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What you are going to learn in the lab?

1) Scratch: Scratch is a high-level block-based visual programming language where you can create
your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

2) Flowgorithm: With this tool, you can draw flowcharts for the given problem.

3) C programming language

Software Engineer develops software. Operating system involves millions of lines of code.

Software development life cycle:

1st step: Collecting requirements from the client

2nd step: Writing an algorithm (it is a sequence of steps in solving a problem) or drawing flowchart
(it is a pictorial representation of algorithm - A picture is worth than thousand words)

3rd step: Convert algorithm/flowchart into a code/program

4th step: Testing the code

5th step: Maintenance

Software: It is a set of Programs.

Program: It is a set of instructions.

Instruction: a command.

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