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Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251

Regular Article

Intra-operative STN DBS attenuates the prominent beta rhythm

in the STN in Parkinson’s disease
Brett Wingeier c, Tom Tcheng c, Mandy Miller Koop a, Bruce C. Hill a,
Gary Heit b, Helen M. Bronte-Stewart a,b,*
Department of Neurology and Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Dr., Rm. A343, Stanford, CA 94305-5327, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5327, USA
NeuroPace Inc., Mountain View, California, USA

Received 6 July 2005; revised 12 September 2005; accepted 16 September 2005

Available online 10 November 2005


Power spectra from local field potentials (LFPs) recorded post-operatively from the deep brain stimulation (DBS) macroelectrode show
prominence of the beta rhythm (11 – 30 Hz) in untreated Parkinson’s disease (PD). Dopaminergic medication and movement attenuate this beta
band in PD. In this pilot study of six sides in four patients, we recorded LFPs from the DBS electrode in untreated PD patients in the operating
room. In all cases, there was a peak in the time-frequency spectrogram in the beta frequency range when the patients were at rest, which was
associated with attenuation in the same range with movement. The actual frequency range and the strength of the beta peak varied among cases. In
two patients, intra-operative constraints permitted recording of LFPs at rest, before and immediately after subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS. In both
patients we documented that STN DBS caused a significant attenuation in power in the beta band at rest that persisted for 15 – 25 s after DBS had
been turned off ( P < 0.01). From one case, our data suggest that the beta rhythm attenuation was most prominent within the STN itself. This study
shows for the first time that STN DBS attenuates the power in the prominent beta band recorded in the STN of patients with PD. These pilot
findings raise the interesting possibility of using this biomarker for closed loop DBS or neuromodulation.
D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Parkinson’s disease; Subthalamic nucleus; Deep brain stimulation; Beta rhythm; Neuronal oscillations

Introduction 1989; Alexander and Crutcher, 1990; DeLong, 1990; Wichmann

and DeLong, 1996). Changes in firing rates in STN and GPi are
In Parkinson’s disease (PD) and in animal models of more likely to influence their projection targets if the post-
parkinsonism, neurons of basal ganglia nuclei such as the synaptic efficacy of neuronal activity is increased through the
subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the globus pallidus interna (GPi) synchronization of neuronal discharges within these nuclei. In
fire at increased rates and with irregular, oscillatory and often primate models of PD using the neurotoxin MPTP, synchronized
bursting temporal patterns (Bergman et al., 1990, 1994; DeLong, neuronal oscillations have been demonstrated in GPi, STN and
1990; Filion and Tremblay, 1991; Kühn et al., 2005; Levy et al., the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) (Nini et al.,
2001; Lozano et al., 1996; Miller and DeLong, 1987; Vitek et al., 1995; Raz et al., 2000). Oscillatory firing patterns appear to be
1998; Wichmann et al., 1994). Traditional models of the synchronized through the basal ganglia circuits and are reflected
pathophysiology in PD have used firing rate changes in GPi by increased power and abnormally synchronized firing patterns
and STN and their resultant downstream target modulation to in the beta band in the motor cortex (Goldberg et al., 2002; Raz et
account for signs such as bradykinesia and akinesia (Albin et al., al., 2001). Intra-operative single unit recordings in human
patients with PD have confirmed the presence of coupling and
synchronization of neuronal firing in the beta band in STN, GPi,
* Corresponding author. Department of Neurology and Neurosciences
Institute, Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Dr., Rm. A343, Stanford, CA
and GPe (Levy et al., 2002a; Levy et al., 2000).
94305-5327, USA. Fax: +1 650 725 7459. With the advent of functional mapping procedures used for
E-mail address: (H.M. Bronte-Stewart). deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat patients with PD, it has
0014-4886/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251 245

now become possible to record both single- and multi-unit pre-operative selection criteria and assessment of patients have
neuronal discharges from microelectrodes and to record local been previously described (Taylor Tavares et al., 2005).
field potentials (LFPs) from the permanently implanted One week prior to the STN DBS implant procedure, long-
macroelectrode. The LFP is the result of synchronous activity acting medications were replaced with short-acting medications
within a population of neurons, and the timing of neuronal for all patients. Short-acting medications were then withdrawn
discharge has been correlated in the cortex to fluctuations in the 12 h before the procedure. Intra-operative assessments were
LFP (Creutzfeldt et al., 1966; Frost, 1968). There is evidence made on unmedicated, awake patients.
that LFPs recorded in basal ganglia nuclei also reflect
synchronized aggregate neuronal activity (Goto and O’Don- Surgical technique
nell, 2001; Kühn et al., 2004; Tsubokawa and Sutin, 1972).
Several groups have now recorded LFPs from the DBS Patients meeting the surgical inclusion criteria underwent
macroelectrode in GPi and/or STN during the immediate post- functional stereotactic, microelectrode-guided implantation of
operative period prior to the implantation of the pulse chronic stimulating electrodes in the STN. Details of the
generator. These studies have demonstrated that in PD patients, surgical technique, including intra-operative ventriculography
LFPs recorded from the STN and GPi show increased power and radiography, have been described previously (Romanelli et
and increased coherence in the alpha and beta frequency bands al., 2004). The sensorimotor region of the STN was identified
(Brown et al., 2001; Cassidy et al., 2002; Kühn et al., 2004; with multipass microelectrode mapping. The dorsal border of
Levy et al., 2002a; Priori et al., 2004). Coherence in the beta the STN for each microelectrode track was identified by an
band has also been found between STN and the cortex and increase in the background signal level with the characteristic
between the STN and contralateral EMG activity. Stimulation firing pattern as the microelectrode entered the STN. Using
at the sites in STN that had the greatest coherence with the intra-operative radiographs of each microelectrode track and
cortex led to the greatest improvement in parkinsonian the DBS electrode position, we determined the locations of
symptoms (Marsden et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2002). both the dorsal border of STN and of each contact in intra-
Active movement and levodopa treatment both decrease the cranial coordinates (dorsal – ventral, lateral –medial, anterior –
beta band power and coherence found in basal ganglia nuclei posterior) referenced to the anterior commissural – posterior
LFPs (Cassidy et al., 2002; Kühn et al., 2004; Levy et al., commissural (AC –PC) plane. We estimate that our measure-
2001, 2002b; Priori et al., 2002). The inverse relation between ments of DBS lead position are accurate within 0.3 mm. This
levodopa and the beta band signal has led to the hypothesis that figure is based on the expected error when radiographs of the
prominence of the beta band rhythm is a pathophysiological microelectrode and the DBS electrode are overlaid (0.2 mm),
biomarker of the parkinsonian state. Therefore, interventions to the resolution of the radiograph film (0.1 mm), and the
reduce subcortical and cortical beta band prominence seem expected error in determination of STN boundaries resulting
promising therapeutic strategies, although no study has shown from error in microelectrode depth reading (0.2 mm) (Roma-
that the prominence of beta frequencies is correlated with the nelli et al., 2004). Assuming these to be normally-distributed
degree of bradykinesia in PD. random errors, the expected cumulative standard error is the
Brown et al. (2004) have shown that STN DBS at beta square root of the sum of the squares of the individual errors;
frequencies (20 Hz) increases beta band power in the GPi in thus, approximately 0.3 mm. In cases where the DBS electrode
patients with PD, whereas DBS at high frequencies decreases was not implanted exactly along a microelectrode track, we
beta band power. However, no study has yet shown whether estimated the position of each contact with respect to the dorsal
STN DBS, like levodopa, reduces the prominent beta or ventral border of the STN by using the location of either
synchrony in the STN itself. along the microelectrode track that was closest to the DBS
In this pilot study, we show that intra-operative LFP electrode.
recordings from the DBS macroelectrode confirm the promi-
nence of the beta band power in the STN in a series of patients Intra-operative assessment
with PD, at rest, off medication. In one side each from two
patients, where the data were available, we show that the power After microelectrode mapping and determination of the
in the beta frequency band at rest is significantly attenuated anatomical site of the sensorimotor region, the DBS electrode
after STN DBS and that the attenuation was most prominent (model 3389, Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota) was
within the STN itself. placed in the center of this region, not necessarily coincident
with a previous microelectrode track. The base of the most
Methods ventral contact of the DBS electrode was always placed at or
dorsal to the base of the STN, as determined from electro-
Patient assessment physiological recording. Therapeutic effectiveness of this
electrode placement was then verified by clinical assessment
Intra-operative recordings were collected during STN DBS of improvements in rigidity, and quantitative assessment of
implantation, from six sides in four patients with PD. All upper extremity bradykinesia using an angular velocity sensor
patients signed a written informed consent for the study, which (MOTUS Bioengineering Inc., Benicia, CA) attached to the
was approved by the Stanford Institutional Review Board. The wrist (Miller Koop et al., in press), during intra-operative DBS.
246 B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251

Intra-operative DBS was applied using a hand held pulse during recording were based on two templates. In the first
generator (Medtronic, Inc. Minneapolis Minnesota, USA). template, labeled RPA (resting, passive and active), the patient
Standard intra-operative screening parameters were used; was guided through approximately 20 s each of the resting,
namely, bipolar stimulation between contact 0 ( ) and contact passive, and active states. In the second template, labeled
3 (+), with frequency 185 Hz, pulse width 90 micros, and PERISTIM, the patient remained in a single movement state for
voltage 3 Volts. Note that these stimulation parameters are to be approximately 60 s. Pre-stimulation LFPs were recorded for 20
distinguished from the standard electrical parameters used post- s; stimulation was delivered for 20 s; and post-stimulation
operatively to optimize clinical efficacy and minimize adverse LFPs were recorded for 20 s. The electrical parameters for all
effects, where a monopolar mode is usually employed (Obeso stimulations were the same as those used to test for clinical
et al., 2001). The distance between the centers of the most efficacy (see above). In each case, LFP data were recorded for
ventral and dorsal contacts (0 and 3 respectively) using the approximately 30 min, after the DBS lead was implanted.
3389 DBS macroelectrode is 6.0 mm. Any adverse effects of During these thirty min, intraoperative constraints permitted
stimulation were also documented. execution of the RPA sequence an average of twice per patient,
and execution of the PERISTIM sequence only in two patients
Intra-operative local field potential (LFP) recordings (including patient S1).

After radiographic documentation of the anatomical location Data analysis: identification of beta band
of the DBS electrode, LFPs were recorded from the DBS
macroelectrode, with the patient awake and not under any All data were inspected visually, including EMG and
anesthesia. A custom built electronic switch was included to MOTUS data, to confirm that movement states were as
allow the DBS lead to be used alternately for recording and expected. Data with unexpected movement or other artifact
stimulation. During stimulation, an attenuated version of the were excluded from analysis. Between 1 and 5 s of data were
stimulation waveform was recorded in order to allow precise excised from each task transition in the RPA sequence, again
identification of DBS ON and DBS OFF time points. based upon examination of EMG and MOTUS data, to ensure
LFP signals were preamplified by Axon Instruments analysis only of data during clearly-defined task states. DBS
BioAmp 100 amplifiers, band-pass filtered with 3 dB ON and DBS OFF time points were determined from all
attenuation at 1 Hz and 800 Hz, and amplified further. The recordings. Periods of switching artifact, resulting from the
filtered signals were then digitized at 10 KHz (using an Axon stimulation-to-recording transition, were identified and labeled
Digidata 1200B 12-bit analog-to-digital converter controlled as such and excluded from spectral analysis. All offline signal
by Axoscope V8.1) or at 2.5 KHz (using a National analysis was performed using MATLAB software (version 6.5,
Instruments PCI-MIO-16XE-50 16-bit analog-to-digital con- The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA).
verter controlled by LabVIEW V6) and stored in electronic Power spectral density was calculated for each movement
format for offline analysis. Of the two patients labeled herein state in the RPA data, using an averaged periodogram method
S1 and S2, from whom pre- and post-DBS recordings were with Hanning windows of 1 s width and 0.5 s overlap (Bendat
collected, S1 was studied with the 10 KHz system and S2 was and Piersol, 2000). In those patients for whom multiple
studied with the 2.5 KHz system. In each case, four bipolar instances of a movement state were collected, stationarity over
channels were recorded from the DBS lead; specifically, the recording period was assumed and spectra were averaged
contact pairs 0 –1, 1 – 2, 2– 3, and 0 –3, where contact 0 is over these instances.
most ventral and contact 3 is most dorsal. Surface EMG from Power spectra in the resting state, and the ratio of active-
wrist flexor and extensor muscles, and wrist angular velocity movement power to resting-state power, were examined for each
data (MOTUS Bioengineering Inc., Benicia CA), were col DBS recording channel in each implant in order to identify a
lected in parallel with LFP signals in order to verify movement contiguous beta band in which power was peaked in the resting
state during later, offline analysis. state and attenuated by movement. Identification of this beta
Three movement states were used during recording: resting band for each implant was based on the following criteria,
(forearm and hand contralateral to implant comfortably chosen empirically after preliminary inspection of the data. First,
supported), passive movement (hand manipulated through a generalized power law relation, of the form power = 1/f a, was
flexion and extension at approximately one cycle per second), fit to each channel’s resting-state power spectrum using linear
and active movement (patient flexed and extended the hand at regression in the log – log domain. The beta band was then
approximately one cycle per second). Note that these tasks defined as the widest contiguous range of frequencies within 10
were used throughout the DBS implantation to assess motor to 40 Hz in which (1) at least two of three adjacent-pairs channels
function; tasks were not novel to the patient at the time of LFP (0– 1, 1– 2, 2 –3) showed power elevated over the smooth 1/f a
recording. During the resting and movement states other parts curve, and (2) at least two of three adjacent-pair channels
of the patient’s body were still. showed a decrease of power with active movement (ratio of
For each patient, in this pilot study, the sequence of active-movement power to resting power less than 1). Note that
movement states and stimulations during recording was the same channels were not required to meet the criteria
necessarily dictated by intra-operative constraints. Thus, no continuously through the identified beta band; rather, a
single protocol was used for all patients. Task sequences used frequency bin was considered part of the beta band if any two
B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251 247

or more channels met the criteria in that bin. The fourth channel Results
(0– 3) was not included in these criteria since it is redundant in
simple linear relation to the other channels. Local field potentials were recorded from the DBS
electrode (model 3389, Medtronic Int., Minneapolis, Minne-
Data analysis: examination for DBS effects sota, USA) during STN DBS implantation of six sides in
four subjects with advanced PD. Each LFP recording was
All data were further inspected in order to locate se performed after the DBS electrode had been placed in the
quences in which LFPs were recorded in the resting state final desired location and had been tested for efficacy using
within 5 s after DBS OFF, and in which these post- intra-operative STN DBS (Romanelli et al., 2004). As
stimulation LFPs could be compared with a pre-stimulation discussed in Methods, recording of data was governed by
or distant post-stimulation resting-state. A time-frequency intra-operative constraints, including the need to manually
spectrogram was generated for each such sequence, exclud- switch between recording and stimulation. Of the 6 sides,
ing periods of DBS ON and post-stimulation switching two (patient S1, R STN, and patient S2, R STN) yielded
artifact. Each spectrogram was produced using an averaged recordings of resting state LFPs, free of artifact, beginning 5
periodogram method, with Hanning windows of 1 s length or fewer seconds after the ‘‘DBS OFF’’ time point. We note
and 0.5 s overlap, yielding temporal resolution of 0.5 s and that these two recordings were acquired with different
frequency resolution of 1 Hz. Frequencies of 3 Hz and acquisition systems and controlling software (see Methods),
below were judged inseparable from low-frequency artifact as evidence that our results are not attributable to recording
and are not shown in spectrograms. The variation over time or switching artifact.
of total beta band power (using the beta band previously Fig. 1 displays the power spectra (upper traces) from DBS
identified for each implant) was determined by summing electrode contact pairs 0 –1, 1 –2, 2 – 3, and 0– 3, in the 2
total power over the beta frequencies yielding a beta-power patients S1 and S2. The lower traces of each panel represent the
sum for each time point in the resulting spectrograms. ratio of spectral power during movement to spectral power at
A single mean value was calculated for total beta band rest. Traditional definitions of frequency bands in cortical
power over each LFP epoch. Roughly 25 s of LFP data were oscillatory activity recorded in electroencephalograms have
recorded in the resting state after DBS was switched off, defined the beta band as those frequencies between 13 and 30
including a delay of about 4– 5 s when switching from the Hz. Instead of taking this range of frequencies a priori, in each
stimulating to recording mode. After exclusion of switching case we identified the widest contiguous frequency band
delay, this post-DBS period was divided in half, yielding an between 10 and 40 Hz where two of the three adjacent-pair
early post-stimulation epoch (¨5– 15 s post-DBS OFF) and a channels (0 –1, 1 – 2, and 2– 3) showed a spectral peak at rest
late post-stimulation epoch (¨15– 25 s post-DBS OFF), and a (elevation of upper traces above the best-fit smooth power law
single mean value was calculated for beta band power over curve, as described in Methods) coincident with attenuation
each of these epochs. Confidence intervals of 99% were during active movement (depression of lower traces below the
determined for each such value using the chi-square distribu- horizontal line representing a ratio of one). Spectral peaks in
tion method given by Bendat and Piersol (2000) in order to the resting state nearly spanned the beta range in both patients
facilitate assignment of significance to differences in beta (16 – 29 Hz in S1 and 17– 31 Hz in S2). Recordings from
power between these epochs. Note that arrangement of these different pairs of contacts revealed that in each case there was
epochs is clarified and shown fully in Results below. variability in the dominance of the beta band at rest among

Fig. 1. Beta band, prominent in resting state and attenuated by active movement, is shown for two implants. Logarithmic power spectra of local field potentials,
averaged over artifact-free intervals of the resting state, are traced in the upper portion of each panel for S1 (R STN, panel A) and S2 (R STN, panel B). Sixty Hz line
noise artifact has been excised from spectra when present (S2). Ratios of similarly-determined power spectra in the active movement state, to power spectra in the
resting state, are traced in the lower portion of each panel. Power spectra and power ratios are shown for all bipolar DBS lead channels (contacts 0 – 1, 1 – 2, 2 – 3, and
0 – 3). Grey vertical bands represent the region of beta prominence in the resting state, and beta attenuation in the active movement state, identifiable for each implant
as described in Methods.
248 B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251

contact pairs. For instance, in Fig. 1A (S1 right STN) the beta contact pair 0– 1 reflects synchronized neural activity from a
peak is more prominent across contact pair 1 – 2 than across more ventral region of the STN. Repeated trials (data not
contact pair 2 – 3, while in Fig. 1B (S2 right STN) the beta peak shown) confirmed the result of Fig. 2 in each case, showing
is most prominent across contact pair 0 – 1, although the signal significant (P < 0.01) attenuation of the beta frequencies
from contact pair 2– 3 is also peaked above the best-fit power immediately after STN DBS.
law curve (fit not shown). Although we present in detail only In a second patient S2 (right STN, power spectra in Fig.
those patients and sides (S1 and S2) for whom resting-state 1B), LFPs were recorded for a prolonged period during
post-DBS data were available, we note that a contiguous beta active and passive movement as well as at rest, before,
band was identifiable in each of the six sides studied. Across during, and after intra-operative DBS, Fig. 3. This patient
the six sides, the beta bands identified included frequencies was a 53 year-old man with a 12-year duration of PD,
from 14 to 35 Hz and the mean band width was 9.8 Hz (r = 5.0 whose UPDRS motor disability score pre-operatively off
Hz). medication was 29. The recording is shown during the
In the first case (S1, Fig. 1A), we recorded from the resting state. These segments were those identified as resting
STN DBS electrode immediately before and after intra- in the protocol and which showed no movement on the
operative DBS (the PERISTIM sequence), while the patient angular velocity or EMG recordings. Fig. 3B demonstrates
was at rest. The recording, shown in Fig. 2, was made from the reduction in beta dominance over contact pair 0 –1 after
the right STN of subject S1 who was a 70-year-old woman intra-operative DBS. In this case the center of contact 0 was
with an 8-year history of PD whose UPDRS motor measured to be 1.5 mm above the ventral border of STN,
disability score off medication was 63 (advanced disease based on the location of the closest microelectrode track
severity). Figs. 2A, C, and E show power spectra in a (less than 0.5 mm from the site of the DBS electrode).
time –frequency plot, recorded over contact pairs 0 –1 (A), The baseline power in the beta range during the resting
1 –2 (C), and 2– 3 (E) immediately before and after 20 s of state is shown at the left of Fig. 3B (‘‘Rest, pre-stim’’) and
intra-operative DBS. Visual inspection of Fig. 2C (between then again at the far right (‘‘Rest, distant post-stim’’). In
contacts 1 – 2) suggests a prominence of frequencies below between there are 2 intervals during which there were active
10 Hz and in the beta band (13 –35 Hz) before DBS. and passive movement and DBS, and active and passive
Inspection of Fig. 2A (contacts 0 – 1) suggests a lesser movement only (insets Fig. 3A). After 227 s of STN DBS,
degree of beta-band prominence, and still less activity in the the power in the beta band decreased significantly in both
beta band was evident in the power spectrum recorded from the early and late post-stimulation epochs (P < 0.01, middle
the most dorsal contact pair (2 – 3, Fig. 2E). Visual grey bars, Fig. 3B) as compared to pre-stimulation (left) and
inspection of Figs. 2A and C also shows a decrease in distant post-stimulation (far right). In addition, the power in
activity in beta band frequencies after intra-operative DBS the beta band was significantly less (P < 0.01) in the early
and a later resumption of this activity. Figs. 2B, D, and F post-stimulation epoch as compared to the late post-
quantify the relative strength of the beta frequency band stimulation epoch. As described in Methods, the early and
over time over the corresponding contacts. Over contacts 1 – late post-stimulation epochs were each defined as 50% of
2 (Fig. 2D), there was a significant decrease of power in the period of time in which artifact free data were recorded
beta frequencies for approximately 15 s after DBS was after DBS was turned off.
switched off ( P < 0.01), after which it increased back to Although beta frequencies in basal ganglia nuclei are
pre-DBS levels. Over contacts 0 –1 (Fig. 2C), the baseline known to decrease during active movement (Cassidy et al.,
power in the resting state was less than measured over 2002; Kühn et al., 2004; Levy et al., 2002b; Priori et al.,
contacts 1 – 2. However, there was still significant attenua- 2002), Fig. 3B demonstrates that the decrease in beta that
tion of beta frequencies after STN DBS. In contrast, there persisted after movement and STN DBS (first interval) was
was little activity in the beta frequency band recorded over due to DBS and not to movement, as this decrease did not
contacts 2 –3, and this activity did not change significantly occur after the second interval, during which there was
after intra-operative STN DBS (Fig. 2F). The location of the movement but no DBS.
center of contact 3 was measured to be 0.2 mm above the In this patient, we also observed a significant reduction
roof of the STN, as determined by the depth at which STN in power in the beta band for 11 s after STN DBS in
was entered in the nearest microelectrode track, which was contact pairs 1– 2 and 0 – 3, although EKG artifact and other
within 0.5 mm of the DBS electrode track. The distance interference resulted in poor data for the second post-DBS
between the centers of the most ventral and dorsal contacts epoch in these contacts. Over contact pair 2 –3, there also
using the 3389 DBS macroelectrode is 6.0 mm and the was a trend of a decrease in the power in beta frequencies
spacing between the centers of each contact is 2 mm. Thus, but an additional longer switching delay resulted in too
the recording over contact pair 1 –2 (Figs. 2C and D), which short an interval of post-DBS data for statistical processing.
showed higher power in beta frequencies, reflects synchro- Of interest, we observed that after 20 s of intra-operative
nized neural activity from the STN itself and the recording STN DBS the beta power was attenuated for 15 s or less after
from contact pair 2 –3, which showed lower power in beta DBS was turned off (Fig. 2D) but, after 227 s of STN DBS,
frequencies, reflects a lesser degree of synchronized activity power in beta frequencies was significantly reduced for the
at the dorsal border and above STN. The recording over full period of time that data were recorded (about 25 s).
B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251
Fig. 2. Attenuation of beta band after STN-DBS, patient S1 Right STN. Time-frequency spectrograms (A, C, E) are shown for patient S1 (R STN), at rest, immediately before and after 20 s of intra-operative DBS (3 V,
90 micros pulse width, 185 Hz, contact 0 , contact 3+). Warmer colors indicate increased power. Timecourse (dots) and epochal averages (grey bars) of total beta band power are shown for the same recording (B, D,
F). Horizontal extent of grey bars indicates span of time over which power averages were calculated for (respectively) pre-DBS baseline, immediate post-DBS, and late post-DBS epochs. Vertical error bars (blue)
indicate 99% confidence interval of epochal averages. Beta band power in marked immediate post-DBS epochs (*, panels B and D) is significantly different ( P < 0.01) from pre-DBS baseline and late post-DBS
epochs. Note that contact pair 2 – 3 (panel F), believed to span the dorsal boundary of the STN, shows minimal beta power and no significant attenuation.

250 B. Wingeier et al. / Experimental Neurology 197 (2006) 244 – 251

Fig. 3. Attenuation of beta band after STN-DBS, patient S2 Right STN. Resting-state segments of an extended time – frequency spectrogram (A) are shown for
patient S2 (R STN). Warmer colors indicate increased power. As in Fig. 2, timecourse (dots) and epochal averages (grey bars) of total beta band power are shown for
the same recording (B). Horizontal extent of grey bars indicates span of time over which power averages were calculated for, from left to right: pre-DBS, immediate
post-DBS, late post-DBS, and distant post-DBS epochs. Vertical error bars (blue) indicate 99% confidence interval of epochal averages. Beta band power in each
marked post-DBS epoch (*) is significantly different ( P < 0.01) from the other marked post-DBS epoch and from both pre-DBS and distant post-DBS epochs.

Movement did not produce a prolonged attenuation of beta MER. Activity in the beta band was less prominent in a more
power (Fig. 3B). ventral region of STN, although there was still a significant
attenuation from STN DBS. These findings support those from a
Discussion recent study of LFPs recorded from microelectrodes intra-
operatively, which found an increase in beta prominence as the
In this pilot study we have shown that it is possible to record microelectrode passed from above the STN into the STN and a
LFPs from the implanted STN macroelectrode in the operating trend for decreased beta prominence as the microelectrode
room, in patients with PD who are undergoing STN DBS. In the moved in a ventral direction (Kühn et al., 2005).
literature to date, most such recordings have been done 2 – 3 days Dopaminergic medication reduces the prominence of beta
post-operatively from externalized leads. Our data confirm frequencies in basal ganglia nuclei and the cortex (Brown et al.,
previous findings that there is a prominence of power in the beta 2001; Levy et al., 2002b; Marsden et al., 2001; Williams et al.,
frequency band in the STN region in patients with PD at rest, in 2002), suggesting that a decrease in beta prominence may be a
the un-medicated state (Brown et al., 2001; Cassidy et al., 2002; biomarker of a therapeutic effect for mobility in PD. Although
Kühn et al., 2004; Levy et al., 2002a; Marsden et al., 2001; Priori we cannot prove that the therapeutic mechanism of action of
et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2002). We defined the band of DBS is solely that of reducing aberrant prominence of beta
interest as that which showed an increase in power at rest and a activity in circuits through the STN, the fact that DBS mirrors the
reduction in power with active movement, instead of pre- effect of medication in reducing beta is supportive of a
determining the frequency band of interest. hypothesis that reduction in beta synchrony is therapeutic in
In the two patients in whom we recorded LFPs both before PD. However, at this point the clinical standard for determina-
and immediately after intra-operative STN DBS at rest, we tion of an optimal location for the DBS electrode remains
documented that DBS significantly reduced the power in the observation of reduction in the signs of PD with intra-operative
beta band. This effect persisted for about 15 s after the end of a DBS.
short period of STN DBS (20 s) and for at least 22 s after a The results of this pilot study raise an interesting possibility
longer (227 s) period of DBS. This is the first report to of closed loop DBS or neuromodulation, using the attenuation
document that STN DBS reduces beta prominence in the STN of beta prominence as a neurophysiological biomarker. These
in humans with PD. preliminary findings need to be confirmed with a larger study.
In one patient where data from all contact pairs were
available, it appeared that the prominence of beta and the degree References
of attenuation after DBS appeared to be greater across contacts
which lay within the STN than across the pair in the dorsal aspect Albin, R., Young, A., Penney, J., 1989. The functional anatomy of basal ganglia
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