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1 The origin of Classical Theory dates back to which of the following years? 1704. 2.Who are the founders of Classical Theary of Criminology? — Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham 2 The origin of Positivist Theory of Criminology dates back to which of the following years? 1810 4 Marxist Theory emerged in which of the following years? 1848 Our Nexe Post: Criminology Important MCQs 5 What is the other name of Marxist Theary? Conflict Theary 6 Which theory states that “People choose to commit crime after weighing the benefits and costs of their actions?” Classical Theory 7 Some people are crime prane due to their biological and mental traits. This idea belongs to which theory? Positivist Theory 2 Crime is & function of class struggle is the core ides of which theory? Marxist Theory 9 Mental and physieal degeneracies sre the cause of crime is the main postulate of whieh famous theory? Positivist Theory 10 Which theory blames Capitalist system of economy for crimes in human society? Conflict Theary 1 Wilich theory suggests Severe and Swift punishment as a mean to stop crimes in society? Classical Theory 2 The origin of Sociological Theory dates back to which of the following years? 1397 3 Multifactor Theary of criminology emerged in the year of? 1930 4 Who ig the foundar of Sociological Theory? Emile Durkheim (Our Next Past: Criminology CSS Paper MCQs 5 Whe ig the founder of Multifactor Theory? Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck 6 Which theory blames social structure and disorganized urban areas as the breeding ground for crimes? Sociological Theary 7 Deficits in secial, environmental, physical and physialogieal factors may leads to crime is the core idea of which theory? Multifactor Theory ‘Our Previous Past: Criminology Solved MCQs PDF 8 What is Criminology? ‘The study of criminal behavior 9 What is Criminal Justice? Control of crimes by punishing the criminal offenders 10 What is Deviance! criminology? Behavior depart from sacial norms 1 Is deviance/deviant act a crime? No, not all deviant aets are crimes 2 Which famous criminologist believed that crimes must provide some pleasure to the criminal? kee eee Beccaria 2 To deter crime, what Beccaria suggested? inflict pain on criminals in an appropriate amount 4 The writings and views of Beccaria formed the basis of? Classical Criminology (Our Next Pest: CSS Cri ology Solved MCQs 5 "Let the punichment fit the crime” was the famous nation of which part of century of human history? tat and 19” Centuries 6 Who is called the foundar/father of sociology? Auguste Comte 7 "Human behavior is a function of farces beyond a person's control” is one of the two principle ideas of which popular criminology theory? Positivist Theory ‘Our Previous Post: Cri jinology Important MCQs All human behaviors are biological oriented is the cored concept of? Positivist Theory 9 What the phrase *manie sans delire" means? Psychopathic personality 10 Whe coined the phrase manie sanz delire? Philippe Pinel 1 Whe was Philippe Pinel? ‘One of the founders of Franch psychiatry 2 Who is known as the Father of Criminology? Cesare Lombraso 3 Wha was Cesare Lombraso by profession? Physician 4. What is Biosocial Theory says? ‘There ‘is link among physical and mental traits, the social environment, and behavior. ‘Our Next Post: Criminology C55 MCQs Of Past Papers 5 Wha foundad cartographic school of criminology? Adolphe Quetelet and Andre-Michel Guerry, 6 Which famous sociological criminologist had ides that crimes can be useful and healthful for society? Emile Durkheim 7 Emile Durkheim believed that crimes paved the way for? (Our Previous Post: Criminology CSS Paper MCQs 8 Who authored “The Division of Labor in Socieny? aoe Emile Durkheim 9 Whe authored "Communist Manifesto"? 10 In his writings Karl Marx called the working/labor class of society? anes Proletariat ictal Sila iil aiamai aah aaah nie malian omental hihi 2 Criminology can also be defined as a social science that deals with? Human behavior 2 Among many meanings of Criminology, the most common and accepted i= Scientific understanding of erime and criminal 4.Crime is basically —S Socially constructed 5 Criminology is basically concerned with all those aspect: of human behavior that are minal becauze they are prohibited by ‘Criminal Law Our Next Post: Criminology MCQs With Answers 16 The study of criminology helps us in understanding and underlining the determinants crime as well as steps necessary ‘Controlling crime 7 Accor ‘temptation te which sil human kind wae? ing to seventeenth and eighteenth century understanding of the discipline, crime was an omnipresent Vulnerable 8 The Enlightenment writers in their writings emphasized on reason and experience rather than? Theological form of reasoning ‘Our Previous Past: CSS Criminology Solved MCQs 9 One of the distinctive features of Enlightenment thinking about crime is? Scientific style of reasoning 10 Psychoanalysis criminology is the basis of? 1 Conversely, the superego is the component of the mind that represents morality and? Conscience 2 Criminclegically all forms of irrational behavior including crime occurs when ID or superege overpowers? —orrrrrerrr—rrrerrve The mediating force of the ego 3.The sociological terminology “functionaltsm” was coined by? bert K, Merton and Tal tt Parsons Our Next Post: Criminology Important MCQs 44 Funetionalism believes that crime is both functionat and? Dysfunctional 5 Acctime is e516 to be functional when society has normal characteristics and proper action of =? Social Organization 6 Name criminologist whose erime analysis is based on inter-actionalism criminology? Erving Goffman ur Previous Post: Criminology CSS MCQs OF Past Papers 7 Classical criminological perspective is also known as Choice perspective 2 Psychological perspective of criminology ie also known a Biological perspective 9 Penology deals with the study of correction and canirol of Criminal behavior 10 Victimology is the study of nature and cause of Victimization 1 lin curbing those actions that mast people considered as immoral, eri inologists helps in determining the proper role af Law 2 "Patterns in Homicide” is the landmark analysic of Marvin Wolfgang cide” was published in Our Next Post: Criminology Multiple Choice Questions 4 "Patterns in Homicide" analyzes homicide and relationship benween Victim and offender 5 What ic meant by White Collar Crimes? Economic crime activities 6 Wha has coined the phrase White Collar Crimes? Edwin Sutherland Our Previous Post: Criminology MCQs With Answers 7 Research on links between different crimes and criminals is called? Crime Typology A behavior that is repugnant to all elements of society ie known as fe © Which theory defines crime ae a phenomenon that iz cantrelled by there whe possess wealth, power and position? Conflict Theory 10.Accor 1g to consensus view, law defines Crime 1 Which view believes that moral entrepreneurs define crime? Interactionist 2 Law is the tool of ruling class. This statement belongs Conflict View 3 What ic Code of Hammurabi? —_—SESaeerrv Written laws of the ancient world ‘Our Next Post: Cri inology Test Questions And Answers 4 How old are Code of Hammurabi? 2000 years old 5 Who hac drawn up Code of Hammurabi? King Hammurabi 6 Who was King Hammurabi? Sheth King of Babylon (1792-1750 BCE) —— Our Previous Pos iminology Important MCQs 7 When the present system of English Law came into existence? During the raign of King Henryl 1154-1189) 2 Common crimes such as murder, burglary. arson and rape are dealt by a set of law known a Common Law © Common Crimes are also referred as Malain se 10. What-are Statutory Crimes in English law system? ‘Those defined by Parliament 4 Statutory crimes are also known as Mala Prohibitum 2 What Battery means in Criminology? Unlawful touching of another person with intention of cau: 2. What ie meant by Actus Reus? Guitty Act ur Next Pose: 4.Mens cea in Criminology means Criminal intent ‘5 Those crimes that include the violation of state laws without criminal intentions are known as Strict Liabilities Crimes Criminal Laws are static. This statementis True or False? False Our Previous Post: Cri ology Multiple Choice Questions: 7 The three perspectives that criminologists Keep in mind while dering crime includes Consensus View, Conflict View and Interactionist View 4 Te creinal aw is a4 of rules that specity the behaviors society has Outlawed 10 Criminal Law is constantly in the process of Reforms

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