procedural knowledge is: Information Knowing what Choosing to None of the above
about facts to do and how expend effort
and things to do it
To reduce performance Consolidation Documentation Introducing a None of the above
errors, organizations adopt of views from of appraisals & 360* appraisal
various alternative like multiple defining goals system & giving
_____ , _______ ratters & regular feedback
Methods and
Procedure with
The three key elements of Self-esteem, Reward, need needs, drives and None of the above
theory by Fred Luthans need & drive & goal goals
are :
The following statements a only a & c c & d a, b & c
are indicative of
organizational culture of
trust and empowerment.
a) Tasks are delegated to
employees with limited
b) Critical information is
withheld from employees
c) Interest of employees are
kept at par with
organizational interest
d) Employees are given
opportunities to attend
trainings regularly

In Forced ranking Assessment 360* MBO

_____________________ centre
method of appraisal
multiple methods,
assessors, dimensions and
purpose is involved.
___________________ Performance Performance Feedback Performance
indicate broad planning measures appraisal dimensions
categorization of
employees’ behaviours and
actions, which form the
basis of performance
The two main steps in the Understanding Developing the Conducting job Understanding the
prerequisites phase of the organization’s analysis and organization’s
performance management organization’s mission and writing a mission and writing
are: mission and conducting job development plan a development
conducting job analysis plan

Performance measurement Reviewing, defining Identifying, None of the above

broadly constitutes monitoring, mission and measuring &
setting goals vision developing
Distributive justice is the "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
perception that the
performance evaluation
received is fair relative to
the work performed.
When poor results are due Trait approach Results Behaviour Orthodox approach
to causes beyond the approach approach
performer’s control, which
approach to measuring
performance is most
The error in which you Central Recency effect Similarity Leniency
provide most favourable tendency
ratings on all aspects of
performance, but they are
not usually deserved is
The performance appraisal Trait approach Intuitive Result oriented Self-appraisal
approach in which approach approach approach
perception and external
behaviour is the indicator is
called :
Where u is is actual Final Optimal Objective Great performance
performance and where performance performance performance
you want to be is
Job descriptions stay stable "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
over time and therefore do
not need to be updated
To understand the extent Indicators Performance Objectives None of the above
to which a competency is standards
present, we measure
Information gained from Workforce Evaluating the Evaluating the Creating talent
the organizational planning effectiveness effectiveness of inventories
maintenance purpose of a of job HR programs
PM system is used for all of descriptions
the following EXCEPT:

Key consequences of a Motivation, Change Motivation, Job rotation,

healthy performance Protection management, protection from competent
management system are from Lawsuits, work life law suits, work life employees, clarity
Competent balance, balance, of goals,
employees , competent Development documentation of
Clarity of goals employees, need performance
clarity of goals identification
comprehensive PMS system
augurs well for a
progressive organization
Performance Management Vision and Vision and Critical Success Manpower
is a holistic framework. It Mission, Mission, factors, planning, Job
integrates : Training and Strategic Recruitment, analysis, action
development, goals ,Critical Training and plan, performance
Job analysis, Success Development, measurement
Critical success factors, Succession
factors Performance Planning
During the collection of People tend to Insufficient Even if the ratters All of the above
information from believe that ratter training have the same
individuals for the purpose the KSAs on was provided position and
of conducting a job analysis, which they prior to the duties, some of
why might differently score highly collection of the ratters may be
people in the same position drive success information more highly
and same job duties rate in their jobs from the involved in certain
certain knowledge, skills, but not the individuals job duties than
and competence as more KSAs on which are other ratters.
important than other . they score
The following is the "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
performance standard of
Manager’s effectiveness in
a specific sense : Achieve a
much higher sales target in
The combination of each of Declarative Procedural Biases Motivation
the following factors allows knowledge knowledge
some individuals to perform
at higher levels than others
Following are the Strategic Specificity, Reliability & Equitable,
characteristics of an ideal congruence, Integrated, Validity, Strategic Inclusive,
PM system Reliability & Inclusive, congruence, Motivating,
Validity, Informational Equitable, Informational
Integrated, Standardized
Mr. Sudesh Aiyar has six 360* appraisal Forced Graphic rating Assessment centre
people in his technical team Distribution scale
who are due for review.
What rating method is best
suited to evaluate their
The external environment Technology , Management Diversity of Customs and
factors impacting the Economic, buy-in, workforce, Beliefs,
process of performance Customers, Customs and Technology, Competition,
management process are : Competition beliefs, Customers, Customers,
Competition, Vendors Vendors
BARS stand for Behaviour and Behaviour and Behaviourally None of the above
rating standard review scales Anchored Rating
Ratters form an overall Negative bias central Halo effect Primacy effect
impression about the ratee tendency
on the basis of some
particular characteristics of
the ratee identified by
them. The identified
qualities and features may
not provide adequate base
for appraisal. This is known
____________ refers to the Drive to Expectancy Specificity Valence
degree of desirability of achieve goals
outcome or strength of an
individual’s preference for a
particular outcome
Job descriptions are a key Without them, Performance They provide the They provide
prerequisite for any employees will management criteria that will information to
performance management not “buy in” to systems are be used in employees as to
system because: the system. not applicable measuring what tasks are
unless certain performance. most important in
job elements their jobs.
are present.

In the performance Customer Ratings that Customer Outcomes an

planning stage, the term reactions result from complaints employee must
“results” refers to performance resulting from produce
_________ performance
---------------- method Behaviourally Critical Incident Management By Competency
identifies critical incidents Anchored technique Objectives mapping
identifying effective and Rating Scales
ineffective behaviour thru
Focus Group Discussion
In this technique, personnel Management Graphic rating Forced choice Critical Incident
specialists and operating by Objective scale Technique
managers prepare lists of
statements of very effective
and very ineffective
behaviour for an employee.

 Second step in process of management by objectives is to develop

performance standards.
 Employee evaluation, performance evaluation, performance review and
employee rating are all terms used to performance appraisal
 Time & motion is a method of Job Analysis
 The error in which you provide most favourable ratings on all aspects of
performance, but they are not usually deserved is called Leniency
 The performance appraisal approach in which perception and external
behaviour is the indicator is called :Intuitive approach
 Distributive justice is the perception that the performance evaluation
received is fair relative to the work performed. True
 The administrative purpose of PM systems is to furnish valid and useful
information for making employment decisions including salary
adjustments, promotions, and terminations
 Information gained from the organizational maintenance purpose of a PM
system is used for all of the following EXCEPT: Evaluating the
effectiveness of job description
 In the performance planning stage, the term “results” refers to outcomes
an employees must produce
 Organizational maintenance purpose of performance management
system is to provide information to be used in HR planning.

Question A B C D
The following statements are
indicative of organizational
culture of trust and
a) Tasks are delegated to
employees with limited
monitoring a only a & c c & d a, b & c
b) Critical information is
withheld from employees
c) Interest of employees are
kept at par with
organizational interest
d) Employees are given
opportunities to attend
trainings regularly

In _____________________
method of appraisal multiple
methods, assessors,
dimensions and purpose is Assessment
involved. Forced ranking centre 360* MBO
indicate broad categorization
of employees’ behaviours
and actions, which form the
basis of performance Performance Performanc Feedback Performance
assessment planning e measures appraisal dimensions

Developing Understanding
Understanding the the
the organizatio Conducting organization’s
The two main steps in the organization’s n’s mission job analysis mission and
prerequisites phase of mission and and and writing a writing a
performance management conducting job conducting development development
are: analysis job analysis plan plan
Reviewing, defining Identifying,
Performance measurement monitoring, mission and measuring & None of the
broadly constitutes setting goals vision developing above
Linking each
individual’s performance to
the organization’s mission
involves explaining to each
employee how the
employee’s activities are
helping the organization gain
a competitive advantage. "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
The error in which you
provide most favorable
ratings on all aspects of
performance, but they are Central Recency
not usually deserved is called tendency effect Similarity Leniency
The performance appraisal Trait approach Intuitive Result Self appraisal
approach in which approach oriented approach
perception and external approach
behaviour is the indicator is
called :
______________ justice is
the perception that the
performance evaluation
received is fair relative to the None of the
work performed. Distributive Integrative Complete above
The ___________ purpose of
PM systems is to furnish valid
and useful information for
making employment
decisions including salary
adjustments, promotions, informationa
and terminations developmental strategic l administrative
Information gained from the
organizational maintenance
purpose of a PM system is Evaluating Evaluating
used for all of the following the the
EXCEPT: effectivenes effectiveness
Workforce s of job of HR Creating talent
planning descriptions programs inventories
Change Motivation,
manageme protection
Motivation, nt, work life from law Job rotation,
Protection balance, suits, work competent
from Lawsuits, competent life balance, employees,
Key consequences of a Competent employees, Development clarity of goals,
healthy performance employees , clarity of need documentation
management system are Clarity of goals goals identification of performance
Presence of a comprehensive
PMS system augurs well for a
progressive organization "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
Vision and
goals Critical
Vision and ,Critical Success
Mission, Success factors, Manpower
Training and factors, Recruitment, planning, Job
development, Performanc Training and analysis, action
Performance Management is Job analysis, e Development plan,
a holistic framework. It Critical success measureme , Succession performance
integrates : factors nt Planning measurement
Following are the Strategic Specificity, Reliability & Equitable,
characteristics of an ideal PM congruence, Integrated, Validity, Inclusive,
system Reliability & Inclusive, Strategic Motivating,
Validity, Information congruence, Informational
Integrated, Equitable,
Motivating al Standardized
Mr. Suyesh Aiyer
has six people in his technical
team who are due for review.
What rating method is best
suited to evaluate their Forced Graphic Assessment
competence? 360* appraisal Distribution rating scale centre
nt buy-in,
Customs Diversity of Customs and
The external environment Technology , and beliefs, workforce, Beliefs,
factors impacting the process Economic, Competitio Technology, Competition,
of performance management Customers, n, Customers, Customers,
process are : Competition Geography Vendors Vendors
Behaviour and Bhaviour Behaviourally
rating and review Anchored None of the
BARS stands for standard scales Rating Scales above
The plans that are prepared
as a part of the ongoing Performance Performance
process of observation and Appraisal Feedback development improvement
feedback are called : forms forms plan plan
Where u are is actual Optimal
performance and where you Final performanc Objective Great
want to be is performance e performance performance
Job descriptions stay stable
over time and therefore do
not need to be updated "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
In _____________________
method of appraisal multiple
methods, assessors,
dimensions and purpose is Potential Assessment Psychological
involved. appraisal centre Appraisals MBO
Even if the
raters have
People tend to the same
During the collection of believe that position and
information from individuals the KSAs on Insufficient duties, some
for the purpose of which they rater of the raters
conducting a job analysis, score highly training was may be more
why might different people in drive success provided highly
the same position and same in their jobs prior to the involved in
job duties rate certain but not the collection of certain job
knowledge, skills, and KSAs on which information duties than
competence as more they score from the are other
important than other . poorly. individuals raters. All of the above
The following is "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
the performance standard of
Manager’s effectiveness in a
specific sense : Achieve a
much higher sales target in
    “KSA” in context of Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge of Knowledge,
Performance management skills, and skills, and situation and social skills, and
refers to what? abilities agility action aptitude
nt systems
are not They provide They provide
Without applicable the criteria information to
Job descriptions are a key them, unless that will be employees as to
prerequisite for any employees will certain job used in what tasks are
performance management not “buy in” to elements measuring most important
system because: the system. are present. performance. in their jobs.
Ratings Customer
that result complaints
In the performance planning from resulting Outcomes an
stage, the term “results” Customer performanc from employee must
refers to _________ reactions e performance produce
Recruitment and
Selection, Induction and
Development are integrated
with performance
management system "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
Which one of the following is Each Our Our firm will Each team is
an example of Strategic salesperson company reduce the required to
priorities & linkage to Goals? will increase must price of our propose a set of
$10,000 in double the items by 20 team goals that
sales by the number of percent to will help the
end of the our product compete in organization
quarter. lines to gain the East achieve its
greater Asian market organizational
diversity within the goals.
and next five
customer years. To do
satisfaction. so, each
store must
by 8 percent
implement a
hiring freeze.
Identify the
strength and
of the firm,
In the early Create Establish and then let Focus on goals,
development of strategic strategic strategic firm-level and then create
management as a field, what priorities and priorities strategic strategic
was the dominant approach goals before priorities priorities on
to achieving strategic simultaneously setting emerge how to
consensus? . goals. naturally. compete.
Which of the following participatio
choices must be made when n versus
designing a performance high Short-term
management system? Behavioral employee criteria
criteria versus participatio versus long-
results criteria n term criteria All of the above
Strategic consensus occurs organizational workers; Managers;
when __________agree on a units; strategic unit-level organizationa Firms; industry-
common set of _______. priorities goals l values wide practices
A gap analysis consists of
strengths/weaknesses with
opportunities/threats and
determining whether the
situation is conducive to
positive outcomes, negative
outcomes, or a mixture of
The combination
of each of the following
factors allows some
individuals to perform at D
higher levels than others eclarative Procedural M
EXCEPT: knowledge knowledge Biases otivation
The individual’s performance
is completely appraised on
the basis of a negative
quality or feature perceived.
This results in an overall
lower rating than may be Stereotypin
warranted. Halo bias g Horn bias Perceptual set
Motivation involves which of Choice to Choice of Choice to
the following behaviors? expend effort level of persist in the All of the above
of that level
effort of effort
refers to the perceived
Instrumentalit Perseveranc None of the
likelihood that such a result Expectancy
y e above
will lead to attaining a given
Following are the
suggestive line of actions for
strategic alignment of
performance goals :
a) Establish the Critical
success factors that directly
impact the organizational
b) Include employee and
customer perspectives in the
mandatory supervisory
element and standard.
c) Make employees
accountable for at least one
critical performance element,
non-achieving of which may
not lead to the
accomplishment of
organizational goals.
d) Collect information on
new technological
advancement in the
respective industry.
Choose best option a & c a&b b &c a, c & d
Raters form an overall
impression about the ratee
on the basis of some
particular characteristics of
the ratee identified by them.
The identified qualities and
features may not provide
adequate base for appraisal.
This is known as Central
_______________________ Negative bias tendency Halo effect Primacy effect
____________ refers to the
degree of desirability of
outcome or strength of an
ndividual’s preference for a Drive to
particular outcome achieve goals Expectancy Specificity Valence
establishment of a structured
performance appraisal
system has an inverse
relationship with
organizational outcomes. "TRUE" "FALSE" IGNORE IGNORE
Goal Setting Theory was GD
established by of USA in 1968 Peter Drucker Norman Philip Truce Edwin Locke
Information what to do
about facts and how to Choosing to None of the
Procedural knowledge is: and things do it expend effort above
of views from
multiple raters Documentati Introducing a
To reduce performance & Design on of 360* appraisal
errors, organizations adopt Methods and appraisals & system &
various alternative like _____ Procedure defining giving regular None of the
, _______ with detailing goals feedback above

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